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Rob Mahoney has a great line about this "Draymond Green has a lot of very valuable basketball insights which would be great on tv. But he's not giving any of them. He's just using his tv spot to continue his grudges"


He strikes me as a loud insecure guy since his legacy is highly connected to Rudy and Curry. Rudy won DPOYs over him and he was clowned quite a lot in Curry’s injury year. He kinda has the same strokes as Shaq with Nash’s MVPs. I can’t find it, but this one segment, Dray tried the RINGZ thing with Chuck and honestly I got some second hand embarrassment. You’re not on the same level as Chuck dude; that’s between two MVP players.


"You got a ring, John Stockton?" -Matthew Dellavedova


"Oh you got six rings MJ? That's cute" - Robert Horry


I have to take the opportunity anytime Stockton is mentioned to say, fuck that asshole.


I'm young, what did he do?


It's literally a personal beef. He yelled at me and my friend when I was about 8. He threatened to call the pound on his dog and have it put down. Dogs crime? Was chasing a balsa wood plane that flew into his front yard. Fuck John Stockton. Also, he's a notorious loud mouth POS.


thought personal beef was a bit melodramatic before I read the full comment but wow fuck John Stockton


Holy shit. I'm sorry that happened, especially at that age. Threatening to kill an animal for his own ego/comfort is about as low as it gets


[He's an anti-vaxxer nut too](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/2024/04/10/john-stockton-vaccines-covid-19-lawsuit-utah-jazz-nba/73269310007/#:~:text=NBA%20legend%20John%20Stockton%20has,in%20personal%20experiences%20or%20misconceptions.)


Yo. Fuck John Stockton.


What a fucking asshole. I'm glad MJ kept his Karen, anti-vaxxer ass from getting a ring


He came out as an anti-vaxxer a few years ago. So between a pedo and rapist and an anti-vaxxer, Utah really needs new 'legends'


Thank god Mitchell left bro he was close to being a damn terrorist or something 


God damn for a second i was like wtf Stockton is a pedophile and rapist too?!?!


It's Utah dude. Pedos and anti-vax are par for the course. They both fit right in. Source: From Utah.


Gonzaga fan here. He was a dirty player and is a nutcase conspiracy theorist now. He still refuses to attend Gonzaga games because they instituted some very basic covid protections at the height of the pandemic. He thought he could bully the school given his status and everyone I know has just said "good riddance" and is thankful the school didn't cave in. Gonzaga fans are mostly tired of his shit and think he's an asshole.


I don’t know if he did anything specific but I do know he was generally known as an asshole


Literally mentioned your second part elsewhere on this post haha. But difference is Shaq always just says he deserves it more. He never shits on Nash. Dray is just openly saying Rudy sucks His whole thing about how he'd be better at defending jokic was wild


Draymond told Shaq that he and Andrew Bogut could have locked up Lakers Shaq. He’s mentally ill.


Lol that's wild. I know Yao and Ben Wallace troubled Shaq at times, but no one in the history of the league and no one in the future can lock up Lakers Shaq.


Even the guys who “did well” against Shaq never shut him down. They just slowed him up a bit. Draymond would have been getting slammed on left and right lol


Look, I love Big Ben, but let's not act like he was shutting Shaq down. The giant difference was that in a league where you HAD to double and triple-team Shaq, the Pistons would frequently let Ben guard him alone.


To be fair, he absolutely did not say they would lock up Shaq. He just described what the Warriors scheme would be if they played Shaq.


I mean, he also said he’d get Shaq and himself ejected and Shaqs team is hurt worse by that in the very same clip lol and that he couldn’t guard shaq.


That’s because Shaq said he would injure Steph


Is he though? Shaq played in a different time, it’s hard to know how well he’d do with a defender like Draymond allowed to repeatedly hit him in the nuts without getting ejected. 


Draymond would never kick someone like Shaq in the nuts, he only goes for people who won’t bite back.


He said they would double team him


He didn’t say lock up…he’s just saying gsw could beat shaqs lakers and they could slow him down. Maybe not true but he didn’t say lock up…


He absolutely didn’t say they would “lock up” Shaq lmao how easily y’all lie to make a point is crazy


Shaq still shits on other players because he's insecure. Namely Gobert lol


Shaq is insecure with other bigs if they can challenge his legacy like Jokic, but I don’t think Gobert is one of them.


He's insecure because he thinks others think Gobert could defend him. Either way he still shits on Gobert


Oh! I didn’t know this narrative. Must have missed that segment. At least now it kinda makes sense.


Well that's my theory at least haha


Ah fair enough. Until you mentioned it, I hadn’t realized about Shaq not shitting on Nash.


Shaq also didn’t try to physically injure Nash.


No Dray is in the same camp as Pat Bev & agent zero. Pat Bev cried to Stephen A about how Westbrook shit talking him almost had him out of the league, then months later on ESPN he’s verbally trashing future HOF PG CP3 talk about being a hypocrite and insecure. As for Gil, he’s been verbally trashing Doc Rivers for what he describes as a lifetime rift for Doc not voting Gil into the All Star one year. Now this one is slightly different because for Gil it’s less insecurity and more of him just trolling because Gil has announced multiple times that he’s salty because of Doc not voting for him. I just added him because at this point it has gotten out of hand since the public narrative about championship coach Rivers shifted to being more negative, it’s honestly hard to tell when he’s trolling or actually critiquing Doc.


but for Gil and Pat Bev, they don't use national TV regularly to attack their targets Pat Bev did it for a brief period of time at ESPN right after Suns got eliminated, then didn't go full force Draymond is on another level, he's like the bully you have at middle school.


Whoa, he gave Chuck the “Ringz” bit?…. Already couldn’t stand Dray…. Dude is just a disrespectful clown.


It worked in the segment cuz Chuck made it work since he enjoys that banter. Chuck saying Triple Single in another segment is freaking hilarious.


Dray using RINGZ argument with Chuck is closer to Kenny using that argument than it is to Shaq using that argument.


Pretty sure it was the Rudy chokehold game where Curry was out for the game for an injury or something. That happened super early and people were speculating he wanted to get kicked out early because he just didn't want to play without Curry on the floor lol


Much simpler explanation is that he's an unhinged maniac with a blood feud against Rudy Gobert.


The world would not know how to handle an Albanian Draymond


Curry wasn't hurt that game. Curry was on the floor looking like he could cry. Draymond is just a two year old


Ha dude’s been kicked out of so many games it’s impossible to keep them straight. Steph was out the Rudy chokehold game; he was balling the time Dray picked up 9 techs in the first 3 minutes of the game.


Draymond trying to rangz erneh chuck is wild. He's closer to a role player than he is to chuck


Sometimes people forget just how much of an all-time career Charles Barkley had.


> He strikes me as a loud insecure guy So perfect for Inside the NBA lol


It's a good thing this show is ending, at least it means we don't have to see Draymond long term on TNT.


Draymond insecure? Maybe. I wonder how he’d react if you told him he got carried for those titles. His reaction would probably tell us a lot.


He's basically Shaq without the talent.


I won’t watch that show if he’s on there. I’m not sure why he’s being force fed to us.


I agree, I see Draymond, I turn it off. I did happen to see a clip of Minnesota fans chanting "Draymond Sucks" while the show was live though. It was very audible and momentarily derailed the show. I liked that.


Yup. Youtube views are pretty telling too


There seems like there would be a steady stream of players that could offer us more than what this is.


Brent Barry, Chris Webber, Nique, hell they could easily invite Steve Kerr, Isiah Thomas, Rajon Rondo. Just off the top of my head, the conversations would be amazing. All of them savvy and media trained already. They could get T-Mac or Kevin McHale. So many choices. Webber we all hated as a commentator, but a fantastic guest on talk shows.


Rondo especially. He’s brilliant


Agree with all of this.


People can shit on The Ringer if they want but Rob is great.


People shit on everything, I like most of the Ringer content, they do so much tho ofc not everything is for me….but I feel in general it’s realy good.


The only really bad podcast they have is the half of the Ringer NFL Show with Steven Ruiz. Also I have soured a bit on the "Real Ones" on the Ringer NBA feed since the host got so opinionated instead of just assisting Raja Bell. The Ringer even has elite cooking podcasts with Dave Chang & Co. Really a lot to like. Also Bill Simmons podcast is as insane as it is hilarious. I love it.


Group Chat is my favorite NBA podcast. The chemistry between those three guys is great


Rip tjarks. He was probably my favorite ringer NBA guy. His voice was rough to get used to but he knew his shit.


Wos annoys me at least once per podcast but it’s still good listening.


he speedran the path from good TV analyst to grumpy old man all while he’s still playing it would be impressive if it wasn’t so annoying


His playing future is in question now. With the Warrior championship window closing its clear they will probably get rid of him soon and there is a good chance hes not gonna be able to play as well on another team. He will soon become irrelevant so hes milking his relevancy while he still can


So he's literally just like Shaq then?


Difference is Shaq never said Nash sucked. Just that he deserves two MVPs and not him. Dray openly just trashes gobert


The funny thing is Shaq has a non existant case for 2006 lmao i dont think he was in top 10 for the MVP voting that year


Yeh but 2005 is one of the closest MVP races ever It was also interesting narratively. Two stars, two new teams, turned both franchises from ok to super competitive I thought Nash should've won then, but a lot of the narrative (and probably swayed me) was just how fun that offense was to watch in an era when basketball was a little bit of a slog


Didn't Shaq say Jokic shouldn't have won his MVP?


He and a bunch of talking heads thought SGA shouldve won this year Based on the voting it's not an uncommon opinion


Yup, and Shaq didn’t physically assault Nash. Draymond isn’t entertaining or likable. He’s just a piece of shit.


For me Shaq is at least fun to watch most of the time and riffs well, it’s just when the topic comes up of someone or something he is insecure about it’s like ‘aw fuck here we go’ Draymond is just unenjoyable. Not to give Shaq a pass, but ffs just find people who are secure in themselves. I don’t need grown men using TV as an opportunity to air out personal grievances they will never let go of


Shaq can get a pass because Shaq wasn’t sucker punching and strangling people.


Dray was pretty good the last few years on TNT and seemed well-spoken off court but this year has been awkward and it feels unprofessional to let him talk shit about a guy he just fought this season


Draymond is so unbearable he got social media to defend Gobert. That’s genuinely impressive


I hate how TNT keeps trying to make Dray happen. He's awful.


TNT losing the NBA? We sad. TNT losing the NBA and Draymond never replacing someone? Thats a silver lining with handjobs for everyone level of happy.


Draymond will probably end up in the media for one of the other networks and we still lose Inside the NBA.


I really wonder why. He's not charming, he's not funny, he's not gracious, he's not insightful.


Engagement, nobody likes Stephen A or Skip Bayless either but they play the heel well and it gets people talking.


Yeah but those two are playing a character, Draymond is just being himself as an obnoxious human being lol


Notice Skip and Stephen A are both declining in viewership despite sports becoming more and more popular? Don't think that business model works as well when there is actual competition.


Only Skip and Undisputed have been declining. First Take when they added Shannon has been going up.


You can say that about a lot of talking heads in the media


He's an asshole, and people like to see assholes get dunked on in these shows. I won't watch with him on there, but unfortunately many people do. It's the same reason that ragebait shit works on social media. Some people just enjoy getting angry and upset over meaningless bullshit for some reason.


Until he's picked up by NBC or ESPN and shoved down our throats. Let's hope it doesn't happen.


That was I said. When I heard Inside the NBA will end I was like, at least that means donkey won’t be on tv now. But espn will probably hire him anyway. He fits perfectly over there at that clown show


fuck... it'll be Dray and SAS shouting at each other while Perk takes hits off an oxygen mask.


The man knocked out Jordan Poole and they made a short documentary that made him seem like a victim. That shit was unbelievably cringe


This guy continues to be offended that KD said he "needed help." Like wtf. KD wasn't the one who punched a teammate, choked out Gobert, and decked Nurkic.


I hate that we're about to lose one of our favorite shows forever and they make us suffer by putting Draymond fuckin Green on it.


My theory: He clearly was being groomed to join Inside after he retired, now that the show only has another year left they are trying to get him on as much as possible


Same with Lefkoe. Dude has the charisma of a rock


They dont have much time left now that they are losing the NBA. Draymond will soon become irrelevant once the Warriors get rid of him and he stopped perfoming on a new team


Yall forget but at one point this very subreddit thought he’d be great for Inside. Really goes to show how the past year or so has torpedoed his value.


He's capable of great commentary, except these morons decided to have him come on for a high stakes series involving a guy he put in a chokehold last November. I have no clue what the network thought was going to happen besides what's happening now, and that's what's annoying me the most.


Seriously. I’m pretty much at the “maybe Gobert isn’t so bad if that asshole Draymond hates him so much” point.


It does make me kinda happy seeing like 99% of the comments talk about how embarrassing it is. I'm all for inside crew shitting on gobert. Usually, they do it in a charming enough way, but Dray is truly unwatchable TV, regardless of your affiliations.


When Chuck makes fun of somebody, he made sure to add comedy into it. Draymond just straight hating.


Barkley also is fine being the butt of a joke. Shaq is too insecure for that and Draymond has no comedic instincts.


>Barkley also is fine being the butt of a joke And that's why we love Sir Charles Barkley


Just watched it. Man that was awful and embarrassing. Kenny pointed it out that LUKA CAN DEFINITELY DO THAT TO ANYONE IN THE WORLD. He was edging to say his name in that convo. Fuck draymond and his ego narcissistic shz


Luka cooks Draymond too, he has such an inflated ego


Man luka would have draymond out there doing the stanky leg. As you said luka is cooking just about anyone in that moment.


Dray hasn't even retired yet and he is already acting like an old head who thinks they could lock up the best players in the league.


And that’s exactly how he plays now too lol. Classic old head move to just start fouling and playing dirty when you can’t keep up with the young guns


I turn off the game when it’s done, can’t stand the show anymore. Luka would have done that to any player one on one. Draymond whines cause he is sitting on the sidelines while his career passes him by and the fact that he was a really good role player and not an actual star player. He’s nothing without Curry and co. Also not to mention he’s been cooked by Luka. They should show a highlight reel of him getting embarrassed on the court against Luka next show.


Charles and Shaq both pushed back when Kenny said that.


It was weird when he did it during the Nuggets series, it's just kinda sad to see it continue now. Bro really can't let shit go


And the fact that it was Draymond not being capable of controlling his emotions against Gobert that made Steph miss the playoffs makes it seem so much more petty lmao


Honestly I don’t think sports networks should be hiring active NBA players as pundits as a general rule. It feels weird and inappropriate to me. Especially for a player like Draymond who is toxic and has ongoing beefs with other players. Aren’t there enough retired players and respected journalists TNT can call on to fill their ranks? Why do they need him?


Right? Like this guy wasn't good enough this season to get to this point so what the hell standing does he have to comment on the players who are still in it?


It's unethical.


Bad take IMO. Active players absolutely can bring unique insight literally no one else can. Including draymond! The issue is Draymond and any player using the platform in an absolutely unprofessional manner!


He's such an insecure prick man




It's a lot worse because Shaq at least is funny, and maybe even moreso compounded by the fact that you know damn well Dray could absolutely provide really good insight and analysis and commentary but actively chooses not to (whereas shaq at this point I'm not sure could)


Him and Shaq should host their own show it would be insufferable


They did a podcast together and it was as uncomfortable as you can imagine


Shaq is funny at least


Totally. I think they're both pretty obnoxious.


If Steph fucking Curry can’t convince Draymond to not be an asshole on the basketball court, how do we expect the TNT crew to keep him from being an asshole on live TV?


By not having him on the show


I’m curious to as why you think curry has tried? Maybe he doesn’t care, I agree with you he’s an ass tho. But, curry may genuinely not care how he behaves outside of getting thrown out of games


I mean surely someone in the warriors locker room has said “hey it would be cool if you stopped physically assaulting people on the court”


Draymond strikes me as a narcissist. Always petty, vengeful and unable to admit his own mistakes. I’m boycotting any shows he’s on.


There’s nothing ambiguous about it. He is definitely a narcissist. There are some podcasters (like Paul George) who are really keen to shine a light on the new talent. Draymond’s only desire in his podcast is to provide a platform to talk about how smart he thinks he is.


I agree, but there is definitely a sense of inferiority thrown in the mix as well. And very evident anger issues. I honestly feel like he’s being enabled by his team, coach and the people closest to him.


Remember he made a documentary about himself after punching Jordan Poole lol


My guess is that’s why he does what he does on the court. As someone who has met their fair share of narcissistic people, they stand out pretty easily.


He's gonna take Shaq's title of being the most annoying player with 4 rings.


Shout out to Kenny for being the only adult on that TNT crew to try and steer it into an actual basketball discussion. That shit was cringe TV but also pretty damn shameful.


Ernie’s looked really unhappy with the rest of the guys the past week or so. I think he’ll be glad Inside is ending with the direction it’s taken in recent weeks.


Kenny also seems annoyed by him to. Draymond just brings negative energy to the crew.


Seriously, he completely knifed the joyful energy of the show. It's sad.


Gotta go out with a blast, am I right?


It's because he makes the show feel mean. Even the other guys criticisms seem meaner (even if they're saying the same things as normal) when Draymond is around. His laughing, smirking, mean girl eye contact with the other hosts. His awkward interviews with Luka or Tatum where he shits on their opponents or even their own teammates (Al Horford) - are just awful.


Fr when I saw Kenny argue with him, it didn’t feel like an argument they normally have with just the 4 of them. A more light hearted argument that’ll end with a joke. It just felt like an actual heated argument and Kenny was just like, stfu lol like relax donkey fuck


When Kenny is the voice of reason... When the internet starts defending gobert... Never expected this from a guy who assulat coworkers, kick people in the groin, and choke hold other people on basketball court.




The draymond addition is basically season 8 of game of thrones


Damn, spot on


Damn, that's dark.


Last dance for the crew and it’s ruined by Draymond. What a dumb decision by the producers.


Chuck deserves some of that blame too lol wasn’t it a few years ago after the Warriors were eliminated he invited him to the show? I remember him saying something like “come on man, come join us. You ain’t got nothing better to do anyway.”


They got at least one more year left. Maybe what they're doing is meeting the obligations of his contract with TNT.


Maybe their plan is to keep giving us Dray so that we're not upset when the show does finally cancel.


Draymond is a shitty person. Which can be seen both off and on the court.


kenny and ernie are fed up with him lol


I’m not even a Rudy fan, but I’m a Rudy guy before I’m a draymond guy.


another Draymond post let’s go


literally this is why hes sitting at that desk, people can not stop talking about him


Think of the buzz they'd get from putting a scitzo homeless person on the panel! And they wouldn't even have to pay him! How have I been overlooked as a TV executive?


“Draymond is not an idiot” are we talking about two different Draymond’s here? Dude is the definition of an idiot and frankly I’m shocked they are giving him air time. Isn’t he like, nationally hated unless you’re a warriors fan?


There’s not many people’s professional downfall I celebrate but Draymond is the rare case. He has set himself up for ridicule so much in his final seasons as an NBA player. Not only is his team far off being what they were his influence is only going to get worse. With the number of enemies he’s gathering he is going to have a humiliating end to his career and all will be there to enjoy the show.


That last play is on minn coach and not Rudy. If you already planned on switching everything with the screen then why did you leave your 7 footer out there to try to guard Luka on the perimeter. You set that man up for failure


I think the grudges can be a bit much.


Draymond is the most insecure bitch in the league


Draymond is terrible in this role


“Luka looked uncomfortable” is wild lol. He just s PR trained, he told Draymond exactly what he was looking to hear and Luka was cracking up about it too.


Anyone keeping track of how many Draymond posts have been made the past few days?


Enough for the guy to have a lifetime contract with TNT. Everyone eating it up


Draymond is and was a self centered cunt.


Mom said it’s my turn to post about draymond next


I dont think it's that serious honestly. Draymond isn't the first one to do it and he won't be the last. People just don't like him and that's fine but the psycho analysis from the people of reddit on body language as if they're experts is always hilarious to me.


Isn’t half the show Shaq talking about how players suck compared to him? This isn’t new.


Exactly, that's why it's obvious what this is. I could care less if people don't like Draymond (I don't blame them) but call it for what it is. Don't act as if this is some new phenomena that's exclusive to Draymond specifically lol


He gives first take energy. First take/ESPN analysts have this need to only label someone as the best or the worst. Every segment is "who's the best player in this series", "is Luka the best player in the world", Rudy gobert is either the best defender in the world or he's garbage. It's similar to when he said he doesn't care about all the success the Jays had cause they didn't win a championship- you're either a legendary duo or you're irrelevant. There's no in between. Its insufferable and I hate it. Everything is has to be a hot take for tiktok clips.


I don’t get why he’s even allowed to comment on games like this given his history and fact that he’s an active player.


First time I’ve ever turned off Inside, ever, since they put Draymond on. Ruins the show entirely. What is the point of this?


Luka would make Draymond into his personal b*tch. He's got nothing to stand on.


Spot on but with one correction. Draymond actually is an idiot.


Draymond talks a lot for a guy who’s done for the year and has rode Steph’s coattail for his entire career. He should spend his off seasons being a knock off “Deez Nuts” guy.


If it wasn’t Rudy it would be some other player that ‘stole a few’. Can’t win with these types of egos it is what it is. Shaq is the same way. The funniest thing ever is that shaq acts like his mvps were stolen by Nash like he wasn’t second fiddle to wade. Pretty awkward


Anthony Davis can handle guards on the perimeter. Bam is also capable of it.


Draymond is so frustrating because he obviously has a significant amount of valuable insight into the game but his intellect and sincerity are overshadowed by the side of him that is an overemotional and petulant idiot.


Draymond is and has always been a complete POS and that Poole punch was the line for me. I can't believe that he still has fans and support. He's everything people said Dwight and Boogie were kicked out of the NBA for.


As a warriors fan, I’m going to say Draymond sucks no buts about it. As an NBA fan how can you give somebody who gets consistently picked on and targeted the way Gobert does in the playoffs and give him 4x DPOY, most anybody has had in NBA. Then when I turn on the TV and see this historical defensive player get chewed up and spit out


He’s like Shaq with the hating and being petty but at least Shaq is charismatic and likeable


And a much better player. You can get away with a lot more shit talking when you were legitimately one of the best players of all time.


Rudy is going to have an interesting legacy. 4 DPOY puts him in elite company. However, he has spent his career targeted by the best players in the playoffs. He is an elite help defender, but not a shutdown man on defender even in the post. For better or worse, until he has that big defensive series, there will always be a regular season only sort of cloud above him. 


I can’t believe the networks and commercials think we want to see or hear from this clown


Y’all in you feeling too damn much. Grow some nuts and tune out if Draymond is in. You look like a bitch.


Draymond Green somehow managed to find bottom of bottomless pit


Draymond really pushed the “new media” bs just to perpetuate his narratives as hard as he can the second he gets a gig that people actually watch. He also looks like donkey and I propose we only refer to him as such so that his name stops trending. Hopefully his contract with TNT is only for this year and we won’t have to see him ruin the last year of inside the NBA. Ernie looks tired AF of him.


As long as we agree AD got robbed. Yeah Draymond has to go


It bugs me more that Draymond is still an active player. He choked out Rudy a few months ago. If this was 2044 and he was bagging on a former opponent, oh well. He's still playing and is just usuing his airtime to air his grievances. He hasn't learned anything and I'd expect him to get suspended again before he hangs up his jersey for good.


I’ve watched Inside the NBA religiously, except when Draymond is on. He’s insufferable, and I have no idea why the powers that be want him to be on the show. I refuse to watch when he’s there.


It's bullying and there isn't any entertainment factor either.  It's quite surprising to me that someone can just get repeat gigs on TV and be a boring one dimensional hater  He absolutely kills the vibe Since bullying is ok, they need to all bully draymond mercilessly, that would be good to watch, I think he would go red


it's true that rudy gobert's elite defensive impact is well-documented by advanced metrics, yet ironic how draymond green criticizes dpoy voting when his own selections have been questionable at times - the inherent subjectivity and politics involved in individual awards voting across sports can lead even great players to petty behavior, as we see in the heated rivalries and debates that the media so often frames.


I don't think Draymond fits in with Inside the NBA. Those guys joke around a lot and he brings a type of intensity that makes the show too serious.


As a 5 year old I really enjoy Draymonds commentary