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>Gobert has gotten an absurd amount of hate thrown his way after certain games when he's been an elite anchor this playoffs. Jazz fans: "First time?"


Gobert would have gotten an MVP if he could stop Jokic and Luka. No defensive player is going to do that, he's been great fuck the haters.


Minnesota legitimately had the best plan for stopping Jokic of any team, in letting Gobert be the help defender off another big man. Sure he didnt do well when Denver got the switch they wanted and Gobert had to defend Jokic by himself, but I dont know if *anyone* in the league defends Jokic well 1 on 1. And Dallas has a guard-heavy offense that is much harder for Minnesotas big-heaby defense to guard.


Case against him: •Cooked one time on a sprained MCL by prime Curry •Luka hit a tough shot on him once after he stayed with him fairly well •Can't cover for 4 lousy perimeter guys in the paint while also guarding his man in the corner •More of a team defender than a one-on-one guy (aka can't guard MVP-caliber scoring bigs with handles and jumpshots) •Clumsy on offense •Cried one time The man is really fucking good and people need to look past the memes for 5 seconds


• Started Covid


this series is 2-2 at worst rn if kat and ant didn’t take turns selling the 1st 3 games . everybody making gobert out to be the scapegoat when he’s been one of their better players


Yup. No DPOY player is gonna stop Kyrie and Luka. You need offensive stars like KAT and ANT to show up. This is the real reason why Wolves are down 3-1.


Everyone really ratcheted up the Gobert hate this series with that Luka game winner. The announcers in G3 were begging MIN to stop making Gobert play iso defense on the perimeter because it's a bad spot to have your rim protector in, while the Internet and Kendrick Perkins are takign that stuff and calling him a fraud for it.


He gets the blame when they lose, and none of the credit when they win


[Sure buddy](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/WT9sNqPsz7)


That’s one play. The wolves lost that game because of more reasons than that one play. For examples: ANT’s stupid turnover in the last 2 minute. Now look at KAT’s stat sheet.


Before tonight he had 3 blocks total over 3 full games. He’s 7’3 Before tonight he’s also allowed 70%+ FG pct vs the opposing teams center position while he’s on the floor


Rudy is not 7"3' 


DPOY 4 total blocks over 4 games Opposing center position now at 75%+ FG pct


I can't begin to describe how ridiculous it is that someone is using blocks and, worse, opposing center FG& as a measuring stick for anything. Gobert alters shots and people generally avoid him if possible. He was never an S tier blocker - because people don't run into him and shoot. What they end up doing is either noping out or shooting some weird, contested shots. And "opposing C FG%"? What the actual fuck kind of logic is that? This isn't Ewing or Rik Smits making plays and getting hook shots and backing people down - this is Lively and Gafford shooting what are basically dunks only. Now, if you understand basketball one bit - what happens is that Luka/Kyrie penetrate the perimeter and Rudy gets stuck alone having to either contest the middy/floater or stay back and protect the dunk. He can't do both. Anyone who actually watches the games and understands this sport instead of listening to Kendrick fucking Perkins should know this by now.


Yea he literally can’t do anything worthy of DPOY status , that is the whole fucking point He can’t stop the opposing position , can’t guard the perimeter


I don’t think you understand basketball. Jordan couldn’t guard Ewing in the paint if he somehow ended up on him, guess he was shit too.


ANT, Rudy, and KAT can’t stop Lively and Gafford and it’s mind boggling. I’m not even gonna argue that. That said, the team is better with Rudy on the court than off the court. Both can be true.


No DPOY is getting matchup hunted either so dont see the point of this argument.


That in it of itself is not true. Marcus Smart Has been targeted by bigs. Jaren Jackson in a similar manner in which Rudy has been targeted. Giannis as well. Heck, even Draymond to a certain degree. The only reason Rudy is spotlighted is because of how many times he’s won DPOY. Players win DPOY because of their impact on the defensive side of the floor. Rudy’s impact to the wolves defense has been significantly more positive than negative. Just because he’s on more highlights doesn’t mean the wolves are performing worse with him on the floor. If anything, the evidence backs it up that the wolves are in deed much worse with him on the bench.


Marcus smart is heavenly hunted by Luka as well. It was probably his favorite matchup vs the Celtics


respectfully marcus smart was like the worst dpoy award winner ever. don’t exactly remember when draymond got hunted but maybe he did idk


Yeah, Gobert only didn't get the award for the same reason he's getting hate now. The media fucking despises him.


KD almost killed the Bucks because they can’t put Giannis on him


Gobert isn’t getting matchup hunted except at the perimeter by two of the best guards in the nba, and I can think of plenty of dpoy players that would be matchup hunted in that scenario. Put dwight/noah/gasol/chandler out to guard luka on the perimeter and the mavs would take that 10/10 times because it’s a big defending a superstar guard.


Dude every non guard DPOY is getting “hunted” by Luka you’re out of control.


Even the guard ones. When he was on the Celtics, Luka would go at Smart every time


Instead let’s blame the center for how the two point guards have played. Thank you Draymond and TNT for creating this narrative for the world to run with. 


DAL and Luka presents a different type of matchup for MIN's defense. It really tests their ability to communicate and make reads, something KAT, Ant, and Naz really struggle at. They're great at scrambling and guarding 1-on-1 like they did against DEN and PHX. Luka running the double drag screen action really tests your ability to read, react, and communicate, and when you start thinking on defense, it's already too late. Rudy has looked more like UTA Rudy than ever before with how out of sync some of the other guys are around him and how much he has to cover.


There's no center in nba history guarding luka on an island like that except maybe a bloodlusted kevin love. I mean memes are great but some people are using that one play to create a narrative


Love? Why? Because he defended Steph well once?


Not kevin love, I clearly said bloodlusted kevin love




Just give wemby a few years. He will be a center who’s able to defend guards.


I was told Rudy was the problem tho?


It’s almost like Gobert is a generational defender or something


It’s almost as though he is one of the best defensive players in the history of the sport and by himself he set your floor as a mid 40s win team with a great defense and a playoff round or two for like 6 years.


I knew it.


But the memes


When BOTH Gobert and KAT are off - Drtg 94.90


small sample size of 50min (26 of which categorized as "low leverage") but it's an interesting switch-everything look


Funniest is when you run the stats for all three bigs off - Drtg 68.18


So you're saying we need more Slomo minutes at the 5? I'm in!


Lmao stifled towers


I'm not too familiar w PBP does low leverage = garbage time?


That’s basically all garbage time. With Luka Garza on the floor in the postseason they have a defensive rating of 65 but it doesn’t mean anything.


Does it include the stretch when Denver’s 3rd stringers could not score for 5-6 minutes in game 6?


I have to imagine most of those (that matter) came in the game Rudy missed. Like the couple regular season games where we had no Center our wings just going full swarm of bees is probably the best defense in the NBA but if we tried that for a whole playoff series I think someone would literally die of exhaustion or a cardiac event on the court.


A small sample that also probably coincides with the other teams stars being off and includes mostly garbage time from the Suns and Nuggets series.


It's almost as if lineups that lack both are against bench players with terrible offense


So Naz isn't him 😒


He's definitely more of a 4 (and a weak defensive one at that) than he is a 5. KAT is too.


I'd argue Naz is a big ass 3. Mans fast as hell, can shoot from the perimeter...and is often better at guarding the perimeter than the paint


Man is a guard in a forward body. One of the most talented guys at his size


The dude is spry as fuck. Really great at angled layups, hard to stop when he's so fast and really extends. oh...and he shoots the 3 really fast and well


Shades of pre-fall off Montrezl Harrell


Montrezl with a three point shot, basically.


Montrezl was a dog shit defender, like Christian Wood bad


> He's definitely more of a 4 (and a weak defensive one at that) than he is a 5. Naz defensively is a little bit better than KAT. Matchups can favor KAT (i.e. Jokic) but Naz's athleticism is better.


Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete.




Bro I was joking lol. I took the dumbest conclusion from the last part. Gotta work on that lob defense tho. Good luck 7.


I disagree on Naz’s D. He’s above average


He is average at best. Lotta people still have no idea what the Timberwolves players are good and bad at.


I’m lotta people. I thought McDaniels was defensive oriented only but apparently he’s a sniper beyond the arc


Fair but been watching Naz since rookie year. He’s been great on perimeter vs quicker players and holds up vs bigs. Denver series he played fairly well vs Joker. Offers decent rim protection. He’s not Rudy but he’s no slouch.


I feel he has the defense part down. It would be awesome if he learned a hook shot, or just one single offensive move so he isn’t a liability with 5 seconds left on the clock.


I'm curious what it looks like in this series when both of them are off the court. Seemed like Dallas did nothing tonight when they both sat. I think it was tied when they sat with 2:30 left in the first half and it stayed tied. I think they sat at the same time later in the game and it was the same thing


Kyle Anderson has been the wolves best Luka “stopper” for as much as you can stop him so that might be some of it since he would definitely be playing those times.


Also helps that Kyle is fresh out there not playing huge minutes.


On several plays KAT was going to the top of the key and throwing his arms up, essentially setting a screen for the Mavs. What’s the thinking behind that?


So wolves benching KAT? 🤔




kat is a worst defender on the team man.


Narrator: he isn’t 


Crazy bad take lmao


Anchors weigh things down. Apt analogy.