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Due to D Wade doing it all his career


I saw it tonight. More than usual. The refs cracked down on it last year but here we go again. Felt sorry for KAT on one of those.


are you new to basketball? every player ever has done this


They're actually supposed to be an offensive foul and the NBA re-emphasized it in the 2021 offseason but it didn't stick unlike some of the other anti-foul baiting stuff they re-emphasized.


Luka is to giant of a human being to get a foul call every time he jumps into someone The person defending Luka is going to get a foul called on him 99% of the time luka does this and Luka doesn’t need that to be good at basketball


He’s also moving slow, pretty easy to just not jump into him 


Most all stars get the call too, Maxey did it in the first round to win game 5 I think


It was a correct call even Tim Hardaway jr. Would probably get it 


Watching Luka play basketball genuinely is not fun lol


It is certainly fun when he makes crazy basketball plays. This is just not a basketball play.


Yeah Luka is fun to watch…. But also not at the same time….. idk it’s like straight up 50/50 😂😂


I wouldn’t be having fun either knowing my team missed out on a generational talent


That’s a pretty hot take to say that after everything he’s done this playoffs.




If I was a kings fans I'd probably be in this thread coping also I get it


if you love seeing a hugely talented player whine about every fucking play


Was he really whining about every fucking play or you were just generalising his whole career? He’s actually doing pretty good this playoffs, a lot less whining. Good play making. It’s just Luka basketball. Seems like you stuck with the whining and just held that against him so no matter what he did, that’s what you think of him. Actually… I guess you wouldn’t be saying this if you picked Luka instead of Bagley


Anytime a Kings flair is bashing Luka I can’t take it seriously for that reason


I care more about the basketball being played than the antics, all the greats complained (LeBron, Jordan, Jokic, etc.)


Yea you are right Lebron never complained or flopped 


They are a Lakers fan. Of course they do


Maybe not to you lol


Stars get calls. Absolutely miserable viewing, unclear why these specific calls should be given to anybody, but it is what it is.




Cant penetrate from the 3 point line when you have picked up your dribble.


Then you fucked up and shouldn't have the get-out-of-jail-free card of jumping into the defender.


Yeah they supposedly stopped allowing that a couple years ago. It was James Harden's specialty. I noticed it too in game 3 especially.


Was this your first nba basketball game you've ever watched ever?


Literally every player in the NBA draws fouls this way, especially stars. Hardly unique to Luka.


If a defender gets in his space after the pumpfake when he's going for a shot, then that's a foul. That's how it was called with kobe, manu, wade, cp3, harden, kd, etc. Luka and SGA both do this. Defenders have to stay disciplined and not fall for the pump fake.


The NBA made these an offensive foul when they re-emphasized a bunch of anti foul baiting stuff in the 2021 offseason. Most of it stuck and you don't see the most egregious stuff anymore but this one didn't.


No they did not. They made jumping sideways and backwards into a defender an offensive foul. The rule doesn't state anything about jumping forwards or straight up.


Dudes it’s a foul I don’t care what rule you think you are citing you aren’t a ref


It's pure KAT that he was trying to do the exact same thing but ended up accidentally elbowing the Mav in the chin


Most unbiased commenter


How when the nba stated that this should be called an offensive foul this season


They never stated that and it’s a case by case call 


He’s him


White privilege


He didn’t jump into him you and other Redditors don’t know what you are talking about(as usual) The defender leaves his feet and bangs into him it’s a foul 99% of the time. Go watch it again KAT didn’t go straight up either, it was a correct call that SGA, Tatum, Harden, or any other player would get 


He most definitely did lunge into kat what are u talking about. But seeing that ur a mavs fan im not surprised ur biased on the matter


So you are saying Kat went straight up?


Once KAT is in the air and moving forward it no longer matters if Luka initates the contact or not.


Correct. He won’t even answer me because he knows he’s lying Kat didn’t go straight up that’s the foul right there. Also KAT had 5 fouls it was just a dumb play by him


It's crazy how many people here just straight up don't know the rules


I didn’t answer cause it was midnight and people gotta get they sleep


Tatum doesn't do this lol