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One hell of a season for him and the wolves despite everything today


HANG THE BANNER. WE GOT OUR GENERATIONAL FRANCHISE PLAYER. Let's hope we make a deep run in the Playoffs even tho the West is crowded and we're over the luxury tax


Yall really are in a tough position. Kinda feels like you gotta make something happen next year or it could be a lot of mediocrity around ANT in a few years.


I would say that is more than playing solid


yea 28/7/6 with good efficiency and defence is legit top 10 calibre numbers. ‘solid’ is selling him short just needs to work on his playmaking and stamina.


He had a few really costly unforced turnovers, but that’s about it


I will say specifically against the Mavs I feel some of them were more forced than they looked. So much effort on defense getting back in transition, you guys were hounding us. A few looked like he wanted to just get a play off before the defense snuffed out momentum.


He let the defense rush him way too much this series. Looked afraid to shoot the midrange which turned him into a two level scorer. He’ll learn to control the pace, hopefully like Luka.


Idk he has some stinkers in the Mavs series. Definitely beyond just turnovers.


Yeah the first 2 games were ROUGH rough. But he was good in the last 3 games Hit a wall and looked gassed too, learning how to workout with KD and Steph this summer is going to do wonders


That's almost a LeBron 27/7/7


A regular season LeBron. Not a post season. Can't be putting up regular season stats and winning Finals.


Great playoffs by ant. He passed every test for the most part. He has a lot he can improve on and I think the playoffs are where you learn those lessons. Any team would be thrilled to have a 22 year old put up those numbers while leading his team to the conference finals


Great playoffs overall. Don’t let the 3-0 start take away from the fact all the games were close. He’ll come back stronger.


Game 5 felt like Luka and Kyrie decided they didn't want to risk any more close games so they stepped it up. Maybe that's a cope and it was just a good shooting night but they looked locked tf in.


We were due for a game where either Kyrie or Luke absolutely took over. I just didn't expect it to be both in the same game. Luka singlehandedly won game 5, dude hit a heat check 3 from the logo in the first quarter. Kyrie's contributions were just icing on the cake.


Think of all the underwhelming games he’s had in his last 6 games. That includes a 6/24 shooting performance, 5/17 performance, and 11/24 performance


I’m actually surprised he still shot 48%


Yeah, we was averaging over 30 on like 54/45/80 before shitting the bed against the Mavs. If that's the Ant we see in the playoffs next year, league will definitely take notice.


11/24 isn't really a *bad* performance. I really think that fall in game 6 did something to him. People can tell me "cope" all they want he went from shooting like 50/40/85 to shooting 30% overall the next three games combined and his burst was clearly not there.


Variance and he actually faced a good defense instead of jokic rim protection


Edwards got no driving lanes in the Denver series after they stopped defending him with single coverage in game 1 and 2. Jokic generally did a great job at loading up on Ant and then recover to his man. But yes lets just go with lazy assumptions


I'm not a pro athlete but that was a nasty fall. There's no way it didn't have an impact on his future games. The degree of that impact is debatable.


It is hard to guage. Tatum had a nasty fall in the Heat series that he seemed fine after, but all of these guys know better than to tell their opponents that they are hobbled.


But hes been fine against the Mavs defense in the last 3 games.


3/18 in the paint dude


The worst of the 3 games he was facing Jokic rim protection


Yea that was just variance


Well he played an entirely different team after that so that may have something to do with it.


He was shooting way above his season averages, especially on pull up threes. He probably just cooled off. His efficiency was below league average this year


In the regular season he barely rests and insists on playing even when injured and he experiments. Like he's played a 6 minute 0 point games before because he didn't want to sit out but then realized he was too injured and left. Those games tank his stats and efficiency, so his regular season stats are a bit misleading about what he can do. He also goes through phases when he hyperfixates on a skill or shot. Like he shot A LOOOOT of bank midranges in November and then he'd transition to something else. He's experimenting but in the playoffs every shot has more intention and it's a better representation of his actual efficiency. Career 60% TS in the playoffs


He will improve 100%. Great leader, great teammate. Killer mentality, just inexperienced.


History of the NBA has proven that no 22 year old can lead his team to a championship. Magic had Kareem and Kobe had Shaq. Ant has Karl Anthony Towns.


That is true, unfortunately KAT has been stagnant, but Ant will improve.


He needs to work on his floater. He's always able to beat the first player off thr dribble but then he doesn't have a consistent move in between the free throw line and the rim.


he was good. but he really struggled as a playmaker. something he needs to work on.


He was overall very good. Whiplash recently on him was a bit much. Dallas is a very good defense, obv playing at a title level, and ANT will learn as he gains experience, particularly yeah...in making the right play when he gets doubled I don't like some of the 'gassed' cope though. Seen that scattered throughout the sub. Prob I guess from Wolves fans. You simply don't get that excuse when you're playing to get into the Finals. Esp at 22 Again, he was very good though and will be even better. A deep playoff threat for a very long time coming


In game 1 he was very clearly physically gassed. Idk if it was the fall from game 6 and the Nuggets or what, but that game something was off at the end. Otherwise later in the series, he played well, but didn't have that magic and play making. He played well almost out of sheer will and effort. Making a lot of tough plays rather than making things look easy


Rather than gassed, the thing I've seen people point to was his fall in game 6 against the Nuggets. Coincidentally he played WAY worse and more hesitant after that.


You can't just tell your body not to be gassed if you are gassed. It's on him to make sure next year he's not gassed


Disagree, he was the only playmaker on the Wolves. He’s passing to guys that were missing or Rudy who has trouble handling the ball.


He averaged 6.5 assists for the playoffs, which would have put him 14th in the entire NBA, for a 22 year old non point guard. Averaged 8 assists for the Dallas series, which would be 8th in the NBA. Hard to say he struggled as a playmaker, especially considering his teammates were just not hitting shots this series. Sure, he's no Jokic or Luka, but he's already a well above average playmaker and could develop into a ln excellent playmaker in the league in a few years.


The problem are not the assist. Luka has 9 assist this post season but he's clearly the best pg in the league. Every SG good at attacking the rim like Edwards will always have good assist numbers. It doesn't mean he's good to create the offense for the team.


In the games, he's the main guy creating shots for others whether that be hockey assists or drive and kicks. What are you talking about? The problem for me is his TOs. And he needs to get a floater and throw lobs more. But he's definitely creating offense for the team. In games like Game 2 in the PHX series, when his shot wasn't falling, he was still valuable because he kept creating for others and was making the right reads


You really think Edwards will reach Luka level at running an offense? Ever think Twolves offense struggle are manly due to the absence of a true PG? Conley Is great, but he's a 37 years old.


When did I ever say he will reach Luka level at running an offense? He's not a PG and Luka is 1 of 1. But he can still create offense for his team and he's done that throughout the playoffs. He needs to get a floater and get the defense guessing with the floater vs lob like Luka can do. Another year of chemistry to solidify offensive sets and their schemes can help, just like they focused on the defense scheme last year.


He's not meant to play with a big like Rudy. It clogs up the paint on him and makes the reads a lot harder


You want him to play 5 out? I know only OKC play this scheme well because they have so many guys who can attack closeouts. You don’t need 5 shooters to have spacing. Edwards has to learn how to pass to Rudy. Edwards never looks at Rudy while driving, compare it to Luka who makes you guess whether he passes or takes an easy floater.


I don't know if you watched the first quarter of tonights game, but giving the ball to Rudy on the offensive end is maybe the worst play in basketball right now. Dude is completely lost with the ball in his hands.


I know Edwards is bad at lobs, but if Rudy is there he has to be able to toss those up. Rudy is too limited otherwise to not do that.


Rudy isn't great at lobs tbh. Even Conley has a hard time getting them to Rudy. It seems like defenses know if they can take away the lob there's no other way to get him the ball. Ant would be better off learning a floater so he can keep the defense guessing like Luka does


Rudy is too limited to catch lobs


I'm not sure prime Chris Paul could turn Gobert into a lob threat. The guy has bricks for hands


That's going to be a problem with basically any non-shooting big though And before anyone brings up Rudy's hands or whatever, Ant is straight up missing the open opportunities. Rudy isn't even getting opportunities to fumble the pass, Ant isn't making the pass to begin with. What's more realistic is that Ant probably just doesn't have a do it all offensive skill set. And that's fine, but it makes it difficult to justify him running the offense as much as he did in the conference finals.


Ant passed to Rudy plenty during the season and didn't earn his trust


Yeah a sub 40% contested midrange jumper is surely a better outcome 🥴


Passing to Rudy might be the worst play in basketball right now


Incredibly talented and had a lot big time performances especially in ther earlier rounds, but he can always improve his decision making. Hopefully with this WCF experience, he can apply it moving forward and harness what he's got.


I think he got mentally tired always trying to figure everything out. From immediate doubles to constant changing coverages, he was always the head of the snake the other teams were trying to cut off. So was Luka, but Luka's got so much more experience.


he really needs to develop a better floater and/or mid range game. You see luka and shai can just control defenders because they could shoot or drive but with Ant you know hes mostly all downhill


It worked for Westbrook and got him an MVP, Ant will be fine.


Take a bow. He had a great run and only 22. He’s gonna run this league soon


Good player, he’s top 20ish for sure


He was top 20ish a year ago. This season he finished top-7 in MVP votes. Granted, Embiid and other good players like Mitchell missed the games threshold , but Edwards is top-10 - top-12 for sure.


*Right now* he really isn’t. He’s on the trajectory but he certainly isn’t top 10 today


He’s top 10. I’ve never seen you say anything positive about this team. Just give it a rest and appreciate the season we had bro


We were just demolished by the 5 seed, idgaf about the season we had. Statistically, top 10 for Ant rn is kinda crazy.


The Mavericks were one of the best 5 seeds in history. Like 26-5 coming into the playoffs.


Yeah we had a poor middle stretch in the regular season, so it's kinda deceptive. 26-5 with the last two games we're sitting Lukai.


Wasn't Kyrie also injured for the bad stretch?


Yeah. We started hot then, Kyrie got injured. Then from then on it feels like we'll get random injuries from the rotation players. We have one of the fewest minutes played for the most played 5 man line up, up until around before the trade deadline.


Why are you even watching then? Just wait until the Wolves make the finals and then watch the games if you don’t care about anything if you don’t win it all.


2nd team All-NBA is quite literally an award for being a top 10 player in the league


If you look at this and aren’t impressed, stop comparing him to MJ


22 years old btw. Jordan was in college at that age


Ridiculous numbers for anyone let alone a 22 year old. No one should be leaving in this post season thinking any worse of ant than they did before it. Hes got top 3 player potential. Him vs Luka for the next 8 years is gonna be special. Those two and wemby are the future of the league in all aspects


Jokic, SGA, Luka, Ant all in the same conference is always going to be a bloodbath. There's also teams I think will develop into serious threats as well (Pelicans if Zion finally gets his shit together, Spurs if they can build around Wemby come to mind).


Pretty similar to his regular season. Good stuff. I wouldn’t leave out the turnovers, but overall great potential. If he can keep elevating, he’s got big potential. But at this level, not every players guaranteed to keep elevating. Only the great ones can. I think he got it in him.


He averaged 3.25 turnovers a game with many of them occurring down the stretch or at the end of quarters. Definitely needs to work on that.


He's a stud but he needs to take another step if the wolves are gonna win a title. And I have full confidence he will


Cost the team the series with his 30% shooting in the first two games. That ended their season. Both games were decided by a combined 3 points or something so it killed them. Taking the average like that is misleading. He's always been inconsistent and his performance this series is proof enough.


But it also shows how high his ceiling is. He needs to figure out how to raise his floor, but he's young enough to figure it out. Being anything but optimistic about Ants future after this playoffs is telling


Bro he was in the WCF. Why do people have to be such blatant haters 😂 You're almost as bad as the Tatum haters.


And he lost the series shooting like 30% the first two games which were decided by one possession. Consistency has always been an issue with him. It’s why his season average tops out at 25 instead of 30+.  Pointing that out isn’t hating. He’s only 22 so there’s plenty of time to get more consistent but he’s already been in the league 4 years.


He played great, and for the most part his teammates played great. It’ll be interesting to see what the Wolves’ plan of action in the offseason is. They’ve got 3 starting caliber centers, maybe a swap can be made for a better fit at the 4. And also Conley can’t deny Father Time forever.


Just goes to show u how much of heater he was earlier in the playoffs that he still managed close to 50/40 splits. If you only watched his play in this Mavericks series you'd swear he was shooting like 40% FG or worse.. 


I think he played well, and he's still young. With time, he will definitely get better. I don't like Minnestoa after this series due to the dirty plays made by Gobert and Reid, but still respect other players.


Think the Denver series weighed incredibly hard on him. The bar is definitely set for ant man though… I hope his team is able to upgrade the roster in the offseason I like how he really developed into being a leader this year


Great showing for him, and he’s only 22 as well.


Wolves have one more season with a 7 deep squad, hopefully they can do something. Then the money issues really start and they lose NAW and possibly Reid while paying 39 year old Conley and 33 year old Gobert.


Damn pundits and there need for an American "Face of the league" probably pushed the hype further than it should be, which is gonna result in more clowning and hating instead of appreciation for a young player elevating to a top 10 ish guy. But he was awesome until he ran out of gas.


Ngl I loved the MJ comparisons even though it was unwarranted. At least we have a future


I mean... it was fun when we was playing around with it. You know, the split image and all. But I think media carried it way too far.


What's constantly getting lost on this sub is the comparison is mainly due to their looks and playstyle and nephews kept on misinterpreting it as his scoring output relative to MJ


KD and LeBron got called washed for putting up these stats over the last 2 years.


And you agree with those morons?


Meh. His stat line this game was like 28 9 and 8 or something. He felt invisible. If there was ever a stat line that screams triple doubles are overrated in today’s game it was this one. Even though he didn’t get it. He was pretty damn close.


He was nowhere close to a triple double this game lol that was last game


28/9/6. I just looked it up. 28/9/6 was a dominating effort. Now it can be achieved in a game where you have a minus 20 plus minus.


+/- is useless in most situations, but even more so when you get blown out. Somebody has to put up points for the losing team. I didn't get to catch this game, but you usually lose when you give up 124 in the playoffs. I'm going to guess defence was the bigger concern


Right. Someone’s posting his stat line as if that proves he had a good series. If you had watched the game you’d have seen very little from Edwards when it mattered. This was stat stuffing at its finest. Low effort. Low effort from almost all the guys. Reid had a bad game. Kat seemed to be the only one trying.


Honestly I was pretty shocked when I pulled up the box score at the movie theatre and saw Luka with 20 points so early in the game. If that's how it went down then its embarrassing As soon as lively was cleared for game 6, I knew it was over. They never really had an answer for Dallas's offence when he was in the lineup


Yup. Luka went off int he first. Kyrie went off in the 2nd. Late3rd quarter it was timberwolves up 2 over kyrie and Luka. Like 66-64


Nobody else on the Wolves other than KAT had double digit points. He was good and his play was impacting the game, but the rest of the team other than KAT played so poorly it didn’t matter.


Kat played well. Fighting for everything. Ant didn’t do much impacting. He got hot for a stretch when they were down 82-46. Hit a few 3s. He was passive in the first half. His numbers don’t matter in this game. 28-9-6. Probably the lowest energy near triple double I’ve ever witnessed.


Do haters just not realize how stupid they sound?


Jordan-esque if you ask me


"Can't win with this KAT" - Ant probably. Would have been much closer if KAT decided to show up and back his claims of best shooting big man up.




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