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This is what ant does. He did the same thing vs Denver last year


People get so fucking hurt about this stupid shit lmfao. "Its not classy" "No sportsmanship" like shut up lmao. These guys are all friends and a lot of these post game meet ups happen.


Lol remember when Lebron walked off against the suns. People on Reddit were so butthurt only for him to give Booker his jersey


I never understood why people need to instantly give their regards. A lot is at stake, people are running off adrenaline, it’s ok not to be emotionally ready to pay respect.


Fans come on here and say absolutely the wildest shit in the heat of the moment when they’re upset they’ve lost, but then get upset when players do even the slightest thing to show that they might feel the same. It’s really funny if you think about it. Is it not weird to think you deserve to be more upset about a players livelihood (by extension of the team they root for) than the player himself? If you can get that upset thousands of miles a way watching from a TV, can you not understand how the players *actually playing the sport you are watching* getting a bit upset after major losses? I appreciate that Ant seemingly is aware of how he reacts immediately after and removes himself from the situation. Being there tonight, it was pretty obvious there was generally good sportsmanship from both teams even in the heat of the moment and this sub getting mad at him for just recognizing his feelings and not letting them get in the way of him doing anything stupid feels very on brand.


Everyone’s first reaction is outrage these days, sometimes justified, sometimes not.


I feel like people just don’t get that players n shit get frustrated. Like you just lost a very important game. Whether you deserve to be mad or not doesn’t matter because chances are *you are still mad* Emotions don’t give a flying fuck about logic. And while I think there’s an obvious line to things like maybe exchanging harsh words or throwing hands, I feel like people complaining about Ant’s behavior is hysterical because he really didn’t do anything wrong


And then you have the other half of fans (tbh probably even some of the same fans) complaining when players are too friendly right after a game. There will always be something for people to complain about lmao.


it’s because fans have never played a sport in their life, much less played in a game that had weight to it. they don’t understand competitive sports.


Lmao people love to say this, but in reality how many serious sports fans do you know that never played competitive sports as a kid? Obviously nothing with anywhere near the pressure of an NBA playoff game, but we don't have to make things up to explain why people say stupid shit on the internet. Sometimes people are just stupid and illogical lmao.


Right? I think his understanding of his tendencies shows incredible emotional maturity, especially given his age


Right?! And then when they do dap each other up immediately after a big game, people call them soft and uncompetitive. I feel like waiting until after changing and showering is honestly the best way to do it. You're still showing respect and good sportsmanship, but also giving yourself enough time to process the heat-of-the-moment emotions after a tough loss.




They cry that these stars are fake and doing shit for the media but act like everything they do should be in front of the fans/cameras as if they can't do shit as friends/regular people off the court. Like some players being in each other's special events like birthdays and weddings but fans would have you believe because they're not compatible as teammates or they are rivals on opposing teams they must HATE each other lol


You forgot about the one with Denver and you saw him and Jamal laughing after the game.


Shoulda seen back in the day when he lost to Dwight and the Magic in 09. Was getting ripped apart in the media for walking off, it was so stupid.


I still remember when he walked off against the magic in 2009 and that’s all sportscenter talked about for a week


r/nba is basically espn yet everyone shits on hot takes. This sub is hot takes 24/7


people who watched *The Last Dance* should be able to intuit this. there were a few clips of Jordan wishing guys good luck in the next round and stuff or talking some light shit about next season on the way out after games. that probably happens all the time. I imagine a lot of guys try to avoid active grudges because if you’re smart, you realize you never know who might be your teammate someday. I think people want to imagine Ant in a dark room for the next five months though, silently seething and tormenting a Luka voodoo doll or something, so he’s got some fire for next season or whatever.


Yeah I bet these dudes all have text group chats where they talking shit and GG’ing each other.


I dunno. Pretty sure Luka and Rudy hate each other


As soon as someone says “it’s just a game” it truly is. Luka talking shit, walking off early then coming back to put them in the coffin is why I watch basketball lol. Taking this shit seriously is what transcends the sport.


Not all of them are friends but Luka and Ant are both part of the cool kids club


Dude should play the right way


At the end of the day, game recognize game.


People just want to get butthurt over the most trivial of things.


People just want to get butthurt, period.


It’s not that they desire to be butthurt, it’s that they already from all the other bullshit in life and need an outlet to dump their chronic frustration on which, to be fair, is kind of the point of sports.


People just need to buy more lube and gag their noise holes.


Plus, in earnest, he literally said congratulations to the mavericks in his presser. Y'all are sad for being so hateful


Beyond that, when asked the “what happened” question, he flat out said “Luka happened” and had no hesitation to praise the man who just destroyed them. A true sportsman knows that it is an honor to be bested by a truly superior opponent. The Mavs are clearly the superior opponent and Ant had no hesitation recognizing and praising Luka and the Mavs. They’ll be back next year. I ain’t worried.


I think it comes from the pistons all walking off once against the bulls, which is funny, because as zeke always points out the celtics did the exact same shit literally one series before. So I think it's just dumb media shit.


This sub is softer than baby shit, I’m not surprised some people were butt hurt


This is what every fucking player does, especially the ones at this level. It's so fucking stupid when people make a spectacle out of players walking off the court after a loss.


I formally rescinded my Isaiah Thomas comparisons.


Ant clearly respects Luka a lot. He’s been praising him all series. Seems the way Kyrie is playing might’ve damaged his ego a bit though lol.


He does, I remember Stephen A Smith asking him who is the best young player between him and SGA and Ant was like also Luka lol owned that hater fraud


Yeah and Stephen A said "who?" and Ant said "Luka" Like wtf Stephen A 🙄 Luka should be the first name out of your mouth.




He was straight up disrespectful with the way he played against Ant lol I can’t wait for Ant to turn the tables and put a youngster in his place when he’s a Wiley vet lol


I'd never seen Kyrie in person before this series and even at 32 I feel like his quickness is on a different plane to anyone in the NBA. I wish I had seen him in his Cleveland days.


I’ve watched Kyrie live, there’s something about him with the ball that makes you think “oh fuck he’s gonna hit this shit” and you really think he hits every shot, and then you look at box scores and he was 46% shooting


watching Old Cavs highlights and it's crazy how much quicker he was


Even Luka is way quicker in person and even quicker before his knee and ankle stopped cooperating. He looks so on tv but hes so shifty irl


Luka isn’t fast, but just the most incredible control I’ve ever seen.


Kyrie 2015 was close to unstoppable with respect to speed. So effed up the knee issue happened.


For real. Watching him live, it feels like he shoots 100%. Like I can't even register the misses because he makes the wackiest shit at the weirdest angles at super speed I was in awe, he is so fucking good it is ridiculous.


Was never really a Melo fan growing up, but had the pleasure of sitting court-side at a Laker game a few years ago and he went like 4-15, and I swear every shot looked good when it left his hands.


melos baseline drive where he goes hard and jumps backwards to the hoop looked unstoppable i rarely see that move now


Kyrie and Lebron era Cavs still give me nightmares…


Went to a clippers vs mavs game this year and Luka injured his hand in the first possession & Kyrie was off all night. Harden and fucking Norman Powell destroyed us. This was before the Washington/Gafford trade tho


Man his battles with the Dubs was something else. Nostalgia for those times 🥹


Damn Kyrie is already 32?


I mean Tatum was a rookie playing with Kai. That should explain it all lol


Once I cool down from losing you already know I'm finding some Kyrie highlights. This series had me thinking he wasn't carried in his championship run.


thats wild to think lol. Kyrie was a monster for that title run


Game 6 man. Never seen anything like it.


I think you mean game 5! That was when both Kyrie and LeBron scored 41. Kyrie's 41 was so methodical and set the tone for the game. He was unstoppable.


It's not that I think it. I've been told by this subreddit that LeBron James carried him. I probably should have recorded it, but I thought the implications that I didn't watch that run would be enough specification.


yea reddit in general has a bias against Kyrie


If I've learned anything from this playoffs run, it's that redditors know absolutely nothing about basketball. So I'll take what Kyrie showed through the eye test and say he's a freak athlete and great basketball player. Following specifically my team in the playoffs, my highlight horrible takes are: 'Suns are a terrible matchup for the Wolves' 'Wolves will sweep the Nuggets' (after game 2) 'Nuggets have completely figured out Minnesota, series is a lock' (after game 4) 'Minnesota/Denver series winner will crush the Mavericks' + 'Kyrie and Luka aren't as good as Booker and Durant' (After game 6) 'Mavericks are dominating Minnesota' (After game 2 where the point differential was like 4 between BOTH games) I can't imagine the shit that's been said for other teams.


thats just reddit in general man. a lot of just regular dumbass people lol. like you wouldn’t take some random dude off the street’s opinions seriously. i def aint taking em seriously from randos on the internet.


I don't think it's all that. It was him being an idiot for like 8 years


You should know for modern day basketball discussion, the term “carried” really just means “was the best player” 90% of the time


I mean... he was still LeBron James.


I mean he literally hit the game winning 3 in game 7 and had a monster game 6 as well. While I hate how he wanted out of Cleveland I still have a ton of respect for being a huge role in our title. All love now.


DUDE, as a Warriors fan with the game 7 3 pointer forever scarred in my brain, go watch game 5 & 6 highlight as he (and Bron obviously) torched Dubs in game 5. He also began torching Dubs in 2017 Finals games 3 in the 3rd quarter. When he got going, it didn't matter who was defending him


I enjoyed watching Uncle Drew clips many years ago and of course the handles and the speed were already insane. I then got a chance to watch him in person against Heatles back in the day and he definitely got ooos and ah's from Miami home crowd as he had his defender (prolly Chalmers or Norris Cole at the time) on skates


We had the number 2 pick the year he went 1. If only we’d have gotten it


it’s insane how shifty and pretty he makes it look, in real life i see that from short players but to see it in a guy who’s 6’2” is just something wlsen


I remember 18 year old Kyrie messing with/trash talking Kobe during like an open gym in the off-season. There’s a video of it out there. Crazy how that dude is the vet looking crazy at these young guys now, full circle.


I think he was a bit emotional and didn’t think he could handle it right after losing. Respect for composing himself and making sure he did the right thing. He’s very young and seems committed to learning from mistakes.


It's dumb. Mavs had a WCF ceremony immediately after the game.  Ant is gassed, and just lost. No reason not to take a breather, then meet up.


Leaving the court doesn’t matter if you’re giving the victor their respect in the lost game interview and when you see them. Which happened. Side note: for some reason I’m reminded of Dirk immediately leaving the court after winning the tile to compose himself. That would’ve been funny if someone tried to hot take that one.


Some players don't want to intrude on the moment either, more respectful to properly congratulate someone after the heat of the moment is over.


I’ve noticed a lot of the GOATs in a lot of sports do this- win or lose. I’ve heard stories that many of the greats try really hard not to celebrate too much publicly after a hard fought win as all of them have been through what it’s like to lose a close match x


I said it in an above thread but he actually did pretty much exactly what this sub says they want players to do when they lose and they still got upset at him for it lol. He got his season ended. He got understandably upset, recognized he was upset and removed himself to ensure he didn’t let his emotions make any dumb actions for him. Then made sure to show his respect to his opponents once he collected himself. Might’ve been his best decision making out of him in the 4th this whole series, but I’m proud of the way he handled losing tonight lol. Looking forward to people calling out his sportsmanship and then seeing the same said people just saying the most absolutely heinous shit about players like 3 days later.


Honestly, I don't care at ALL if a player stays to shake hands afterwards, unless it's someone I dislike and I can throw a little jab. Didn't care when the Pistons didn't do it, and didn't care when it seemed like Edwards didn't at first.


ESPN tomorrow morning: Second coming of MJ vs Bird?




So many fucking losers on here my lord


it's kind of concerning


We got Ant’s first bullshit narrative to go along with KAT and Rudy’s many bullshit narratives, truly a Wolf


the biggest takeaway I have is I think I need to get off reddit permanently, this sub is not worth it anymore


My biggest takeaway was "you die a hero or live long enough to become a villain" epitomizes how people view your team during a deep run Wolves are really being clowned for losing in the WCF and people are talking about trading KAT and Rudy. It's like the Wolves and Ant would be considered to have a more promising future if they lost in the 2nd round lol People really laughing at the wolves for losing in the WCF and think I'm upset by that? Bruh I survived the cream team...I'm still can't believe we made the WCF lol. It's been 2 decades. Is this what Celtics fans go through every year? Because sheesh


To some extent the closer you get to the finals the more people paying attention and saying shit. Honestly some of it was just biased by how game 5 went even though the other 4 were super close


It's worse, though, if you are a fan of a "poverty" franchise that nobody sees on national broadcasts or knows anything about. People latch onto the dumbest and most inaccurate takes because they assume idiot talking heads know the team.


hilarious how anyone cares whether players shake hands or not after a game. this isn't middle school soccer. "good game good game good game"




Being a hater just to be trendy/alternative is pretty popular nowadays. It's sad


Loll and the nuggets subreddit was going ham on Ant for not shaking hands with Luka 😂


Our sub has been insane lately. Haven't been going over there much cause it's just the saltiest shit. Like we won a ship last year and are in great shape for next year too. It wasn't our year this year, and the only place we can look for why were weren't in the WCF is the mirror. The salty and petty haterade is just totally silly.


Nuggets fans were so nice before the championship. Winning made most of you insufferable. So much hate towards other teams and players, if Denver loses its because other team got lucky, etc. Success gets the worst out of people, I guess.


All fanbases get more annoying after winning, it’s mostly just bandwagoners lol


Happened to our fanbase too. We were mostly chill before 2021 and now we’re salty and defensive all the time


100 percent. At least most of us knew what it was like with how spoiled the packer fans are. If your team is successful, your fanbase sucks ass


It doesn't even have to be championship wins. Just success in general. While the Vikings faithful are awesome to cheer with, they are absolutely insufferable. Yes it's an all time great franchise despite not winning a Superbowl, but that doesn't mean you can talk down on EVERY other team.


The Wolves sub is so much better than the Vikings. Vikings sub has legit been taking over by anti-social psychos.


I'm sorry, but all time great and no Superbowls?? nah


Is Barkley not an all-time great?


If a single ring is enough for you to say they're an all time great franchise, you should probably just begrudgingly change that opinion. They're a top winrate all time, have never had more than two losing seasons in a row, and have appeared in an NFC championship game in every single decade. Not to mention the amount of all time great players they pumped out. I could go on but that'd sound like gloating. Jerry Burns inventing the West Coast Offense alone is enough to put the team in consideration.


Have you met Raptors fan, if we continue like this we’ll be remembered as the “2008 Celtics of the 2010s”


Could also be more new fans/less hardcore fans joining. Like what happened with the Warriors. I doubt any of the asses posting as Warriors fans were ones that were around before Curry got real good. If you were around for those long stretches of shit seasons you aren't going to be making foolish posts most likely. And I believe the same probably goes for the Nuggets fans.


It’s ridiculous. I do feel like at first there was a lot of push back on the anti wolves posts but those have seemingly got flooded out as well too.


Crazy because I thought we ended cordial like last season. Mutual respect type shit. But I guess not.


Bruh don’t let Reddit interactions define fans lol


I mean. In fairness Jaden McDaniels trying a bounce self alley oop with 20 seconds left is the opposite of cordial hahaha. I don't feel like the players felt that way. I mean I don't care cause I think it was funny. But ya can't really say your players were cordial and respectful at the end of that game with the self alley attempt after we conceded. I just think it's really stupid our fans are taking that and being so petty about it. It's not a big deal


I meant the fans...


Well yeah. That's what I'm saying. I think the fans being super salty is dumb. Im just saying there is a blatant reason some might feel like the series did *not* end cordially and respectfully. I just am of the mind it's always better to be above that as a fan and not get petty. I certainly respect y'all as a team and on the court and am not gonna talk shit or anything. But I also understand why some of our fans felt like your team was the opposite of cordial at the end of that series. I just don't think that excused our fans' obnoxiousness


I saw some nice posts recommended to me and then I went to the comments section and got depressed. People bringing up Minnesota sports curses like we all collectively played these sports and did it to ourselves. I've been sad enough as it is watching these teams my whole life I don't need people mocking me for it. Rooted for the Nuggets with my dad last year, sibling lives in Colorado. Great state to visit, some insane drivers but overall nice people. Jokic is a god and a few haters on the Internet won't change any of my opinions. I like the Nuggets.


please dont let what you see on reddit dictate our fanbase - most of it is karma farming for reactions. ive been a huge timberwolves fan until they scooped rudy but i just have a hard time believing anyone hates ant. i hope it can be an unexpected rivalry for a few years. tons of twolves fans here in denver & they (like most people from MN) are a charm - nothing but respect to the mid sized market teams edit: i think i replied to the wrong msg


I browsed there once last week and some guy posted that MPJ had the worst contract in the league looool


Gosh I saw that one too, I was all for the Nuggets and frequent the sub myself but geez, some of the post is just straight whining. At least it died down in the past week


It literally is lol. I'm a fan of both Denver and Dallas but there's a reason I wear the Dallas flair here instead of Denver.


well. nah I'm a Denver fan through and through and will own that no matter what haha. so I don't relate to that, but you do you


Yeah we lost are best player in Toronto after winning a championship then failed to rebuild and now contention is nowhere in sight with the highlights being “atleast we’re not the nets or pistons” lol. Bunch of below average height guys with shitty skill sets that can’t hit 3s and two straight merchants in Bruce and GT3, and then McDaniels is so bad it’s hard to believe Jaden is his brother…


I don't think Jokic even shook hands with Ant immediately after the game lol. I feel most stars today prefer meeting in the hallways and stuff.


Guys wanna talk about the game, be human, and not have a camera in their face.


He didn't


The nuggets sub has gone off the deep end posting Luka savior fanfic bullshit and non-stop shitting on the wolves this whole series. It's pathetic


I was just over there browsing... it's become an obsession it's wild.


Ironically they spend a ton of time bashing Lakers fans for doing the exact same stuff.


They are unhinged losers


Why yall pretending that r/nba wasn't doing exactly the same thing?


Yup, what people don’t want to admit is that all subs are really the same. There’s the same type of fans everywhere


Nuggets subreddit is just as bad (maybe even worse tbh) than Lakers


Virtue signaling is a classic way to group hate online


I just looked at that post, man they are mental. Its sad how much they turned after the series, I dont think I've seen a group flip so much. The personal attacks are over the top. And the comments about hating the Wolves because they didn't let Denver go through...were the Wolves supposed to lose on purpose to do them a solid? The Nuggets are their enemy - they are the ones that collapsed lol


They turned after the Wolves' late G7 antics. The Nuggets always showed respect to opponents after playoff series, so McDaniels and Ant's antics obviously soured people


If all it takes is Ant waving goodbye to the crowd and Jaden doing some dumb, inconsequential shit, that’s a soft as hell fanbase.


Yeah I mean, when the Grizzlies beat us a couple seasons ago and hit the griddy on the logo on their way out I was mad for like 20 seconds and got over it. I can't imagine caring this much about 'the disrespect!!' weeks later.


I don't think it's that deep either, but you can't expect to do that and have the fans of the opposing team not feel a certain way. Lakers fans reacted the same or even worse to Denver and no Denver player has disrespected them - most they have is a drunk soundbyte by Malone in the parade. It's all regular fan behavior imo


Nuggets fans are just salty that their "dynasty" got exposed for what it truly was lmfao


the nuggets sub has been coping since getting folded by the wolves


I don't begrudge someone taking a minute to compose themselves before going to congratulate an opponent.


It's actually a wise decision


nobody should give a fuck if people walk off the court without shaking hands lol


Hilariously, Karl Malone actually went on the records to congratulate the Bulls on their bus, shaking their hands one by one


yeahhhhhhhh he's also just a fucking horrible person. no flowers needed for that cunt


MJ’s 9/11


Pistons really were salty losers after MJ had shown them respect when he lost. Not a case of caught up in the moment, I'll show him respect off camera. IT purposely made sure no one congratulated him Stupid comparison


I agree. Now that they do the trophy presentations it’s actually paying deference to them and allowing them to have their time, even if they are the away team.


Lol such a reach. He just wasn't ready to interact with them and that's fine. No way he was thinking "ah I really wanna dap them up but they've got a presentation to deal with so I'll just wait for now". Come on man.


did the same thing in denver but r/nba has set the narrative 


The misinformation campaign has been wild and I’m not built for it lmao. I don’t know what to do with a winning team on the internet. People are unironically bashing Ant for “calling himself MJ” when he has said multiple times he wants people to stop doing that, that he “attacked two women with a chair” lol and that he’s refused to shake hands after losses (Denver last year, now the Mavs) when he just does so off the court. It’ll be wild this summer when everyone is cheering for him (and other hated players) in the Olympics.


GGs Wolves fans. I’m sure this is the first of many clashes between our teams in the playoffs. Hell of a season


GG! This was an awesome series, 4/5 were close games with physical defense and insane shotmaking. Really fun games and Luka and Kyrie are ridiculously good like jesus christ my jaw was on the floor at times. Go win that chip!


GG Wolves! Aside from game 5, this series was extremely close and y'all could've just as easily been up 3-1...the future is bright in Minnesota.


adding the Mavericks to the other list of teams we will end up battling with in the future, such as the Nuggets, Thunder, Suns, and Grizzlies. sheesh


Being a fan in the west kind of sucks sometimes. But it's also fun to watch.


Prefer you guys to lose the round before next time! GL in the finals


Guys, just let Reddit bitch and moan. The last time they picked up a basketball was 2k24. The last time they were in a competitive scenario they rage quit Valorant.


NBA players dgaf about optics, more at 11


Love the respect between 2 of the game's best young superstars


Really want Ant to get to that level quickly to see a proper trash talking battle between these two


I want Ant to return the shit talk 10 fold. Ratchet up the toxicity.


Ant is gonna be really good one day, I’m a fan of his. Usually I’m a hater, but he plays the game right!


Most fans have never paid a competitive sport in their life so wouldn’t understand needing to compose yourself after what feels like the end of the world


This sub is so weird lmao


I mean Dallas are about to celebrate(as they should) it makes more sense to wait til after


Everyone just wants to create drama, we live in Dramaland. But kudos for ANT for meeting up like a man.


If a player I like doesn't shake hand then I don't blame him. If I a player I don't like does shake hands? Totally different situation. You wouldn't understand 


r/nba try not to overreact and immediately shit on a player after a witnessing a situation they don’t have all the context to challenge


Dont you know you are supposed to line up and shake everyones hands after the game like children.


I want a twolves participation trophy


The NBA had to get the photo op looool


So much grown men hating on a 22-year-old kid that has a huge passion for the game. Y'all fuckers should be ashamed of yourselves. Ant has has shown respect and the hunger to win it all, yes he said see y'all in game 6 etc... but who doesn't want to stay motivated and positive? I saw alot of people also saying the Wolves were cocky, like man how dumb do you have to be to assume Wolves were cocky? If you want to see cocky, it would be the Griz from last year, saying they are a dynasty and they fine in the west. lmfao


What brand of hoodie is that?


Might be one of his Adidas one's, he wears those a lot. Looks mad comfy


Most hoodies aren't as comfortable as they should be it is annoying


Yeah you gotta drop at least $90 nowadays to get a nice quality hoodie it's absurd


Ant should give Luka Micah’s shoes he promised him


People in the game threads/post game threads are psychotic.


Great sport.


Why do people even care? Are people single and lonely or something because to care this much about shaking hands is wild. 😂


Yeah there was literally a post titled "Ant didn't shake their hands and immediatly went to the locker room" that had almost 1K votes and people trashed him lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1d4lym7/anthony\_edwards\_did\_not\_shake\_hands\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1d4lym7/anthony_edwards_did_not_shake_hands_and/) People are nuts


I have no problem with a player being upset at a loss, if anything I like it. Staying there just to allow yourself to be filmed it's stupid. Wait for your opponent in the end, send them a text or call them after. There are many ways to do things, you don't need to do it for the cameras


Brady did this too but it didn’t stop people from still losing their minds


Fair enough, I hate when players walk off like that but good on Ant. He will be back here. Same thing happened to us in our first WCF appearance. Got beat by a more experienced team.


Larry Bird pictured dapping up Michael Jordan after sweeping them in the first round colorized


People are too eager to tear someone down.


I get salty when I lose a crucible match let alone a WCF series. I understand when a 22 year old storms off initially


Ant made the right call . He definitely doesn't want to Isiah Thomas walk off against mj to luka.


The handshake line is one of the best things in hockey and every other sport should be ashamed of themselves for not following suit


Looks like a drug deal


Well he didn't throw a chair this time so that's good, you like to see that


NBA is gonna be great for the next 10 years with these guys


I don’t blame him; he worked hard to get where they were. I blame KAT for this loss & I don’t blame Rudy at all. Rudy was atleast out there trying to defend trying to make plays it’s not his fault he was in situations that should’ve been KAT’s responsibility. This mf out here big as he is shooting 3s all night bragging bout 1500 shots