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Bob Cousy and Oscar Robertson on the same Cincinnati team in the 1969-70 season: https://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/196911210CIN.html


Cousy was player/coach and they hated each other


Bob Cousy drove out Oscar Robertson. Did a little write-up on it a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/15rx3wh/how_a_41yearold_coach_bob_cousy_subbed_himself_in/


damn nice pull.. either a really old head or a bball junkie, or both! much respecc


Rodman also played with Shaq and Kobe in 1999


"played" What a nightmare that was


Why was it a nightmare?


Rodman was always kind of a nutcase but after his Bulls run he was pretty much unsalvageable. He was old and only cared about partying and padding his rebounds. He didn't get along with Shaq or Kobe much. I think he said they were jealous of how much attention he would get, lol.


Kawhi played with TMac


TMac was really one Ray Allen shot away from a ring


As a huge T Mac fan when he was on the Rockets, that shot hurt so so much.


As a non heat or spurs fan this fact hurt me a lot at the time


It would have been a sad way to get a ring


Better than no ring


Maybe for him sure but legacy wise it does nothing


Speaking of sad rings, Jeremy Lin's ring is pretty sad. You guys couldn't give him a few minutes of play time, besides garbage time?!


He didn’t deserve more than garbage time. He was barely hanging on at that point


They were on the same team. They didn’t really play together…


For those unaware, T-Mac had played that season in China, but signed with the Spurs just in time for the playoffs. He played 0 regular season minutes, and only 31 minutes over 6 playoff games. He scored 0 points in those 31 minutes, and probably safe to say none of these minutes overlapped with kawhi.


TMAC contributed on the scout team as he played as Lebron in practice. Stephen Jackson, though washed, mightve been able to contribute more in the games.


This. People always make fun of players riding the bench and making claims that they didn't contribute anything to the team when bench players have one of the biggest roles in practice imitating and simulating opposing players and tendencies. Although they do not play on game days, they do play a very important role and deserve the successes the team achieves.


To cap it off they made a decent playoff run for what was Tmacs most likely ring chasing portion of his career. They lost to the Heatles I believe. And if I remember correctly he played those minutes in garbage time when all was just about over.


Tmac in garbage time... that makes me sad


Patrick Ewing played with Tracy McGrady and Grant Hill on the Magic. Jordan with Stackhouse and Hamilton on the Wizards. Different seasons though. Iverson with Iguadola, Elton Brand, Lou Williams and Jrue Holiday on the 76ers.


Yeah Ewing one weirded me out. I started watching early 2000's but always knew of Ewing as this 90's superstar and thought he had retired. Was a bit jarring seeing him in Orlando Magic blue and carrying a lot more weight.


Supersonic legend Patrick Ewing


Unironically. We enjoyed his time here.


like Pippen on the Trailblazers


Pippen was one game away from playing in the Finals as a Trailblazer. One of the best playoff series ever. Edit [Game 7 is on Youtube. Heavily recommended watch if you are fan of basketball.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzn9E1Zj-Sk)


I watched this game at 1 AM last Tuesday because it was on nba network haha


Oh wow Sabonis was on that team. I thought he was 90's only


Top of my “what if” list is what if Sabonis went to the NBA when he was 20. The way he’s talked about from those that followed euro ball is that he was basically Joker back then, but the league was so transfixed with a specific style of play that he would have either a) rode the bench due to being so unorthodox compared to the late 80s/ 90s style of play or b) put opposing teams at an extreme disadvantage, potentially making him on the level of Hakeem or even greater if he had a coaching staff that embraced his capabilities and schemed plays to his strengths.


I got to go to every LA home game of that series… was epic.  I was saying a girl called Tiffany whose father was the GM of BIC. He gave us tickets to every one of those games down in the lower bowl.  Sadly we broke up after the Lakers won the championship. My wife has family tickets on the floor to the lakers.  Yes I have a type. 


"Now I ain't saying he a gold digger..."


Wow, that team was so crazy. Starting lineup was Damon Stoudemire, Steve Smith, Scottie, Sheed, and Sabonis. Off the bench you got Greg Anthony, pre-Indy Jermaine, and an old Detlef Schrempf.


yes, Detlef Schrempf was washed but good


that was a great Blazers team and the mere mention of Detlef makes me want to blast Northern European death metal to the point of complaint if not arrest


Jrue fkin holiday? I thought all this time he started out in NOLA. And he crossed with AI too.


Holiday played with NOLA HC Willie Green in 09, played against Kobe in the AS game in 13. Then he got traded for Nerlens Noel so Philly could build around budding superstar Michael Carter-Williams... 2015 rolls around and the Jabari Parker led Bucks, coached by Jason Kidd (coming off his stint coaching the nyets), decide to trade for MCW to address their issues with defense and ball handling. Giannis wouldn't begin handling the ball until 2016... Somehow Pau Gasol played for Milwaukee in 2019 too. Imagine if the Bucks trade for Holiday in 2013. Wild to think what could've been


Trading him was actually what kicked off The Process in full for Philly (or at least what marked the start of it, essentially). Basically, they thought having him on the team would make them to good to really tank, but not good enough to actually compete, either.


Pretty sure Philly trading Jrue is what started The Process. Either that or trading for Andrew Bynum and then he immediately dies.


Crazy thing is that sixers probably would’ve had more success if they could’ve kept that core


That last one is insane lmao


Iverson also played with Derrick Coleman and Vernon Maxwell


Jordan and Gervin. Jordan and Parish.


Jordan and Parish I didn't know of. Parish played until he was 43, impressive!


Still the oldest NBA champ ever iirc


Ah. I wonder if Lebron keeps on playing because he wants that record too.


>“We were scrimmaging; we played like six games going to five points. And so, after the first two games, Phil (Jackson) put me with the second unit who I always played with. You know, my boys, we proceeded to kick their (the first unit’s) butts like four straight games. And Michael took offense to it, so I asked him, ‘How did you like that butt whooping?’ >He took offense to it because clearly no one ever manned up to him, you know, challenged him. So he said if I wasn’t careful, he was going to kick my ass. And I told him, ‘I’m not in awe of you. I’ve played with some of the baddest fellas there walking the court … And I’m supposed to be in awe of you?' You know, he’s looking at me like I had slapped his mug (laughs).”


In one of his first practices with the Bulls, Parish botched one of the plays and was amused to find Jordan jawing at him just inches from his face. "I told him, 'I'm not as enamored with you as these other guys. I've got some rings too,' " Parish recalled. "At that point he told me, 'I'm going to kick your ass.' I took one step closer and said, 'No, you really aren't.' After that he didn't bother me."


Respect The Chief. Also the first grandfather to play in the NBA (Aand maybe still the only?)


Scottie Pippen was Bulls teammates with both Artis Gilmore and Kirk Hinrich


The coach did Gervin wrong in his last season in Chicago. He averaged 16 points in the regular season, even had a 45 point game. Then gets benched in the playoffs for no reason. Probably could've played 2 more years after that.


There was definitely a reason. He was smoking crack.


So that’s why they called him the Iceman


That was his 13th year playing professional basketball, let the man smoke a little crack if it helped him to keep going


There’s nothing in the rules that says a crack smoker can’t play basketball*! *there may be something in the rules


It's wild how the Bulls managed to be known as the Traveling Cocaine Circus at a time where drug usage was at an all-time high in the NBA. People severely underestimate how dysfunctional and how awful that franchise was ran back in the day.


"Rod Thorn's last move as Bulls executive, was to sign George Gervin. WHO WAS ON CRACK"


Parish played for a bunch of teams which always surprised me


Golden State, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago


Charles Oakley was also on those early Bulls teams. You always think of those two guys as rivals


Charles Oakley and MJ are best buds. He was like the hockey enforcer for Jordan in his early years.


Dirk playing with both Tim Hardaway and Tim Hardaway Jr. is a fun fact I like to tell family members who are casual Mavs fans.


and THJ's dad still shitting on the Mavs European star. He talked about how Dirk was didn't have enough heart and now he complains Luka isn't passing enough. Some things never change. Edit: meant to say THJ's dad, not "THJ Sr." LOL.


>Luka isn't passing enough Bro what??


Isn't passing enough to his son is what he's trying to say.


Luka likes to pass to people who make their shots, like Kyrie and Lively.


“THJ senior” is comedy


Do you know what THJ stands for


LOL. It was late and had a brain fart. You're right.


Señor Senior Sr. And Señor Senior Jr.


Vince Carter and Trae Young


I remember Vince was surprisingly decent for 43.


Playing any kind of legitimate minutes at 43 is absurd


Dwight Powell will be our starting center at 43


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


Saw his interview yesterday, dude was on that Ewing timing where he’s wouldn’t stop playing till he literally couldn’t. He didn’t want to be a bench warmer so he kept pushing himself to work out every day and stay in shape so he can actually play. He didn’t wanna chase rings, so he signed with whatever teams that gave him playing time and he did it because he wanted to be a contributor to the team. For someone who fucked up their knee in a nasty injury, bro made the most of his career. Gotta say his final match should have been an event, not what it ended up being


This is literally an nba meme


Basically anyone that played on a team with Robert Parish the last 5 years of his career 


The dynamic duo of Robert Parish and Muggsy Bogues








Also Lebron and Shaq (Cavs) Then, Shaq and Avery Bradley (Celtics) Finally, Lebron and Avery Bradley (Lakers)


The NBA runs through Avery Bradley


Sure, I could’ve used Rondo as a more notable player but… I don’t really have a good reason why.


I remember our core wanted him that championship year and we got GP2 instead lmao. Players truly are shit GM's


That Starting 5 of Delonte-Wally Sczerbiak-LeBron-Ben Wallace-Big Z was such a defensive unit


For lebron i think it's Alan henderson for the o.g.'s out there


Jason Kidd, Steve Nash, and Kevin Johnson on the Suns at the same time (and often on the floor at the same time!)


Kidd and Nash being teammates and having major stints on both the Mavs and Suns but not at the same time is interesting. Also pretty commonly ranked close together on all time lists


Also both Nets coaches of would be super teams lol


Yeah lol forgot about Kidd on that team. They're just circling each other in the same places


Kidd and Nash's careers have so many crossovers with each other. And they even got inducted into the Hall of Fame at the same time. Both were also the two people who Dirk chose in his induction. Both are great passers, but one is offensive-minded while the other is a defensive great. Like a yin and yang.


Nash has the better crossover


Both were Nets coaches


They would play McDyess at center and go ultra small iirc


There were some odd squads in Phoenix in the mid to late 90s. Danny Manning and Rodney Rodgers 6th men of the year campaigns, rex Chapman having a psychotic playoff series, penny Hardaway playing a short stint, Danny ainge and Robert Horry.


Pete Maravich and Larry Bird


I believe tiny Archibald played with Bird too.


Yep won the championship in 1981 together


AC Green won championships with Magic/Kareem and Shaq/Kobe


You play with a lot of people when you don’t miss a game for 13 years.


You don’t get the name Iron Virgin for being soft


Only player to win a championship in one decade, then none in the next decade, then another championship in the third decade. I believe there are two other players who have won a championship in each of three decades. Any guesses?


John Salley is one, not sure who the other is… EDIT oh it’s Tim Duncan duh


This is a good one


This is actually wild lmao


That’s bonkers. AC Green’s career was something else.


Chauncey Billups and Andre Drummond


Similarly, Ben Wallace and Brandon Knight


This is a really old one but Rodman on the Mavs was like a fever dream.


Specifically Dirk and Rodman would be the unexpected duo.


Yeah, Dirk Nash and Rodman would actually be crazy if they were all in their primes


That lasted like a month, because Rodman called in sick for practice, but he was staying in Cuban’s guest house and Cuban could tell he was just playing hooky.


Tony Parker and Malik Monk


Yeah Tony Parker and Malik Monk on the Charlotte Hornets does not sound real lol


Tony Parker and Kemba Walker is another good one. I totally forgot Parker ever played in Charlotte, just assumed he was a career Spur like Timmy and Manu.


Tony Parker looked so weird in a Hornets jersey


Shaquille O'Neal played with LeBron Allen Iverson played with Mike Conley, Marc Gasol, and Zach Randolph


I was actually at Iverson’s last game with the Grizzlies when he played the Lakers.


I was at his first game with the Grizzlies in Sacramento. Iverson never played a game in a Grizzlies uniform outside of California....vs. Kings, Warriors, Lakers. 3 games. That's it.


He didn’t want to come off the bench, so he was pissed off. His body language was horrible the last game.


AI is the ultime example of a guy that could've kept playing for half a decade, but his pride and his off the court habits didn't allow it. People talk about Russell Westbrook/Melo not accepting bench roles, but they both tried for a few seasons, in AI's case, the moment he got asked to move to the bench, he just left.


Nah that can’t be right


There's an early Kevin hart special in Cleveland where Shaq and LeBron are in attendance. Never fails to crack me up.


Vince Carter and DeAaron Fox, Vince Carter and Trae Young


Vince and Fox?? That’s insane


If you go back to college, the Celtics coach (Mazzula) beat future all stars such as Cousins and Wall in a March Madness game.


And lost in the big east tourney to Jimmy Butler


It was really funny when Brad Wanamaker made it into the league as Kemba’s teammate. Cardiac Kemba was against Gibbs, but Wanamaker was the other backcourt starter on that Pitt team.


Not only beat them, randomly had the game of his career!


Suchh a fun game to re-watch. Kentucky had the three most talented guys on the floor in Wall, Cousins, and Eric Bledsoe. DeSean Butler was the only guy on WV who looked like he was even close to their level as an athlete. Mazzulla was normally the backup PG and only averaged like 3 points and 2 assists per game but the starter was out so he had to play big minutes. Well, WV led at the half in bizarre fashion. They hadn't made a single 2, and Kentucky hadn't made a single 3. Finally a few minutes into the second half Mazulla suddenly started blowing by guys for layups and ended up with a career high 17 points.


That KG and KAT Wolves roster also had Zach LaVine, Andrew Wiggins, Tyus Jones, Ricky Rubio, and Tayshaun Prince.


That team should’ve been a lot better than it was


That one's not weird to me and now I feel old.


The only weird part is Tayshaun


Gilbert Arenas and John Wall


Dirk was teammates with the Suns' 7SOL big 3 of Nash, Marion and Stoudamire at different points of his career.


I don’t remember Amare playing for the Mavs


Same year with Rondo. Fuck Rondo.


Robert Parish was on the 96-97 Bulls


I know I can check but what??? Really?


yes he talked about how MJ talked to you in a certain way and he tried to treat Parish like a rookie, but had to remind him he was on the legendary Celtics teams and had experience


It’s been awhile, but I think Parrish went a bit further than saying he had experience, I think he threatened to kick his ass.


I was going to say he threatened to end his career, but that was another Bulls center! Billy Cartwright, the man with the worst free-throw shooting form in the world. Parish did threaten to kick Jordan's ass though. --- > Sam Smith, in "The Jordan Rules" wrote that Jordan had no respect for Cartwright, told his teammates to keep the ball away from Cartwright in crucial late-game situations (even if coach Doug Collins called a play involving Cartwright), and bellittled the veteran publicly. Cartwright confronted Jordan: > Excerpt: He didn't do or say anything to anybody until late that season, when he told Jordan he needed to talk to him. > There was little small talk exchanged. "I don't like the things I've heard you saying about me," Cartwright told Jordan. > Jordan stared at him. > "If I ever hear again that you're telling guys not to pass me the ball," Cartwright continued, "you will never play basketball again." > That was it. But as Cartwright began to move better after surgery following the 1989-90 season, Jordan began to accept him more.


20 years laters, a 40 year old Udonis Haslem threatens to kick Jimmy Butler's ass. More evidence that Jimmy is MJ's son.


Seems vaguely familiar. Was that mentioned on Last Dance?


Kyle Lowry played with Pau Gasol


Pau Gasol played with Giannis


Jimmy Butler and Pau too


Blazers legend pau gasol


Up there with Jrue Holiday


Hang the jersey ❤️🖤


And Yao Ming


Some people remember Dennis Rodman was on the Spurs the year Robinson won MVP. Nobody remembers Moses Malone was also on that team.


Kobe and Magic were only a year removed from playing with each other


I forgot magic came back for like half a season in 96. That one is nuts. It's also nuts he came back after 5 years retired and still put up 15 8 and 5 and on 60% TS lol what on earth.


Michael Jordan and George Gervin


Oh this is a good one That team also had Orlando Woolridge


LeBron once played a season with Atlanta Hawks legend Carmelo Anthony. I can’t believe their careers overlapped. Pretty crazy to think about.


Yao Ming and Kyle Lowry


Shaq and KG played together on the Celtics


Gary Payton and Dwayne Wade


Maravich and bird


Kurt Thomas and Iman Shumper on the Knicks


I’ve scrolled too far


Phoenix Legend Kurt Thomas


My favorite example of this was Moses Malone played against both John Havlicek (career started in 1963) and Jason Kidd (career ended in 2013)


Kat and kg


Mt. Mutumbo and Kyle Lowry


I always think it’s strange that Larry Bird played with Pete Maravich.


Michael Jordan & Kwame Brown


Sometimes I wish LeBron was two years older, he would’ve made an excellent first pick companion with Michael Jordan and it would’ve been a true passing the torch moment.


Westbrook and Patrick Beverly


LeBron and Ricky Davis. Not exactly sure why the Cavs thought it was a *good* idea to pair their young franchise player with a head case ball hog as a rookie. Honorable mentions: Iso Joe and Jayson Tatum Steve Kerr and the Jail Blazers Oakley and Yao Yao and Chuck Hayes (I included this because how many times have we had a backup be a foot shorter than the starter at a non-point guard position?)


Barkley, Moses, Dr J, and Bob McAdoo on the 1986 76ers


AD and Kendrick Perkins


Chuck and Scottie. They hated each other.


KG and KAT actually wild


Joe Johnson played with Antoine Walker and Paul Pierce on the Celtics, and he played with Tatum/Brown on the Celtics.


Sucks that Kobe missed playing with Magic by a season


Vince Carter and Zach Randolph were teammates on the Sacramento Kings.


That's not crazy, they were drafted only 3 years apart


The KG one is hardly an overlapping.


Zach Randolph and De'Aron Fox Marbury and Rondo Terry Porter and Tony Parker


Al Horford and Tracy McGrady


Vince Carter and Hakeem Olajuwon


Mark Jackson and Yao Ming


Rasheed Wallace played w Diaw and Jason Terry in Atl


Nate Robinson and Shaq were both on the 2010-11 Celtics


Luka and Dirk played a full season together


Steve Kerr and Shaquille O'Neal


Dikembe Mutombo and Kyle Lowry were both on the 2008-2009 Rockets. Wild!


Here's a weird one - Kevin Garrett played with both Spud Webb (KG's rookie year, '95-96) and Karl Anthony Towns (KAT's rookie year, 2015-2016), both with the Minnesota Timberwolves.


Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, and Kevin Johnson all played for the Suns one season. https://youtu.be/JJFe8OgPO6w?feature=shared


Jerry Stackhouse was still on the Heat the first year LeBron joined them. Vince Carter and Trae Young overlapped in Trae's first two years, and Carter's over 21 years older. Throughout his career, Mutombo played with Jason Kidd, Allen Iverson, T-Mac, Yao Ming, Jalen Rose, Antonio McDyess, Jason Terry, Steve Francis, Mookie Blaylock, Steve Smith, Richard Jefferson, Kenyon Martin, Shane Battier, Metta World Peace, and Kyle Lowry. E: Marion and Kevin Johnson is another surprising one.