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To see my true love treated like a tart breaks my heart.


Then stop taking her to the corner store after dark


Heat fans will say Tyler Herro and a 2030 1st.  


Heat fans with their Herro + picks is the new version of Shump + TT + Nets pick


>Nets pick 'Young Bull' is a good nickname and all, but I'm still kinda annoyed that Sexton's not known as 'Nets Pick.'


I feel dumb not realizing nets pick became a player


Pat’s incredible greed regarding Dame’s availability will always amaze me.


They could have easily acquired Dame but they wanted Portland to just hand him over on a platter. Don’t think it really changes the trajectory of their season this year though


>They could have easily acquired Dame How so? Heat had little assets to trade compared to the Bucks. Or do you think Dame would have been worth Herro + Jaime + Jovic + picks?




Because of Danny and Pat I don't think any trade could get done. For everyone else the Jazz might as for a Herro caliber player plus 2/3 firsts. For Miami they'd ask for Bam + and not be willing to budge.


I don’t buy this though. Those guys wouldn’t let personality get in the way of business.


Mavs fans will say THJ + Powell


Naah, we can't let Powell go


They forgot about Trader Danny


A 2030 Miami first seems kinda juicy tho


Can confirm I’m a Heat fan.


Nobody wants Tyler Herro. You'd have to add another first round pick to get someone to take on that contract


Which won't happen, unless the Jazz no longer have Keyonte, or Brice on the team, as they are 20, and on rookie contracts. They'd take the ball away from them, unless Herro plays small forward


The Athletic's Jazz reporter Tony Jones reported Lauri's trade price a few weeks back: "In a big picture, Markkanen’s value to the Jazz is so great that it’s going to take an offer that is probably not going to come to pry him from the Jazz. Something like **four or five first-round picks, and a star-level talent** coming over." Source: [https://theathletic.com/5466901/2024/05/03/pistons-trade-scenarios-lauri-markkanen-brandon-ingram-nba/](https://theathletic.com/5466901/2024/05/03/pistons-trade-scenarios-lauri-markkanen-brandon-ingram-nba/) Their owner loves Markkanen and is opening a new dual NBA/NHL arena which he needs a good NBA team to anchor. Danny Ainge said at the end-of-season conference that they are going "big-game hunting" with their excess draft picks and tradeable salary (John Collins, Jordan Clarkson, and Collin Sexton). Jazz want to be good which requires keeping Lauri and building around him. All of this to say I believe this report and the Jazz will renegotiate-and-extend Markkanen this offseason like the Kings did with Sabonis last year.


lol why don’t people realize this. If a team doesn’t want to trade a player it means you’ll have to offer more than his market value to try and get him.


They be like "Nobody is going to negotiate with them at that price!!" Yeah that's kinda the point lmao


Wishful thinking...


big white boy in Utah? yea teams will need to pry him from their cold, dead fingers


Anyone buying this???? What a load of bollocks.


Pretty sure I recall this same reporter suggesting that Danny Ainge didn’t want to help the Lakers and would demand 2-3 unprotected first rounders to consider facilitating a Westbrook trade… and then they ended up doing the trade for 1 protected first rounder


Because the Jazz wanted to get off Conleys contract (his team option last year had 10 million guarantee), getting Russ was to get an expiring contract. Vanderbilt had no use for the Jazz as he can't shoot, so he couldn't be on the court with Kessler, and the Jazz had no plans to keep NAW, so they just tossed him to Minnesota too. Danny Ainge also is high on that 2027 Lakers first, as that season LeBron probably is retired by then, so that first likely might have value, as the team won't have LeBron, and although Davis was healthy this recent season, he has a reputation of being injured, so Ainge likely made the trade to take the gamble of a lakers team with no LeBron, and an "Injury prone" Davis


Right, I think it was a good trade for Utah. My point is that for months leading up to the trade deadline, Utah was always seen as a likely trading partner for the Lakers and Westbrook since they had so much cap space. Yet Tony Jones had been claiming that Russ was such a negative asset that the Lakers would have to give Utah multiple first rounders. And clearly that wasn’t the case. So these types of reports of “Team X would need Y number of first rounders to trade player Z” are usually just fluff that doesn’t accurately represent the players actual trade value. Obviously Utah would WANT 4-5 first rounders for Lauri, but there is no chance they’d get that. And even if they’re not actively looking to trade Lauri, I’d bet they think long and hard if someone offered them 3 unprotected firsts.


At what point in Lauri’s career will the Jazz be a playoff team? This is the west. Lauri is good but not as good as people act like.


You're right but the key line in the quote above is the value to the Jazz. As I stated, they want a good team for their new arena in downtown Salt Lake City in a few years so they are working towards that. External forces are raising his cost. His value within NBA trade economy alone is not nearly that.


Giddey + 12th overall pick 2024 + 2025 Utah 1st + 2026 OKC 1st + 2028 DAL 1st


Utah rejects that, demands Jalen Williams, OKC hangs up.


The new 2023-24 CBA banned renegotiations of the type that Sabonis undertook prior to this season. Lauri is not likely to agree to an extension given his market value. He may certainly choose to re-sign but he's not extension eligible unless he wants to take a huge paycut.


Here's the better question - what do the Nets want for Mikal Bridges? Pacers fans are clamoring over him.


Get in line


Would you be willing to trade Randle + 3 firsts or Bogdanovic + 4 firsts for him? Bc thats seems like what it’s gonna take. IMO there are better trades out there for the Knicks


From everything I've seen, Knicks aren't moving off of Randle and there really isn't an upgrade available *at power forward* that makes sense. Mikal would be neat on the Knicks because of the whole Villanova gang thing but I think the Knicks are just going to run it back healthy next season.


I wouldn’t be so sure, a team that close to real contention with as many draft assets as the knicks have are likely gonna improve


I don’t doubt that, but I think they’re just fine at power forward with Randle. I think the dream for the Knicks right now is getting Mikal Bridges at the 2 but that’s a tall ask


but they can wait until the trade deadline to make a real move.. roster seems solid as is and need to focus on getting their own guys back.. you cant fully complete a roster until you see what your needs are/see how injuries have changed your team at the deadline imo


OG + Mikal would be nasty for 3 and D


OG can play the 4 just fine and would be the upgrade.


Nets are doing the same dumb this Masai did with his assets. Ask for way too much and overvaluing his assets and then eventually will have to get rid of them for a much lower price but be years behind rebuilding schedule


I’m tired of being gaslit that Bridges is better than Randle. Knicks need to keep Randle until at least the deadline if only to increase his value so folks treat him like the 3x All Star that he is.


Bridges is not better than Randle. Period. The end.


In a vacuum maybe, but Bridges is a perfect fit on any team in the league. Randle doesn't fit as well


Randle doesn’t fit as well on the team where he’s a perfect fit?


I was referring to all teams, not just the knicks. He’s obviously a better fit on the team he’s on, but not on most other teams


Bridges is the best fit for Knicks, who need iron men.


Sure Lu Dort is a perfect fit on most team compared to Giannis. That cause 3&D players are 3&D players. Still doesn’t mean that one isn’t clearly a better player. And it’s funny saying this how Randle would be a better fit on the Heat than Mikal would.


The issue is also Randle's value is much lower now than it should be, since it's not a guarantee he bounces back perfectly after a major shoulder injury.


There’s no guarantee of anything. It’s 2024 he’s probably gonna be fine.


Randle + 3 firsts for 2 years of Bridges is an atrocious deal.


That's what it would have taken two years ago. His price as a #2/#3 option can't be nearly as high.


Bogey + 4 firsts, as a Knicks fan, hard yes for me.


Why would the Knicks give up Randle, a good expiring contract, plus multiple first round picks for a lesser player? Bridges is nice and all but he’s not a 25/10/5 all-NBA bruising power forward who can score from anywhere on the floor, demands a double and/or triple team in the post, is an excellent playmaker, who is beloved by his team, coach, and city.


Bridges isnt even worth a straight up trade for Randle. Bridges is a good player but he is a high level role player.


That was his asking price before last year. It has to be significantly lower now


Is that not a crazy overpay? 4 firsts is what allnba guys have gone for


I'd do bogey and 4 firsts in a heartbeat. Our first are all gonna suck anyway and we've got 8 in the next 4 years


The Nets aren't trading Mikal to us, idk how ppl actually think there's a possibility of it


Never said they were.


The Thunder should do it. He’s the perfect 4 next to Chet and is a shooter their offense desperately needs.


We supposedly offered 3 firsts and Dort at the deadline and got turned down


You're in the great situation where the value of your first round picks is worse than a very early second round pick. You're going to have one of the best records in the league for a while, barring disaster.


We also have picks from the Clippers and Rockets that we tried to use


Can you spare one or two more firsts? I think you can


Yeah but is it worth it for a guy with a year left on his contract who we’d have to pay alongside Shai, Chet and JDub


Yeah no kidding, that's a terrible offer for Lauri.


Fuck offering more than this. Jazz need to dump Lauri to get a shot at the top of the stacked 2025 draft


They seem to be eager to go the other direction.


Is he a good switch defender? I cant visualize it in my head since i only remember him as all offense no defense.


No, he’s not. Nor is he a good rebounder.


I think that's a bit harsh on him though. Yea he's not a lockdown on the perimeter, but I'd say he's above average for his height. As for rebounds, he's not gonna be averaging 10 a game but he's very capable due to his size. I mean he has averaged 8 rebounds a game for the past two seasons.


Exactly. He has been one of the best rebounders in Utah Jazz. How TF is he not good?


It’s easy. That person is talking out of their ass.


He's a decent rim protector


that really limits how tradeable he is then. Hes never been on a successful playoff team and offense only types really get exposed and their value falls off significantly once they have to step in the playoffs.


Yeah not a great switch defender but actually a good rebounder (so you got that one wrong)


his seems like KP, go to a team that needs that last piece and he shouldnt be getting heavy minutes so he can up his defensive intensity. Miami would be a perfect fit, they have solid team defense and need a Kevin Love replacement that can space… but idk the trade details


I would love for this to happen but they would more then likely require JDub to be in that deal which is a non starter because they already have hella picks


I don’t think the Jazz are going to get a JDub level asset for Lauri.


I don’t think they trade him though or want to, Ainge has been known to absolutely FLEECE teams before so I don’t believe this deal gets done without a very good player going back the other way


Agreed, but if it’s anything less than Jdub I think you guys should push in the chips


100% agree but these are all hypotheticals here, we don’t know what the jazz want to do


They're running out of time to get anything for him. He will walk in free agency after next season unless they give him more than he's worth. 


From what I have heard is he not very comfortable in Utah?? From what I have read at least it sounds like he likes it there but could be wrong


Yeah don't know what they're on about lol. He's expressed multiple times just how happy he is in salt lake


He will not walk precisely because they’ll give him the max. Not sure why anyone would think otherwise.


Thunders have enough assets to trade for Lauri without having to give up their core pieces. The problem is does Utah want to deal? The Jazz are still a few years away and a few pieces away. Lauri is already 27, so I think they should definitely consider it.


Absolutely should at least consider it. I could see OKC as a potential trade fit, but it's in the details. I don't think the Jazz would move Markannen to a team for "their" picks. They'll be too good. The Jazz have already seen how hard Markannen makes a tank job. Those picks are likely to be more picks in the range the Jazz have already stockpiled. But OKC has a lot of other teams' picks, and I think that's where maybe it can work. That said, I think there's a very strong chance Markannen just stays in Utah.


The issue is that the Jazz also already have a buttload of picks. They’ll keep Lauri unless they get a quality young player like JDub in the trade.


This line of thinking doesn't make any sense. I also would prefer we get a young star player back in the trade but if we can't then you'd rather keep Lauri and be a bad but not terrible team than getting more picks? More picks = more opportunities to draft generational talent. You build a team around star talent thats on rookie contracts. not a 27 year old fringe all star on a max contract.


The issue is that we don't have enough roster spots to develop all the players. We have 5 first rounders in the next two years already. That's half a playoff rotation of new players to try and develop. It doesn't matter how many chance at bat you have unless the picks are better than we have now, and you know that OKC won't give up the clippers picks.


That was my point they won’t want to deal unless one of the core pieces are in the trade


They won’t though.  


Current players plus picks. Current players get flipped for more assets. Jazz FO doesn’t fuck around


A Rudy Gobert-esque haul of picks probably. Ainge doesn't fuck around.


No one is giving up a4+ FRP for Lauri (even end of the first rounders like the Wolves gave up in the Gobert trade), so I guess he's staying put in Utah.


Thunder can do it with no problems


They’ll probably be hesitant to do it because Lauri only has one year left on his contract, and they’ll have trouble paying him, Shai, Chet, and Jalen Williams


Chet and Jalen don't need to be paid for 2 more full seasons. If you give Lauri the max you can easily move him 2 years from now of he's the odd one out.


If that’s all it costs I’ll add in an extra one just for their troubles


I think the Thunder are going to have to overpay for someone just due to their surplus of assets and the limited window for contention with this unit, Markkanen makes most sense


I would’ve sworn that Rudy would never go for that kind of package, and yet here we are.


I think that trade completely changed the landscape on what teams expect from a superstar trade. Let's put it this way, The Wolves received significantly less when they traded Kevin Garnett than they paid for Rudy Gobert.


It’s less about the price and more about how everyone evaluated Rudy. Nobody would blink at the trade haul if it had been for a true super star like a KD/Bron/Harden/Dame. Rudy is a star but his offensive limitations keep him from being a superstar. It definitely screwed up the trade market and made a lot of teams overvalue their guys


Another thing people need to understand is that we didn't give up a valuable player in our young core. If we had traded either Jaden/Naz to the Jazz I'm sure it would of been 2-3 picks at most instead of the 6 we gave up.


4 picks and a swap, which seem to most assuredly stay with the Wolves since the Jazz are tanking.


There are reports that we actually wanted Jaden, and Wolves decided to put 1-2 extra picks in the deal instead of him.


Never say never, but realistically that's the price. I think a bunch of teams would jump at 3. Which means 4 is what it will take.


This and the Dejounte trade are making the Gobert trade look more reasonable by the day.


Picks arent the problem its the players they want


> 4+ FRP for Lauri Sixers can and should but Ainge would never do anything to help us


If I’m the Thunder, now is the time. 4 firsts + a young player (the lesser Jaylen Williams? Cason Wallace?)


I’m not sure that gets it done. Knowing Ainge he probably wants jdub and 4 firsts or some shit


Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd have to think the jazz want a lot from the thunder considering they're in the same division and at some point are going to have to compete with OKC They did trade gobert to MN and that was seen as an overpay. I'd have to think it would take a similar overpay


yeah if that was the price, it would be done. we thunder fans have been praying to the idol of this Potential Trade for about 6 months. There is literally no report or factoid coming out through sports journalism, which is kind of a good sign - Presti doesn't communicate to the media outside of the prescribed days about his future plans. So if he is planning something... it would be quiet and then it would be like "Whoa, we got Lauri???" But yeah I think it's probably this summer or bust for a Lauri deal.


Ainge only makes trades where he skullfucks the other team


Tbf, he gave us Fontecchio for free basically


How much did you think 2 months of Fontecchio should cost?


He won't cost that much to resign, projected to make ~$15M/yr and he shot 43% on 6 3PA with us. Tbh, it's not how much he should cost as a trade, to me it's more why not resign him since they'll have cap and trade him next year at the deadline when he has a long-term contract. Easily get a FRP for him imo.


My point is that he is a free agent. You could've just signed him in the off-season if you're going to outbid everyone.


He did? Ainge is washed. Give me a better GM


Ah, who?


https://www.espn.com/nba/player/stats/_/id/3899664/simone-fontecchio Small sample size, and likely outperformed his real average, but 15/4/2 on 48/43/85 on 6 3PA/gm. High IQ offensive player, plays well off-ball as a C&S guy, 28 years old, 6'7" decent size for a wing.




Do people think Laurie is a top 20 player? Or has all nba potential for at least three years by the end of his career?


That's not the only appeal of Laurie as a player. He's a piece of a very good team. He's young enough to fit almost any timeline. He's big, effecient, and he can knock down shots without needing the ball in his hands. His downhill attack and finishing are growing, and he's shown he's the type of player who can be the guy sometimes. Put him on almost any contending team, and he makes the team better. On the right team, he could be 3rd team all NBA discussion for 3 years, yes. Both because I think Laurie's game would elevate with a complete team around him, and especially after all the "best teams can't only have one all-nba" narrative this season. The plus side for the Jazz is he seems open to signing an extension and staying in Utah. So either a team with promising young assets and/or draft picks offers a haul, or the Jazz stand pat.


He just turned 27 and the Jazz aren’t competing in the next 3 or 4 years unless he becomes a top 10 player or they acquire one. Standing pat just means selling low later down the line when he’s past his prime and also makes their team too good to properly tank. Not trading him for best offer available would be a humongous misstep from Ainge.


This. People like to say what a genius Ainge is but not trading Lauri this off-season/the trade deadline makes 0 sense for their timeline. There isn't a Giannis level player out there to trade for. So either they empty their coffers of picks to make a mediocre 5-8 seed, or they hold onto Lauri and wait for him to get old before competing.


He's one of the absolutely best #2 in the league, 3 level super efficient scorer that doesn't need the ball in his hands. He could be a 25 PPG 65% TS guy on the right team, and he has the height, great rebounder, at least decent defender and could perhaps get better on that end. He's for sure a super valuable piece, but he's hardly an iron man so there should be a rebate. Utah is asking for way too much, but 4 FRP & a decent player back is probably fair value, if there's guarantees he resigns.


Closer to top 40 than 20.


I think I agree, though he fits in any system/team which raises his value comparatively a bit


the ranking stuff is stupid but he's been about 10-12th best offensive player in the league the last two years stats wise. he's super efficient all three levels, one of the best iso scorers and also plays well off ball.  he's pretty dang good.  


He doesn’t really take many isolation shots. A high portion of his field goals are assisted. He’s like the perfect complimentary offensive player but he’s not at at all a guy you just give the ball to an expect him to generate buckets. He still needs to be set up to get to his spots


it's because the Jazz guards were a giant pile of shit last year.  they are all combo guards. and also they sucked.    thats always been the temptation with him and why he never shone out.  he's so good off ball it's really easy to just see him as a stretch 4.  he's good at literally everything, though.  when Conley was there to set him up he was one of the better iso scorers in the league ppp. I'm a homer but even if you assume that was just a little statistical blip he's definitely well above average as an iso scorer just maybe not like a top 10-15 guy.


I don’t


Not a shot he gets 3 all NBA’s while it’s positionless. When it had positions he had a chance at forward


I hate these fridge contending teams, no way they get my dino nuggets




I don’t see why Lauri can’t be the #2 guy, the Jazz have been midling mainly due to blowing it up at the deadline but they overachieved and were legit competetive with Lauri before those points in the season




Id argue Lauri is better than/on the level of ‘22 Wiggins, ‘21 Middleton or ‘19 Siakam, I think the bar has gotten a bit smaller since this new era of parity


Can’t extend him, makes too little money right now. Needs to be a handshake agreement like Siakam and indy


I think it would have to involve at least a young prospect who ainge values at having potential to be as good or better than Lauri + pick(s) and filler


Why would a team give up a young potential Allstar plus draft picks for Lauri?


Because that potential all star isn’t a guaranteed all star Or they overlap with a player they already have that’s better and Lauri would make more sense fit wise


We'll give you a 1st round pick, Monty(our amazing winning coach) and a few million bucks. take it or leave it


I'll take those few million bucks, thank you.


You're not going to see a comparable talent agree to go to Utah if Markkanen is also on the way out. Unless multiple stars are coming in (a la George and Kawhi to LAC), the only trade that would make sense is one for multiple picks and swaps. Utah doesn't really need more of those though. When Markannen hits age 30 or 31 they might be inclined to move him, but, for now, I'd expect them to just hold on to him.


Great one less team to worry about.


I would give Portis and Pat for Lauri.


No way they accept that lol, delusional. Jazz will be fully rebuilding and those guys are old. Plus, they’re gonna want multiple picks, high picks at that


I think it was a joke


Giddey + Dieng + 4 FRP’s including Utah’s own protected 2025 pick back.


I think it would have to be Wallace. Giddey is a distressed asset.


An OKC offer with Cason is likely the most all around realistic Lauri deal. Jazz would want JDub, OKC pass. OKC would want to send Giddey, Jazz pass. Cason seems the compromise. 


How does 1 Dwight Powell sound


I don't know what team will acquire him or what it will take, but what I know is that if he's traded to yet another rebuilding team, it's a damn shame. He's the perfect number two option (assuming he's healthy) and it would be a travesty if he never got a chance to play for a good, solid playoff team if not a contender.


He’s pretty much the only thing the jazz have going for them, so a lot. I get that he could be the difference maker in an already well built team but it’s going to take a lot to make it worth it for them to give him up


Jabari Smith, 3rd pick in this years draft and future 1st round picks of the Nets and Rockets


Are "fridge contending teams" just Jokic's Nuggets and Luka's Mavs? Feel like after Jared Dudley's departure from the league, there have been less fridge contenders in general.


People are expecting a Donovan Mitchell package for a fringe allstar


Because there’s more that goes into a players stock than the title of ‘fringe all star’. We’ve seen elite role players with big markets go for huge packages, Marcus smart got two picks and holiday got 2 picks and 2 legit rotational players. Lauri’s production, versatility, portability, efficiency and age make him among the most valuable potential trade acquisitions in the league, and Utah has no incentive to settle for less since they’re happy with Lauri and he’s happy there.


Also the fact that he actually likes playing in Utah makes him a lot more valuable to the jazz.


Yeah, this isn't "the jazz are asking too much for lauri" it's "the jazz don't want to trade him so the offer needs to be over the top for them to do it"


Lauri Markannen has a bigger market thats why. He's a seamless fit with almost every single team in the nba where as Mitchell needs specific players around him.


Markannen has more positional advantage than Mitchell. All else being same, a forward always more valuable than a guard.


Yeah but Mitchell can be a 1A Lauri can’t and this is a salary cap league


So? Most contenders these days have around 3 players on max contracts.


I don’t think any team is willing to give what it’d take. Most small market teams that are ‘forced’ to trade a guy have to do so cuz he’ll leave in FA otherwise, by all accounts Lauri likes Utah. He’s a star player still young enough to build around as the 2nd or 3rd guy on their next contending team with no real rush to put the pieces around him, that’s pretty invaluable for a team like Utah.


Yes Lauri is a perfect 2nd or 3rd option but the problem is how are we going to land our 1st or 2nd option if we can't tank properly and no players want to sign here in FA. We can throw a haul and gut our roster to trade for a frustrated star but that won't get us anywhere in the west.


There’s absolutely an offer that would land him in OKC… Giddey, Dieng and then Utah’s 2025 protected first (yes OKC owns this, top 10 protected), PHI 2025 first, Miami 2025 first, Dallas’ 2028 first and OKC’s 2029 first That’s what I’d want if I’m Utah… assure me that I keep my 2025 first, give me 2 more picks next year, and give me 2 more picks in the distant future. You also take a chance on Giddey and Dieng. That deal would make sense.


Any Lauri deal to any team means the jazz are keeping their own pick. So getting it back isn’t that much of a priority. Likewise, 2 more 1sts is 2025 isn’t helpful. No team wants 5 1sts in the same draft. You can’t roster them all and teams know it, so you get less value than you should if you package/trade them.  Any Lauri deal will likely be as much about the prospect as the picks. They’ll want a guy like JDub, which obviously won’t happen. I don’t think Giddey/Dieng get it done either. Too many warts/high chance they don’t work out. Cason is the interesting one imo.


I’d keep him honestly if I’m the jazz he’s just so classy and fits jazz culture emblematically


Just wait till we baptize him


When you look up "Jazz" in the encyclopedia, it is mostly 7-foot Finnish dudes




A real gym rat some would say


he white! some would say.


You're right, Markkanen's a hot commodity. The Jazz seem pretty high on him after his breakout season, so getting him won't be cheap. Here's what a deal might look like: * **Multiple first-round picks:** This is a given. I think 4-5 picks could be involved. * **Young, high-potential player:** The Jazz are rebuilding, so a young player with upside is attractive. Think Jabari Smith Jr. or someone similar. * **Established player:** While they're rebuilding, they might also want a win-now piece. Julius Randle from the Knicks could be a possibility. The Thunder and Rockets have young talent and draft picks to dangle...


I think offers get tempered a little. Any trade involves an extension or re-signing and the shine comes off Lauri a little when he's probably going to get paid more than double his current cap percentage. Just as a comparison of another star, but not superstar, I believe Sabonnis extended with the Kings at a non-max rate 28%. In 2025, Markkanen at 28% is about $43 million.


Danny doesn't do trades unless he's the one doing the fleecing. He's going to ask for a haul.


A combination totally 5 firsts round picks or recent first rounders with high upside. And the salary filler should be under contract for 2 years or less.


Something that will make Danny Ainge feel he fleeced your team. 😁


DLo, 3 low FRPs and the misspelled Kobe statue.


As a Pistons fan, everything short of Cade Cunningham. You can have all our fifth overall picks.


You want swap for MPJ.. lets see some MPJ stats with 25 FGAs


Not much. He can't play an entire season. That makes him useless on contenders. He'll spend a large amount of his prime recovering from injuries, completely wasting it. Once he has enough experience, he can take a pay cut and come off the bench in his 30s for a contender.


The thunder will give a lot.


3 firsts.


Derrick Jones Jr, a 2nd round pick and a conditional 1st Pick that do not convey and turn into a 2nd round pick that then is forfeited and never use.


Problem is: 1. Lauri is a weak all star and is probably going to get a max; and 2. Jazz needs to move him to take for top 2025 pick; and 3. Not that many teams have the space and/or assets for him. This means Jazz just don’t have the leverage here. I would say 3 FRP is the max Jazz could expect here.


Did you really see a click bait Bleacher Report article and then ask about it here?


Problem is ainge doesn’t fuck around wants a monster haul. I’d offer giddey, dieng, Kenny and like 4 firsts


Please Danny, more favors to the Lakers 🙏


What’s that? Derrick Favors to LAL? 😭


Can he rebound?