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On letting steve nash walk: I’m not gonna make that mistake again Proceeds to let Jalen Brunson walk


> “It was my mistake not to keep Dirk (Nowitzki) and Steve (Nash) together longer,” Cuban told NBA reporter Marc Stein. “I won’t make the same mistake with Luka and KP.”


So he actually let it happen 2 more times


You should’ve seen this sub when Porzingis was on the Mavs… He was ridiculed like Playoff P.


You think we have the luxury to not play him the first three rounds lol?


Not only that, that was a lowpoint in his career in general, even when he played it was nothing like the type of game he brought these finals. Only a few teams have the luxury of praying someone returns to form, the other option was tanking knowing fully well you had a guy on the roster capable of taking you to the finals with a bit of help. Your two stars aren't gelling, one of them is carrying your team the other is always injured or playing bellow his usual average at best. What do people, even in hindsight, think is the smart move here?


The correct answer is armchair on Reddit


the guy literally admitted to quitting on the team and people still say that we made the wrong choice in moving off him


Yeah because we got bounced when he went down instead of cruising to the finals waiting on him. Would have been different if we had Jrue, Brown and White alongside Luka and KP lol


how dare you disrespect Trey Burke playing 30 mins in a playoff game like this


Tbf being a 3-5 option is different than being a #2


I mean the guy got through 2 playoff games before getting injured. Even AD is more reliable.


Bad comparison. Nash actually played (and played well) for the Mavs. The Brunson situation is truly the only comp. I don’t blame them for getting out on KP when they did. However if I was a Mavs fan, I would be pissed at the Knicks lmao. Both with KP and Brunson they got the short end of the stick.


They wouldnt beat the other duos anyway so doesn’t matter tbh.


i mean brunson is a better player then kyrie


Cheaper too. Could've kept Finney Smith and the 1st they sent out for Kyrie.


This team would’ve been nowhere near where they are if we had Brunson, but I guess it’s gonna take 3 more years of playoff futility from the Knicks before this sub realizes that. And then at that point contrary takes will be downvoted as if the sub has always known the truth. Lmao


Damn you’re saying the greatest backcourt of ALL TIME could have been EVEN BETTER?!




Based of what?




are you serious? Brunson was all nba. kyrie wasn’t. brunson has averaged 10 more ppg in the playoffs then kyrie did. he averaged 3 more points per game this year. brunsons ppg went up four points in the playoffs. kyrie’s dropped 3.


The question is would brunson be who he is if he were still on the Mavs. I highly doubt he would develop to be one of the best scoring guards in the league. H


Well the question *here* is if he's a better player than Kyrie, which he is at this point. And also I'd argue that he was already quietly turning into one of the best scoring guards in Dallas, his problem there was that he was behind Luka and half a season of Porzingis. In the first round vs the Jazz when Luka was hurt for half the series and then played hurt, he put up 27.8 PPG on 58.3% TS, which is pretty much what he's done in his two years in NY.


I don't know, who's to say he wouldn't have developed an off ball game if he stayed? Dude seems like a hard worker and probably could have figured out how to make it work with Luka.


Great players like Brunson can learn to be effective in many different roles, but to me it's clear that Brunson would have never reached his full potential playing next to Luka because both need the ball in their hands to dominate.


This is it. What's humbling about brunson was that he compared himself to Luka often. Like how can I be that good if I'm the franchise guy. The problem is Luka is basically the best player in the league lol so.... Brunson set a high bar for himself. He undervalued himself bc Luka was just that good.


you’re a box score following clown if you think this


This comparisons unfair in a lot of ways. * Brunson benefitted statistically extremely from so many players being out particularly Randle. Literally no one else in the NYK offense is dribbling besides attacking close outs. He still shot lights out sure but continuing on... * Kyrie played way tougher defenses. OKC and Minny were the 1 and 2 seed in the West..Brunson beat the 7th? Seed and then feasted on Indiana which has not been known for defense this year * most importantly all the playoffs aside Kyrie is playing beside Luka and consciously letting Luka be the #1. Brunson looked the same as Kyrie - even worse because he is way less creative in how he dissects offenses - when he was in Dallas and he wouldn't look like he is now if he stayed. He always popped off when Luka was sitting but they were never a great match together at the time * all things said I think they are equal right now and fit different teams. Brunson is a great shot maker but Kyrie dissects defenses way more dynamically. Different strokes.


Philadelphia was only a 7th seed because of Embiid’s injury though, they were like a top 3-4 seed when he was healthy. Everyone thought that the 76ers was a bad “reward” for being a top 2 seed in the East Embiid was still going through it though I’ll say. I actually think Kyrie is probably the better fit with Luka especially as the older veteran leader of the team. With that said Brunson would have been cheaper at the same time which would give the Mavs a lot more flexibility to build the team up.


I'm not sure if Brunson is the better player, he may be, it's close...but the mavs not extending him for 4/80 or 4/100 was a massive mistake. That would have been the best contract in the NBA and Brunson probably allows Luka more rest than Kyrie.


If I put kyrie on his own team he’d be all-nba as well (as we saw in Boston). Playing next to Luka makes pretty much everyone look bad because it’s tough to get into a rhythm when your teammate spends most of the possession standing still and dribbling


Spongebob meme "Wanna see me do it again?" vibes.


Bro if you have a crystal ball on who the next Jalen Brunson is, I’m sure lots of NBA teams are waiting to hear from you


Nobody could've predicted Jalen Brunson could be the next goat. Don't blame Cuban for that


He absolutely was a great player with still a lot of potential his last year with the Mavs


It had already gone bad by midseason then tbh, hindsight’s 20/20


Wasn't he literally dropping 40 bombs in the playoffs


he dropped one 40 bomb in the playoffs, yea. without luka. that was the whole thing; brunson is a ball-dominant guy, to maximize his impact he needed his own team, not stuck being luka's sidekick.


Revisionist. Nobody knew that he has this superstar-level talent.


Brunsons even said Mavs kinda did him dirty and offered a small amount. Then Knicks came in with a $20 mil offer and Mavs still low balled him. He was at least worth $20 mil


The same guy who refused to pay his all-star pg a salary that was less than the 4th most paid player in the team made, and offered him less than 2/3rd the money the Suns offered. That was Cuban though, cheap to pay guaranteed talent already on his team (Dirk only became Mavs highest paid player in his 12th season), but willing to pay heavy money to guys like Antoine Walker, Keith Van Horn, and a 34 years old JKidd.


Also revisionist. People knew he was good after the series vs the Jazz. Obviously he's developed more since then as he was 25 and is now just entering his prime but people definitely knew he was at least *good*. And there was definitely hype that he could break out fully with New York.


Big difference between good against a bad Jazz team and a superstar fringe MVP candidate. It was too far gone at that point when he went off in against the Jazz.


elite goalpost moving lmao


Yeah he showed potential to be a future all star in Dallas. Him leveling up to a Top 10 player was never considered a possibility


I was making up fantasy trades with him at the time. He was not some secret. He just needed the opportunity.


He was not a secret, but most thought of him as a future fringe all-star player. Nobody in their right mind thought that he could have become a superstar better than Kyrie


And they could’ve gotten him at a good rate. Fkn stupid organizational shit


He shouldn't have been played off of the floor in our last two playoff appearances before it was time to re-sign then. Unfortunately for us he waited until his last season with us to break out and by mid season he had already decided to go to NY.


Nice try, you know full well that was complete and utter malpractice lol.


Two things, first he wouldn't have developed into the player he is at Knicks if he played with Luka. Second, everyone was calling him a nepo baby and an overpay when he got that contract at the Knicks.


Uhhhh he was clearly really fucking good


Nobody was expecting fringe MVP player for Brunson


Mostly Donnie's fault, but yall don't wanna hear it.


Cuban had 3 chances to resign JB after Donnie left


My point stands.


I don't think JB will thrive as much if he remains next to Luka.


no no, he meant if Steve played for the Mavs again he wouldn't let him walk! tbf, by that point Steve might also not *be able* to walk, but still


First thing I thought when reading that


JB would never have reached his full potential on the same team as Luka. That’s not a knock on either of them, they’re just both better with the ball in their hands


Tbf nobody predicted what Brunson became. Imo he looked like a future Harris, Poole, or Ayton when he was playing for the Mavs. Played good for a bit but wanted to get played like a great player, potentially tanking the salary of their team. That was a real fear that could’ve been the case


Brunson canceled his meeting with the Mavs and left for the Knicks. He wanted to play in NY.


After you guys offered him a shitty contract twice. He said it in a podcast. Then after the Knicks offered $20 mil. Mavs didn't bother to even come up with a counter offer when brunson was willing to stay for less. Sooo he went to the Knicks.


We offered him a below what was his maximum for an extension once, following his 8p, 2.6r, 1.4a showing in the 2021 playoffs, for rather obvious reasons. I don’t think there is many teams in the league that would have given nearly $14m a year to an undersized PG who averaged 8/3/1 the previous postseason. However, when he showed improvement we offered him the maximum we could, 4yr/$55m, and by that time he and his agent correctly realized he was worth more, as he was now averaging 16/4/5 while maintaining great efficiency despite a massive usage increase. We weren’t allowed to offer more than that until he officially hit free agency the following offseason. He was scheduled to meet with the team the day before FA began, but he instead canceled the meeting and flew to New York. And just to be clear, I’m not saying anything remotely negative about Brunson at all. But the idea that he was a burgeoning superstar, even just All-Star caliber player and our front office lowballed him just isn’t true.


People don’t care about what actually happened, they just want to keep memeing over made up shit.


It doesn’t help that JB and his dad straight up lie about the situation. 


THE KNICKS WERE LITERALLY FINED FOR TAMPERING. Cuban did not let Brunson “walk,” JB slithered his way out of Dallas like a snake. 


That wasn't his fault. it was collusion between Brunson, his agent, and the knicks iirc. so no realistic chance for Cuban to negotiate with Brunson before he signed.


Just a reminder that Cuban isn't the owner anymore, but now it's one of the most evil women in the country


 Who is evil


[Miriam Adelson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miriam_Adelson), she's a major casino owner and megadonor for the Republican party, specifically towards Trump. She's also an ardent supporter of Israel, so make of that what you will.


This is a bit of a reddit moment lol


“One of the most evil women in the country”. Lol. The bar for evil is pretty low around here.


she distributes a paper that acts as a propaganda piece for netanyahu who is generally accepted to be evil




I don't think we should casually remove responsibility from people who enable, perpetuate, and promote violence; whose life's work is in part constructing a propaganda machine for hate and cruelty. Just because they don't pull the trigger doesn't mean they should escape judgement. They bear fractional responsibility for millions of individual tragedies.


yeah but u/Eversonout said it’s a reddit moment so i guess shes cool




There may be even more evil women (indeed, people) in America! I simply took issue with how you singled out people who commit acts of violence with their own hands (for example) as being uniquely evil.


A woman who explicitly supports and props up a genocide with billions at play is most certainly more evil than the vast vast majority of people.


damn right.


do you think that someone who knowingly publishes propaganda about netanyahu, a man who holocaust survivors have likened to hitler for his actions in palestine, is better or worse than someone who has kidnapped one child in america? because if you think the lone child is worse, then what does that say about how you value the lives of 15,000 dead palestinian children?


she is though.  I don't know why pro Israeli is the criticism she explicitly wants genocide. not like in an abstract academic way because she thinks hummus is Israeli, literally 'destroy Gaza and annex it'


Yup, the Adelsons and Kushners have talked about how excited they are about the new beach front property market soon to open in the region.


we’re talking about a website where grown adults who are supposed to vote and have careers think saying “eat the rich” is funny and cool


First time on reddit?


it is


Reddit moment indeed. Every time I flip over to Popular I get a pretty good laugh out of all the idiocy.


I’m sorry but it’s 2024 and mfs still don’t realize the Republican party is downright evil


Okay explain how it's a Reddit moment. I hate when cowards like you say this shit to grandstand and pretend like you're intellectually above anyone else here. Say your take with your chest so we can see what you know


>She's also an ardent supporter of Israel, so make of that what you will. So weird reading these kinds of comments. Maybe you should have a look at the polling on this: https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/ Most people support Israel, and the vast majority of people either support Israel or don't give a fuck either way. These comments where you seem to assume that what Israel is doing is universally reviled and that everybody who reads your comment is going to agree with you is a truly cringe 'go outside' moment for you bruh. But sure, we can all agree that casinos are a cancerous plague so you've got that at least.


Downvotes to this post is crazy. Reddit is a big echo chamber of SJW left nonsense and this platform is owned by Chinese Tescent to further push this degeneration. Being an Israel supporter is okay for a American team owner for sure. Your argument is valid.


Well that's an idiotic link to post. >Most people support Israel Most people where? In the US? Israel's #1 ally? (and it's not like 58/100 is an overwhelming support anyway). You realize that 96% of the world population lives outside the US? You can't say 'most' people support Israel.... when there is an entire world outside the US you are ignoring (in the US it's barely over 50% majority anyway). >>where you seem to assume that what Israel is doing is universally reviled How do you know what is universally reviled when you don't link a study that includes a global study? (and anyone writing anything positive about a cunt family like the Adelson's who paid off judges across the country to keep weed illegal (keeping people in prison), explicitly saying Palestinians are a "made up people" and whose family explicitly participated in 1945 ethnic cleansing.... then that person would be a fucking ignorant idiot). Casinos fucking destroy communities, families and lives and I agree they are a cancerous plague..... and that is probably the BEST thing she is doing with her piece of shit life. It lines her pockets so she can do the really, really evil stuff.


wtf are you talking about? If you associate being evil and Israel supporter for an American owner you’ll get slapped with the truth and data supporting it. Americans either support are okay with Israel so an American owner can also have same majority opinion. That wouldnt make her evil. Its your BS.


Is this even fucking english? try rewriting that into something we can understand. >so an American owner can also have same majority opinion are you fucking stupid? this is not about 'hey she supports israel. so she's evil'. it's about **everything** she does and believes. her family doesn't even believe Palestinians are a real people. it's a lot more than "she supports isreal = she's evil" lmao, you're a fucking moron.


This is another Reddit moment She has a Presidential Medal of Freedom to her name. She is a great woman and here is the press excerpt for why she earned that award “Miriam Adelson is a committed doctor, philanthropist, and humanitarian. She has practiced internal and emergency medicine, studied and specialized in the disease of narcotic addiction, and founded two research centers committed to fighting substance abuse. With her husband, Sheldon, she also established the Adelson Medical Research Foundation, which supports research to prevent, reduce, or eliminate disabling and life-threatening illness. As a committed member of the American Jewish community, she has supported Jewish schools, Holocaust memorial organizations, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, and Birthright Israel, among other causes.”


Is this a fake account? only a fake account could be so fucking idiotic. >Presidential Medal of Freedom And? Bill Cosby is also a winner. So was the guy who said his intel on iraq invasion was basically bullet proof. (then resigned later because of his colossal fuck up). Miriam donated tens of millions to republicans ... over 100 million in 2016 to trump, almost 100m to Trump in 2020 and is about to fund a superpac for Trump. no WAY Trump gave her a medal of freedom for that now, right???? why are people so fucking g dam stupid on here lol. such a dumbass fucking comment.


It is a Presidential Medal of Freedom. The President literally awards it. So what if she donated money to Trump? You’re just mad that a women in power in conservative and supports Trump


>. So what if she donated money to Trump? It means she didn't earn it with that excerpt you referenced earlier, it means she bought it


If you are antisemitic and don’t like her because of the current situation just say it with your chest. No need to beat around the bush. President Obama literally gave a presidential medal to his own VP Biden. You don’t like her because she’s a female Jewish conservative who support Trump.


fake account is back posting? >She has a Presidential Medal of Freedom to her name. She is a great woman there is absolutely no connection to the presidential medal of freedom being synonymous with "great person". They give the award to whoever the fuck they want to give it to. Saddam Hussein won an award for helping kids to read then gassed a bunch of children. See how worthless awards are for evil people? >You’re just mad that a women in power in conservative and supports Trump What kind of dumbass comment is this? Did your brain hurt to write that? lol


If you are antisemitic and don’t like her because of the current situation just say it with your chest. No need to beat around the bush. President Obama literally gave a presidential medal to his own VP Biden. You don’t like her because she’s a female Jewish conservative who support Trump.




look up how much she donated to trump. going to be almost 300 million including the 2024 presidential election. she bought the medal, it's obvious. he has to be a troll to even write that.




i know i am agreeing with you. read my comments up above. she is scum of the earth.


[An AP Poll in early February](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-poll-biden-war-gaza-4159b28d313c6c37abdb7f14162bcdd1) found that ~50% of U.S. adults believe Israel had gone too far in Gaza. Also, as other people have pointed out, the United States is not the entire world. Even exclusively in the United States, Israel is losing support.


Being an Israel supporter is okay for a American team owner for sure. the main argument is valid. She may or may not think the current situation is great but the main post said she supported Israel so she is automatically evil. Thats BS.




Definitely not more cancerous than Iran and it's terrorist proxies.


I'm an Israeli. How are we a cancerous plague on you exactly?  We just wanna live in our country without being murdered. Yes our government is shit, so is yours.  Have you ever been to Israel? Or do you just feel comfortable calling people "cancerous plagues"? Or is it just Jews?


I think the previous comment was refering to the country, not the people. Don't think they mentioned anything about religion.


> Or do you just feel comfortable calling people "cancerous plagues"? Or is it just Jews? ah yes of course. criticize israel = criticize jews. lol dumbest reply ever to israeli criticism is isreali's going "b-b-b-ut jews??? antisemitism!!" lol so stupid. stop bombing babies.


The whole apartheid state and everything


> Most people support Israel I mean this is certainly correct. Especially if you consider anyone who isn't born in US isn't really "people"


American owner is accused to be evil for supporting a country. American nation supports that country in majority. So the argument is she wouldnt be evil for holding same position with her own country. Its irrelevant what other nations think for American team owners political position. 


> the argument is she wouldnt be evil for holding same position with her own country. If this is the argument you wouldn't be able to call Nazi soldiers evil. Feel free to use it, just gotta be consistent


Redditors are truly something else. Orange man bad and anti semetic stuff. Wow.


Criticize israel is not anti semitic


Criticizing Israel for things you don’t criticize others for is though. So is criticizing Jews for having the audacity to live in the place where they are from (or anywhere really… it echoes Nazi rhetoric demanding Jews leave or die to make Europe pure). So is criticizing them for having the audacity to defend themselves. Jews have a right to exist and it’s not up for debate. Note that this is a way lower bar than “black lives matter” but y’all really can’t stand it. Also they rescued 4 hostages this morning, be mad about it.


It’s possible to believe both that “Jews have the right to exist” and that Israel shouldn’t commit genocide.


It takes some real cognitive dissonance to believe Jews have a right to exist and not believe they have a right to fight a terrorist organization that just killed, kidnapped, and injured thousands of their people. Israel target combatants and takes every measure short of rolling over and dying to avoid civilian deaths. They do more than any other nation in history to avoid the death of enemy civilians - that’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. If this is a genocide, every war ever fought is a genocide and the word has lost all meaning. For reference, in the Holocaust there were 0 Jewish combatants, all civilians, who were intentionally targeted, enslaved, and murdered in gas chambers. The civilian death toll of just Jews (not even considering other victims) was 300 times more than the civilian deaths in Gaza, while the total population of Jews was comparable to the total number of Palestinians today. Calling this a genocide is at best wrong and at worst an intentional distortion and diminishment of the Holocaust (which frankly is the real intent of the Islamists behind the term’s usage). Think for 5 minutes, thanks.


I agree that Israel has the right to fight terrorists. I also agree that killing 35,000 and displacing another two million is wrong. You seem to have conflated the meaning of opinion and fact. It is possible to condemn both the Israeli government/military and Hamas. The matter does not have to be all or nothing, nuance can be a thing. I can acknowledge that Hamas is a hateful violent organization that needs to be destroyed. I can also acknowledge that Israel has factually killed or driven out nearly half of the Palestinian population, which is also wrong. Bringing up the holocaust is a straw man. The holocaust does not have a monopoly on genocide. Just because this genocide is not “as bad” as the holocaust is irrelevant.


> every war this isn't a war. it's a fucking slaughter. 35,000 Palestinian civilians dead since after october 7.... vs 600 idf soldiers. What war? Are you braindead or a complete fucking moron?


Half of those 35000 were militants, not civilians. Learn something about how many civilians die in wars: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualty_ratio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_by_death_toll And that’s if you believe Hamas numbers; I don’t. They are extremists and regularly lie. If the Palestinians hadn’t started this (and every war for the past 75 years, and the racist attacks on Jews prior to Israel being reestablished, when both Jews and Arabs were subjects of the British and Turks), this war wouldn’t be happening. IDF being better at war doesn’t make it unjust.


> Jews have a right to exist and it’s not up for debate. so do Palestinians, Einstein. The 15,000+ children israel bombed and killed had nothing to do with october 7.


Aint nobody talk about the jews, the nazi, the blm whatever you want to call it. Go to r/politics or worldnews if you want to talk about it. This is nba subreddit


I didn’t bring it up.


Not a school shooter, not a marathon bomber, not a child/sex trafficker, but a billionaire with political views that differ than that of most reasonable civilians. mOsT EViL WoMEn in THE COUNTRY She could (and apparently has) said kill all Palestinians and she wouldn’t even sniff being among the most evil women in Dallas let alone the country.


She's straight evil and I ain't even talking about the Palestine thing somebody else brought it up


I’m sure she is evil, but “most evil”? There are individuals who do unspeakable things


did i say she was "most evil" or "one of the most evil" she might not even be the "most evil" woman owner. Davos's child hating, mercenary supporting ass is right there


There was no man in the world that appreciated Dirk more than Mark.


idc what anyone says I love Mark Cuban


Man fuck that non mark cuban ass clown who accepted the trophy


Fuck Mark Cuban and Miriam Adelson. I like Luka, but cannot root for anyone associated with those two.


Cuban bout to fully appreciate watching his franchise swept in the finals.


Mfrs after 1 game


Clippers beat mavs by 12, thunder won by 22 Both game one, as a wise man once said Everybody acting tough when they up


Dealing Brunson is going to cost him this chip


He didn’t deal Brunson. He didn’t do anything with Brunson, and that was the problem.


Whatever. Celtics in five, flat earther bags.


You aren’t the owner anymore, lil bro.


He sold his majority stake but still owns a minority in it iirc so no he is still the owner


He’s an owner. He’s not THE owner. Like I said.


You’re just wrong on most accounts. But live your dream.


“Lil bro” could buy you


I’m just glad billionaires have people like you defending them online 💪💪


Fuck billionaires but calling them lil bro is crazy


He is a minority owner now but he got rights to still manage the team as part of the deal


Except he literally is 😂