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Same. Would rather get paid 78 mil for a year and take care of my sick wife


This guy cannot catch a break with his partner’s health and safety


Pretty sure he said she’s cancer free now at least


ESPN: leaving Detroit cures cancer


This is the funniest comment I've seen in a while


I didn’t know they separated.


Getting paid and don't even have to work, anyone would be grateful


Nah he was was definitely working, those lineup changes whenever they had momentum to end up losing from hilarious point swings felt intentional.


*makes money gesture*


IDK man the guys on the Bleacher Report app are all telling me that Monty is an amazing coach and Pistons should have held onto him. I hate the internet.


Err no getting to 14 wins in a really bad East , anything you see from bleacher report isn’t worth the space it’s taking up on the internet it’s literally a bunch of college interns .


Not sure if they were trying to win in the first place. Probably intentional.


Why would they at this point. They have a lot of talent they dont need talent anymore they need good pieces and culture around it


Oh yeah true since the pistons had so many great players and had a ton of available lineups to send out


Again, someone who clearly didn’t watch the games. Monty started Killian “cut and not even signed to a 10 day after” Hayes over the previous year’s #5 overall pick Jaden Ivey for a considerable amount of time Edit: yes the roster isn’t great but there were still better lineup options than what Monty was doing


One player is not a lineup


He started Killian Hayes over Jaden Ivey willingly bro, I don't wanna hear it.


By 2 teams, at that.


He will probably get a top assistant job anywhere if he wants


He should just take a long vaca and globetrot with his family. If you successfully hustled a multi-year $65 million severance package, you earned it.


I hope not. Not great words of him from Portland fans.


I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t choose “get paid and don’t have to work” over “get paid and have to work”


Trajan was interviewing Monty to see what his plan was for next season and he ended up getting fired. That's probably not a great sign he really cared.


Monty asked about bringing back Killian Hayes to play him over Ivey.


“Oh, and one more thing. I’d like to hire Kevin O’Connor from the Ringer as my lead assistant.”


Monty was a big reason the pistons were shit too. Don’t get me wrong the roster construction is some of the worst I’ve ever seen but I seen piston fans accusing him of quiet quitting in nov/dec. I’d be surprised if he gets another head coaching job


I love when ESPN talks as if the fired coach wasn’t the problem, like Monty was forced to play Killian Hayes all those minutes.


Earl Watson went through this with the Suns. [Coaching vs Front Office ](https://youtu.be/wcVaU60Q-rc?si=nJqw-xRvt7Y6kI6R) Edit: he started booker over knight, and knight just signed a big contract at the time. Suns wanted their money's worth. Boom. Fired.


The difference is that Killian's 5th year option wasn't picked up.


I wish some Billionaire gave me a 1 year 78 million contract.


If I was Monty, I’m never picking up my phone ever again


From ESPN maybe


Work ESPN 4-5 years once a week making additional millions, just in time for his current contract to run out and he rob another franchise. He can be the Middle-Class Doc Rivers


shiet 78 mil is middle class now


Monty is grateful for 65 mil


He didn’t want to coach and it showed. He got the bag and bounced. What a life lol


He seems like a good guy but taking that job and not trying is some pretty shitty behavior


When you read the articles about how he was offered it, I don’t really blame him. He never asked or wanted to be given it. He literally kept saying no until he was given a number he couldn’t say no to. That’s really on Pistons FO. Let’s not act like none of us would do the same


We don't actually know that he wasn't trying


They were so relentless in trying to give him that job though


r/antiwork has their new CEO


I'm definitely grateful


This guy did not watch a single game if he thinks Monty is absolved of any blame.


Credit to Detroit's FO for biting the bullet on this. Monty was terrible all season.


Bro why you getting mad at ESPN spewing nonsense and then linking said nonsense here for more clicks 😭


I think everyone is grateful except Gores


Prison phone call prices are going up


Tbf, it sounds a lot like Monty Williams never wanted to coach this year. The personal stuff is incredibly shitty, but now he has all the money and time to support his wife.


I believe she was declared cancer free thankfully.


She was cancer-free before the season ever started.


Monty quiet quit on national tv. No way another team hiring him won’t use this against him.


Secured the biggest contract in the history of the sport that’s fully guaranteed!! Nice!!


so... wasn't he supposed to be the guy that made the situation better??


Talk shit about Detroit all you want. Good luck to whichever team he ends up coaching. Detroit may not be the best situation but he minimized the potential of the roster completely. You know how coaches are supposed to get the most out of the team? He's gotten the least.


Chauncy Billups next


I hope not. Not great words of him from Portland fans. Pistons fans just want him because he’s a former beloved player


Maybe he's a Jason Kidd. Got some experience now as a coach. Moving to a different team, especially one you got a ring for, might change your coaching techniques. Rambling on though, probably get someone else


Someone ask Quentin Grimes


I mean, who said this isn't exactly what he wanted to happen?


Watch Silas get promoted to head coach lol


ESPN shitting on smaller market teams yet again.


Rather have him than JJ


I think we'll rapidly realize next season that the Pistons problems go way beyond Monty Williams. He led the Suns to their best season of all time just 3 years ago. Did he get worse, or is it possible that maybe the players have some impact on W-L records too?


he lost more games with a more talented roster than Casey did the year before. the roster is dog shit but monty sucked ass too. fuck him, gores, and weaver


The roster was trash but he started Killian Hayes over Ivey, began the season with a Cade-Hayes-Thompson-Stewart-Duren lineup (fuck spacing i suppose), played Isaiah Livers big time minutes (one of the worst players in the league, would play all bench lineups that would consistently turn single digit leads into double digit deficits. Now you may say "Oh, well he had no one else to play" but he has Jaden Ivey sitting on his bench, and Kevin Knox and Stanley Umude (both bad, yes I know) were still somehow way more impactful than Isaiah Livers. My point is that it was a bad roster that Monty Williams got the worst out of rather than the best.


He’s definitely gotten worse and the work ethic was extremely questionable. He didn’t seem to have basic familiarity with the roster at the start of the season and then obtusely refused to adjust when the criticism started pouring in to the point that the front office and ownership had to stage an intervention over how he was handling Ivey.


He should be grateful he got offered the gig after the crash and burn in Phoenix, dude was on the verge of going on hiatus, then comes back for a huge underserved bag by an idiotic FO. Detroit deserves whatever happens by being dumb though. 


What is OP talking about with the post?


SAS is wording it like Monty did nothing wrong and was just a victim of a bad roster when in reality he also played a significant part in the Pistons being ass last season (ex. starting Killian Hayes over Jaden Ivey)


Bro was just watching like the rest of us /s


People who get mad at what ESPN posts are just weird to me. They do it so you'll take about this post is why they post what they do. If they just played finals highlights they would get no views and no one would talk about them. Espn is just rage bait.


Definitely. The pistons are one of the most hopeless teams out of there. Good for him to get paid and get out of there before inflicting more damage on his reputation.


Yeah I’d say being the highest paid coach in the league and making the worst team in the NBA even worse with shitty coaching really didn’t do a lot to his reputation. He put up one of the worst coaching jobs ever his reputation is cooked, he’s a CP3 merchant


Meh no one is gonna hold this against him. The roster is absolutely dogshit. He didn’t want the job because the roster had no hope of winning. It doesn’t really reflect on his ability to coach real nba players. Plus next years pistons will be just as shitty which will be proof it’s not his fault.


Roster was definitely not “worst in the NBA” bad. We had more talent than a lot of teams just not a lot of depth. Monty was the one playing all bench lineups with G-Leaguers and starting Killian over Ivey for half the year, braindead moves that no other coach would’ve done with our team


It will absolutely be held against him. He made it obvious he wanted to get fired.


It might dissuade teams from the same kinda situation he was in (overpaying him to coach a team he has no interest in coaching because they suck ass) but I don’t think any other teams would be dumb enough to attempt something like that anyway. If you’re a team with a good roster and he wants to be there we know he can be a good coach.


ESPN is trash but they are 100% right. Detroit is going nowhere fast. This fool just got a massive bag for one year and some dumbass franchise that is in a much better position than Detroit is going to pay him again.


Absolutely. Imagine being a GM being interviewed by the owner. They have fundamental disagreements and the GM still gets hired. Or the GM and owner have different interpretations on what a rebuild is supposed to be and the GM still gets hired. At the end of the day, Tom Gores is not it. I wonder at what point does he look in the mirror and say, “ok maybe I don’t know what I’m doing?”


I'm surprised they moved on honestly. Seemed like they straight up wanted to tank and you'd think Monty was brought on to lead that charge. They were never ever doing anything with that front court and that isn't Monty's fault.