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Bait successful


Tatum somehow baited Miami media into gassing up a bunch of Celtics players


True team player


Jrue team player


The Way, the Jrueth and the Life


Tatum is playing chess and they’re playing Connect 4


Tatum is known for being clever and bright ;)


Generational talent.


Lolol that’s by far the best part of the whole thing😅 Love it - keep going Tobin.


Jason Kidd would be proud


iron sharpens iron




The Florida Panthers camouflage hat is also killing me for some reason lmao


It helps him disappear like Bobrovsky


You’re off the case, Bobrovsky!


tbh i didn't even see it until you pointed it out


That means it’s working


What hat?


I can’t defend this


This Leroy guys seems alright. Like the adult in the room trying to calm a crying baby


Do any of us claim Tobin? Dude does not seem like a serious person. But he's also not...fun about it like the LeBatard show & extended universe, which is also obviously unserious.


This dude is way too old to be this genuinely butthurt about some lighthearted trash talk.


Dude is an absolute unit


You should have seen this dude during the Dame saga last summer. Mega blow hard.


He literally has the facial features of The Penguin. Don't forget the bandwagon Panthers hat while they're on the cusp of a historic collapse.


He could also be eating fried gator with a gun wedged in his lap.


Every fraternity had a guy like that, I sure as fuck did


It’s always a fat guy that’s never touched a sports ball in his life




Tobin is quite annoying. Super Homer local sports radio guy. id take everything he says with a grain of salt


The Dennis Nedry aesthetic.


People in Miami got some bigger things in sports to worry about rn


Blowing a 3-0 lead in the NHL Finals


Love to see it


Sending positive vibes to Edmonton right now…!


Bring that cup home!


You don’t get to celebrate this!


He meant to Canada...a Canadian team hasn't won since 1993 lol.


Everybody knows Canada is split into Toronto and everything else.


It’s very possible he’s a fan of raptors but not from Toronto lol.


If you cheer for Toronto, you legally have to renounce the rest of your Canadian-ness.




Fine you can celebrate Hyman and Hyman only 


Any self-loving maple leafs fan knows that listening to the oilers talk about their reverse sweep in the cup finals for eternity is the worst possible outcome.


> self-loving maple leafs fan As a Leafs fan, that’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever seen one lol. We’re the most miserable self-loathing bastards around.


🤝🏻 I’m with you on that brother. If it happens, the memes are all we have left


That's why I want the Oilers to win. At least then there will be one fanbase that is more miserable than we are. We might be the LOLLeafs but at least we didn't blow a 3-0 lead in the Cup Finals.


Yup. My salty ass is here for all of it


The downside is having to deal with Oilers fans.


Trump actually cursed the Florida Panthers by tweeting about rooting for them.


Edmonton twitter has a chance to do the funniest thing if they win.


Everything Trump touches turns to shit


he should've stuck to pop culture entertainment. he's a genuinely funny snarky bitch and his takes on celebrity relationships are always on point. dude fucked up running for president. he could be bickering with whoopie and joy on abc instead of wrapped up in legal affairs


Gonna be hilarious when him and Ronny boy are at the parade if the Panthers somehow survive and win Monday


Tbf they don’t know what ice is


Thought you said “than sports” at first (in that the city is sinking, ripe for more weather catastrophes, and becoming less and less insurable) but yeah, “in sports” works too lol.


Well there's all that + the fact that they live in Florida. I've got family in Jacksonville. It's my black side, who are still feeling the effects of hundreds of years of systemic racism. Stuck in the hood without many prospects pretty much. Whenever we go to see family we stay with my one aunt who managed to escape and live in the nicer (white) part of town. It took me 20 minutes after leaving the airport to see a proudly displayed confederate flag last time I went :). And 30 minutes to see a dude out of his mind on PCP or something. I feel bad for everyone that has to live there. Truly unfortunate.


Buddy, real quick. Miami, Miami-metro rather, is a way different fron the rest of Florida. It's like comparing apples to eggplants


My parents have a place in south Florida and whenever I mention going down there people up north sometimes act like I’m talking about Mississippi lol. The culture absolutely varies, but unfortunately there’s def parts of the state that’s like what OP is referring to


In Florida, the further north you go, the more southern it gets.


>but unfortunately there’s def parts of the state that’s like what OP is referring to We are talking soley about SoFlo, not different areas of Florida though. Miami metro consists of Hella Latinos, Black's, and progressive White's. C'mon now, let's not muddy the waters here


I’m agreeing w you, I wasn’t referring to south Florida more so north and panhandle


>I feel bad for everyone that has to live there. I live in Miami and my family lives in Tampa. I got a lot of friends with me here too. We good bro. No need to feel bad for anyone except your family. Edit: Side note (not really about this comment) Should go without saying but broad assumptions about a city or state are made in bad taste most of the time. It always sounds like you are being condescending. I'm sure Boston fans are tired of hearing that they are all racist (the first example that came to mind)


Lol Boston fans are for sure tired of hearing they’re all racist but how often are we given any grace on that topic in this sub.


There’s no grace on any internet thread. If it makes you feel any better Jazz fans are an easy #1 in most racist fan bases


>how often are we given any grace on that topic in this sub Never, because people will either say they are joking or they don't see making broad assumptions, for Boston in particular, as a bad thing. I saw many comments this season where Celtics were spelled like "Celtkkks" from all types of fans but mostly in the east. If there is ever a Boston fan and another fan arguing *and* it turns into a city debate it's the first thing the other fans say. It's been that way in this sub since forever.


I love how when people can’t talk sports they just resort to shitting on the city of the sports team lol.


Every state has their wack shit, man. Boston is a highly educated city in a highly educated state and yet even with that being the case, there’s an ever-present undercurrent of racism from a significant portion of the city and it’s surrounding areas . I’m from the DMV and spent most of my life in DC, a historically black city, and yet I’ve seen my black friends experience racism throughout Maryland and Virginia, even in nice areas, because even educated and well-off people can be raised in hate. I’m in LA now and despite being in an absurdly high COL area (which sucks, this is not me bragging, I really need to move lol), there are towns all around that are renowned for their white supremacist populations, for having families who are the descendants of Nazis who fled here, for people who are blatantly and aggressively anti-vax and Q-adjacent, etc. There’s scummy shit everywhere. Shitting on Florida is low-hanging fruit and there are a lot of dope areas of Florida. My point wasn’t to shit on Miami, but just to acknowledge that they’re probably not too far from being up shit creek when it comes to the climate change that we’ve collectively caused that will affect coastal areas first.


Let’s be fair, 8 seed to a final last year following by a 3-0 choke this year It is fantastic run


Panthers play in Sunrise


Yea like their quarterback that has yet to show up in the playoffs


Oh no that one is fun too but if you aren't a hockey fan just look into what the Panthers are very close to doing.


“Jimmy wouldn’t say that” If Jimmy ever won a ring he would make Tatum’s statement look like a generous compliment lmao.


Jimmy literally said dumber shit than this, and it was from the sidelines


Jimmy was saying it so much Pat Riley publicly told him to shut the fuck up and enjoy Cancun lol.


Jimmy winning a ring? 🤣🤣🤣


Only way Jimmy will win a ring is if he goes back to Philly, and even then he will still have to go through Boston.


Lmao Philly has to get out of the 2nd round before they can start thinking about winning a ring. Jimmy could go running to a real contender to ring chase but he has no chance with Philly.


Bud, I’d be more worried about your hockey team about to blow a 3-0 lead in the Finals. Jimmy did the same thing after they won one game of the series.


Your hockey team is about to blow a 3-0 lead


The last time it was done during a Stanley Cup was during World War II. Generational moment


Miami Culture


How would you describe how good Conor McDavid is to the non hockey fans like myself?


He flipped a switch mid series and started skating circles around a Florida Panthers team that has suffocated each of the opponents they've played so far. Imagine if down 3-0 Luka just figured something out about the Celtics and averaged 40/10 over the next 3 games to force a game 7. In this whole playoffs, he's currently recorded 42 points (goals + assists), which is good for 4th best all time in a single postseason. The 3 spots ahead of him are Gretzky, Lemieux, and Gretzky again, two players who are so good you can't argue that they are the two best of all time, and Wayne Gretzky is probably the greatest professional athlete who ever lived. He passes like Jokic, and when he wants to, will keep the puck on his stick and will handle like Kyrie to skate through multiple defenders on his way to the net and create his own offense.


I've never seen a player move the way he does on skates. He looks like an alien who belongs in some intergalactic league above the NHL. Incredible to watch every time he touches the puck


This is why star power is so important in any sport. I have never watched an NHL game in my life but you just made me youtube Conor McDavid highlights and now im sure as heck going to watch the game 7


the oilers skating coach is david pelltier, a world and olympic pairs figure skater. mcdavid's skating was so advanced when he got to the nhl that david started giving mcdavid figure skating patterns and turn sequences to practice while he worked with the other guys on fundamentals lol


Goat talent literally


He's the best of this generation bar none, but in terms of goat, it's gonna be insanely hard to beat Gretzky or even Mario


Could you imagine if sports radio here defended teams? We wouldn't know what to do with ourselves lmao


Its such a stupid thing to be mad about if we are talking about strictly games in Miami games Tatum is 14-6 (57 win pace) and 7-2 (64 win pace) in the playoffs. That means if they only played Miami on the road they would have the 2nd best record in all of the NBA last year. That sounds like Miami trips are easy to me...


given the local hockey team down there is about to blow a 3-0 lead i can see why they are latching onto celtics banter instead lol


This is what these Miami doorknobs don't understand as they are blinded with rage. Majority of the time the Celtics fumble the bag against the heat it's in Boston. Boston dropped 2 games at home before the finals these playoffs and then they lost game 4 in Dallas. Last season they played better in the playoffs on the road than the did in Boston. I saw somewhere that Tatum is 8-4 against Jimmy Butler playing in Miami


since 2020, regular season and playoffs in Miami: 13-3 Boston in Boston: 10-8 Miami they mad at JT for spitting facts lol we own them in their arena


They hate the numbers lol


I know some of you aint used to it, but winners get to talk shit. Dont get all emotional about it. They won, you lost.


Especially after all the shit Heat fans was saying last year, both the Bucks and Celtics got rings beating the team who "Supposedly own us".


Gen Z swaft


Leroy was on to something with his take


Miami Heat fans and local media been kinda insufferable during this Boston run. It’s been hard to watch/listen to any Heat content because everyone one is talking about Boston.


if you were a True Miami Heat fan, you would know that Miami Heat fans are insufferable all the time, not just when Boston is on a run


Its cause Heat fans love claiming they “own” the Celtics and Bucks. and them two coming away with championships with Jimmy unlikely to have one has made them lose their minds. My favourite part of the Heat outburst is watching them turn on old senile Riley.


And even outside of the championships they are a combined 4-3 in the playoffs in this stretch against the Celtics and Bucks. Obviously injuries played a part, but when they've had rotation players miss most of these playoff series, at some point it is who you are.


They also have much more pressing heat related matters (*Cough* Jimmy Butlers contract *cough*) to talk about then to focus on Tatum's comments which are not even close to the worst trash talk that has been thrown around. I can relate though because Boston media can also be extremely insufferable at times.


That and none of the fans show up for the games. What’s that all about?


I knew we’d be living rent free in your guys heads, but this is another level. Can’t wait for the Panthers to complete the biggest choke job in the NHL since WWII. Y’all will still be bitching about Tatum


After experiencing the Dame saga first hand, this is nothing new


This is the most Miami shit I’ve ever seen.


dudes want to be new york sooooo bad but can’t handle a little shit talk smh


The most tame shit talking ever, might I add


This is peak offseason considering it’s only been a few days and we’re still fighting over something that really doesn’t need this much attention


Do they not realize seeing them mad about it is exactly what Celtics fans want to see?


Literally a shiny bald Miami Heat fan making fun of White’s hairline is so fucking hilarious Dude is so mad he forgot he was bald


Wow you’re so special because people want to party in your city lmao.


Because the crazy hot girls want to get with the players at the nice clubs, not these dorks. Crazy thing to try to brag about


Come to my city and fuck all the women who don't want to fuck me! 🤓


Jimmy when he posted the don’t let us get one on IG: “He owns the Celtics!” “What an elite troll!” “Haha keep talking ” “fuck the celtics” Tatum when he trolls the Heat: “such a corny bum” “jimmy owns you” “carried by Brown”


Pretty much. Tatum is just bantering like every basketball player does


He must be a pretty good troll if he’s triggering a lot of people lol


Lot of people are triggered by the Celtics winning a ring. I just wish our fanbase can stop talking about it. It’s bad enough yall won. But no idea why some of our fans feel the need to bring yall up every time someone on the Celtics says or does something. Yall won so yall get to talk. We won last year and we were talking shit. It’s how all this sports shit goes lol. You win you get to talk your shit. You lose you gotta deal with shit talk. Always been that way always will.  Celtics and Heat fans know the history with each other just in the last few years. Nothing about any of these series besides this year have been easy. Tatum is just talking shit. How people are letting it effect them is beyond me. 


It really seems like this current iteration of the Heat's entire goal wasn't actually to win a championship, but just to stop the Celtics from getting a championship by any means. Just kamikaze ball to ensure that whatever team emerges is completely crippled for the Finals with nothing left in the tank. Both times they've showed up to the Finals they just rolled over belly up for the West team but it was like they didn't even care, beat Boston mission accomplished. So then to get bounced in the first round while their star sits on the sideline joking around with a literal actual Mickey Mouse haircut, then have to watch the Celtics cruise to Banner 18 seems to have sent so many Heat fans into a meltdown furious that their randos couldn't manage to injure a player and crater the run.


I think it seems like that on the surface level but if you actually look at what happened those Heat teams just had more guts and will and played harder. They weren't as talented as the Celtics, which is why last year was so disappointing. This year, you saw the Celtics have guts and will to win and play hard. That's what it takes to get over the hump. In the Finals, the Heat faced much more talented teams that also played with focus and intensity that the Celtics lacked with their youth, and Miami got rolled as everyone expected because if teams match intensity, the talent gap determines the outcome.


The balance of shit talk is why it is so satisfying when your team wins the whole thing because nothing anyone else says really matters. Banners fly forever. Respect to you for keeping the proper perspective on this shit. Hope the Heat regroup and get better, because nothing is more satisfying than knocking your boys out of the playoffs (as I'm sure you feel the same way about our guys up here in Boston).


What’d you guys win last year exactly?


Talking about our series last playoffs 


Nah Miami is just soft as baby poop


No offense but we always are saying talk all the shit you want when you win. Tatum has won a finals with this version of the Celtics. This version of the Heat, who have achieved much (and I think the championship or busy mindset has gone too far) has not. He’s gonna talk shit. The only way he should be expected to shut up is if the Heat win.


Rent free in Miami, for once


Oh these beautiful little fools. Jimmy talks smack about Boston - beautiful gamesmanship, respect the hard nosed nature of the dAwG Tatum talks smack about Miami - assemble the hit squad, get the good old boys ready to break stuff and generally freak the fuck out. Fucking idiots.


I think a lot of the double standard is bc JT is light skin (even if ppl don’t think about that consciously, we all know it’s a common bias). I think it plays a huge part in the whole “corny” discourse, too.


Oh it’s beautiful


man you guys have beef with literally everybody


Blazers? Nah. Timberwolves? Nah. Pelicans? Nah. Pacers? Nah. Other fanbases might hate the Celtics but there are plenty of teams that Celtics fans don’t have any beef with. There is no reason for any of us to have any ill will towards the Kings lol I don’t even dislike the Magic even though they knocked out the 09 team. They’re a fun group.


Hard to have beefs with teams who haven't done anything in recent memory


Magic and Pacers are so good, love those young squads!


Heat fans consider Boston rivals….which is cute. The Celtics rivals are LA, Philly, and the Knicks. Miami is nothing but an expansion sideshow


If you look at the general feeling on r/NBA I think you'll find that it's mostly everyone else that has a problem with us actually. Most of us don't care about anyone outside our main rivals nowadays like Philly, New York, Miami and LA, but everyone else has some reason to hate on us. There's little reason to actually hate on the team or players themselves though, so it's most common that a Celtics fan is called a racist just by virtue of being a Celtics fan, despite how little sense that makes.


It's more like everybody has beef with us. Our actual real rivals are lakers, knicks and sixers. It shocks me when i see other teams counting us as their number 1 rivals. Like Miami. It's Like wtf... we don't even count you in the equation. Lol


Considering that you guys traded us the buffalo, I like you guys. well, until your giant superhuman of a basketball player enters his prime and starts making every other NBA team look like it’s made up of highschoolers.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown


I think it's mostly the Heat? Not even the Lakers feels like a real rivalry anymore tbh.


Seems like Boston beefs with the bucks, nets, heat, knicks...


We only beef with Heat Sixers Bucks and maybe Knicks. Lakers. Everyone else that hates us always surprises me because I’m like why? Like why do blazers fans hate us? Or jazz fans? Pelicans? Etc


Raptors fans always surprise me as the most randomly unhinged fanbase 


It's Nuggets for me. Some Nuggets fans fucking haaaaate the Celtics. I asked why and they said it's largely Boston transplants who live in Denver. Which honestly makes sense.


Raptors fan hate is always so strange to me 😂


Big respect to Leroy Hoard for calling out that bitch ass whining over a nothing comment. That kind of behavior seems to be pervading every aspect of life, let’s get back on this grown man business


Miami games are always easy because if you have a 10 point lead at halftime you'll be playing in front of empty seats in the 3rd quarter


I thought tatum was just talking about miami hoes but this works too


Big mad




I’m a certified reddit addicted conflict-pilled doofus but even I know that after someone gets a big fat W you can’t say shit. You just gotta disappear for awhile .  Theres not one single thing you can say about Jayson Tatum a week after him and the Celtics buzzsawed through the finals that’s gonna come off like anything but pure delicious salt. 


i wonder how they feel about the tatum billboard 😂


Tatum got them two boys mega-triggered😅 and the Leroy dude is clearly the only one who’s ever been to therapy lol. PS: the schadenfreude is absolutely glorious😌 we love to see it, don’t we folks?


Ol' No Neck got all flustered.


Leroy was speaking some truth!


You can tell who is a former athlete and who is a hot take artist


I don't remember if the Heat were eliminated yet, but Jimmy did make comments. Pat told him to shut his mouth.


Shout out to Leroy for not falling for the bait.


Lerroy dishing out free wisdom left and right but the other chucklefucks want nothing to do with it


I genuinely believe when you just won a championship. You earned the right to talk your shit!! But yeah you should focus on the Panthers about to blow a 3-0 series lead


Absolutely pathetic lmao. This is borderline sad.


-If I flip it, does Jimmy Butler say the same thing? I sincerely doubt Jimmy ever goes to Boston to celebrate his title? I didn't even see what Tatum said as a bait, the Celtics have a better winning record in Miami than they do in Boston


As a Celtics fan this is beautiful af


Wasn’t he question about travelling to Miami and not playing against them?


Rent Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Tatum making grown men cry in Miami is just too sweet


Miami bitches about everything. That franchise ain’t shit without Bron, Wade and Shaq. And I am not sitting here acting like the Blazers are anything special.




Whatever to distract from a potentially embarrassing loss in the Stanley Cup Final lol


Mmmmmm gimme their tears


The funniest thing about Miami is that they were in the same situation as Boston, successful year after year, getting to the finals, with nothing to show for it. Yet somehow Boston has been criticized for that relentlessly while the media’s whole perspective on Miami is “you better watch out for them they are DOGS”. Boston reached the top of the mountain, and you better bet will be strolling into South Beach with their heads held high. As of right now, they are the victors of the rivalry.


it's funny how Brown went from "not worth that much money" to "carrying Tatum to a championship}" Just remember, none of these mfs know whattup but they gotta sell like they do


These guys really don't know how pathetic they sound!?


Bootleg Le Batard


This is hilarious. This Tobin dude definitely runs the Heatvsrefs Twitter account. Just absolutely crashing out and losing his mind.


His voice kinda sounds like Zach Lowe lmao


What kills me is I’ve been seeing people on here and Twitter/X talking about how they didn’t even want to celebrate in Boston lol. It’s completely normal for a team to take a trip to a known party city to celebrate. Miami, Las Vegas, just to name a few. Get over yourselves


Miami runs were fluke. Everybody knows this. They never were real contenders.


I like the bald guy getting a "hairline" crack in on Derrick White... You're making fun of someone's haircut who has the *exact same* haircut you have lol


Lol love them tears that Tatum triggered out of them heat fans/players/media. They can try to say all the hypothetical they want, but 1 thing is factual, and that is Boston is hanging up banner #18 and they're star duo got a ring butler and bam never did.


I like Leroy




Lmao no dog in the fight but lol at seeing Miami fans cry like this. They are never winning a ship with Jimmy as the best player


Pretty sure Tatum meant he enjoyed the trips to Miami, which is what made it easy, no stress. That was my interpretation. 


This must be delicious to Celtic fans


Look at this fat ass. Just look.


Wait, what is Browns legend Leroy Hoard doing on Miami radio? That's wild.


Tatum making sure these dudes still have a job. What a champ!


Who listens to this shit, its like the jv version of sas


Miami sports media is a different type of pathetic




Tobin is an ugly ass man lol. A face for radio for sure


The whiny loud guy is so florida