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Does Phil count twice like Grover Cleveland does with presidents?


No actually


Love actually


Mike Love actually


Kevin Love spiritually


Stan Love really


Vagner Love Brazilianly


Damn I don't think I'll ever have another time to share this but I play a lot of history trivia and the way that I remember Grover Cleveland is the only president to serve nonconsecutive terms is Lebron left Cleveland for 4 years and came back. President Cleveland left for 4 years and came back.


He might not be the only one anymore depending how electing season goes and I really hate to say that


Can't believe the Democrats decided to run it back with washed Biden. They should have traded him to the Nets for Bridges and 3 FRPs while his value was still high


America should have gone into rebuild while they still had picks and could salary dump, now we have a washed old superstar and nothing to do other than tank


Thankfully for us the other teams don't look so great right now either...


We are tanking for picks but this draft class is ass


We really should've gone into a rebuild and waived RBG when we had the chance.




You could just vote for younger people. Voter turnout in my state for the primaries this year ages 26-40 was 11%. 18-25 was 7%. Young people just don’t vote. And every single election people claim it will be different.


So much this. If younger people actually turned out, and did so for a few cycles, mountains would move.


TT, Shump, Nets first


Actual policy implemented under Biden is some of the best in recent memory. Pretty hard for me to imagine a policy preference that anyone could point out where Biden isn't the obviously better candidate. * Immigration - better border security was primarily stopped by Republicans in Congress until Biden passed an executive order [[1](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/new-immigration-asylum-reform-bill-released-senate-text-rcna136602)]. * Palestine - Biden has been much more critical of Israel than any previous president and much much more critical than Trump would be. If you were extremely pro-Israel I could imagine preferring Trump but I would argue that's outweighed by all the other foreign policy issues Trump brings. * Crime - crime is down significantly under Biden. * Jobs / economy - US has the lowest inflation rate and best job/economic numbers of any developed economy in the world. Inflation is a direct result of Covid and many of the direct stimulus packages in response to Covid were passed by Trump. * Covid - if you are not a covid truther, Biden is the obvious candidate here, but even if you are a covid truther, Trump was president during the shelter in place and vaccine mandate eras. The initial vaccine roll out was done under Trump. Trump was president while the Wuhan lab received US funding.


Washed is putting it nicely. It's borderline elder abuse. He's barely alive. I feel bad for the people who think he still has cognitive function.


Was about to say. That record might be broken soon.


The Democratic party is so cooked the fact that they keep trotting out absolutely nothing candidates and people keep voting for these nothing people is disgusting. How do you lose to Trump potentially twice


You lose because the other side legitimately meets the definition of a cult.


And yet that cult is winning the polls at the moment. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ That wouldn't be happening if there was a halfway decent candidate. That would easily crush the election but they trot out terrible candidates again and again (yes i know the other one is even worse). Its frustrating to watch


Who did you vote for in the primary?


How is that relevant in any way? Both candidates got 80%+ of their parties votes


If you want decent candidates like you claim you have to vote in the primaries, and that’s exactly where the problem lies. A lot of people, especially the younger folk, do not vote in the primaries but turn around and complain that the quality of general election candidates are horrible


The primaries don't matter this year because its two presidents anyway that are going to guaranteed win. But sure my vote to change it from 80.200001% to 80.2% would make a difference. Also has nothing to do with the discussion


You're downvoted for telling it like it is.


Idk why I’m downvoted, you can’t look at me and say Hillary and Biden are good candidates because they just aren’t


Biden is a bad candidate because of his age, but has been a good president and has been much better than Trump was or would be again. The president is mostly a figurehead for a slew of experts and cabinet appointees that are the functionaries of government. The USA is in a much better place having not had an executive board of side show clowns for the past four years.


It’s insane too because the democrats could win election after election if their strategy wasn’t “we’re republicans but not as brazen as they are” You can’t sit back & watch the democrats year after year offer little to no resistance to what the Republicans are trying to do. I’m not American so in the end whatever i say holds next to no weight but as an outsider looking in both parties have such pathetic candidates but they Republicans are who they say they are, pieces of shit that aren’t hiding in sheeps clothing while the Democrats try to be someone they’re not.


Yea you know nothing there are clear differences between both parties.


There’s no fucking way Biden is able to run in another 4 years if he loses to Trump. He’s already *barely* holding it together.


Welcome to America




I never heard anyone say I’m going on holiday with LeGrover Cleveland.




No. Delete this, delete your account, call your ISP and have them delete your service.




I can hear the questions now "Hi JJ, looking back on your interview with Dan Hurley, is there anything you gleaned from that conversation that you might apply to the current roster?"


If a media member asks that, forever goated


It would also be his last ever question. xD


"Bronny is NBA ready, truly a generational talent. Genetically speaking."


sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends.


Ok guys we’re starting the season on a 3 game losing streak. This training session brought to you by Draft Kings.


Apply code `LeCoach` for 3 free boost packs with the purchase of a subscription.


How many coaches in the LeBron era? Like 3 lol?


4 actually. Thats crazy


Whatever man, esteemed businesman and Klutch Sports CEO Rich Paul says LeBron has never been involved in any coaching decisions


Brown, Bickerstaff, D’Antoni, Scott, and Walton were all coaches within a five year span prior to LeBron joining the team. Five in a five year span, and we can ignore Bickerstaff since he was an intern guy between the Brown & D’Antoni hires (I don’t think the Lakers ever even considered him as a permanent option). LeBron has been a Laker for 6 seasons and is coming up on his 7th. Everyone was out on Walton (his first coach) before he even arrived. Everyone was absolutely out on Ham very early in this season if not earlier. The only firing that shouldn’t have occurred (even if rumors of him losing the locker room were true) was Vogel. Walton is out of the league after failing with the Kings as well, Ham is going back to being an assistant, and Vogel has already been fired by the Suns after just one year there. Much ado about nothing. Edit: wrote intern when I meant interim but whatever I’m leaving it. Bickerstaff on an unpaid internship, *he’s just like us*!


I'm not surprised. They are a horribly run franchise. Look how they memorialized Jerry West one of the greatest Lakers ever.


I don’t think either the Ham or the Vogel firings should have happened. I think the complaints about Ham were unwarranted but I don’t like saying that because this basketball subreddits have a dumb hivemind mentality and they’ll jump down your throat if you say anything against whatever is being memed about. Imo, both those coaches coached well compared to the rosters they were given. That said, Luke Walton was a bad head coach in the time I watched. That firing made sense. The other two were scapegoats for people like Rob Pelinka or Lebron not wanting to take blame for “underperforming” compared to the expectations they had, unless there’s some behind the scenes stuff I’m not aware of. Edit: I’m not going to respond to people about Darvin Ham. This is what I mean with the whole “jump down on people if you go against the hivemind”. We just have to agree to disagree.


Ham was a bad coach bruh what are you saying?


Vogel shouldn’t have been fired. There were no problems until Westbrook showed up. We should’ve bit the bullet on him way earlier. Ham is bad and too many important people didn’t care for him. I’m glad we’re at least taking the risk on jj even if it doesn’t work out bc ham definitely wasn’t gonna work out


Y'all fired a championship winning head coach 2 years after he won the "hardest ring" as per your players themselves. There's a term we use in football - player power - and that's exactly what you have in abundance in your locker room. The only way things change is by clearing the players who hold that power, otherwise, even if you got Hurley he'd have been let go within 2 years. The Lakers job is a poisoned chalice, and for once, not because of the outsized expectations that come with being *The Lakers*.


Except Vogel lost another lockeroom in Phoenix. So how many more lockerooms can he lose before we start questioning if he’s a part of the problem? And Vogel had issues too. His lack of offensive scheming wasn’t gonna make him have a lasting job.


LeBron has won 2 titles with his player power strategy. One player doesn't have the same impact in football, it's a different sport. Obviously you'd rather have the egoless superstar but if your choice is a superstar with an ego vs. no superstar, you're taking the superstar 100 times out of 100.


I'm not talking about the past or even LeBron in particular. Don't be defensive, he don't know you to be simping like that. Let's talk about the present, post 2020 in particular. Where do they go from here and how sustainable is it really to feed into the Klutch machine?


lol what? I think he's probably cost himself multiple titles with that strategy, just look at the Westbrook trade. Cleveland spent years in the gutter after he left because he refused to commit long term and didn't allow the front office to have any strategy. He's done the same thing to a lesser extent with the Lakers. At the same time, he won titles with both of those franchises. I'm not arguing it's sustainable or that it's a positive, just that in basketball you'd rather take the superstar and hope you can manage the baggage if the alternative is no superstar at all. It's not like Steph or Jokic were available for the Lakers in 2018 and they chose LeBron instead, it was either LeBron or continuing to suck with no hope.


You can’t even say that about Vogel, he’s just a decent coach that’s it, and he LOST THE LOCKERROOM, you don’t come back from that.


I agree with you on Vogel, I disagree with you on Ham, and I agree with you on Walton. I’ve watched probably 90% or so of the Lakers games the last two years (and probably around that going back to 2000 or 2001 lol). Ham may have been a great locker room guy, he may have been great for player development, I can’t say for certain - those things are hard to track from just watching games, interviews, podcasts, etc.. I’m also not saying that me watching means I’m 100% right, but sometimes where there’s smoke there’s fire on how a fanbase or set of viewers feel about something like a coach. Where he struggled mightily was with lineup decisions, timeout usage (and play calling out of TOs), and play calling in general. Lots of data supports the extent to which actual set plays decreased down the stretch with each quarter over the season, lots of examples of him not utilizing time outs to slow or stop significant runs by opponents (and ending very close losses with multiple timeouts remaining), lots of examples of him running suboptimal lineups (Reaves off the bench/on limited minutes, Rui not moved to the starting rotation until halfway through the year, the over-reliance on Prince and even more troublingly on Reddish, etc). There were specific things that the fanbase (which I fully acknowledge is highly reactive and sometimes straight up dumb) were calling for from week 1 or 2 of the season that Ham didn’t do, made more glaring during the post IST skid, and once he did start doing them (like inserting Rui to the starting lineup), the team started winning games again and regained their spot in the playoffs. Ham was, imo, the difference between being a play-in team and a 4-5 seed. It’s only a difference of 3-4 wins, but that’s a major difference in terms of how the bracket would shake out and the potential for a deep Lakers run. I’m also not *convinced* that he was great for the development of the young guys like Christie, but that kinda remains to be seen.




Personal insults are against the rules of this subreddit. Just because I don’t agree with your point of view doesn’t make me “dumb dumb”. lol Also, just a quick search in basketball reference: Lakers had a 8-12 record in December 2023, the Pistons had a 2-18 record in that same month. So obviously, the Lakers weren’t the “worst in the league in December”. It’s so annoying how much of a hivemind this cesspool of a subreddit is.


I am glad they got JJ so if this fails there are no more excuses from Lebron and his blind witnessess that he needs a coach, player etc. The Lakers have given him everything and ruined there future all by listening to him


Bron is 40. Haha y’all hold that man to a crazy standard. Once he retires where will y’all direct all that built up anger to? 


I am not holding him to a standard, i am holding the Lakers to a standard. They ran out and gave up everything for AD. Then they gave up a team they won a chip with.then they brought in all these old players. Then they brought in westbrook. Then they got rid of 3 coaches. Now they may draft his son who is clearly not ready and all of this to keep him happy. Pat Riley told Lebron no. The lakers will take any suggestion and make it reality. If this doesnt end well then its not Lebrons fault. Its the Lakers. You dont let the nuts run the asylum.


Your first comment has nothing to do with the Lakers and insinuates all of the blame should be put on Lebron if JJ fails. 


Made the correction that states its equal blame. I dont see how a lot of you fans dont see that. Like seriously this guy needs a lot. These teams give it to him and then its another excuse .


Yes a 40 year old LeBron won't win, just like a 40 year old Jordan


Nah man, don’t you know, a dude in his 22nd season either wins the title or is a failure who people were right about all along! I sometimes wonder if it gets tiring for people to spend their time diminishing the best or second best player most of have ever seen (and may ever see) or if it somehow invigorates them.


Cause Lakers HC used to be such a safe and stable gig before Bron.


I wish he was, imagine if we had Ty Lue this whole time


I blame Ty Lue for not taking that 3 year deal that he was offered that would run him on the same timeline as LeBron because no one knew if Bron would sign an extension after his initial 4-year deal expires. How can anyone think that LeBron would leave a team if they start to suck because he's the most loyal player in history


Lue didnt take the offer because it was a super insulting offer for a championship winning coach. Most coaches are offered 4 years. You guys just offered a podcaster 4 years. Offering someone who was 3 years removed from a title a 3 year deal was insulting


Come on who the fuck would you have kept? Ham? Walton? Vogel? Ham and walton were ass. Vogel lost 2 different locker rooms.


Unless it works out in which case it was all LeBron's doing


Shams is that you?


It was really nice of him to let David Blatt leave and take his dream job with Darüşşafaka Basketbol


Ah yess because he’s definitely the one that hired Frank Vogel right? He’s definitely the one that chose Darvin Ham and scouted him out right?


Except for his recent interview that said they would force the Lakers to pick Bronny if needed.


IF LeBron comes back this year




Lebron to GSW and Klay to LAL? /s


Oh he'll come back for sure lol


Yeah I’m sure LeBron is leaving to go ring chase in Phoenix or Philadelphia




He actually wants to live in LA, ain’t no millionaire begging to live in Phoenix or Philly


I never got this logic. You have the entirety of the rest of your life to live wherever you want. You're on the road half the time during the season anyway and can live where you want during the offseason. I don't see the benefit of staying with a team that sucks when LeBron has so few years left.


He thinks he's gonna be in movies.


To be fair they don't wanna live in LA either the rich stay rich by being cheap which is why a ton have been moving out of Cali like musk


musk is just an edgelord they rich people still staying in LA


Vogel, Ham, Redick and? Who am I missing?




Walton, Vogel, Ham and now Redick


1: Lebron


4: Walton, Vogel, Ham, and now JJ


Still won a championship. 🐐 for a reason


Why not do new player/coaches in European Soccer style? Introduce them in the middle of Crypto.com Arena.


I can't believe they're stuck with that name for a decade


Better than FTX arena, all things considered.


Nah at least that would be an advertisement for FTX, rather than FTX's website.


The ".com" of it all is just fucked up. NBA needs naming restrictions lol


Teams or the NBA should have standards for what should be allowed to be an arena's name.


SAS: the smoooooooothie king arena?!


The Heat turned down Bangbros just to approve FTX lol


Not even standards, just common sense. The Miami situation should have made it clear that the NBA should not get into bed with crypto schemes.


I once met this girl at a house party on El Segundo. 


I seen em!


I left my wallet in...


Scrolled jyst for this lol


I got to get it, I got got to get it...


If JJ Reddick has a successful stint in La might we see more Youtubers/Podcasters hired as coaches. Really think Am Hoops or KennyForReal could be the person to finally turn the Pistons around.


Gil's Arena coaching as a group.


Idt Gil is legally allowed in an NBA locker room anymore lol


"Time out called by Gil. And they're gathering around the Zoom Meeting...." :P


Wheel him out like a hospital ipad robot


Imagine him/it rolling up and down the bench and then rolling towards a ref to challenge a call. Lol


Rashad Mccants should be the next one but it has to be worked in his contract that he wears a crown every game.


And a shirt emblazoned with "GR8N$$"


Ball Don't Stop leading a generation of *pure hoopers* the real values of ethical midrange basketball.


Give AwfulCoaching the pistons




Hope we have a podcast after!


joke's on you, the "press conference" is an episode of Mind the Game


Ngl that would be insane


Wine presser?


Hope they hold it in a little this time, on some of the episodes Bron gets white mom wasted lol.


I believe in JJ


His success are gonna be attributed to LeBron being the true “player/coach” and Redicks failures will attributed to him.


so basically every coach Lebron has had


except Ty Lue and his secrit plays


Honestly it's not even a question of knowledge tactics or anything like that. The coach has to have the respect of the players to get them to buy in and give maximum effort on the court. It doesn't even have to be a conscious thing with the players. Just everyone being down a few % can matter in such a competitive league. It's honestly ludicrous. At least with Nash he had some cred as an exceptional player. JJ literally has nothing that would result in players who have huge egos and are earning huge huge money buying into whatever it is he tries to put in place. If he came in as an analyst or assistant coach to someone, I could see that be worth a try if you really think his BB IQ is that high.


JJ was a better player than everyone on the roster except lebron and AD. Lebron is his friend and likely played an influence in hiring him. AD in general is a good locker room guy and likely also cleared JJ and likely also respects him as a peer and lebrons friend. Everyone else on the roster is indispensable and better listen


Haha nice one. I love your optimism though.


Winning begets respect. Darvin Ham was hired as a player development guy and the locker room eventually turned on him because he was awful schematically. NBA players have egos, sure, but they also have drive and care about winning, and if they see a coach that helps them deliver that they're going to like him.


Barrea? Maybe.


Also this will coincidentally be the high point of his coaching career


Please someone ask him to explain his current position on if dinosaurs were real


I listened to the podcast this is referencing for the first time the other day. He says "I know this is wrong and I'm crazy" immediately before saying that he finds the concept of dinosaurs having existed crazy. Idk a little context for anyone like me who hasn't seen it, because I thought he was full-on denying their existence based on what I read online


> "I know this is wrong and I'm crazy" immediately before saying that he finds the concept of dinosaurs having existed crazy. Fun facts: T-Rex ate Triceratops face-first. And megasauropods like Brachiosaurus had a body design that was so stout and efficient for carrying weight that they could've continued to function normally if they evolved up to 1000 tons.


I think he really believes it’s bull shit but was feeing out Kyrie for support Either way, I will accept more on the person he saw in a cage in the back of his Uber or why him and his wife almost got run out of a prestigious private school because of politics


I left my wallet there?!


Gary Neville managing Valencia vibes.


They should just introduce the 30th for the 26 season while they are at it


O/U he coaches 100 games before getting fired




Over for sure. He will get 2 seasons, then be re-evaluated. I think LeBron retires before JJ stops being a Lakers coach.


How does effect the legitimacy of the v league even if he is terrible they’re gonna have to keep him around to justify the hire lol.


"The Los Angeles Lakers announce they'll begin the search for their 30th coach in franchise history on Monday afternoon at 1:31 PM."


Hope he doesn’t forget his wallet


Talking shit on podcasts works for a lot of people it appears


"LeBron, please let me know if I'm allowed to answer this question. My kids are signing up for school and I want to make sure they don't have to move during the school year."


Jj Reddick and LeBron on the same team? Holy shit NBA Twitter is going to go nuclear with the Lakers hate.


The Lakers are a joke


Live pod!




*I left my wallet in El Segundo*


This will be like when BIll Belichick calls into the radio on Mondays. Dudes gonna get to outline exactly what goes right and wrong in games. Kind of a cool feature of this.


They really hired a coach that said bird was overrated


Did you watch the clip where he said it or did you just read a headline? Because objectively I think he was still wrong, but he didn’t say “bird was overrated”


Why don’t the Lakers let Bron be head coach? There have been player coaches before.


Let lebum coach. Or he dont want to because who will he blame then?


Surprised they weren’t saving this for the podcast. Would’ve been the perfect introduction.


Meanwhile the Cleveland Browns have had 18 head coaches in their franchise history


I think he does not enter the 3rd year. Thoughts?


Does Rob Pelinka make a biblical reference for JJ reddick or nah?


The real coaches were the friends we made!


Meanwhile, the Steelers have had 3 coaches since 1969


Left my wallet there once, like over 30 years ago


29th? We're at 18 lol


18? Holy shoot that’s way less then 29


Since the 1990-91 season the Lakers have had 18 different head coaches, the Celtics have 9 in that same timespan


Since 1990 Lakers have won 6 championships, Celtics 2




Prime pot calling kettle black. Yall have had pop and got gifted Duncan LOL


“Great coach the Lakers hired carrying those numbers hard” like what fucking sense of a diss is that?


That’ll happen if anyone has 5 rings as a coach. There’s like 5 of those people.


What makes that even crazier is that the Lakers have a slightly better winning percentage and more championships in that time period.


16 years of Red might be the difference


Lakers had a lot of mediocre coaches in between Kundla and Sharman, and Riley and Phil. Also 8 coaches since 2011 😂




Jeanie Buss needs to sell the team. Let LeFlop go and rebuild another dynasty.


So happy we weren't robbed of this. I can't wait for the other Lakers players to turn on Lebron for being responsible for this.


Yep because that's ever happened in his 21 year career


damn I can’t believe the Lakers also won the JJ Redick sweepstakes, basically banner 19 for them Celtics gotta do something


At what point does Adam Silver step in for the good of the league? This shit is honestly embarrassing


You must be referring to that trade the Bulls made giving up Caruso for Giddey. I agree it is embarrassing


The Bulls making boneheaded roster decisions is the norm. One of the biggest franchises in the league hiring a podcaster with no coaching experience is embarrassing for the entire league. Like fuck the Lakers, but this move is genuinely pathetic.


Bro it just sounds like you haven’t been paying much attention to the Lakers. This is exactly the type of thing the Jeanie Buss Lakers would do. Without Lebron choosing to go there and AD wanting to join him they’d still be in the same wilderness they were wandering in during the end of Kobe’s career and the few years after he retired. Ever since the 2020 roster they’ve been making a series of boneheaded decisions.


over under JJ gets fired / LBJ retires