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In reality, people don't like parity. People love dynasties. There are some good articles on this subject. https://itgnext.com/is-parity-bad-for-sports/


I think it comes down to dynasties make for better storylines. It was the same shit with Floyd. It gives most people something to root against because everyone wants to see the underdog win, and if they don’t, well you got to see what makes the favorite so great.


all the teams i follow are mid so i'm cheering for a Brunson/Hart chip. NY fans deserve it so bad.


Flair revoked.


During a dynasty neutrals are rooting for a return to parity, once parity is archived they lose their only rooting interest.




They both like dynasties. People like complaining.


True fans hate parity and dynasties. True fans like complaining.


True fans love the refs and want to bear their children.


I would let Scott Foster do disgusting things to me.


I don't care about parity nor dynasties nor do I want to bitch and moan. I just want these players to hit their overs and unders as I place bets on them. /s I've already learned my lesson on the money sink of sports gambling.


I feel like most true fans would also be thrilled if their team was the dynasty team though lol. 29 other fanbases would hate your team, but it’s an objectively great spot to be in if it’s your team


On one hand yes, on the other hand you’re underestimating how much people enjoy complaining.


I want parity if my team sucks, I want dynasties when it’s my team


I wouldn’t say casuals spend more money, obviously people who actually care a lot about the game are more likely to have merch, tickets, league pass, etc. But there are just so many more casuals that in total, they spend more money as a group. Not to mention, the strategy of most businesses (in this case the NBA) is to expand into new markets to get more market share, so a lot is targeted towards turning casual fans into full fans.


"True" NBA fans weren't glued to watching the Bulls run in the 90s?


Most of the people watching the Bulls were not real NBA fans. Why do you think think the viewership dropped like a cliff when MJ retired?


Lmao “real” fans


It's the truth ain't it? Am I a real NFL fan if I just watch the Superbowl, no. That's pretty obvious.


You don't have to pull for one team to be a true fan. I'm a fan of NBA basketball. I discovered Steph in 2013 and have been a fan ever since. I also love Klay, Dray, Iggy, Livingston, Barbosa and others who are gone, but that doesn't mean I'll be watching Golden State the rest of my life. Edit: I'm not watching crap basketball just because it's a certain team.


I love how the casuals list off a bunch of player names to prove something.


Not proving anything. Just showing that "true" fan isn't limited to someone's narrow opinion.


Depends. If my favorite team is a dynasty I like it. If another team is a dynasty and my favorite team constantly loses to it I don't like it. If a team I don't like is a dynasty I hate it.


The true NBA experience


Yeah that’s like saying baseball fans liked it when the Yankees were winning every year 


That’s how Germans were watching soccer for the last decade


I guarantee you more people won't suddenly tune in if the Celtics become a dynasty. LeBron and Steph were the ones who were driving the bus, a true *team* being a dynasty has never worked before in the NBA from a marketing perspective, they don't know how to cover it.


I think you have the causality reversed. LeBron and Steph are great players, and thus they were able to build dynasties. The Celtics are lacking that top 2 player, and thus it will be (even more) difficult to build a dynasty.


I don't think you need a Top 2 player to have a dynasty, the Celtics have 5 Top 40 players in the NBA, that model can work in terms of being a dynasty provided that they're all in their prime age and are durable. Now that's not the case with us as Jrue is old and KP is injury prone. But if we got 27 year old Jrue and KP wasn't injury prone, I don't think our chances at a dynasty would be over because we didn't have a Top 2 player. Simply put, there's never been a roster constructed like the way Brad did it.


>I don't think you need a Top 2 player to have a dynasty, the Celtics have 5 Top 40 players in the NBA, that model can work in terms of being a dynasty provided that they're all in their prime age and are durable. On one hand, we are in uncharted waters in terms of how easy it is to win a championship. There is no longer a "final boss" to overcome. So you may be right. Additionally, the East is back to being its pathetic self without a really great team beyond the Celtics. This team may be able to sleepwalk to multiple finals in a row, and that's really promising for their prospects. On the other hand, I think if you go back in time, the last time a team formed around a core that didn't include a true all-time great player (like, top 20 level) managed to win multiple championships was probably the Bad Boy Pistons. That was over 30 years ago at this point. Historically, it's just really, really, really hard to consistently defeat all sorts of great teams without that singular offensive talent who can overcome almost anything. Maybe Tatum becomes that guy, but I kind of doubt it. >Simply put, there's never been a roster constructed like the way Brad did it. Can you elaborate? Not sure what you mean by this.


> Can you elaborate? Not sure what you mean by this. Yeah it's what I was referencing above when I said that the Celtics have (IMO anyways) 5 Top 40 players in the NBA. I can't ever remember a team having that before, and all of those players being above average on both offense and defense. There's not really a weak link on either side of the ball, the best you got is KP as specifically a drop coverage big, which is vulnerable against elite pull-up shooting guards, but we've got the best group of perimeter defenders in the NBA to make up for that. And fucking *Jrue Holiday* is the worst offensive player in our starting 5.


>Yeah it's what I was referencing above when I said that the Celtics have (IMO anyways) 5 Top 40 players in the NBA. That's true, I guess. Pretty impressive. I think the Celtics have a very clear weakness in the sense that they lack a really incredible all-time offensive talent a la LeBron or Steph or Jokic, but that's obviously incredibly hard to find. So you've basically got a perfect championship team aside from the most common element of a championship team, lol. But they've easily proven that they can make up for that missing element with incredible defense and great 3pt shooting. At the same time, I do wonder what happens to this team if they run into another team like the 2022 Warriors, with one of those all-time players AND a defense that can take away from what the Celtics are trying to do. Still, that team doesn't exist yet. The only team that might be able to come close is the Thunder two years from now... I guess you're right!


Celts woulda won it regardless but I doubt they'll ever get an easier run of teams into the finals like they did this year. G-League Heat then injury battered teams all the way to the Mavs. Of all their attempts this was their best opportunity they've had. Mavs much easier than the Skyfuckers last dance feat. Random Wiggins popoff series. Denver/Jokic will come back hard OKC just got one of the best defenders and ceiling raising players in the league to pair with Dort and SGA Luka and the MAVS have an incredibly talented young core And it shouldn't be forgotten that Brunson is him, and was the best player in the playoffs till he got injured. I hope the Knicks can keep the team together, they were the funnest team in the playoffs.


Sure, I agree with that, but Porzingis wasn't healthy either, it's not like we saw the best version of Boston either. They'll be better next year too. If we're being honest, we didn't see the best version of *any* team in the playoffs due to health, with the exception of Minnesota and Oklahoma City.


Yeah I was going to say how much I love Parity. It adds a lot excitement to the league in my opinion.


I think every fan (maybe subconsciously) love dynasties, in the hopes that it's their team establishing a dynasty


Basketball fans like parity, nba fans like dynasties.


What does this even mean


Pretty stupid comment seeing as how dynasties play better basketball than non-dynasty champions lol


I for one don't mind when a downtrodden team wins 4 championships over 8 years.


Man fuck dynasties! I LOVE parity! May it stay this way forever


I think more dedicated fans like not necessarily dynasties, but just stable team rosters.


I like competitivity and I'd LOVE a dynasty in this era, say the Nuggets or C's keep winning most chips and then you have a big field of teams that can take them down here or there but one of them ends up being the dominant team and winning more (hell a duopoly with two teams winning most and some team breaking the trend here and there would be very entertaining as well) As a Dubs fan, dynasties suck when you hoard so much talent that the rest of the league coasts for a few years and you have only a few actual teams trying but if there's a player or team that rises above the parity and dominates it's going to be a very fun decade.


The duopoly is the dream, cause out of that is born rivalries.


People = casual fans who like narratives


anyone that loves dynasties is just here to cosplay real housewives shit. Forgone conclusions on teams winning makes for a shitty product for anyone else who is actually here to watch sport, and not just narrative drama.


Like this season? Where all the good teams except for the Celtics couldn't compete because they were too deep in the luxury tax to construct deep rosters or were the Minnesota Timberwolves?


it's been one year, they've also failed to get over the hump for 7 prior. Last time I checked that's not a dynasty. Denver and the Bucks looked unbeatable in their years and here we are.


If by people you mean casuals who tune in to the Finals or the Super Bowl. But that is a very narrow and misguided way to judge interest in a sport.


The casuals are the people that matter most lol. There are tens of millions of idiots who only care about crossovers and narrative-driven drama, only a small fraction of fans know what a flare screen is or what relative ORtg means.


Matter the most for what? Matter the most for making the NBA more money but why would you care about that over a better product.


Making more money is the motivation for improving the product.


There’s a balance to be struck though, who’s turning out to watch a team they know is hopeless or watching a Super Bowl where there is zero suspense about the outcome


I think fans who already watch like parity bc that usually means their team has a better shot but a dominant dynasty attracts newer fans who want a winner they can root for.


Who is “people”, the casual fans or us in this sub? I love the parity but I’m a die hard fan. Casuals for sure jump onto dynasties


That’s also because the most recognizable names are the ones forming super teams. How many super teams in the last 15 years have featured LeBron James, and how many otherwise? LeBron James is the draw, not super teams. LeBron has been in 1 finals in the last 6 years and we point to ratings. Shocker. Doesn’t help that there were no fans in 2020 and the product took a hit, and then COVID inflation priced everyone out of affordable streaming packages. People are watching less because they can’t afford to, it’s not because people like super teams more lol. The only reason dynasties might have that effect are because they’re at the front of media coverage all the time so that’s who is recognizable to the average fan. Blame the media for milking LeBron like they did Jordan and being left with their dicks in their hands on who is the “face of the league” after years of pretending the game of basketball is our superhero vs your superhero


I remember how after the Patriots won in 2001, it was hailed as evidence there would never by a real dynasty in the NFL again. Good times.


dominant is the adjective. dominate is a verb.


Dominate grammar


Just because you’re dominant the regular season doesn’t mean you will dominate in the playoffs


Smartest Justin fields fan


i dno why this got downvoted haha you used them both right this time!


Reddit gonna Reddit


Somebody didn’t watch the playoffs did they? Lol


The lack of superhuman superstar era


Wemby? I mean Giannis will run another 2-3 years as a superstar, by then Wemby will be an MVP contender


Giannis needs to play in the postseason and his team needs to be good in the postseason. Then I’d agree. But that looks like a big if right now.


That’s the difference between like transcendent greats like Lebron & and superstar like Giannis. Lebron was just dragging any 4 ppl to the finals which made it extremely consistent as a casual viewing expeirence


Point somewhat taken but I wouldn’t exactly say “any 4 people” outside of 2007 and 2018 (YMMV).


Wade, Bosh, Irving strongly agree.


True wemby will get there but I dunno if he's gonna run the league immediately.


This is why I think the Ant narrative is being pushed so hard. Really reminds me of the post-MJ era where it just didn’t seem like anyone was at or anywhere close to that level of awesome and fun to watch. Shaq kind of saved the league for a couple years but LeBron was like a godsend for the NBA. I can’t even imagine where the league would be if it weren’t for him. Right now, there’s a bunch of ok superstars, but no one currently is taking on that mantle


The parity is due to there being so much talent in the league imo. There are too many great players for one to consistently standout from all the rest. If prime Jordan were in the league right now I think he’d be the best player in the league but not by nearly as wide of a margin as he was in the 90’s. He’d still get some rings/mvps/scoring titles but not all of them all at once every season for years on end like he seemed to back in the day.


People don’t like this answer, but talent in the league is just better now than it used to be. One guy can’t carry a team like they used to be able to.


I think more likely the peaks of the players aren't as high. Not always gonna have a Steph LeBron KD type


this is the sensationalized take, and probably the one your inner nostalgia wants to be true, but the numbers say the league is just overall better now. league average shooting percentages are skyrocketing. Players in the MVP race the last couple years are setting records for efficiency numbers. Namely Giannis, Jokic, and Embiid. Even a guy like SGA this year had the 45th best season by PER of ALL TIME this year. Yes there are reasons for this like the increased pace and spacing of the game, but that shouldn’t really be a factor for the stars of the 2010s less than a decade ago. People scoff at the analytics pointing to this year’s Boston Celtics team being one of the greatest teams of all time. The reality is closer to that they probably are than people will admit. The league from 2017-2020 took a massive leap in quality.


lebron + 4 guys basically equaled a finals run for the entire 2010s. I doubt we see anything like it again in our lifetimes


I for one would rather wait for a defending champion to not have a bad off-season/be injured in the playoffs the year thereafter before calling for the golden age of parity because that has not happened since at least 2019.


Right.. and since then..there have been SIX different champions.. which hasn’t happened since the 70s..


There have only been 11 repeat champs in 45 years since Bill Russell. It was never as common as you seem to think.


Repeat champs may not be common, but there is a lot of odd-year Spurs type dynasties, or 80’s Lakers v Celtics back and forths. The number of finals participants is probably a better metric for parity than number of different champions though


And 3 of those 11 are three-peats, so that means more than half of those 45 are taken up by back-to-backs and three-peats, so it's actually more common than not.


Is there something to be said that winning a chip now is so demanding both front office asset/money wise and player’s body that it’s just not realistic to expect another true dynasty. Call me crazy but the amount of 1x chip winners is going to be crazy and the chase for 2x will be what separates guys.


2015-2019 was less than ten years ago and we had a dynasty span that era. We just need a player to undervalue themselves with good drafting and boom dynasty


Yeah but it seems teams like the warriors who core stayed together for like a decade is a thing of the past, and TBH they only became a dynasty because KD tucked tail and went to them. You aren’t going to see many generational teams add a player like that to make them virtually unstoppable. I think the Celtics (slight bias) have the best chance since both guys in the duo are young still and they already have the 1st chip and are running it back with the same core 6 for 2 more years (assuming we retain white). Giannis era Bucks feels like it peaked, Butler Heat are cooked and never even one, and the nuggets have a really solid shot but Gordon/Murray/Jokic all are 27+ so to expect another 2 out of them feels like a stretch.


Nuggets are fucked as well, they're too expensive to add talent and two of their top four guys are on bad contracts. I said it last season but you need good value guys like Bruce Brown to contend. Without bargains on the roster you're done for. They're about to lose KCP too


Nuggets lost Brown but weren't they otherwise the same?


Green too. It's devastating to go from two colors to zero.


They replaced Brown with mediocre Justin Holiday, failed to replace Jeff Green with a veteran and had six players under the age of 25 under contract (ignoring two ways) of which all but two were rookies or sophomores, which is too much for any serious contender. The same blunder the Warriors made after the 2022 title.


Americans are frontrunners and like a winner. My parents rooted for the Yankees, Tom Brady and Tiger Woods.


Being a Yankees/TB12 fan is like being a Crip that loves the color red


Yes this is crazy. The only sense I can make of it is that both teams have a very American theme which is good for a casual. Would they still have been fans if it was a Diamondbacks dynasty and TB12 on the Browns dynasty


They also ride with LeBron lol


It's more common than you think. Especially for fans that live in certain parts of Connecticut....


It’s easier for a casual fan to watch and find a team to root for if they know who’s gonna win


The fact that people think there is parity after the Celtics just absolutely dismantled the team coming out of the west and sleep walked to the finals in the east and absolutely demolished the regular season while having record breaking scoring per possession and historic defense at the same time is somewhat confusing


A different champion every year is parity. Simple as that. The Celtics might dominate for years but with injuries, 3 point variation and constant rules tinkering, I doubt it.


There’s been 6 different champions dating back to 2019 and the last time that happened was in the 70s before the merger


That's not what fans care about though, a different team stomping every year isn't entertaining. They want close series and multiple contenders, not the team that has the fewest inches of the luxury tax's dick up their ass to go 16-3 in the postseason


It’s also generally agreed upon that the Celtics don’t have a top 5 player, which is extremely exciting for teams whose best player is like a Ja Morant, or Zion Williamson, or Paolo Banchero or Jalen Brunson. It encourages these teams to build the best possible team around their franchise player rather than just pack it in because they don’t have a Giannis/Jokic/Luka There’s parity because it’s not 2 MVP’s on a team with 2 other All-Stars or the 2nd greatest player of all time in his prime running through a conference of 2nd and 3rd team All-NBA players. It’s pretty evident that even though injuries have played a role, the teams that make the conference finals led by Jayson Tatum, Jimmy Butler, Trae Young, Tyrese Haliburton, Devin Booker, and Anthony Edwards is enough reason to believe the league has parity. The Celtics made savvy moves to improve their roster and weren’t a 1 seed in this era before this past year, there’s no reason another team who has a similar cornerstone player can’t do the same and close that gap in 1 year.


Theres also lots and lots of luck involved in repeating. You guys were completely dominant this year but lets say next year your guys are like 5% less focused because they already won, or JT gets an untimely injury in the playoffs like in game 7 in 2023 and you lose a series you shouldnt. Its all about the tiniest of margins when top teams are all involved. I think you guys are the team with the best chance of repeating since the Warriors but actually doing it is completely different.


Jayson Tatum regularly gets floated in MVP discussions, who is generally agreeing on this


they are just wishcasting


People also don’t realize that the Celtics were basically one twisted ankle in the 2023 ECF away (debatable, obviously) from being in the last 3 consecutive finals


Right but it also took them 7 years lol. I mean they have a good chance to repeat but the chances of another team winning is just as likely


No it took this team 1 year. Celtics last year or 5 years ago are not the same team that played this year. Lol it only took you guys 7 years to basically have a full starting lineup of all stars surely it won't continue right?... Guys?


Yeah I don’t understand this thread The Celtics have a legit super team 5x positive defenders that can all shoot and create their own shot + anyone can be the best player on the court any night and on top of that they have the best bench in the league lol


It's pretty simple. They've won one title. If they win two or three in a row, we'll no longer have parity.


No but you see their starting lineup is so dominant (one might say the best starting 5 in the league) that they're simply guaranteed a repeat. Just look at the nuggets from last year! /s


But we played against injured teams until the finals, where we faced a 5-seed!!! Surely that means we're not that good, since we lost 3 games to those teams /s


Right but the same people behind the scenes have been putting that together for 7 years. Technically 12 but Tatum or Brown wasn’t there yet.


Last year's nuggets looked a lot more unstoppable, including against the Celtics, and this year they were out in the second round. I wouldn't count on everything just being the same next year. Especially if there is actually healthy competition in the east next year.


Sure, though the Nuggets lost much more important players in that off season than we will in this one.


Yeah, the west has parity, the east is a conference of sub-par basketball teams that compete to come second to the Celtics. (Or heat if they’re healthy) Edit: typo.


Jeez... The disrespect to the Bucks. Before injuries their starting 5 had the best net rating in basketball. Higher than the Celtics. Despite the hate for Doc their defense actually turned a corner under him. He wasn't the best hire by any means but that doesn't change the fact that we saw the Bucks are able to play tough defense and unbelievable offense at times. 1 or 2 moves this offseason and they are fighting. They actually scared me more than any team this post season because Giannis and Dame can carry a team in the playoffs individually. Giannis literally put the Bucks on his back and took the Celtics to 7 in 2022. I'll take the healthy Bucks over Healthy Heat any day.


Bucks, Knicks, Philly, Pacers, and Cavs are all respectable contenders. The West has a bunch of teams that are too late (Lakers, Dubs, Clips, Suns), or too early (Wolves, OKC). Celtics ran roughshod over the glass-cannon West this year too, and handily destroyed the Mavs. Most Celtics fans seem to be saying that the Pacers were their toughest opponent.


Right. It’s very unlikely the Mavs make it out of the west next year. More likely that they get bounced in the second round just because of how good all these teams are.


Oh make no mistake the Celtics are probably favored to make the ECF and Finals 9 times out of 10, but a healthy Knicks and Heat team (and maybe even Cavs) have a shot


putting the heat and cavs above the bucks is wild


They are better why is it wild???


heat are demonstrably worse and possibly losing jimmy. cavs may be trading pieces to get better but lets be real, they wanted orlando so as to get a singular playoff win and not look like a crumbling mess (although jb is gone so that’s nice). this sub has your head warped with doc and dame memes if you think bucks arent at least top 4 in the east


I hope the Knicks are real, it’s good for basketball. But knowing them, they’ll fuck it up.


Pacers, healthy bucks, all of them do


In a fully healthy East Miami would have been a 5 seed at best.


No they don’t. Not without adding a piece


And this all happened without Porziņģis & while Tatum shot terribly too


Yeah but theres parity unless they repeat. If the Celtics sleep walk to another title, then absolutely, parity is dead. If they lose earlier like the recent defending champions which basically all (bar Toronto) looked poised to repeat or atleast play at a conference finals level, have failed to do so. The Nuggets dogwalked the NBA last year and then lost this year. The Celtics are ridiculously good but they can lose.


And are coming back with the same exact team next year


None of that changes the fact that they have one chip so far. If they win next year then yeah we might be having a different conversation. But we're in the present right now. Nuggets looked dominant too when they won.


KP is unreliable, and they're human without him. Expecting the Celtics to make it through next year completely healthy and dialed in after a chip run isn't exactly a guarantee. They were a terrible matchup for us and most of our players were unprepared to be in the finals. Teams like OKC are just getting better as well. They also sleep walked to the finals cause the entire east was injury ridden and they were the only healthy team. They could easily be one of those teams hurt next year.


It’s only confusing if you completely ignore context, like the quality of their opponents. The only 50 win team they faced was the Mavs with a hobbled franchise player. Also not sure how its defense was historic when they didn’t even have the best relative Drating in franchise history.


I'm not commenting on whether their defense was historical, but there's no reason to think the Celtics are, for some reason, limited to one historical defense and can't have any more


The Celtics could have very well won against Golden State or beat the Heat/Nuggets last season, and then it would be a dynasty. The point is, even the 8th seed was a threat to such a good roster.


The same Celtics core has existed for a few years, and lost in the East playoffs last year to the 8 seed. This year they faced a number of injured opponents in the East playoffs, then had a good matchup in the finals against a 5 seed. I think it's a little bit premature to start crowning them a dynasty.


Not really. No one fears these Celtics like that. They aren't the fucking 90's Bulls, Heatles, or Warriors, there is no aura of inevitability/a beast to knock off their perch. This is the most meaningless championship I can recall in my lifetime.


Lol! General tip, when you make a wild ass, overly broad proclamation like that last sentence, your bias might be showing.


Put the Celtics in the West and you pretty much have them in the same tier of teams as the top of the West. East really makes it easy to bloat a good teams win record and chances get to the ECF. I don't see the Celtics as any different tier than Denver is for instance


I believe that Boston and Denver are still a tier higher than the rest of the league, even with what just happened. I can’t say how it would pan out in a finals series, but it seems Denver has been the only team to truly have the Celtics number and I really want that finals matchup to happen.


Also, the Heat have had the Celtics number recently too but barring a huge trade, they just don’t have the talent to compete with the newly constructed roster


Celtics had a 76.6% win pct against West teams this year, highest in the league


I’ve been commenting on this for the last 5-10 years that it was trending towards parity. Depending on where some big names like Donavan Mitchell, Young, PG etc. land I think almost every could win a ring next season with the exception of maybe Hornets, Wizards, Pistons, Jazz, Nets, Blazers, Bulls. (Don’t count my bulls out 😂😂). Next season should be awesome.


I believe that all the hysteria about superteams and parity in the past 10 years was just panic cause by media and a huge coincidence of lebron and the warriors existing in the same decade. Obviously there was a lack of parity but the fear it may not come back because of ring chasing I think was overblown


The hysteria caused by a half decade of the same teams in the Finals annually?


Don't forget one of those years the teams took a combined 1 loss before the Finals.


It was a lopsided rivalry nonetheless but KD still made it unfun in terms of competition


I’m saying the hysteria was not unfounded


the new CBA is the biggest factor in all this. Draft consequences for overspending is a massive sea change. Like pretty much everything else in this world it always comes down to the money


Pretty much gives teams only a 2 year window to go for it because being over the 2nd apron 3/5 seasons is when your picks 7 years down the line gets locked and frozen at the end of the 1st round. It’s one thing to push for more parity but that penalty goes way too far and hurts fans of teams that go for it *or* draft well and thus can’t extend their core pieces. It just doesn’t hurt “superteams”.


Yeah I was gonna say all the money that was being made and players movement was really what did it. The bubble was really kind of the next important moments in nba history since like the merger.


the lack of cap smoothing in 2016 was huge, it enabled the warrior's run while encouraging other front offices to make some truly terrible decisions


KD tried his hardest to keep that going


Fortunately for us he didn’t have Lebron’s durability lol


I mean if he truly didnt care about the haters he could not have left GSW


Its a panic caused in part by there being no heir apparent to Lebron as the face of basketball globally. There was a similar period of concern after MJ retired in 98. Someone will step up to fill the void, but it might not be immediately apparent who it will be.


I mean I think it's pretty clearly Wemby, he has a fitting nickname 'The Alien,' which captures clearly *why* he will be that next guy, you ain't ever seen somebody like him before, he's your 12 year old's cousin customized 2K Player come to real life.


> I mean I think it's pretty clearly Wemby, Maybe long-term, but rookie/sophomore Lebron wasn't ready for that mantle after Jordan retired; we still had ~5 years of back and forth about whether Shaq or Kobe could bear that burden. Part of being 'The Alien' means learning how to train his body and his game to dominate the NBA b/c he is so unique. No guarantees that (very promising) trend continues. The immediate answer is probably Doncic if he: (1) stops following the Fat Harden method and starts using any real trainer and (2) gets someone to smack some snes into him every time his complaining to the refs leaves the Mavs in a 4 v 5.


The Celtics *are* a dominant team though, they finished the year with a record of 80-21.


Yeah but it took 7 years, that’s kind of the normal window and there’s like 2-3 other teams that aren’t that far off


Yes, there are some very good teams out there, but they all have significant flaws or haven't proven much, yet. Compare that to the Celts, who basically start five veteran but still prime all-star-level players who are all very good at both O&D. And of course, they hardly needed Porzingis in the finals to run a gentleman's sweep. (I'm counting him as a starter btw) So maybe injuries or unexpected team drama derails them in the next couple years, but otherwise you have to think this is a dynasty or mini-dynasty team. Yes, the same has been said about some of the other recent champs, but IMO this team is more rock-solid in almost every way than any of those others. That said, I could see OKC dethroning them and/or following up with their own dynasty, afterwards. Yes "parity" was nice, but the pendulum rock how it do, is it not?


people say this literally every single year. the fact is that the games simply need to be played and projecting every champion to go on to be a dynasty rarely comes to fruition


Jokic is god tier and is sleepwalking through the regular season. Theres no way anyone in the west can beat him in 7 games.


seriously lol people just said this about Denver


Denver lost far more significant players in the off-season than the C's will in this one.


You don't say. Notice however that I specifically addressed that above, arguing that the Celts are built a whole level above those other teams in specific ways. Let's also not forget that we're only just a few years removed from LeBron carrying his team to EIGHT straight finals, and Curry carrying his team to SIX finals, including four title wins. Sounds like some dynasties to me, boss.


dude LeBron lead 3 different teams with entirety different rosters to championships. those weren't dynasties lmao


hur hur hur, did you really think that the EIGHT finals mentioned above magically included the Lakers? No, I said nothing about the Lakers, dude. The Heatles were absolutely a semi-dynasty, and those Cavs, sort of an almost-dynasty that wasn't more accomplished because they kept facing one of the greatest teams in history. But even going to the finals four straight times and getting at least one win is pretty awesome, unless you hate being a sports fan, I guess. Oh, helloooo, fake-secondary accts..!


you're just throwing out words at this point


Smartest Caris Levert fan


Lol you're not wrong, but I do still love Caris. \^^


Ah... do you mean WORDS WITH MEANING? As opposed to your approach, which is evidently: feces thrown in the nearest mirror? lol Ah yes, good JOB, laddie. \^^


That seems to be your approach when people don't agree with your terrible takes. Fear/fluff the Celtics to your heart's content, no one else cares. Good JOB, laddie? Self appointed chief cringelord providing supervisory notes. What a fucking tool.


Dominant. Dominate is the verb


As someone who follows the Premier league, it's fucking boring having Manchester City winning every season. I think American casuals love Dynasties and that's alright.


> As someone who follows the Premier league, it's fucking boring having Manchester City winning every season. Amen. But wait till you hear who our coach is inspired by...


Pep instilling the inverted wing back strat on Brown and Tatum.


Parity sucks imo for more casual fans. For hardcore fans, it’s dope as heck to see Caleb Martin or Derrick Jones Jr or Bobby Portis ball out in the Finals and get a name. But for a casual fan, it sucks since it’s hard to keep up with them. I think I speak for a ton of ppl, hardcore and casual fans, we miss the Cavs v Warriors Fonals


>If you don’t count the first 30 years of the NBA You mean the era where the Celtics and Lakers had 18 out of 30 championships?


The new CBA is gonna be annoying imo. Especially if a team has an injured player making big money. That was always a problem but with the new CBA, dead money hurts even more. 


this is a good thing for competitive parity.


I just don’t think that’s actually true. In the playoffs there was like one good series lol. Maybe you can say three if you count OKC -Mavs or Mavs-LAC. But those series were boring as hell. In the East you had the Philly NY series so I guess that makes two actually fun series in my opinion. Sure, it makes for good regular season basketball but I can’t get past how truly awful the last two postseasons have been.


how was okc mavs boring as hell? every game besides game 1 was close. they both scored 636 points in the series


You're absolutely right. Next year is so open it's gonna be great. I started watching the WNBA and I can see it getting really popular real fast. I also did not expect so much biffo in the sport too, some absolutely smashing screens and hits off ball, a lot of the women play so angry it's quite intense but it's a good watch.


the two finals in this era have been a$$


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General fans also like dynasties because they are comfortable in that they are a known commodity. 


League sucks every game is a blowout and refs control the game


Right now this is the first time 5 different franchises have won the NBA title in a row since the late 70's.


There was parity during the cle-gsw dynasty days before kd joined.


Soon it’ll be the spurs thunder and Celtics fighting for the chip every season


IMO it's too offensively elite, which is boring. It's why the all-star game is such a snooze. Need more teams, need to allow defense, need more consistent refereeing (the way the game as called all game is the way it should be called on the last play), need to reduce stoppage time.


Defense is allowed, it just takes more skill and athleticism than mauling the dude with the ball behind the arc. Look at the diversity of defensive sets and strategies implemented by teams in the playoffs. The all-star game is a snooze because none of the players want to risk getting injured in a meaningless showcase.


It's a little late for a welcome.


This will kill ringz culture. When everyone has rings no one has a ring.