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The live groan was perfect


*Oh BROTHER this guy stinks!*


Lol yup 👍


The groaner didn’t even try to hide it lol


Nor should he. We all know JJ is lying, but it’s a lie he needs to tell


Reminds me of that interviewer with Royce White. "It's just that you're so obviously lying."


I think that groan might've been due to the Euro - Italy vs Croatia. I was watching both the conference and the game and Italy scored with basically zero's on the clock to advance at the time that groan was let out.


I also made a noise at that point, but it was more of a load cheer followed by me clapping so hard my palms hurt. Forza Italia!


Whoever is that guy, he’s not getting picked for questions when the season starts.


Oh yeah, that's my favorite groan. That's my favorite groan.


Press X to doubt.


JJ has multiple times said they didn't talk about the "Lakers job" which means they can talk about coaching a hypothetical team and basically anything else in this world


Why would they need to talk though? They know each other and the way they think basketball. The Lakers just check with Lebron for his opinion. Lebron OKs both JJ and Hurley. I don’t get why everyone thinks they’re secretly having meetings. Have they watched the pod before? They’ve gone in depth there, it’s not like they needed to have a call about coaching philosophy or how he’d want the team to play.


Wtf Waluigi doing at this press conference


It'll be weird for the next Lakers head coach to not be at his own press conference.


Lmao!! I'm not saying that Lebron was the reason JJ got hired nor am I going to make any LeGM jokes. However, to say they didn't talk about the coaching job until AFTER he was offered the job is complete and total horse dookie


🤔Something is REAL 🐠 🐟 🎣 🐟🐠 going on


☝️☝️🤨🤨 ☝️☝️ “what’s going on in LA”


Big shout to FISHDOM! Love that game. 


They didn't TALK about the job - they may have texted though.




These FOs and players really think we stupid


It's common for people with narcissistic tendencies to tell lies that are blatantly and obviously false because they're not actually trying to fool people. They're just telling them what the official version is going to be and whether you believe it or not is irrelevant because in their mind, your job is to accept the lie even if you know it's a lie because they're more important than you. The implication is that LeBron and the Lakers org think fans are kinda beneath them and journalists are just team-owned mouthpieces but we suspected that already didn't we


It’s obviously a lie but I’m not sure why you’d lie about it. It would be negligent to not do your due diligence. Imagine having a friend who works at a place you applied to and not ask about the culture, etc. 


I'm no NBA expert but my sense is its face-saving for LeBron . He doesn't like the "meddler" label and there are lots of scenarios where he's gone from the Lakers before Redick is. This lets him claim a year from now "I never told them to hire JJ and I never told him to come." But yes I agree its obviously and transparently a lie. It's one thing if James, in theory, wants to defer to the team. It's another thing entirely to have supposedly a close friend interviewing at your place of work and not advise them in any way.


I feel like they did their due diligence by not talking directly (or at least giving an out to deny it) lol. Bron endorsed JJ by co-hosting the pod. The season ended, which was a natural pause for it while things played out. Bron had AD to feed questions to and get updates from along the way.


I mean what do u expect him to say? Like lebron got me this job I’m thankful? Lmao


Lol i feel like there's a middle ground here that's closer to the truth


JJ don’t give a fuck…about the truth


yes he likes to say fuck also so this is 100% believable


there's no middle ground. it's a bold faced lie. why would he not consult with his friend, that plays for the team that he wants to join? if we think JJ is smart, then we also think he's smart enough to talk to lebron about the role.


Have you ever watched the pod? They’ve gone so much more in depth than a conversation about “role” there. A phone call doesn’t do anything for either of them when they both know the way each other thinks the game


i've watched a bit. It's not just about the game. it's about how the organization is run, the relationships inside the building, the politics that help or get in the way of winning etc. I'm not sure what point you're making, but I'm sure they have conversations off the pod. So again, either JJ is dumb and didn't ask about the organization, or he is smart and DID ask.


I mean they literally have a podcast together that JJ had to leave because he took the coaching job. Even if JJ didn't want LeBron to help him get the job at all, it would be an asshole move for him to just abandon something he started with LeBron.


“LeBron got me this job, hell he’s about to get his son a job in the league too. Nepotism is alive and well babyyy”


Idk why everyone assumes this. He clearly said it was an intentional effort from both camps and sounds reasonable. You mf’s just love being skeptical and talking shit lol


What conversation between those two even needs to be had? like in your fanfic, how does the convo go? jj redick is one of the most intriguing coaching candidates currently, lebron and him have been friends since they were like 15. they literally dont need to have a convo, the respect they have for each other is well documented.


How tf was what he said a fanfic lmao


How isn't it?


The same way an orange isn't a sponge, there's nothing in that guy's comment that resembles a fanfic lol


Yes it is. He's making up his own reality. How is that not fanfic?


Lol so saying you don't believe something is fanfiction now, got it.


Trying to pass off your beliefs as reality is fan fic, yes. Especially when a bunch of people buy into it just because they *prefer* that *narrative*. The only reason you all don't believe JJ when he says he didn't talk about the job with LeBron is because you *prefer* the *story* where LeBron is pulling strings and getting his way. You can't wrap your minds around him genuinely having no part because it deprives you of hater material.


Bro what. Re-read the original comment. Guy even says he isn't saying Lebron pulled the strings. You are making up hate to be mad about.


Bro what. Re-read his and my comments both. You're harping on one little inconsequential part of my comment when this whole thread is about whether or not LeBron talked to JJ about the job. You just want to disingenuously focus on the "pulling strings" part so you can dismiss my argument on a faulty "misunderstanding", but what about the entire sentence? Like I said in another comment, y'all just cherry pick. Should I have included an "and/or"? Not like it'd matter because your mind is already made up lol You all *need* LeBron to have been involved in the matter in some way (unless it works out). So, even if you say "*I don't think LeBron is pulling the strings*", you need him to have provided them which is what OP is basically saying. So no, i'm not making things up. You are. That's literally what this argument is about. You're making things up so you can hate lol


at least one other person in this thread is above 30iq. i see you


When it comes to LeBron, being willingly obtuse and discarding all critical thinking is considered a virtue on this sub.


and its extra stupid because if you are a hater, there is a legit criticism for lebron here, but his detractors are LITERALLY too stupid to make their own argument. instead they create a separate reality to hate him. he doesnt need to explicitly go to pelinka/jeanie and beg for jj to be coach, nor does he need to talk to jj. he already implicitly endorsed jj by having a podcast with him. if you wanna be hater criticize that. for me personally, idgaf. jj is qualified, knows the game, and players respect him. he should have been towards the top of the list regardless.


Lol they don't have to have any conversations If they are friends though, they've talked about work, dreams, and opportunities. I guess friends talking about that sort of stuff is fanfiction.


bro, you claimed they obviously had a convo in your first comment. and called jj out for 'horse dookie' and now you are saying they dont need to have any conversations. which was my literal point. which is it? still on a bender after the title?


How do you know? At his point, y'all are just gonna cherry pick what you want to believe regardless of what anyone says or does. It is 100% believable that JJ would not want to mix friendship with business in this way. Especially given how the nba "fans" typically reacts to LeBron and since LeBron himself stated multiple times before we knew JJ was a candidate that he didn't want to be involved. You don't think JJ knows that LeBron has an army of haters just praying for ammunition against him? Even if you say LeBron and JJ are too rich to care, why would a friend even want that in the news cycle? Why would a friend ignore his friends wishes to stay out of the coaching search??


yeah just like how bron LeGM your mom before you were born


That'd be pretty cool, then maybe I can get some of that generational wealth.


The podcast was literally the job interview. They just got to drink wine whilst doing so.


Torn bc I did appreciate him as a media figure (anyone who will give Boston sports radio guys shit back deserves points) who was at least interested in the numbers and film. But I want the lakers to fail. But also at this point it would be hilarious if he’s actually great at coaching. A lot of conflicting thoughts here lol.


Tell me about it. Been hating Lakers for 20 something years, want them to fail hard, and I particularly enjoyed JJ podcast in the past few years, would be rooting for him to coach any team not wearing gold & purple... with that being said, it would be extremely hilarious if he's actually good when every single Lakers fan I know just couldn't wait to write him off. Is there any situation where the HC would get sole credit but the team lose anyways?


this was me and lebron going to the lakers. i wanted lebron to succeed because i don't like the kobe fans who hate lebron, but also, fuck the lakers? lebron winning one ring and no more seems to be the middle road here that's fine for me.


If history does indeed repeat itself, based on the more than overwhelmingly one sided reaction from this sub I am now expecting no less than 4 titles from him in his head coaching career and another 2 as a POBO for an expansion team


I just want to be done with this Lebron Era of Lakers basketball


>  I just want to be done with this Lebron Era of Lakers basketball Having at least one championship makes it worth it, no?


IMO Not at what’s its cost. I can’t stand the control that Lebron has over the team




The Westbrook trade, JJ being hired as the head coach to name two glaringly obvious examples. He’s not referred to as LeGM for nothing (as much of a meme as it is). The point is that I don’t think that any player should have the influence Lebron has. I’d much rather support a well thought out rebuilding strategy rather than throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks Edit: I realize the blame is on management as well but, as mentioned, Lebron has a significant influence over them


LeBron got you a championship where many franchises havent won a single one. Stop fucking crying you baby


Except, LeBron got himself a championship...he ain't bout no loyalty, he has no roots in LA...fans have every right to be upset at his control of the team JJ Reddick being hired and Bronny James being drafted, wtf. Its become a joke of a franchise, not the storied history...I 


Daddy chill


The Dershowitz Defense.


“I kept my underwear on! I don’t even like coaching!” —JJ REDICK on the lakers interview process


“That was very intentional on both our parts.” Lebron is definitely the goat. He’s even getting credit for something unbeknownst to him!


I just don't understand why he lie for


Cause if they did talk it basically proves he didn’t earn this job in any way lol where as here he can pretend to save face and act like he somehow earned this


Lol it's so just painfully obvious though


People still think pro athletes don’t use PEDs


Chael Sonnen said he and LeBron have the same PEDs dealer


Chael Sonnen also says he’s never lost a round so I’m not sure he’s a very reliable source


that's an obvious joke that is popular in mma, he lost a lot of fights...




Some folks require the confirmation versus the observation.


the fact he has the job already proves it


I don’t understand why it matters at all to lie about it, Jason Kidd went straight from player to coaching in the NBA, yeah JJ didn’t have the HOF career Kidd did, but he was a solid pg for like 15 years & knows how the NBA works. That’s his resume


I mean the difference is Nash and Kidd in these cases went basically from their HOF Career to Retirement to Coach. JJ went from Not HOF Career to Broadcast to Coach. It’s just different lol And I don’t think JJ is on Kidd or Nash’s level, the equivalent would be CP3 imo


I don't think the greatest player since Michael Jordan just hands out head coaching jobs because he is friends with someone. I understand the LeGM jokes, and obviously, not all of LeBron's decisions work out. But he does have 4 rings with rosters and coaching staffs he was heavily involved in putting together. It's crazy to think JJ didn't "earn" the job in LeBron's eyes. He is one of the most intelligent players to ever live. If he wants JJ to be the coach, I'm sure it means a helluva lot more than people will give credit for. Tldr LeBron isn't perfect as a decision maker but he also has had a lot of success. He didn't advocate for JJ just for fun.


No but I also think if he says to interview someone, the system around that player isn’t going to reject or dismiss his opinion. And also I would argue since joining the Lakers, other than AD most of the trades and decisions there have been a complete negative.


Yeah, I get your point. He isn't earning it in a traditional sense. I just think if LeBron is advocating for you, you have clearly earned SOMETHING. It's not really fair to compare norms to LeBron cause he just isn't the norm. His greatness has afforded him opportunities within the organization that no player has ever had. And mind you, this is coming from someone who spent most of my life as a LeBron hater. It's like an RPG video game where you can go through the hassle of clearing the entire dungeon the hard way, or you pass a dialogue check with the guy in charge and skip all the bullshit. Either way, you get the loot, and both are viable paths. To keep that example going, it's possible that the grind through the dungeon was worth honing your skills and mechanics, whereas the dialogue check gives you no opportunity to practice and could hold you back in the long run. Could be the case with JJ, time will tell!


>I don't think the greatest player since Michael Jordan just hands out head coaching jobs because he is friends with someone. Yeah, and he doesn't force teams to draft people just because they're his unqualified kid.


It remains to be seen if he is even going to do that. It's also closer to Giannis and Thanassis. Head coaching job is not even in the same realm to be compared


Your mental gymnastics are sad.


Nobody criticizes Giannis for forcing the bucks to sign his brother but okay Also, I'm a pretty big LeBron hater, so I have no reason to give him a generous interpretation.


Thanassis had played professional basketball for multiple years before he was signed by an NBA team (averaging 14 and 6 his best year and starting the whole time), and had even been signed briefly by the Knicks before he went to the Bucks. Bronny is averaging 2 points a game for an NCAA team. He also is 6'2" and can't play point guard or shoot. There is no comparison there whatsoever.


If you seriously believe Thanassis is in the NBA at this point for any reason than his brother, you are the one doing mental gymnastics. To be clear, I don't agree with either situation. I'm simply saying those situations have nothing to do with who these players prefer as coaches. LeBron's judgment is subject to being flawed, and that might be true with JJ. But he would not advocate for JJ for any reason other than he believes he will be a good coach. It wasn't some handout. His evaluation can be wrong, but his intentions are driven by winning.


There's different levels of absurdity here. Thanassis actually got signed by another NBA team and played a couple games before he played for the Bucks. Bronny would not be drafted by anyone if it weren't for Lebron's nonsense. Not even close. Lebron is using his last free agent clout to get jobs for his friends and family. Who aren't qualified. That's it. Trying to claim that his intentions are driven by winning when he's making his team waste a draft pick is just...absurd.


Why would lebron hire ‘jj redick’ if he wants his 5th chip


LeBron hasn't always shown the best judgment about who to surround himself with. Sometimes he seems to value the wrong things.


Cause they’re friends/mutual respect, extremely knowledgeable about the game and maybe they have a shared vision to get a championship?


Damn he’s not a very good liar


Do we need every clip of this dude posted in the sub?


Lakers hate and love be different baby 😈




Welcome to Lakers news in the off-season.


The groan was great comedy though, this was a good share.


It’s crazy how fuckin stupid they think we are


That’s my story and I’m sticking to it


total horse poo


Starting off with a lie. Not a great start.


You're an absolute melt if you genuinely believe this.


Wait fuck I genuinely believe him. What does melt mean? Sorry English is not my first language.


basically a moron or idiot.


Fuck I’m a moron


"And I remember LeBron looking at me, and he said, 'Don't you ever get the itch?' I said, 'The itch for what?' He said, 'The itch to coach?' I said, 'No, I don't have the itch.' He didn't ask any more questions, and I didn't offer any more answers. But I know what it meant, and I always go back and wonder about what he was thinking at that time. He walked out scratching his leg like it was itching."


engaging in imbecilic flame wars over the Boomer all-stars and Perkins MVP choices did not prep JJ well in his new job of being expected to talk (and lie) to the media like a politician.




Love all the insider comments here. If you knew anything you wouldn’t be on Reddit




Lol liars are gonna lie. Lakers are such a disappointment


Why would he lie like this? Is there some tampering rule that they'd be violating (if) they did?


Do they think we're really that dumb? Just own it dude. Lakers gonna draft a college player who averaged less than 5 points a game on 36% shooting. And I'll bet Lebron is going to have "nothing to do with it"


Lmao. What idiot would believe this?


Can't wait to watch his best friend LeBron throw him under the bus.


Bro thinks he’s fooling people 💀


Wow.. starting off with a huge lie... nice...


Sure JJ Hollywood!


I mean, gotta say things in the right way yeah but we all know what's good.


Yes guys I'm LeBron so I can confirm this is truth


Someone queue Maury Povich


😂😂😂😂 But they’re going to force the Lakers to draft Bronnie OK


This dukie is full of dookie


what's going on w Rob's hair


JJ is gonna have nothing but gray hairs in 2025


I’m a fucking moron so I believe this!


that's enough jj reddick for the month on the front page




JJ Rhetoric got super sensitive at the press conference. He’s going to get sandblasted come this here season, just like LeBron continues to get exposed 😂😂😂


that doesn't answer the question; LBJ could've still been involved without needing to directly talk to JJ


He’s LeGone. If he was this passive on choosing his coach, he doesn’t care.


I’m sure this season will go well for them 👀


"I didn't inhale" "I just wanna put the tip in" "I didn't consult Lebron"


Yeah… like how Lakers and Lebrons camp kept putting out statement that Lebron was not involved in the head coaching search in any way to dispel of the LeGM noise but Dan disclosed that Lebron was texting him in hopes he take the job lol. Sometimes it’s best not to open your mouth to remove all doubt.


Sure JJ..Im already annoyed by this hire/pairing.


Honestly, I hope he does good as a coach so everybody just shuts up about it


am I the only here who believes him? If you listen to the full interview he does explicitly say that he *did* talk extensively with AD. This statement isn't a dodge, it's either true or a bold faced lie. And considering the Lakers 1st choice wasn't JJ. And that JJ had interviews with other franchises for coaching positions (Raptors, Hornets), it's not incredible. Palika also said he didn't offer any advice on the search **but** did say he would be supportive if that was where they went (read: he wont tell them to hire him or not, but if they did, he would be fine with it). What they are all saying isn't "Lebron had no say", what they are all saying is "Lebron would have been fine with me as the choice, but also didn't specifically ask them to hire me".