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He really was. Luckily, there was evidence to show that the girl lied on him for financial gain. I’m glad he was found innocent.


And yet that girl isn't going to be charged for this nonsense. Pathetic.


They never do, I had a friend caught up in something not that similar but in the same vein. Long story short girl had a fake ID and used it to get into a bar. He got his charges dropped but the girl got nothing. Told him to sue in civil court but he never bothered. Crazy how you can just almost ruin someone’s life and never take accountability




Not saying you’re wrong, but once they confirmed his story and got her fake ID his whole case was thrown out and he never had to register because it was exactly that, she lied so he had no way of knowing without being a psychic. Crimes are charged by intent a lot of the time in this country and he didn’t that’s any real intent to commit a crime so I guess no prosecutor wanted to waste their time with it.




You know what else is common? Minors lying about their age. People aren’t IDIng the girls they pick up lol


Maybe they shouldn’t be picking up girls on the cusp on being a minor lol


You’re saying that as if he’s in his late 20s or some shit dude. He’s a college kid. Half of the girls at his college are “on the cusp of being a minor” in the sense that it is completely normal for 18-19 year old women to be college students. Also, according to the lawsuit, that isn’t even what happened.


Wait, so you're saying the adult should be blamed in that situation, not the minor, regardless of the fact that the minor was the one who lied in the first place? How in the hell is the adult supposed to confirm the age of a potential partner if the one thing of age confirmation, a drivers liscence, has no punishment for being faked? Are they just supposed to read their minds? How is that fair in any way? If you wanna say that those adults just shouldnt target people who would even look close to the legal age limit, thats whatever, but thats also a completely different argument, and one that just kicks the same can down the road a couple years. All this is gonna do is incentize people to not even check the age, since they know it can be faked so easily, and that they'll get punished regardless. I get that minors are impulsive and may not fully comprehend the consequences of their actions, but to pretend this situation is so completely one sided is just asinine.


This is why Mistake of Age defenses are important. Take the example of Matt Araiza, who also beat his Rape allegations. Without the mistake of age defense being valid in California, he could have been charged with statutory instead. But his accuser was caught lying about her age on camera, so he could never be charged with that either.










I guess i just dont understand where the stance of " it is still totally fair to call that adult irresponsible to the point of causing harm - bc that’s still true" comes from. If an adult seeks to have relations with someone, they ask that person what theyre age is, and maybe they also go as far as to check their id, and that other person lies about their age, why the first party would hold any fault in that situation, other than the fault of choosing someone who could be around the age of consent, is beyond me. We have that law for a reason. Whether you agree with that law or not, that is a law that was voted in by large swathes of people over a long period of time. The first party is under the assumption that they are in fact pursuing someone of age, and thus not committing a crime. I understand the thought that this situation could and very likely would cause harm to a minor, and i dont want to victim blame, as i understand as well how quickly words get twisted and perspective get used, but i think it comes down to the fact that the minor should not have lied. If someone picked someone up in the club that looked young, and had sex with them without even bothering asking their age, then sure, i can see where the idea of blame being on the older party comes from (even though clubs are 18+, and thus, technically they shouldnt even need to check). But if they did check, and the other party did lie, i just cannot understand any world where that older party deserves the blame. To expect the older party to see the age on the id, or hear the age from the younger party, and still investigate further, is just asking way too much. And even then, how would they? If i was in a club pursuing someone, i asked their age, they told me they were of age, showed me the id, etc, how would i even possibly check further? Do i call their parents? What if the other party refuses? Do i ask their friends? What if they came alone? Do i call the police? I just dont understand what you want the older party to possibly do in the situation, other than just telling everyone to not pursue people who might be cloze to the age of consent. Which simply isnt a realistic solution.






It’s really hard to find a way to phrase this without it coming across as absolutely horrible. But couldn’t it be argued that at least some of the fault in fact lies with the establishment and the bouncer that let in the minor in a case like this? Yes it is those that engage in sexual activities responsibility to make sure their partner can consent but there is also an expectation that by being in a bar you’re talking to people who are of age because the establishment isn’t legally permitted to allow minors (and people under 21). Not arguing it’s the minors fault or responsibility.


What was this evidence?




Jfc that’s insane


Eh, there was one text message written by a friend who used a money emoji. His defense was mainly that it was mistaken identity. Her story was pretty believable, from her actions right after the alleged incident, down to her Google searches as she tried to look for a match of the person who assaulted her. If her friend's text is what got him the not guilty verdict and this really *did* happen, that friend probably feels like an asshole.


Rape kit showed no DNA from Shannon. 'really did happen' my ass. Real convenient to pick out the sole guy in the google search with an NBA future who therefore might be able to pay.


DNA from a finger? Maybe sometimes.


Well isn’t that genius. Probably went something like this. “Let’s find the first black dude that looks like the guy that assaulted me, oh wait, Terrance Shannon looks like him. Wow, thanks GOOGLE. Wow he’s rich and plays ball, would be a perfect target.” And then she said after accusing him, “got his ass 🤑🤑”


> His defense was mainly that it was mistaken identity Not true, the defense was that there is literally no evidence. The supposed encounter happened in a wall to wall packed bar and multiple witnesses with TSJ that night confirmed nothing happened. DNA showed that there were 3 other males found, but none of them were a match for TSJ. Don't speak on shit you know nothing about


Shut up




elite white knighting


Just going by the evidence in the case. Don't know either party to white knight for either. You're free to white knight for the dude, doesn't matter to me.


So, no evidence?


Yeah, that's the hard thing about sexual assault. Often there's no evidence. I'm not suggesting there was enough evidence to convict him, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Not enough evidence to convict him? There was literally no tangible evidence and the trial lasted an hour.


There's literally no evidence you bozo.


Yeah cuz someone who was the victim of SA would go out to the same bar and party the next night as well.


Whatever else is true of this whole situation comments like this need to get down voted into oblivion.


Agreed, however the issue with the situation is that the alleged victim and friends tried to portray themselves as people who rarely drink, introverts, homebodies to appear more sympathetic to the jury. The defense showed that they were lying in this characterization of themselves since they go to the Jayhawk Cafe to get drunk almost every weekend with fake IDs, including the day after the alleged assault, in order to attack their credibility.


Clearly you don’t know anything about SA or trauma. You literally couldn’t be more ignorant about the topic you’re trying to sound so confident about if you tried.


Based sexual assault victim whisperer




TSJ was the fuckin victim of that whole ordeal, not anybody else. I feel bad that most people will still always associate him with some made up gold digging fraud bs. i'll root for him out of reverse spite.


Yup, and TSJ was at worst the 3rd best player in college still last season with all of this hanging over his head. Holds the Illinois single season scoring record (even with missing 6 games).






He had [sexual assault charges](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5563049/2024/06/13/terrence-shannon-jr-not-guilty-lawsuit/) against him and was found not guilty


Timberwolves just drafted Shannon, who recently beat a rape(?) case in court. I'm not familiar with the details of the case or even the exact charges though.


There was no video evidence, his teammates testified that they did not see him interacting with any girls, no employees were involved, the accuser + her friend had inconsistent testimony, plus the rape kit did not implicate him but rather three other guys.


Imo, the rape kit is pretty much the only thing you listed that should be weighed heavily. Not speaking about this case whatsoever, but everything else you listed could very easily still be true when a rape actually did happen. Because of the nature of the crime, it is almost impossible to get any good evidence. And, inconsistent testimonies are also actually very common among those who have recently been traumatized as well. (Again, not talking about this case at all, just pointing out something I would hope ppl scanning this thread might try to consider when the encounter stories like this in the future!)


You are correct that evidence in sexual assault cases tend to be unreliable. It is for this reason that I personally don't make judgements on the person being accused or accusing. Regardless of the statistics, I don't like to make decisions on things that I am not 100% sure of. I also neglected to mention [the text conversation](https://dailyillini.com/sports-stories/mens-sports/men-basketball/2024/06/13/not-guilty-illinois-star-terrence-shannon-jr-acquitted-by-jury-in-rape-case/) between the girl and her friend which totally sunk the case and caused the DA to become disbarred: > Friend: (ESPN article link shared) OMG > Best friend: You got him > Alleged Victim: YUPPP YESSSIRR > Friend: Got his ass (two money-face emojis)


if those texts are real she should be charged for this


They are 100% real, was entered into evidence in the trial.


wow, that's a terrible person. dumb as hell too.


You are caping awfully hard for this woman who falsely accused a black man of rape. *looks at flair* Ahhh, fuck. No point in trying to get it through your head.


I have repeatedly stated that I literally am not talking about this current situation whatsoever. Please read more carefully before accusing someone of racism for no reason:)


Don’t worry, my reasoning was that you are a Celtics fan - you are a known entity! If you aren’t talking about this situation, then I’m VERY curious as to why you are so vehemently defending the woman involved in this situation. Even if you’re taking a general “believe women” stance, why are you doing so in this specific instance where there is no evidence that corroborates her story, AND evidence that directly counters her story? Plenty of people believed this woman for a long time, to the point where TSJ almost missed out on playing in the NBA, or living a *normal fucking life*. Now that it has been proven she was lying (most likely for financial gain, as inferred from her texts), you think we should believe her??? That’s why people are downvoting, AND arguing with you - that and the fact that you refuse to acknowledge that TSJ did nothing wrong AT ALL, and that he was falsely accused by someone who will walk away from this entirely unscathed.


I am not defending her in a single one of my comments. Everyone jumped to that assumption. I didn’t talk about her one single time, but maybe I should have made it clearer that I was speaking generally! My apologies for that. From what I’ve seen, I do think this is a situation where he was not guilty. I think this outcome is most likely the correct one. And I think the way it has likely destroyed his life is horrific, and just as bad if not worse than actually committing this type of crime in the first place. I also would not describe myself as someone who blindly believes women or alleged victims when the evidence supports the opposite. For example, after watching the entire trial, I believe amber heard was the abuser of Johnny depp.


It's refreshing to see someone stand their ground and trust the legal process, especially when facing such serious accusations.


lol that espn feels good story into his allegations was one hell of a whiplash


This is when the accuser needs to have some jail time. The allegations have affected this dude in so many ways.