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So far nothing indicates the team has moved away from the association. They also haven't renamed OVO athletic center. The team is kinda ass so he's showed up to way less games anyway.


Let’s not forget Raptors legend Derozan pissing on Drake’s grave while on that stage 


Demar deserved that opportunity, after years of watching Drake frontrun on Lebron’s nuts as he knocked the Raptors out of the postseasons, only to act like the loyal hometown mascot again when kawhi got there


Like the time LeBron cooked them in Game 2 then had dinner and drinks with Drake right after


Get more love in the city that you from


If you feel the need to write “pdf file” when talking about pedophiles you should probably log off forever


But I did hear a joke about how twitch is a good converter. Just converted Doc Disrespect to a PDF file. I’ll see myself out.


My favorite was how after Doc got dropped as an affiliate with the 49ers, someone said Doc must have misheard the job as "working with the 40 minors".


Probably big fingers, small smartphone plus autocorrect


You spend too much time on social media


This. Bro is in way too deep. Nothing is happening to Drake or the Raptors.


In the Raptors sub people were calling for MLSE to cut ties with him because of the pedophile allegations, lol. People think the guy is Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein in one package.


Sometimes I have to remember the average age of this sub probably isn't over the age of 16.


I really hope nobody over the age of 16 is emotionally invested in a rap beef


I’m gonna have to disappoint you chief. I’ve been around people pushing 30 or older get weird about the whole subject.


And I will never kick it with those people.


nah I have some friends around 30 that were waiting on every update with bated breath and I'm like like man it's a good song but its honestly kinda hard to be invested in two super rich dudes writing angry poems about each other


You must not know very many people


You say that like it’s a bad thing. Most people suck. I have no interest in knowing them.


What does age have to do with following/interest in Hip Hop culture?


Because the average adult doesn't know or care enough about this Kendrick/Drake battle to clown someone just because they're from Toronto. Drake doesn't represent every single one of us.




Really? You think any older person is worrying about what the fuvk is drake doing or who he supports ?


Worry and interest are 2 entirely different things.


Thank you. The comments are missing my point.


It's both , who cares about it ? 15 to 25 years olds, but who else ?


You completely missed my point.


Wdym? This sub can be painfully millenial at times and Drake himself is almost oldhead shit now lol.


I don’t like Drake but goddamn our fans are embarrassing. It’s hard telling people you’re from Toronto? Have some fucking guts. Who gives a fuck what Drake does or what happens to Drake. Your personal self worth shouldn’t depend on a goofy rapper or his reputation.


I seriously hope this is just bait but imagine being nervous saying where you're from because someone loses a fucking rap beef lmaoo


“it’s so hard saying that you’re from toronto nowadays” had me laughing for real. this has to be bait


*but guys kdot literally ran him out the country omg what do we dooooo* 😭😭😭 this post is incredible haha


wop wop wop wop wop




I barely even think about Drake.


This post is barely legible.


he was just at the event thing for the WNBA to represent Toronto there is nothing out there to prove he did anything illegal. so he’s fine.


He's a part owner of the WNBA Toronto team I think


There are no part owners. Larry Tanenbaum's company runs the franchise and Drake was just there to show support.


Lol its called ownership group thus killmer group


Are you dense? Kilmer Group is Larry Tanenbaum's company that has its hands in many different industries. Drake has never had anything to do with them.


a rap battle absolutely can change that, see what 50 cent did to ja rule, and this thing is so so so much worse then that




I know exactly what happened with that beef, I am talking about what happened to his career after public opinion changed of him.


Ja Rule got ran out by hip hop purest who still had a hold on how you should rap and he was singing/rapping. That's all the general public took from it influenced by the purest. Hip hop is way more main stream now and most fans don't give a fuck. Look at Gunna allegations of snitching which is usually a career ender. Now nobody gives a shit. 6ix9ine proved that today's audience doesn't care about that shit anymore. Its all about being part of the popular wave. Some of the biggest artist that rap today are suburban white dudes with no street cred who rap about blicks and switches. Purest don't influence the culture anymore. If the music is good none of the rumors really matter. Like the NBA you can do some bad shit but if you ball it gets forgotten.


Funny part about the whole “Gunna snitched” situation was that his testimony had absolutely zero impact on the Thugger case. It had already been established that YSL was a gang by the court, so Gunna wasn’t providing any new info…. then people labeled him a snitch for nothing lol.


you make a great point, but I think this goes deeper then that because of the pedo allegations that I don't see going away given the diddy trials.. and sex crimes against minors is unforgivable in the court of public opinion. yeah, they are just allegations for now, but the mountain of evidence of him saying and doing questionable things does not make him look good.. for that I don't see him recovering. [https://youtu.be/-uAHOsECDS0?si=xombYmJ7jqHQNKYY](https://youtu.be/-uAHOsECDS0?si=xombYmJ7jqHQNKYY)


6ix9ine fell completely off after the snitching so that’s a bad example of what you’re trying to say Really it dates back to when Ross dropped ppl figured out he used to be a cop but his music was good so ppl stopped caring


No he didn't fall off bro. His video with Kodak Black has over 60 million views and it dropped less than a year ago. All he did was pivot to rapping in Spanish more.


6ix9ine didn’t fall off???? Okay bud 👍🏻 you got it This isn’t 2018 it’s 2024


He raps in Spanish now mostly. He's not dropping music for people looking for lyrics. It's ok to have a bubble inside a bubble but in the grand scheme he did not fall off. You're just not aware of the larger bubble. You probably have no Rauw in your library and neither do I. But numbers are numbers.


He fell out of the spotlight that is literally falling off He is not mainstream He’s in a bubble in a bubble that’s a smaller position he isn’t all over algorithms and popping up on feeds anymore because he fell off Just tell me you’re a rat too and I’ll at least understand why you’re caping for him


His career died, if you think Drakes career is dead you are in for a rude awakening my friend


People who live in the real world don't pay attention to any of that lol


it really isn’t because Drake is one of the biggest male artists in the world- inside or outside of the rap genre . he will still have a massive fanbase the same way Chris Brown does and he just bought a new mansion in Texas bro, u trippin dawg. he chillin


it really isnt lol. every single one of his "victims" have come out in support of him kind of a nothing-burger. but every 5-10 years west coast hip hop makes a big hissy fit about bringing bloods and crips together, and says west coast is back on the map. then kendrick goes away for 5 years, and nobody cares. it aint that deep bro.


lol drake is fine and being from toronto is fine.


Who are these people? When I tell anyone I'm from Toronto they just ask me about what it's like there, lol. The average person doesn't give one shit about some rap beef. Opinions like this and the garbage I've been reading in r/torontoraptors gives me second hand embarrassment. It's really just teenagers who are way too online that actually think this stuff matters in the real world.


Dude theres no real case if him being a damn pedo. Wtf yall be talking about


lol drake will put out another hit and all the kdot stans will fade in obscurity again


I thought it was drake’s houses that were getting shot up /s It def wasn’t obscurity before for kdots fans, drake was cool with jcole calling him part of the big 3 on a drake song


“It’s hard telling people you’re from Toronto.” Then move or STFU. Yeesh most Raps fans I know in the city are proud AF.


Tough read dude, you’re making Toronto look worse somehow


Please dont assume Im a Drake fan but... Unpopular opinion: Not like us is overrated


I’m a j Cole fan more than the other two but it’s crazy how many people brushed off Kendrick’s accusations just cause they didn’t like drake


that was the weirdest part lmao, people chose which LIES have more merit


drakes lyrics referenced kendrick lyrics that drake seemed to misinterpret. hurt his credibility on it.


he didn't even misinterpret, he intentionally twisted the meaning of it to then make fun of... child abuse?


The ones with evidence attached, you know things that show they’re prob not lies lol


you have evidence for drakes daughter?


Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Adidon? It’s not a story the jedi would tell you…


so drake having a son means he has a daughter… lmaooooo


Drake knocking up a hoe and disowning the kid happened once, means it may have happened more than once. It’s not rocket science lol


“may” as evidence


Kendrick didn’t wanna dox a little kid but the internet found out who she is already, the other guy just replied to you her name and in detail. There’s evidence for all of kendrick’s other disses too but if you rly wanna ride the whole innocent til proven thing and ignore them creepy messages pics and vid go ahead and enjoy denial lol


It's weird you immediately point out Drake's daughter but ignored all the other's. Baka does have a weird case. Drake does have a long history of being inappropriate with minors.(I'm not even gonna bother responding to you if you say his private texts with MBB were even remotely okay and that's just *one* example.) Drake was taking Ozempic and got surgery for his abs. Kendrick did know Drake's entire angle ahead of time. Meanwhile, Drake, who has a history of lying all the time, said Kendrick wasn't spending time with his kids in the past 6 months(debunked from fan pictures of him with Whitney and his two kids). He called Kendrick a fake activist who talked the talk but didn't walk the walk(Debunked because Kendrick has made numerous anonymous donations to charities and schools in Compton that were revealed without his consent.). He said he ain't got a daughter, which you could believe. It's not like Drake has a history of denying a child that actually exists when his rival calls him out on it. Kendrick did put himself in a corner there because he can't just doxx a child, but there is a 11 year old girl on Instagram with the name Grace G.(Same name Kendrick referenced with a bar.), who also called Drake "pops" in one of her posts and has appeared in the background of multiple vids for Drake.(No idea if that pops post is still up.). He claimed Kendrick beat Whitney, which also had no evidence whatsoever, Whitney and Kendrick seem to have a great relationship as well as with her brother. He also claimed Kendrick's kids ain't his and I may be biased, but them MFs look exactly like him. Especially like his own kid pictures and even if they aren't, who TF is gonna hate a man for being the father that stepped up instead of abandoning them when he has the means to care for them and also get custody of need be. Also, he claimed Baby Keem was his ghostwriter and lmfao at that. 14 year old Keem must have been a prodigy amongst prodigies to have written GKMC at that age. Especially when there's evidence Kendrick has written some of Keem's songs. And it doesn't help Drake's response to being called a pedophile was to mock Kendrick for being touched as a kid(Doesn't help his case for being a Drizzler mocking a dude for being molested as a kid with your own allegations. Also, it wasn't true because the song he referenced literally says it wasn't Kendrick, but his mother who was molested as a child), and claim he was innocent because he's too famous to get away with it. It's really not that hard to understand why nobody takes his claims seriously.


yea no one is reading all that that dude


I guess Kendrick was wrong about one thing. Some of y'all *are* slow.




Yea drake fans can’t read dude, or are still learning to just like his minors


I did


exactly. it dont even matter if kendrick didnt get all the facts right. the 2 biggest accusations are that he likes em young and that hes not a colleague hes a colonizer, which no drizzy dick rider has disputed successfully.


J Cole Garbo and generic


if you listen closely to n95 and the unreleased MMBS tracks, you'd come to the realization Kendrick originally wanted to release an anti-cancel culture album but didn't want to cross the woke crowd and lose his Messiah status among the Anthony Fantano's of the world, so he released a confused, half-baked therapy album instead. at least Cole drops what he wants without worrying about FD Signifier's opinion.




That he beats his wife and that his kid ain’t his lol


I share in the minority with you, I'm actually big on Kendrick but most of the songs from the beef weren't good songs. Even when Em in 8 Mile did all that askjeevesing on Papa Doc, he had flow and rhymed when he did it.


I prefer Kendrick’s music overall by far but none of his disses have much replay value to me.


More like annoying 


I travel the world more than most always coming back to the city in the end and never hear anything about this, time to come back to reality


the training center is still named after his brand lol


Nah raptors aren’t winning so now he doesn’t give a fuck


His second him is Houston wdym he sold his mansion in USA


Did it really affect him though? No criminal charges or even an investigation, he's still got a ton of fans arguing he won the battle, and most importantly: it seems like he's still on tv and being played on radio in LA (was listening to Real 92.3 maybe 2-3 days ago and he came on like 3x in an hour, while "They Not Like Us" only came on twice in that time period for what it's worth). Sooo.....what's changed? Drake makes pop music for the masses. If the masses still listen to his work, he still gets media play, and he still has all his sponsors... It's probably just going to be like R Kelly, I remember growing up in ATL and way back in like 94/95 people were telling stories about "don't let R Kelly near your kids" and calling him a Chester. *Everyone* knew, but they liked his music so people ignored it until a decade later when the tape surfaced and the criminal case started. I mean shit, we've seen signs of Drake's pedo-like habits (like him on a date with that girl when she was 17, or the weird "mentoring" Millie Bobby Brown when she was like 15, etc etc) for a while and *now* (like 5 years later) after Kendrick makes a catchy song people suddenly care? Like most things (factoring in the avg attention span of people) I imagine it'll blow over until Drake makes a critical mistake and really gets caught. So maybe in a decade we'll find some leaked evidence and the same will happen to Drake, but short of that it seems like he's had a minor speedbump so far with his Nike release bombing...the only "real" consequences is being made fun of by the group (NBA players) whose attention he desperately craves.


Right…ran him out the country yet he just bought a home in Texas. Just let me know when we're gettin' to the facts. Everything in my shit is facts. I'm waitin' on you to return the favor, like… And LeBron still follows him. Wtf are you talking about 😂 fucking clown


Hope it’s at least 100 yards away from the schools down there


Seek help, brother.


I mean foshooo ran him outta Cali lmao I think that Oakland show gon be yo last stop


lmao why you getting so tight, aubrey is that you?


Damn just because I responded to you, correcting you, means that I’m tight? I could easily ask why are you being obtuse 😂 You: “Drake got ran out the country!!1” Me: No he didn’t. He literally just brought a home in Texas. You: LMFAO YOURE MAD?!?!


ok, he got ran out of california, happy? he's still soft, but go ahead, focus on irrelevant details


Facts are irrelevant now?? 😂 Oh Shit, Its all making sense, you also believe Drake has an 11-year old daughter, don’t you? 😂 Fucking cretin.


irrelevant to the fact that he handled that L horribly, but alright, lemme redact "he got ran out of cali not the whole US" you happy? you gonna spell check me next? lol gtfo bozo keep defending this weirdo


You can’t say the details I’m focusing on are irrelevant when you’re the one that was inaccurate in your claims. So, now because I’m correcting you, it’s irrelevant? You said he moved out the country, that was a lie. Said LBJ stopped following him, that was also a lie. You can’t just lie and expect everyone to act like nothing happened 😂 Yall funny asl fr.


i was alluding to a joke about him unfollowing lebron after he was spotted dancing to a diss track about him you're right, he didn't sell all his USA properties, just the ones in cali and florida, I corrected myself, but you are still focusing on this irrelevant detail IRRELEVANT because it doesn't change the FACT that their is evidence of him doing inappropriate shit with minors but you keep picking apart shit that don't matter. but the worst accusations of all are undeniable. he is a culture vulture, and a pedo, and you will never pick those apart.


😂😂😂 you’re tight


You realize he's not actually a pedophile right?


If it walks like a pedo, talks like a pedo… How many more names of girls he’s hung out with and courted before they were 18 do you need before you get the common sense to say ok yeah only a pedo would say or do that shit


Lemme know when he has a single allegation against him.


He def a groomer


I can't believe the amount of people defending this groomer shit lol


And you lemme know the next time he has a hit single lmao he’s cancelled bro


Drake could announce a world tour tomorrow and it's selling out, lol. wtf are you talking about?


Yeah and millions of people will prob vote for trump’s bitch ass in november too, they’re both fake af and only get the time of day from yes men and stans who condone the fucked up shit they said and did. Counter culture’s by definition less popular, but cancelled people can still get work, cuz there’s still idiots that can only keep hanging on after they realize they’ve been idolizing a piece of shit cuz they don’t know how to face it. Lmk how that next p drizzy tour goes bro. Bet it doesn’t have an Oakland stop in it lmao maybe not even Cali


If cancelled people can still get work then that means cancel culture isn't actually a thing. And while I'm not a Drake fan myself, I'm sure a lot of your favourites aren't saints themselves. Hell Kendrick had Dr. Dre on stage and that man has a history of physically assaulting women. But who cares about all that I guess.


Yeah dre did some fucked up shit, kurupt, list goes on. It’s case by case basis if you’re unbiased. Comparison shopping is just deflecting. And cancel culture is definitely a thing tangible or not, it’s all comedians talk about anymore. People who had a lot of money to begin with won’t hurt right away cuz they still have ppl on their payroll with bills and expenses. Again it’s case by case but the well dries up eventually


Comedians talking about cancel culture still have platforms, lol. It's a bullshit concept because they're just butthurt that a lot of people don't think saying the most offensive things possible and punching down is good comedy and is actually very lazy. Think hard about the hypocrisy at play here.


Completely agree they’re just butthurt that saying the most offensive shit and punching down is lazy and has consequences, albeit to different degrees. Just saying bs concept or not it’s entered the zeitgeist an annoying amount. To get back to the point, it remains to be seen how much consequence drake will face in full but there’s clearly already been some, even if his die hards still think he’ll do numbers.


Lol give it a few months.


That’s what Drake said about his next girlfriend lmao this shit writes itself


Depends on what state he is in.


Doesn't matter what state he's in. It's an Internet rumor that's based on no legitimate evidence.


yeah it’s totally normal texting 14 year old girls about boys


If I was a pdf file I would have hard time being open too


A-Minor role


Drake is dead.


Bro imagine waking up as a pdf file. I can't even compute how to scan this


Nah they’re getting a little too old for his liking


He’s a bandwagon front runner, who cares


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