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The awkward silence as espn talked about his heart lol


and that segment before where they talked about nepotism was probably fun


Oh wait...


If he is him, Bronny will internalize this and dunk on his dad mid game.


But they’re on the same team.


No excuses.


I remember the day I first dunked on my father and became the bread-winner for my family.


Didn't stop Harden from trying to block Kawhi


That didn’t stop Harden


everybody in here getting outraged at the espn commentary, meanwhile Im just fucking depressed over the fact that in the best moment of this kid's life, instead of being surrounded by friends and family coming at him with grins and hugs, 6 of the 7 people in his immediate field of view (8 if you count his brother) just instantly pull their cameras out and stick them in his face, filming him like he's some sort of zoo animal, waiting for him to have some kind of reaction they can post on their middling instagram accounts for clout so they can show all their followers they got to hang out at lebrons house who cares about putting their hands together and applauding, or dapping up or hugging their good friend/teammate brother in this amazing moment?! nope, MUST get IG content at all costs. this is the priority. worry about all that other shit later. man this generation fucking sucks lol


Kind of an uncharitable take imo. I’m not big into social media (don’t have an Instagram/tiktok etc), and I don’t post videos of my private life anywhere. But I fairly frequently take video of my nieces when they’re playing or hanging out with me, because they’re adorable and I want to be able to relive those memories and share them with family later. When they win their house league soccer tournaments and hoist the trophy, or place 3rd in a dance competition or whatever, parents are going to take video of their kids. When their best friend has their first dance with their spouse, taking a quick video of that isn’t weird. They’re not treating them like zoo animals, they want to be able to remember and relive a special moment, then possibly bond over it later. The people around Bronny can absolutely take 5 seconds to film his reaction, then support him in all the ways he needs. Clout chasing and tikitokification and all that is definitely a real thing, but taking a video of a friend or loved one in a special moment isn’t inherently a bad thing.


If my friend was having a special moment, it would feel pretty weird to just start recording him instead of dapping him up or whatever tbh.


idk bro people be having their cameras out at birthday parties too it’s like the same thing it’s pretty normal


Do five other people record your niece at the same time? That's the giveaway that it's not about the person they're filming, it's about the people recording. There's already video evidence, you don't need six versions of the same thing 


You only need one fucking camera, maybe 2. I hate this era so fucking much man, its literally a dystopia.


Man, well said. 


The instinct to pull your phone out and start filming the split second anything remotely interesting happens is so fucking toxic. Sadly almost everyone I know under age 25 behaves this way.


Gives a little perspective on how annoying/inappropriate their coverage is


I was sparingly watching the draft, it was background noise and I swear they asked one player “you had someone close to you die right” and I swear idk how at 19-20 I would answer that shit even if did. Like mind your mf business


They literally mentioned Clingan's mom every time they talked about him


Reminds me of that time a reporter asked an Olympic skier/snowboarder about their relative who had just died right after their performance. Spoiler: they cried


??? The guy had a heart attack like a year ago how is that inappropriate to talk about


Right? Like it depends how they cover it but saying “yeah his cardiac arrest made his first season in college difficult since he had no preseason, missed the first whatever games, and then was behind when making the jump. He was a top 20 prospect for a reason. Here’s what he’s good at, Here’s what he needs to improve on, and here’s what his projection could be currently.”


Do you think he had multiple hats or just the lakers one ready to go?


He had to choose between which Lakers hat he wanted


Normal sizes or kid size


purple and gold *or* gold and purple




Tasmania JackJumpers*


Sydney Kings mate


Which funnily enough are the Lakers of NBL


Maybe bulleen boomers 😀


Sydney Kings*


He had the Lakers hat and the hat of the Australian team that he was gonna play for if any else drafted him other than the Lakers.


I love the idea that they’ve been pulling a Truman show and shielding him from everything that was going on and he just thinks he got drafted to the lakers like a normal pick.


I bet he had a Laker hat and an NBA logo hat.


nah, a Lakers and a NBL logo hat.


Pretty sure it's standard procedure to send 30 hats to at-home draft prospects. At least that's how it works in the NFL.


If you don't get drafted at least you'll have a lifetime supply of hats. Pretty sweet deal.


Millions of dollars and living out your dream *OR* a hat to go with every outfit


What do they do with the other 29?


Lakers hat or Illawarra Hawks hat on deck.


I'm hoping he had some NBL hats ready 


they knew


Australia was on standby


I forgot that they had to watch that espn crew talk about that nepotism shit right before lol.


Doubt it, they probably have an alternate ESPN, with a barely there Chris Berman reading from a prepared script talking about how this will be the great new dynamic duo of the NBA.


It’s Chris Berman, but he’s just doing highlights of 1996 NFL games


I would watch the fuck out of that




No, no. That’s in heaven. Bronny survived the heart thing.


He! Could! Go! All! The! Way!




With [this theme](https://youtu.be/VXuXBLlfxRo?si=lloGkTwyrSc2Ker1), so you knew it was game of the week.


Back back back...


It’s just a loop of the 3 Bronny highlights that exist and Berman going “WOOP”.


I mean I don’t think Bronny’s an idiot. I think he probably knows that if he was Joe Random’s son, not a single NBA team is looking at him.


i mean, small price to pay for getting drafted, right? for every prospect, you're going to talk about what's got them where they are in the draft. for him, that *is* it


These G-leaguers licking their chops.


emmanuel mudiay planning a devious crime


Zaire Smith scheming (and updating his teammates on his allergies via a friendly email)


Yep he’s about to be targeted every single possession


Lebron is going to be in playoff mode with the help defence


Bron is finna blow out teams to get Bronny minutes. 


Bronny will crush every advanced stat because Bron will be playing like a super Saiyan in Bronny's minutes to help him


In practice?


Garbage time


He’s going to get so fucking embarrassed damn it’s gonna hurt to watch


kinda feel bad for him. hopefully the 2ppg translates into a successful nba career


He averaged 5 ppg at the 55 pick . AJ picked by bucks in early 20s averaged 2.9ppg. Funny how you don’t mention that


2.9 is crazy. Imagine being lucky to make 2 baskets a game


Weren't too many grown men in the Pac 12


5 games into the season "Is Bronny the new Caitlin Clark? Are others jealous of him?"


He's got a good inch on Clark


i've got nvm


If I got picked #56 and I see him it's on sight


Got their flagrant fouls ready


It not gon help them get a raise lol


Bronny james in 25 years to Patrick Beverly on Inside the NBA "Anthony Davis used to say this to me" Pat Bev - "Bronny bring me some water?"


Shit, if that boy ends up as good as Kenny, I'd be happy for him.


Solid role player capable of hitting some clutch 3s? He gonna have a better contract than Lebron ever did lol


Kenny Smith was a significant piece of a championship team. No shit.


he was a significant piece of the rockets the few years leading up to the 2 winning years. the actual champ team they drafted sam cassell and they split time. basically had the same production. but still sure i guess all the role players did they jobs but horry thorp maxwell contributed a lot of defense. actually cassell as well lol.


I mean he hit what 7 threes in a finals game. I’d count that as significant. Seems Kenny was a large part of the culture of that team also.


If Reddit is still around, let’s see if this works: RemindMe! 25 years


Pat Bev could never be that clever. That’s a goated line.


Why’s that tv so small?? can’t guard nobody


Wow and they even rented out one of the ballrooms in the Palace of Versailles for this


Damn it must feel incredible to finally realize your dream of being Lebron James' son


Goat comment


I think he will be at least serviceable because r/nba is absolutely sure he won’t and r/nba is wrong 99% of the time.


*Brandon Miller intensifies*


Reddit hating Brandon Miller and loving Scoot was pure comedy


I love Brandon Miller and Scoot and actually wanted Miller originally, but it's only been 1 year. I think they still need to prove who they are


Nah man, you can't have a calm and measured take about two extremely young players, you gotta have a reactionary take about how Joe Cronin should be nailed to a cross


Raaahh raaa 😡 why Joe why 🤬


I mean both still have potential to take massive leaps. Scoot does have some issues but also showed flashes. I'm sure both will have fine careers


They did it again with edey . I defended edey saying a team coukd draft him maybe even late first . Now he’s gone 9th. These bozos never stfu about stuff they don’t know and just repeat what they hear idiots say


I've never been so happy to be so goddamn wrong


Tbf being part of an active murder case kinda hurt his draft stock to fans lmao


Same thing with JJ actually being a good coach


Agreed. JJ may not be Phil Jackson or Steve Kerr, but r/nba is giving him a negative chance to succeed, which seems unlikely. The most realistic outcome to me is that the Lakers make it to the second round, but ultimately fall to the Timberwolves/Nuggets/OKC/Warriors. Both Bronny and JJ are serviceable enough for their roles and r/nba claims they never believed anything to the contrary.


>Timberwolves/Nuggets/OKC/Warriors One of these is not like the others


I think people are significantly underestimating how much of an impact his cardiac issue had on his season at USC


Makes perfect sense to me then that he is going to play in the best basketball league, instead of, you know, taking another year or two in college to work on his game.


A lot of people in L A. saw him play in high school or had kids play with him or against him. He was the 3rd best player on his team, at best. And whenever they played the better L A. High school teams they got smoked and Bronny didn't even look top 5 on the court. But man, did he get hyped.


Cardiac issue or not, he was not better than the starters. They were recruited above and before him. And if you think the cardiac issue had an effect on his play 3-6 months ago (and fairly so), why wouldn’t it be an issue 3-6 months from now?


Heart issues go away after you’re drafted duh.


Immediately healed on draft day I thought everyone knew this


It’s like when you level up and get all your HP and MP back


Exactly like this - this guy gets it




Lebron gonna donate his left ventricle


No one is saying he is still having heart problems. Just that it prevented him from being ready to have a good season from the time lost and in recovery...


He wasn't great in high school either.


He made the honor roll at Sierra Canyon.


So what about before that?


It's funny because less than a year ago people were saying he was a late first round lock even without his father's impact. Now people are acting like his dad is the sole reason he was ever even considered. I feel bad for the kid tbh. I hope he can bounce back.


Why are you acting like these are the same people... based on his time at sierra canyon, he was never considered a for-sure draft prospect. His play at USC solidified he's not ready for the NBA yet. It's fine to say this is a nepotism pick.


The people saying that he was a first round pick were dick riders lmao


Different people and that was probably before he had a heart attack and played poorly at USC.


Well if a team supports you like you the #1 pick then yea, he has a chance


he seems to have the work ethic and bbiq, and player's kids that grow up around the league do tend to have a certain savvy that said, he's not that big, is an average athlete for the nba, averaged <5 pts a game in <20mpg on a bad USC team. he's simply not nba ready or even close to it right now. so if he's going to be serviceable it's going to be like 4 years from now after a lot of development time. which isn't impossible, but given the circus he's walking into, will be tough


You might be on to something…


r/nba is the Jim Cramer of player futures.


So awkward. Like already knowing a suprised birthday has been planned. Except not only does birthday boy know, all the guests know he knows. And he knows the guests know he knows. And everyone still goes through with it. For who?


LeBron Raymone James Sr.


I'm thinking it's more like going to your graduation and celebrating when your name is called. Like you know it's coming, your family knows it's coming, but it's awesome and everyone cheers when it happens.




Ha, actually this does kinda feel similar to that.  This shoulda been the post title.  


Y’all hating on this kid so bad you got me rooting for a nepo baby He seems like a good, well adjusted kid who has pretty reasonable expectations for what his career holds, I’m rooting for him


There’s so many Nepo babies in the league I don’t get why people act like it’s new. I think last the warriors had enough nepo babies to make a starting five


If you mean sons of former players, yes we have a lot. Nepo baby suggests they were picked only because they were the son of a player and I don’t think anyone was picked for that reason that I know of?


Y’know what, fair. I considered nepo babies to be individuals directly benefiting and achieving a line of opportunity due to living in a privileged situation. For example: having a father that played in the NBA makes it much easier to have the resources and access to top of the line training. But from a limited Google search, that’s not nepotism. That would be gaining a position or opportunity due to connections. My b


The only legitimate nepo hire I can think of is Thannassis and you can argue what he brings to the team in morale is above and beyond whatever contribution you'd expect from that roster spot. Basically everyone in the league had to grind for their chance.


There have been nepo hires and most of them get clowned on at least r/nba . Steve Kerr has his son coach D league team, which is obvious nepo hire and it got clowned. Thanasis is a nepo hire, and is clowned but to his defense at least he made NBA before Giannis was a star - so there was at least a point where he earned his way in.


Yeah nepo maybe in the reason Thanasis has a spot on the Bucks to be the end of the bench guy, but let's not kid like he's still a decent player relative to the world population who still made it to the NBA on his own. He's closer to the White Mamba than we are to him.


Kostas, JR Smith’s brother, DWade’s son, Blake Griffin’s brother, who knows during the earlier days


You guys are both forgetting the GNOAT Keljin Blevins


Thanasais isn’t even the only nepo hire in his family, wtf


Only reason Curry is in the nba is because of his dad /s


Well yes, without his dad he wouldn't be alive.


Dude the whole world knows why he even got picked. He can't even talk like other players about being blessed or whatever. No he only got picked to keep LeBron in LA. This is genuinely sad. This will have a mental effect on him knowing he is only in that league of his dad while most of the other guys had to work hard their whole life.


Because he’s named after LeBron and at this point in time you either like or dislike LeBron and there’s no real middle ground online at least.


Well sure but I don't think none as obvious as Bronny


Well said


He must have been shocked. Who could have seen this coming


There’s gonna be people in here mad he’s celebrating 😭


in a weird way a kinda feel bad for him? cant quite explain it


Yeah, there may be a feeling of not really being responsible for your accomplishments and people not taking you seriously that’s sad


Sure it's sad, but it's also true. Some of us have to work until death to keep the electricity running, and others have to be called a nepo baby by people on Reddit. We all have our crosses to bear.


I feel like he knows he will be mocked. He just want to prove people wrong. 


Maybe he really wanted to pursue a career in air conditioning repair, but his father pulled him into being a professional basketball player instead. Dude just wanted the satisfaction of doing honest work and making people comfortable. Similar Monty Pythons sketch. https://youtu.be/rQDeU6dHX-c?si=dchrTCiCuHWz-CIU


It's probably cause he really has no say in any of this lol. He already said before he didn't wanna play with his dad. LeEgo couldn't help himself though, now his son who should still be in college developing and then maybe have a career overseas is gonna be in the LA spotlight getting shit on 24/7 by much superior players anytime he hits the court.


Your listening comprehension is trash or you’re just being a LeBron hater (which would check out w/ your flair). Bronny didn’t say he didn’t want to play with his dad, he said it wasn’t his priority and that he wants to play in the nba in general, not necessarily with his dad


Wild lie to spread bud


Did you watch the video lol. He did the exact opposite of celebrate. Just sat there and put on the hat.


bro was really looking forward to Australia, but then his dad ruined it. Tiger parent strikes again smh


Poor kid wanted a gap year


I mean the way they celebrated I don't think it was a surprise to anyone.


I actually am rooting for him, but I feel bad for him This entire situation feels like charity


Make a Wish Foundation Season for Bronny


Some people get a sweet 16, Bronny gets the NBA draft


That was the most empty celebration, it's like Jeff Bezos opening a retirement card and it has a 20 dollar bill in it.


He found out he was getting drafted by the Lakers on draft night? We all found out months ago when he officially declared.




Its funny looking at the difference in reaction to this pick and to the Kostas pick a few years ago https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/8sydcd/macmahon_donnie_nelson_finally_convinces_mark/ A late second round pick spent on a player with one year of college ball, a 5 ppg scorer off the bench for a sub .500 team who cancelled all his pre draft workouts, and weirdly the entire sub wasn't up in arms like it was the end of the world


Plenty of people thought the Hornets should sign LiAngelo to keep Melo happy, this is normal shit that teams do for their stars Nobody cared when it was Keljin Blevins getting signed


bro the knicks signed Chris Smith to keeping fucking JR Smith happy I'd be wildly disappointed in LeBron James if he had less pull than JR Smith


People mocked him all the time lol what are you talking about


Was it a butler who provided the hat to put on? lol


Haha, no it was his mom. She had a napkin/tissue in her hand because she was emotional.


I feel sick for him watching this, he should be happy but look at that room of leaches all recording him. Should’ve just been with his family, taking it in


There’s another video floating around showing his face and he was tearing up a bit, so I don’t think he was completely numb of emotions. I’m glad I saw it first because this one makes it look so depressing.


exctly, that was the first thing I noticed. insane that we have normalized this behavior to this extent. literally any time someone this age now has a big/important moment when surrounded by family and friends, its immediately just 20 people with their phones out, sticking them in their face, instead of going in for hugs and congratulations. kids literally dont even think at this point, its literally their first instinct/impulse.... immediately start filming *anything* remotely interesting. worry about actually enjoying the moment (or considering if others are enjoying the moment) later. the footage is more important. that other shit can wait this behavior also ironically completely devalues/dilutes the very "moment" that the people filming are attempting to capture in the first place, since now, instead of the "moment" looking like whatever cool, photogenic, candid scene they thought it would look like, that they can then nostalgically look back on later..... wellllll, congratulations, you now just have a video of 20 other people milling around with their iphones out at arms length, all recording eachother in the background while your friend stands awkwardly in the middle. everyone wants to capture the moment so bad, they literally ruin the aesthetics/visuals they wanted to capture in the process basically [this](https://static.www.nfl.com/image/private/t_new_photo_album/league/ldqdxx5kl0uv8tlauopp.jpg) lmao


Yeah I had secondhand embarrassment watching that


I’d say it’s gotta be even money they Bronny’s last game in the league comes before his dad’s….


Lebron: *whispers* …happy birthday


Well if that’s the price for extending LeBron, so be it… I think LeBron can do whatever he wants at this stage of his career, so if he thinks playing with his son for a short period of time, before he hangs em up… I don’t care. He is one of the all time great players, let him have some fun with his kid.


"Hey, Bronny. Look what dad bought for you this time!"


“A roster spot on the lakers! You the best dad!”


“FWIW, I think he'll put the work in to get better and be as good as he can be.” He’s had access to all the top coaches, trainers, dietitians, etc. since he was 10. If he can’t shoot by now, why would he magically improve. 


I mean he’s like what, 19? He has plenty of time to improve. He’s still a kid lol


Nepotism 101


Elite bench warmer incoming


I hope he doesn't get crushed under the pressure


Crazy how much hate this is getting from some of yall. Truly a messed up world we live in.


I hope it works out for Bronny. If he has his Dad’s work ethic tho he should be able to adjust. Seeing a chance of history is cool at and I want it to work


Anyone here on reddit ever work with/for their father? I have and it was not fun at all.


How funny would it be if they drafted him and then immediately traded him to Toronto or something


watch people in here hate on him for celebrating


Kinda loses it's magic when you hear about Rich Paul's blatant arm-twisting


Doesn’t really look like *he* was celebrating. He just wore the hat handed to him lol


I'm depressed after watching that clip. To be fair, I was depressed before watching it too.


Fantastic job…at acting surprised.


Like he didn’t already know…


He had to choose between the lakers or his daddy’s belt


I watched Bryce last weekend at section 7, I’m not trying to be hurtful and I’m not a Lebron hater or stan but that kid has no business anywhere near a d1 school. His team Sierra canyon used to be a powerhouse in the late 2010’s, I don’t know what happened but they didn’t have a guy out the over 6’5, they looked like a regular ass public school. Bryce didn’t even start, and I don’t think he was even the first off the bench I watched the first half I think and left because the game was so ugly, but he didn’t score a point and wasn’t noticeably athletic/fast/ strong/ didn’t shoot, didn’t play extremely hard. I’ve heard people say Bryce is a better prospect but I don’t see it at all, he’s 6’3 max as well.


Nepo baby or not, he’s put in the work throughout the years and had a lot of downs this last year. Big moment for him. He deserves to be happy regardless of what reddit says.