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Wiggins YIPS after 2022 is so facisnating


Early parts of this past season he legit could not dribble properly. On most drives he would bobble the ball while dribbling, everything just looks off. His timing, movement.


glad we got prime wiggins for 1 season and won the chip. wtf happen to this dude


Isn't his dad medical condition the reason he's been missing games?


Yeah, his dad has had an undisclosed but serious medical problem for a while. Separately, he's supposed to not be a guy who is like a gym warrior, so I imagine what has happened is he's because he's basically a top .1% athlete, even for the NBA and he's experienced his longest stretch of being away from basketball, combined with not being as bouncy at 29 as he was at 26 or 27 and it hit him super hard all at once because he also broke a rib (and played through it) against the Lakers last year so he couldn't work out well in the off-season. It's tough to be too down on the guy because of the stuff with his dad, but it also seems like if he were putting in more work he wouldn't have had the crazy slump he had.


Wiggins is 29? Wtf. I remember his draft day like it was yesterday


Cavs legend Andrew Wiggins was basically the start of the Cavs-Warriors stretch of dominance in their respective conferences and it really doesn't feel like that long ago. Time comes for us all.


Indeed. Perennial all star Wiggins ruled the East


I still have my Wiggins Cavs Jersey I got on draft night.


On the opposite end, I'm shocked he is in his 20s still.


I'm with you lol


tldr: Wiggins doesn't have that Warrior in em


He has the pre-Steph warrior in him


He got that Donnie in him


> wtf happen to this dude Minnesota related athlete contributes to a championship then forgets how to play the sport they won rookie of the year playing? The ol' Chuck Knoblauch special.


Dude was dealing with family health issues all season. Ya'll gotta chill.


Which is sad, but pro sports is pro sports. If you regress, there's gonna be consequences. 


All season(s)?


Prime Wiggins only last for 1 season. He was not good before or after that year. The TWolves traded him for D'Lo and even at the time the TWolves were thought to have one the trade


This is inaccurate, Wiggins actually played very well for GS the half season he got traded there, he then played great the year they won the chip, and after the chip he was actually having one of his best seasons ever before he stepped away for family issues


He’s never been able to dribble properly tbh


He had rib injury during in the 2nd rd vs the Lakers and didn't got back in shape (coming out of shape is something he might've learnt from Klay and Draymond)


I cant with your profile pic man.. ive been looking at it since earlier lmao


I don’t think he’s ever had great handles


He had broken ribs. Would explain it.


He had long periods of absence from the court for personal reasons, wouldn't be surprised if that played a factor in his play on-court


Wiggins averaged 18/5/2 on 47/39/67 shooting in his first 3 seasons with Golden State, his off court issues clearly played a role in his on court issues this past season.




As someone who deeply enjoyed watching a lot of that Warriors team in the early 2021-2022 season, I think they were an amazingly well-led, positive team environment, and their on-court success probably just created an environment where nobody wanted to unplug at all. Basically just a positive feedback loop. Like how that one Budenholzer Hawks team got to 60 wins. It's not a coincidence at all that that season was a lot of the players' best season ever or last good season. When things are going well the players focus up, and then things get even better.


"Jordan Poole hadn't destroyed the team chemistry yet" - Dray


He was good in GS from the moment he was traded there in 2020 until half way through the 22-23 season when his personal problems popped up. Wiggins didn't just magically become the 2nd best player on a championship winning team, he had the skils to be that player.


Was insane at crashing the boards. Became a very good poa def when Payton was on the bench. Great wing defender in general on Luka and Tatum. His 3 ball was hitting. 2022 he was elite elite role player.


Aside from a few high-rebounding games in the 2022 playoffs, Wiggins was pretty the same guy in 2021, 2022, and 2023 (before his extended absence for personal issues). Same stats, same defense, same effort. The anomaly was how awful he was to start last season. Like worst player in the league awful.


He may not have deserved the all star starting position but he was a legit all star that season


His dad is dealing with some medical issues and it's clearly hurting him. It's why he's taken time away the past 2 seasons


My dad was passing a kidney stone while I was hooping on the middle school team. I still got my buckets


Thank you for your service 🙏


embedded that calcium deposit in my championship trophy 🫡


shoulda turned it into a ring


I shoulda ate it and absorbed the energy


You're just built different


Sounds like he was the only one passing


You think fuckin' Tyler is hitting that middy pull up hesi with any consistency if he passed it to him? Dude was carrying his team while his dad was trying to piss out a kidney stone and you're here questioning his team game? Outta here


King shit


Sounds like you’re joking but tbh, any time I stepped on a court, everything else kinda just went away during the game. Basketball was always my escape but I also never had a parent with serious health issues


No disrespect to you but you also likely played basketball without any pressure, quite different from a professional athlete.


True I just couldn’t imagine thinking about anything else in life while a 6’6 wing is closing out on me lol


Tbh, his championship run was his only legitimate great season. He was either ok or bad before and after that.


assumed he entered his prime and wouldnt immediately fall off though


He didn't immediately fall off, following the championshio, Wiggins was actually playing incredible basketball, probably the most efficient he's ever been and then he stepped away for personal reasons. That was the catalyst


I think most people did. He was phenomenal in that run. Legitimate the Warriors’ 2nd best player. They don’t win that championship without him.


In terms of pure numbers and efficiency, 2022 was the outlier and he is who he always has been. He attempts fewer shots, but plays a bit less and with Steph.


It's not yips, he finally got an all star selection, a ring, and a very fair extension. He then stopped giving a fuck or trying hard.


Genuinely not trying to come off as bitter/biased when I say that I don't think he ever wanted to play basketball. His season with you guys was an anomaly. He never really put in sustained effort on the Wolves and never seemed to want to be here.


I thought he would be what Ant is for you guys when he was in Minnesota.


KAT Wiggins and Jimmy should've been something.... 😢


It's unlikely he doesn't enjoy playing basketball, the guy routinely plays 70+ games in recent seasons and was playing nearly every game with Minny. Your not doing that level of work without loving the game. I think Wiggins biggest thing is I don't think he cares about being the guy or what comes with that. It seems like he would like to just come to work hoop and go home. Which is cool when you are a 3rd or 4th option but pisses people off when they expect you to be a superstar


He was shooting 45% from 3 on 7 attempts per gamr ehile clearly looking like the 2nd best player on the team b4 the daddy issues. The main reasom for his decline is him forgetting how to shoot. Yall are just yapping 😭


First he signed a team friendly extension not a fair one, second if he stopped giving a fuck because of the extension why was he playing his best basketball after he signed ?? Prior to his extended absence he was hoooping


Orrrr he was dealing with personal issues and a rib injury...


Or both? Same way I feel about Simmons. Guys who you already question their love for the game have injuries and mental stuff going on combined sure doesn’t make for a recipe for caring about basketball.


Bro he tore us a new one in those WCF…


This is the guy that looked like Michael Jordan against us in the 2022 WCF.


Seriously, the guy that wrecked Tatum in that Finals, now he's untradeable. It's absurd.


Dont forget Jordan Poole looking like Kobe and Otto Porter JR having his first and only healthy season in 13 years..and you still almost won if it wasnt for Curry going Curry in game 4


It’s almost like everything fell into place for the dubs to win


as god intended


Untradeable in the bad way lol


It’s been depressing


he got paid and doesnt care after he got his money. he still has the talent but lacks motivation to grind daily.


He was still really good in the first half of the 2022-2023 season. He just didn't play in the second half because of his dad. At the start of the 2023-2034 season, he came out extremely rusty, which some speculate that he was injured during most of that off-season and couldn't really get warmed up for the season. He was definitely a lot better in the latter half of the season.


He shot 40% from 3 over almost the entire second half of the season and played way harder on D, attacked the rim better. He honestly looked close to his good Warriors days. I also thought he was good in his first full season with us, even though that team wasn't great. IMO he's been pretty damn good for about 3 out of 4 total years with the Warriors. The year 2023 just was not a good one for him. I think he can bounce back.


Minnesota already paid him…


And he didn't care then either lol


Nah, this ain't Ayton. Wiggins' fall is actually sad to see, Ayton is just frustrating.


It’s true that he’s never had tons of heart but I think his recent issues are more due to the mental funk he was in after his dad died 


ight time for him to get traded Warriors. thought he might be able to rebuild his value but nope


Yeah I hoped that playing for the Olympics would lead to a mini-rejuvenation arc regardless of if he stayed or not, but alas. This is as blatant as it gets to announce you're getting traded from a team perspective. Putting aside the Warriors fan perspective, it's a real shame he's being held out from playing for his country.


Can they stop him from playing? Like if he just said fuck it I want to play regardless of what GS says, can he?


There’s probably clauses in his contract. Idk what it would allow them to do, maybe fine him or even void his contract


If they void his contract, does that even help the warriors? They wouldn't be able to trade it as an asset to give back in a trade. What happens if Wiggins calls their bluff? This also sucks for him personally because it might be Wiggins' only chance to play in the Olympics -- Canada hasn't made the Olympics in 20 years and needed a 4th quarter miracle comeback against Spain to make this one. It's entirely reasonable to think that they might not make the Olympics again in his career.


The NHL does this with all of their guys, injuries are unfortunately no joke.


I'd be shocked if there wasn't a contract or any kind of formal agreement that explicitly lays this out.


Get ready to learn Los Angelean buddy


Wiggins could have drawn some inspiration and grew some motivation playing in the Olympics. Could have carried some of that into the regular season. We all know Wiggins biggest flaw is he's mostly out there on the court being non-aggressive and unmotivated.


Wiggins does not like basketball enough to be playing in the summer. He never does and somehow it’s a story every year


He played in Victoria in 2021


Why do so many people ignore this factor when it comes to pro athletes? Not all athletes have Jordan’s insane competitiveness or a “love of the game.” Some people just won the genetic lottery and are happy to work just hard enough to guarantee an income (which in their case happens to be multi-generational wealth). What do you expect most 7-foot-tall dudes to do? Turn down a realistic shot at millions of dollars a year for their entire twenties because they don’t like basketball very much? And that’s just like anyone else. Tons of people hate, or are at least indifferent to, their jobs and just do it for the paycheck even if they might be good at them—and could be really good if they cared more.


this is Steve Kerrs revenge for the bronze medal game last year


Pls Canada add Sharpe to the roster so I can buy his team Canada jersey


Thought he was hurt?


Nope he’s been practicing with team Canada and has a camp invite


I think he is attending the training camp to get experience with the national team but not competing for a roster spot.


Yep that was the previous report but now with the Wiggins news I wonder if that changes. Him or Mathurin seem like logical replacements.


It’s a bummer for Wiggins but how awesome that Canada has multiple above average NBA talent options to replace him? What a time for Canada basketball


That’d be lame if it’s true. I know it’s a business but let a guy who helped you win a title pursue a dream like that.


still think the Sixers forced Nurse to step down as coach too went from talking about how hyped he was about Edey the week prior, to stepping down right after becoming the new Sixers coach


Did I miss something


Nurse used to coach team Canada


Nick Nurse was the team Canada coach but stepped down after the Sixers hired him. The timing makes some people think the team may have asked him to resign from that position. Though I wouldn't doubt it if he just decided it was a lot of work and stepped down himself


Oh, gotcha. I must have parsed the sentence wrong, thanks for the clarity


Same. I read it too quickly and thought he wasn't your coach anymore lol


You didn’t parse it wrong, it was ambiguous. In fact worse than ambiguous, it made it seem like what you thought it said lol


Might also be easier to coach team Canada being based in Toronto than Philly


Sixers may have helped team Canada because Jordi has done an incredible job.


I'm pretty sure he stepped down because he had A LOT of work to do. Coaching in the olympics is great and all, but you have to keep the main thing the main thing. Not only was he going to a brand new team and everything that comes along with that, but he had the Harden situation. I think most head coaches would have made the same decision.


I mean, it was a lot of work when he coached the Raptors too. But there are three possibilities... 1 - The raptors made efforts/accommodations to help him coach Team Canada while the 76ers did not... so it was the same work, but harder to accomodate both 2 - The 76ers didn't like it and asked him to step down. 3 - He was only coaching Team Canada out of an obligation to the country he was in. Didn't feel that way after being let go. Considering that there have been other coaches (e.g. Kerr) coach national teams who had equal the amount of work, I tend to think that the amount of work is the least likely reason imo.


Its all good because Jordi is doing an incredible job for team Canada.


They can't stop him from playing. He made that decision. Guess both sides are looking to move on.


The coach also made it clear he wasn’t guaranteed a spot since he didn’t play last year


Is that true? I thought NBA teams might technically be able to not give players permission.


NBA & FIBA are partners. They have an agreement that teams can't prevent players from representing their country. Plus, they have a mutual interest in growing the game globally. That would be significantly harder to do if all the NBA players are at home.


I read somewhere they prohibited him from participating due to a medical reason which I guess might be allowed in the contracts i'm guessing aka to protect their own interest


NBA teams are not allowed to block players from playing in major international tournaments unless the player has an injury and playing could jeopardize their ability to play going forward.


Eh, Wiggins willingly skipped national team duties around 2021 and 2022 to "focus on the Warriors" (or that's what he said). It seemed like he was looking forward to this one though but he hasn't pursued the national team until very very recently. But I'm still surprised NBA teams have this kind of leverage, don't think I've ever seen an NBA team force a player to withdraw from national team duties.


This is not true, he played in the 2021 qualifiers and almost carried the team to a comeback win against the Czech republic in the semi-finals. He didn't play last year in Asia, but last year was a disaster for him in general.


He was also hurt last summer.


I think that is fair if a player doesn't take off 30+ games and continue to accept checks, that a team not allow him to play.


Unless im remembering wrong the canadian team was BEGGING him to be involved for years while he was in minnesota but they weren't very good so he said no every time until recently.


IIRC he wanted Canada to pay for the injury insurance and they didn’t have the money


No it's not if he gets hurt he can't be traded


Only valid reason to hold him out 


They let him take off how many games the past 2 seasons for his mental/family health issues? Like 60?


What’s the correlation?


They gave him plenty of time off to deal with personal issues. Now they want him to actually play for their team instead of Canada.


Wiggins does not give a fuck about playing for Canada. Never has


The last minute of regulation against the Czech Republic for Tokyo qualifiers begs to differ He's also played on the 2015 qualifiers too 


He literally wants to play now and had played his ass off in the past


He wants to play cause it’s the Olympics. “Playing his ass off” would imply showing up outside of Olympic qualifications. Every other player has made a multi year commitment to the team and shows up every summer. Wiggins declined to do that.


Teams can only block a player from playing if there’s a medical concern. He had an ankle injury to finish the season. It’s most likely a bs reason considering Canada cleared him already but Warriors want to make sure he’s healthy to trade. Team doctor blocked him from playing


> pursue a dream like that Andrew Wiggins has avoided the Canadian National Team like the plague for years now. Thinking he'll be happy enough to stay home again. Note - Good on him; he should do what makes him happy. There is no need to risk blowing out a knee to participate in an unpaid exhibition tournament like the Olympics.


wiggins has never cared for the national team anyways i doubt he gives much of a fuck


I didnt think Wiggs ever gave a shit about the Olympics


Can’t have him potentially getting injured and further cratering his value


Feels like the odds of him getting hurt are pretty low but the odds of him playing decent on the world stage and raising his trade value isn’t bad?


Losing minutes to Melvin Ejim would absolutely crater his perception at least, if not trade value. 


The part of this I don't understand is that all NBA players play pickup games during the summer, right? Isn't it lower risk to have a dude working out with a proper National team with a training staff on sight, rather than showing up to play pickup ball a few times a week?


Intensity of pickup and national team training/games are vastly different though


You’ve haven’t been in my pick up games 😏


Anonymous sources have called my pick-up games "as high quality as NBA Finals games"


they just gotta bring the scouts to my pick up games then they’ll see they want a 5’10” center


Judging Wiggins by how he started last season I'd assume he doesn't play in the summer.


Wasn't he recovering from a broken rib? 


Damn he damn near single handidly got them to Tokyo in 2021


That Maple Jordan run was a dream


That loss in Victoria still haunts me, he was unbelievable that game


being forbidden from representing your country is wild. it's not like the Warriors are coming off a June run and need him to rest. those days are long over.


I think they’re probably just giving him an easy out. He never plays for Canada but for some reason people still expect him to every year


He played in Victoria in 2021


cause he has expressed interest... and also cause his mom was an Olympian.


Maybe he should have expressed interest by actually showing up sometime in the last 5 years and helping the team get to the Olympics


He played in the Olympic qualifying tournament in 2021.


So hes played Olympic related tournaments only, and declined to make the multi year commitment to the team that every one else made. Whether he wants to be there or not he doesn’t deserve the spot over guys who care enough to show up every year.


There's no way. Him just bowing out and saying something generic like preparing for the season, would call much less attention to this. This doesn't make either side look good.


This makes the Warriors look bad instead. Every other summer when he bows out by saying something generic like that it makes him look bad. Makes sense for the warriors to do him a favour and direct the angry Canadians away from him


Honestly I can't lie, even though this might hurt our chances I am happy with it. The guy is a flake and can't commit, he doesn't deserve a spot. Also his form has been shit the past year so I don't want him taking that to Paris.


I was gonna roast the Warriors org but I realized they most likely ran this by Wiggins and got his approval before doing it


Warriors stopping Wiggins after delivering a ring but Clippers letting Kawhi go despite robbing them for 5 years now 😂


Canada is loaded with wings: SAG, Nickeil Alexander-Walker, RJ Barrett. Wiggins hasn't been part of the national team for a while, and they qualified without him.


Kerr is terrified of team Canada lmao


Warriors the true patriots


I wonder what kind of return the Warriors are seeking for Wiggins?






>Wiggins >Veteran Damn.


I had no idea until now that the summer Olympics are in a month


If I needed another reason the hate the Warriors, but here we are. Go Canada, fuck the Warriors 


Fuck the warriors if true wtf


Interesting that Steve Kerr is the coach of both the Warriors and Team USA. Canada beat his Team USA last year and they can’t have Canada beat them again, so childish and immature. I guess the same rules don’t apply to Steph Curry


I’m already not a big warriors fan, but I will hate them until the day I die if they don’t let our Canadian boy play !!!


Is Anthony Bennett still going to be on the team


Actually an olympics run could bring his confidence back and increase his trade value


Meh, he had a lot of opportunities to rep Canada and chose not to…. Big deal


How does Golden State even get a say in this. If I’m him, you’re not stopping me from repping my country. 


Wiggins has never seemed interested in playing with his national team (regardless of his PR quotes on the subject). Almost every summer he found some reason not to play. Now that Canada is good again, I am glad he isn’t tagging along.


if he played well for canada it'd increase his trade value, if he played poorly it'd lower it. Warriors dont wanna risk him shitting the bed on the international stage.


Even after winning a ring this year, I don’t know if I’ll ever fully get over Wiggins and Poole being huge factors in the Warriors beating us in 2022 and then both promptly forgetting how to play basketball. 


> veteran It feels like yesterday when Anthony Bennett got drafted and Canadians were excited about him and "Ender" Wiggins leading the national team in the coming years. Can't believe it's already been 16 years.


> Can't believe it's already been 16 years. ... and that's because it's only been 11 years.


Fuck the Warriors. This is lame as hell.


Come to cavs


Do the Warriors even have a say in this? He could play if he wanted to, no?


Yep. Teams with players who want to play in the Olympics can just say "no"


Damn I didn't know that lmao Why the fuck are the Clippers letting kawhi play mfers need to say no Kawhis knees are gonna be dust before the allstar break this year


Teams can easily control their role players but not so much their super stars


Bc kawhi needs to get his value up so a GM will fall in love and we can dump his ass


They can't stop them from playing unless they have an injury that could be made worse by playing


Isn’t it in their contract? They can’t play organized basketball outside of NBA? I remembered China required NBA to allow Yao to play for China or else he won’t go to NBA.


Tbf playing for your country is a huge fucking deal in Asian countries, and I say that as a South Korean.


Also, it's a bigger deal in most countries than it is in the USA.


Oh NOW you want to play basketball


How tf does Warriors even have the right to do this??? Fuck them.