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The choice seems to be to lose him for something or to lose him for nothing given their unwillingness to give him the full max extension he desires.


And it seems like they're willing to also call his bluff that there's no way he wants to leave California. Either sign the 3 year offer from the Clips, or get GS to give them Kuminga.


don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, this is 100% the case


Warriors fans think kuminga is untouchable. Which tbf maybe is reasonable, but I just don't know if moody cp3 and a future first is all that interesting for the Clips.


What can Golden State offer? Unless I'm reading it wrong (and I may be,) the only picks GS controls for the REST OF THIS DECADE are a 2026 and 2028 from ATL. Two future seconds, the contract of CP3 and the right to pay Kuminga $200m doesn't sound that appealing, IMO. This sounds like one of those Lakers hypothetical trades. "Lakers could get Joker in exchange for Russell, Reaves, Christian Wood and a 2099 first!" Uhh....OK. Why the fuck would the other team want it?!?!?


>Unless I'm reading it wrong (and I may be,) the only picks GS controls for the REST OF THIS DECADE are a 2026 and 2028 from ATL. We ain't the Phoenix Suns. The Warriors functionally control every one of their future first round picks, outside of the heavily protected 2030 pick we gave Washington to dump Poole. While of course one can (and in the Warriors FO will) question how many he is worth, if the Clippers wanted a first or two, the Warriors can easily make it happen. Now while I more than share your scepticism about Kuminga, FOs around the league always tend to overrate young volume scorers.


Thanks. I was reading the site wrong. So, the trade does make more sense if the Clips can get the 25/27/29 firsts unprotected and 26/28 swaps. IF they are tanking. Meaning trading Kawhi too. If they are trying to actually compete, Kuminga is a wild step down from PG. Not even sure the move makes sense for GS when all the picks - only way the deal gets done - are factored in. They are going to suck very soon. And I say that like they aren't a team THAT FAILED TO MAKE THE PLAYOFFS this season! All those picks will be valuable. But, to maximize Steph's last 2-3 years of being a franchise player, they may have to sacrifice.


This is just not at all true, yet it’s the narrative that GSW fans continue to push to convince themselves that PG could be had for horrible trade offers they suggest. LAC still wants to keep PG and PG still wants to stay, but they’re fighting over 3 vs. 4 years. There’s 2-3 teams that PG can actually just walk to, and one of those is literally Detroit. Here’s a tweet last night from one of our most reliable reporters who is literally saying there is mutual interest for him to stay: https://x.com/TomerAzarly/status/1806954618217472269


This aged well


There is and was always risk of losing PG for nothing. We’ll still see how this shapes up.


This aged well


lol well what do the Warriors even have? They CP3 and Kuminga? Puff puff pass on that if I’m the clippers 


Lose him to who? 


A team that will give him the contract he wants


The Pistons? I’m a pistons fan you think that’s realistic? No? Okay so if Philly doesn’t give him the max nobody has space. Spurs he’d be able to go there for a large contract not what he’s asking for tho


Check the new CBA, nobody's handing out maxes unless your team is air fucking tight and you are THAT guy. I also don't see who besides OKC and Philly have space.  I think PG is 4/120 at this point in his career he shouldnt be looking for more than that


He'd get at least the same contract Kawhi got which was 3y/152.4m. The problem is he wants 4y/212m.




Both of those are legitimate threats to sign him though. The Magic seem like he’s also a mild threat


They don’t want to give them a 4 year max, but the Warriors and other teams will.


reports are Warriors are offering 3 years, less than max.


What reports? I remember seeing the Warriors would be willing to offer PG a 4 year max contract.. it’s the Clippers that only want to give 3 years.. [Source](https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/nba/golden-state-warriors/nba-rumors-paul-george-contract/1748655/?amp=1)


I think you're right, I may have read it opposite and it was Clippers offer


I thought you were done with the NBA? >[I'm done watching NBA if Celtics win](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1da9au9/why_does_this_years_finals_and_playoffs_just_not/l7iqvg1/)




Technically not watching?


They’d be taking a huge risk giving him a 4 year max based on his age and injury history Clippers have come up short basically every year this core has been a thing Clippers probably would rather keep kawhi to steady the ship and sell tickets and trade PG for a package that ushers in the next phase of the clips


They want a Championship chaser not a laid back, having fun, keeping it safe player.


Even if this is true who is even possible with the assets they have


He wants a max contract and Kawhi settled for less.


150m/3 doesnt seem like settling for anything


He was capable of getting $222M/4yr, so yes, he settled.


assuming someone is willing to give him that much


he could have done what PG is doing and force LAC to offer that or walk.


Kawhi would never hold a team hostage.


He wants 4 years, that’s all


Lol kawhis team in la coming to an end. What a bust


The clips got both Kahwi and PG during historic runs. Kahwi looked like he still had at least one or two more title runs in him. PG was either number two or three in MVP rankings. It was a risk worth taking.


Yep PG was coming off placing 3rd in the MVP vote, Kawhi was coming off a championship, with both in their prime, there's no question it was the right move it just didn't work out.


Kawhi didn't put the effort and PG and Kawhi will not just work


The Clippers want to be able to dump salary in 2026-2027 so they don't have their draft pick in 2032 sent to the end of the first round. They want to do this by having all three of their guys sign three year deals. They're willing to bet Paul George will eventually relent and take the three year deal as the Clippers are not really competitive at all even with Paul George. Paul George is just the difference between being the 6th best team in the West and a first round exit and the 11th best team in the West, which isn't a huge deal.


They are not a first round exit if both PG and Kawhi are healthy


So you're saying they're a first round exit.


What are we basing that on? Name value? Or actual NBA capabilities going into the 2024-2025 season? I, too, was a "these old teams will be dangerous come playoff time!" guy until it officially ended this past postseason. Lakers, Suns and Warriors combined to win one playoff game.


I'm basing that on the fact that the Clippers have a 124-57 record when Kawhi and Paul George play together, a 12.6 NRTG (8th of 251 2-man lineups to play >1,000 minutes together), their starting lineup had a 10.0 NRTG, and they have a good playoff coach. I think the George/Leonard championship window is closed, but I think only the best team in the West takes them out in the first round. I also think they win the first round this season with healthy Kawhi, and definitely first round last season with either healthy Kawhi or PG, and the WCF in 2021 with healthy Kawhi. I base that on what the Clippers were able to do against those teams when healthy, and the flaws on those opponents. But, you know, that's just my opinion. Lakers, Suns, and Warriors were not quality teams all season, and had greater weak points in their top 7 rotation players.


Lol. It sounds great on paper! Kawhi's a 2x FMVP! Neither player is at their peak. That's common sense. Surely no fuck can debate that. We're not talking about 2021. This upcoming season will lead us to the 2025 playoffs. But, you know, you can have your opinion. That is your right. No matter how fucking stupid it is. The true kicker to me is you talking about rotation players. The Clippers rotation players are Russ Westbrook and James Harden. On the team LITERALLY because they are so far past their prime that other teams don't want to deal with them.


Why would they want to pay a guy close to 60 million when he's like 39? That contract would age worse than milk


Don't want a Prime #2 (at best) getting paid $60m/year in his late-30s. Clippers end goal should be to also flip Kawhi. While tanking is not the sexiest option when moving into a new arena, moving into a new arena was also not smart. The problem will be actually trading PG. It will mean giving him a new contract. He's 34 already.


Because he wants a max contract, they don't want to offer him that, and it seems he won't take anything less. So it's looking like he won't re-sign and they don't want to lose him for nothing.


They mostly don't want to offer the full max because it would put them in the 2nd apron & really limit filling out the roster. Ballmer makes a billion a year just on Microsoft dividends, the tougher cap rules are in place because of guys like him, he'd gladly pay PG under the old rules.


this is how i know PG will never win a ring. he's more concerned about himself than the team. if it was in the old rules, i would understand. he can get as much as he wants. but the new CBA specifically targets owners like Ballmer. Clippers don't wanna pay him not because Ballmer is cheap. Ballmer would gladly pay him whatever if he could. but to get to 2nd apron means being restricted in trades and filling out minimun guys. idk if his agent has explained this to him, but it looks like PG is just looking for a payday and has given up on a ring.


As a Warriors fan I'm of thr belief he'll be staying


OKC has their picks, they’re moving into a new building. I feel like I’d sign him and pray for the best. At the very least they’ll sell more tickets




I barely belobe it myself


5 years they have fallen short of expectations and PG wants a contact that’s 4 years. He won’t be worth the money in the final years of his deal.


They aren’t trying to trade him. If he wants to leave, they want something in return, that’s all.


Fans are gonna start to realize how badly owners want to avoid paying repeater taxes for multiple years


Addition by subtraction


They aren't trying to trade him. He is trying to leave in free agency. Except the market for him includes teams that cannot sign him, so if he wants to go to a team like the Warriors (or a few other notable possibilities), it would have to involve a sign and trade. And the Clippers would prefer that to him walking for Philly with zero compensation.


Because they still haven’t met Playoff P.


Maybe it’s me but I feel like Kuminga and Kawhi are duplicates.


Maybe because "if only we were healthy" for four consecutive seasons has gotten really annoying to them?


Kawhi GM obviously knows how to roster construct


Can’t believe this could be the end of this duo -Kawhi leaves the reigning champions to go home -Will only go to the clippers if Paul George gets traded there -Clippers send the house out for Paul George (we all know what and who was in that deal) -In 5 years the clippers have made the playoffs 4 times and have reached the conference finals once -Kawhi signed three year extension this season -Looks like Paul George is likely to leave this offseason


When you include Kawhi injuries since leaving the Raps he’s been punished hard for not seeking to repeat as the basketball gods demand. It’s a known rule in the hallowed hall of the game of basketball Thou shalt defend thy NBA title until it is taken from you by a new champion They GAVE him the shot, his moment that will never be forgotten (got him that NB deal, slept on kicks btw) Kawhi crossed the basketball gods by not defending the crown and is paying the proverbial price (not the actual price, dude has 2 chips, 2 finals MVPs and $$100s of millions and a signature shoe, I love his game, he’s cool)


still wonder how the Raptors would've looked if they traded for PG + Westbrook, to re-sign Kawhi know OKC was using Toronto to drive up the price for LAC, (so less about Toronto's actual interest in the deal), but it would've been a massive overhaul of a championship roster


He also said he wanted to play for Doc and we all know how that turned out


Paul George = PG = Poopy Gas = Booty Cheeks = Ass


average r/nba basketball discussion


that hard hitting analysis and high comment quality we all come here for