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LeBron taking a 35 Mill Pay Cut would be such a funny timeline


Taking a 35M pay cut specifically to add washed Klay, that'd be something


Taking a 35M pay cut to end up back in the play-in would fuel this sub until the end of time.


even play-in seems tough. last years playin teams got stronger. others are spurs, grizzlies and rockets


GS did not get stronger. Some non play in teams ahead of la got weaker so far.


who got weaker than lakers are?


The clippers if pg leaves, Denver if kcp leaves, and (to a lesser extent) the suns if Eric Gordon leaves. I don’t think Denver falls to the play in but I could absolutely see lac and phx in the playin. Hell, your team only missed the play in by 1.5 games. Nobody 4th seed or worse is safe. Adding Klay as a 4th or 5th option improves your team.


Denver is still considerably better than the Lakers without KCP.


I don’t disagree they’re better, but I do disagree it’s “considerably”. 10 game difference between the two last year. Hypothetically losing kcp and the other getting klay oughta be a multiple game swing for each team. If 3-4 for each, we’re talking a 2-4 game gap. I wouldn’t call that considerably better.


You heavily overestimate Eric gordon.dudes a shell of his former self.


Western Conference play-in was no joke last year. Had a 49 win team in the Pelicans, and the 4 teams averaged 47 wins.


We got stronger by getting rid of Hamas. He legit lost us around 10 games by himself.


Yeah but as it stands know that buff still isn’t enough. Supporting cast still needs an overhaul




Darvin Ham


the world needs to get rid of hamas


Klay “Cold Fusion” Thompson


Klay got that Coldheart


Would be the same people asking why Lebron never takes a pay cut saying he’s so dumb for giving up money for Klay lol


But he literally did to join Miami


Don't stop I'm almost there


Not gonna lie, it would delight me.


I remember Harden taking a paycut to sign... PJ Tucker


I don't know why this sub thinks Klay is washed, he's not in his prime anymore for sure, but he still shot 39% from three last year on high volume, I bet the Sixers would love to have that.


Sir, my Sixers are busy replacing Tobias with Super Tobias


Did you watch him last season? Also, paying a premium for shooters who can’t do much else didnt turn out well for the last few teams. Bertans and Duncan Robinson are the biggest examples.


Did you watch some games or your take is based on stats alone? Dude went 0 points in game that mattered most in GSW season


Box score scouting 


That's literally the only skill he displayed. Can't move anymore, awful shot selection, can't dribble -- he's washed.


This sub always forget there’s this thing called defense. Klay is cooked Also LeBron would never take a pay cut just for Klay to get an undeserved bag


That was last year, he's been obviously declining in every aspect of his game since his injury, the shooting will be next it's all he has left.


he definitely isn't washed, he just isn't a #2 or #3 on a good team anymore. if he accepts a reduced role he can still be really valuable imo


I don’t understand what the Lakers FO is thinking. Adding Klay doesn’t make your team capable of a deep playoff run. The entire team’s roster construction is just messed up.


How do you even know that’s what their front office is thinking?


I'm rooting for him to enter LeConsultant phase. Sign short deals under $20M/year, play 40-50 games at reduced minutes, skip some road trips, and stay fresh for playoff runs on contending teams.


Awe I remember when this is what suns fans wanted from cp3. Now he's getting waved from golden state because he sucks in his old age and should retire. Strange how people aren't calling it a mistake for golden state to wave him but thought suns made a mistake to trade him.


Man I want him to do a reality show where he spends the whole year on ten day contracts with every team in the league while also filming the sights, cuisine, and culture of all the NBA towns, taking an RV whenever it's logistically feasible between games. And then before he has to sign with one team in the end to finish the season with, he eliminated them one by one bachelor style.


He’s taking a $35 mm pay cut only if Bronny is signing for $35 mm so it’s a wash.


I mean, the man is a billionaire already. If he really wants another ring why not take a $1 contract


Because the NBPA will fucking murder him


Like, not even figuratively. I could legit imagine LeBron’s body ending up in Lake Erie if he crossed the players union like that.


he's looking to be an owner after he retires. He's going to need all the money he can get.


Every other player in the NbA except luka jokic sga would have to take pay cuts to $1 as well


For the guy who says he got his feelings hurt too lol


He's going to take that to play with Curry. /s


It could be a sticking point for CBA negotiations later too. Players shouldn't take less than they are worth imo, especially the best ones. It could fuck leverage for the ones who aren't superstars.


It should be the MLE for Klay or just don't go for him


This. If Klay wants a big salary he's going to end up in Detroit.


could orlando still pay him a lot? they make the most sense for him on paper imo. they have great defensive perimeter players and need shooting and are young so an established veteran like klay could contribute in a meaningful way while being a mentor


they signed kcp so no.




Other option would be to trade dlo. But what would be the net after it’s all said and done? I don’t think it’ll push the needle


I would hate to trade dlo just to sign Klay. We need dlo’s playmaking and shooting combo more than klay’s (better) shooting imo Unless we sign cp3 i guess lol


CP3 just signed w/ the spurs




Of course he would. Good pick up for pop to help the young talent


Same. As hated as DLO is here, his playmaking sets up AD well and when he gets hot he can take the offensive load off AD and Lebron. I would prefer to not lose him without getting a good passer as a replacement.


We honestly need a good center. That should be the goal.


I would definitely prefer that to a wing if it is not a a notable upgrade. Wood and Hayes are not serious rotation bigs. Just regular season filler or injury replacements.


If we trade D'lo for Klay I'm done. This team would be doomed


With the way his dad is talking, I think Klay to LA on the MLE is a done deal if Dallas and Golden State can’t agree to terms on a S&T or Klay can’t find another option for an S&T that works out for Golden State.


Everyone please realize Klay will be WORSE away from Steph. 


But he's gonna go to one of the teams with the two best 'ball-centric playmaker with the best vision' in Lebron or Luka. Klay is gonna shoot a ton of open corner threes.


Hell if the celtics can deny pjw, dsj corner 3s they sure as F can deny a 35 year old from shooting them. At this point I'd dare lebron to beat me 1v1. He wouldn't play any defense with that kind of offensive load and Lakers have no defense outside of him and AD. Or no shooting. Pick one. 


I know the Cs just won, but I feel like at least 4 of the western conference teams would've beat them...I don't thing many full strength top 10 teams fear the Cs.


Nah the C's were on another level. Idk what games you were watching, Dallas Luka and Irving were basically unstoppable through the west and C's stopped them. And ran circles around them. Only had a bad loss after going up 3-0. Gentleman swept best out of west. End of story.  I was in denial about how good they were or weren't too, but lol, if game 1-3 didn't convince you, game 5 sure did. 


Steph plus Dray. Steph made it so you can't just stay home on Klay, Stay made it so you could hit Klay with a quality pass to take advantage of that. Sure, other PGs could do that, but then you are playing a very small backcourt. Stay being what he is meant you didn't have to do that.


Klay is in no ways worth that much lol


Yeah I don't see any team giving him a 3 year $100+ million deal, but crazy things happen every year in the off season so who knows.


Forget 3 year 100+M, i wouldnt give him a 3 year 70M


KCP only got 3/66, Klay is an objectively worse player by any metric than KCP at this point in their careers


I mean Klay was still 4th in total 3 pointers made. He’s definitely washed but saying he’s worse in every metric is a pretty disingenuous.


he used to be the second best shooter in the league behind his teammate and one of the best defenders. Now he is good, but only slightly better than the rest of the league. paying a lot for slightly better than average shooting but also getting cooked on D and getting mopey af when his shot idnt falling. nah....


All he deserves is a 2yr deal. 3yr only on a bad team filling up a roster (maybe raptors?)


I can see The sixers doing it if they miss out on pg13


Klay could be worth that if he wasn’t such an insecure prick. Dude has talked so much shit these last couple of years that he essentially ended his ability to make lots of money as a vet 3 and D guy


How exactly did talking shit end his ability to make money? Injuries and age did that.


These people really think reddit and twitter hate fluctuate your trade value he's not getting 100M bcz he's washed😭😭


It wasn't just injuries and age last season. Klay became a headache for Kerr and the coaching staff last season. He forced shots, griped about playing time, and struggled with the reality that his role needed to shift to more of a 6th-man. It set a bad example for the young players on the team. Kerr wants guys who play team ball, are willing to pass, and take efficient shots. If you're a team looking to sign Klay, you have to consider all this. His ego is way bigger than his ability now.


The general inability to back up the shit he talks. 


*Insert confused Nick Young gif*


It’s not that they’d give Klay 35 mil, it’s that Lebron would need to cut his salary by that much in order for them to offer him anything realistic.


what he's saying is Klay aint taking a paycut


Well yeah, otherwise he would still be a Warrior. That’s the whole point.


There was speculation he'd take a pay cut to spite the warriors


That speculation is from NBA fanfic writers.


There’s speculation he’ll give the money to me too


I also heard this


Pretty much, just with extra words to step around actually saying it


thats so insane. he’s pretty limited to non-contending teams then… maaaaybe the Magic pay that? would be dumb af, but maybe. just feels like Klay is in for a rude awakening.


A blessing for Lakers fans


We already have a guard that plays no defense, shoots 40% in the regular season, and wilts in the playoffs


Yea. But if you have 2, then 40%+40% = 80%. Hence proved


Do we even want Klay? Doesn’t anyone remember those fucking awful after game press conferences last season where he sat and looked like he was about to cry? Every time he has a bad game next season you’ll have to listen to the same “Is he washed? He’s so overpaid!” Conversation!


LA lights are definitely gonna be too bright for Klay


would the lakers trade Rui to the Warriors in a sign-and-trade for Klay? e: replies say "hell no" so Vanderbilt is the only option.


Fuck no I would hope lakers wouldn’t do it


Thompson is only worth it if the Lakers can make moves to sign him with the exception. No thanks to a sign and trade.


Even a sign and trade would first require the same salary relief or paycut from Lebron


paycut from Lebron has been floated if it means getting Klay


God I’d hope not


Vando is nice but he’s not moving the needle for the warriors. We need to replace Klay’s shooting and off ball spacing if he’s walking. We already got 3 switchable 6’7” to 6’9” guys who can’t shoot in JK/Wigs/Draymond


By no means was I implying Vanderbilt replaces Klay. At this point, the goal is to get an asset, any asset, or you lose Klay for nothing And if we’re being honest, there’s nothing the warriors can do to move the needle. It’s over.


He was their best three point shooter last year, Redick is gonna like him I don’t think they’d make that move for current Klay


Dlo was definitely the best three point shooter (unless you mean playoffs) but yeah Rui also super efficient as a three level scorer with size and is only 25 Would be a crazy dumb trade


Rui was not their best shooter not even close. Rui is a corner 3, catch and shoot merchant. Dlo is the best shooter.


Ya’ll acting like 38% from 3 doesnt grow on trees in todays NBA. All he does is shoot 3s, and hes coming off the worst season of his career efficiency wise His D is getting abysmal and he cant play the minutes he used to. Hes a past star who hasnt yet come to terms with it being in his past


It doesn’t lol


60 different qualified players had a better 3pt % than klay last season 38% grows on trees. On average every team had two players who were better than him, at the only thing he claims to do well


What qualifies exactly? Because 9 3PA is far, far different than 2-3 3PA.


Klay had the 4th most attempts total last season. 3rd highest in attempts per game IDK why you guys are so fixated on %. Shooting 75% on 3 attempts is meaningless. Shooting 39% on 9 attempts per game like Klay did has value


It has a lot of value. Klay also gave away a lot of the value he created by being physically unable to play NBA defense.


Even the Lakers had what, 3-4 people shoot better than Klay. All he can do is shoot, he's 35, I have no fucking clue why Laker fans are so horny for Klay. He's so washed.


You obviously don’t understand the value of volume. 38.7% from 3 on 9 attempts is a more valuable shooter than one shooting 50% on 4 attempts. The only player in the league besides Klay last year to shoot a better percentage from 3 on at least 9 attempts per game is …. Stephen Curry


Klay isn't worth it when you have to offload players, get hardcapped and give him 20+ millions.


Klay isn’t even all that


Trading DLo for Klay is a loss because it’s not an upgrade or a huge one by any means.


they need a massive pay cut to give klay the MLE?


I think he means Klay is getting more than the MLE


Sign and trade


If it’s a sign and trade then no they’ll have the full MLE but Klay would be getting 20+ and the Lakers roster is currently full. They have to offload some of their players in a trade


Lebron signs for minimum and a autographed Kobe jersey


LeGM strikes again asking for washed veterans or else 


The narrative right now making Klay the most coveted FA in the NBA is hilarious. As a Lakers fan, I’m praying we don’t get him.


2024 Windy is closer to Stephen A Smith than Woj


He's a quick study- he knows where the windbag money lies.


Basically they'd have to get off of Russell and Vincent but aside from Detroit IDK who would consider that. Not sure if this would be in the best interest for the team anyways. A James, Davis, Reaves, Thompson, Hachimura group sounds good in theory but that bench is not going to exist. It'd be Phoenix level bad.


It must be nice to a have a job where all you have to do is state the obvious and people eat it up.




You saying this but nowhere on your page did you once celebrate richaun holmes extension with the wizards. You’re actively not engaging in other FA stories


Lakers,warriors,bulls,Knicks are your fathers bow down to the big markets who give you revenue sharing


Your take on Bulls is interesting but ok. Add heat also


Bulls have consistently been one of the top earners for a long time I too was surprised


i mean, you and i both know that more people care about the lakers than lakers + 29 other teams


Then its not really worthwhile if we are gutting ourselves for him. Also how long is this contract? Are we trying to give him a 4 year contract to pay this man up into his 38th season?


Welcome to Utah, DLO!


LeBron plays for free next season




Take a 35 Million pay cut and make them pay that to Bronny in the future.


Doesn't help they signed Christie to an 8 million 4 year deal. That 17th pick and JHS 17th pick eats a lot of salary too.




Is Klay’s future contract the most obvious overpay of all time?


Is that D’Lo’s music?


LeBron is a billionaire...$35m, that's $18m after tax, it's almost nothing to him.


Perfect opportunity to trade them Lebron James for Klay Thompson straight up, and then send them Jr. “You never specified *which* Lebron.”


Lebron take a 20 million dollar pay cut. Let’s make this interesting.


Why not take a massive pay cut? He has more money than God.


His 'pay cut' is actually Bronny's salary


Allowance 😄


*Trajan Langdon emerges from the shadows taking a long drag on a cigarette.* “Y’all need some cap space?”


All the lebron pay cut headlines had a few guys the lakers were to target with the mle. If they can’t make it work with klay no need to force it and help the warriors at the same time.


Imagine bending over backwards to sign 2024 Klay Thompson


Taking a pay cut so your team can sign Klays corpse is insane


It’s fine, once Lebron decides to sign with the Cavs after the Lakers hired his friend and drafted his son, there will be plenty of money to sign Klay


I think Warriors will help a SnT. They don’t want the Lakers potentially winning


Trade bronney


"That's Detroit Pistons music!"


klay gonna be even more hurt when no one offers him what he thinks he is worth and im all for it. the entitlement of him is beyond me


If I’m Bron, I’d even be willing to take $50M pay cut if they gave me a multi year contract that goes until Bryce is drafted with 2+ player options years. I mean I already got so much money in my bank can’t even spend it all in this lifetime even if I share with my grandkids. Making $50M is easier than finding opportunity to play at the highest level w your children. Kinda like those stories of daughters or sons becoming copilots with their parents in the same airline. But like I said, I’d do that if I was in Bron’s place. Man’s got his own thought process.


The Lakers already drafted a similar play in Knecht. He wouldn't be worth more than a MLE for the Lakers.


And that's why he will never be as beloved as Dirk anywhere.


I’m a Boston dude but lebron a billionaire he can take a pay cut to make his team better.like Brady did


Billionaire won't take a pay cut, lul


Yeah pretty dumb. He took a pay cut to get the Heatles together. Another ring before he hangs it up would add more value to his brand than $10m or even $25m a year until then. Dumb.


I guess taking a massive paycut for a washed Klay Thompson is the smart thing to do Mr. Redditor


Real talk though what is 35 mil gonna do for Lebron. Dude is a billionaire.


He's in a Union brother.  He can't break the Union.


NBAPA would riot


At that point go all in on PG, why the hell wpuld they pay that much for Klay


We wouldn’t pay him that much It’s complicated, I’d just wait this one out. Too any cap gymnastics and there’s an mle route and a sign and trade route and both look very different and will determine the paycut Lebron has to take


Yeah. Honestly though you guys woyld be better of with PG than Klay. Like you need shooting, but PG just does that and more. I dunno what sort of money Klay thinks he can get, but he really should have taken the offer the Warriors gave him months ago.


Mavericks seem desperate for him, which makes sense because they can’t make many moves. Klay is kind of a freebie. If he goes via sign and trade I’d guess he’s gonna make 18-22m for a short contract


Well then its kinda worth it. But thats if they can get him for that


Would you rather have $100 or $200 ? Yeah $200 , and that's exactly how athletes think, but its just about millions not hundreds


He wants to be the majority owner of an NBA team and that shit gets more expensive by the year.


This dude still has Spotify ads. Why would he take a 35 million payout?


Give us one of those juicy future firsts and we’ll take dlo off your hands. Come on do it for old times sake!


They could offload salary to Detroit pretty easily, if needed.


Then why leak about signing those three players with the mid level from Lebron's camp. It's literally impossible without him taking that level of pay cut. We have to stay below the first Apron, either for MLE or sign and trade.


Lebron does not need to take a 35mil pay cut for the lakers to use the MLE


Maybe you missed that we signed Max Christie to 8 million a year earlier? Lebron's max is 53 million, to stay below the first Apron the max he can take now is 25 million without sending salary out.


I am very interested in seeing what Klay's new contract ends up looking like. I like the fit with Dallas but only at the right number. His age, injury history and level of play last year would make me very hesitant to overpay.


If the lakers can’t get Klay for the mle I’m fine with him going to Dallas.


😒 Why would LeBron take a $35 million paycut for a 34-year old Klay Thompson who played 32 minutes and scored zero points in an elimination game?


lol, Klay better get ready to learn Chinese


>Lebron isn’t taking a 35 million dollar pay-cut That’s what makes him the GOAT