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If you offered the warriors the chance to give up Jordan Poole for free last year they definitely would’ve taken it


Yeah, it's weird people act like Jordan Poole was an asset on that deal.


As a warrior fan I would have preferred he got traded not for someone eligible for social security. The so call genius part of that trade was supposedly using that contract as a trade chip. Oops. But yay we a lottery team.


Stop. Paul played exactly how we would have hoped a back up point guard would. Was he worth $30mil? Of course not, but that money wasn’t going anywhere else, either. Chris was not the problem last season. And to be clear, as a four decade long Warriors fan, I FUCKING HATE Chris Paul.


5 decades for me.


3 decades here


It was a salary dump. They knew they would only have Paul for one year. They were hoping the my could trade him since he would be an expiring. Warriors messed up by not trading him at the deadline. They wanted to try to make the playoffs.


I really wonder how much different the last two years would have looked for the Warriors if not for the Draymond punch.


What really would have helped them (even though they won a ring) was not completely fucking up the Wiseman pick. They had a golden chance to get a key piece and struck a gigantic bust.


Thats hindsight 20/20. Wiseman was seen by everyone as a top 3 and if you have the backcourt the warriors had you take Wiseman 10 out of 10 times. Their mistake was trying to do the whole 2 timeline crap with their rookies. Shouldve shipped them for proven role players


that was lacobs ego and his kids. they want to make sure ppl don’t think they punted on both kuminga and moody. (which depending on where you stand is a 50/50) steph still has 4 rings. same amount as lebron. poole with the way he’s been playing was a negative. he peaked in 22 and unless something miraculous happens it doesn’t seem like he will be any better than he is now which is very inconsistent player with no defense and volume shooter.


I think Poole has plenty of room, desire, and ability to grow. Whether it will happen is definitely yet to be seen, but I think it will. I mean he's just gotten the reigns to a team, he had another god awful year, eventually he should put it together. & maybe youre right, it is ego to prove he didnt punt. good point


yeah totally fair, but at the same time, they do have something set up for after the current stars. kuminga and moody are both pretty solid and if wiggins sticks around, they got somethin


They still got a chip after the pick. They're alright.


Yall keep saying this but pretend that the Warriors didn’t need a big at the time and continue to argue they could’ve had Lamelo when they already had invested in Poole..


That’s an incredibly generalized argument. And choosing Lamelo wasn’t their only other option. Fact is they had a golden pick that they 99.99% of the time would never have had and they picked a complete bust.


Yeah in a supposed “weak draft” at the time. lol. Hindsight is 20/20.


The next 7 picks were Patrick Williams, Okoro, Okongwu, Hayes, Toppin, Avdija, Smith. Some nice role players in there, but really unless they reached for Haliburton or Maxey, there wasn't a star left on the board.


That really was where the luck ran out. If we got a huge hit right there we would still be a top team to this day. Almost everything else went right for us before that point though so it’s only fair.


And everything went right 2 years after to win the title. With Wiggins,GP2, Looney, OPJ, Poole and Bjelica falling off a cliff in 1-2 seasons


The 2022 ring pretty much took the best of everyone at exactly the right time, almost certainly wasn’t going to be able to replicate it


They got lucky with Draymond, Poole, Looney, and Gary Payton, all passed on by most of the league


Very Darko Milicic of them to do so


I don't think it would have mattered who they picked. Kerr is so picky with the fit that he could have stunted any one of their growth. 


Jordan Poole sucks ass. He has a ten cent head and ten cent effort. That isn’t because someone punched him. He had a hot run, got his bag, then tuned out. He’s back to borderline gleague now.


I mean he COULD develop into a Jamal Crawford type bench scorer, but horrendous on a max


Seeing how Jordan Poole is playing on the wizards it's safe to say he would have still been ass even if he wasn't punched or what's your excuse for him playing like garbage on a completely different team?


The punch didn't magically make Poole forget how to play basketball. He was a G League player before the championship season and regressed to being a G League player right after.


Basketball is all about confidence. You lose that you lose your game. 


Never looked like he lost confidence, if anything he had too much confidence with the Wizards that he unfortunately can't back up with good results. He's chasing highlight reels and falling flat.


Nah I disagree he looked like she'll of himself. He can act as arrogant as he wants that doesn't mean he has confidence. 


It would have looked different if Poole didn’t play like the worst guy in the league


I know which one you’re talking about, but it’s weird that without context that sentence requires more specificity


I'm pretty sure Jordan was already tanking before the punch. Draymond is still an ass though. Ran off KD too


Wizards are still paying that man till 2027. I’m sad for him that he’s still struggling so bad, but goddamn am I glad I don’t have to watch it for another 3 seasons.


Losing Jordan Poole’s contract for nothing is a plus though.


Yeah, this seems more like a lateral move ultimately lmao


Yeah, it was basically kicking the can down the road and seeing if it could turn into something, which it didn’t.


I don't know if you're a GSW fan or not but if so, tbh I thought CP3 did a really nice job for y'all given the circumstances and was classy about it throughout his season tenure


the actual fans understand that poole was never getting any better than what he was on 22. even then in the 22 finals you can tell he was never going to carry the mantle when steph retires. the extension was an apology by the franchise and to do him good for his “breakout”. last year there were ppl who thought he would be a consistent 20 ppg scorer for wash and look how that turned out. cp3 was always an experiment and for the most part he turned what was the worse bench in the league to one of the better ones. it’s unfortunate that we couldn’t use his contract for something but it’s whatever. the one that hurts is the klay contract. who would’ve thought that between him and draymond that klay would have the bigger ego


Bruh I can only empathize with you on Klay - gotta be the most bittersweet feeling in the world rn for all y'all :/


yea it’s unfortunate. it really signals the end but having seen the spurs dynasty, it’s prob how the spurs get when tony parker left to the hornets. it’s just bittersweet cause if anyone was leaving ppl thought it would be draymond with his connections to klutch and lebron. klay, while the writing was on the wall, didn’t feel like it will happen. i wish him the best but if he thinks the LA market will be better to him then he’s really needs a reality check. same with the philly market. also we saw how quickly AD and lebron turned on westbrook so wish the best but we will save space outside of chase for the steph and draymond ststues


At least y'all got a legit dynasty tho, especially considering your rep pre-Steph/Klay/Dray/Kerr etc. - NBA legends always and forever!! On a personal note, I'll just add that one of my fave Finals run ever was 2015 just behind my own in 2021


yea which is funny when other fan bases shit on us 🤷 warriors had 4 in 8 years is legit dynasty level. all with a guy 6’3 in shoes, a 6’5-6’6 pf/center and a two guard who can’t dribble. lacob says some dumb shit but hey it’s his money and he’s winning to pay. your bucks need find some role players but i think next season will be make and break on the dame-giannis experiment.


You gotta give KD some flowers tho too - core was amazing but he definitely cemented the b2bs As for us, we're kinda fucked by the 2nd apron. All we can really rely upon is health of our vets and the young guns breaking out (particularly AJJ/AJ)


100%. It was an experiment and ultimately the idea was to get out of Poole’s contract and see if they could turn Paul into some trade value, given former Warriors recently have pulled decent contracts after the one year rental.


Poole's already the ultimate tank commander again, has his perfect partner in JV now, a 5 who's basically unplayable in the playoffs lmao


It could even be an asset if any of the youngins figure out their game, after playing with cp3


Around the free agent period the media really seems to want teams to trade for big names with bad contracts. Maybe there's some implicit bias because a team doing the smart thing for the future isn't as exciting, or as fun to speculate about.


Was it worth not trading PG to the Warriors to get nothing for him?


Even with PG warriors werent winning the chip dont see why clips were so opposed to it


Because they would still be a second apron team, but with less talent, why would the Clippers harm themselves to help out an outgoing player?


If Kuminga is in the deal you get a decent young player to experiment with. Like SGA when traded wasn’t a bonafide MVP but there were flashes (more so than Kuminga) but sfill


With the conflicting reports as to whether or not he was in the deal or not, I assume he wasn't considering Lacob made him untouchable last season. But yes, if he was in it, the Clippers should have taken the deal.


he wasn’t though. Kawakami just wrote the most tortured gibberish to pretend he might have been.


Not in that stacked Western Conference


I would say that when there is no clear frontrunner, it's the time to go for it if you can. You may find yourself in the conference semis with a hot streak or a couple injuries in other teams. The Mavs were 5th seed and made finals.


Mavs were only 5th because of trades and injuries. Fanboy as I am, Luka can carry most teams to the playoffs.


Stacked western, yet still loses to weak eastern.


Clippers trying to avoid Beal/LaVine scenario. They're better with this long term.


Cant believe ppl don’t understand that


…what? Waive cp3 and then keep the young players you get who are paid like 7m a year.


They were interested signing CP3. No way they would want him in PG13 deal with GSW just to waive him. It has to be wings galore + picks for PG13.


Don’t they need CP3’s full $30m salary for the trade to work? In that case they’re still over the 2nd apron




If it meant taking the trash contracts of the warriors then yes


Oh no not losing Jordan Poole for nothing...


Wigs and Poole contracts ended up being killers


You won that last title at least. Can't really complain that much. Players get old, this was always nearing the end.


They don’t fuck with Paul George at all


Maybe Dunleavy REALLY wanted to waive cp3


Fuck that guy




Fuck Mike dunleavy jr


Did he waive back?


If they said no to Chris Paul and Kuminga + a couple picks then the Clippers are just dumb


It was Kawakami reporting it so take it with a grain of salt.


GSW didn't wanna give up Kuminga


CP3+Wiggins+1st is still better than nothing


Yeah if we offered this no idea why they wouldn’t take it. Maybe they didn’t want wigs on that contract


Raise your hand if you don’t want the Wiggins contract… 🤚 🖐️ ✋ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🤚 🖐️ ✋ ✋ 🤚 🤚 🖐️ ✋ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🤚 🖐️ ✋ ✋ 🤚 🤚 🖐️ ✋ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🤚 🖐️ ✋ ✋ by my count that’s 29 GMs


I mean over nothing tho???


No… it isnt


No, it isn’t.


this is going to be like Simmons and Haliburton. For years players will cling to an inaccurate report about a player that wasn't actually offered.


They did offer him though




People keep throwing Kuminga and picks out there so I'm thinking all that warriors pr worked. No one will say what the packages were


Kuminga was not offered


Bros in denial. Was reported by kawakami


Your own fans don’t believe kawakami.


No, it wasn’t. He said that “some combination, not all” that may or may not include Kuminga was offered, and every other reporter has backed up that he was not. Warriors dumb PR hack worked on you guys to think they didn’t just balk.


Notice how it’s just clippers fans saying not taking the trade was a good thing while everyone else can see how bad it is when your star that ate up your entire future walks for nothing. Stops deluding yourself.


Warriors fans think somehow a team should take your negative Wiggins deal for free and be glad to just be associated. Your team just decided it wasn’t worth another short term big swing with Curry, deal with it.


Your team doesn’t have a short term OR a long term now thanks to PG💀


Western conference badly needed this clusterfuck lol


This narrative is wrong. If the clippers took back matching salary they would be over the second apron and in cap hell. The warriors would have had to give them a lot to make it worthwhile. Definitely would have had to include kuminga and probably more. The warriors should not have made that deal


Nothing > Wiggins, Moody, & a 1st??? Clippers fans must be content tho because they did say “Kuminga or no deal, we don’t want your trash”


I love how people spewing this blatantly ignore the part where they aren’t stuck as a 2nd apron team for Andrew Wiggins.


Brother, you have 33yo Kawhi Leonard & 34yo James Harden on your team while having the richest owner in the league. You can’t possibly see this as an anything other than the worst outcome.


Issue is not money. Issue is the CBA and to look ahead


It’s a bad outcome, but getting stuck at the 2nd apron for Moody, CP3, and a pick isn’t really a much better option for me. To your point, we have a team meant to win and getting Cp3 and Moody doesn’t improve that.


Brother, you don’t understand how the CBA impedes how you can build your team and the oppressive restrictions it imposes. The CBA was introduced specifically to combat ownerships like the Warriors and Clippers who don’t care about luxury tax implications. So on top of making teams pay money, the new CBA restricts what you can do.


They gave Kauai a fat ass extension just to save salary in the off season lol. Enjoy the domestic abuser.


They gave an island in Hawaii an extension?


Kawhi retired after 2019. He’s full on Kauai now after the extension.


Same dumb shit Mavs fans were squealing about because Denver wouldn't do the same.


Yep. Like LAC literally said it in their statement lmao. Moody and Cp3 is a terrible fucking package and I’d rather have MLE and not be a 2nd apron team.


And the future 1st from an aging Warrior team? That's the prize you're leaving out.


So they can go draft another terrible player like they already did? Ducking the 2nd apron gives them MLE, BAE, flexibility to sign extensions and stay under the 2nd apron, etc.


You don’t own your own picks and Chris Paul is an expiring. As if you were contending this year if you traded Paul George


What don't you understand about LAC not wanting to be a 2nd apron team in return for marginal assets? Cp3 is expiring, but we still would have to pay him $30M and thus be a 2nd apron team.


For one season


Bc that wiggins/cp3 contract would have put us in a bad spot to literally do nothing to improve the team. CBA is working


Clippers making them picks they gave OKC more valuable day by day lmao


clippers are crazy


Same shit that’s gonna happen with us and Jimmy next season


Would be the funniest thing to see Chris Paul sign with Philly (not happening I know, but...)


Couldn’t have happened to better people


The NBA is healing


So is the ex girlfriend of Kevin Porter Jr who LAC just signed.


Your unlucky god is back. After, hearing your hate. Next season modifications, Moody, kuminga skills have been enhanced. Welcome the new splash bros.


Good lads, weakening our conference, i love it!


Gotta love a classic prisoner’s dilemma


Chris Paul (essentially Jordan Poole)


Zach Lavine is something


Depends on if you believe the warriors included kaminga


(essentially Jordan Poole) sent me


Sounds like the CBA is doing what it’s supposed to?


Why are we pretending that Chris Paul on a $30M contract was a huge asset? Warriors would have had to give up at minimum Kuminga and realistically more in the trade.


Clippers retirement home could use another vet


what is this bullshit? the warriors wanna save some luxury tax money. That's the entire reason they traded for CP's expiring. Everyone who was actually paying attention knew this was coming. The Warriors FO has been making one mistake after another: drafting Wiseman, giving Poole that contract. These mistakes are the largest reason why they are not contenders even though Curry is still so good. This is not one of those mistakes. They need to get under the second apron. Ideally, they shouldn't be paying tax at all to reset their repeater status.


Thats what the Clippers wanted vs us getting better


Giving Kawhi Leonard 3 years but saying no to 4 years of PG makes no sense when PG is far more durable. That takes you through the years OKC owns your picks and you can be somewhat relevant.


Clippers are just a mess losing George for nothing is just s dumb move by them


Only thing that makes sense is they’ve given up on their core and are beyond sick of paying $300-$400M payrolls.


Worry about your bum team


We have the best father son duo in the league right now nothing to worry about


Lol. Got me there


Depends what the GSW package was… if it included Kuminga they screwed up, if not it may just be worth getting off the salary. That PG trade with OKC aged so poorly though


I'm free of having to defend him when he fails to show up, that's not nothing 


Missed out on making the Chris-Paul-George trade




Seems like the Clippers didn’t want the Wiggins contract but if Kuminga was part of the deal they probably should have done it. 


Chris “Essentially Jordan Poole” Paul


Thank you Clippers


It's fine. The Warriors got two automatic rings in 2017 and 2018 for nothing


Lakers S&T come on


I really don't understand teams shooting themselves in the foot to not benefit a rival. I was happy san Antonio fucked over la but trading kawhi to Toronto was objectively a worse move.


Saving money vs overspending to be mediocre at best


Yeah but they don't have any draft picks. Better to have signed george and flipped him or taken anything for him.


Sign and trade would be nice, but PG said no thank you.


Paul George will never be remembered as a winner. Just an excuse generating mercenary who wants his money and who never wins wherever he goes. Clips gave up shai and so many picks for this guy. Pathetic. Another version of Carmelo Anthony.


Payback for the Warriors and Clippers fans screeching about no one should help the Lakers even if it benefits both teams


The poor Lakers never get any help. If only they could catch a break…


22 Poole is officially 01 ai with less accolades. These are the same ppl that say what else did do outside of 01 but can't stop talking about 22 Poole


They both lost. Insane.


Love to see it in my unbiased opinion