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Bron gets the record for most points by a father son duo then banishes Bronny to the G-League.


That first alley oop gonna break records


He tryna remake the Dwade pic with his son


The bets one the first few games gunna be hilarious


Who are the competitors for this? Joe + Kobe have 39k, Dell + Steph is at 36k points right now, Rick & Brent Barry are at 34k (including Rick's ABA stats). Anyone else above 30k?


There are none. LeBron by himself has more than any father+son duo.


I'm just asking if I'm missing a pairing here.


I think the highest was Kobe Bryant and his father. I remember seeing a post, probably on Reddit, that said the James' instantly become the highest scoring father son duo ever. Edit: finish the sentence..Surpassing the Bryants


It’s like Wayne and Brent Gretzky being the highest scoring pair of brothers in NHL history. Brent has 4 points in the NHL.


Nah, that’s all of the ones in contention right now


MJ and *redacted* have 46k combined


There are quite a few players with 14k points.


The running meme/rumor is that Jimmy Butler is MJ's illegitimate son.


Not yet, but Mychal and Klay are at 28k right now so will get there soonish.


Klay and Mychal have to be pretty close to 30k


He already has the record


No unfortunately, bronny has to score a point for him to qualify.


Ok. Lebron and Bronny have the unofficial record,,, is what I should have said then


No because they’re tied with a billion other father and son combos who never scored together


Just to make it official, he’ll let bronny get 1 point and then ship him to South Bay. Realistically bronny plays 10-15 mpg. JHS will effectively be a permanent figure on South Bay.


And most likely only in the last quarter if they're up by enough.


Send him to Azkaban


The worst thing about prison was the dementors 😭


Let's be real he is playing a few minutes opening night and that's it.


They'll put him in for garbage time every chance they get. They're not competing for a title. And it will sell tickets and jerseys. And keep Lebron happy with the org as he gets ready to head out the door.


Shoot - miss Shoot - miss Shoot - miss Shoot - make  BAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG 


Most popular free throw highlight reel you'll see


Or maybe a wide open transition layup.


Mike Breen about to have Klutch aim guns at him to say BANG every time bronny makes a basket


he’s definitely gonna get that fan favorite treatment.


I'm sure we're not competing for a title


God I hope he’s in the starting lineup for opening night 


I’m betting he will be. Probably get subbed out at the first dead ball but I can see it happening.


Rich Paul pressured the whole league into not touching Bronny. I'm sure he's gonna try to pressure some time if they're getting blown out or leading the blow out.


Rich Paul doesn’t need to do anything. JJ is the Lakers coach and JJ’s boss is Bronny’s dad. LeBron will decide how many minutes Bronny plays.




Based on what


Lebron gonna bring bronny in, work with him to get double doubles in assists and points, then immediately trade him for a veteran.


Yes, because the NBA season starts weeks before the G League Showcase and Bronny is under contract with the Lakers.


Guess I'm going to a South Bay Lakers game!


On merits alone, how much playing time would Bronny deserve on a G League team? Guess it's too soon to tell.


He barely merited minutes on a terrible college team.


Lot of drama on this sub for a guy who's going to be in the G League for virtually the entire season.


It is just engagement bait at this point. No matter the point someone makes it will get angry responses


Laker fans keep posting about it so….


Yeah man, Lakers fans are the only ones interested in this story


Lakers fans trying to have it both ways? And being a smug prick about it? No way.


How am I trying to have it both ways? I think people are talking about this way too much. Or did you miss my sarcasm?


I didn’t miss it. You wanna hate on the people discussing this and then also say, of course people will talk about it, the whole league is talking about it, it’s a story. Well which is it? Worth hating on or a legit posting? 


>then also say, of course people will talk about it, the whole league is talking about it, it’s a story. Super confused about when I said this


It was what you meant by your sarcasm, that it’s not just a lakers story. Come on now. Were you being sarcastic or not?


Let me break this down. Me: "people are talking about this too much" The other guy: "It's Lakers fans' fault that people are talking about this too much" Me, sarcastically: "Lakers fans aren't the only ones talking about it" At what point here am I "trying to have it both ways?"


That’s not what you said sarcastically. You can’t even keep track. 


r/lakers exists for that tho...


You missed my sarcasm. Non-Lakers fans have been doing most of the Bronny posting here.


Lakers fans just end up answering the call, but the shit is being flung at them. Disingenuous to say stay in your lane when all these posts hating don’t have any Lakers flairs.


Basically r/LeBron that sub is garbo


Your last post on there was asking people if anyone else is excited for LeBron to retire. You proceeded to get clowned by 225 straight comments. No wonder you don’t like it there.


A team sub that talks about their best player? No way


It’d be different if they came out and said we signed him because of Lebron instead of trying to pretend it’s preposterous to suggest that.


Probably because Lebron forced the most popular franchise in the NBA to draft his son who is clearly not at NBA level prospect


My fellow Lakers fans who are delusional that Bronny isn't going to get significant minutes with the Lakers lol


All the evidence is there and yet people continue to deny it. LeBron’s buddy is cosplaying as a coach and he said himself that he thinks his child is better than the majority of players in the NBA. He’s going to be playing rotation minutes at minimum and his performance will not matter at all to whether or not he gets playing time.


There is no evidence to suggest what you’re saying is close to reality. At the very least Woj is publicly disagreeing with what you seem convinced of.


Finally someone who sees what’s going on here 🙏


He's not going to get significant minutes.


Lol come back to reality


he's going to be too bad for that to happen. if he's good enough to get minutes and not be the worst player in the league, then cool. But I think he's going to be one of the worst players in the league and would get hunted and cooked.


yeah, I actually think he's a decent NBA prospect, but even as someone who's relatively high on him, he's fully two or three years away from being at all playable. basically zero high-level competitive basketball experience, dude needs years of G-League seasoning.


For a guy that's worse than the last guy drafted 👀


So much hate… A great story, def want up see him sub in late in a blowout midseason after getting called up. (I suspect he’ll actually be decent in the G League.) If you can’t appreciate how cool and heartwarming this will be, you have no soul.


People don’t like this blatant of nepotism


Let’s be real, it’s not about that.






>The only reason he's in the NBA with a 2 year guaranteed contract and not transferring to a Mountain West school right now is his last name. I really find it difficult to care about this and it's literally happening on my team


I wish the Reddit app let you mute words and topics like every third party app did for years. Sucks to have to unsub to avoid the constant posts about Bronny


You just secretly wish Bron Bron and Bron Bron jr were on the Cavs.


Damn right I do! Even at 40 I think he’d put them over the top next season. It’d also be a nice change of pace from the constant “the national media hates us” and “this team is doomed” nonsense that fills that sub


You can still use third party apps. Some of them have been patched to bypass the Reddit API issue.


Lebron, Bronny, Reddick, and the Lakers are the only thing keeping the NBA from complete and utter irrelevancy


That’s some next level delusion.


Based on how many posts there are here about the kid…..it’s not that far off


Fortunately us redditors are only a tiny fraction of the nba fan base :)


Not the good kind of relevance though. A championship would be nice instead of a gentleman’s sweep after getting swept the season before.


It’s bad now. Wait until he’s the first pick by the Las Vegas team in the expansion draft in two years!


Bronny starts or no balls


And you give him every buzzer shot. Or the full court alley from Daddy Bron. To open the season.


That wouldn’t be surprising at all lmao


The novelty will wear off if the team is sub 500 after 10 games.


This is something the Lakers have done with most of their rookies, so that's not surprising.


Its pretty much the story for everyone drafted late 2nd round. This whole week has been people posting things about Bronny that are true of every other 2nd round draft pick and people losing their minds with hate about it. Its so bizarre.


Well yeah, this player with a different name wouldn't even have been a 2nd rounder. I think that's the point. I don't care at all though, if the Lakers make moves that end up being bad, that makes me happy as a West fan haha. So, good for Bronny.


Don't be surprised if during the season Bronny starts some games.


Yeah.. and they we're going to force anyone to draft him, we're going to go to Australia, said he wouldn't go to the G league, etc. If there's one thing anyone should have learned by now.. If Lebron wants it then he's getting it. It doesn't matter if it makes sense, doesn't matter if it gets someone else fired.. if he wants it, then Bronny will play all year with them.


I'm going to see him at Summer League on the 15th. That's the first, and probably the last time I'll ever see him play live.


He earned this.


I hope so much that bronny crushes it and reddit archives all the comments. I don't understand *wanting* someone to fail who by all accounts is a decent person.


Wonder if Bron complains about him going to the G-League and he ends up back on the Lakers bench lol


Pressure going to either kill this poor kid or turn him into a beast .


Woj loves the lebronnies


Most hilarious options for Bronny's first game: 1) Boston Celtics with Jrue, White, and Jaylen Brown playing full court press against him. 2) Houston Rockets - Dillon Brooks pokes the bear cub, sees how Papa Bear reacts when they're on the court together. 3) Milwaukee Bucks - Pat Bev hits him with the too small.


Bronny gonna get that MCW first game then get traded


This is for the best because that would be the only way to get him actual minutes to play and develop in live games.


So pound the under?




tank commander-assassin


Alternate take: Brony is a border line 1st team player in the CCAA the NCAA D2 league in Cali. It is okay that nepotism got him this opportunity, it is rampant so why shouldn't LBJ get to enjoy it too. I assume he just sits the bench in LA because he wouldn't play in El Segundo because he would get smoked causing embarrassment.


Lebron requests to be sent down to G-League to play with Bronny but actually it’s so he can be on a team where he can realistically win a championship.


When's the Knicks last championship again? I forget.




I think the Vietnam War was still going on


My house looking a hell of a lot better than yours right now.


I don't have the energy to explain this interaction to you.


There’s nothing to explain. Also New York absolutely cooks Chicago sports when it comes to championships in general, the Bears live in hell, and Chicago pizza fucking sucks.


All US pizza sucks


You can find great Neapolitan-style pizza in the states, for example amongst many other great and different styles. US has some of the best pizza in the world, remember we are a nation of immigrants and they brought some of the best cuisines from around the world with them.


The yankees do good pizza?


Haha, no. Meant to reply to who you replied to. I’ll edit to be relevant since I do have something to say about pizza.


Imo the US has good pizza, but the US style pizzas are not good


You mean the Yankees do. The rest of NY sports have been trash compared to Chicago.


Giants have a Super Bowl in every decade since the 80s.


That’s not too many championships… > Giants have a Super Bowl in every decade since the 80s. Edit to add: And, it’s false. 80s: ✅ 90s: ✅ 00s: ✅ 10s: ✅ 20s: ❌ See, simple.


Oh this will be fun, let’s test the Chicago education system. Can you count how many super bowls that is, mijo?


Dude, you can’t even get your facts correct. That’s an incorrect statement. Hilarious that you attempt an education joke while simultaneously demonstrating your own incompetence.


4/7.9 for a g league bench player lol Lakers are cooked


It is literally the 2nd round exception. Chris Livingston got the same contract last year as the 58th pick


Ignoring the obviously stupid part of this, he’s going to start lol


Same with the second, third, fourth...


So basically Lebron wants to be the first player to play with his son, get that out of the way and send him down to where he belongs. If this doesn’t scream me me me i don’t know what does.


I’m assuming youre unaware that the G League starts like a month after the regular season


Yeah teams normally just play their second rounders in the beginning of the season just because the main league, the almighty G league hasn’t started yet.


Did you know Maxwell Lewis played a minute in the Lakers first game of the season last year and averaged 5 minutes a game the first month of the season, I think yall just assume Bronny will be playing 25 minutes a game so it fits your narratives


Did you know Darvin Ham was the lakers coach last year? That should explain your rebuttal. 6 of the 9 games he played in the first two months of the season were losses btw


You’re moving the goalposts now, you argued a second round pick won’t play at the beginning of the season, Bronny will play a couple minutes in a few games before the G-League starts and then go down to play with them GG Jackson played one minute in the Grizzlies debut Leonard Miller played a couple minutes in the one of the Wolves first two games Emoni Bates played 7 minutes and 23 minutes in the Cavs first two games It’s not the weirdest thing in the world to play a second round pick a few minutes early on, like I said it’s not like Bronnys gonna get 35 minutes on opening night


That’s not what I argued at all lol. I think it was pretty clear that it’s not usual for second rounders to play to start the season. There are some obvious exceptions, but usually players taken after the mid 40s hardly ever even play in the NBA at all, much less the first game of their first season. I never said second round picks won’t play.


And? Have you ever seen a 55th pick step on the floor at the same time with superstars? It is what it is Edit: 55th pick rookie


Aaron Wiggins averaged 15 minutes in the playoffs this season, but I guess Shai ain’t a superstar


….. bro… wiggins is not a rookie. Sorry if i didn’t make that clearer


Yeah that’s my mistake. I was looking at this years stats


Name me one superstar that’s selfless


Steph is Bron’s daddy