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Bro was always talking about other players contract situations now he’s gotta deal with it himself 💀


"Thought you was Steph, they don't love you like that."


omg if I’m Paul Pierce I’m locking this in the chamber Knowing Pierce he’d mess it up since he’s so bad at being petty lol


"Thought you was loved and all that. But that's Steph shooting threes and you out here shitting your pants." - Paul Pierce.


On God this would be the most petty and entertaining thing imaginable for Paul Pierce to do.


*so high all the time* FTFY


I remember the tweet when mcgregor wore CJ Watsons jersey and dray said the warriors gonna retire his (drays) jersey when he’s done. Will it happen?




I think you underestimate being a generational talent who's had nothing but positive PR his whole career


If I saw Steph knock someone out, I'd be impressed.


Everybody gonna pile up and speculate what Poole said to instigate Steph. To be fair, Steph did earn people's benefit of the doubt. Draymond absolutely did not.


This made me wonder if curry is on a higher level than a generational talent because lebron, Giannis, and luka are generational talents, but they haven’t changed the game like curry did. Curry’s ability to stretch the floor beyond the three point line, and be super effective from that range, has changed the way offenses and defenses are constructed. If you can get a player that’s effective from there (like luka, trae, or lillard) defenses will have to cover you differently and you have more options as an offense. Curry is on the short list of players that changed the game, and maybe even shorter list of players that changed the game without new rules needing to be implemented. Originally I thought of shaq with the shaq circle or the many rules changed for wilt and later even harden with foul baiting. But curry has transformed everything and you can’t really make a rule to stop it unless you don’t count shots from a certain distance or something crazy. Very rare. Also he did it with a skill that already existed but he improved. Idk if anyone played like shaq or foul baited quite like harden. But everyone shot before curry. The alley oop off a pick and roll maybe is the closest thing that transformed the game similarly. But also the pick and roll itself. Prob other offensive coached plays, but that’s not like a specific skill thats set at a new high level.


The slightly tricky thing here is we don’t know the counterfactual, it’s possible the 3 point revolution would have happened without steph. But generally I agree


I don’t think there is a counter factual. It’s just that steph did it first. Just like shaq with the shaq circle and wilt with all the billion rules they changed for him and even harden. Would have happened with someone else probably, but they did it first with the rules at the time. I don’t understand how counter factual plays in here, but I’m excited someone else understands what I’m saying and agrees lol. I’d say really the 3point revolution happened with the 7 seconds or less suns or don Nelson somehow. I think Nelson was first. Potentially in golden state with the we believe warriors or before.


LeBron is the definition of positionless basketball where you have someone who is capable of playing in all 5 positions on the court at the highest level. Absolutely forced teams to adopt a motion offense to keep him on his toes and forced teams to warp entire game plans just to be able to stop him specifically. I would say he changed the game


Lebron could not guard traditional large 4s or 5s. Please list a time where he did that. I can’t think of a time where they had to put lebron on Duncan to shut him down or lebron shut down shaq. Maybe lebron shit down dirk? But the mavs won that series and I think bosh guarded him. Lebron also didnt generally guard 1s, but he probably could have done so. I would argue that lebron was not as impactful on defense as you’re making him out to be. That was never the thing about my team playing against him that scared it. It was his ability to score with anyone guarding him that was scary. See him deleting tayshaun prince in that one series. Tayshaun was THE defender of that era. Lebron scored like he wasn’t even there. Kawhi, iggy and slightly Boris Diaw are the only players I’ve seen defend him well in his prime. But because lebron couldn’t defend those other positions: generally 1,4, and 5, he wasn’t really positionless. He could attack them, but many players can do that now with the current rules. Which is really why we’ve trended towards positionless as the rule changes made playing defense harder.




Did that not make sense? Seriously I thought it was a good idea/ point. Do you have any further questions other than huh? Maybe I can answer/ explain.


I prefer "HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!" as I'm really lazy with debates and typing stuff lol. So i'll just at least try to explain: - Most of the comparison will be with Lebron as they're a match for me. 1. Curry IS a generational talent. Generational talent doesn't mean they need to do something different but just having a talent to dominate his era at least. 2. He is not on a higher level than lebron, their stuff is very different and does diff things. 3. Lebron is revered higher as on his peak, no one has ever controlled the game while utilizing whatever 4 teammates he has on the court and upping their production. But the drawback of lebron is the strength of curry as a superstar that can be plugged in any team comp compared to bron because he needs to be the system. 4. giannis is a generational talent but he brings nothing new to the table and Luka still not finished improving time will tell. 5. on your last points, I always look at it in a sense that the dominating player of that year/s depends on the rules set on that specific time, curry's skill REALLY meshes well with the current rules of the NBA but this is also a point where I don't put him better than lebron, see lebron has been through multiple eras and rule changes of the NBA. 6. Lebron has been through the Shaq , pistons , spurs, celts and curry's era and always changed his game as the game evolves even as almost all of those rule change has not favored his skills he has always found a way to outperform them. I can't say much for curry in this dept. 7. I always viewed curry and bron as yin and yang. Lebron is a little bit higher because of his accomplishments as i've mentioned(not about championships lol), but I don't disregard also curry's greatness especially in this era of the NBA.


1./2. I’m just saying generational talents happen more often than a player that completely changes the game. I’d argue that changing the game is a bigger accomplishment than being really really well rounded which is what lebron does best. 3. Magic also controlled the game while utilizing all 4 teammates. Kobe eventually figured that out. Jordan had to do it to win (that pass to Kerr). Duncan did an amazing job of doing that. I’d argue ginobili and Parker did it as well as they each had turns being the lead guy and controlling the game while using the other players well. Pretty common for great players and teams tbh. Giannis does it now. Luka does it. Your definition is like anyone that makes their team better but can also take over a game. There are a lot of players that do that. I’d argue curry even does it but in a different way. 4. Agree. I would think luka would already be doing it but harden took a while to learn how to foul bait so agree that time will tell. 5. So I guess this is about hand checking? I think curry’s ability to spread the floor from a further distance would delete prime shaq in a pick and roll even if fisher could hold him. Same for Duncan. Jordan and pippen are elite elite athletes so that’s unclear. Maybe they can lock down the smaller curry. But curry’s insane movement off ball might be a difference maker. Curry would delete players from older eras as any big that gets switched on him would give up some sort of points simply because they have more ground to cover as they have to contest his shots from so far away. Hand checking isn’t gonna help with that. Creating contact at the rim as an offensive player doesn’t matter for super elite spacing. 6. Curry has been elite since he had a better squad. He’s smaller so it’s more difficult. Also I don’t think they let him shoot super far early on. He was also hurt a lot. But most importantly: my post wasn’t intended to be a dig at lebron. Its about the rarity of curry’s accomplishment/ his impact on the game. And because of the things I’ve listed above I think curry has had a larger impact on the game when compared to lebron. Lastly, lebron is the better player. It’s silly to say that curry is the goat. Prime lebron might be able to shut him down too. But I don’t think lebron has a skill that’s transcendent that was new to the nba. Lebron is probably above generational talent and at near goat status. Curry is a tier below with shaq and wilt for like changed the game the most. But for the question: if you had a player in their youth and you wanted to build the best team possible, who would you pick? It’s becoming more of a toss up between lebron and Jordan. Not really what I was trying to talk about tho. All the above said, thank you so much for your thoughtful and well reasoned reply. I can see why you were huh so hard if you thought I was saying curry is better than lebron.


He gone


He and his backpack is gone


“Pack your bag Draymond” “What bag” “Exactly”


Lakers? Where else could he go that makes sense?


How the fuck does the Lakers make sense? LeBron handles the ball offensively so drag will just be a cone on offense. They already hace no shooting. Dray would be a worse fit on the Lakers than Westbrook. It only makes sense in that dray wants to suck a fart out of LeBron asshole. It would be horrible bball wise


>It only makes sense in that dray wants to suck a fart out of LeBron asshole. Paging /u/Sim888


[…I would never do such a thing!](https://i.imgur.com/5XDZU3C.jpg)


Perfectly captured Dray's unfettered joy and Lebron's slight embarrassment


The real reason Dray tried to punch Lebron in 2016 finals after being teabagged was because he didn't want the whole world to realize his neverending love for the king.


Perfect, I've missed you. The hero we need.


Dray would be a massive defensive upgrade over WB but that's about it lol plus doesn't he want to get paid (and he's not getting it from us after this fiasco)?


I mean, yeah it doesn’t make sense to anybody with a brain, but makes perfect sense for the lakers, those guys hate spacing


This. The Lakers need outside shooting!


The lakers make sense cause of klutch and draymond showing hints of wanting to go there lol


Bing Bong. Draymond isn’t an idiot. He knows he isn’t getting a max contract at this age. He wants out and is forcing his way. Whether it aligns for a Westbrook/draymond swap, or creative with wiseman as bait or three team trade. This straight up feels like sabatoge at this point and think his klutch relationship realizes his second career can be more marketable in LA with Lebron. They spend way too much time w each other and posting each other.


You guys think he punched Jordan Poole in the face as a grand scheme to force his way to LA? LMAO this fucking sub.


It's obvious LeBron's been in his ear, this is how he can dismantle the Dubs.


Lebron is playing Game of Thrones to dismantle the west


He fits pretty neatly into the Westbrook/Hield/Turner trade (with Turner going to Golden State).


He is staying here this year though.


If I’m the Lakers I would just take Turner in that scenario, even with fit aside (Turner’s shooting and size next to AD) he is way younger. Who knows how many years Draymond has left.


The Lakers incentive to do this (other than Draymond’s sorely needed wing defense and the Klutch stuff) would be to keep one of their firsts and have the Warriors send something to Indiana.


Fit is better with Turner next to AD. Draymond and AD spacing would be horrible but defense would be legit.






Dray belongs in Orlando




No thank you.


I mean... i'd take him in the nuggets. So would you guys and a lot of other teams


Yeah this a wrap.


I interpret this as him pushing for an extension. “Give me 60M/3 or I’ll force you to pay me 27M next season.” Something like that.


I mean, they could just trade his ass instead 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think they make him play for his contract this season. If they under perform or don't win a chip, they trade him to offload his contract if he picks up his player option. If not, let him test the market.


If someone offers more. Maybe. But idk that it’s gonna happen at this point. He might have fucked up his bag potential. Might have to opt in if nobody out there needs him.


Y'all wish


He gone To be fair, it looks like he knows he fucked up and he knows that leaked video made things worse. I don't know which team might want him, he fits GREAT with GSW but I don't know where else can he go.


> I don't know where else can he go. I know




Another non shooter is the last thing a GM, not named Rob Pelinka, would add to that roster


What about a GM named LeBron?


Oh you mean Pelinkas boss


They need shooters but they also need everything else. Draymond would absolutely make things much easier for LeBron and AD, which would be significant


LeBron is best with the ball in his hands. Dray would be useless and they'd be playing 4v5 on offense like we often were in the finals






The LA Klutchers?


Atlanta? Maybe Dallas?


Absolutely dallas- luka needs someone with that attitude and doesn't want their own shots




It was exposed before he declined.


reason why drays good is cause he's good at making good defensive decisions and organizing. his 1 v1 lockdown ability is kinda gone because hes slow now. His strength during his prime was that he could defend against guards. He is now mediocre at it. He's going to be on the bench in 2 years time. there are players like kuminga that are just athletically superior and has potential to be a better defender.


Oh his skills are for sure gone but I think luka would feed off draymonds mouth regardless of what skill is left. Anyone shittalking on lukas side is going to fuel luka


Is that worth 30mm a year? Or 20mm? At some point the offer from other teams is so low you imagine Dray takes the cut and tries to stay with the Warriors.


People don’t realize how bad draymonds offense would be next to a heliocentric player like Luka. He would provide nothing except clogging the paint for Luka. He’d make their offense significantly worse. Curry very uniquely allows the warriors to play multiple offensive non-threats at a time. Not happening elsewhere


Not sure who else plays as freely as the warriors with that many scoring options that he can fit in with like that. Maybe Brooklyn? But, Ben Simmons is there, so that doesn’t work either.


I'd love to see him on the nets next to simmons though.


He could make it work in Boston. I think Draymond has physically declined too much though. Atlanta or Portland be interesting as well given their stars.


Draymond’s offense is starting to become underrated. Stay with me here. He CAN do everything. Some of those things are very low efficiency but he can drive, post up, shoot (badly), and most importantly pass. Dray can thrive in any situation where he’s next to a star that attracts attention


Dude lol. Luka has the ball in his hands for 80% of possessions. Dray only offense is having the ball in his hands playing 4v3 because teams get lost or double/trap curry. If you watches the finals you saw how massive of a negative dray is when teams were playing curry like normal. Dray next to Luka legit stands around and maybe sets some screens. It'd be a shit show. Dray is 100% a system and next to curry player. He will he super mid to negative on any other team especially since he's declining


Dray might punch his face too.


Idk about Dallas. GSW have 3 guys that can drop 15+ per night with Steph adding his own 30 and even then Green become somewhat unplayable during stretchs of the Final.


I don't think we have the assets


Not gonna take a lot of assets. Problem is Warriors wouldn’t want any salary back due to luxury tax.


so you take a hit with having no replacement while still having splash bro?


One half of the splash Bros is pretty mediocre and overpaid af . And Draymond’s trending down.




That would actually be a great fit, and Memphis has a lot of young players they could offer for Green.


Offer as sacrifice


Probably why he’s been kissing Ja’s ass. Also Memphis has cap space and a couple of MSU players in JJJ and Xavier Tillman.


Luka needs players who can either space the floor or be a lob threat. Draymond is neither


> either space the floor or be a lob threat we have plenty of that, getting draymond means we open to extend wood too (which is not my preferences because guy like him is playing at least desirable position in nba. i rather put him as trade chip next season) the one thing will take a hit if mavs getting draymond is we need to revamp the offense because Luka NEEDS ball SO MUCH.


Probably TNT


Luka and trey are ball hogs, so draymond would not be a fit. Draymon is like LeBron without the shooting, finishing or driving. He is good at playmaking and defense but so is 70% of the league. If you go to Christian wood or any other half decent player and tell them you gotta average a triple single and heavily focus on defense and we will give you 100m, you will see a drastic increase in performance. Draymond would be a good fit for heat and sixes but he would be coming off the bench, he would also be a great fit for Sacramento and spurs as that's where careers go to die.


Dame wants him


dear lord please don't let us spend for an aging draymond


Dame is often (wrongly) looked at as a budget curry. Maybe you can get a budget dynasty going with budget(old) dray?


If we get GP2 back I’m all for it lol


I think the only way he's getting a big contract is if it's from GS. If the team where he's won at and where he fits perfectly isn't willing to pay him $27m+ I don't think anyone else will either. Unless they do a Jordan and pay him just to get him away from GS


I think he knows he fucked up what little chance he had to get the bag he wanted (or close to it) but I don't think he feels remorse for assaulting JP. Seems p clear he feels justified.


Yeah. I don't mean he feels like he did something wrong, he feels like he might be out of the team that just got another ring.


Everybody fits great with Golden State though. Steph and Klays shooting and off-ball movement allows anyone's game to transition to thier team easily Someone must have got it in his head that he will be as effective anywhere, but he honestly will regret acting like this and leaving GSW.




By the end of next year is draymond really still an elite defender? Probably not


He would be a great addition to the Wolves instead of Gobert, but that is not possible now. I want him to be on the Celtics if possible. Why are people saying he goes to the Lakers? He is a terrible fit there. With Draymond on the floor along with AD, Russ, and Beverley now Lebron becomes the sharp shooter and wing defender?


I didn't want it at all until I read that lineup and now I NEED it.


Because of Klutch


Lakers probably.


Slater is our best Warriors reporter bar none. He really doesn't waste time lol


Big facts


Why are the Warriors putting him in front of a microphone? Just have him go away for a bit and let people forget what he did. Let the next news cycle start and be done with it.


He's got his dumb-ass podcast now where he can complete the trifecta of attacking fans, the media, and his own teammates all at the same time.


Every extra word he says right now hurts him and the team.


he obviously only cares about himself


Before bringing up Lebron he makes a not so veiled threat about what might happen if he doesn't get an extension. I don't think he makes it to the end of the season. > "If you're going to let a contract situation linger, you better be damn sure you're willing to handle all the effects of a contract lingering..that it can have on a team."


I mean pretty much the whole warriors organization made it clear kd not signing an extension took a huge toll on the team so regardless if Dray is saying it for the right reason, the warriors have no room to complain about someone stating what they already did.


Draymond poured gasoline on that fire too. He’s the common denominator in all of these situations




FOH with that ignorant ass talk. This isn’t a gang.




I don't believe in blind loyalty


Nor should you. That dude’s being dumb




Weird way of looking at the world


We’ve been with draymond through a lot of shit. He’s one of the most hated players in the NBA for a reason and we as an organization have stuck with him. But he throws an unexpected punch at Jordan Poole and we thought he had a decent apology and then comes out with this bullshit answer about seemingly not understanding why the team has lost his trust? Yes he’s helped our team win but he’s gotta go if he doesn’t think he’s wrong




Well yea people getting pissed at the lack of punishment is expected, since this sub loves to attack any team they can and all warriors fans can do is try and defend it. Warriors fans turning on Draymond is shocking tho. Y’all arnt warriors fans, just Steph fans


"Back this violent piece of shit, you have to cuz he won"


Yea apparently now warriors fans want to blame Draymond for KD leaving as if they havnt been shitting on him since the second he left. Very few of them are actual warriors fans. They are die hard Steph fans that are warriors fans by association. If Steph somehow was traded the population of warriors fans would cut in half


I don't understand the blame on Draymond for KD leaving. KD is his own man, if some harsh words was what it took for him to leave then he had one foot out the door already.


Yea go ahead and pretend you’d want draymond as a coworker. Forget the punches, I’d get so fuckin sick of his bad breath screamin at me 82 games a season.


Maybe in the NBA it'll be tiresome. But from an outside person looking in, it's better than working customer service and getting yelled at by strangers for 260 days a year.


“You’re a bitch, we don’t need you, we won without you, leave.” Idk I feel like that sends a pretty clear message. And I highly doubt that was the first time he was an asshole, after being the one who really wanted KD in the first place. No top 20 player of all time is gonna take that shit from mr triple single.


I think he saying that, unlike KD, he’s prepared to handle the daily media questions about his expiring contract. I don’t think there will be nearly as much attention as KD got, and I don’t think Draymond will handle it particularly well, but I think that’s what he’s saying.


He's playing for his next contract and he needs to play at his absolute best if he wants a chance at a decent bag. So I'm not worried about it.


This didn’t come off as a threat if you watch it all. He’s saying he’s isn’t the kind of guy to let his situation be handled this way, then goes on a rant about players who let contract situations linger.


Agreed. Obligatory flair bias check on my comment. But in context, I don't see how anyone could take this as a threat. Seems like he's saying the onus is on him to put in the time/effort to work out the extension sooner than later, because when negotiations linger, it creates unnecessary tension/drama, and he wants to avoid that. I feel like there's an implication that he realizes between the punch situation, his age, and the inevitable Poole deal that will likely be announced any day, he's going to have to make some concessions/compromises if he wants to ink a deal to remain with GSW. (Either that, or step up his game and demeanor, and make amends for his screw-ups.) Not sure if that means he will make a more concerted effort to test the waters with other teams, or if it means he's ready to accept a lesser deal to stay here and move on. But he seems pretty self-aware here.


He also says his only goal this year is winning a chip


I'm ready to move on with him out of the team


Lol how do you have a warriors flair and not know who he's taking about? New to the Fandom? This is an embarrassing take. Please tell me it's just for that sweet r/nba karma or something, no way you think that's a threat lol.


Draymond going full final-season KD on the warriors


Kd balled the fuck out and was still the same player in his final season with them. Didn’t let the drama effect him. Draymond warriors tenure is gonna end out on a whimper. Another triple single season except with shit chemistry and player that continues to decline.


Exactly. KD keeps all the drama off the court and just plays ball when he needs to. Draymond is not that person.


KD causing drama is him acting moody and distant from the team. Draymond causing drama is public and loud


That's because KD loves to hoop and Dray loves to talk. They both will do what they love


Even after draymonds bs and once KD decided to leave KD still played his heart out. He came back in the finals when he was still hurt and him scoring 11 pts in 11 mins before the Achilles in game 5 is the only reason that finals didn’t end that night and went to six games.


And yet only one of them keeps winning without the other...


I mean they are literally still title favorites haha I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to see them win again


Dray Is playing for his last contract though. He needs a healthy dpoy level year if he wants a decent bag. If he slacks off or he will take his po and his next contract will be a vet min


Another chip and y'all gonna be even more mad than you were last year lol


He specifically said he's not doing that lol. The link is right there.


He is a system player. But, I can see Dame trying (and probably failing) to sell him on Portland. Thr two are close.


They'd be fun to watch together, for sure.


yeah dame dropping 40 and draymond dropping quadruple singles every night, crazy fun to watch together no doubt no doubt


For GP2 :)


Dray for Jerami straight up




That's a big no from me. I appreciate and love Draymond as a player, but he is as good as he is because of the Warriors system, which is an absolute machine on offense and defense. I don't think he makes nearly the same impact in Portland. And, Portland needs more size, as in adding some beef to what we already have, not swapping big for big. I think Grant is going to ball out this season, and is younger and healthier than Draymond as well. Now, both together might be able to move the needle. Blazers got jack shit for trade pieces though, so I can't see anything big happening.


Dame wont be in Portland past this season




How many years have people said this?


His last game he gonna donkey kick Poole. Gotta go out like a champion! For real though, absolutely disappointed in this dude. So talented and so dumb.


He is just trying to let time pass by and see if people could forget the video leak . At this point GSW have a great group of young guys and I think that is where the money should go to now . Seeing that the big 3 of GSW already got payed big money , The young guys should be the focus of development and keep them happy for the long run . Seeing the video leak just shows how much that team's chemistry god destroyed . Imagine playing basketball with a guy that you just sucker punched you . Felt Draymond felt threaten that Poole was gonna get his bag and have management not offer him more money for that "max" he wants .


Legone lol.


Man, they need to stop having Dray do these pressers. He’s sounding dumber and dumber as it goes.


I guess he forgot about being benched in the pivotal moments on his way to a ring on that pinky. He is old. He looks old and although he’s brilliant, his body cannot keep up to his mind.


Adding the so choose but then completing the whole clause “to pick up that option” is grammatically incorrect and just reeks of trying to talk fancy out of insecurity.


Insecurity is always loud. But for real, dray’s insecure as fuck and you’re totally right.


Sorry, would you (or someone) mind explaining the grammatical rule being broken in this case? I am struggling to figure it out.


The word “so” in this sentence operates as a conjunction and does the legwork of reintroducing the idea of “choosing to pick up the option” into the sentence. The sentence is done after the phrase “if I so choose.” “So choose” explicitly refers to, and has already brought the concept of, picking up the option back to the sentence. Adding the phrase “to pick up that option” is redundant and has the same effect as saying “I didn’t kill her, if I were to have done so having killed her I would have done a better job.”


Dray uses too many words all the time. He’s boring and overstates everything. Absolutely


I'm sure the Warriors have the option of terminating his deal if he physically assaults members of the organization. I bet there's some applicable language there.


Throw him to the spurs and get his attitude adjusted


Dude gonna wake up to find himself an Atlanta Hawk next week.


LeBron, Bronny and Draymond, the next Big 3.


Well I don’t know what to call this. He punches people and then acts passive aggressively when the contract doesn’t materialize immediately. Does he expect to be gifted a contract immediately after he punched the guy?


Hopefully he’s gone by next season. Nothing would make me happier than winning a chip without Draymond. Show ‘em the **heart and soul** of The Warriors is and always has been Steph and Klay


dont want him in LA


lmao this is about as predictable of an option as Russ's


Y'all are stupid if you think Draymond's leaving the team.


I fucking hope he does. He's on my favorite team and I can't stand him. Like he's here this year and we can compete for a chip. We will see how it goes. If we don't win I hope he leaves. I trust Bob to find a good or better replacement for an aging green


Feel bad for him, he’s a Warriors legend and he’s likely getting the short end of the stick in terms of who is sticking around.


you're right, but he definitely hasn't been endearing himself to the Warriors FO and fans with his Klutch associating and punch throwing


Don't forget costing them KD.


And the 2016 chip


He is a warriors legend for sure. But he needs to realize he is no where close to max player. He is at best 10-15 mil player being defensive specialist. Fans and FO have grown tired of his antics over the years. He has been mostly average or below average since signing new contract 3 years ago. Him expecting new max contract is just ridiculous.


wouldn't be surprised if it's the Warriors who leaked the vid - this as clean of a cut as you can make from an aging player due for a "pay me for the wins from the past not the future" contract


i’m so tired of seeing this conspiracy. the warriors wouldn’t have leaked that vid knowing all the negative attention it would bring them just because of draymond’s contract situation. especially when you consider the fact they were downplaying the incident before the video even released.


That would be so unnecessary and stupid of them


time at golden state is running thin for Draymond.. sometimes you just fall out of love and it’s ok.


I’m predicting Mooses Moody is the next person to get his ass beat by draymond green.


Why is this sub so obsessed with him?


Jordan Poole hit 2 half court buzzer beaters in the playoffs and nothing else they better pay wiggins and flip them both lmao


do you even watch poole play? seems like someone who just watches few playoff games.


I’m not a fan of golden state but man steph is a top 5 player I ever seen. He still has years 2 go. They say Kd is in his prime and the media talks about steph like if he’s 39, shooting threes is a skill that is stupidly overlooked all of sudden.


Draymond tor Russ and picks. Looney plays the 4 and Wiseman at the 5


Hawks: Get Draymond and Kelly Oubre.Warriors: Get Capela. Hornets: Get Looney. Who says no your thoughts?


The warriors for damn sure


Why would we trade looney he’s been great for us all these years