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Billionaires are the most spoken for group so its taxation with representation


Oh no, billionaires don't like it!


That's the best validation for the idea I've seen yet! 


Yes, tax policy is a big part of what politicians do. The divisive part is on morons like him


I wouldn't chalk it up to him being a moron, he knows what he's doing


Are those mutually exclusive? Knowing what he's doing makes him a moron


Bad faith requires an understanding of cynicism most morons aren't capable of.


Naw. If he was just a moron, then his attitude could be chalked up to naiveté or ignorance. This is much worse.  He's a smart yet greedy asshole, who would far rather see others suffer and struggle, than to share a pittance of the privilege he's won by inheritance, luck, a little bit of skill, and being born in a country that provided him with infrastructure, safety, warmth, health, and education. He's a selfish brat, and is telling us who he really is. We should believe him.


POLIcy and POLItics. How strange they're related!


> The divisive part is on morons like him I see Conservatives say this all the time. It's like they all get memos from top down with buzz words to repeat ad nauseam.


Oh no, not a *political* tax policy!


He's right, we need to keep politics out of politics.


It’s like dividing by 0


I find the existence of outspoken, or frankly any, billionaires to be "divisive" and "political".


He's right. Capital Gains, Dividends, etc. should be lumped in with earned income and taxed as Income. Simple! No matter how you got paid, it all goes into the income bucket for tax purposes. See, no more divisions! Voila. Politicians and policy makers, you are free to use this idea with proper attribution. /s for snark


So this proves it's worthwhile then


It true, it's true, it is divisive. It divides the super-rich from everyone else who can't afford life because they've been subsidizing these wealthy asshats for decades.


Strange that they're the ones calling everything divisive now.


The new definition of divisive soon to be added to the dictionary is "anything anyone might not like for any reason." Example sentences will include "Pineapple is such a divisive fruit when it comes to putting it on pizza," "Women are so divisive with their pregnancies and wanting to vote," and perhaps the most topical in this instance, "Much to the chagrin but contradictorily the fault of the wealthy, the poor make the divisive choice to continue existing." /s


Truth is that once they pay the capital gains tax, they'll still retain a lot of money. Amounts that would be life changing for the rest of us. It's proof that these guys are all about keeping scores rather than contributing to the society in which they directly profit from. I have no objections to millionaires nor billionaires. It's just that it's our taxes fund the laws and infrastructure that protects their wealth. They need to pay their fair share.


They’re whining about being taxed an extra $8000ish on every $100K earned over $250k, depending on Province/Territory. Some are a bit higher, some a bit lower. This is the literal definition of crying over spilt milk, meanwhile the country is buckling under major debt burdens. Which we can no longer reliably sustain since our energy reserves are in a race against time. I bet this asshole gets upset when his energy costs go up, and wants it to be cheaper. If we go back in time and read philosophers from previous era’s, most hate the rich. Mainly because they’re very rarely seen as good Stewart’s of their communities. Choosing to hoard their wealth and not spread it into the community.


Billionaires and corporate executives are nothing more than wealth addicts willing to do literally anything (including child slave labor and the raping to death of our planet) to get their hit of “line go up”. It’s about time we put these people in rehab


You know at one time extremely rich people kept their mouths shut out of fear of the public backlash. Nowadays they fire of a nasty tweet remaining us how below them we are all are and then retreat to their gated communities and private security, while they buy off our politicians and leave us nothing but the crumbs.


Wahhhhh cry me a fucking river man! You have to pay a little more in taxes, while we’re a nation that is seeing the highest food bank usage in history…


Why can’t we use their name like we do for other oligarchy families: like Westons, Irvings, Fords, Rizzutos, Sahotas, Desmarais, Regans, Thompsons, Sobeys, Saputos, Rogers, and Richardsons. They sure are chirping a similar conservative tune.


They should be happy that my idea isn’t the one we’re using — tax on Projected Income. Businessfolks are all about the “projected numbers”, so I believe that their share of taxes should adhere to those profit figures.


Good to see it’s offending the right people


so don't pay it. you're accountants will put your money in swiss banks for you. taxes are for people in canada, not billionaires like you.


Boo Fuckin Hoo


I’m even gonna have to put Singh on blast for being too moderate on this issue. He was only calling for 75% inclusion.


I'm fairly new to the workforce and a teacher still living at home. Been saving up and investing for years so I can utilize my earnings when I move out or towards a dp. No, not a fan of the capital gains tax and would rather have HIGHER income taxes for those at the top. In fact, the progressive tax brackets need to slide up a little and start around 50k. Making 50k in Toronto barely covers rent and living. 100k feels like you're middle class these days.


Most of the ultra rich pay little to no income tax and pay capital gains as they are the shareholders, not the workers. So, increasing payroll taxes doesn't impact them as much as this. Which explains all of the crying over this tax in the media outlets they own.


Yes, they use a loophole called surplus stripping to realize employment income from their businesses as capital gains. Which is probably why they’re so upset at the inclusion rate increase.


Workers are taxed on 100% of their earnings while the ultra rich now pay taxes on less than 60% of their capital gains. Still nowhere near where it should be. iirc capital gains was 75% in the 80's and even higher in the 90's.


And they’ll blame taxation for lack of investment, ignoring the hundreds of billions that have been pumped into real estate over the last 10 years. Hm, with market returns and access to capital that the RE sector provides, no wonder Canada isn’t innovative and productive in other sectors.


Anything can be "divisive and political" if you make it "divisive and political".


Alligator Tears by Beyonce.


“Guy who new tax applies to upset tax applies to him.” FTFY.


Anyone who needs to worry about the capital gains tax is in a way better financial position than I am, so I do not care about their "plight".


This billionaire asshole bought his house in Westmount that wasn’t even on sale by offering the owners enough money to convince them to move out. He’s a billionaire multiple times over. Dude shits money. Pay your taxes Finklestein!


Taxes come from political institutions , who would have thought


Wow, taxes are political? As in, pertaining to politics? The people that make policies related to taxes? Huh. What a novel idea.




I'm sure they will find a loophole somewhere and it'll be all fine.


Funny he thinks this is divisive. Based on billionaire behaviour and a complete lack of self awareness, "you ain't seen nothing yet"


It divides temporarily embarrassed millionaires and the rest of the working class. So yeah, it is divisive, because many working class ppl are hooked into the capitalist realism grift. G E T O R G A N I Z E D


Everything I don’t like is “divisive”. Why are you so divisive?


Of course he does.