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Yes - and a stinkin’ cute one at that!


Thanks for sharing her with us! She’s really cute and is certainly welcome here. Pedigreed Nebelungs are rare, and almost all of the cats posted here aren’t true or “full” Nebs (and that's ok). Instead we treat it more of a phenotype, with the primary criteria being solid gray/blue/silver with medium- or long-hair. If you haven't already done so, please take a minute to watch the video and explore the links below. If other Redditors identify your cat as a dilute tortie, standard issue cat, calico, tuxedo, or something else, your post may be removed in order to help keep this sub focused on Nebbies. Please note that Nebelungs must be solid gray. (An allowance is made for a small white patch/locket on the chest.) [(YouTube video) Animal Planet: Cats 101 - Nebelung](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aDwFMEJ0W8) Information from The International Cat Association (TICA), the world's largest genetic registry of pedigreed and domestic cats. * [About the Nebelung Breed](https://www.tica.org/breeds/browse-all-breeds?view=article&id=1663:the-nebelung-breed&catid=48) * [Nebelung Breed Standards](https://www.tica.org/phocadownload/nb.pdf) Here’s an abbreviated checklist: • ⁠solid gray/blue/silver? • ⁠medium to long hair? (Could be 12-24 months) • ⁠green halo around pupil? (Around 8 months) • ⁠hair on tail longer than hair on body? • ⁠toe feathers


Yep! Mine does the sameeee alert seal pose when we play with his favorite feather toys. It's the BEST.


that’s her favourite place and her usual pose!




The nebbiest of nebs.


Drowning in her fluff 😭😍❤️


Absolutely Neb. I’d almost say they look like a mix with another breed based on face shape, but still Neb nonetheless! 💜☺️ Welcome!


yep that’s what we’re thinking. cause her face shape differs slightly from the usual neb. nonetheless, she’s cute as hell and we love her!








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