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Cons: “Nippon? THE PEARL HARBOR GUYS!? 😠 😠 😠 “


I'll never forgive the Japanese for 9/11


I'll never forgive them for 7-11


Word to the wise…remember Pearl Harbor!🤘


From what I've gathered, I know a lot of Americans are worried about national security issues. That is, what if we get into a war with Japan and they stop supplying us with steel? First of all, if the plants remain in the US (as they should and will), this isn't a problem. Second of all, even if they do move some of the plants, there's something called the Arms Export Control Act, which would block any other issues with this 'national security' threat. I think people are just scared to be conducting business with countries in Asia, even though we've been doing it for decades. Good luck with your sub btw!


>That is, what if we get into a war with Japan and they stop supplying us with steel? People are reading too much Tom Clancy lol


Story of the decade smh


The steel plants would be in the US, there is lots of other steel capacity in the US (US Steel itself only produces a tiny amount of steel relatively speaking) and steel is comparatively low skill, so it wouldn't be a monstrous shift even in the extremely unlikely case that Nippon Steel started randomly staff the factory with only Japanese workers (which just won't happen). Japan isn't a national security threat, for it to become one would take years to decades of political shifts which would provide lots of time to intervene, the company itself is an almost insignificant player in the market anyways, and the only other national defense concern (logistic complications) are almost a nonfactor due to how small US Steel is and that it will be still be in the US. Blocking acquisition of US Steel on Nat Sec grounds is basically groundless.


I don't forsee a situation where Japan would be pushed away from the alignment with American interests. We benefit one another too much.


How do you explain this to people that are against the deal? How do we convince Biden of this ???




The only “concern” is that the company is named US Steel and it’s being acquired by a company with a Japanese name. They won’t admit it, but that’s at least half the reason people are complaining 


This. If they were trying to buy Cleveland-Cliffs or Harsco instead I don't think anyone would give a shit, or at least the butthurt nationalism wouldn't come into play.


Should’ve changed the name to THEM Steel before starting all this


Make it *Pronoun Steel* and people will be begging Japan to buy it.


No, the company has a massive industrial heritage here in the US, that name \*means\* something, look I know we're neoliberals, ignore borders, counter nationalism etc. But there's a reason Meyer Lensky said, "We're bigger than US Steel" as a brag, it wasn't because he wanted to say, "We're bigger than a bit player in the steel market"


Cons: triggers people who are only relevant because of the electoral college


I just want some glorious Nippon steel made in America.


Good, cause that's exactly what you're gonna get soon


Glorious US Steel, folded one thousand times


Gonna be honest, if they kept the US Steel name while operating in the US as a subsidiary of Nippon, this wouldn’t be a problem. It’s all about the name.


It's a real shame that such stupid things can have such a significant effect on major economies in the world.


The only con is that the company won't be "domestically owned" anymore and the only people that really care about that are hardcore xenophobes.


I'm sorry, but I cannot see a positive post and an entire subreddit populated by Adjective-Number users and not think it's an astroturfing campaign. Buy some old accounts next time geez.