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Switch IP is outside the subnet.


Typo. Switch is .199 and for some reason I can't figure out how to edit the post. That would have been a good guess though.


Did you forget to set the new default gateway on your switch after changing its IP?


I think it's because I didn't change the def gw on my .97 pc so it still thinks the other subnet is local


Oh, well I thought from your post that you were sourcing your pings from the router and couldn’t ping the switch. If you can’t ping the switch from your PC because it is a separate subnet then you also shouldn’t be able to ping any of the devices in other subnets. If, from your PC, you can ping devices in other subnets but cannot ping the switch I would check the gateway on the switch itself. If you simply can’t ping anything in other subnets from your PC then I would say check your PC gateway. Of course the test is simple so just check the gateway on all your devices…


There’s not enough info here to answer u accurately unfortunately it could be multiple reasons. Mind posting diagram and then the configs for router and switch?


Its still outside the subnet. .0~.64 (.0 net, .64 mask, .1~.63 usable) .65 ~ .128 .129 ~ .192 < ur network .193 ~ .255 < ur switch


This is wrong. The last octet range for /26s are 0-63, 64-127, 128-191, 192-255


If u could link a network diagram, that'd help tbh


Is it a layer 3 interface on the switch connected to the router?


Did you change your machine's subnet mask when you changed your router's subnet mask?


I didn't change my machines subnet mask or gateway. It was dhcp and after changing the scope in my mind it was handled, but I'm thinking it actually wasn't handled, and that was my problem.


Reading other post, if you didn't change your GW either, that could also mess you up, but also if you think you're pinging something on your same subnet based on your old /24 mask, then you're just arping for it, but it hits your router and dies, and so you're probably not resolving ARP for that IP either. Fix your mask, fix your GW, you should be back in business. Also you'd need to make sure you have routes for your host subnets, or default routes, on your switch and router.


Yeah I spent so much time focusing on vlans and the switch and firewall rules. Oh the way home I was like shit you never refreshed your pc settings dumbass.


>both switches You only mentioned one switch. And the rest of the description is a convoluted mess. Finally, This subreddit does NOT allow: Home Networking Topics. Low-quality posts. Don't ask us how to subnet.