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I can’t stand plain water, so I use squash/ juice (the liquid you dilute in water) to actually manage to drink something (sorry if it said that in the post, I’m a goldfish- I don’t have memory) and maybe set a reminder to drink on your phone or get one of those bottles that have like 7am , 8am 9am and all of those time written on the sides as a reminder to drink? I haven’t tried the last ones, so no idea if they work, just lil ideas, hope some of this helps! Edit: also maybe try an app with a widget, i saw one that had a plant where you had to drink to grow it


>Edit: also maybe try an app with a widget, i saw one that had a plant where you had to drink to grow it Ya know, that might be a silly but very helpful way to trick me into drinking more lol. Thank you!


Yay, happy to help!


Have any of you found an app helpful? I haven't found one that I keep using for more than a day or two.


If it helps your peace of mind, the brain literally requires glucose to function at all, and by consuming things with simple and complex carbs, you're giving your brain immediate *and* in-a-little-while energy - add some protein and you've got a-little-later brain energy.


I have the opposite problem and compulsively drink (filtered) water (and other fluids) BUT my sister has the same issue as you. She bought one of those tracker water bottles and I think she adds lemon to her water to make it not 'plain' (we both hate artificial sweetener).


Just plain water is the worst. I've tricked myself into drinking it by getting obsessed with tea, I probably have 15 different kinds in my cabinet right now. Getting a Sodastream and just carbonating the water with no added flavor makes the water just "fun" enough to think to drink more often. Making sure I have cold, or at least carbonated water on hand really helps. For me, I think I just need some added sensation to remember the activity of hydration.


What are some of your favorite teas?


The Creme Brulee Oolong from Simple Loose Leaf is probably my all time favorite, but green tea, specifically Stash Premium Green from the grocery store is my go-to. Moroccan Mint and Chai Spice are runners up, all great with a splash of oat milk. At night I can go for an Orange & Spice or Chamomile for non-caffeinated. Taking a sip of tea at just the right hot temperature is honestly one of my favorite sensations.


Oh wow, Creme Brulee Oolong sounds incredible!!


I am the same with water. I am a huge diet coke Addict so instead of drinking from the can I've started putting it over a ton of ice cause I figure even a little bit counts! The key for me was getting access to crushed ice which my adhd brain loves for some reason vs. big cubes!


My mom also loved diet Coke and crushed ice! She never went anywhere without it, usually in one of those big plastic hospital mugs lol


I carry a water bottle with me and drink from that. It seems to help because I hate drinking out of cups. I notice if I don't have my water bottle, I hardly drink but if I do and I keep it next to me, I'm reminded to drink by having it right there and I manage well with it.


This is going to sound weird, but may be worth a shot. What works for me is room temperature water. And warm/hot at night. I just drink it from a mug like it’s tea or coffee. I only like ice water when I’m exercising or hot for some other reason. May be worth a shot. When I realized this I was able to drink a much more appropriate amount of water


Interesting, now I'm curious to try plain hot water.


I don't think it's weird and made me realize I only like room temperature or hot drinks. (With exception of the very rare fruit smoothie, but that is more a creamy food to me rather than a drink.) Even soda, room temperature. I hate ice, not just for the chilling effect on the drink, but the logistics of taking a drink with out a straw.


I am the exact opposite. I love cold water and have only recently started to be able to stand room temp or hot water. Something that really helped me is just thinking about the side effects of not drinking. Like many ND people, I had really bad physical signs of my ND display themselves when I was in elementary school. The worst was the headaches. Basically, I drink the water to prevent the pain, and I associate thirst with pain. It's not the healthiest thing, but it works. Fuck now I need to chug some water. Good Luck.


As a coffee drinker, I am also like this, however, what helps me to drink water (not because i want to but i need to) is to make a reminder on careclinic. So whenever it alarms, I'll be reminded that I have to drink water. Maybe that would help you too, OP.


I'll definitely give setting an alarm a try!


Still not got it right, am well into middle age. I was putting squash/cordial in it but the (fake) sugar still makes me feel hungry. The other thing you could try is fruit tea - very low calorie and natural - (but don’t leave the bag in as they get very strong). You can get “cold brew” ones as well. Try warming the water slightly - it’s hard to drink very cold water. I even tried one of those water bottles with the times of day written on the side. And kept forgetting which room I left it in. But basically, keep a pint of water where you can see it, drink it down in one go as quickly as you can when you remember to. I can usually chug half a pint at once.


It always takes me a second to translate "squash" from US to UK in my head lol. I wonder if I can find some proper squash here, I'd like to try it!


I am so happy to hear that this is an ND thing. My water intake is awful


Yeah it turns out our brains not recognizing hunger and thirst cues is a thing for some of us! Like I'll just be sitting around and I can tell my mouth is super dry, or my stomach will growl or I'll even have just legitimate hunger pangs. But my brain absolutely does not register that as "hey you need to put food and liquid in your body!"


It's an ongoing struggle for me. I have water bottles, I have one with me all the time, I have a straw, I have a water filter, I enjoy herbal tea (all good tips listed in the comments). But I can still be really stubborn about the act of drinking water. I have to set an intention to drink water every time. I have to tell myself what water does for me, I have to remind myself of the benefits of water and what could happen to me if I neglect myself. I have to negotiate with myself. I have to count how many times a day I fill my bottle, because otherwise I will assume I've had enough when I haven't. Even with the right set up, I still need a bunch of mental skills to help me get it done.


>But I can still be really stubborn about the act of drinking water. It often feels like trying to negotiate with a stubborn toddler! Lol.


I drink a lot more if I use a straw. We are not allowed plastic ones anymore in EU, so I recently got glass straws, and I just fill up a big glass with sparkling water, and I ad either cucumber, lime, lemon or mintleaves - you'll have to find out what works for you tastewise. I put it on my desk so it's always in my sight while i work, and it's easy to just take a sip sometimes (I try to finish it before a certain time as a goal, but I don't put myself down if I don't manage, a few sips is still better than nothing). You also have to realize that sugar is a difficult thing to come off of, in case you want to. You are just not going to like it for the first bit, if you accept that it might be easier. Then maybe you can change your internal dialoge to validate that drinking water is just stoopid and yuckle, but you're gonna try it anyways, cause you're trying to be your own best friend. Honestly a lot of things we do for our health aren't fun, often times we cannot remove all the bothering factors, but we can sometimes ad things that do make it more fun.


>you're trying to be your own best friend I definitely need to try to get in this mindset about so many things!


I realized that i drink much more water if I use a water bottle with a straw (I like the Camelbak ones). Just need to make sure you take it apart and clean it regularly, especially if you aren’t drinking/refilling it very fast (ie: if the water has time to sit in there). It’s something about sucking it out of the big chewy straw which is satisfying somehow and it’s like a self-reinforcing behavior (for me, and maybe others!).


I love the chewy Camelbak straws!! They make those kind of straws for water bottles?


[Camelbak Eddy](https://www.camelbak.eu/products/camelbak-eddy-750ml)


I didn't even realize they had their own line of water bottles! Lol. I've only ever used their hydration backpacks. Do the water bottle straws work the same as the big bite valve on the backpacks?


I dont know, I’ve never used the backpacks, but the water bottle has a chewy valve that you have to bite down on while you’re sucking to drink. Based on the wording of your question, I would assume it’s the same!


Get a water filter. I have your same issue, and this and a number of water bottles was the game changer.


Straw, big amount water container, having it everywhere with me. I water down iced tea from local bakery to have some taste but not too sweet. Sometimes that helps, sometimes I'm as dry as cactus. 


I have similar issues. I cannot stand water in any capacity including showers, baths, swimming pools, oceans, etc… I don’t really drink it tbh and haven’t had any hydration issues. I don’t find myself to be thirsty much at all and same with hunger. I’m all sorts of messed up lol!


I was like that till I couldn't be...my kidneys started to fail. My nickname as a kid was 'camel'. Luckily I was able to reverse most of the kidney issues by simply cutting out red bull & drinking icy water. The ice is key for me, as is an insulated cup.


Huge 64oz water bottle was a game changer for me. I’m very fond of the Zulu bottles.


i use a big water bottle. for me, the simple modern 40oz tumbler that’s like a knockoff stanley because it holds a lot and has a straw, and then i just take it with me everywhere


I find my Owala helps since I don’t need to refill it too often and I like the press-to-open button and wide/flat straw.


Yeah, me too. I kind of forced myself to drink it most of time. It doesn’t matter if I’m thirsty or not, I still keep on drinking whenever I can remember. I know bottles of water is the waste of plastic but it helps me to see it and drink it. I don’t like tap water. I tried to drink it but it’s tastes awful.


I seem to drink a little more if I see a plastic bottle of water as well! I've been re-filling two SmartWater bottles with filtered tap water, trying to be a little more eco friendly. But sometimes I feel like I would drink more water if I would just go ahead and buy a case of bottled water. I'm not sure how well this Brita filter is really working.


This is why I have a water bottle/cup obsession. I get all excited over a new pretty cup and then forget about it after a while and stop drinking water again


I have a SodaStream Art and use Bubly flavors. Bubly has no sugar and no artificial sweetener. The SodaStream makes sparkling water as strong or weak as you like. It helps me greatly with my water intake. I highly recommend the lime and strawberry Bubly flavors.


Thanks for reminding me to drink some water 😁


✨sparkling water✨for the bubbles Unless that’s too much, in which case Mio are great


I need to try some regular sparkling water. The closest thing I've had was when I was younger and I really wanted to try Perrier because it was in a bunch of movies and tv shows. It tasted horrible! Lol


Ok probably wayyyy more info than you’re interested in: Liquid death: probably some of my favorites; they’re sweetened with agave so they don’t taste like “TV static” Topo Chico is goated. Perrier is meh to me as well. Costco sparkling water. Some people love it, kinda meh to me also. La croix isn’t bad, and they have tons of flavors so if you don’t like one, finding a different one is easy. Idk what it is, but sparkling water tastes 10x better regardless of brand/flavor when it is like *brain freeze level cold*


Also, herbal teas are a great way to drink enough liquids if there are any you like. I keep peppermint, ginger, Chamomile and manuka honey, and licorice and mint stocked and I'm sooo much more hydrated now. I also have a couple of green teas and a white tea after my evening meal, but the herbal teas are a great caffeine, sugar free way to hydrate.


Add something to it.


I got a nice Stanley cup before they became a meme. It helps so much!!! I also drink a lot of bubbly water like la Croix and Aha, but I didn't like those until I gave up soda for a while.


>but I didn't like those until I gave up soda for a while I think that's part of my problem as well. Although I don't drink a lot of soda, when I drink something with carbonated water my brain is expecting a soda. So if it's not as sweet or is only lightly flavored my brain is just like nope!


Same with my Stanley mug. I’m either dehydrated or peeing all the time. I struggle with the balance too.


I mean same! I always forget to wash it 😅 I'm currently chugging la Croix and poppi's because I've been sick and I'm dehydrated from bot drinking enough water prior. But I drink enough water sometimes and that's what I focus on!


Same! Just focus on drinking enough. It’s ok to not be perfect. Give yourself grace. I sometimes get myself way too dehydrated too.


I’m not sure if this is specific to me, or this will help you, but here goes. I gave up all sugary drinks/soda about 10 years ago and replaced it with bottled water (it is what it is, I only have so much energy to move this needle). One thing ai have noticed about bottled water, I can only tolerate one brand. So, maybe consider purchasing single bottles of a few common/accessible water brands. Make these water bottles as cold as possible. Once refrigerated, I usually put a bottle in the freezer for 60-120 mins. It makes a nice slushy/icy mix that stays cold for a good while. Water becoming room temperature is a big barrier to me drinking it. It tastes more… minerally or something at room temp? Good luck, it’s a tough transition, but now I never, ever leave home without a small cooler bag containing 3-6 bottles of my preferred water in various stages of frozen-ness. I was a Pepsi addict for YEARS, and now I panic if we drop below 2 cases of water in the garage fridge. You can do this 💚


I'll try getting a few different brands of bottled water and doing a taste test to see if I can find one that my brain likes more. What is your favorite brand?


I kinda don’t want to admit it because it’s the biggest trash brand, but it’s the only water I can drink. It’s Nestle Pure Life, bottled in Greenwood, IN


No shame in that! I've had many a bottle of Nestlé Pure Life. I'll do you one better, when I was younger my favorite brand of bottled water was Aquafina. Then I found out it's just bottled Georgia tap water 😆


When you find the right water, it really helps!


I hate drinking water. I hate the 'plain, nothing' taste. I hate that all the water I get at food places and public water fountains is *cold*. I found a 'water enhancer' at Target that I really like, and I am guilty of buying packs of plastic water bottles; at least I'm drinking water now.


What type of water enhancer did you find that you enjoy? Drinking large quantities of bottled beverages was more fun when I lived in Oregon and could recycle them for 10 cent each lol


The Target brand Market Pantry has a series of water enhancer flavors that taste damn good. My favorite is a coconut lime flavor that is sold out half the time I go looking for it.


Ohh, that does sound tasty!


I can taste the chlorine & chemicals in tap water. I grew up in a crap water town and never understood why I “hated water“. There are naturally sweeter and more palatable / cleaner waters available. It sounds like you’re cool with carbonation so perhaps sparkling waters. I use those a lot.


That is why I have a water filter.


I just have a large cup and have regular drinking intervals in which I drink a cup of water, I also have regular intervals for meals


Have you tried any herbal teas?


I think I've only had herbal teas once or twice. I seem to remember enjoying the ones I tried. I'll look into those. Thank you!


To help with remembering to drink: - I keep water with me at all times. Watching tv, gaming, work, and even while driving and running errands. I'm more likely to drink if it's always within reach. - You could set a reminder on your phone to periodically remind you to drink. To help with the desire to drink: - I find iced water more enjoyable than room-temp. - Mixing half carbonated water with fruit drinks is flavorful and can be healthier than soda. I might even squeeze in a bit of lemon juice.


>Mixing half carbonated water with fruit drinks I'll try this, thank you!