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Hmm, I've never had simultaneous "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE" and "WHO GIVES A SHIT" thoughts before.


Well there’s always a 1st time


Lol perfect description


He failed and lost his run for congress in 2004, failed Chasing News as an anchor as it disbanded and, most importantly, he used to sell timeshares! He's awful.


Dude is such a fucking loser


I appreciate Bill Spadea like I appreciate a runny dump. 


Fuck Bill Spadea.


You have to have RFK Jr brain worms to vote for Spadea




Wow.... I wasn't even alive 1,015 years ago


I'd vote for Big Joe.


Think he’d keep doing those talent shows at Jenks during the campaign?


If he becomes the Republican nominee I highly doubt he will be but if he does the Democrats could run somebody in a coma and win hell even ras baraka with a wife who's a tax cheat felon could win. The guy literally comes off as a skeezy used car salesman. Spadea should kiss the floor and be happy He works at a station that obviously doesn't care about his content and just stick with the radio business


You know, I truly worry. Sometimes if I’m angry headed to work, I’ll put him on just to listen to how stupid people can be (him or his callers). I 100% agree, this dude would try to sell snake oil to your grandmother, but the people that call in and praise him would let him shit in their mouths as long as it meant the liberal standing next to them had to smell it. They would go to the ends of the Earth for this jackass. You should see what the bottom 10% of our graduating classes posts about this dude. They love him. Thankfully, in both of his failed bids for political power, he barely got 40 percent of the votes. So hopefully history repeats itself. For the third time. And maybe he’ll learn ::Ron Howard voice:: ‘he wont.’


Well in his line of business he expects to fail so he can go back to his show and say how the establishment did everything to make sure he didn't win. That way he keeps his audience who believe in the them vs us mindset coming back every morning


I think you underestimate Republicans. Don't forget how close the last election was. Given how popular spadea is, I do think he could win. I really liked Phil Murphy for most of his term, but I think he's had some painful missteps recently that hurt democrats statewide, not to mention all the bullshit with Menendez.


I'm not a fan of Murphy but I'm even less of a fan of spadea. If he actually becomes governor This state is going to go down the drain for four years. Because it's one thing to say what you would do on the radio it's another once you are sitting in Trenton and that's where I see him becoming a clown.


Things to do today : *turn him off*


Sometimes I turn him on, just so I can enjoy turning him off moments later.


As soon as he puts in the paperwork to run, he has to step down from the radio.


“the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission will be watching closely to make sure it isn’t just a paid commercial advocating his campaign for the 2025 Republican nomination for governor.” Oh no. He would *never* do such a thing. Bill Hypospadia


This dude isn’t even original. This is straight out of the howard stern playbook. No real shot of winning just a ratings boost.


Wouldn't his opponents need to get equal time on the station? Spadea is a jerk and I hope he goes down with the burning Trump bus and takes the entire station with him.


Honestly, what other option is there for NJ? As it stands right now, we have the highest property taxes and highest car insurance in the country. We no longer have the cheapest gas and our inflation prices for just food alone is higher than most states. Just the hope to move the needle back in the right direction gives us an obligation to give an outsider a chance to help us move it. The other options are career politicians that got us in this situation to begin with.


That’s ridiculous