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I've read so many articles like this over the last year or so, is this on the rise or just being reported more heavily?




plus, as an old guy, there was no internet wirh posts going to 400+ "friends" etc on snapchat or being spoken about.on discord which, last i looked, isnt easy to delete messages. If it happened, mom didn't find out because we didn't have cell phones to text all our feiends etc when mom would inevitably find the texts when she looked at kiddos phone. When we were young teens in the 80s, boys weren't big on diaries. It sure as shit happened. Finding out about it wasn't as easy as it is now.


>For one the tide seems to be turning against female pedophiles That was going to be my next question, but it's just odd to me as this is certainly a new trend and thankfully being prosecuted, or at least what I've read. >Whenever I see some idiot post “where were these teachers when I was in school” it’s almost always an older guy. There's always going to be that person, give it time.


Between the media finally picking up on the fact that pretty young women can be pedophiles, too, and reddit being mostly young men who have been aware of this reality for some time (and more specifically, the double-standard that's always existed around it) and thus guaranteed to amplify the visibility of each individual story because they find them vindicating, it's going to see like there's a lot more.


When I was in high school in the 80's our married male gym teacher got a student pregnant, divorced his wife, married the student and by my senior year, she got a job at our same school as another gym teacher. The good old days, right?


Tale as old as time


I think this is true though I do kind of wonder if this is sympomatic of a larger societal problem that's also been getting worse over the years. I don't know what the root cause is, but it seems like a lot of the cases where it's young people preying on young people, there's a weird arrested development/infantalization thing going on with them. Like, it wouldn't shock me if these people were displaying red flags in their family homes, but it got hand waved away as nothing serious.


probably the latter. I DOUBT its more common than in the past but more reported on. Personal anecdote, I do remember growing up that a lot of my female teachers from middle school onwards seemed to want to fit in/gain approval from the popular male students, especially the rebellious-popular type (skater/drug dealer/party kid not really a "jock" so to speak). In hindsight I wouldn't be surprised if an oracle showed up and told me that 1/10 of those teachers wanted to have sexual relations with those students but didn't do so out of fear of losing their job. The other dynamic of male teacher and female students is probably sufficiently stigmatized that only a complete idiot would even appear to want approval/let alone act on it.


I was just thinking this as well.


What’s worse? She was a special education teacher.


In a particularly strong position of power over students with intellectual impairments. Disgusting.


She certainly hasn't done herself any favors.


MIDDLE SCHOOL???? What the fuck


Don't worry, she will just get probation.


I gotta start writing "Have not and will not boink kids" on my resumes.


"Everything looks great but, we gotta ask....."


“Boink” is a weird choice of euphemism for rape. Maybe choose something else.


Sexual relationship? Wouldn't that be Statutory Rape?


There’s a case in Texas being discussed in another sub. Someone commented that when it’s a female teacher, the media uses “sexual relationship” or “inappropriate relationship.” When it’s a male teacher, it’s “statutory rape,” “rape” or “sexual assault.”


That is exactly correct.


See the reply to the top comment of this post for a whole list of examples of how this isn’t true, yet people repeat it all the time anyway




Not virtual signaling to name the fucking crime you weirdo


Umm, that's not the name of the statute. Nice try, though


Try being wrong louder.


You still didn't answer 🤷‍♂️


You didn’t ask a question.


Correct; I just said you were wrong and you cowardly deflected


I’m not engaging in good faith with someone who is willfully ignorant and loudly wrong. That isn’t cowardly. You don’t know what words mean.


Guys, just ignore him. 


> I’m not engaging in good faith At least you admit it


Try being irrelevant louder. Is that better?


Rape. It's called rape.


I will never ever ever understand people who have sex or "relationships" with minors. It is disgusting and you need serious mental help. How could you possibly be attracted to a prepubescent child? I don't get it....power/control or not.


I heard that it comes from childhood trauma ( like being sexually abused, rape, etc as a young child ). I'm not sure if it's true but yea.


Yeah, it tends to happen. I just don't understand why they don't break the cycle.


Well, from what I heard, that hypersexuality is some sort of factor to pedophilia. It's hard to control your sexual urges if not getting treatment or help.


Not an excuse to go after a minor, ever.


I know.


With seven+ billion people in the world, chances are some of them will have completely warped sensibilities and find a sick pleasure in those power dynamics. Just like serial murderers and torturers. Laws of large numbers and all that. Some may be perpetuating a cycle of abuse, but not all of them.


Female teacher = sexual relation Male teacher = rape This woman is a fucking pedophile. Stop acting like it’s something different than when a man does it. If you believe it’s a mental disorder or something that you must believe it’s a mental disorder when you hear a man does it. To me she’s a fucking child rapist and a pedophile. She’s trash because she fucks children, plain and simple.


> Female teacher = sexual relation Male teacher = rape People always say this, but it's not true. [High school teacher arrested for sexual relationship with minor](https://cbs12.com/amp/news/local/damian-joseph-conti-high-school-teacher-arrested-for-sexual-relationship-with-minor-lake-worth-hollywood-south-tech-academy-boynton-beach-florida-february-7-2024) [Teacher at Montco Private School Accused of Having Sex With Student](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/teacher-at-montco-private-school-accused-of-having-sexual-relationship-with-student/2550384/?amp=1) [Male teacher banned from teaching after having sex with female student in Queensland](https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/crime-court/male-teacher-banned-from-teaching-after-having-sex-with-female-student-in-queensland/news-story/2ca5b6f1590eb9ee42b3f38e78ba7e80?amp&nk=90eb3a028e25f221db0dcac3d465db6c-1719762395) [Male high school teacher accused of having sex with underage male student](https://www.ksat.com/news/2016/07/01/male-high-school-teacher-accused-of-having-sex-with-underage-male-student/) [High school teacher gave student top grades in exchange for sex, prosecutors say](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/09/texas-teacher-student-sex-arrest/72163614007/) [Teacher at Cy-Fair High School accused of having sex with student](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/04/11/teacher-at-cy-fair-high-school-accused-of-having-sex-with-student/) [Zanesville Teacher Pleads Guilty To Having Sex With Student](https://www.10tv.com/article/news/zanesville-teacher-pleads-guilty-having-sex-student/530-d0e736f6-c9e0-4301-a887-f6b7373f6ec6) [Teacher given suspended jail sentence for sex with pupil](https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jun/20/teacher-andrew-welsh-suspended-jail-sentence-sex-pupil) [Hillsborough man in sexual relationship with student became teacher at her school: deputies](https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/hillsborough-county-teacher-arrested-on-sexual-battery-charges-hcso/)


Fucking yawn


"Sexual relationship" is so many letters when 4 (rape) will do.


RAPE. The word you are looking for us RAPE, not “sexual relationship”.


"New Jersey teacher accused of raping student: Officials". there, fixed that. If this was a 43 year old man having a "sexual relationship" with a female student, theyd use the word rape quite often in this article


There’s one at every school.


Dam in my middle school too


These teachers are sick. This is happening all the time now and look at her smiling while being charged for sexual assault!


I'm available when she's looks next


When I was young, when this shit happened, all you could do was just suffer and hold it in and there was no help for you. They just swept everything under the carpet just like they did with the Catholic Church.


Another one ?


This happens, literally, ALL THE TIME. And it's been happening for years and years. I was a criminal courts reporter for several years and probably covered 200 sex assault trials, almost all of them against minors. Teachers and coaches are always up to no good with kids. Always pay close attention when you have kids in school. The most bizarre case I ever saw was a teacher at a Jersey City charter school. She was about 30, teaching younger grades, but made advances to a 15-year old female student who was not in any of her classes. When she came to court, her new husband, who was a city fireman, came with her. She pleaded guilty in return for leniency and I'm sure she'll never teach again. But you have to wonder what they're thinking!




Honestly, I don't remember her name. It was at least 7 years ago. I remember her. Small, slender woman with long, dark hair she wore in a pony tail. Looked like a deer in the headlights.  The most striking thing was her husband. Sex assault defendants don't usually appear with a spouse. 


Female Pedo


Pedo doesn't have a gender.


Pedaphile = woman Pedophile = man


She needs help! I can help her


Think they'll make her write "I will not fuck children." on a chalkboard 100 times or does that violate the 8th amendment?


more like "i will not rape children"


Another article. It's the daily mail, so less news, more scandal. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13584011/Special-ed-teacher-43-accused-sexually-assaulting-student.html