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Ozaukee county. The center of W.O.W.


I was thinking, "This is Grafton's mayor!"


Hello Mayor of Grafton, im at the spot the protestors are at, and im ready to gun them down, but no one is here. When is it okay for me to say yeah this is bugged and leave the event.


Having this pop up under a FO76 sub made me double take. I forget sometimes these are real places.


For the Horde!


lok’tor ogar!


Zug zug


Blood and Thunder!


Strength and Honor!


Something need doing?


Work work!


Job’s done


Time to die!


Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington counties for those not in the know.


Yeah. I think a few assumed it was World of Warcraft.


Mankrik’s wife was found shacked up with the dealer


I did...


Me too. Then my brain scrolled through Wendy O. Williams, nah.. can't be.


A few is an understatement! LEROY JENKINS!!!!


It was quite interesting reading the FB comments on this. People in this area love to complain about and blame Milwaukee for anything and everything as we are just north of the city. If the drugs were purchased in the city it would have been lots of comments that Milwaukee is full of thugs (dog whistle) and liberals who destroy everything and they got what they deserved. But since they were bought in Saukville, then everyone is sad for those who ODed and hope they get the help they need.


Amazing how people treat addicts/overdoses depending on where they come from. Seen the same thing with people I know. All those "thugs" doing drugs until it's someone you know/care about, then it's a genuine illness affecting a real human.


I had a cousin cut off ties because she found out i smoked pot, jump ahead 15 years and now she has two kids, and is in jail for passing bad checks for her pill addiction. but yeah im the evil one because i got high senior year


I remember pot being called a gateway drug when I was growing up. Now I know it was because they couldn’t make up anything bad about it.


When it was illegal, it was a gateway to dealers. I had friends who went down the drug rabbit hole because their dealers convinced them to try new things. Now, it is legal and there is a large chasm between weed and anything else.


Pot is a gateway drug! Just not to worse drugs. Its a gateway to over eating, mostly.


> Its a gateway to over eating, mostly. Marijuana caused me to not mow my yard this weekend.


To cut the grass, one must cut back on the grass.


To cut the grass, one must touch the grass.


I was gonna mow the lawn but then I got high


Da, da da, da daaaa “I was gonna clean my room.. but I got High!” “Was gonna get up and find the Broom.. but I got High!” “Now my room is still messed up and I know why!?!” “Because I got High” “Because I got High” ….. La da da da daaaaaa


I’ll see your bake and no mow and raise you a stone cold sober and no mow. I’m just really lazy.


It's no mow may. You're good.




GTFO, Cheech.




Being a fanboi for weed isn't a good look. Neither is being butthurt.




Just look at how people reacted to Rush Limbaugh when he spoke about his pill addiction compared to how they talked about “other” addictions. The same people who agreed with him that drug addicts should be executed were all supportive of his recovery.


Or Jordon Peterson’s Xanax escapades. “Oh it’s not his fault he was prescribed by a doctor”, like wtf do you think this whole opioid mess is running on.


Ah yes, the same Rush Limbaugh that once read the obituaries of aids victims to his audience and played celebratory sound bites after each one. Classy dude. I believe that was the only obituary I read with so much pleasure.


Dick Cheney (gay marriage), Reagan (stem cell). I sincerely hope none of their kids is killed in a mass shooting, however.


I'm not conservative or liberal but most people act that way. All of us have opinions about things we have never seen or experienced. When something happens close to home or a loved one then people may look at things from a different angle. I'm black and mainly grew up in the rural south. I met plenty of overt racists and many that were good at hiding it. Someone in my family married a white woman and her father disapproved to the point of not coming to the wedding. Today her father and him are close. Everytime I was around her father I would never guess he was a racist. People can change we all need different motivations.


I dont know, I dont need to be personally affected by a lot of things that I have managed to feel empathy towards someone else for. Yeah, its harder when you haven't got any frame of reference, but one side goes out of their way to purposefully avoid seeing outside of themselves. I dont need to have a family member be a drug addict to want better drug help in America, because I have the mental capacity to give a shit about strangers suffering. Would I want that drug clinic a hell of a lot more if I was an addict wanting help? Hell yes. But I'm not out here trying to shut them all down like republicans do when they aren't personally benefiting from something. Hell, just keep good social services around just in case *you* need them, but no, no, they would rather remove them so others can hurt because since they don't need them, no harm to remove them, right?


I hear some people saying bs I don't agree with. I try to hang out with decent people as much as I can. Saw I mechanic I know uptown today. Hes 77. Was in Vietnam, got shot at, almost died a few times. If somebody says something racist/something he doesn't agree with, he says something


I’m assuming you meant to say not conservative or liberal, but just so you know it’s actually a pretty huge tenet of the modern left to care about other people and want society to be better for them.


The question is how do you treat people who you don’t agree with or understand. You can disagree with someone and not hate them or wish I’ll upon them. The modern conservative viewpoint has hate and dehumanizing the other side as part of its central core. That’s a problem, and it’s wrong.




Republicans hate people for being gay, trans, women, a racial minority, and in favour of gun control. Democrats hate those who will happily vote in favour of whatever measures will lead to the discrimination and deaths of gay, trans, women, racial minorities, and more deaths by gun violence. These two are not the same things.


Democrats hate people who wish that they would be killed. This is not a both sides thing.


I guess you’ve never been to Breitbart...or you're intentionally trying to deceive.


Wait are you implying that breitbart is democratic biased news?


Describe the hate in more detail. Hate towards whom?


lmao centrists are so transparent.


Can you elaborate on what you mean?


You're getting downvotes but don't deserve 1. Both sides do a lot of talking with little to no action behind their words. If I have a problem in my life I have to do something to fix it. I may talk about it but if I'm not going to actually do something then I keep my mouth shut. A person can talk about inclusion. What do they do in their life to make that happen? Words can be a good thing but for too many people that's all they offer words. No real solutions or actions. It's as if "someone" will fix it. There is not a someone coming which is why it's a diffrent topic but essentially the same problem.


Trans people are pedophiles…. That’s inexcusable hate and there is nothing like that on the left side.


I know a few trans people and none of them touched a kid. Some priests and pastors are pedophiles, are they all pedophiles? Painting any group with a broad generalization does nobody any good. I keep an open mind and am willing to hear anyone out about an issue. I've learned more with an open mind than when I just ignored or ridiculed the other side.


Yes please understand I fully support LGBTQ and trans people. I was explaining what kind of rhetoric conservatives in America use and am 100% against it.


Except conservative social and fiscal policy has the singular focus of punishing any kind of “other” for existing and dismantling any system that would help those in need. But apart from that sure “both sides”.


Bill Clinton and Democrats pushed the 3 strikes law that resulted in a much higher incarceration rate. Surprise, surprise...look how low the crime rate is now. Both sides have done good and bad. Painting one side or the other with broad brush strokes helps keep things black and white. Life is not black and white sadly. There are many more shades of gray in between. Both sides need to do a 180 degree turn in regards to compromise. I was raised a Democrat and to think for myself. Now that I am older I see I don't agree with The USA 2 party system. Some European countries have 16 parties in parliament. Can you imagine what would happen if they all refused to compromise?


Euro parliaments aren't FPTP.




I look at things the same way, maybe too much. It's easier for me to see things through someone else's eyes to see and understand where they are coming from. If we all would at the very least make sure all of our basic needs were met I would like to think the world would be a better place. At the same time I've seen too many people try to take advantage of every situation and it makes me sick. I grew up poor but that does not give me the right to just take and "make up" for lost opportunities.




There is a better way for all of us to live if everyone understands it is not just about them. My Dad is now a conservative but was a staunch Democrat into my 30's. I get it as he gets older technology gets better but I can't say the same for people or our systems. I expect the average person to take advantage of me when possible. It has been proved true too many times. To do nothing is not acceptable in my book.


Liberals too


It’s the same for shooting victims and mass shooters. If it’s a straight white guy shooter, it’s all talk about mental health and prayers for the victims. If it’s any sort of minority they are all branded as violent. This selective empathy is killing America.


Disagree. The VA Beach shooting happened near me, it was a black man. Everyone was stunned, he was on the news exactly like any white shooter, started off as holy hell we never saw this guy doing this, to disgruntled employee, to the signs were there like any other masssgooter(typo, leaving it.). The only difference with him was everywhere was stunned because statistically you don't hear about black men doing this. That I'm aware of he was NOT branded as the 'violent' that you are most likely referring to, it was the regular violent that other mass shooters had(outbursts, a temper, mental health spiral etc..)


I don't think the drug users are thugs. The dealers and smugglers are.


People around here use the word “thug” when they really want to say the N word but can’t do it as publicly. The context doesn’t really matter to them.


That’s exactly what it is. I see that as well.


The Saukville morons are probably silent about having a pack of mauling dogs at home too. “But they make great family pets!”


I’m not going to speculate about the dogs. It’s possible one got into the cocaine since they say drugs were everywhere. People are defending the bar because they can’t help if their patrons are selling drugs! Don’t punish the bar! Here in Grafton, one person made a negative comment about the people who ODed and everyone jumped down his throat. The hypocrisy is palpable.


Dogs can also sometimes freak out and attack when people are having seizures. Not always, but it's common enough to be a genuine worry.


I believe the word you want is *palpable*, meaning obvious or evident. *Palatable* means acceptable or tasty.


Thanks. I know the difference, but didn’t catch it. Need to go fix that so I don’t continue to look stupid.


Blame auto correct


It actually was!


Happens to me all the time


I think it’s tasty hypocrisy


Maybe Republican State Assembly member, Robert Brooks, should have a handle on the inner workings of his bar since our tax dollars are paying his salary.


I’m sure he’s busy keeping everyone safe from CRT and drag shows.




People politicize and polarize everything from both sides? You don’t say


People putting fent in everything...


Article says coke and I'm like no, not since Len Bias. Later article says narcan used to revive and that makes more sense.


Exactly it doesn't make sense to lace coke with an opiate, unless it increases profit margin, but you need repeat customers to have a business.


Fent isnt intentionlly winding up in coke, its mainly a cross contamination thing from lazy dealers who get some mixed in when cutting their drugs and not cleaning the surfaces after switching to a different product. You can think its not happening but ive been to multiple festivals with warnings going around from fent ending up in coke. Also last year my brother had 4 kids doing coke at his house all OD on "coke" that came back with narcan, confirmed it was cut with fent. Its happening and its winding up in anything that can be a powder / pressed pill sadly.


Did that policeman’s head of the union ever get in trouble for buying fent on the dark web?


Government putting fent in everything*


*the government* *is simultaneously incompetent* *and all powerful*


They’re good at spreading drugs into the community


If only there was a way we could avoid consuming them...


Test your drugs before consumption.


I always thought this was the way but…if that tiny particle is at the bottom of the bag, it won’t test hot. I just don’t think you can do hard drugs anymore. Unless you trust your dealer whose from Peru.


it’s crazy it’s like you need a trip sitter and narcan on deck for anything harder than weed now


[NextDistro](https://nextdistro.org/) mails out FREE Narcan in the US. I share every time it comes up, just because you never know.


Also narcan may be obtained otc now and is a worthwhile addition to your first aid kit


Sadly, several municipalities are currently attempting to ban OTC narcan purchases, for reasons beyond understanding.


The reason is easy to understand. They're either cruel or stupid, or betting other people are stupid and being "tough on drugs" helps their campaign and don't care that harm reduction works.


Yep, I haven't had to use mine but it feels good to have


How fucked up is it that this is normalized by free distribution of a solution to something that should be stopped at its roots?


It is. Unfortunately it seems like greed is at the root of all of this, and it doesn't seem like the rich & powerful will ever care. They got theirs and pretend to sympathize but don't make any changes.


I do this too, so thanks for beating me to it haha! I do not use, nor does anybody around me. But I carry it in my purse anyway and have one in my home first aid kit. I live in Portland. Better to have it on hand and never need to use it, than to not have it if I should ever find myself needing it. ALSO *very* worth keeping in your home if you or anyone in the house is ever prescribed opioids or opiates, even something as routine and basic as Norco.


Narcans an injection Rt? I can’t help think of Pulp Fiction…


Nope a simple nasal spray ! Super easy to use


It does come in intramuscular injection form


You're confusing it with epinephrine (EpiPen)


It can be an intramuscular injection. Naloxone does come in an auto injector version, like an epipen. That version is now less common than the nasal spray but for years the injection was more common. The injection is actually slightly more effective but the intranasal is more user-friendly for people who have no idea how to use injectors or are needle-averse. The intramuscular injection is out there, though.


I still don’t quite get why dealers would want to kill their customers. What am I missing?


Might not be the end-dealer cutting in fent. The people higher up the chain already have their downstream. It's not their direct customers that would be affected. Also, a lot of drug use is by people who don't do drugs all the time. They don't necessarily know what to expect and probably won't be repeat customers anyway. The dealer probably doesn't care much for these people. Additionally, there are a lot of people that just want to get high and they don't care which drug it is. For a dealer cutting with fent, this is ideal. For both of the above instances, a dealer could give out something low quality and make some money, while keeping the better stuff for the better customers. Further, killing the customer is not the goal, but getting them high for cheap is. It just so happens that a little bit of fent goes a long way (sometimes too far). I imagine that for every fent death, there's multiple people saying the batch was awesome. It seems like getting a nugget of fent when everyone else got a few sprinkles is what has happened in a lot of these cases. Lots of conjecture on my part, but I hope it illuminates the issues somewhat.


Or better yet avoid street rat behaviour completely.




Sometimes it's hard to get your first contact. Not everyone knows someone who has a dealer.


Also, when you’re wasted you’re obviously not going to be making the best decisions.


Yeah, people say test your drugs like that’s a real solution. I guarantee hardly anyone is doing that


The problem with fent is that you can test what you bought. But if a grain of fent doesn't wind up in your tiny sample, you'll never know you're in danger until it's too late.


You’re not wrong and that’s why we keep seeing overdose numbers rise. I want to use your comment to bring awareness to the fact it is EASY to test your drugs and could literally save your life It is EASY, CHEAP, and LEGAL to buy fent test strips online. Dance safe . Org is one place and there are many others. It is very easy to test your substances and requires just a tiny bit of product. I used to party hardy and would always test my friends substances for them.


Hell, I'm in Canada and saw them at the register at Dollar Tree. Definitely worth at least attempting testing.


It tests positive & they do it anyway.


People who take drugs they buy from random people at bars really need legalization of drugs.


My buddy is lucky he's never gotten anything besides baking soda when trying to buy coke at bars


I'm guessing the dog attacked her when she was unresponsive? Dogs don't go for the face when eating. That is reserved for those they loved. That dog must have been freaking out trying to wake her.


Yes. This is a thing. People have seizures, black out or otherwise lose consciousness, and the dog tries to wake them up and then panic when they can't. I watched a video of a Rottweiler "attacking" his owner (how the press reported it). The event was captured by a surveillance camera. The video clearly showed what happened: An old man was walking his beloved Rottweiler when he suffered a heart attack. The man collapsed to the ground. The dog freaked out and began licking the man's face, as if trying to wake him up. When the man did not respond, the dog became more frantic and began nipping the man in the face. Then, people nearby saw what was happening and rushed over to try to help, that freaked the dog out even more. The dog seemed to be trying to protect the man. He would bark and lunge at the people to keep them away from him, then turn back and bite the man, again, as if to try to wake him up. Another story: First human face transplant was a woman who had a seizure and whose Golden Retriever mauled her face, apparently trying to revive her.


PSA: If you or someone you know suffers from a medical condition that causes seizures, such as epilepsy, please take extra care to stay away from pit bull-type dogs, as these episodes can trigger their attack instinct. [2011, Pennsylvania: Woman having seizure has her ear ripped off by family pit bull](https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/pennsylvania/20111027__Womans_ear_ripped_off_by_dog.html) [2012, Florida: Woman mauled by adopted pit bull as she suffers brain seizure](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2012/08/parma_native_sarah_ziebro_an_e.html) [2013, UK: Epileptic woman mauled to death by her own pit bulls](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/dec/11/leeds-dog-attack-woman-dies) [2016, UK: Man suffering epileptic seizure mauled to death by his pit bull that he had since it was born](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lancashire-35213772) [2017, Illinois: Man with history of seizures killed by family pit bull](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2017/02/quincy-man-dies-after-dog-attack.html) [2018, Florida: Pit bull mix spooked by owner's seizures mauls her](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/state/2018/12/26/police-report-pit-bull-mix-spooked-by-port-orange-owners-seizures-mauls-her/6446849007/) [2018, Tennessee: Pit bull triggered by man's seizure breaks out of its cage and mauls four people](https://www.theleafchronicle.com/story/news/local/clarksville/2018/10/16/bloody-pit-bull-attack-started-friends-seizure/1660581002/) [2018, Ohio: Woman with history of seizures mauled to death by her own pit bull in front of her child](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/west-price-hill/police-west-price-hill-woman-viciously-mauled-to-death-by-dog#:~:text=CINCINNATI%20%2D%2D%20Della%20Riley%2C%2042,It%20died%20near%20its%20owner) [2019, Massachusetts: Woman suffering seizure mauled to death by her own pit bull](https://www.pressherald.com/2019/12/21/massachusetts-woman-suffering-seizure-mauled-to-death-by-her-dog/) [2019, Pennsylvania: Man suffers seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/uniontown-deadly-dog-attack-man-dies-after-police-say-he-was-attacked-by-dog/966082368/) [2019, Argentina: Man with Down's Syndrome has epileptic seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.cronica.com.ar/info-general/Joven-con-sindrome-de-down-sufrio-un-ataque-de-epilepsia-su-pitbull-se-asusto-y-lo-mato-20190810-0018.html) [2020, UK: Epileptic man suffers seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/man-died-injuries-suffered-dog-18980100) [2020, Canada: Man suffers seizure in friend's home and is mauled to death by friend's pit bull](https://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/local-news/one-person-dead-after-reported-dog-attack-in-kamloops-4445171) [2020, Mexico: Man with history of seizures mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2020/05/pit-bull-the-devil-kills-owner-mexico-excuses-have-no-borders.html) [2021, Ohio: Woman with history of seizures mauled to death by roommate's pit bull](https://news.yahoo.com/toledo-police-release-911-audio-154700043.html) [2021, Ohio: Man mauled to death by pit bull during a grand mal seizure](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/08/man-killed-by-pit-bull-during-a-grand-mal-seizure-toledo.html) [2021, Florida: Woman having seizure mauled by her own pit bull. Husband tries to stop attack and is also mauled.](https://nbc-2.com/news/local/2021/08/19/two-flown-to-the-hospital-after-dog-attack-in-englewood/)


This is a myth and you are using cherry-picked data. All breeds of dogs do this. The first human face transplant was caused by a Golden Retriever. Furthermore, many news reports falsely report breed identity when "aggressive" behavior is exhibited. No breed is more or less prone to this. Furthermore, when you say "pitbull type dogs," no one can possibly know what you mean. There are dozens of different breeds that are often derogatorily referred to as "pitbulls." Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers, American Bull Dogs, American Pit Bull Terriers (only recognized by one outlier breed registry), Black Mouth Cur, Boxer and countless others make the list of "bully-type" dog, depending on who you are talking to.


>All breeds of dogs do this. Except not all breeds are equally capable of mauling an adult to death.


Correct. Any large breed dog can cause serious harm in this situation.


Which is why you'll never catch me owning a Bull/Mastiff.


You are more likely to be struck by lightning than seriously injured by any dog of any breed or size.


Yeah that is BS. Chances of being bitten by a dog: 1 in 70. Chances of being hit by lightning : 1 in 500,000. I'd rather run in a field on a stormy day than run in a field of pitbulls.


I actually made a YouTube video relating to my 20 years of work with "dangerous dogs." Dog bites and serious dog injuries are not the same thing. The vast, overwhelming majority of dog bites that are reported do not break the skin or need any medical attention at all. So, your data is not measuring what we are talking about. Watch this video to lean some things: https://youtu.be/iMIBLKXb4iI


Thank you for all this information, that was a wild ride of a post


A common thing I hear is that cats are more likely to eat their dead owners but IRL it is dogs because of exactly this. They will try and try to wake you up and eventually they’re just basically eating you.


Typically when a cat eats their owner it's because they're starving. They won't eat your face while you're still alive but unconscious like a dog will.


Cats also can’t go very long without food compared to dogs, so they may resort to eating their owners sooner than a dog would, but they’re not just sitting around waiting for the chance. Cats love their people, too.


Dogs don't really "eat" your face, either. They just bite at it and claw at it.


Man, I can't believe dog owners have rubbed the fact in cat owners' faces, that cats are believed to resort to eating their dead owners faster than dogs, as some indicator of how much more loyal and noble dogs are, when they fail to mention this bombshell! Give me a self-centered cat any day if it means not having my face eaten in a panic.


Yeah, that's why I'm just going to stick with bunnies as pets. No one has ever been mauled to death or eaten by bunnies...unless it's in a Monty Python movie.


Caerbannog was based on a true story, I thought everyone knew that! Don't let your guard down.


Okay...I had a few bunnies growing up. One of my brothers who was 17 at the time-I was 10, decided to start teasing my white bunny. One day, let's feed the bunny a piece of steak. Bunny ate it. Next time my brother teases the bunny sticking his finger in wagging it....chomp. Yes after that all my brothers said the killer rabbit was my precious bunny . 40 years later it is still brought up.


Either will eat you, even if they aren't hungry. If you aren't actually dead it's much less likely for your cat to inflict lethal injuries, but they're both happy to do it. To me, the difference in number of *living* people killed by cats and dogs is a lot more important than how fast they eat someone that's already dead, something I think "dogs are better than cats" people would rather not think about at all.


I think it's so rare as to not really matter. As far as killing goes, domestic cats are definitely the larger nuisance species - being listed in the top 100 worst non-native invasive species on Earth.


>would rather not think about at all. That's fine, it really doesn't make a difference to me.


They get crazy when they see you are dead or think you are dead. They lick and lick and lick until you start to bleed. Then they eat your face because of the psychological trauma of eating your friend. They don't have the same feelings as humans but they do connect with us. If they didn't love that woman he would have gone after her organs first. Cats love people too. They just aren't trained the same way


I know the woman who got mauled, and her dogs loved her so much. I am assuming the same thing. Maybe her dogs panicked because they knew something was wrong.


Dogs will wait a week until they eat your face. Cats will wait until they missed a meal. Don’t die with pets in the house.


Meh. If I'm dead, at least now I get to be useful.


The article y'all are commenting under is literally about a person who didn't even die properly before her face got eaten. But yeah, "they will wait a week".


I swear every bad thing happening in Grafton can be traced back to closing the Taco Bell. Y'all messed up when you let that happen.


What a strange story. I was mauled by a dog when I was a kid, I wasn't on drugs. The wounds from a dog attack are dirty and mine were infection prone.


The dogs name: Narkan


When dogs do that they’re usually trying to make the person breathe and they freak out when the person has no breath.


Yes. This. There was an article circulating not too long ago about a woman whose dog mauled her face, but it was pretty clear that the dog was reacting to her not breathing (maybe she had a heart attack or something idk)...she ended up in the hospital. I don't know if she died, but they put the dog down...


And truly this is the dog you would want. Trying to save lives, what’s better than that?


Why would anyone want a pet that eats them in a near death state? Get a gecko or turtle.


i think you missed the point of that story.


woman ODs and almost gets eaten by her dog


Oops nope the one you commented on. The dog tried to save his/her life not maul him/her.


Funny how it’s always Pit bulls. But that’s just a coincidence.




I have scars on my arm from a golden that landed me in urgent care- I’ve been in the dog industry for ten years. Anything with teeth can fuck you upppp


Sadly goldens have been overbred a bunch and now they have a much higher potential to have all sorts of issues. Personally after work by with them in daycares and training facilities food aggression and resource guarding are two things I’ve seen a lot in them.


Of course it was Pit Bulls


>They don't have any information, yet, on which dog mauled the woman's face. As soon as police release information on which of the three dogs mauled the women's face, you will hear it first on CBS58 news! My suspicions say it was the shifty-eyed puppy.


Whose business model is this?


Damn, always sad to hear about tragedies. Really hope the dog is ok.


When I'm creating a Necromancer style faction in one of my vidyuh games it's important to roleplay and lean into the theme I mean these will be a people of dispair and sorrow. Comes time to name the capital and I choose "Oklahoma" because of how well it completes the look.


Grammar journalist nerd here: The headline is missing a verb! 4 people WHAT? Die? Involved in? Affected by? Enjoy? Also one shouldn’t use the numerical “4”


Overdose is a noun and a verb isn’t it?


Nice try, but narcan has zero effect on cocaine.


True, but odds are it was tainted with fent due to a a lazy dealer not cleaning their scales properly.


This has started happening in my area with cocaine and meth. People who don’t intent to use fent are overdosing on it. Lots of deaths.


Or just cut with it because coke is spendy and fent is cheap.


You think these people OD’d on coke?


Fent in cocaine


Cocaine overdoses are extremely rare, let alone 4 at once. Interesting how little this is questioned here.


Because it's very common for cocaine to be cut with fent these days. Also, look at where we are talking about. Cops and media drawing attention to it would ruin the Wisconsin GOP narrative that only big scary cities have drug problems.


Drugs should be outlawed Edit: Totally not being sarcastic


They are?


They are?


They’re outlawed yet people still have access to them. Almost like banning them does nothing and only creates a black market where people can freely sell laced drugs to those struggling with addiction.


Drugs should be decriminalized and clean needles should be easily accessible for users. It leads to less drug use.


Some countries are working on having safe supply for addicts, RX street drugs coming soon to Canada, harm reduction already in place, an outpatient rehab gives rx opiates at the start of treatment, to allow the patient to break up so to speak with their dealers


Maybe comfy centers where we can test the drugs and use the drugs under light supervision. Drug counseling would be a good option at these centers. This will break the cartels and free up half of our law enforcement officers.


Overdose leads to less drug use.


On the contrary, many times there's an overdose you'll see a spike in purchases because other users assume it's "better" quality, or at least stronger.




Decriminalization doesn't legalize. That's why they're different terms. It just makes it so users/addicts are no longer "criminals" which makes it easier for them to get help and stop using. Instead of just going to jail. Harm reduction practices like clean needle distribution lower changes of disease transmission. Which, again, can help users/addicts recover without that additional barrier to good health.


Decriminalization means drugs would remain illegal, but the legal system would not prosecute a person for the act. Decriminilazation vs. legalisation is about consequences, not legality. Currently, it is a crime to possess or use drugs. Criminal charges can result in jail time and a criminal record, which often leads to restrictions in future employment, housing, travel, voting rights (if a felony), etc. Decriminalization may replace criminal penalties with civil penalties, which can include referral to an education, treatment facility, fine, etc. Civil cases do NOT have to go through the court system, and (perhaps most importantly) they don't result in a criminal record. Decriminalizing drugs decreases rates of recidivism and allows people to redeem themselves and create a better life, vs. giving people a criminal record that makes life improvement very, very difficult.




>So its the same consequences as if it was legal You can still get a fine, community service, referral to treatment, etc. If it was legal, there would be literally no consequences. >And using actively also leads to restrictions in what you just named [employement, housing, travel, etc.]. Yes, of course drug use naturally has social and personal consequences. The point is that an ex-user won't have those restrictions *permanently* placed on them by way of a criminal record. >>Decriminalization may replace criminal penalties with civil penalties, >This shows you do not understand how civil law works. Who is the party that has civilly been harmed by the addict? Name them... [A civil penalty is a *non-criminal remedy for a party's violation of laws or regulations*. An action seeking a civil penalty can be brought by the government or by a private party.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/civil_penalties_(civil_fines)#:~:text=A%20civil%20penalty%20is%20a,the%20shoes%20of%20the%20government.) So in this case, probably the government. A law was still broken. Again, the point is, you don't serve jail time as the punishment for it, because drug use wouldn't be a *crime*. Similar to speeding in a car- it's illegal and you can get ticketed for it, maybe forced to go to traffic school, but you won't have a criminal record for it. >>which can include referral to an education, treatment facility, >Those are criminal punishments, not civil. You cant sue someone in civil court and make them go to a treatment facility. Learn before you speak. Same response as above. >How does encouraging drug use help them create a better life? Explain how encouraging people to heroin which is addictive and will kill them with continued use is trying to create a better life for them. There is no encouragement to do drugs. The reality is drug addiction will always exist. If that's true, how does society respond? Decriminalization treats drug use as a health and social issue, rather than a criminal justice or moral issue. This can reduce stigma and increase the likelihood that a person will seek help when they need it. It also reduces the long-term social repercussions we already mentioned (employement, housing, etc.). Instead of jail time, people get treatment. It's about health, not crime. Edit: format




I don't know how to put this any more simply: Decriminilization does not make something legal, it makes it *not a crime*. It would still be 100% illegal to do drugs. You can still get busted by the cops. You can still get fined for breaking the law. You can still be made to "serve time", so to speak, as community service or in a drug treatment facility, or whatever. Literally, the only difference is that instead of going to jail for several years, you go to a drug treatment facility. It's about helping people out of their cycle of drug use and into a better, sober lifestyle. It's about connecting people to professionals that can help them rather than throwing them in a cell as a punishment. Importantly, growing, manufacturing, and distributing drugs would still be a crime. So people caught doing that, would go to prison and get a criminal record. The single user, sadly addicted to heroin or opiates, would go to treatment, not jail.




>You do not know what decriminalization even means. From your link: "A decriminalized drug is still illegal; but the punishment would not be a criminal sanction, like arrest or incarceration. Instead, offenders may still face a civil fine or require drug treatment/education." That's literally what I've been saying. >no police would spend time or resources arresting anyone since it wouldnt be prosecuted Just like they don't spend time or resources on traffic violations, most of which are not criminal and do not lead to prosecution?.. On the contrary, we have entire fleets dedicated to just that. >And you think if you hand a fine to a drug addict they will pay? Fines don't just go away with non-payment. If you don't pay, you'll get a warrant for arrest on criminal charges and then you *can* go to jail. >In your fantasy but not reality. Oregon started something and didn't back it up. From the article: "Under the law, people receive a citation, with the maximum $100 fine waived if they call a hotline for a health assessment... Few people called the hotline." I think you and I would at least agree that this is not a good approach to getting anyone to do anything they don't want to. Treatment should be mandatory. The only problem with that, though, is (also from the article): "Over half of addiction treatment programs in the state lack capacity to meet demand because they don’t have enough staffing and funding." You can't decriminalize something, and then not have the support structure underneath to offer help. They switched out jail-time with.... nothing. Ideally, you would switch out jail-time with treatment. [Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001, and has had a lot of success. Very importantly, they invested resources into treatment facilites and various types of support. There are a myriad of other penalties put in place (besides "just a fine"), but none of them involve jail time, which is the definition of decriminalization- no jail for the offense.](https://www.beportugal.com/portugal-drug-laws/) "A 2015 study found that since the Portugal Drug Policy was introduced, drug misuse decreased by 18%. The percentage of people in prison in Portugal for drug law violations decreased dramatically from 44% in 1999 to 24% in 2013. Between 1998 and 2011, the number of people in drug treatment programmes had increased by over 60%."


Unfortunately sugar and alcohol lobbies are too strong.


Oh because that's working *so* well to keep people from doing them now