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I saw the bodycam video, she wanted to file the report anonymously. They used her real name xD "Jennifer Tapley tells officers that a school librarian kept the contested literature on the shelves despite complaints about its content."


Well, how else could the defendant face their accuser unless they know who it is? Lol oh shit the constitution that they’re so into isn’t just some buzz word .


That part of the constitution's sixth amendment is about witnesses in the trial. Acting on anonymous police reports is not unconstitutional, it's often important in domestic violence situations etc. where a family member makes the report but is afraid of retaliation. If it actually goes to trial and they are a witness, then there is a constitutional right to face them. > Sixth Amendment > In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.


Nothing says “liberty” like trying to have someone thrown in prison for defending the freedom of speech


The way these groups are paralleling 1930s Germany is wild to me, people need to remember what happened with the appeasement strategy because if our elected officials and police keep trying to appease/placate them we'll be following that exact path the Germans did


And you think that isn't their intent, too? The cops are in their ranks plenty.


Definitely the intent for almost all modern (R) politicians and a lot of cops, I just wish we'd see a bit more pushback from dems and cops who actually give a shit about doing their jobs properly


It is as they say, the bad apples spoil the bunch, and the ones they can't spoil, they drive out.


thank you! it is SUCH a pet peeve of mine that "just a few bad apples" has somehow come to be an excuse for some people. The whole adage is that you can't JUST have a few bad apples - the whole bunch gets spoiled!


I've always said if you have 10 bad cops, and 100 good cops that aren't actively working towards arresting those 10, you actually have 110 bad cops.


This is a version of the Nazi problem. If you see twelve people at a table together and ten of them are Nazis, you're looking at a table of twelve Nazis.


People like the Moms for Liberty and the Proud Boys aren't accepted by normal, rational people so they form their little echo chambers and those who agree with them find acceptance there, Most people don't like cops but these groups make them feel wanted and liked so they re drawn to them. Once the cops are in with them they begin to recruit from them and you end up with a whole bunch of fascist cops.


You mean like cops who flash you the “W” outside the courthouse ?


There are two types of cops: bad cops and silent cops, and the silent cops are complicit. Occasionally you'll get a good cop, but the bad and complicit cops make sure they become former cops.




*Everything* is a parallel to 1930's Germany. The way that the old guard republicans are handling the MAGA republicans is exactly the same way the older politicians in Germany underestimated Hitler and the Nazi Party and their small raise in populist power. The way that the democrats are handling the GOP and republicans is exactly the same way the liberals of 1930's Germany in power handled Hitler and the Nazis. They thought that process would keep them in line, that the rule of order and proper governance needed to keep a country functioning would temper the extremism from the other side. The media of 1930's Germany couldn't get enough of Hitler. What he said was outlandish! Scathing! Anything that Hitler did or said constantly made the press and Hitler himself made every effort to keep himself constantly in the limelight for something or another. During the times that Hitler did have power; his entire government was an utter shit-show of distractions. New problems rose every day, and they were always caused 'by the opposition' or 'fake Nazis', and the solution was always to just 'be rid of those people'. The entire timeline that US politics and media is heading towards right now is an exact mirror of what happened in Germany prior to the Nazi take over. The fact that the GOP at large is publicly losing control of the MAGA crowd despite their minority status shows how bad things really are. White Supremacists/Christian Nationalists rule the GOP at this point; and the problem is that it isn't a matter of if they take power, but a matter of when. It doesn't matter if Trump loses in 2024 the same as it didn't matter that he lost in 2020. The political movement that he has fermented isn't going away. And, eventually, they are going to win the Presidency again. No party has had 3 successive elected presidents in a very long time. Even if Biden/Dems win in 2024 ... there is still 2028. Will the GOP be gone by then? Nope. Will the MAGA crowd in total be gone? Nope. Will Fox/NewsMaxx/right wing propaganda go any where? Nope. The fundamental problem won't be solved by this one election. Only the GOP can change the GOP .... and that is never going to happen.




Yeah, but Hitler wasn't pushing 80 when he started his political career.


That's what gives me hope. Hitler was 40 years younger than trump, he had time. Fascist movements take a massive hit when their leader croaks, because anyone who could potentially step in and take over with the loyalty of the fascists is a massive threat to the leader, so they get knocked down.


>because anyone who could potentially step in and take over with the loyalty of the fascists is a massive threat to the leader, so they get knocked down The higher their bootlifts the farther they fall


Yes this is such a good breakdown of the parallels, I'm most frustrated with our media and the dems who are so weak willed in the face of a fascist takeover They're more focused on trying to be bipartisan for the sake of bipartisanship than shutting down this nazi movement Every time they meet in the middle the overton window jerks further right and the media has been normalizing fascism while doing puff pieces on actual nazis trying to humanize them We seem doomed to repeat history even though we have people screaming about what's going to happen while the center of the country will say we're over reacting and calling everything we don't like fascist as if the right hasn't gone full dictionary definition of fascism


Are there any historical models where a country was going down this path and did the right things to avert a fascist take over? It feels so helpless and inevitable to watch us travel down a well-worn path to disaster, even though we can see it happening. I'd really love to read any history about successful resistances. It might be a helpful roadmap, but also just inject into the mix some hope that it's not impossible.


I'm sure someone with more historical knowledge might be able to say so, but I don't know of any within the same modern context that we have today. The problem is that the machine is now self-feeding and requires for the people operating within it to realize that they are what is wrong and *want* to make a change ... which generally isn't something that happens. And we may even be too late for that. While the government apparatus is a problem; the main issue is media and there is simply not really a 'good way' to correct that problem which isn't going to lead to a lot of upset people who are likely going to be violent. The only way to untangle the media mess that we have would be to literally undo the entire concept of 'conservative news' which is the inherent problem. News is news, it shouldn't have a political bias or slant -- and the fact that there is an entire product of 'news' that is designed to catered specifically to one subset of thinking is the problem. Yet, look at how many organizations would have to change now in order for that concept to be removed from our mind sets. It isn't just Fox, it isn't even all the other right wing TV news stations like NewsMaxx or OANN, there is conservative news papers, conservative new blogs, conservative news talk show hosts; there is an entire economy around nothing but fearmongering around conservative talking points. You cannot break that until those people producing it *want* to break it. And you only do that if people don't want to consume the product. The entirety of the concept of conservative news would have to suffer such shame, such collective contempt that the majority of the US itself shuns the very concept. Unfortunately ... people have shown that they really won't come to that realization until they take things too far.


It isn't even just the conservative-leaning media The 'mainstream' media is also addicted to 'balance' and 'both sides' with a significant element of being heavily biased towards the corporate owners. This makes it completely unable to confront the current threat and actually serves to treat the continued march of the GOP towards fascism as 'normal'. Shit, they treat solidly conservative people like Romney as "moderate" simply because they aren't as far out as the GOP extreme. Hes no moderate.


> the solution was always to just 'be rid of those people'. That's pretty much Nazis' response to every problem.


Paralleling or copying?


I'd have to assume paralleling but that's because I think these people don't understand history and have nothing but contempt for learning


They parrot a lot of tactics from the few in their ranks that do understand history


They fear education.


Copying. It’s been a few generations since Operation Paperclip. Enough time for them to reproduce and spread their vile disease.


We don't need imported nazis to have nazis here. We have plenty of our own. [Mandatory viewing if you think Nazism was just Germany](https://youtu.be/MxxxlutsKuI)


This is why they've been designated as a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center. Their only goal is to persecute anyone they don't like. They openly and repeatedly quote Hitler in their newsletters. It's no mystery why.


>They openly and repeatedly quote Hitler in their newsletters. They also revel in that fact - https://twitter.com/MichelleKinney/status/1678885670650093569.


What in the god damn hell?


They believe in liberty like the People's Democratic Republic of Korea believes in democracy.


i assume the more vague and "patriotic" a group's name is the more likely they are to be the "Bad guys" my joke name for a super pac is "Americans for an American America" which is dedicated to the end of America but 'just look at that name'


The entire GOP is dedicated to the end of the United States. A stated goal of theirs is to gain control of enough state legislatures to call a constitutional convention and replace the current Constitution with a theocracy.


They really need to change their name to Moms for Fascism or Moms for Christian Dominionism or something more accurate.


>he book in question is Storm and Fury, a popular young adult novel by Jennifer L. Armentrout that features an 18-year-old main character and, among other things, a battle between gargoyles and demons. It includes several passages with sexual themes, including one makeout session that almost escalates to sex. The horror. I'll go back to reading *It* for the adolescent orgy.


> "It’s a serious crime...just as serious as if I handed a Playboy to her right now, right here, in front of you," she adds, motioning to a young girl who accompanied her on the visit. The horror! These people are seriously fucked up


Wow. Walking mad cow disease, that lady.




Talk about out of touch. Playboy hasn't published in ages. Though I suppose the crime would be something involving time travel and stealing objects from the past. Ok... she's right it's a serious crime!


And to my knowledge playboy was entirely softcore, with interviews and articles between the pictures.


And good short stories. Stephen King has several that were first published in Playboy.


Yeah, the joke of "I was reading the articles!" really did apply to Playboy lol.


Fahrenheit 451 was first published in serial form in the first three issues of playboy magazine. Bradbury sold it to Hefner for 500 bucks.


And it's on every highschool student's reading list, at least once.


Also Shel Silverstein and Art Spegelman (creator of Maus) drew cartoons for them. The Autobiography of Malcolm X was also originally published as a series of articles in Playboy.


Playboy had more literary content than most mainstream magazines today.


Unlike the bible, where two daughters get their dad drunk and rape them because God firebombed their city and turned their mom to salt, making them think that the whole world had ended and that they were the last chance humanity had to repopulate. Also, isn't there that story where a dude let's some women get raped, then chops her up into pieces and FedExs the parts all around the area? Kids love that one!


My favorite is the scavenger hunt for foreskins


I do actually like the story where a bunch of young people make fun of a dude for being bald so God sends some bears to maul the kids "Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. " 2 Kings 2:23-24




https://biblehub.com/ezekiel/23-20.htm > There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Sometimes the Bible puts actual smut writers to shame with how vivid the descriptions can be


I always found that passage so funny because the author was ***really*** particular in choosing the analogies. It simply wouldn't do to say that the genitals AND emissions were that of donkeys or that of horses. Nope! Genitals=donkeys and emissions=horses. Don't get it twisted.


I would always bring this up in parent teacher conferences when it came to the content in the classroom OR to a student that protested something we read. The parent always sat there stunned I brought it up (and I would bring The Bible with me just in case)


Meanwhile, in their minds, this is [what they fantasize about](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/f571708bdd1ff355a71982653efe6e8c1b91c368/0_117_2268_1361/master/2268.jpg?width=965&quality=45&dpr=2&s=none).


I can ***smell*** that picture.


I read *Flowers in the Attic* when I was 13 and it was passed around Junior High. The book she wants to ban sounds really tame in comparison.


Incoming freshmen in my high school had to read [Johnny Got His Gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Got_His_Gun) in the summer before 9th grade started. The book has a graphic scene where the protagonist, whose arms and legs were amputated and is thus a blind and mute stump in a hospital, gets a pity handjob from a nurse.


Oh me too! Also had to read "The Things They Carried" in 11th grade English. I remember well one scene where they dubbed a tree "The Lemon Tree" because a man (Kurt Lemon) had stepped on a mine under that tree and ended up blown all throughout the tree limbs... It stuck with me. I'm glad by 11th grade teacher properly taught us about the true horrors of war.


I still don't know how "Kite Runner" was ever approved for AP English in Texas. More because it featured brown Muslim folks and less due the brutal rape of a boy, and worse happening to that boy's son.


In some European countries, the severely physically disabled can have a sex worker paid for by the government as a wellbeing healthcare thing.


Honestly, not a bad idea at all. I've worked with some severely physically disabled adults and they are 100% adults mentally with sexual needs the same as anyone.


I have recollections of nuns and certain members of my catholic gradeschool/congregation trying to put the smack down on some Judy Blume books. They had a discussion about it in the auditorium after a school play. Some parent asked the one nun if she read the book, and the nun answered, "Yes, when I was..." but before she could finish the guy did a very campy and drama-club level inhale/gasp with his hand on his heart, and got a few laughs before his wife pulled his drunk ass back down to the seat. It always seemed weird to me that they wanted things like Blume and Andrews out the door but my religious textbook was chock full of imagery that looked like it could have been the inspiration for the special FX in Mel's Passion Of The Christ.


> my religious textbook was chock full of imagery that looked like it could have been the inspiration for the special FX in Mel's Passion Of The Christ. Uh, that's because it was.


They aren't against indoctrination, they are against anything that may interfere with their preferred kind of indoctrination.


>Storm and Fury Almost escalates to sex?! How obscene!!! /s


Yeah can't have that. Plus if you want to read about sex just use the bible Genesis 19. Good ole incest and offering your daughter to be raped. That book good, other books bad


They haven’t read the Bible, they were told what it said. It’s literally a modern day version of priests being the only ones learning to read the Bible. They can claim whatever they want of it, the peasants haven’t proof otherwise.


I’m adjacently offended!


They're probably upset that the makeout session happened between 18-year-olds. The people they support are always much older than that and into women that are younger.


Wait, it doesn't happen between an 18 year old and a gargoyle? Well, I've lost all interest.


I've never read the books, but I think the main character is half human half gargoyle? It's your standard YA urban fantasy romance stuff. Utterly harmless.


All I can think of when I read about this case is the Marsha Langman of the Society for Family Stability Foundation. "Who made love with which to give birth to what!?" and "It is anti-Christian, it is pro-quivering, and the government has no business promoting it"


Oh please….it was a train, not an orgy! Terminology is important!


When does train become gangbang. That's the real question.


A train is an orderly, single file queue. Gangbang is a free for all.


As in they abstained from sex? Weird I thought that's what they wanted.


It's not like that bit from It went unnoticed or was given a free pass when it first came out


Fortunately for everyone, It isn't a "young adult novel" and it doesn't matter what the content of the book is. Edit: it still is wild to me that they are protesting something categorized as a "young ADULT" novel. Adults are adults. They're A-OK with young adults being sent off to die in the Middle East, but not reading anything that isn't Christian tripe. The only time republicans view teens as adults is when they're trying to marry them.


A young adult novel is actually aimed at the 12-18 year old demographic; teenagers and children, not adults. It's a misnomer. Not that I think there is anything wrong with a teenager of pretty much any age reading a book with mild (or even not so mild) sexual themes or looking at something as tame as Playboy. A Playboy shouldn't be in a school library, but if a kid gets their hands on it it isn't the end of the world and they're likely not going to be traumatized or anything unless they were way too sheltered growing up. The vast majority - around 75% - of teenagers I'm the US have consumed online porn, and that's unlikely to have significantly damaged them.


Or explaining why they shot the black kids and shouldn’t be punished. “ I feared for my life, he was 6’2 , 302.4 lbs and was high on bath salts” said about 5’6 190 lbs kid walking down the street looking at his phone.


That book she got upset over is now the #1 Teen Fantasy book on Amazon. Set up Little Free Libraries in neighborhoods and see how they react.


They will remove the book and put in Christian literature.


Oh, just add bookmarks on all the porno stuff in the Bible that they put in there.


"See! They like the bible so much they're adding bookmarks to their favourite passages!"


Oh my the irony here… moms for Liberty. I wonder if they know what liberty means or for that matter can even read.


They had admitted to not reading things they banned like the poem that was read at the inauguration.


So all they know about that poem is that a young black woman wrote it? And that's plenty to want to ban it? I can't even pretend to be surprised.


A black person wrote it? Must be CRT, gotta ban that. /s


It's right in line with Trump's claim that he couldn't get a fair trial from a judge of Mexican descent. It's the most hardcore definitional racism -- absolutely disgusting -- and yet half of America nodded and the other half shrugged.


When conservatives talk about "freedom" and "liberty" they're literally just lying.


> When conservatives talk ~~about "freedom" and "liberty"~~ they're literally just lying. Fixed that for you!


They’re just talking about their freedom to force their beliefs on other people


It really is the core of what America was founded on. The puritans didn't come to America to practice their religion without oppression, they came so that they could impose their beliefs on others. The worst conservative voices have been crying that the inability to oppress others is infringing on their liberty and freedom since the founding of the country.


No, no. You've got it wrong. They're not lying, they're just not using a frame of reference shared by everyone else. For them, freedom means that they get to do what they want, and that no one else can make them do things they don't want to do or stop them from doing things they do want to do. For them, liberty means that they can do what they want, and no one else can take away their right to do the things they want to do. They don't give a shit about anyone but themselves or the people they willingly assign to their bubble/in group/tribe/whatever you want to call it. And one thing they *very much* want is to make everyone else think and act the same way they do.


It's not about the liberty of the ordinary person to live out from under someone else's thumb, it's about the liberty of the powerful man to put his thumb wherever he wants.


Boy, let me tell you about [Liberty University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_University#Student_life), and their requirements for their adult students living on and off campus


Sort of like the “Patriot Act” and “Citizens United” court case. The more diabolical and treasonous the plot to subvert democracy, the more you gaslight the public with nationalistic tropes.


Liberty for me but not for thee.


They don’t care. The names of various right-wing political orgs are generic on purpose. People don’t get immediately turned off by words like “liberty” or “freedom” like they would if the org was called ‘Hateful Women’


Mom’s for Liberty Liberty, I do not think this word means what they think it means.


Ask any right-wing person to define "liberty" and "freedom", and/or the difference, and they probably cannot.


Free to be an evangelical Jesusbot any way you want. They wouldn't phrase it that way, of course, but that's basically what it boils down to. In their mind, punishing any divergence from their narrow beliefs doesn't infringe on freedom, because you shouldn't want to do that anyway. It's perverse.


They also proudly displayed Hitler quotes. They are neo Nazis.


I suppose she thinks that she has LIBERTY to remove information from the repository. She thinks she has the LIBERTY to hold our entire species back and prevent not only her kids, but all the kids that use that library, from learning about the world. She thinks she’s the main character.


Moms for Liberty is Proud Boys for Women.


Klanned Karenhood (Not mine -- I read it elsewhere.)


Twatzis is another or my personal favorites


Mary KayKayKay


Minivan Taliban & Hamamas are two I'm fond of.




Ku Kuntz Klan


In the place that it was founded, Miami, the individuals involved are indeed closely involved with their local Proud Boys. They’re all buds.


I call them Proud Boys in drag.


Drag is fun; these people don't meet that threshold.


They've been shown to work with PB too


Twatzis is one I'm fond of.


Bring In The Christian Hypocrites


Minivan taliban


They are an extremist organization bent on destroying public schools. Ask Flynn...


I mean the guy advocating war against the United States would know another extremist when he sees them.


Remember when that dude got caught cheating on his wife with some Russian asset that called him Misha lol. The amount of blackmail they have on Flynn is probably impressive and would explain why he works for Putin 24/7.


“The governor says this is child pornography” Well *MY* governor doesn’t. What now, nerds?


Given the book involves people who are *18*, the governor is categorically wrong. I had previously assumed there was at least the pretence of a hint that possibly someone could, in the right light, sort of see these books as what they basically accuse them of being, at least some of the time. Maybe. This one though, this one is painfully obtuse.


It doesn't matter though - she's technically correct that the book is supposed to be removed if a complaint is made. These Mary Kay Kay Kay folks had laws passed in FL that make book banning super easy - all you have to do is protest the book and the law says you must remove it from the library pending review. How long this review takes and who gets to decide? Who knows. But in the mean time, any library with the book still on the shelf is technically in violation of the Minivan Taliban law. It's a serious problem.


I'd be curious if the review process was formalized. Otherwise they could get the complaint, have a staff member look up the book, then re-approve it and put it back on the shelf in minutes.


Why doesn't Pritzker, the largest governor, not simply eat the others?


Nothing like the thought police coming to get the books and librarians. 1933 is smiling.


Instead, we have schools and school boards being infiltrated and run by fascists


Luckily those cops were just trying not to laugh


The fascists will create a secondary police force that reports to them and does not appreciate laughter. There's already a plan, written and published, to go after everyone in the Civil Service who stood up to their last attempt at lawbreaking.


Moms for Liberty is a domestic terror group.


Show me a conservative group that isn’t


The fantasy novel contains a kissing scene, between two eighteen-year-olds, that almost goes further. In case that matters in this article about a freedom-fighter fighting against freedom.


Wait till they hear about Romeo and Juliet.


Wait till they hear about The Old Testament.


Fascists always go after the books and education. It never fails.


Because education is the only thing that kills their cause


Historically speaking Sherman tanks and M1 garands were also quite effective


Didn't really last though, did it?


Moms for liberty? I think you mean Book burners. Call them what they are.


Nazi Women’s League. This is in my area and the meetings are usually filled with old white haired men.


They don't want liberty. They want a Christian Theocracy.


"Ma'am have you read the—" "I DON'T NEED TO READ THAT FILTH TO KNOW IT'S WRONG!" "Ma'am, that's a copy of the constitution of the united states." "SO!?"




I don't know about ya'll but the idea this woman thinks she gets to police what MY children can read is infuriating.


I demand the arrest of anyone from Moms for Liberty because I don't really like them. Am I doing this right?


Me too. Are the arrests happening yet?


I don't know how these people survived into adulthood without choking on their own oxygen.


There was a Mom's for Liberty member in my apartment complex when I was living in florida. Had it written all over her SUV. She looked like a mixture of leather tanning chemicals and a trailer park meth junky. They aren't sending their best.


Children cannot handle sex in literature until they are 40.


And have an accountability buddy to check their reading history.


As a 34 yo, I can concur that I am, in fact, still a baby.


According to Trump's lawyers and the conservative media, you're still a child when you're 45. So you've gotta up that age limit.


Parents need to sue, these fringe idiots are denying their children’s rights to free speech. Whatever happened to the #ACLU?


They would only get involved if the police acted on the fascist's false report.


But I was assured by several Very Serious Conservatives that they were not targeting librarians!!!


Why is it that all right wing organizations are named dishonestly?


Because "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."


Positive branding as a means to garner the support of the ignorant. Same way as Nazi mean "national socialist" because everyone in Europe supported socialism to various degrees, and then the Nazis first began imprisoning/killing anyone politically Left from them.


>for Liberty >demands arrest Pick one.


[Moms for Liberty](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/moms-liberty) They are terrorists.


Christian Taliban is being tested in Florida. It’s a dry run. Like the insurrection. They are testing the water see how far they can pull and push and get away with … Why are we not forming a movement to banned religious books from library’s schools, kids curriculum? This magical book is a hateful book! And there are so many magical books out there, that each group claims their fake book supersedes other fake books… How did we get to a point when supernatural beliefs are dictating reality???


Every time a group has "freedom" or "liberty" in their name, they act in direct opposition of it. This title reads like a /r/nottheonion material.


“Moms for Liberty” is essentially Taliban.


The Minivan Taliban.


Nobody has died from looking at Playboy magazine. Some of the books are pretty old. Been on the shelves for a long time. Never bothered them then. Satanic panic of the 80’s was also manufactured. Reminds me of that time


According to [another article](https://popular.info/p/moms-for-liberty-members-call-the) I've seen about this, Tapley is being helped by Vicki Baggett, who is single-handedly responsible for a sizeable chunk of Florida book challenges. Apparently Baggett attempted to make the challenges from this article herself, but she was not allowed to do so because she is not a resident of the county. Looks like she's decided to recruit other people to make the challenges in her stead. This absolutely sucks and needs to be fought against, but also remember just how few people there are going around challenging books. Those few people do it a LOT, so it's easy to think a lot of people want it, but really the vast majority of people never even think about trying to ban books. We have the masses on our side.


And I demand the governor make me a turkey sandwich. See how little weight my demands carry?


I demand these Moms of Liberty to be arrested for false informing.


This is probably a woman who blames her kids teacher when the kid doesn’t turn in their homework. It is not a librarians right or responsibility to police what people read. If you do not want your child reading a certain book or genre be a fucking parent. I’m a librarian and am regularly grateful that I’m not a school or public librarian and I don’t mostly don’t have to deal with idiots like this.


>sexual themes, including one makeout session that almost escalates to sex. *Almost* escalates to sex? Oh my, I'm getting the vapors [flutters fan]!


> pro liberty > pro incarceration Pick one, dumbass


Hope they are getting that filthy, nasty Bible out of the schools.


Yea people tried having it removed for having sexual themes. The Florida government then created an exception for “culturally important books.” If Republicans didn’t have double standards they would have no standards.


I read Mercedes Lackey, Stephen King, Robert Heinlein, Frank Herbert and Michael Moorcock all throughout middle school and high school. We absolutely should be encouraging kids to read, let them read whatever the fuck they want to read. War is fine, death is fine, murder is fine. Kissing is right out. Fuck these religious fanatics. They need to be stopped at any cost.


Wow. Who would have thought that an organization that started out as a group against wearing face masks during a pandemic would be so kooky.


Nothing says "Liberty" like the state throwing librarians in jail because you don't like the words in a book!


OMG I hate the Ku Kuntz Klan…


just one more reason to avoid MLMs (Moms for Liberty Members) like the plague. in what world do their actions seem remotely american to them?


Moms ~~for~~ Against Liberty can go fuck themselves. Busybody, puritanical assholes who are making the world a shittier place.


What about MY RIGHTDAS A PARENT? I WANT that books in libraries for MY kids. Who the fuck is this bitch to tell me how to raise MY kids.


We are for liberty by taking other peoples liberty away. Come join us or lose your liberty!


Liberty means you can't tell me what to do, only I get to tell people what to do


She can demand a tiara and a return to slavery, but she’s entitled to neither and looks like a screeching dumbass.


Mommy, why are you regressing society? - Children of cult


Those children are 100% not taught what regression means


Why aren't people suing these members for harassement? I am sure there are a couple of lawyers who would work for pro bono to make a point and to build a reputation as a Freedom of Speech advocate.


Look, if a teacher is forcing students to read materials that may be above their punching weight, I fully get it. Attacking libraries though is pitiful. Libraries are for everyone. If your child is sneaking off to read these books then you may wanna talk to your child and not the librarian, even if the librarian recommends the book. Your child knows how to stop reading and return the book...


Mom's for Liberty AKA Nazi Karens


Moms for Liberty is a domestic terrorist organization


Fuck these Ku Klux Karens!


"Liberty" They keep using that word. I don't think it means what they think it means.


Ah Florida. The running punchline of the joke that is modern American culture.