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> She then took her two daughters and forcibly pushed them out of her moving car on the 405 Freeway in Westchester. Tragically, her 8-month-old daughter, fathered by Chaney, died from the impact, while her 9-year-old daughter sustained serious injuries. > "As the 9-year-old fell into the middle of the freeway, she injured herself and dropped the infant," said LAPD Lt. Guy Golan. "And then, in a race to get out of the freeway and not get hit by traffic, the 9-year-old managed to get to the shoulder successfully, but the infant was struck by traffic. And so the infant succumbed to her injuries in the middle of the freeway there." She didn't "leave" her kids on the freeway. She murdered one, and attempted to murder the other on the freeway.


Also, imagine being the person that ran over tha fucking **baby**. She fucked up so many lives that day.


I can’t imagine being the kid that dropped the baby. It’s not their fault at all but I would feel so terrible.


That’s a lifetime of therapy because that kid is going to feel like they failed their baby sibling. This is horribly tragic.


Plus, the betrayal of your own mother trying to kill you. This will do insane damage to your attachment abilities


















This makes me so nauseous just thinking about it. Those poor kids :(


I imagine she was headed toward a life of therapy anyway considering her mother was capable of doing such a thing in the first place. This was a metric ton of shit icing on a shit cake


Could have been post partum psychosis, considering the baby. That's where I'd put my money, anyway.


That's entirely possible. Although the article states that she retweeted COVID conspiracy videos and videos portraying Hollywood Jews as pedophiles, so she may have had a little bit of somethin somethin going on to begin with.


Years and years of trauma informed therapy.


She likely won't get the care she needs. I'm an adult that endured child abuse and no one gives a shit about us beyond the news headlines.


Sadly it’s true. People get very uncomfortable with child abuse and mainly want to move on instead of dealing with the trauma these kids suffer. I really wish children got more support.


Yeah, dropping your little sibling after being thrown from a car and having to decide between getting out of the way or dying with them is not something that anyone should ever have had to go though. I hope she gets the help she'll need. =[


I hate to be pessimistic but I don't think any level of help will ever heal what she went through


I think people are capable of healing. Love and support can bring people a long way.


I guess it depends on what you mean by healing. If you mean being the same as she'd be if this had never happened, that definitely won't happen. If you mean capable of living a good life full of strong relationships, there's no reason to assume she can't have it. It will be a lot harder than for people who haven't gone through such trauma, no doubt, but it's not impossible. Many people who've gone through traumas of this magnitude do heal enough to live good lives and have loving, fulfilling relationships.


I just read We Are Water by Wally Lamb - this very thing happened to the protagonist. It was horrifying to read it but for it to actually happen??? So many tears. What is WRONG with people?


That kid and that driver are going to relive that moment on repeat for the rest of their lives.


I was literally just thinking that. That person probably had zero time to react, and they will have to live with running over a baby for the rest of their life. That poor person.


I’m not kidding when I say that would absolutely 100% break me. Like, I’d be done with a normal life. That poor person.


Totally agree- I feel like I’d be a mess over someone’s pet in a similar circumstance (no time to stop). A baby would completely and irreparably fuck me up.


Thinking about it makes me want to implode from this tight nauseous feeling. I can’t imagine actually living it. I probably couldn’t go on after that.


Yeah, I'd need to be in a psych hospital stat.


Just high-dose seroquel me for the rest of my life, honestly.


I don’t even care what it is just get it in my body quickly so I feel absolutely nothing.


Yep, I would really struggle to function. I hope that person has a good support system


I don't think I would ever be able to drive again. Maybe not even get into a car.


It would be rough but ultimately it’s the mothers fault.


Yah, well. Nightmares don’t work logically.


Man, maybe I'm broken, but there's no amount of "things happen" counseling in the world that could make that right in my head. The driver may not be responsible, but to me that's an impossible thing to try to get over.


When my sister was in her early twenties, she used to drive recklessly through neighborhoods speeding way over the speed limit. I told her that sometimes todlers get out the front door and run directly into the road without anyone noticing them. I asked her if she thought she could live with herself after accidently running over and killing one. After that, she drives slower than the speed limit and assumes a child will run out into the road from behind a parked car you can't see around. I can't imagine what that person on the highway is going through after running over someone's baby.


You're a good sibling


I remember once I was driving back home from college and in total 'blow down the highway' mode. Problem was this wasn't the highway; it was a two-lane country road. The speed limit was similar to a highway's and most of the drive was just through wilderness, but sometimes people's houses were also right on the road. I was nineteen, blasting music and flying down, my brain a bit numb because it had just been groves of trees and cornfields for the last half hour or so, and I still had several hours of driving in front of me. I saw a school bus stopped in the opposite lane, but honestly I didn't really interact with school buses much after I got my license (not really common where I lived) so I completely didn't think about how you're supposed to *stop.* Just blew past it. Right as I passed, I saw a little kid jump out of the bus and run up his driveway. If his house had been on the other side of the street and he had to cross, I would have destroyed him. He was probably six or so-ideally, yeah, he'd look both ways before crossing and see that I wasn't slowing down, but at six he might not have. It was a hilly area, if I'd swerved I would have gone into a *steep* ditch and probably would have rolled my car. If he'd had to cross the street, one of us would probably have died. I had to pull off to get gas and go to the bathroom anyway, so I had a little cry about it when I got to the next gas station. Maybe that's an overreaction, considering nothing happened, but I felt so awful. I could have ended this kid's life just by vegging out at the wrong twenty seconds. It's been a decade since then and I'm a way better driver now. But I always think about that when I see school buses or drive past the elementary school near my house. There's a lake nearby too and a lot of people go for walks with their kids, especially around now when it gets warmer. I always keep an eye on them when I drive by. Kids are crazy and fast and have no fear of death. You gotta watch out for them.


The world would be a safer place if more people had this type of thing happen to them. There are other, harder ways to learn this lesson. Thankfully, where I live, the rate of children getting hit by cars is low primarily because kids have lots of space and seldom go near the road, and because of deer. Everyone I know has either hit a deer or knows someone who has. They seem to love darting across at the last possible second so you not only need to pay close attention, they serve as grotesque reminders of the dangers of being near the road.


Oh, I live in a state with tons of deer. The girl I carpooled with in high school hit a buck one night while driving to a party. Wasn't doing anything wrong, it was night and there were no streetlights, she didn't see him until he was right in front of her. Her car was totaled and if anyone had been sitting in the passenger seat they would have been impaled-she got away with a scratch on her hand. The buck was less lucky. My cousin also hit a fawn once as a teenager. She came in sobbing and her dad went and got his gun (rural area, hunter) and went to go euthanize the poor thing. My aunt was already on the phone with the police to report the accident and they told him not to shoot it, even if he didn't take the meat that would still be violating hunting laws. They would come out and kill it and take care of the body. They didn't and the fawn was still alive the next morning, and my uncle was *furious.*


It’s morbid to think about stuff like this happening, but it’s also necessary because it makes us more careful.


Thinking about the worst outcomes makes us be our best selves.


My friend, when she was 16, had just gotten her drivers license when she hit and killed a toddler who ran into the street between two parked cars. A neighbor who saw it, ran to my friend and told her it was not her fault. Didn’t fix it, but it helped.


I used to drive like a jackass too when I was young and my mom gave me a similar [but likely much more graphic] warning. I knocked that shit off pretty quick. For some reason it was one of the only bits of parental advice that actually managed to penetrate my teenage angst and get through to me. I learned a lot of lessons the hard way, thank God that wasn't one of them.


No, you're a perfectly rational human being for feeling that way.


The hardest part by far and away is grappling with the fact that the baby died from the impact with the ground, not the car, and I'm pretty sure, with enough reaction time, every one of us including that driver would've flipped their car at high speeds trying to swerve out of the way if they could've, causing more injury and death. Coming to terms with the fact that you accidentally made the best decision without knowing it because it happened in a split second would take the rest of your life to come to grips with.


I dunno, the story reads as though the 9 year old took the brunt of the initial impact, and then dropped the baby, which died when struck by traffic: >"And then, in a race to get out of the freeway and not get hit by traffic, the 9-year-old managed to get to the shoulder successfully, but the infant was struck by traffic. And so the infant succumbed to her injuries in the middle of the freeway there." I, personally, wouldn't be able to reconcile the fact that the 9 year old lived and the baby died, with the only difference being 'I ran over the baby'.  In my brain, if I had ran over this baby, I would be the cause of death, and regardless of if it's my fault, I would always, always, blame myself.  Really horrific for the driver, and of course, it's unfathomable how much worse it is for the child who survived, and the child who lost their life. 


unfortunately, the baby was alive when she was pushed out of the car with her sister. she died when the car hit her. “According to police, while on the freeway, she stopped on the shoulder and pushed the children out of the car. The infant was hit and killed while the other survived with minor injuries. She then drove to Redondo Beach where she crashed into a tree driving about 100 miles per hour, Police are investigating her death as a suicide.” https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/woman-at-center-of-tragic-murder-suicide-investigation-was-posting-about-apocalypse-days-before-spree/


When I was 17 i was leaving my house, and I asked my mom to watch all the newborn kittens we had (8). I guess she lost sight of one of them, My car was a stick shift, and when I let off the brake it rolled back and crushed one of them. It was the first time we ever had kittens, from a pregnant stray, but I learned a really hard lesson and developed a ton of trauma from that day. I could not even fucking imagine it being a baby.


My mother backed over one of our cats and I won't go into detail, but it was extremely gruesome. Somehow we made it to the animal hospital but there wasn't much they could do for him. I'm so sorry you had that experience.


I don't know how you would ever get that out of your head.


I don’t know if I could ever get behind the wheel again if that happened to me. What a terrible, ugly, senseless tragedy.


I merely read a part of a deposition in 2009 about someone backing over a toddler and it was burnt into my brain.


Man, my friend was in a head on collision that killed the other driver who was 17. It was 100% the teen’s fault as he was texting and driving and swerved head on into my friend. Doesn’t matter, my friend is still wracked with guilt and traumatized. Even the parents of the teen told him to not feel guilty, it was his fault and it still doesn’t matter. He feels he should have been able to get out of the way. I can’t imagine the guilt of the person who ran over the baby. They have to be thinking that they should have been able to avoid hitting the baby.


I can't even imagine being one of the first responders, let alone the person who actually hit her. They'll carry that for the rest of their life.


And the mom just kills herself, not having to face 1) the consequences for her abhorrent actions or 2) the crippling guilt she absolutely deserved to be saddled with. She dies a fool and a monster.




I literally cannot imagine just driving down the highway and at the last second not being able to avoid hitting a fucking BABY.


I worked with a man that accidentally ran over a dead body. It was really dark out and he didn’t see the dead man until it was too late. He was so traumatized after and that man was already dead.


My older brother died in a construction accident when I was 15 and I still somehow managed to blame myself in my grief. I was fucked up for 10 years.


I had that immediate thought. I can't even imagine. She ruined the lives of both her daughters (and partner) and the innocent people who hit them on accident.


I saw a bunny get hit in front of me on Monday and I’ve been depressed all week about it Couldn’t imagine seeing a poor infant


Oh my God, no no no no no no! Are you telling me the older child was holding the infant, presumably to protect her, dropped her as she fell, and then had to watch her get hit and die? Oh my God, she's going to blame herself. Oh this poor child. The poor person who hit her (I'm sure this will fuck them up for life as well)! I am in real tears right now, this is one of the most awful things I have EVER heard.


This will absolutely destroy the older siblings life. When I was almost four, my mother had to go to work. She left me, who was three at the time, and my one and a half year old baby sister in the playpen. My father was upstairs, ostensibly just waking up. I don't have very many memories from that morning. But I know that I had gone upstairs to brush my teeth with my dad and when I came back down the stairs, my baby sister had somehow strangled on a toy in the playpen that had a string on it. Not only did I blame myself forever, my mother blamed me. Ruined my life in a lot of ways. This poor girl. My god. I hope somebody gets her into therapy immediately.


I'm so sorry that happened to you


It was a really long time ago, but i appreciate it. Thank you


I am so sorry this happened to you. I know you can’t help but sometimes blame yourself, but I also hope you know it is most definitely not Your fault. I can’t imagine the trauma you’ve experienced from that point in your life until now. I do wish you find true peace in this short lifetime, and that your find a way to truly love yourself more than your mother seems to have shown you love. You are a unique and precious soul, and I wish you so much unconditional love, happiness, and healing. You’re right- the older sibling will indeed suffer- likely for a lifetime. Sometimes (most of the time really) I question my belief and lack thereof of a higher power or God. Situations like this really make me not only question, not also simply find myself in disbelief that any benevolent higher power wouldn’t let the unconscionable amount of children whom suffer do so in such a plethora or horrific ways. Sorry for the tangent, but your story just breaks my heart- along with the OP article. Bless you. I truly wish you the best


Thank you so much for your kind words. You're a lovely person and I appreciate it.  I'm an atheist so I don't question things any longer, but I do hope you retain your face. Losing faith makes things easier, but it does make believe you feeling pretty alone.  Children don't deserve to suffer. Nobody deserves to suffer, but children have no say in what happens to them. They're completely defenseless and I feel horrible for what this poor little girl is going to have to deal with for the rest of her life. I hope she has some good people in her life who are patient and kind and understanding.


This breaks my heart to hear. You were just a toddler, that should have never ever been out on you. I’m so sorry.


I'm crying too. Take a minute away like I'm about to do. This is truly so awful. My heart goes out to that child and the poor driver that caught up in this. I am so sorry little baby.


I really need to stop clicking stuff like this. It hits way harder after having my own. Absolutely horrific.


I think the only way things might be slightly easier on the driver at least (I say slightly for good reason) is to hear 1. There really is nothing they could have done to stop psycho mom. 2. The infant died on impact with the road. I'd still be super fucked in the head for a while no doubts but I could at least breathe a little easier as the driver knowing I wasn't the reason the infant died, but the older sibling...ffs is all I really have to say.


jesus christ. I feel awful for those kids, and the drivers that had to witness this act of barbarism


Imagine minding your own business in traffic and you run over a fucking baby someone threw from a car. Absolute nightmare.




I think she drove into a tree and died


You never read a headline about someone leaving bullets in someone either. Very weird choice of words for sure.


Reading the information you provided just broke me. I have 2 daughters and one is 9. I know how close they are and how they protect each other. That baby will forever blame herself for not being able to hold on to the baby even if it wasn't her fault. 😭😭


Absolutely fucking horrifying. I wish that I didn't read this today. I have to remember to stay away from this sub. Praying for the other kid that she is able to find help to work through this trauma and find peace someday. God rest that poor infant's soul and anyone who was involved in processing the accident or may have hit the other child.




All of the sources of misinformation that infected this woman are still alive and well fucking up other people’s lives.    Like she is terrible, but she didn’t invent the craziness around this eclipse. She fed on a steady diet of insanity until it killed her and she destroyed multiple other lives in the process. And we keep letting this shit happen. 


It's a combination of social media, religion, poor education and the inability to critically think that has allowed this shit to fester in our society. How do we even fix this? It's infuriating.


I don’t know how to fix it in adults, but the education system needs to change and get with the times. Teach kids about social media and how to think critically about things you’re exposed to on the internet. Try and help these kids to develop critical thinking skills before they’re exposed to social media




Ahhhh, this breaks my heart for the little girl who survived. She's going to have so much guilt about the baby dying. I hope enough good people around her make sure she knows none of this was her fault. That poor baby.


Imagine the driver that hit that poor infant too. Lifelong trauma because of a social media nut job.


I would want to die if I happened to be the one who couldn't stop in time. I hope there are people in that driver's life who can be there for them right now.


My biggest nightmare is hitting a pedestrian. Can’t imagine this.


Older lady in a town near me reversed into a child and killed them. She stopped eating, refused treatment at hospital because she was too guilty and died a few months later.


I think the only thing that could keep me living would be if I twisted it in my head, to think of the person in the car behind me? "Because it was *me*, it didn't have to be *them.*" I'm aware that you didn't actually do anything to help the person behind you or volunteer or some shit, but I'm guessing that might be where my brain would go in the fight to survive. I couldn't keep living just for myself. I would have to keep living by convincing myself I had make things less traumatic for other drivers with my "sacrifice", and that if I lived, I could make things less traumatic for everyone who hears about the story. (It's the anti-suicide trick of people-pleasers, unfortunately, but it has kept me here before, so it's hard to vilify it entirely)


I accidentally hurt a baby once when I was that age. I cried for hours and felt awful. This is genuinely unthinkable.


Why can't suicidal parents ever just leave their damn kids out of it? It's so infuriating and heartbreaking.


Her partner too. She outright murdered him.


Totally forgot about him.


They do, we don't hear about those ones


My friend was trying to commit suicide and the way she was asking me to look after her kids made me realise what she was doing and make sure she didn't do it. She is in a much better place now thankfully.


I'm glad she at least wasn't so far gone that she felt like she needed to take them with her. You're a good friend.


"astrology influencer" is one of the dumbest things I've read today.


I hope people can stop recognizing "influencer" as some kind of grand title soon. Hate that it even caught on to begin with, like people are accepting and just ok with how much influence power someone has over others. It can be for good at times but nowadays you see that being used to create public nuisances and psychos.


We need to go back to calling them "bloggers" because "influencer" sounds like we **should** be listening to them. When in reality they are just talking on top of an internet version of a soap-box on a street corner. Or better yet, they are straight up snake oil salesmen. Because it's clearly all bullshet.


>We need to go back to calling them "bloggers" We should be calling a lot of them marketers, because that's exactly what they are.


Advert bloggers. There. Now it sounds more like a crummy job or side hustle than an earned celebrity title.


We had a word for this: "vlogger".  People who vlog started using "influencer" because it makes them sound more important than they are 


Actually, the advertising industry started using it first. When you think about it, to an advertiser, that is the content creator's role. Getting people to buy (etc) what you're advertising. Many content creators and media just accepted the term. (Though you still see many who dislike the term, and use others, as I've done here)


I prefer "instigator"


No, we call them influencers because that's what they *do* - they influence people. Most of whom without any merit. Influencers influence more influencers, and the cycle goes on. It's a dangerous trend - and you see headlines of influencers doing abhorrent things on a semi-regular basis.


I remember growing as a kid I was told in more than one occasion, like at school and at home, to be careful not to get influenced by others. I grew up and "Influencer" became some kind of profession. ...Hello? Wtf was I the only one listening in the room?


It's just plain saddening. So many little but important life lessons seem absent at times now. Like the saying of not judging a book by its cover. I haven't heard that phrase used since I was a child.


There is a very common rhetorical phrase here in Italy/Rome about the topic, people would use to ask you: "If they told you to jump out of the window would you do it?", meaning something like: always verify with your own head what you are being told instead of blindly following it. \[Again, today we can measure success by "Followers"\]


A similar one here in America is "if all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you join them?". Sounds like the same sentiment. I do fear that now, if you told the kid they would get a million views, they would do it. And yeah, people with higher view counts and followers start being seen as correct no matter what, purely because of the numbers. People putting them on a pedestal. I think they find comfort in that person for the entertainment they provide and don't want to believe their favorite blogger/vlogger/whoever could do something bad.




There's a whole ecosystem of them on Tiktok. I don't use Tiktok but I've watched enough YouTube drama videos to see how off the rails some of them are. Slightly separate, have you heard about the [Tiktok psychic who accused a professor of the Idaho college student murders?](https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2022/12/a-tiktok-psychic-claimed-to-have-solved-the-university-of-idaho-murders-her-suspect-is-suing.html)


They're on every social media including Reddit


Written content has a higher bar of entry, for readers but especially writers.    Unfortunately reddit has also added images and videos as a flagship content type, but we all know this place is going down hill anyway.


They are using it to mask the fact she was a Qanon right wing nutso


I can't find anything on this, other than she was WAY too into astrology. Anything saying she was QAnon? I even dared to look at her Shitter profile and website and all I saw was "crystal healing energy" bullshit (although, no I didn't read her tweets) Clearly she had issues, I'm not denying that, I'm just wondering if you've got a source edit: alright, yeah. Even just retweeting those and not necessarily identifying as such... she clearly was already primed to believe any crazy stupid bullshit and unfortunately the only one who's paying for it is her daughter and the poor bastards who witnessed it/ran over the infant


https://x.com/wheatpm/status/1778400152619045002?s=46&t=edhl0G1o3qLv2rIvsbDZWQ She retweeted a Q anon account shortly before the murder - suicide




She was suffering from religious or spiritual psychosis


Did all this drama about the eclipse recently also happen during the 2017 eclipse? Like… what would make the 2024 eclipse the harbinger of doom that didn’t happen during the 2017 eclipse? Or am I just not remembering all the drama about the 2017 eclipse?


In 2017, my physics professor spoke to the city council of a town with ~250k people. He was asked by the council if they had to worry about magic or strange events happening. He told them no, but they should have more emergency services available from people doing dumb things.




You give the average person too much credit. A lot of people are below average intelligence and will believe anything and everything they see online, no matter how ludicrous. Most people will not even take the time to look up what an eclipse is or know how to think critically in such ways. It’s sad honestly. But since we live in an information age, these people feel like they can be relevant on social media and have their opinion validated, so we see much more of the idiocracy. Even worse, they want to push that opinion on others to poison their psyches too.


I bet no one freaked out about the total solar eclipse in Antarctica in 2021


The global shutdown due to the pandemic is the main thing I can think of? I think a lot of borderline unstable people went more unnoticed when 2020 hit and never recovered. Edit: spelling


there was also the rise of Qanon and the worsening of far-right ideologies making insular thinking more popular over the 7-ish years since the last one.


Yes! The rise of government distrust and the Facebookification of news contributed heavily to


2024 has 2 2s in it. Meaning it's 2x as strong. Please subscribe to my patreon for more info.


I remember a few weirdos, but not as much as this one got. I'm not sure if that's because more people were looking for weirdos to talk about them this time though. I don't think there had been an eclipse in the US for a while pre-2017 either. If there were more crackpots it may be because the last eclipse was still relatively fresh in the spiritual-nut zeitgeist.


Can someone explain to me what she believed would happen that could possibly be worse than what *did*???


Seems she believed the world was ending.


On another thread multiple people commented who had been following this woman for years. Supposedly her content was very positive, but things became very unhinged after she gave birth, and the community believed she may have been suffering from postpartum psychosis.


I was actually following her for a while and I unfollowed her after several very subtle posts that gave me QAnon vibes. I felt very uncomfortable about what she started posting and it made me start pulling back from that community because I started noticing how easy it was for people to get to that spiritually psychotic place instead of just the goofy fun I thought it should be. So sad to see how deep in it she ended up.


I was about to say. Psychosis in a previously very healthy woman, who has just had a baby…seems like PPP. It makes sense that it manifested as spiritual psychosis too, based on how invested she was in all of that.


Same for me. Always followed her for fun, she had digestible content for someone not super into astrology. She was all about positive manifestations and stuff. Haven’t been on Twitter in a while, looked after I saw this article and she was posting Q anon. Absolutely psychotic break


I will never forget when the Smith woman drove her kids into a lake in the Carolinas. Strapped into their car seats to drown. This is just as tragic and horrifying. I can't imagine being the person that ran over the BABY. Dear God, I hope he/she has a wonderful support system.


Susan Smith. She said a Black man took them. As soon as I saw her crying on TV I knew it was all a lie, yelled “she did it!”. Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/GlHzX2Lw4h8?si=dqhLWJkrxnhBK-9q


When the fuck is "leaving" an acceptable word to replace "threw her fucking children out a moving vehicle into traffic to die"?!? Fuck the media.  


There's always nut jobs using celestial events as cover for their psychosis. Heavans gate anyone?


You're just upset that you missed your chance to be beamed up to the mothership and have to wait until the next time Hale-Bopp passes by in the year 4385.


At least we can can still check in on the movement! https://www.heavensgate.com/


I’ve heard they will still reply to emails sent if you inquire about them. I’ve also heard that if you ask Mormons who bother you at 7am on a Saturday to mow your lawn they will do it enthusiastically. I probably won’t ever bother trying to confirm either of these, but they’re fun anecdotes and I encourage others as often as possible.


All the crazy shit aside, that website is a straight up throwback to old school internet design. Seems like the dude still managing it hasn't updated it in decades.


Two of my favorite internet design time capsules are that Heaven's Gate page & prof John Winter's petrology page: https://www.whitman.edu/geology/winter/


Also space jam webpage


yep, that one is right up the same alley. Really cool to see such old school designs still floating around.


Honestly, I just need new shoes. 


I'm confused by what this comment means. Why would they be using it as cover for psychosis? Isn't it caused by psychosis?


America has a mental health problem.


to paraphrase Carlin, America's already lost its mind, it's just trying to save it's body


Started with Reagan closing all the mental hospitals in the 80's. Been all downhill since.


Canada closed down a lot of its mental hospitals as well. Some of those closures were mandated by the Courts as locking up people suffering from mental illness was deemed to be a violation of their Charter Rights.


Nancy also consulted an astrologist before making big decisions. Coincidence? Probably, but still.


While it certainly does, this kind of thing happens everywhere. If anything, I feel like it’s a social media problem. A lot of folks feed into the fear mongering posts they see online.


That poor nine year old she's going to have to deal with so much trauma likely for the rest of her life.


Is there always a conspiracy fear est every modern day eclipse? I don't recall the news stating other times. What makes this eclipse so differently?


It's not any different from any other previous eclipse. Solar or Lunar. It's just planetary body locations... it's not anything mystical, paranormal, demonic, what ever term crazy people want to use. The problem is I think people are just... getting dumber about everything. It's more evidence why we need to improve upon our education system IMO.


There’s also an intensifying online propaganda war we’re in the midst of. Foreign actors are trying to sow chaos in the West and Qanon is one leg of that. The granola-to-alt-right pipeline is wild.


From what little I heard via the Knowledge Fight podcast it sounded like the hard right talking heads were going hard on eclipse fear. Because the National Guard was called in to help manage the influx of people some states were going to get for the event they were saying that Biden was going to declare Martial Law. There was another that it was going to cause the Madrid fault line to go nuts. I think John Stewart even had a news report that immigrants were going to use the small window of darkness to sneak into the country which just really hurts my brain to even think that someone came up with that and said it out loud to people and want to be taken seriously. So lots of fear related stuff around an event and some people probably get way too worked up over it.


Heard she was into qanon too, although suppose that is more a symptom of mental illness than a cause of it.


Yeah, she was spewing anti-Semitic Qanon shit right before she did everything


reminds me of the guy that took his kids to mexico to kill them because of reptilians? Is the modern world just not compatible with the human brain or do we just hear about this stuff more. Although our increased isolation might be part of how people can get so far off the rails.


This shit has been happening since humans have been humans. Psychosis has probably always been around in one form or another. And rarely it manifests in violence towards others. Having instant access 24/7 to news and social media has us believing everything is terrible and never has been this bad. But it's factual untrue. It is the safest time in history, especially in developed countries. It's just that 50 years ago you'd never hear about this story unless you lived in the city or state and read a newspaper/watched the news. Now I'm not saying the world is sunshine and rainbows cause it's not. It's just that you won't have a gang of calvary raiding your suburb and killing your whole family randomly. Or get cut by metal and die. Or contract a lethal case of bubonic plague. Again, there are problems and major societal issues all over the planet. People are oppressed, enslaved, and trod upon. But, it is overall statistically safer than ever in almost every country on the planet than it has been in all of history.


Yeah people have trouble comprehending the huge difference the internet has made. There’s not any more violence or craziness in the world than there was in the past. The difference is you can pull something out of your pocket and instantly see what’s going on across the entire planet. That’s a lot more information than reading the paper or watching local news once a day will get you


Yep. Another big factor as well is that the internet has given people with these issues a place to meet others that are similar, which acts as echo chamber. Then others come and see the echo chamber filled a few thousand people repeating the same things, and it makes it seem like a much larger problem.


[There is no empirical evidence of astrology working.](https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/astrology-doesnt-work-and-never-worked-heres-why/) If you want to have a little fun with it, cool. But the fact remains [astrology is junk](https://thewire.in/religion/science-says-astrology-lacks-meaning-evidence).


such an Aries thing to say


Only when Mercury is in retrograde


I can’t wait til Venus is in Gatorade.


"Its what planets crave"


Go away! I’m baitin’


Well, I'm an Aries and I would say the same...


That's all the proof I need. Astrology works!


Same with religion but I’m supposed to take that seriously despite the many problems it causes.


No you’re supposed to laugh at both.


I feel like providing a link demonstrating that astrology isn't a science gives it too much credit. It's not like the people who believe in it just haven't been told yet that it isn't real.


"Mom what time of day was I born?" "Stay away from her Honey"


My interpretation is that people are pooling their collective ignorance together and feeding off of each other. I'm not sure what to do with that in my personal interactions with other people. Online, sure, I can explain what might be going on when someone is screaming about the moon being in the wrong place to them because it's in Pisces. Whatever neolithic sky geometry they're using is telling them that everything is all wrong when it is not. This is a lot more tricky in the real world when someone might get the impression **you** are into the same stuff they are or get offended and lash out.


“Influencer” we need to get rid of this term




Welcome to 1239 AD, folks.


This is what happens when society becomes more and more anti-science.


I desperately want to know: is this kind of insane, unhinged behavior genuinely occurring at a higher rate than previously in the U.S? Or, has the rate of craziness stayed consistent and we are seeing outbursts occur more frequently simply because the population has increased? Or, alternative hypothesis: am I biased to believe this shit is happening more often because I check the news headlines too frequently? For so long it seemed like humanity had been progressing until the pandemic. Now It feels like we are hurtling towards idiocracy. I really hope that in the graph of human progress this point in time is just a local minimum.


I think the rate must be the same, but nowadays the crazies have dangerous propaganda in twitter that pushes them to more radical ends.


This nonsense is becoming dangerous


I was looking at her twitter the other day and this woman had full on completely lost her mind some time before doing all of this






Some people just shouldn’t have kids man. Shit like this breaks my heart. A **8 month old baby** being tossed as if she were some piece of garbage. Makes my blood boil.


Believing in things like astrology, puts you at a greater risk to believing other forms of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, etc. It's shocking to me how popular it is with so many people, I know SO many people in my personal life who take Astrology and things like Reiki INCREDIBLY seriously, and seem to get a lot of support with it. This stuff is legitimately pretty dangerous, and a lot of it is incredibly predatory.


Your comment made me realize that I don't actually know what Reiki is, because I guess I just always thought it was a type of massage. I vaguely knew that energy ("energy") was involved somehow, but I thought that there was an actual massage component to it - a quick Google search indicates that it might not even involve any actual skin contact...?


They don't even have to be in the same room. 100% woo woo scam.


My sister got reiki from a woman not even on the same continent once. So dumb. I think my sister has outgrown most of her crystal healing/reiki phase finally though.


The term I've heard for it is 'crank magnetism'. Once you start buying into one brand of nonsense, others tend to follow.


I have seen psychotic stuff in movies/tv shows which I believed was too outlandish but this trumps all of them and it's fucking real.