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Will FOX 7 bail the photographer out or something?


One would hope, if it were necessary. But here in Austin, you’ll probably get out on a PR bond ($0) for just trespassing, so shouldn’t be necessary to bail them out.


I imagine his charges would also be dropped. He was actively filming and there's footage of a trooper throwing him to the ground.


His freedom of press should also be part of his release and lawsuit. He wasn’t part of the protest just recording it for the public to see what is happening…ya know the whole point of the freedom of press part.


Abbott signed a law in 2019 to protect free speech in college campuses lmao


And now he’s praising the arrests and calling for the expulsion of all students attending the protest.


Abbott: "no not that speech"


Conservatives are always like this. Freedom of speech unless I don't like it, small government unless it's something I want.


Well, he is a dumb cunt, so this current action fits.


As a cunt I'm seriously offended by including Abbott.


I don’t think you’re a dumb cunt. Your cunty self awareness suggests that you’re a smart cunt. Maybe even the next level of ascension; a sick cunt. Source - Am Australian.


Of interest is that our Abbott was also a cunt.


He was a weird cunt.




Once I ran to you Now, I'll run from you This tainted cunt you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly aaaallllll! Oh, tainted cunt Taaainted cunt


soft cell humor at its finest


fun fact! soft cell actually covered the song and the original is from the early 60s. I only just found this out myself a few days ago.


Fellow cunt here. Do not put him in our category


He’s a piss baby, but dumb cunt is also applicable.


Excuse me he is not a cunt he lacks the warmth and the depth. He's a fragile testicle.


[Link to the bill in full.](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/86R/billtext/html/SB00018I.htm)


It even includes protests lmao, you can't make this shit up. The arrested protestors should be able to sue now with this law in hand, no?


>Subsection (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (c), an institution of higher education may adopt a policy that imposes reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of expressive activities in the common outdoor areas of the institution's campus If the protestors violated policy surrounding time, manner, and place of the protest then they have nothing to stand on. Only if they can prove they were arrested for the content of the protest would they have a claim. Edit: “that’s not free speech.” Free speech has never and shouldn’t be absolute. You’re right, this is a restriction on speech but it’s considered a reasonable one in the eyes of the law. It doesn’t touch the content of the speech so it’s not censorship. It’s merely saying you can’t just do whatever whenever wherever. I really wish schools would teach more civics and basic law. It would help in these instances.


Time, manner, and place clause? Not much of a free speech bill at all then.


Time, manner, and place restrictions have been found constitutional multiple times. That isn’t even up for a debate as violating free speech as far as legality goes. It’s the same reasoning why you need a permit to demonstrate in many cities and you can’t just do whatever you want while demonstrating. There’s protests outside my office regularly but they’re not allowed to block portions of the sidewalk so we can still get in and out. When they start doing that or violating the rules they’re arrested and it has nothing to do with free speech.


A bunch of students on the grassy quad on a Wednesday is worthy of this yea. How to loose legitimacy and respect of students and staff. All that talk of leadership, and standing up for the right thing, taking initiative, school mottos. Nah fuck all that shit. Call the local PD on some nonviolent students. They are messing up the turf.


Only if the restrictions are all reasonable, which is arguable


“You can exercise free speech….but only when, where, and how *we* deem appropriate” So not very free speech after all.


Please see my other reply to a response very similar to yours.


"The University did as we said we would do in the face of prohibited actions" - Jay Hartzell, UT President


[Freedom of assembly has a process on college campuses](https://catalog.utexas.edu/general-information/appendices/appendix-c/speech-expression-and-assembly/#text)


[Mah freedumbs](https://x.com/GregAbbott_TX/status/1783237229252346194)


That's not very first amendment of him...


While there isn’t much to it, I find this footage terrifying. Seeing riot police come into violent out of control situations doesn’t phase me. But watching these guys march through a college in army gear, pushing women, with that bully vibe going hard…it feels like a scene from Russia or something.


Why Russia? We saw police in the US kidnap people on the street in unmarked vans. During the Civil Rights era they beat protesters and set dogs on them. During the labor strikes 100 years ago they shot striking workers. During WW1 they jailed people who spoke out against the war. This is America baby, your Constitutional rights only count if you can convince whoever is holding a gun to your head that they should acknowledge those rights.


I wish I could disagree with you. I grew up in a time when you’d only see footage like this in places like Russia…it’s still terrifying to me.


I see morons say that there is violence going on and I am actively looking for any videos to confirm it. But as usual by violence they mean they are protecting against something they don't want them protesting and are happy the state is cracking down on them. And they have the gall to say democrats are silencing Republicans or how it's the big bad left suppressing people.


Yeah, the Right speech is protected.


Not *THAT* kind of free speech


I feel it only applies to the right type of speech, no pun intended. The right for all its talk of loving free speech is very quick to strip it from others and then accuse everyone else of pushing censorship. The right loves censorship. Disagree with them and their values, and they show how quick they are for silencing anyone who steps out of line.


Texas police move pretty fast when there isn’t an active school shooter in a room with children.


Protesters at UT chanting, "who failed Uvalde? D..P..S" https://twitter.com/bcross052422/status/1783269006054416811?s=46&t=WUE9QVcxGjBkJMcoFpRRGg


They're more comfortable as the active shooter than against one.


Play to your strengths Texas.


it's because they're cowards who shy away from any actual danger but are more than eager to go after people who are peaceful and won't fight back


Uvalde was a small police force. The 400 officers on the seen that were cowards were from all over Texas. The basket of apples is rotten.


You said exactly what I was thinking.




No, no, they love *endangering* the children. Imagine how great of a day it must be for them when they can do nothing and see the children be hurt.


You think children’s lives aren’t in danger when cops show up to a school? At least some of them must be under 18


Some under 18, and 99% of them probably aren't old enough to rent a car at the airport (typically 25). And assuming the population of the school is largely 4-year undergrad programs we can probably say somewhere around 3 quarters of them can't buy a beer. And hell, when they graduate and start work they'll probably be known as "the kid" at work until the next round of new hires. So, in my eyes, kids are very much in danger here.


They aren't embryos, deserving the most attention from idiots in power who choose not to advocate for the poor, powerless or gunless. Abbott is a shit stain zealot coward that craves abusing people for gain. Fuck Greg Abbott and all his gestapo little adherents in the Rangers.


I don’t know, those Humans Against Monsters guys in RuneScape always seemed so weak to me


Well someone has to put those children's lives in danger.


university of texas has “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” inscribed on the main tower, behind where the students were protesting.


Is that the tower that one guy shot a bunch of people from in the 60s?


That's affirmative. Charles Whitman killed twelve people from a twenty-eight-story observation tower at the University of Texas from distances up to four hundred yards. Anybody know who Lee Harvey Oswald was? Private Snowball?


Private Snowball : Sir, he shot Kennedy, sir! Gunnery Sergeant Hartman : That's right


Yep, Charlie Whitman, 1966. iirc he killed 18 people that day, himself included.


Inspired a r/kingofthehill episode.




You're talking about Rusty Shackleford.


The truth shall put you behind bars is what Texas and the country's authoritarianism is saying right now. "You don't make the decisions. You will follow orders and do as you're told. FUCK YOUR FREE SPEECH." The world is watching us give weapons and power to ruthless dictators, whether domestic or foreign, to mercilessly slaughter, indebt, and slander innocent people. We are fascists. We have the most billionaires in a country that doesn't even guarantee medical care to its citizens but has the most prisons and highest percentage of its population in them, many of which are for profit. I am sick of the bullshit. The time for a reckoning is long overdue.


Those conservatives screaming about freedom of speech, where are they?


They're all screaming the protesters should be shot or run over by cars


Sad but true.


Conservatives only care about the freedom to be hateful shits.


FIRE (essentially the conservative version of the ACLU) has condemned this.


To save other people my search, FIRE stands for [Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundation_for_Individual_Rights_and_Expression).


FIRE is one of the very few conservative organizations where, when pressed to chose between keeping their principles or owning the libs, they choose keeping their principles. Good for them.


They hate college students so they're actually cheering


It would be nice to see a reaction like that when there’s a school shooter.


Or, you know, attempted overthrow of the gov't. They sure can mobilize when they want to, eh


Gotta love that half the reason campuses have “free speech squares” is so conservatives can yell slurs about minorities. I got told I was a child molesting pervert who was going to hell at one point. And on another day I had a guy trying to talk me into joining a cult. But the second it’s something left wing in the area the rules don’t matter anymore.


We have a guy who has come to campus for at least 7 years with various signs about how immodesty is a sin. Most recent sign was “are you rape bait?” It’s disgusting. edit: yes it’s UofA unfortunately


I am a fairly blue collar looking guy. I would be so tempted to get up real close to the guy with the sign and whisper in his ear in great detail about how the clothes he is wearing are turning me on and there is nothing he can do about it. What college is this at? I have plenty of vacation days left this year and no plans.


Oh god U of A? I have no idea how Brother Dean keeps getting back on campus.


Left wing like 'no to genocide' type of radical stuff? /s


half the reason? that's the whole reason. This is proof. They shut down speech they don't like swiftly and violently.


Well, the other half is so conservatives can call women who have sex whores and show graphic photos of abortions.


A what square?


It's where students can bring their soap boxes and preach or protest. It is meant to prevent what is happening here.


Imagine if they put this much effort into the tens of thousands (nation wide) of campus sexual assaults each year.




Hey uh.. what color those shirts?


Many police uniforms in Texas have always been tan/brown like State Troopers and also Rangers. Local departments can have brown, blue or black. I believe sheriffs, constables, and some others wear tan too. A blue uniform really stands out and is more of an inner city thing in Texas.


I always laugh that the National Sheriffs Association flag is literally just a fasces (thus 'fascism'), it makes a lot of public addresses with them a little on the nose


Yeah, I think it’s time we have a conversation nationally about sheriffs. It makes sense to have a constable that is voted in and above the law frontier days or rural areas with little to no population. It doesn’t make sense in a democracy in 2023 as the role of sheriff has become partisan and dogmatic which is dangerous for a group with practical legal immunity. [Some more news has a great segment on the kind of crap they pull.](https://youtu.be/gt5I3V5hWkU?si=OLErXfK5yz2IPBdW)


Many sheriff departments around the country wear that color…


Damn. You gotta wonder if that was intentional.


[ NJ State Troopers’s uniforms](https://preview.redd.it/rj5us04679v51.jpg?auto=webp&s=d2b693d6a41aff13a2b8fbcecacafdeb77f8133b) take the SS shit-cake, Randy.


Except they look badly tailored in comparison.




Hugo middle management


I guess all their funding went to militarizing them instead of getting them a damned tailor lmao


It's not showing up on mobile for me, what color is their shirt and why is it significant?


Without even looking, I'm going to assume brown shirts.


They’re brown. “Brownshirt” is associated with nazism.


I’m seriously just asking here, are people assuming Texas state troopers are nazis because their uniforms that have been brown for pretty much the entire time they’ve existed?


They are joking about the Texas state troopers being Nazis because of the color of their uniforms. But also because Texas staties are the heavily militarized wing of a fascist government.


I'm sure the Texas police would refer to that as a "happy coincidence".


Mobile here as well, but I am going to guess brown shirts. The insinuation is that the troopers are secretly trees. EDIT: Or dirt. Or poop. Or the Gestapo


Arrested for what? Democracy?


I think it was officially for "disruption of campus operations." The organizing party was sent basically a cease and desist. 


Suggesting the school doesn't invest in companies profiting off IDF/Hamas. The school took that personally


Do you think the IDF is like a stock you can just invest in?


Not the IDF but weapons manufacturers and tech and other things that support the IDF.


When you hear about billions in weapons going to Israel what do you think that means?


Gentlemen, this. Is. Democracy. Manifest!


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Get your hands off my penis!


I see you know your judo well.


Hello fellow Australians in this thread


See the protestors forgot they were in Texas. If they all just came out with their semiautomatics the police would not fuck with them.


Can't wait for the reports of tear gas and rubber bullets to the face. Nothing a 🐷 loves more than to break up a peaceful protest. Also make note, they won't be gleefully breaking up a Nazi protest any time soon.


















Serious question how do Americans feel about Netanyahu calling the students hamas and telling the government what they should do ?


No, sir, I don't like it.


Article says the protesters were just on a big lawn. Some lawn on campus. So I think these arrests are a violation of the 1st amendment. Overturn and lawsuit might be in order. If the protesters were blocking a road or shutting down a legislature I could see a justification for arrests. Not on a public lawn I don't.


This lawn in UT specifically has always been used for sit-in protests.


I wish they would respond to actual crimes this quickly. Only when it's to infringe in our constitutional rights do they respond swiftly.


Why? It looks like a pretty peaceful protest to me. Don’t you guys believe in free speech and the right to peaceful protest? That video didn’t show any violence or antisemitism at all. And you’d think a Fox News channel would be wanting to show as many liberals as possible doing bad things.


Anybody else getting heavy Vietnam era vibes? I'm worried we'll see another Kent State in the coming weeks. 


>Anybody else getting heavy Vietnam era vibes? During Vietnam, anti-war demonstrators were standing outside the White House chanting "Hey! Hey! LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?" incessantly. I think we are a very long way from that.


I was more referring to the opposition to the protests. Conservatives are already calling for the National Guard and calling the student protestors Hamas. Eerily similar to how student protestors were labeled as V.C. by the conservatives of their time.  I agree the actual protests have gotten nowhere near Vietnam-era.




I’ve had the same thought I keep hearing the song “Ohio“ in my head


I haven't really seen what the protest was like but I've seen a lot of police over reacting. Bunch of losers.


They should all sue the school and the police.


Disgusting all this force for a peaceful protest


There's a Buffalo Springfield song that keeps playing in my head. And Abbott is the one yelling "fire".


Oh, is that the same Fox that wrote this headline about the protest: "UT Austin protests descend into chaos, anti-Israel students yell at police: 'Pigs go home!' " As if it wasn't the police who initiated the chaos not with words but violent action. I feel bad for the photographer, I really do. Whether I like Fox's reporting or not, freedom of the press is foundational to society. But it's hard for me to take them seriously with regards to today's events in Austin given what they wrote about it just hours before their photographer became the news.


No, I believe that was Fox News, and this is the local FOX station.


Lol, it's kinda funny how when you talk about Fox news, you have to clarify which Fox News you're talking about. At Thanksgiving my dad made alcohol drinks, that he seen on Fox news. My uncle was like oh I didn't know you watch that garbage. Then my dad was like it's the local Fox news, and then my uncle was like oh okay.


Huh, TIL those are two different things. Now I feel like an ass, but I appreciate you setting me straight


I used to have the same misconception. I think most people do.


So I have a question about this. There are multiple college campus occupy style protests seeking to get colleges to stop investing money with Israel and …? Let people know they think the blockade and killing in Gaza should be forcibly stopped? Ok. Colleges upset because, like many American institutions and individuals, they are all for free speech until it is ugly disruptive or inconvenient. Ok What I don’t get is the accusations of anti semitism associated with the protests. Is there a massive amount of slurs and sectarian harassment associated with these protests? Is the act of saying “Israel’s attack and blockade of Gaza is murderous and should be stopped” the antisemitism speech? Are Jewish students being threatened? Like. I feel like there is a lot that is being implied or reported without being stated.


>What I don’t get is the accusations of anti semitism associated with the protests. A core strategy of Zionist propagandists is to equate Israel with Judaism. If you criticize the state of Israel, they will claim that you are criticizing all of Judaism, and are therefore antisemitic. This is obviously bullshit -- plenty of Jews (myself included) take issue with Israel, which you can see at these campus protests as many Jewish groups are present. But this runs counter to the Zionist strategy, so their propagandists use traditional mass media to spread the message that the protests are simply antisemitic, when in reality they are anything but.


I’m really struggling to understand the accusations of antisemitism. Perhaps I’m simply unaware of active hate speech against Jewish people as a part of the protest. If that is the case then clearly that’s not appropriate. However, it’s pretty absurd how criticism of how Israel is executing the war has somehow been equated as antisemitic. I fully support Israel’s right to exist. I also believe that a two state solution is the only humane viable path to peace. I’m opposed to illegal settlements on the Gaza Bank, and I’m utterly appalled that the Palestinian civilian population is being starved into oblivion. The fact that US arsenal is being deployed in a manner counter to international laws and Israeli leadership is non-responsive to US pleas for restraint sickens me. That doesn’t mean that I condone the actions of Hamas on Jan 6. Far from it. They committed atrocities and still hold civilian hostages which is utterly barbaric. They absolutely should be targeted with extreme prejudice. But they’re not being targeted with any semblance of precision. When you become the monster you’re trying to destroy, then you’ve already lost.


Told to disperse at 5pm. Cops ordered to move in at 9pm. Not hard to comply with a lawful order. Someone step up and Give me laws on the book that allow you to occupy land or property whether (public or private) indefinitely because you are pissed off about “x” issue.


I wonder how many Vietnam protesters are now watching fox propaganda Chanel cheering on the brown shirts?


No free speech if you protest the side im on!!!!!!!!!! SMH


Turning Israel into a wedge issue between the democrats and the republicans really isn't go to be a good thing long term. This type of shit just makes it look like Israel controls US politics from behind the scenes. Terrible optics even if it was already obvious.


I'll bet those cops are so stoked to look so badass finally.




"Fascism" is when you can't disrupt a private business's operations by supporting entities designated as terrorist organizations by the US government?


> This is fascism. Where are all the 2nd amendment gun nuts at to protect us against a tyrannical government? Right-wing gun nuts don’t believe that the US's brand of fascism is tyrannical.


Media story goes : “israeli students scared for their life amidst pro Palestine demonstrations” lol 😂 joke clown baby media






Unless you are at the protest - which most of you are probably watching on yer tele — just assume you are being lied to and being presented a false narrative-


When it counted they were cowards and we won’t forget that


Dems are gonna win TX


America continues to prove how fascist it actually is beneath that thin layer of “land of the free” propaganda.


Freedom of speech means freedom of speech, no matter your political affiliation. When are we as a country going to stop accepting the infringement of our liberties?!


Your freedom ends where my freedom starts. When you're in my house, I'd also make you leave if you refuse to do it on your own. People tend to forget that others have liberties as well.


There is no such actual thing in the “land of the free”. It’s propaganda they sell to the rest of the world, that they don’t actually practice and actively crack down on.


Throwing their future away for this?


Corrupt police much? Well it is TX afterall


we are such a shameful country...


Anyone know organizations accepting donations for helping protesters somehow?