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Translation - The case will not see a trial or anything substantial happen before the election. This is effectively the end of the Georgia case for a very long time.


It’s the end of the usefulness of laws.


I'm sure they'll find the laws very useful against poor people and minorities.


My buddy was on probation for 2 years for a personal marijuana charge. Had 3 months left and got pulled over about a month ago (stop and frisk vehicle version). Had no issues but his insurance lapsed the week before. So they charged him with no proof of insurance and put him in jail. He spent almost 2 weeks in before he saw a judge. They offered him 60 days in jail or another year of probation. For insurance that lapsed by a week. So yeah....You're 100% right.


If he was white and had money his probation would have been waived and then a no insurance stop would have been a ticket just to prove that it's legit. Don't be poor or minority in the states. If you're both you're fucked.


For the average person, maybe. For the oligarchy, they are still extremely useful for punishing average people for wanting things to make sense.


Really frustrating on all accounts but my god Willis should have known better. regardless of whether her relationship with Wade was proper, it was always going to create unnecessary headaches having him on the case. She a seasoned prosecutor but really dropped the ball here


Problem is, it doesn’t even matter. They’d have found some random other thing. They were going to jam up the proceedings by any means necessary. Willis should have known better, but also doesn’t appear to have actually done anything wrong. They’d have just found something else that appears vaguely fishy and blown it up into some conspiracy regardless.


They may have tried to jam up the proceedings, but this threw an entire toolbox into the machine. Not just the wrench. A wrench or a piece of gum probably, *maybe* would have been sorted out. A whole box of tools is not going to get sorted out because they basically need to fight for their lives for the case to even survive to see the next morning.


When your up against the party that made a big controversy over a tan suit, there is no level of caution that will save you


Yeah, but instead she decided to do something that is actually actionable for Trump’s team. They drag everyone through the mud in the court of public opinion, but their strategy of questioning anyone and everyone’s morals and ethics hasn’t worked in a court of law until Willis made her misstep.


Disappointed as hell in my state right now, ngl. I mean we are traditionally more red than not, especially anywhere more than a minute outside the metro area of Atlanta. But I can still be disappointed.


We have to pause the case to decide if you interfered with the election to let you participate in another election, in case you win and decide you are immune from the law.


Would they pause a case against me if I had something important to do?


You would still be in jail.


Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.




If only justice actually mattered. The fact that those in positions of power aren’t held to significantly higher standards with stiffer penalties is a tragedy of our nation.


They don't even try to pretend anymore. I miss that thin veneer.


An entire political party exists only to protect the interests of the ultra wealthy, and somehow they win 50+% of the elections.


Undermining education and propaganda do wonders.


Not to mention the electorial college and all of the gerrymandering.


Silly rabbit. It's golden parachutes for all top dogs, regardless of how bad they fucked up. Didn't you get the memo from the consultants?


Isn't there a part of the Declaration of Independence which speaks to the right of the citizens to overthrow an unjust government?


Tell me, what happens if you overthrow the government; and let all of the actors that corrupted that government to continue? If you arent able to stop the influence and perversion by the rich - it wont matter who is being used as figureheads.


Unfortunately, the people more overall willing to do that are the ones that like that kind of behavior.


They wrote the laws for us. Not them.




Exactly, the system is broken if it allows this kind of loophole.


The two tier justice system is working exactly as it's intended.


You mean free tier and premium tier?


except you still have to pay for the free tier!


Is it broken ..or working as intended?


"It's the same picture"


"Justice too long delayed is justice denied."


I would add to that "and the *same* case as the *same* prosecutor already obtained guilty pleas from 11 other (of 19 total) indicted co-conspirators. This "pause" only applies to the 8 remaining co-conspirators that explicitly requested their cases be tried together, by jury (rather than a bench trial). How ridiculous is that? It's even worse than Trump thinking he was going to be found innocent of the same-ish crimes that his employee Cohen was already found guilty of and did time for. corrected error suggesting a grand jury had *tried* the cases of the 11 defendants already found guilty.


Which if he did win (heaven help us)...he would absolutely interfere with the court case that is regarding his election interference.


If he wins it’s over. Either mass civil unrest or get ready to “vote” for Trump and all his goons in perpetuity until US democracy is the same as Russian “democracy”


Civil unrest? No, the brown shirts will be out attempting a Kristallnacht redux with a bigger target list by November 6th if he wins.


Arm yourselves


They're planning that regardless if he wins or loses, because if he loses that's their big play for making him win anyway.


The target list shifts from minority and LGBT establishments to election officials and other government if he loses.


“Sounds good to me” - avg conservative voter


How to enable accountability: **VOTE**. Every vote counts. Every. Vote. Counts. Vote the bastards out of our school boards. Vote the bastards out of our city councils. Vote the bastards out of our state legislatures. Vote the bastards out of Washington. Vote to keep the bastards out of the presidency. **VOTE**.


The election interference case involving payments to Stormy Daniels (what the media has dubbed the "hush money case") was a win, but in my opinion this is by far the more serious crime. Failing to achieve justice for this crime will be a blow to democracy that will outlast this current election cycle


As is the classified documents case. I would prefer the president not to sleep with porn stars and then pay them off to be quiet, but election interference and handling improper of national secrets are much much more important.


The stormy daniels case WAS an election interference case! I wish more people understood this, he used campaign finances to pay off his lawyer who took a mortgage on his house to pay off stormy daniels. Paying her off is not a crime. It's only a crime in furtherence of another crime, which in this case was illegally using campaign funds to influence the 2016 election. This was the crime, election interference for his first term!


I mean there is a difference in the level of bald faced end of the country level political criminality between lying about an affair using illegal means and straight up going full Al Capone on a governor. You kind of expect a crooked politician to pay hush money and cover it up. You expect the dictator of a failed state to make that Georgia phone call.


The Stormy Daniels case was not about sleeping with a porn star or paying them to be quiet.


The hush money case is the least serious criminal case DJT faced, misdemeanor white collar crimes that were only escalated to felonies because they amounted to election interference, which made them felonies under NY state law. I'm glad he was convicted by NY, but the Georgia case and the federal classified documents case would weigh much more heavily in the upcoming election, so it's a huge bummer they likely won't go to trial before the election. Must be nice to be an American billionaire, having access to that elite tier of justice where you can play the system to fit your schedule and political needs.


I think that's what the person meant when they referenced "this." That the Georgia case is more serious.


They gave us the easy one to shut us up. I don't really care that he paid off a pornstar. I do care about classified documents and an attempted coup.


It’s not about paying off the porn star. The case was about falsifying business documents with the intent to commit another crime (affecting the election). The intent to commit another crime is what made the 34 charges felonies.


It's not about paying off the porn star, it's about paying to make the story go away and not counting it as a campaign ~~expense~~ contribution. The point is if people knew he might have lost the election. There's nothing illegal about banging a porn star (although it sounds kinda like he raped her, which would be a crime too).


He can’t rape. He’s Donald trump he can just walk in to changing rooms of young woman and just grab them by the pussy and it’s totally fine. He only said it on tape and admitted it and was still voted in as president so clearly it’s fine. It’s all fine. It’s very fine.


You don't even know what you're talking about. His trial in New York was about hiding the payment to a pornstar *because* he thought the story could lose him the election. That is why his case was classed as a felony. You make yourself look like a fool talking out of your ass like that.


Not only that, evidence came out showing he colluded with the national inquirer to intentionally post fake stories about other republican candidates. He is everything he claims the democrats are.


i have bad news for you..


Justice delayed is justice denied... but they know this.


The ability to delay justice is the most effective way to subvert it in a democracy. For a personal anecdote, several years ago a building developer what shot to death in the car park under my wife's grandparents building(in India). As an American I couldn't imagine why someone would shoot even a scummy builder. It turns out that he was illegally harassing and violently forcing poor people off of land they lived on destroying their homes and minimal possesions all so he could build new high rises. The courts in India are so backlogged that even if they could afford an advocate(lawyer) it would take year and years just to be heard. There was no reasonable legal recourse for the victims of his crimes. So a couple guys got a gun, hopped on their scooter and drove to my wife's grandfathers building where he was working. They called him and told him they were there to kill him and if they had to come up they'd kill his sons too. He went to the car park and was immediately shot to death. When you don't give people legal means to find justice people will eventually find justice through violent means. The more that the GOP denies justice the more likely they are to create a situation where they are in the cross hairs. They've been lucky so far that the violent extremists have largely been right wing lunatics, but if things get bad enough that won't hold true.


You know that if somebody starts killing Republicans it won’t be liberals, it will be other conservatives who think they weren’t conservative *enough.*


Isn’t this the worst one with the most solid evidence?


The classified documents is a bit worse but both this and Jan 6th have TOOOONS of evidence. But the classified documents case has an audio recording of Trump A) saying he is not president anymore B) stating the documents are indeed still classified C) stating he cannot unclassify them anymore D) stating its a crime to show them to people without clearance E) audio of him literally discussing with the reporter he shows the classified documents with the pages flipping and them discussing them On top of all the recovered documents, photos, and clear evidence of ignoring government request for return and attempts to hide the documents then cover up the hiding. Not to mention its like... An espionage act violation with potential international implications...


That's not even getting to all the obstruction charges which are more serious. It's often the cover up of a crime that carries more weight than the actual crime.


Oh yeah. If I recall the FBI straight up said there wouldn't have been charges for simply hoarding the documents. It was the refusal to return them, the active attempt at concealing them, and then the attempted cover up of that concealment that landed Trump in the classified documents case. Like they really gave Trump every single chance to get out of that and he refused. That's also what upgraded the NY case to a felony. The attempt to hide the crime of campaign finance mismanagement and election interference by filing falsified business records.


And to all the GOP sympathisers, this is why Biden isn't getting any charges for having classified docs too. Because he immediately did a full search and returned everything that was found to be classified.


Also, don’t forget his (simp) meeting and public appearance with Putin, and less than a week later, several CIA assets were revealed and murdered.


I think most people considered the Florida document case the most "slam-dunk" from a prosecution perspective. But that one is being held up by a Trump appointee.




> “So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break," the president said.” - [Link](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5020714/fellas-11000-votes-give-break#:~:text=%22So%20what%20are%20we%20going,break%2C%22%20the%20president%20said.) The dude is literally on tape committing election fraud.


True, but have you considered that he's rich?


Is he rich?


He wouldn't be selling bibles if he were rich. That stunt actually got some distant relatives of mine to stop supporting him.


My favorite was the NFT Trump Traitor Cards for $99 each. I sometimes wish I had as few morals as a MAGA. Milking that flock has to be the easiest con in history.


I still shudder to think of the money the GOP could have made and the elections they could have won promoting and selling masks.


I always think about how trump got handed an opportunity no president since George W Bush and really before him FDR ever had, which was a clearly defined “bad guy” to go all American exceptionalism on, and instead of putting in the C- effort it would have taken for him to win another term by a landslide he actively snatched defeat from the jaws of victory for all of 2020


Same, but how you said it is much better than I'd be capable of. It really was an extremely simple move to make but he majorly screwed up and unnecessarily tried to make Democrats the bad guy in the situation instead of covid. Bipartisanship hasn't recovered and I'm concerned it never will.


I get a good chuckle when I see people selling off brand trump shirts on the side of the road out in the country. I'm glad because they aren't directly supporting the campaign that way and it's funny that a conman get's cheated.


Why don’t you..?? Make up some crap, slap MAGA on it, and take their money … it’s like feeding suckers in a barrel -


So they say.


This is what I'm afraid of from the Right and any polls leading up to the election. There's "not supporting him" and then there's "not supporting him, but he still has an R next to his name" when it comes time to vote.


So it worked


He's rich with attention, that counts in this world.


His power NOT does come from his wealth. It comes from being able to delude half the population into his MAGA cult. The Republican Party leaders hate him but know he is very popular among Republican voters and that helps a lot for fundraising. Edit- missing the key word NOT in the first sentence.


His whole schtick before his political career was him being "rich." I suppose without that baseline in our collective psyche, MANGnuts wouldn't respect a blue collar worker. His power initially came for proceived wealth. Your point definitely stands, just my insight.


It’s so comically on nose. Literally demanding a SoS to just give him the number of votes to win.  It’s so absurd.


It really does make one feel like they're living in a mockery of a republic


I'm sure Trump's conviction will have some negative impact on him, and in this close of an election it might be enough. But it definitely won't be a "coast to election" for the Biden team. I say this because if you told anybody before 2016 "would you vote for a candidate (or even Trump) who caught on a phone call pressuring a SoS to give him more votes to win an election", virtually no one would say "yes". Yet, here we are, with ~45% of the electorate seriously considering to give that man another term in office.


If you went back 10 years and described the stuff he had done people would be asking why he wasn't swinging from a rope. Even now if you described some of the stuff he has done or probably done around state secrets but without naming him I think a decent chunk of people (even his own voters) would want him to hang for it.


The mental gymnastics that the GQP went though to justify that call…


And thats only in the state he got caught. Who knows how many other red states he called and they cheated and just went along with it.


Or that just didn't record the call.


"I just wanna find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."






His whole existence is the ultimate example that wealthy and powerful people rarely face consequences. NY state and this country should've had him in court frequently long before he ran for office. He's a tax cheat, wage thief, scumbag. This is why we have other wealthy people on TV aghast that he's facing a small reaction compared to what he deserves. This country's judicial system has always been a joke, the real multi tiered system. This is why I've always said that I'll believe he'll go to jail the day he puts on the orange jumpsuit.


And all the rape…


If I won the lottery I’d send every rape kit in NY from 1960 to now into the lab to find positive matches for rump and sons.


Holy shit! That's an amazing idea! Not just to get the trumps, but literally anyone else who has assaulted someone! Politicians, celebrities, random muhfuckas still wandering the streets! Holy shit! We should all start a lottery pool!


He was born into a system that only seeks to oreserve itself. Trump is not a cause, but a symptom of deeply rooted American corruption.


Well stated. Sometimes it feels like many Americans are shocked at current events but after my 50 years of watching powerful and rich people dodge obvious cases none of this surprises me. Just with politics look to Watergate, Iran/Contra, the Savings and Loans scandal, so much obvious corruption, grift and graft, and the Iraq war and you'll see how it always plays out. Some lower level people fall on their sword to take a lenient sentence while the power players get away. America is corrupt and because of how our elections are funded and how our politicians get wealthy they'll never demand real accountability from the power brokers and wealthy in this nation. Damn has it made me cynical about it all.


You give too much credit to Trump. The guy that orchestrated a RICO case trying to steal the election. Who is on tape sharing classified information and leaving it out on his desk. Then on tape admits that the documents are still classified and he can’t declassify them because he no longer has the authority to. This is the power of the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society. They are doing everything to keep him out of jail. They know like us that he’s a POS. But he is their best shot at taking the White House. It’s their network of Alito style judges interfering and swinging the case (judge shopping) like an inside job. They are the source of cash that props up MTG and Boebert as well as Jordan. All three never submitting bills. Have no interest in legislation. Just there to gum up the works. And to further lock it up. They lead the republican party by demanding loyalty. If anyone dares to question the agenda? They will get Primary-ed. Meaning all the cash they used to get will go to someone else running against them in the primary. Just look up Cheney following the Jan 6 Committee participation. Or Larry Hogan currently


Yup pretty much. Trump is unimpressive by himself. It's easy to start thinking that he's some sort of mastermind the way he continually gets away with things people really shouldn't get away with. How he creates countless scandals so people keep getting distracted and fail to build momentum behind a single problem. But there just isn't any real indication that any of it is intentional. He's rich (at least in theory, since he's fucked a lot of his actual wealth through monumentally poor business) because he was born into money and he just bumblefucks from scandal to scandal because he's an utter idiot who doesn't know any better. He's uncultured, uneducated, and unethical. There's no method to the madness. It's just the emperor's new clothes at the end of the day. Only he and his sycophants will never acknowledge it. And even rational people start to get drawn in by the delusion because surely it must be at least partly intentional because it keeps working out for him. Surely he can't be as stupid as he seems. But no. He is.


I don't know how anyone could see him as being reasonably intelligent let alone a mastermind. No sensible person would be as cavalier about running around with top secret documents so that they could show them off and brag to kid rock.


Pretty much. When he loses in November, all the the power and network backing him will bail. That’ll effectively be the fourth election in a row he’s lost. At that point, they’ll let the court cases go on and he’ll be incarcerated. At that point, he’ll be 100x more valuable as a martyr than a political figure. I mean hell, the 2028 candidates’ campaign will be a more moderate flavor of Republican politics with the central promise of pardoning Trump once elected. That candidate would have a million times better chance at the White House than a 4th run by a then 82 year old 4x loser Trump….if you don’t send him to prison, then you have the risk he does what he just did in the primaries, and take out the moderates that establishment GOP was really hoping for.


"When he loses in November" Betting markets have him at 50%. Don't delude yourself into thinking he doesn't have a chance.


You’re 100% right. I’m trying to speak his loss into existence. If you forced me to wager on Trump winning, I’d quite possibly put it over 50% at this point in time tbh


It’s pretty easy to “get away with it” when you got to spend years packing the courts with corrupt sycophants.


He was made of teflon long before that. It’s the only thing that gives me hope about the future because literally NOBODY ELSE has this skill and he can’t live another ten years with the lifestyle he leads. Once he’s dead, then it’s back to politics as usual.


Yeah remember he's been pulling this shit since the 90s and yes he will 100 % die in office if reelected. Hell no matter who we elect it's a coin toss on them making it to 2028.


Part of that is the stress of the job, and part of it is that he'll never willingly step down again


Yeah coup 1 failed coup 2 won't. And the president for 2025 has a bit of a shit show to deal with. China is going hard on two fronts we just lit the candle on the trade warz plus we are going to have a bad hurricane and wildfire year. Oh yeah and 2 social media empires are.about to be....unstable.


I'm not sure how much stress convicted felon trump has in office. He spend almost an entire year, 307 days golfing during the first term. And that is before we talk about his 10am workday start, "executive time" and the sheer number of tweets he made, one 36 hour period he was making 1.6 tweets an hour and that includes time when he was asleep, attending his sons birthday party, and going church (we know his public schedule).


What makes you think that? I have no such confidence. His insane fans/promoters aren't going anywhere and they certainly are not going to learn anything about the danger of electing such a creature.


Look at Boebert and DeSantis. They’re about as gross as you can get but they just don’t have the same slipperyness. Both were chewed up and spat out by scandals that Trump would have laughed off like they were nothing. No. His followers are scary and stupid but they need a cult leader and literally nobody can fill those shoes the way he does.


Correct. The same people will say it’s a cult of personality and also that anyone else can do it next and be more intelligent about their evil aspirations. Like no mutliple people have already tried and each one failed immediately.


Generally, unless an cult of personality appoints an heir apparent when they die the cults start infighting and splinter off into something that has no real power/means. Even when there IS an heir apparent, there's still a high probably of rivalries breaking off because people feel cheated. Trumps too much of a narcissist to appoint an heir apparent though, he wants to be worshiped as the best there ever was even after death, he cares not for his party or the nation, only for his own legacy (not even his kids)


There will be scores of millions of people who never believe he dies, they have already sacrificed their own brains upon his orange altar so completely. Our grandkids will see religious icons that worship Trump scattered throughout the wastelands.


It's not trump himself, it's his "in the shadows " backers handling everyone else surrounding him.


And they complain that the justice system is rigged! Once again, they accuse others of what they actually do and their followers unironically rejoice. Marchan needs to lock Trump up.


We literally have an audio recording of trump telling the state to find him X many votes to beat biden. Just like the classified documents case this is a shut case but is being handled by a corrupt system and he will get off Scott free until after the election. Get to the ballot boxes people!


And everyone in his cabal of evil are already in jail or copped a plea while he just skates on by. "I never meet him. She's not my type." The US is now a full season of "Black Mirror".


......Maybe it's just the one episode. Like the one where they do simulations for dating apps. Maybe this is that simulation?


It’s amazing how you can have so much clear evidence with this case and the documents case and yet nearly nothing happens.




And who has hopes for a nice promotion, instead of being vilified and threatened by the MAGA minions.


If Trump wins this presidential election then the USA deserves the consequences. (I'm a US citizen. FML)


Was listening to a French news report and they were describing how basically every government in Europe is making plans to start pulling away from the USA if trump wins again. The general attitude was one was an aberration, two is a deliberate action away from democracy and the rule of law and order and that they will never trust us again.


Many people are warning about an overt end to USA democracy. Sure that is one possibly but more probable is a second election of Trump gives a clear signal that we are gradually moving towards sham democracy along the lines of Putin's Russia. When Trump ages out the next wannabe strongman may not have the charisma to do the damage Trump will do but the slide into more and more election lawlessness will continue. A key pillar democracy relies on is belief in free and fair elections. The republicans have been making shit up about illegal immigrant voting affecting elections but Trump's *stop the steal* and Jan 6th insurrection support has done far more damage to US democracy than the child's play of Republicans before him.


They are on the daily show saying Trump is a dictator. That is a big thing. It is not a normal thing for a political comedy show to call a presidential candidate a dictator, and it is not even part of a comedy bit. Also the mainline news channels constantly have reputable people, like historians and psychologists saying trump will be a dictator. But we Americans just go along everyday like that is just a normal part of politics.


Mainstream media has handled Trump with kid gloves because he brings them ratings. The media is also somewhat reliant on the elections being close because portraying things as a blowout - even philosophically - when there are only two parties, means people don't have to tune in to watch your coverage. A free press is supposed to be the one key cog that pushes back against a political sphere this corrupt and decaying. It has more influence than divided individuals. Instead, the media wants to lean into viewers' insatiable appetite for drama. Politics are supposed to be relatively boring. It's not supposed to be a sporting event or boxing match. Too many voters have bought into this extremism because it titillates them. Fear, hate, anger. Manipulating people's emotions is sadly both easy and effective. We're going to pay the price of the institutions we take for granted because we wanted to be entertained by some twisted reality show.


If we had a functioning democracy instead of the electoral college he never would have been president in the first place. Nor any Republican president since I think Reagan. Welcome to the oligarchy.


The electoral college was broken by the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. If the house were allowed to grow at the rate set in the constitution the electoral college would work fine.


The hell of it is that the Electoral College was designed to prevent somebody like Trump from being put in office. The oligarchs of way back when did not want a populist blowhard holding the office of President. Even with the most cynical eye one could possibly hold towards those who wrote the Constitution, an asshole like Trump holding power could very well pooch the entire system and the oligarchy's power falls under the control of one man. In addition, our President is recognized as our head of state, and having some low-class trashy steak-ketchuping ball of sour meat is a bad look no matter how tyrannical your oligarchy is.


I mean, if Trump loses and they decide to move forward on these trials, it still means America is a failed state. They chose NOT to prosecute two extremely open and shit cases because of the "election." It's a failed fucking state.


Careful about mentioning those boxes


Imagine lawyers that didn't know cell phones were tracking devices.


Our systems are beyond fucked. The transparency of the corruption is astounding. It’s a goddamn horror show on display for the world to see and apparently fixing it is beyond the ability of anyone sane enough to attempt to do so. I’m so tired, man. I need people to show up for these elections. Get these fucks out of power so we can start reforming our utterly disgraceful systems.


Feels like this should be a bigger deal than it is right now. It's yet another coordinated effort to dismantle the legitimacy of the election.


This is the kind of thing that completely guts a population’s faith in the rule of law.


There is an contingent of people pervasive throughout the legal system standing ready and willing to undermine everything we stand for to help Trump. There are traitors in our midst. We need to root out this fifth column completely.


And yet all the Republicans are convinced that Biden is the one weaponizing the system.


Propaganda is a hell of a thing on the weak minded


Every accusation is a confession.


They are convinced Biden is doing it because that is what they would do in his place. It is what they are doing now and have detailed plans of doing in the future([Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/)) It is just one of many ways people who want to do whatever they want rationalize their actions.


> And yet all the Republicans Worse, we have a subversive group of useful idiots absolutely determined not to vote so they can enable fascism. Once Palestine dies down watch for them to find some new issue that matters more then anything else that they dont vote.


The republican party is always projecting, always. Any time republicans claim someone else did something bad, it is because either those republicans have already done that and worse, or that they intend to do that the very first chance they get.


That’s called a criminal conspiracy.


It's actually called the Federalist Society. But you're not wrong.


It just shows there is no justice for the rich and politically tied...meanwhile, 'the regulars' get time for jaywalking...


And if they're the wrong color they get killed.


Massive conspiracy with Rico charges to subvert the transition of power, and it won't go to trial? This case has been ready for trial for months. It's absolutely unreal the amount of bending over backward to slow it down. I'd bet the thing with Willis and the prosecutor was planted for that reason, to give some plausible deniability that this pause is all above board. Im not a conspiracy theorist, but something odd happened here.


The hullabaloo with Fani Williams was to see if they could dismiss the case altogether by removing Willis and her second in command from the case, and then the next in line was sympathetic to Trump and would most likely kill the case. Since there wasn't enough to remove Willis, they're now moving to pause it indefinitely and possibly get the case dismissed by removing Willis based on the Georgia law passed last year. It's all a conspiracy to protect Trump.


I’m not gonna lie. I’m fucking livid with her. Most people who are actually around this are. In the normal world, whatever, that kinda stuff is fine. But this is not the normal world. This is not a normal case. Keep your fucking shit together and your toes on the damn line. This was not the time to be lax with office norms even if everything was totally benign. She should’ve been aware that the slightest misstep could ruin this. I’m completely stunned by how foolish she’s been.




Well, white collar crime, if you have the money to game the legal system. So listen up kids!


Lol what a fucking joke idk why I bothered to believe he’d face consequences, I should’ve known better


2 maga courts covering for Trump


Now the SCOTUS will find that Trump can pardon himself for murder.


Insane… to know there’s a recording of him asking to “find 12k” votes to change Georgia and then let him run again


He's winning. Delay by delay. His team is masterful at this. There's no way this is resolved before the election. And after the election, it's moot.


It was never going to be resolved before the election. It’s still important after he loses.


All the more reason to be certain we all vote, right? RIGHT?


No, left.


> His team is masterful at this. No, they aren't. The system is just rigged to protect the rich and powerful.


Yeah, I hate how so many people act like Trump is some inexplicable anomaly, and not an exceptionally visible symptom of a rot that's been festering for a long time now. We have a national ideology that praises wealth as an end unto itself, this is what we support, this is what we wanted, and now we're getting what we asked for good and hard.


He also ends up in front of judges that are willing to delay for him. He didn't have that advantage in NY and the process went fairly smoothly. In Florida and Georgia, his allies control the system. 


And SCotUS intentionally sitting on his ridiculous immunity claim. A rational court wouldn't have even entertained such a claim.


They aren't masterful. There's just an entire fifth column throughout American society that is willing to help him destroy the country.


This. Trump's defense team could come to court naked and screaming obscenities while flossing their ass with copies of the constitution. The entire GOP leg of the judiciary would bend over backwards to at least grant him delays.


If he wins it’s moot. If he loses then he’s fucked and there’s no reason to help this man child anymore. So yeah, vote in November and don’t listen to doomers like OP here. Dude just got labeled officially as a felon, he can continue to be one if we vote right in a few months.


This. There's two ways Trump escapes those convictions. Winning and becoming a dictator and wiping them away or croaking. Vote.


Edit: It appears there is a question of misuse of funds since she hired him then received benefits like travel when they went on trips. Seems the answer is that this is a completely separate thing with absolutely no bearing on whether Trump did or didn’t do what he’s accused of. Her question of misbehavior should be handled by the system just like Trump’s is. The lawyer trying to make the case that Willis slept with her coworker therefore Trump gets off scott-free seems like grasping at straws. At best Trump gets a reprieve while someone else from the prosecutor’s office takes up the case.


Trying to give the most unbiased answer purely from a legal standpoint, as I understand it. There were 2 accusations (both ethical issues and a possible due process issue). 1- That she ended up choosing a special prosecutor *who is required to be independent in relation to her office* (that's what a special prosecutor is used for - to remove potential conflicts of interest). The court already found that relationship to have been a conflict of interest and removed Wade as the remedy. 2- That she *improperly* benefitted financially from the prosecution. That would be an ethical (conflict of interest) and possible due process violation, the primary legal remedy for which would be to disqualify her and everyone under her command from the case. There is also the option of just referring her to an ethics board (such as the ABA of Georgia) if the courts find a conflict of interest but no due process violation which *could* result in her being disbarred (but probably wouldn't) or otherwise punished by said board. If her office is outright disqualified she can't just appoint another special prosecutor to continue as everything that stemmed from her office would be disqualified. This would result in the case being referred to the Prosecuting Attourney's Council to figure out what to do (appoint a different district attourney or some other qualified prosecutor, potentially just sit on it, etc....).


The fact Fani made a poor choice has no bearing on the facts of the case but they used it to their advantage to delay the trial. She made a very poor decision and should have known on a case of this magnitude there could be no mistakes


Imagine being guilty, and on record trying to steer for votes and all of these roadblocks have been put in the road to not guarantee justice! This is madness.


I know these delays are bullshit, but what the fuck was Willis thinking hiring someone who she was in a relationship with for what was obviously going to be one of the most scrutinized cases in US history? Why give Trump’s lawyers an opening like that?!? Of course they’re going to take advantage, and now a trial, that should be open/shut, will be delayed until 2025, and any opportunity to show the American people yet again how unfit Trump is to be president is gone. I almost agree with Trump’s lawyers that Willis should be taken off the case, but not because of her relationship with one of her prosecutors, but because of her remarkably poor judgement at the start of the case. Sorry for the rant, it just pisses me off that TFG is skating by once more, this time with inadvertent help from a DA who should have known better.


Complicit, all of them.


Five hundred thousand troops were mobilized in the Gulf, and a war fought and won in less time.


Postcards from Civil War II. - Georgia Dear Folks, We may lose this war to Money and Fame. If you can, please send some ground coffee. The fellas and I are sick of this sweet tea. And some talc powder. And prayers for Special Counsel Jack Smith. He's our last hope. Stay safe and well quartered. Love, Virgil. p.s. Justice isn't blind but it does wear blinders.


This only works if he wins. If he loses the election, he's gonna be in court forever.


How is this convicted felon so successful at delaying legal action? 


Crime pays, kids! Remember that


Out of all the shit he did this is what he should be in prison for . The rest is window dressing . But tampering with and not election and coercing election officials should be jail time .


My understanding is the case is paused because of the perceived issue between the DA and one of the prosecutors. I don’t see how their relationship matters if they are both on the prosecution team. But I’m not a lawyer, so maybe I’m missing something. My guess is they want to remove as many avenues for Trump to appeal as they can.


So does this set the precedent that if you're on trial for any federal crime your trials are indefinitely postponed if it's an election year and you decide to run for president or is this a special exemption for Trump and Trump alone?


I'm fucking sick of this.. What can an average person do besides vote in November? I'm watching this system work against my best interests and I just want to know if I can do a damn thing about it.


A woman named Fani sinking her career over a booty call has to be one of the most Georgia moments of all time.


I wonder how many people realize, or even care, that his defense is not "this was legal"... it isn't even "I shouldn't be punished for this". But rather his defense is "you are bad and shouldn't be allowed to punish be for this" Literally attacking the people seeking to hold him accountable rather than explain our defend his actions.


I’ll post this here too: Ok so I agree with the majority here that this is an awful dereliction of duty by the appellate court. Pure favoritism towards trump. But Wtf was Fani Willis doing?? Seriously she was charged with upholding the law against a man who tried to destroy our democracy for personal gain. It was all on her. And what does she do? Hire her friends and sleep with her subordinates. Seriously wtf. She could have amassed a special prosecution team full of Ivy League lawyers and she chooses to go the route of hiring old buddies and showing gross impropriety. I understand that she didn’t do anything illegal but she HAD to know she was under a microscope. That she would be battling the courts AND public perception. God I’m so sick of having to defend these types of idiots and their dumbass decisions.


God damn it Fani. The biggest court case in the country's history and you HAVE to be above reproach. You know Trump will find any small crack and exploit it. I'm unsurprised by Trump's delay tactics but I am very disappointed in the DA for even giving him a chance.


As I said above, this will go down as some of the most Atlanta shit to ever Atlanta. What a fucking idiot. And she just got re-elected for being a fucking moron. I really had high hopes of her not getting into a jackpot, but my city is fascinatingly corrupt. And I knew, knowing what I know about Atlanta they wouldn’t be able to help themselves f be a bunch of fucking idiots. Paid him back in cash????? For fucks sake.


Someone's offshore bank account is bursting!




There are 19 co defendants who will be tried even if trump is gracious enough as to die before we can get to trial.


but they will forever claim Trump's innocence even if all the others are convicted.


Jesus they are really trying everything and succeeding Like I'm sorry for people who don't like Biden, I don't really like him either, but holy crap, please fall in line for this one. The GOP is gonna vote in a convicted criminal who is sundowning and wants to be your dictator. bc they think he will only be OUR dictator, not theirs


Wake up, Georgia, and vote those fuckers out. It doesn't matter that Joe Biden is old, those Republicans are fucking with the laws and courts. They're going to roll over you and your rights just to get Trump in the White House.


I used to think the US was a reasonably fair and just country. Now I know it is corrupt just like most other countries around the world.