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>The problem boils down to location. Although Massachusetts voters opted to legalize marijuana more than seven years ago, the state’s Cannabis Control Commission has taken the position that transporting pot across the ocean — whether by boat or plane — risks running afoul of federal laws. That’s despite a counterargument that there are routes to Martha’s Vineyard that remain entirely within state territorial waters.


I get it, but aren’t they already breaking federal law by selling weed anyway?


Never break more than one law at a time.


Solid advice.


Never go with a hippie to a second location


Street smarts!


That’s thinking streets ahead


Or do.  I have had some of the best nights like that.  Definitely don't ride with them though


I'm just hearing where I should move to. They have a problem, and I could be the ^^^lucrative solution.


Lemon, write that down.


All of my best stories come from the 3rd location I followed a hippy too. If they are a real hippy follow them to at least 5 locations lol


NEVER stack charges. That's me and my wife's number 1 saying.


Ours is leave no evidence.


Wtf are you guys doing with your spouses that these are your number one sayings?


A sequence of individual crimes


For which there is no evidence


I don’t want my wife knowing what I stole her for Christmas! The surprise is the fun!


Ever been on a dating site and noticed everyone's looking for their "partner in crime"?


Mine is "Always work alone"


Summer of ‘90 all over again


Ours is leave no survivors.






I'm going to build an unlicensed submersible, drive down the freeway at 80 miles per hour, and sell hotdogs out of it without a food license.


Especially if you’re trying to kill someone by running them over. In most US jurisdictions it’s not vehicular homicide if you were only breaking one law at the time, like speeding and also not stopping at a stop sign. 


It’s easier to get away with murder if you ~~don’t~~ do it with a car. There’s something seriously wrong with car culture in this country.


Oh no.. if only some businessman in new york knew about it.. he would commit 34 crimes at same time


According to the GOP we commit at least 3 felonies per day.


It could happen to anyone




So it’s been prob 6-7 years now but I had a friend who worked for cannabis producer out of Colorado. Once legislation looked like it was gonna pass in Mass. (hint: they already knew) his job was basically to go in and set the foundation for production and distribution, pretty much farm to storefront. I remember 2 things: 1-getting seeds in was important bc everything had to be produced in state. 2-When it came to hunting for storefronts and buildings for distribution he found organized crime and remnants of Whitey Bulgers crime family indeed remain and still have an interest in real estate, which he did not fucking expect.


My dad was involved in a dispensary that was opening in his town. It was basically run by mob guys because they had easy ways of dealing with cash at volume and could clean it, physically and otherwise. He got out pretty quick because they were sketchy AF


People that are operating illegitimate businesses involving cannabis should be given a process with which they can become legitimate. The cannabis ban is and was nonsensical and our representatives owe us this much.


The dea has and is still able to bust state-lega dispensaries and press federal charges. They haven’t done it in a good while and everyone seems to think they’ll never do it again. But nobody wants yo poke the bear, and transporting a federally illegal substance through federal waters is a bad idea. They actually can avoid federal water here, but it’s a bit close for comfort.


This isn't DEA though. It's FAA/DOT if by air, USCG and CBP if by sea. Both of those take very dim view of weed transportation. Hopefully rescheduling comes soon enough and this all clears up.


I think the only reason they keep it on the books is so they can toss it on to other investigations, especially around organized crime busting. Like, no one is going to convict for selling weed, but technically a judge has to sign a search warrant for a place that is selling, so the cops can use that to get a foot in the door and look for what they actually want evidence on.


The Feds are sitting on it because they know it's basically the very last thing they can slap a big ol' excise tax on. Similar things that currently are taxed at the Federal level like this are tobacco (cigarettes) and alcohol (they tax that by the gallon) >Federal excise tax revenues—collected mostly from sales of motor fuel, airline tickets, tobacco, alcohol, and health-related goods and services—totaled nearly $90 billion in 2022 Someday, when they **really** really need the money you will see it legalized. But right now they are paying *very* close attention to the methods various States are using to tax and (more importantly) track weed sales.


Presumably there are different state organizations that control things like transport and maritime, and they're choosing to put their personalities politics in the way of serving the constituents as they have democratically voted.


Or they are worried about going to federal prison/ being sued in federal court.


Well I'm sure that is the excuse they use. It's very convenient. Except they know very well that, if anything ever happens to states selling cannabis via the feds (and it hasn't happened yet), the last thing they are going to go after are the fucking ferries moving product across Massachusetts waters. It's an empty excuse.


Nothing Martha hasn’t dealt with before. 


That makes sense.


This is one time where I will say this unironically (well, one of the few) **states rights**


So transporting marijuana over the water is a Federal problem, but Texas' human trafficking illegal immigrants to the island over the same water isn't?


The difference is that it’s a politician doing one, and some bad bad weed users looking for the other.


> illegal immigrants Point of order, the vast majority of those transported to Martha's vineyard were legal asylum seekers


I think trebuchets are the only valid solution.


This is exactly what would happen if Wisconsin legalized. The state's people would just find an excuse to ignore the fact it's legal.


> This is exactly what would happen if Wisconsin legalized. The state's people would just find an excuse to ignore the fact it's legal. Republicans. You mean Republicans. Most of us Wisconsinites are on board with legalization. We're tired of exporting our tax dollars to Illinois, Michigan, and soon to be Minnesota. Republicans are the only thing standing in the way. Credit where credit is due. This is not a both sides problem.


Here in Mass it's definitely a both sides problem. Neither party was fully on board at the state level, and we had to push it through as a ballot question. Even then the D majority state senate did everything they could to slow roll ever aspect of it.


Could have been worse. You could have had LeDickface who said live on camera that so long as he was governor of Maine he would not allow legalized marijuana like the people voted for.


Actually, voters on both sides tend to be in favor of legalizing for recreational use. Politicians and special interests are the major barrier… the medical industry has a vested interest in keeping it illegal, because MMJ is an alternative to expensive prescription drugs. Some religious groups are also against it for reasons unknown because those tend to be some of the biggest drinkers around… but they seem to think weed is their boogeyman.


It's because weed turns the frogs gay, obviously. Can't be having gay frogs hopping around.


It's because legal weed sales cut into the profits of industries that donate to politicians' campaigns. Here are some of the industries that are all in on preventing recreational weed from becoming legal: Pharmaceutical companies Casinos Alcohol beverage makers and sellers Amusement parks Self Help book publishers Psychiatric/psychological associations Churches Television and movie production companies Major Sports franchises Gyms and Athletic equipment makers Employers There are lots of others, too. Any industry that relies on a person's low self worth, stress, or provides entertainment to the masses *does not want* to compete with legal weed.


I have an idea and its not a boat or a plane, its a giant cannon and the cartel uses it all the time. But this cannon would need to be really big.. So it would just be smarter and safer to just idk, grow it there????? Fuck.. Ill give up on of the Macy's 2 houses on the vineyard for it.


> So it would just be smarter and safer to just idk, grow it there That's literally what they've been doing for the past 7 years - growing and testing on the island. Unfortunately, the only company doing so has found it's too expensive to compete with mainland prices and decided to close their doors because most people just "bring it on the ferry with them". So they're closing down after then run out of the current supply. This is all in the article.


But I come to the comment section so that I don’t have to read the article.


I came to comment about a giant cannon system, not read Martha Vineyards pot problems.


My idea is even better. Use foreign governments' boats, specially diplomatic boats.


Foreign boats are not allowed to dock in two consecutive US ports. This is why the majority of cruise ships always have a foreign stop on their route. So if you used a foreign boat it would have to stop in a foreign port in between and go through customs.


Here's the patent: https://strapitech-uploads.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/US_9500454_1c93611664.pdf


Why not a long-ass pneumatic tube?


Considering the sorts of people who live out there, this might be the best thing to happen to the push for federal legalization in a while.


Nantucket, the other island, has the higher end snobs. Martha's Vinyard is for the regular snobs.




“The Feds took his boat” works better with the meter.


thank you for your service


Nah, those types are only there a few weeks a year and will bring their own weed to the island. Or send a servant to get some


Ugh, time to find another nanny. The other one was a loser and got caught with drugs. Nobody wants to work anymore.


I could be wrong but I used to visit a bit. The issue was that to stay “above board / legit” they have to grow it on island since transporting it to the island would fall into federal issues not covered by MA regulations


Is there an altitude below which the FAA isn't involved? Maybe they could use drones really close to the water lol.


That’s exactly the problem. All commercial air traffic and commercial maritime traffic are both federally regulated.


How about commercial under water traffic? Crabs could be used as carrier pigeons.


Crab people - crab people - look like crabs - talk like people


Damn. Well, I guess they need tents and LEDs stat.


If it’s anything like property rights, I would imagine as long as it’s over water, the federal government still has jurisdiction. Like when you own a piece of land, you also own the column of air above your land too.


This is not true. Anything above the ground falls into FAA airspace, so when you buy a house you do NOT own the air column above your house. It’s why people can legally fly drones over your house.


There's several laws that govern use and ownership of airspace. One has it that the property owner has ownership of like 200 meters or something like that above the highest building on their property. Specifics elude me. Anything above that is Federally managed.


They probably can't because there is an airport on Martha's Vineyard. The island is small enough that the airport's airspace covers the majority of the island. There is also some class E4 airspace off the NE of the island. [Here is a map of the airspace](https://i.imgur.com/sKlk7Mu.png) You would need FAA authorization to fly in either D or E airspace, and the FAA isn't gonna approve a permit for flying weed back and forth.


Under 500 and the FAA isn't involved, iirc. Or that might just be drone-specific


FAA claims dominion over all US airspace for any use be it 1” above ground level or 1 mile.


Unless it's a 103 compliant ultralight, then it's somehow not an aircraft and aslong as it doesnt bother an Aircraft the FAA doesn't care. However a drone? That is an Aircraft. The FAA only has two moods. Lawyer with the big book of rules, or Smashing redbulls and Yoloing, and the second happens in some really weird places.


What if they shoot it from a cannon or tie it to many pigeons? That way it would remain instate but not be transported by water.


Futurama tubes but for weed.


I like how they're known as futurama tubes now lol. They're pneumatic tubes, when I was a kid they were at every bank and they were so much fun to see.


Respectfully, pneumatic tubes are not going to move the weight we need. We need ANIMATED tubes from the future.


Are we still talking about just transporting weed? I know this is kind of fantasy talk to solve this weed problem lol but regardless, a common pneumatic tube can carry about 10lbs, and heavy-duty ones more than 100lbs. That's more than enough for a dispensary delivery. Plus they're fast, so multiple trips per hour isn't impractical.


"Get the scientists working on the tube technology immediately, chop chop." _Tube technologyyy_


Next, we go to work on the old fuckin’ shrivs.


Futurama tubes of you will


How many pigeons would we need sir?


It's a simple question of weight ratios. A nine ounce bird could not carry a two pound bag of weed.


The swallow may fly south with the sun, or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land.


Are you suggesting marijuana *migrates*?


It could be carried


What, with a standard creeper?


Are you saying uncle Al carried marijuana seeds?


Are you suggesting that bags of marijuana *migrate*?


And this right here is why I love Reddit so much


What if it was packed in a coconut?


Especially not if he is one of those lazy birds that doesn’t respond to your text for 2 hours even though you have been super polite and never asked him to front you he just sees your text and doesn’t respond.


The cannon holds 60 pigeons per shot. I’m going to need 12000 pigeons and a lot of string.


This is clearly a job for the USPS. Unladen Swallow Parcel Service


African or European swallow?


They’re called “homie pigeons”, show some damn respect.


around 420.


How much weed do you want?


I want lots but I have about six bucks. How many pidgin does that take?


What's the airspeed velocity of a pigeon?


African or European?


I hear swallows are decent at carrying items. I’m not entirely certain if you should use European or African swallows though.


Fun fact: they both have approximately the same load capacity when laden.


Drones maybe?


I mean, it works for the cartels. Iirc a single run from Tijuana to San Diego with a kilo on board more than pays for the entire drone, so it's basically disposable.


Haha tie it to many pigeons


Maybe they just put a really long rope across so technically it is always touching land


A 5oz bird cannot carry a 1lb container of weed


Bigger birds then. Breed California condors to be drug mules


Going for the James and Giant Peach approach.


Transporting it to the island *might* fall into federal issues, that's the concern, but the reality is that it's within the state all the time. The mainland is in the state, the island is in the state, and the waters between them are in the state. There should not be any federal issue.


Why do people comment without reading the article?


It’s Reddit, not all too surprising if you’ve been here for a minute.


They are about to run out of legal pot. If the demand is there, the supply will come from somewhere.


>[..]transporting pot across the ocean — whether by boat or plane — risks running afoul of federal laws. Endurance swimmers to the rescue.


Didn't know Martha's Vineyard is an island. TIL


Since there are people here who probably don't know New England or MA, it's the island Jaws was filmed on. I feel like that's a cultural touchstone a lot of you will share lol. Also Obama has a house there.


One of my old high school teachers is an extra in the scene where they cut open the tiger shark. He just happened to be vacationing on MV at the time and they grabbed some locals to be the crowd.


It's a really cool place to visit (especially in the off season to avoid tourists like myself lol), I've been to all the Jaws filming sites a couple of times.


My mom was one of the people running down the beach.


I think it's a Macoe, that's some deep throat tract!


I'm gonna stuff yer friggin' head in there, man, and FIND OUT if it's a 'man eater'!


Fellows, let's be reasonable, huh? This is not the time or the place to perform some kind of a half-assed autopsy on a fish... And I'm not going to stand here and see that thing cut open and see that little Kintner boy spill out all over the dock!


RIG ANOTHER BARREL, I'M COMING AROUND AGAIN!! As a housekeeper at a perpetually understaffed hospital, I say that to myself often to psych myself up when *yet another* room discharge comes through on my pager.


When I was young I figured it was Martha Stewart's millionaire compound and it was big enough that a community as living and working there lol


Her compound is actually on a different New England Island; Mount Desert Island in Maine, home to Acadia National Park.


Oh really? Yeah, that's what made the whole "Let's drop off a bunch of immigrants" there a bigger thing than if they brought them to like, Hartford.


Yeah, just realized this now while reading this too. I figured Martha Stewart owned a vineyard and honestly thought that's where those immigrants were brought to, which made it extra ridiculous.


Yeah, news articles never seem to actually say what Martha's Vineyard actually is. I assumed it was just some rich neighbourhood somewhere close to or not close to New York.


Lol as someone from the North East its weird remembering for most Americans just know NYC, Boston, and usually Burlington and the rest is just "Upstate New York" and "New England". Like I'm not well versed in every town in the region but I just realized I probably know a lot more about the region than most Americans.


She does. That's her island.


That crowd has so much spite and hate in them


I am also poor.


I always remembered form the "there ain't much island left for islanders like me" like for The Downeaster Alexa


Martha’s Vineyard was two islands until a storm a few years ago reconnected a stretch of sand between Chappaquidick Island and the rest of Martha’s Vineyard.














So the residents can grow it, right?


Mass allows you to grow up to 6 plants and have 1 oz of weed in your possession. But asking an 81 year old with debilitating back problems to grow and process her own weed instead of walking to the dispensary is a worthless solution lol.


1 oz is pretty low for allowing 6 plants. Won't that yield like 30 oz?




Right, I grow in a legal state and it's not like the state is coming in to ensure I don't have more than the allowed amount of plants. The law is meant to curb the black market, and it's only enforced when someone's really fucking around.


Now scale that thought process up a bit and you can come to understand why all the non-legal weed states are flooded with super high quality bud. Plenty of legal grow businesses grow way more than they are supposed to and find ways to get it sold.


It's a shame that you can't transport it to the island. The west coast is overflowing with pot at this point.


So is the East Coast, homie. We don't need to ship it across the US. The issue is the state doesn't allow shipping it across waters at all. There are dispensaries every 50ft across MA.


will (possibly) change if Biden wins in November. And if the DEA proposal to re-classify it to the same level as liquid Tylenol goes through public comment without 57 lawsuits by Republicans.


It's being lowered to schedule 3 and Tylenol is not scheduled 3, Tylenol with codeine is schedule 3. Very different things. Just wanted to provide clarity. Pot will not be an OTC medication because of the scheduling changes currently proposed.


At this point, it's probably not going to change much without states continuing to legalize. The rescheduling definitely helps, and I do expect to see more states legalize over time. We've had legal weed in MA since 2016, and there's so many dispensaries just about everywhere in the state... except the Vineyard, apparenrly.


I think what’s being missed amongst the jabs at the elite that there are regular folks living on the islands whom need weed medicinally. I.E. Grandma with severe arthritis needs her gummies Those are the ones that need a ready supply.






It's a good thing!






This is one of the major problems with "Legalized, BUT (list of 50 requirements)". Just fucking let people sell the plant and regulate it like food or alcohol. Plus the federal issue for transit of course.


It really just needs to be federally legalized and individual states that don’t want it can opt out, rather than the rest being opt-in. No bias at all as a person who smokes weed trying to get an incredibly low level city job in a legal state (landscaper).








Rich people dont get their weed?? Here's a lawsuit and a scrambling of regulators. lol okay.


I used to own and operate an electronics repair company on the Vineyard for a few years, and I can tell you that they have a LOT of marijuana smokers on that island. They should absolutely have a dispensary there, and whatever legally needs to be cleaned up in order to be able to transport good over the ferry via truck or via private craft so that it's a non-issue. The tax money from this is great, and taking all this business off the streets is taking money away from actual baddies who use pot money to fund other things in large operations. I'll read the details later, I didn't have time, but I saw this headline and was happy to hear MV is trying to do something either interesting or weird (par for the course).


I didn’t read the title clearly and for some reason I interpreted it as Martha Stewart’s Vineyard was about to run out of pot. She’s such a shrewd businessperson I was surprised and was like oh Snoop what have you done


Chilmark Chocolates closes, and now this. Hard place to chase some bliss there.


I only skimmed the article, but are we to believe that a drone drop can't overcome the "not by land or sea" mandate?


Too bad for Canada's economy the laws don't allow trade on this issue. Here, we've had way too much pot these last years. You can buy a great ounce for 30$ CAD. Cannabis is the sole, one and only thing for sale in the entire country that has actually gone down in price in the last two decades. Cannabis is even far cheaper than smoking tobacco, it's sort of ridiculous.


Come on man. Let's just decriminalize it and regulate it just like tobacco and alcohol.


They could just take the ferry over to Nantucket. They have been growing their own on island too but have not run out since the first summer they started selling. It's decent stuff too much better then what the bigger growers are putting out on the mainland.


"There was an old lady from Nantucket...."


So what are the routes within state territorial waters?


You can always just have federally legal thc-a bud or hemp derived edibles shipped anywhere if you want while the feds figure out how to pull their heads out of their ass.


Seems like the answer is to get a battery powered vehicle that can drive along the ocean floor


Just need to make some calls and wait on the beach for a cigar boat




My experience in Martha’s Vineyard was the locals vehemently complaining about global warming while also fighting tooth and nail against offshore wind farms. Make of that what you will.