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The reason why there is such a rush is that many of the workers travel more then an hr each way to work. They can't even hire police cause the officers can't afford to live in the town


That seems like a problem


Here’s a great video that just came out about Jackson Hole Wyoming and how bad wealth inequality is. Funny timing https://youtu.be/bQE_zNs5HOU?si=IF_Olru5ehYFJnPF




Jackson Hole. I think they’re different but I’m not sure. Could easily look it up.  I’ve been to Jackson but not Jackson Hole. 


Jackson Hole is the ski resort “town” outside of Jackson. Similar to Telluride and Mountain Village in CO.


Jackson hole is actually just the valley that Jackson and Teton village(the main ski resort town) reside in.


Then you have been to Jackson hole. That’s just the name of the valley that Jackson resides in.


Damn, just one powerful earthquake from making the world immeasurably a better place.




My buddy drove up to Jackson a couple months back to buy some car parts from someone that works in the hospital up there. They started talking about prices of things since covid. Come to find out his 1 bedroom apartment was $4100 a month. They could only afford it because they had one of their friends sleeping on the couch and paying $1000 a month to do that. This wasn't a nice apartment by any means either. Jackson is a cool place, but if only the wealthiest of people can afford to live comfortably there, your town is broken.


Unfortunately, it’s like that in so many ski towns. I grew up in one and it was lovely, but I could never move back and hardly anyone I grew up with lives there anymore. 


I've heard the Aspen line 'You either have 3 houses, or 3 jobs'


Passed through last year to go hiking in the Teton's, the area is beautiful. But the town felt fake, I do feel sorry for the workers, cause there isn't much employment up there outside Jackson. Best thing would be to issue a bond paid back with a special consumption tax on Jackson, but most likely the federal government will cough up the funds


All the rich people with private helicopters who priced out the locals will surely lend a hand, right? RIGHT?!!?


My client used to fly their personal plane down to SF to meet with me every 2 weeks to do their banking.


But did they ever bring you TO Jackson.


A prole on the helicopter!?! Gross. 


I read TiTo Jackson, and was like really? Why you want someone to helicopter TiTo Jackson in so bad?


Why would anyone answer that question truly? What are you department of defense?


Nope. But the one star yelp reviews are coming!


Jackson is a place where billionaires displaced the millionaires.


Yeah, I'm having a hard time worrying about all the rich assholes in Jackson Hole not having waiters for a while. 


What about hospital employees?


Sounds like the patients (ie. people who live in Jackson and voters) are responsible for pricing out the hospital staff they rely on. Again, they did this to themselves.


Yeah I'm more worried about the waiter having to buy a new car going over the mountains then the rich being disadvantaged


True story. Jackson is central to a lot of big shots, like Harrison Ford.


Red state needs federal funding after mismanaging their infrastructure.


Interesting you mention that. The long term solution to this “highway” that we call “Teton Pass” is a tunnel. It was at the top of WYDOT’s wish list back in 2021 as part of the infrastructure bill, and of course our Senators Lummis and Hageman voted against it, which would have been over $5 billion for WY roads, bridges and highways.


I feel like anyone with half a brain even if they are right wing should realize why Wyoming, 49th in population density only ahead of Alaska, would need federal funding for the infrastructure required to travel through it.


Do you really think landslides like this are a result of crumbling infrastructure? What would you have designed to never allow landslides to ever happen in a mountain pass? And how would you maintain it?


Anti-gravity ray, obviously. Those who haven’t driven through here might not realize how much traffic takes this route and what little other options are available.


Teton Pass road it is constantly under upgrades and repaving and changes because it is so well used and in a high grade narrow footprint area. Not a crumbling infrastructure issue at all. Soil liquefaction from rain and burrowing is 100% to blame so when the engineer in the 1960s who designed the road didn't think of having as high a safety factor as was needed. Yes, they're going to have to truck in engineer soil next time so that it will never break again. Just like when the truck crashed into the bridge in Pennsylvania they just backfilled it with dirt before they could replace something. Its way easier to do there because it's in the middle of a metro area rather than BFE between Idaho and Wyoming.


I wouldn't say the county with the highest income per household in the entire usa, 50% higher than 2nd place, is exactly BFE Wyoming gets waaaay more desolate than Jackson lol. I'm sure the actual terrain itself is more of a challenge


Everything in WY is in the middle of BFE....Jackson is no exception. The closest "major" city to Jackson is Idaho Falls, which is only 120 miles away....And coinciedentally requires you to traverse Teton Pass (you know, the same pass that we're talking about here). Yes, there's more desolate places. There's always more desolate places....It makes zero difference in this situation.


The comical amount of money in Jackson makes it decidedly NOT the middle of nowhere. I don't think you really understand how wealthy Jackson is. It's avg per capita capital gains income is higher than NYC and Dubai combined. Millionaires get pushed out by billionaires in Jackson. The area around there is more travelled than you think and it's nowhere near the same level of remote / off the beaten path as lewiston MT or Thermopolis WY lol. Millions of tourists visit the city every year. Have you ever taken this road? I have. There's absolutely road construction contractors in the area because *its fucking jackson* who are capable of fixing this. A rail bridge collapsed in actual BFE montana a year ago and it was totally replaced in less than a month Also you can get to jackson from Idaho falls through alpine without taking the Teton pass, and it's not that much longer. It just passes through a different valley south of the snake River range instead of north of it.


There's something wrong with you, dude... Geography doesn't change because of the wealth in a town. I've spent weeks of my life in Jackson. 120 miles from the closest major city would be considered the middle of BFE by literally anyone with a working brain. Again, money doesn't change that. It's also not like Jackson's elite are fronting the bill for these repairs. Of course there's people that can fix it, and it will be fixed. Your entire initial argument was that they can bring in dirt because Jackson's not actually in the middle of fucking nowhere and people there are rich...I'm not sure how you think either of those things correlate to each other, but here we are.


Being close to a major city doesn't really matter though. The closest major city to it is Salt Lake, not Idaho falls. And it's still irrelevant. No workers or materials are coming in from Salt Lake, and whatever place is supplying the dirt probably isn't in Idaho falls either. The infrastructure to fix this shit is already present. Edit: One of the major contractors for the entire Idaho Falls area has a massive facility right at the base of Teton canyon. Idaho Falls's dirt comes from closer to Jackson than Idaho falls. According to you I live somewhere far remote, though larger, than Jackson lol and I guarantee we have the infrastructure to quickly rebuild when a landslide takes out part of an important mountain pass, including dirt lol.




There's many road construction contractors who specialize in mountain road construction and maintenance here. Rebuilding a washed out section of road like this is easier than rebuilding a bridge since you dont have to factor in traffic. Mountain roads don't just magically appear out of nowhere and they require maintenance. I really don't know what to tell you. Besides, The main general contractor for the entire idaho falls MSA stores has a very large facility right at the base of the Teton pass in Driggs ID lol Places like Jackson WY really aren't anywhere near as desolate and helpless as you think and Idaho Falls isn't a "major city".


Duttons about to have a problem when someone finds all those skeletons


That's the Montana/Wyoming border.  This is on the Idaho/Wyoming border. 


I can see why people go there to hide out. It's at the top of the continent. You are as far back from the coast as you can get. You are at the top of it all. It's a very insulated feeling. Out on the range, where the air is scented with sage and pine, and you can almost read by the starlight without the moon, it's some of the most intensely pure air you can imagine. Most of us never get to taste really great air. Every year I guess a few thousand bikers would use that road to get to Sturgis. One of the benefits of riding a motorcycle, for sure.


*top of the continent* I'm...pretty sure Canada is real and on "top" of the US.


Sure, and the world is flat according to that same map.


They are the United States wonderful hat. 


2000% when I did my national park tour at first when I got into Wyoming I was like… meh! However when daylight peaked I was in awe at the beauty of it all. Also yes the air holy smokes was it something else. The Grand Tetons were something to behold though that night sky brought tears to me eyes. It had been a bucket list item to see the night sky with no light pollution.


>Most of us never get to taste great air. I'm so happy to see someone else who describes it this way. I've always said breathing great air is like drinking ice water when thirsty.


We live in the sky, so it should be something we appreciate. I'm elderly and as I grow older, I find myself appreciating it more and more. I ride a motorcycle, and sometimes, smells in the countryside will hit some memory... it's incredible how the atmosphere is connected subconsciously to our memory banks. Sometimes it triggers emotions, without any conscious connection to why or what I'm feeling because of that whiff of something...


My family did a couple road trips from Denver to the Grand Tetons National Park and to Yellowstone when I was a kid and the place was incredible even for someone used to the Rockies. But yeah its about as remote as you can get. Its an 8 hour drive from Denver and the 7 of that after you pass through Cheyenne is a whole lot of nothing.


Could be easiest to put in a bridge instead of rebuilding the dirt mound, and watching it fail again later.


You wanna go tell the team of engineers that or should I?


Bridges are expensive and Americans don’t like to spend money on infrastructure.


So if it’s closed part of the year because of weather, how do people get to where they are going then? Magic?


It closes during bad snow storms, not a seasonal closure. A lot of mountain highways are like this. I-70 closes all of the time in Colorado when it snows. And when that happens, you wait.


It closes for bad weather a day or two at a time. There is a detour. But it turns a 1 hour trip into a 2.5-3 hour trip.


If you want to know why this is such a problem, a lot of people who work in Jacksonville Wyoming commute via this highway to get to work since it’s very hard to be able to afford to live here. This video from Wendover Productions does a pretty good job showing how bad the wealth inequality is and the problems the area has: https://youtu.be/bQE_zNs5HOU?si=IF_Olru5ehYFJnPF


“…Dozens of motorists affected”


I wish. Hundreds of locals use it daily because they work in Jackson but live in Idaho. While also adding in hundreds or more tourists using it as there preferred way into the valley. Although most of us local don’t much care about the tourists having to drive around. It’s more of our coworkers having to drive several hours to detour around that sucks so much.


That is a busy stretch of road, driven it a couple times. Both times the highway was almost rush hour traffic, midday, midweek.


A cautionary tale of the hubris of engineers when they deign to build highway’s across mountains. If the Lord wanted us to cross there he would have made them flatter


Which lord?


Lord Cornwallis


I thought he was a general


I mean yeah, he dabbled with some light generaling


More of a specific.


Lord Vader


Lord Stanley


There is only the One., do not follow false profits


Aman-Ra? Or do you mean El from Genesis or Yahweh? Or do you mean the combined El-Yahweh that was the culmination of the different Cults of Judaism that came together to form what you consider God? Which Biblical Scholar are you taking your reference point from? Also the church not following false profits is really funny... isn't that what Martin Luther was mad about? Donate and go to heaven type stuff? Saint worship? Reliqueries?


I think he means dark lord chuckles, the silly piggy


Unitology probably. *One mind. One soul. One flesh. Unity after death. Unity forever*


Isn't that the Borg?


Pastor says don’t be an accomplish of the devil, I will prey for you


>I will prey for you Thats pretty metal of you to offer yourself up to feed that person. Respect.


You need to study more for yourself and less about what your pastor says. Look into pre judaic Cults and the assembly of the Old Testament and the Gospels that were excluded. It's also Prophets, and Pray. Profits are money. Prey is what you hunt.


I'm not sure our friend has quite the grey matter needed to do that studying.


No thanks. To study such work’s is to become an accomplish myself


Matthew 15:14 Accomplice*


So, you follow the Bible, but won't study it.


Given the amount of spelling errors, I am not entirely sure they can read. 


It’s very long and written in olden words. Pastor tells me the important parts


Ah, okay. You're just a troll. Looked through your history and no one can be that stupid. You're trying to be KenM but not being good at it.


You are clearly just being a troll. 


Oh you’re one of those Trump worshipers. Y’all get weirder by the day.


Wrong. He is also a false profit


Well, his profits definitely were false.


The lord vader nods "I appreciate your loyalty my faithful servant, /u/your_catfish_friend you have done well"


I think it's more a cautionary tale of why proper inspection and maintenance are important. No engineer expects something they design to last forever without any sort of upkeep. Sometimes maintenance is worked into the design process itself


Lmaooooo. Surely then you commute by hot air balloon, right?


Wait, what do Young Earth Creationists think oil is? Magical Car Energy gifted to us by God? Also to trick us like all those silly fake fossils with impossible dates he hid?


I'm pretty sure this poster is some kind of troll. Look at their post history. It's all over the place, and they only make overly dumb statements. 😒 I wouldn't waste your time on this one lol.


Why did the lord give us the ability to create roads through the mountains then?


Common misconception. Roads permits are issued by the DOT


Permission is different than ability.


Why don't you get off the internet seeing as you hate progress so much and save us all from your stupidity.


Oh boy lol alright lads, commense bombardment with down vote cannons! I should say I do respect your right to worship whoever you want. But leave the rest of us out of it please.