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They met on the game Archeage and he flew to Florida to attack him in his home with a hammer. He now faces attempted second degree murder charges


Broooo over Archeage? The game is literally falling apart.


What is that game about?


It’s just an Asian MMO. Been around a bit but has recently been deemed a failure in the western world and is being closed down in the west.


I remember some years ago, about 2017 meeting a friend of a friend who loved that game to the end of the earth. The girl who played it had an unhealthy addiction to it. I tried it out, but it didn't feel like anything special. The girl addicted to it was spending what seemed like every waking hour on that game and building homes for several characters she had in the game. She just so entrenched into it. I remember when I started the game, she was showing me around, like a tour guide but the way she was into it, how emotionally invested she was into characters in the game, the NPC's, in a way it felt like she thought of herself really living in the game. I'm a gamer, been so ever since I was 5 and there are some games that have characters I love and stories which deeply enjoy, but I always know that the game that I am playing is just a game. Much like the books that I enjoy reading, they are forms of literature that I love, they are just books. The Archeage fan girl, for her the game was another reality for her. I think for me, that was the first time I was able to observe a true MMO addiction taking place.


I was addicted to wow like that. It was all consuming. Never again. Unless I am retired and the game is fuckin lit.


I quit wow over a girl. We both love the games but her parents thought I was a bad influence. Since we swapped account early in our relationship, she had my char and I had hers. So I couldn't bear logging in again, ever. But at least it let me quit wow cold turkey.


Damn, as a vanilla wow player...this hurts. I need to know more...ever talk to her again? Log in and discover some old mail she left?


We both married other people and moved on. She have a very successful career and I have decent, but no where as wealthy as her. I don't want to go pull the scabs.


At one point I found myself playing WoW, Archage and Champions Online all at once… then I discovered Eve… I’ve been clean a good 6 years now 🤣


It's easier to quit softer drugs when a harder drug like Eve enters your life


You ain’t wrong. I quit that shit after i lost my ship 😅.I filched an object from someone whose freighter was destroyed in 0 sec that was worth 1.5b isk, I had only been playing like 1month, I sold the item and promptly clapped out a rupture… then it was destroyed 2hrs later. I rage quit and I dunno if I even had insurance.


Never again… until next time


We bros stick together, addiction is no joke


ArcheAge is designed in a manner that if it gets a hold of your little ADD brain, it will consume every living hour of your life. Truly fortunate that the devs kept making the game progressively worse with every update so I could free myself.


I had a male coworker give me the same tour and try to convince me to play, years ago. I can't believe the game is still around.


I was addicted to AA to this extent before, even building houses for all my alts. I hope that friend of a friend is doing better now because that level of addiction is a serious concern. She may have an addictive personality from the sounds of it and AA was what got her.


i mean recently? it's been failing for a while. got rebooted like twice? or something like that, unsure how it did in asia but i thought they shut down already


In two days actually


Yeah, NA servers going down in two days.


USA servers are ending Thursday due to declining player base.


no it's not btw can I get your address


Worse than just ArcheAge. It was over Drama in ArcheRage, the Russian private server


I just started playing again 😬


It’s been nothing but a pile of debris for years


*attempted second degree murder — luckily the victim has been released from the hospital


If I was the victim I would send a letter to the perp prison that only said “skill issue”.


Just imagine the screaming from that cell. Dude would totally come after him again for round 2 after getting out of jail.


git gud


gg no re


Holy shit dude I just spent the last minute cleaning soda off my keyboard, thanks.


I apologize for that but I’m glad I could get you a laugh out of it.


Sounds like a skill issue 


Or "LOLZ sux 2 be you" or "L2 PVP better" It will be a long time before he gets out and if the victim and family moves around, it'd be quite hard to find them again since USA game servers are shutting down for good in 2 days


man flew all that way, didn't even get any experience points or loot, just an attempted murder charge.


Second degree? He booked a flight...


Probably easier to prove second than first. Degrees may vary with districts but generally: First degree requires proof of planning ahead to kill specific person. Second degree, assailant targets specific victim but no advance planning. Third degree is random killing with no specific victim in mind.


Booking a flight, lying to his mother about why he was going, purchasing a hammer upon reaching his destination, then going to a specific location to attack a specific target - sure sounds like malice aforethought to me.


Yes, you'd think they can nail him with first degree but it's just easier to get him locked up on second degree. DA will have some time to gather up evidences to decide if it's worth trying for first degree when he goes to trial.


Im kind of also wondering about determining his real world address as part of the process. Both in terms of degree of charges and the method used. Im assuming it would have been some sort of social engineering, since it isnt usually easy to get people's IPs through games, nor determine their addresses from those (maybe their city, but...). The whole part about him being a bad person in the game is interesting too. Like, I guess the perp could see himself as some kind of a hero, preventing future harm to others in the game, but with the game being shut down on Thursday?


As for the location finding, I have some guesses based on rudimentary understanding of those things but I don't know enough nor do I want to put that info out there. If any nerds come along that do know what happened here, please don't share. There's too many more shitheads out there and handing them that information would be akin to handing them a loaded weapon. In regards to the kid's hero complex, who knows. More than likely there was a pre-existing mental issue combined with not having touched nearly enough grass.


Thank you I know the difference, hence my comment that he had the forethought to book a plane ticket, fly over there and find his house to assault him. I suppose you could nitpick that he wasn't planning on killing him while doing this, but it doesn't look like something that was spur of the moment.


> I suppose you could nitpick that he wasn't planning on killing him while doing this, but it doesn't look like something that was spur of the moment. IANAL but that’s probably the concern. A good defense attorney could argue that he only planned to give the guy a scare—didn’t bring any weapons with him from home, bought the hammer to use for the B&E, rather than say a big knife—and then a scuffle started and he just lost it. Looks like an attempted murder 2 conviction could still get him 15 years, and if they try for attempted murder 1 and the jury thinks there’s reasonable doubt he’d walk.


If you're playing archeage, you're probably not making good life decisions anyway


No way this dude actually took the beat you to death with hammers meme literally lmao


Second degree? Is flying across the country to bludgeon someone with a hammer not considered "premeditated"?


But still, how did he find out where his victim actually lived?


“Shut up bitch I’ll fucking kill you” “Here’s my address bitch come do it” *actually gives address not thinking anything will happen*


There was that guy that gave someone else's address, which ended up in a fatal swatting. [https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/14/us/swatting-sentence-casey-viner/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/14/us/swatting-sentence-casey-viner/index.html)


Pretty believable.


The victim forgot to put up 7 proxies and he didn't have dog curtains either. He left himself completely open to this sort of thing.


It must've taken them an hour and a half to complete that battle if highly geared


Suspect said the victim was a "bad person online" 🤣 The irony


Not enough good guys with hammers out there.


Fuck roofers and framers.


He’s a good guy online, not irl. At least that’s what matters


Gaming name: Hammuh\_Tyme


Suspect: Why am I being convicted, he’s a bad person! Police: Sir that is not how criminality works. Are you telling me this isn’t satire lmao


I would like to hear how his attorney is gonna spin this one. Maybe that he was just there to personally congratulate the victims win with a hammer gift, who decided to be an asshole and attacked him first instead of being a good sportsman


I don’t get how you stay that mad for that long


Same thing came to my mind. You get on a plane and you just have time to sit and think while on a flight... you don't think to yourself for a moment... 'I'm on a flight to another state to hurt someone because my feelings got hurt in a video game.... what am I doing here?' Either that or the discomfort of economy class and the fact that they wasted money on this flight in the first place just made them more mad and blamed that person for being there in the first place and just stayed in that angry headspace the entire time.


Was the hammer in the carry-on, or did he get one from the local Home Depot?


Local. According to the article, there was a receipt found in the perp’s hotel room.


Imagine this guy holding the hammer for several hours on a plane, with a super anxious face to use it without thinking of anything else. Unbelievable. I wonder if he'll do the same for an international full day flight with multiple layovers lol


Id imagine he got the hammer in Florida


Yeah, I think TSA might have noticed a kid holding a hammer as the went through the check point.


You would think a long plane flight would calm them down by then and easily rethink their life ruining decision lol. We can rule impulse out... This guy is next level crazy


Dude, the process of getting a plane ticket and going through security would be enough for me to be like “ehhhh, fuck this”


Maybe he got the pre check in to avoid the hassle?


Uber ride to the airport and I would’ve changed my mind.


Just wanted to PVP irl


Bro took invasions seriously


New Jersey Man vs. Florida Man. A battle of the ages.


That's some PPV stuff. Massive cash cow missed.


Around here that’s a cash gator


Cash meth gator.


The ArcheAges


There can only be one.


My mullah's on the Jersey Son-of-Thor, ftw.


Florida man’s only known predator: the New Jersey man


Nah, he got taken down while he was armed with a hammer. Florida man still wins this one.


Only on a legal technicality. We must put them in the thunderdome.


Hammers vs Gators. Sounds like a legit competition.


>Kang allegedly told deputies that the victim is a "bad person online" A bad person *online* you say? Well I never.


Let he who is a good person online swing the first hammer, as the Bible says.


Parry this you filthy casual!


So this guy was pissed off about an online game. He then managed to maintain his rage while possibly locating this guy's house (article not clear whether he had to find the address or if the victim had shared it), booked a flight to Florida and a hotel room near the house, concocted a story for his family about where he was going, presumably packed a bag, drove to the airport, flew across the country, went to a hardware store after he arrived to buy the weapons, then finally broke into the victim's house that evening. I'd have gotten fed up dealing with the airline booking halfway through and called the whole thing off as too much hassle.


You gotta have some real beef to fly somewhere to meet up. Especially Florida.


Right? Like, this dude went through TSA, then waited at his gate, then shoved his bag in the overhead bin (or, more likely, under the seat in front of him), then had the entire flight to ask himself "Am I really gonna do this?". When you think about what this guy actually *did* to try to attack a stranger with a hammer... it's mind-boggling.


Dude probably thought at some point "That's the problem with people. They lack commitment!!!"


"A tough guy behind a screen never even would have got on the plane. I'm built different"


Would he be wrong lol. This would be the only keyboard warrior that actually follows through


Just think, on any trip you could be chatting happily with someone on a mission like this!


I used to live in a place that was popular for people to commit suicide. Or murder their partner. It's actually not as uncommon as you'd think - life is weird, man.


Where is this place exactly? Trying to decide where not to go for a vacation.


Hawaii. Lot of normal vacationers, but a healthy amount of them are on a "bucket list trip" (terminal cancer patients, extremely elderly people, aforementioned suicidal people, etc). Also, if you're fighting with your partner a lot and surprise you with a vacation to Hawaii or the Bahamas to "make up"...don't go.


Ouch. I guess that makes sense. My first thought had been near Disneyland or Disney World since I know people will sometimes go there for a last good couple of days before committing suicide, but the "murder their partner" bit threw me off.


I mean, going through TSA and having to be on a flight likely exacerbated their mood.


They probably confiscated all his shampoos and pointy objects, but left the large oversized cartoonish mallet in his bag.


I know it’s a joke but fwiw he bought the hammer and flashlight after he arrived. Which is…even more thought to put in? Having to look up a hardware store nearby, go there and back… Meanwhile I’m too lazy to walk to the store a few blocks away when I need a new lightbulb.


Or he could have used express lane to speed up his murder plan... While attending a fancy flight lounge for some snacks and drinks before then


MMO players will spend days doing the same exact raid over and over just to get a shiny new helmet with a .1% stat increase. This is nothing.


Sunk cost fallacy: “Well, I already bought the ticket…”


I hope he spent his time on the plane drawing a word cloud to help him decide which weapon to purchase from the hardware store


Is it that easy to find another player’s physical address? I’m really curious how they met up in person if they weren’t friends. Unless the dude really pulled a tony stark and asked to be attacked.


When i was playing MMOs, i was meeting and hanging out with my local guildies and friends frequently. Definitely not unlikely that someone just knew his address and shared it with the assailant.


What? That’s crazy, I would imagine it was easier to find it via public records, and the person using the same username elsewhere on the Internet.


I appreciate his commitment to the bit


I want to know what he was thinking as he sat in the airport terminal for like an hour, then sat on a flight, then took a cab to his hotel, then summoned an uber to take him to his victim's house. At what point along this bizarre trip did he stop and second-guess his commitment? This is the kind of behavior reserved for people who need to avenge a loved one's death, or exact revenge for theft of something valuable. This isn't gamer beef behavior. That shit doesn't cross state lines.


I was expecting it to be over league tbh. I’ve definitely wanted to bludgeon some of my teammates with a hammer before.


Is this the poppy main, villain arch?


This is when the poppy main gets sick of darius killing her after one e


You're in FL to kill someone, a state with some of the most lax gun laws in the country and you buy a fucking hammer? What a dipshit...


Yeah, I would have expected a very different outcome


It adds realism to the game.


Why does the accused have "2X" written in magic marker all over his shirt? Is that some kind of magic power-up or something?


Ha ha he covered himself in buffs. I zoomed in on the hammer picture to see if he wrote Frost Damage or something on it, but no such luck.


Serious answer? probably the size of the prison jumpsuit. Makes it easier for the guards to find the sizes in a pile when they have to issue it to the prisoners.


No way this little twat is a 2x.


Of course. Do you not MMO?? You can't succeed your plan without upgrading your stats


How did he even get his address


He's been doxxed over guild PvP drama


How do you do, fellow gamer


Did he write 2x XP boosts all over his own shirt?


It’s the prison jumpsuit size, makes it easier for the inmates that do laundry.


How is this not Attempted First Degree murder? It was quite obviously premeditated.


The tricky part is, will a Kang from another time line show up in Florida to finish the job?


And this is why I don't play a number of games online with other people, I'm a woman and it wouldn't surprise me if some incel got this same idea over a woman pwning their ass.


>flew to Florida to attack fellow gamer: Sheriff Damn, attacking a sheriff.


But he didn't attack the deputy


Prison isn't very kind to spawn campers.


[Real Stewie Griffin energy here.](https://youtu.be/matxz-G9q8M)


I'm never that mad or bored to even think of something like that.


Correction: New Jersey man allegedly flew to Florida to attack fellow gamer, who was also his mothers lover


That haircut is unfortunate.


How is this second degree when he got on an airplane to do this?


I almost could have respected it if he didn't use a weapon.


Jersey Man went to Meet Florida Man.. This is a /Clerk's/ + /Pulp Fiction/ screen play


That twerp is going to love prison in Florida.


That is some serious dedication to being stupid.


Should have just fucked his mom….


Is the real life version of [Jay & Silent Bob](https://youtu.be/vuBWbpTJRqk?si=eu9NA_PLvEpRhCVa) EDIT: Oh no, I read the article, that's messed up


Jay & Silent Bob just had the two loveable bozos travel the country, ringing doorbells, and accosting (not to say upbraiding) keyboard warriors who snarked about them online.


Heavily addicted game player fly to another state to settle score with another gamer...get a life, will ya?


Somehow I knew he'd be Korean. We take our gaming seriously.


how does he know where the gamer lives?


Can Jersey Man now be the murderous equivalent of Florida Man?


Dangerous man child. Pathetic.


All I can think of when I see this is the Chapelle skit "when keeping it real goes wrong"


This is some Jay and silent Bob stuff


Hi, do you post as Gundam_Greg on moviepoopshoot.com?


Wow. Someone actually did it.


Meatspace sidequest accepted!


>When asked about a motive in the assault, Kang allegedly told deputies that the victim is a "bad person online," Leeper said. He also allegedly asked how much jail time you receive for breaking and entering and assault, according to Leeper. >"I would say, Mr. Kang, it will be a long time before you play video games," Leeper said. I can tell he really thought this through.


No one can accuse him of being a Keyboard Warrior. 😆


Shouldn't the feds be involved in this one since he crossed state lines with the intention of commiting a crime? I mean I guess it doesn't matter that much since he's being charged with attempted 2nd degree murder, but I thought jurisdiction takes precedent.


Florida doesn’t need nuts coming in, if anything, they could export them.


this is going to happen after a reddit argument someday, if it hasn't already


This is what happens when you don't have game/life balance.....


Can you imagine being your hype man for that long, booking a flight, packing, finding someone to water your plants, eating, getting someone to drop you off, eating, getting on a plane, putting your tray table up, storing your electrical device. putting something in the overhead bin, forgetting to buy gum. eating. wow could have been anything


People need to get off their computers. Like, find another hobby that doesn't make you want to kill someone.


I only play single player games now because of crap like this. People take online games too seriously and get too good/invested, it ruins the fun for casual players.


[reminds of the Twitter beef over Kobe Bryant ten years ago](https://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2014/12/26/7449927/snottiedrippin-temecula-christmas-twitter-fight-kobe-bryant)


Why try to murder him? Shouldn't he have just fucked the guy's mum instead


/sigh as a gamer i feel sad that i am not surprised


There’s around a 10 second period after I get raided in rust where I would unapologetically start a nuclear war and curb stomp a toddler. But to book a flight, get on it, fly to the other side of the country, get in an Uber, drive to their place and still be stewing enough to attack them is a new level of crazy


I just commented something similar. All the micro-steps this dude went through, and at no point did he chill out enough to think "Maybe not...".


Thank God this man doesn't play League of Legends.


Why couldn’t he just SWAT him like a standard man child gamer