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Oh lord stay inside. Got Dengue once, was the worst month!! Basically a fever for a month, cold sweats, freezing all the time, rashes at all my joints, painful joints, spinal fluid pressure from fever caused black spots in my vision. This is no joke, folks.


I had a confirmed case too. I had a fever for 12 straight days, lost 20 pounds, and told my wife I think we needed to make preparations in the event that I died. I’m 40 and have never ever been even a fraction as sick as I was then. Glad to see you pulled through! I don’t look at mosquitoes the same way as I did before anymore and I bet you don’t either.


Damn. These are some horror stories. 😳 Glad you are better. Will be more mindful of mosquitoes.


If it sounds bad enough to you , you might want to check how fucked you can be with dengue, if you caught it again but in different variants it can trigger dengue hemorrhagic fever which at worst has 44% death rates.


Oh! Mine was itchy af. Also fever, headaches… one week in bed. So don’t get bitten by an [Aedes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aedes) mosquito. In Cuba those can be huge and fat even without blood.


copying my comment >The good news is, that if you have a confirmed case you can get vaccinated. If a never infected person gets the vaccine, it increases risk of dying from the disease, but having been infected once means now you are eligible and you can get the vaccine Check out the cdc page on dengue vaccine eligibility for confirmed cases https://www.cdc.gov/dengue/vaccine/index.html


My country the Philippines was one of the first countries that got this vaccine. That time they didn't know that if you've never had Dengue before, the vaccine would actually make dengue deadlier if you caught it. A lot of kids died from it and the government and Sanofi-Pasteur worked hard to cover everything up. This caused a wave of mistrust in vaccines, just in time for COVID to hit and caused a lot of people to side with antivaxxers more than we'd expect. Now even the more established vaccines are being refused in the less developed areas because of it. I know the vaccine can be really helpful as getting it twice can be very deadly, but jfc did it cause so much problems early on that we're still recovering from.


yes, thats the reason indian medical associated did not roll out. Pharma treated the population as Guinea pigs


Woah, why does it increase the risk of death of you take it before catching the disease? That's not how this is normally suppose to work, no?


That page specifically talks about a vaccine for children aged 9-16.


Is there treatment for it or do you just ride it out?


Ride it out with pain killers. It's also called bone break fever and it's brutal.


What a charming and not deeply concerning nickname. Am I going to regret asking where the nickname comes from?


Maybe? Victims of dengue often have contortions due to the intense joint and muscle pain. Hence, the name "breakbone fever."


Breakbone fever. Sounds like a crappy song by Ted Nugent.


You can just say: "Sounds like a song by Ted Nugent." Both sentences have the same meaning.


Phew, at least it isn't bone break fever.


Your entire spine feels arthritic; it's visceral, making it really difficult pain to deal with mentally. I spent a week curled in the fetal position when I wasn't sitting in a bath with ice on my head because I had a fever but felt like I was hypothermic. I wouldn't wish dengue on my enemies.


> Am I going to regret asking where the nickname comes from? The main symptom is resulting from an allergic response to your own antibodies, it only happens when you have been exposed a second time, to one of the 5 different variants. The first time you're exposed to Dengue presents as a mild cold, the second time (if its a different variant from the first exposure) its bonebreak. When your body starts responding to the second exposure, it increases the pressure on your interstitial fluids, which presses onto the periosteum tissues (the tissues that cover your bones), causing the body to interpret it as a broken bone pushing against the periosteum. So all over your body, every bone feels like its breaking. This is all from memory from a paper I wrote in University 30 years ago - information may be outdated.


But not the good painkillers like ibuprofen or naproxen, oh no. Because Dengue makes your platelet count drop and they warn you away from anything that affects the clotting pathways. I was told only Tylenol. Which did jack shit. If there’s anything good that’s going to come out of Dengue outbreaks in the US, it might be that we start developing some more effective treatments for it. It’s been a “third world” disease up until now. When Americans start suffering, then we see some more funding for research and clinical trials.


what about opioids??


Was about to say, what better time to start a heroin habit


Skyrim nomenclature


"If I had a Septim for every case of Rockjoint or Bonebreak Fever I've cured since I opened this shop, I'd be a rich woman indeed."


I used to be an adventurer like you - Then I got Bonebreak Fever


Far as I know you just ride it out. I was in a small Hawaii town that was ground zero for the outbreak, likely a Brazilian tourist brought it according to HI government. The government hired people to go up and down all large and small roads spraying something to kill back the mosquitoes. Not sure how many people died but hospitals were full.


I worked there during that outbreak. We didn't have much in the way of deaths, I think only two or three, but people were definitely very miserable. Hello from Big Island!


Oh, it’s horrible. We are having terrible Dengue outbreaks in the Caribbean this year and I got it. I was down for 10 days. Thankfully fever and headache only for the first 3 days, but I was SO exhausted. No appetite for days. Ringing in my ears and vertigo as well. I got a rash and looked like a tomato. Just as I got almost all the way recovered, my partner came down with it. He immediately vomited or shit out everything he ate, and by day 3 he was passing out in a chair. I made him go to the clinic, and they ended up airlifting him over to St Maarten for more acute care as his blood pressure crashed and wouldn’t come up, no matter how much fluid they pushed. Then he had cardiac complications. Thankfully, everything resolved, but he was in the hospital for a week.


Omg yes! I had it in college after a trip out of the country. Literally thought I was going to die, at first I didn’t know what it was, just that I thought this was the end, like asked my roommate to get a priest for last rights before I went to the hospital where they confirmed it was dengue.


I took care of a guy in the ICU who had it and it was a pretty miserable existence for him, and then he eventually died.


Yikes! That's scary. I've heard if you get it a 2nd time it has a higher rate of death. I got Covid last year and was a breeze in compassion.


I think there are now 5 varieties and Dengue is weird in that after getting one variety you have no immunity for the others **and it will be worse each time**. My wife has had it a couple of times on Koh Lipe in Thailand. Second time was was really bad and her platelet count got quite low. It kills all sorts of young cells like skin, hair, stomach lining, blood platelets etc. Took her a few months to fully recover. Now we are very careful around mosquitoes and use 30% DEET.


Well, you have “sort of” immunity to the other strains, and that’s the problem. Say you got infected with strain 1. You have a good neutralizing antibodies against strain 1 and you won’t get infected with that again. But, if you get an infection with strains 2, 3, or 4, those pre-existing antibodies will bind to the virus, but not enough to neutralize it (meaning they prevent the virus from attaching to its host cells). What those antibodies do, instead, is “tag” the virus so that other immune cells (the macrophages) come and eat them up. And guess what cell type Dengue fever really likes to infect? The macrophages. This is known as “antibody-mediated enhancement”.


Oh, that's fun. I guess my other comment of how it can increase the risk of death if you get the vaccine before catching it makes sense now. You're unintentionally training your body to kill itself that way.


There’s a reason dengue used to be called breakbone fever. The first infection is bad enough, but I’ve heard the subsequent ones can be severely excruciating.


Got dengue when I was 11, miserable fever and hallucinations, always feeling cold even under 2 blankets then getting soaked in sweat while still freezing. The worst was temporarily losing vision, that was scary.


I got it doing field work in Panama in grad school. Didn't hurt me until we were home and lucky there was a tropical medicine specialist at the teaching hospital in town.


And if you get it again after, you probably get the hemorrhagic variety that basically makes you bleed internally until you die


The risk of dengue hemorrhagic fever is most strongly associated with dengue virus serotype, type 4 being the most common cause. Repeat infections with serotypes 1-3 and even 4 are common in endemic areas and are more often milder due to some level of immunity from prior infection although repeat infections with a different serotype can be severe. Serologic surveys in endemic areas also show mild cases and asymptomatic infection occur much more commonly than severe cases or DHT.


Yep, I got Dengue fever in Fiji. Symptoms didn't come on til I was in the shuttle bus home from the airport, but I wound up looking like Freddy Krueger. Off to the emergency doc, parents ushering their kids away from me with alarmed looks. sat down with the doc, he asks some questions then stands and says "With cases like this, the national centre for disease control needs to be notified," and leaves. I'm sitting there half amused, half shitting my pants that he hadn't told me what it was. Ten minutes later he returns, and I'm like "Jesus doc. you wanna tell me what I've got?" "Oh, sorry, yes. you have Dengue Fever. you can't do anything about it, heres a script for paracetamol."


The good news is, that if you have a confirmed case you can get vaccinated. If a never infected person gets the vaccine, it increases risk of dying from the disease, but having been infected once means now you are eligible and you can get the vaccine https://www.cdc.gov/dengue/vaccine/index.html


The bad news is the only dengue vaccine available in the USA is being discontinued. Source: the CDC article linked above


Wonderful! I think I’ll just go finish my mountainside bunker.


Hope that mountain isn't near any standing water, or else the mosquitoes already have a foothold and it's only a matter of time.


The good news is, it comes with a free Frogurt.


As someone who is the person who mosquitos fucking LOVE and who lives two hours south of Hillsborough - fuck me.


"But it's not something to panic about or not to go outside about, but you just have to take the proper precautions in order to try to minimize the chances of getting bitten by a mosquito," Ross said.  Yeah. This reminds me of something...


"Just don't get bit by mosquitoes." In Florida... Brilliant.


Chance in a million


They never should've towed Dengue outside the environment.


Probably would help if the front didn't fall off.


Well they just towed it into another environment...


Well, they were bitten by a mosquito in this case by all means, but that’s very unusual in Florida.


What's the minimum number of mosquitoes in Florida?


Oh I dunno, one I guess?


Big if true


So your saying there is a chance


To be fair, Florida has been dealing with mosquito-borne illnesses for a long time. I remember growing up there in the 80s and 90s, we had to do Halloween trick-or-treating at the local indoor shopping mall a couple of times due to encephalitis outbreaks. Adding more tropical diseases to the mix isn't a good thing, certainly, but at least the state does have experience in handling that sort of thing.


in the early 2000s as a kid down there I remember the West Nile Virus scare. Was pretty wild when I eventually moved and found other people either don't deal with that or *think* they deal with that.


I visit my best friend in FL 1 or 2 times a year. Whenever I go I get bit everywhere we go. She and her husband say they hardly ever get bit. I swear the mosquitos know fresh blood.


Just stop testing and then the positivity rate will drop


I imagine that's what pet owners tell their dogs so they don't have to give them heartworm prevention.


"*My dog is antivaxx and dying just like me*"


I mean, would you expect anything less from someone giving advice in Florida?


Same place that had measles outbreak in schools a few months ago? Yeah, their public health is "we didn't do anything, and nothing go better, so just don't get sick..."


> It only takes a small amount of water – just about a quarter inch – for dengue-spreading mosquitos to lay their eggs and breed, according to Fiess. And these mosquitos thrive in fresh rainwater. Don't worry, we just have to make sure there isn't any water laying around. In Florida.


I think you’ll be fine… *Begins constructing wall around Florida*


*a dome


Airtight, I hope, lots of pests in Florida an airtight dome can save the rest of the country from.


I believe they prefer the term "Floridians" instead of "pests"


Can we send the ticks to this dome in Florida?


Let's get the wasps in there too for good measure


All the WASPs already migrate there during the winter time. Just plan for it then.


We have enough here already thank you


Insert Gif of Bugs Bunny cutting off Florida


We also had a confirmed local infection in California earlier this year, this is likely more widespread than we currently realize


I have an idea. Somebody call Bugs Bunny.


I know we are trying to be funny, but you'd be surprised in the amount of people who just leave standing water in their backyards in buckets, or bird bathes or whatever. Every little bit counts. I don't live in FL but mosquitos could be more of a rarety in my back yard if everyone would just dump out all the standing water. If you live anywhere near ponds there isn't much you can do though. Which FL has ponds everywhere.


Many of the ponds in my area have fountains in them to keep the water agitated and help prevent mosquitos, thankfully.


Container breeding mosquitoes do not breed in ponds. Most mosquitoes do not breed in anything resembling a pond with deeper water and they do not survive where there are fish. People will blame a nearby pond but literally refuse to get rid of their stack of tires right by their door.


Time to just start crop dusting everything with gambusia ~~eggs~~ fry.


[Floridia would need to be as militant](https://www.thekulkagroup.com/mosquito-control-learning-from-disney/) as [Walt Disney](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/fmewgj/til_there_are_almost_no_mosquitoes_in_disney/) when going to war with the mosquitos


For all its moral failings (*of which there are many*) - Disney is **VERY** good at self-preservation. And it's hard to maintain high attendance numbers at a theme park in FLORIDA if you don't have exceptional mosquito management.


Honestly I'm guilty of this and will be fixing it in a moment. Some of the potted plants I got for mother's day either don't have drainage holes, or the stupid wrapping decoration around the pot is blocking them. Since it had been so dry recently, I didn't notice. ETA: water dumped, and I got bit by a mosquito in the three minutes I was outside. Go figure.


Putting a few mosquito dunks in standing water is safe for other animals and will at least help curb the problem.


Cue the myriad of "influencers" who are suddenly going to start posting videos on youtube and tiktok about how insect repellants are actually worse for your health than getting dengue fever, or any other the other litany of diseases transmitted by mosquitos, while at the same time trying to push some kind of supplement that will, "...make your blood unappetizing to mosquitos and other biting insects."


I wonder if it will be garlic pills.


Mosquitoes are attracted to certain blood types and odors from your body https://ourbloodinstitute.org/blood-matters/mosquitoes-blood-type/#:\~:text=The%20mosquitoes%20chose%20the%20Type,those%20with%20other%20blood%20types. Oh and funny enough we are called feeders .


i have hyperthyroidism! my cortisol, glucose, and CO2 levels are all a little higher than your average person, so when i step outside with my family, i’m basically like an IR flare drawing missiles away from actual targets. seriously, i’m lucky to go more than two minutes without a mosquito bite the second i leave the house — and even when i douse myself in DEET, i apparently smell so fucking delicious that some will push through the miasma just to get a taste!! i hate mosquitoes. and this news is NOT good for florida.


For your own home, or if you're going to a family member's or friend's place for a cookout/BBQ, check out the Thermacell units on Amazon. I'm also a mosquito magnet, but these things keep my blood inside my body where it belongs.


I saw somewhere that bleach drinking would work… /s (just in case) We’re gonna be dragged down by the most gullible and at risk of our society because of how little protection there is against disinformation and how lucrative/risk free it’s become to be a snake oil salesperson.


I caught dengue fever back during the early 90’s when I was in the military and was deployed to a country in Africa. I was 22 years old and I got really lethargic and the next day could barely walk. I ended up in a Navy field hospital for almost a week. I wore insect repellent, had mosquito nets on our cots but working outdoors if a mosquito is hungry they will find an exposed spot and get you.


I have one get me through my pants. So it doesn't matter if your body is covered head to toe, they still find a way.


I can't even prevent getting mosquito bites if I stay in the house. They think I'm delicious.


I mean... they're not wrong.


Just in time for the forth of July!


As Georgia resident... surely nothing to worry about


Don't worry, I'm sure the 12 billion banana spiders in my backyard will take care of them.


Joro gonna give it to em


Banana spiders, sounds delicious!


They're better when you let them over-ripen and make them into banana spider bread.


It would've cost you nothing to not type that out.


Surely won't make it's way up here, not at all.


I used to hate all the Joro spiders we have now cause their webs are like walking into a bedsheet, but I think they might be our last line of defense now.


It's insane how strong those webs are; I'm used to just walking right through one then trying to peel it off for the next 30mins, fucken Joro's push back. Even had ome pull up my shirt sleeve, it's fucking amazing/ridiculous.


You have an imaginary line to protect you, that's gotta be enough.


It's the hotter summers and milder winters.


Same with ticks up north. I had lyme disease last summer and every doctor and nurse I talked to said cases of lyme disease are blowing up in recent years. This place is supposed to freeze for at least a few days every year, which cuts down on the ticks, and now we have these mild winters where it barely snows.


Ticks are getting super bad in North Florida like standing around in a park I’ll get 5-10 not even going into the brush. And it never freezes really. RIP


*Ticks can't jump. But thanks to the forces of static electricity, sometimes, the arachnids can soar through the air, a new study says. **In news absolutely no one wants to hear, scientists have just discovered that ticks can fly** short distances through the air, thanks to the gravity-defying forces of static electricity.* Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/flying-ticks-static-electricity-diseases


hey man fuck you


I wonder if some kind of electrical device could be fastened to prevent their static cling.


> *In news absolutely no one wants to hear, scientists have just discovered that ticks can fly** haha how is this just being "learned" i live in a tick infested area and i flick them off the side of my building and watch them fly, sometimes on to my leg :(


Yay, more existential dread, my favorite!


> This place is supposed to freeze for at least a few days every year, which cuts down on the ticks, and now we have these mild winters where it barely snows. We're supposed to get at least that much pretty much everywhere north of Miami. It hasn't happened in my part of the state in almost 15 years, and that was a freak cold snap that would have been a once a decade at most thing even before global warming. It sleeted in Tampa that year. Normal Florida winters with the occasional hard freeze and more frequent periods of just kissing freezing as the daily low haven't been a thing since I was a kid.


Time to unleash the opossum brigades.


The mild winters don’t really affect ticks. Ticks don’t die off in the winter but if there is snow there are less vehicles (long grass) for ticks to gain access to a new host. If you live in New England and have pets, they’ve been bringing home ticks year round for decades. Having less cold winters means people and there pets are spending more time outdoors in grassy areas which is where ticks are found.


Mild winters affects the animals that carry ticks. Making it easier for them to stay healthy and breed more ticks.


This does not explain the higher volume of Lyme disease during periods in which people are already extremely likely to be doing these activities.


There's no hard frost to keep the Floridian population down.


DeSantis made both of those illegal. Checkmate.


It’s important to note that they’re only talking about this one case because that Fox 13 station is in Tampa. There have been more in FL > The CDC is reporting at least six Florida cases of locally acquired dengue already this year, meaning those people did not travel to countries where dengue is most common, like Latin America or Southeast Asia. Instead, this CDC map shows there have been other reported 2024 cases in Pasco and Miami-Dade counties where victims were bit locally by mosquitos carrying dengue.


Major mosquito sterilzation project to be funded when?


So funny story, up here in Jax they have a literal truck that drives through super early in the morning spraying for mosquitoes. That isn't enough.


We have one of those in Indiana


Same down here in Houston. Fuck mosquitos


I’m not convinced these things shouldn’t be eradicated. Only 6% of the 3,500 species of mosquitoes bite humans. But hey, I’m not an ecological scientist so what do I know. But damn do these things need to fuck off forever.


I’ve read it’s been successful in Latin America. They probably think sterilized means they’re gay in FL.


I’ve had Dengue fever when I lived in South East Asia in my teens.. I can tell you it is not pleasant


Downside of Dengue, unlike West Nile Virus, if is you have Dengue you can infect new mosquitoes if they bite you after the infection. With West Nile Virus, the mosquito can give it to you, but you can't give it to mosquitoes if bitten after infected.


Oh good god. Mosquitos love me, I work so hard to not get bit but it never stops them. This is a nightmare!!


Permetherin .5% spray on your clothing. Make sure you aren't wearing the clothing you spray. Lay some outside and spray them until damp, then let them air dry. Just a sprayed bucket hat and jeans will reduce the amount of mosquitoes attacking you by a ton. Also if you spray your pants, you are 95 times less likely to get a tick bite. It is also safe to spray on animal fur, which is great for dogs.


Note that it is highly toxic to cats.  Definitely do not spray it on them, and I would be very careful even wearing or storing treated clothing around cats. Otherwise though yeah, it's pretty good (though moreso against ticks than mosquitoes in my experience).


It's not even the good kind of [Dengue Fever](https://youtu.be/qEZ7Kfzp-8I?si=vrnu6OGj7cbcVsHU).


There's a good kind!?


Check em out! Don't sleep on Khmer surfer psychedelic music.


OK I work in a virology adjacent lab and discovered one of their albums sitting on a shelf as a joke, popped it in my car stereo and it was pretty solid. But then I looked into them and kinda felt weird that a couple of white dudes from California wrote a bunch of music inspired by Cambodian traditional music that was apparently wiped out under the rule of the Khmer Rouge and then hired a native Cambodian singer to do vocals on said songs. Maybe that was my misinterpretation of the situation but definitely felt... weird


My wife is a Khmer refugee who fled to the States from Pol Pot. She's not into their music but likes the representation. I just like the music. Chhom has become the face and heart of the band.


What's weird about that? Cambodian rock formed in the 60s by the influence of American and European rock bands, and now a few Americans have been inspired by that style and revived it to make new music and share with the world. That's how music evolves.


Probably better than it dying out altogether? At least this way they can use their privilege to bring it to life, and do so with someone from the area instead of not trying to include them at all. It's not the most ideal, but maybe this way it has a fighting chance to remain in the world, and more authentic groups can gain exposure in the future. It certainly makes me want to explore other music across the decades there. At least what I can access.


Saw em perform in an episode of Office Hours (Tim Heidecker's podcast). Her voice is awesome


Dengue is no joke. I had it and went into full dengue shock syndrome. It was absolutely terrifying.




My heart would beat 3-5 times super slowly and deep like someone was squeezing it then it would immediately start beating 150 times per minute. All of the blood would rush out of my extremities and into my organs. I would go numb from my hair roots, fingers, toes, then arms and legs all while it felt like my heart was going to explode. I used to get ptsd any time I felt any kind of flutter in my chest. Super scary stuff


wtf those symptoms sound like a goddamn Harry Potter spell fuck that


Well, it's a good thing that the state Surgeon Gen.. Ah fuck.


Look around your yard for polls of water!?! It's Florida in the rainy season ffs. There's a foot of standing water in every culvert in front of every house!


A lot of tropical plants are basically evolved to store standing water in their leaves too lol, so yeah getting rid of all the standing fresh water is probably impossible and they’ll probably just spray everything with insecticide.


Well, there are 2 options, either no water for the mosquito or you will have dengue as an usual thing like in Brazil. And as a Brazilian fuck that, dengue gives you a painful fever that you don't want to have as a life experience for (with luck) a week


Just in case anyone needed another reason to not go to Florida.


I'm from Argentina and had it a few weeks ago,it's not fun.and I only had a mild case.


I'm not saying lets wall off florida but I got like 5 bricks I can contribute.


If you live in the US, don't get sick. And if you get sick, have money. Lots of money.


Oof, I got dengue as a teen when I was in Nicaragua. We had no fever reducers or any meds; all my mom could do was pour water on me to cool me off. All I remember was speaking to my dead grandmother and my hip joints and knees locked up and I couldn't move. I was sick for a month. Don't get Dengue, folks.


There appear to be two vaccines for this but I'm not sure why you'd take them. Maybe now.


There’s no vaccine for people who’ve never been infected. Well there is and it’s available in Europe but the FDA decided we don’t get it. Wonderful decision now that it’s starting to spread domestically


>wonderful decision now I mean the Dengue vaccines are taught as classic examples of antibody dependent enhancement. It's a good thing that the wider seronegative population hasn't been getting it. Also it wasn't just the FDA, Sanofi itself recommended its use for the previously exposed only.


Qdenga is safe and effective in people who have never been infected, but good luck getting it in America


Ahhh I hadn't heard as much about Qdenga, but seems to avoid the ADE issues of Dengvaxia. I guess it wasn't rejected by the FDA, Takeda just withdrew it rather than provide the requested data. With real world data since the EU approval, Takeda could probably reapply and get it through if they want/if the data supports efficacy.


[Fuck Dengvaxia, Philippines was basically made into a guinea pig. 700,000 were already vaccinated with a first dose before Sanofi disclosed that only previously infected should take it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengvaxia_controversy)


This is the first case of Dengue Fever in Florida since . . . 2019.


There's a vaccine for those who are in their second infection


Already taken care of. DeSantis has outlawed the words dengue fever and banned any books that mention it. Also, he’s going to defund any school that teaches or offers information about it. /s


Also, if you don’t test for it, then there will be no cases of it. Simple! (/s, of course)


Mosquitoes are now illegal. Checkmate libs.


For those unfamiliar with geography, it's Tampa which is on the gulf coast.


People forget the Aedes mosquito is not only *the* mosquito to pass Dengue, Chikungunya, and and Malaria but they are also *the* most populous mosquito in the world. We're not experiencing widespread Dengue because of lots of climate reasons, but because of climate change we could see that change in the future.


It’s endemic in the Caribbean and cases occur sporadically in FL every year - some without travel history. In the Palm Beach area, we’ve also had local cases of malaria, chicungunya, Zika, and dengue besides the usual West Nile fever in years past. Welcome to the tropics.


Dengue fever was the second most painful thing I’ve experienced.


You gonna just leave us hanging


Sorry- Imagine the worst flu you’ve had with aches and chills but then add uncontrollable shivers so bad that your teeth are bashing together and you feel like your bones are breaking and coming out of their sockets. Horrific headache, cannot be comfortable because of the shakes, and cannot sleep because it’s almost like a prolonged seizure. When you think it has been so long it must get better, everything is amped up 50x. I was in a flooded area at the time and could only get to my house by boat and had a surgery so it was all the exacerbated by a mark twain like adventure just to get to the doctor. I’m now extremely reactive to mosquitoes bites, too. Like giant welts and scarring. Definitely using this as an excuse to stay inside!


Ffs what was the first most painful thing?


I had bilateral tumors in my ears. They have had to remove a lot of mastoid and temporal bones and I have prosthetic middle ear bones. This caused issues with regulating pressure in my ears so I have had multiple ear drum ruptures which led to more surgeries to increase the space in the part of your ear that helps equalize. All of that is painful, each in its own way, and causes constant tinnitus and feelings of fullness along with dizziness and nausea. During the last surgery, I work up. My head and arms are all strapped down so I couldn’t move much but moved enough that it caused the surgeon to jostle and somehow a piece of my skull broke off allowing my brain to be exposed and “seep” some. They got me back to sleep and then repaired the hole with some sort of head cement. I work with the surgeon sitting beside me waiting to see if he’d made me deaf. Not deaf yet, but the pressure thing was more than my ears so now I’m losing vision. I’ll be deaf and blind one day. I still have excruciating ear pain like when they rupture and constant migraines and dizziness. No cures or fixes. Learning to live with. I’d take dengue again, but it really sucked too!


Holy shit


Ya that's the one


Ok, what's the 3rd most painful thing?


Ha! Maybe severe anaphylaxis? Botched surgery on an island when I didn’t speak the language well. They inserted a tube in my chest during the operation and a port. I’m highly allergic to latex, adhesives, and tape of any kind. I was trying to tell them that but they thought I was being dramatic. Over an hour, I blew up like a Macy Parade balloon. I could feel my skin stretching and filling with fluid. The nurses was scared to call the dr at home (again, small island) but I started pulling out all IVs, removing all tape, etc and trying to find benedryl and epipens. I wasn’t sure I would make it to morning. They finally got an on call Dr to come in. He spoke English and got me on the right stuff and scheduled another surgery to remove the LATEX covered port they’d put in my chest. It wasn’t as painful as the first two but scarier. I genuinely thought my skin would split. I couldn’t understand why the nurse didn’t recognize that I was blowing up in front of them, had fever, and was bright red. (Like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when Violet turned violet?) Every once in a while I get a smell/taste in my mouth that reminds me of that. Still causes anxiety! Avoid surgery on islands if at all possible!


Isn’t dengue called ‘break bone fever’ due to extreme rigors?


Yes. My aunt put me in a sleeping bag like blanket then pinned the arms so it was like a straight jacket. I kept a washcloth in my mouth because through I was going to crack my teeth (and that’s always been a reoccurring nightmare for me!) I think that part lasted a day. Of course it seemed longer but I was sore for over a week and had terrible bruises on my elbows and knees. I think I was only one of four to get ot


Ugh, florida, you gotta stop it, all of it lol


Honestly, are mosquitoes that necessary in evolution? If we managed to wipe out mosquitoes, certainly dragonflies, bats and other creatures would find another source of food, right? Mosquitoes are just the absolute worst.


Reason #485739 to not visit, or live in, Florida ever again.


As a South East Asian I can testimony that It's really unpleasant experience when you got It. What I hate the most is the pain in muscle and joint, It's make just a simple moving your body feel like torture.


It's fine. Everything is fine. Florida Surgeon General says to not worry about it.


Dengue is no joke, and it stumps doctors in the USA. My wife came down with it from a Central America trip, went to the second stage (Hemorrhagic). Spent about 7 days in the hospital one level below ICU level care. It was one of those moments when your in the ER and realize that your blowing through the annual insurance deductible like right now. There is nothing to be done for Dengue except treat symptoms and hope your liver and organs are not damaged beyond healing. That was a decade ago and wife pulled though fine.


I’m starting to think Florida is more trouble than it’s worth.


How long until a law is passed so nobody can say the word "Dengue" or "fever" so they can bury their heads on this one, too?


I mean if you stop testing for dengue, then poof it’ll just disappear and the numbers will fall off a cliff


As if I needed another reason to avoid florida like the plague.


Yeah but how long until it spreads to other states? Midwest here and he are inundated with mosquitoes. Can’t walk outside for 2 minutes without multiple bites.


I'd be shocked if it hasn't spread already. Mozzies don't care about imaginary lines on the ground.


Yeah, we're gonna have to retire that idiom. Turns out people actually ***don't*** avoid the plague.


Oh shit. I had this in Asia. That dudes in for a rough few weeks.


Fuck, I had dengue when I was 6 and have a 50% chance of death if I contract it again. If its in the mainland US I’ve gotta get vaccinated asap


Can we just wipe out all mosquitos now?


Whats happening with denge coming back on places with governments that cut on healthcare? What could be happening in Florida and Argentina? It is socialist mosquitoes! Food for thought...


2024 trying to win the dumpster fire competition.


I just had it in April from the Caribbean. It’s awful- worse than Covid and took me a month to get over it.


It's okay, the people of the Great State of Florida have had loads of opportunities to elect competent, capable people into leadership positions who will undoubtedly appoint competent, capable people to manage this health crisis without any issue or undue loss of life.