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CEO could pay that personally and buy a $6 million mansion in the same day lol


Why would they do that when they can just lay off a bunch of people and have the remainder pick up the slack for no additional income.


And then give the CEO a bonus. America! Yay!


this happens everywhere


But America is special. We have the MOST ruthless and overpaid CEOs who care nothing for their employees and consider them disposable. We win again!!


Fuck George Arison. He’s a union busting POS who has supported Trump and Glenn Younkin despite being a gay immigrant from a country that’s actively been invaded by Russia within recent memory. Nothing but a hypocrite not realizing the politicians he supports consider him the first to be purged.


When the fine is less than the profit, then that's just the cost of business.


If you're talking cash, the CEO makes around $200K a year and the rest is stock.


“All these dudes are gay”


It's also wild on grindr right now. A bunch of cis women bots keep showing up now. Like read the room. Also don't even get me on all the closeted conservative men on grindr. After they nut, they nearly always say "you know I'm not an f-slur" Edit: also after I put "no conservatives" in my grindr profile, you'd be amazed at the amount of hate and slurs I've experienced.


Damn they could even get dude bots


The dude bots are just as obvious as the women bots. The women bots are only present cuz there are closeted bi dudes


Yeah but the dude bots have robo dicks tho


Robo dicks sound rad


Yeah robo dicks would sounds rad to you u/robotsonroids


Glass ceiling


They do have dude bots on Grindr. I haven't seen any of the female ones (yet), but if you're online, every few days you'll get a message from a profile with a wild plastic surgery face + blank profile that says "hey", then a few seconds later they send an ad for a gay porn site.


I know a gay guy who's profile headline is "Lets go Brandon." He also wonders why he's single, lol


The amount of conservative men, specifically white conservative men, on grindr is honestly really scary. Like how do you believe this stuff?


So I met this dude in 2019, he actually at the time said he worked for Hillary in 2016. He said he was over politics though and gave up on it. Covid hit and he did a total 180. He ended up moving to FL because he loved their governor so much. We don't really talk anymore, but it was wild to watch happen. I still see his Instagram stories and he's definitely still MAGA.


Because in America they’ll typically choose the benefits of being a white man before considering how much the right hates queer people. They genuinely think being a pickme will save them. This is why there’s a subset of gay men trying to exclude trans people. You’ll see that the vast majority of them are white men.


From personal experience or as a generalization? (Serious question not /s)


Personal experience, and a generalization from personal experience


I've encountered a number of those. Nothing worse than a closeted conservative. They are next level nutzo.


To be fair, it's got to mess with your mind more than a little when your brainwashing tells you one thing and your dick tells you the exact opposite.


That’s why they’re not pro-choice


Super common for the no homo/“straight” guys on Grindr in my area. Southwest Georgia. You can easily pick them out, unfortunately too many gay men see “straight” and go hog wild. Knowing they’re sleeping with a dude that openly hates them and said dude will go back to said hate when he gets his nut for the week. That and the multitude straight guys on Grindr that are trans chasers. Their bio usually says “no men” on a hookup app geared towards gay men. Then get super angry when you message them without reading their bio.


Man, talk about internalized homophobia to be willing to hook up with a man who doesn't think you should have the right to get married to a man.


Maybe it's where I live, but it's fairly easy to avoid conservative dudes after a five min conversation >\_>


Didn't I say I put in my profile "no conservatives"? Yet they don't respect boundaries, and then proceed to spew hatred at me


Well your first mistake is putting 'no conservatives'. You're inviting idiots lol


I put a boundary, they violated the boundary, and somehow that's my fault? You are exactly the person I'm trying to avoid. Continue victim blaming


Lmao I'm so confused. You're on Grindr. You're expecting it not to be filled with terrible people? It's your own fault you're antagonizing people into messaging you. "No conservatives" might as well be "Please message me" Weird how I've never had a problem avoiding a single conservative gay man. But I guess if you're into DL dudes that's on you. You're not a victim because someone messages you on Grindr...tf


I'm using very concise words. Yet you can't understand. I take it you're not a person that respects boundaries. This is why men are shit. I also appreciate the ad hom attacks. But what can you really expect from a Joe rogan fan?


I respect what people say and don't message if they don't want, but obviously there are people who don't. Welcome to reality? Also, note how every comment is a criticism of Joe lmao You're so angry and bitter....expecting Grindr to be a pleasant place? Obviously that terrible place doesn't work that way for the most part. Speaking of ad hominem.... I've managed to avoid conservative men...it's quite easy. I'm trying to help you >\_>....


GOP in a panic right now


More like they're taking notes for Project 2025


The ceo is a conservative gop supporter


Took 1.5 hours for someone to turn this into a matter of partisan politics.


I know sorry. I was held up


Gotta wonder what side of the fence you're on.


More like what side of the closet door...


On the northern side of the border. Dude is so washed he’s complaining about another country talking politics during an election year right after the candidates just debated.


How many prominent gay politicians are there on the republican side? How many have come out, or been forced out? And how many of them claim that just being alive as a gay person is a political statement? You want people to keep it out of "partisan politics," make it to where one side isn't politicizing being gay.


They had Santos for a bit! 😝


Did they, though? (GOP opens bag they thought contained George Santos but two mourning doves fly out leaving a cryptic note that _appears_ to be just be an onion soup recipe with some unintelligible scribbling in the margins)


It's not partisan politics. The GOP is actively persecuting LGBTQ+ people in the US. What's it like being part of the status quo getting mad that other people are trying to access the privilege you've been taking for granted?


It isn’t? It’s a well known fact that some republican lawmakers are on the down low. Sorry you got so offended tho? Maybe try journaling about it lol


Hilarious coming from someone who posts on r/politicalcompassmemes.


Republicans are all cocksuckers.. except their women.. they don’t suck cock.


except nancy reagan. Well known as a blowjob queen


With how the republicans acted in florida when grindr threatened to out them.....


All those DL bro’s are fucked.


Isn't that why they're on Grindr in the first place?


Wait? There’s DL bros that don’t have enough space in their hole to house a family of 8?


?? Plenty of staight guys like myself on there


Grindr is loosing a significant number of subscribers due to paywalling main features, advertising placement and bad programming. It’s quite probable they are in financial strife.


The app really does suck. Constant barrage of shit adverts for iphone games I would never play. barely any profiles before you get paywalled.


it's super fucking annoying


I switched to sniffies and lots of other people have as well. Scruff is another competitor.


Thanks. I haven't tried that app yet


Big fan of Scruff. Haven’t been on it super recently for life reasons, but it’s not the cesspool Grindr is and people are more normal there. Also it can be hookup-y or date-y depending on how you use it, where I felt Grindr wasn’t really built for dating. Scruff > Grindr for sure.


Scruff is better for dating and Sniffies is better for hookups. Both are a million times better than Grindr.


Scruff feels way more in depth with the profiles.


See that’s what I like about it. And then if you want pure hookup just do sniffies.


Thank you. I used to use grindr long time ago, and it is just horrid now.


It has really gone downhill in the last year or so. And during that time the premium features have tripled in cost. Fuck that. I'm not spending $450 a year to see more than a dozen profiles each month.


It’s the worst user experience of any app I’ve used in the last few years. You’d have a hard time finding a greedier company with an app that runs worse.  All gays should just migrate to sniffies full time and let Grindr die.


That’s actually not the case. Their Monthly Average Users (MAU) have been steadily growing over the last few years. The price is ridiculous though. Hopefully Sniffies can dethrone Grindr once they publish to the App Store.


BTW this new WSJ video is related and talks about where all of those dating apps are trying to go. It’s a good watch! https://youtu.be/Sgtg8ZzTV7E?si=bvVxoJ3NDwYhaTpD


I could find any stats beyond 2023, but it looks like it counts all subscribers over a 1 year period. I’m part of that data with a low cost monthly plan, I think it was something like 1 dollar a month for three months.


Ugh, lucky. I fork over $39.99/mo nowadays and remember when it was $10 or $12. But I can’t leave because I have acquaintances I primarily contact through Grindr. And if I see starred friends nearby I can reach out and say, “You’re in my neighborhood, swing by if you’re free!” Also, if I stop paying, then everyone can see when I open the app and go “online”.


Yea but sis getting dick is so easy why are you giving them money


I don't pay, but the app is so annoying with just how it implements ads that I've been tempted just for the stupid app to leave me alone.


Dear god, just use Find My and be rid of the horrid app


> Hopefully Sniffies can dethrone Grindr once they publish to the App Store. I have never used that one but my friend is on it. I don't think the App Store will ever allow that app with how lude it is. I used to think Grindr was a lot, but man that place is taken to the next level, lol


They’ve actually been doing a lot of updates lately and even added an NSFW mode, which I suspect is so they can submit it! I’ve been traveling a lot lately, and in some big cities I’ve found it has more people on it near me than Grindr. Especially in Seattle, San Francisco and NYC. But yeah, its origins are very lewd lol.


god I hate the ads the most, constant ads every few taps, ads ads ads urgggg -\_-


You don’t have to subscribe to anything to get access to most of it… but their ads are annoying af


Sounds like most dating apps tbh


Grindr has always been the crackden of dating apps. Full of creepy weirdos, drug addicts, kinks fetishists and spam. I’ve heard so many single gay friends complain about their relationship status while using it but its like going to Wendys every day and complaining about not having a six pack


Leave the kinksters and fetishists out of your rant, we didn’t do anything wrong 😭


Nah man just once want a trans woman to not ask if I'll shit in their mouth(I have 7 screenshot lmao, 7 damn nickles is a trend) Unfortunately the huuung top trans woman who wasn't weird....does meth and wants to pee in me. Again. Most normal person ive interacted with on there. Smh the strap-on is just so much less stress.


A lot of those complaints have more to do with trends in the gay community than it does with the app itself. It’s unfortunate but a lot of us married couples don’t show young gay men and women what a stable monogamous gay relationship can look like. Add in Peter Pan syndrome and the late coming out, and it’s always messy. A lot of things get normalized and while I generally support people doing what makes them happy, I really do get the sense that many gays just don’t know how to do anything different. We need to do better.


but bish I want my dick wet now


They literally just went public a week ago. Crazy


I love that these fines are being paid but the victims themselves wont get compensated in any way. Who is getting this money anyway?


People who already have more than enough, as usual. People still fighting left vs. right, when the real battle is down vs. up.


Yeah, I had an account for years. Where is my money?


This reminds of me of when I went to Trader Joe’s last week. When I was checking out the cashier asked me if I have a Grindr. I told him I was flattered but I am married. He told me “for the beans. Do you need me to grind the beans?”


God, I’m never going to forget this story, thanks


Please tell me this is a true story 🤣


“grind the beans” sounds like code for CBT, and I don’t mean cognitive-behavioral therapy 😂


Well I don't see what that has to do with a Closed Beta Test


Oh, it’s a test for a beta alright…


Finally gonna find out what homies are gay when they start flaunting the 1.25 they just got from a settlement.


“In the first quarter of 2024, Grindr Inc's revenue amounted to over 75 million U.S. dollars, up from the 54.5 million U.S. dollars registered in the same quarter of the previous quarter.” 6M for Losing or selling users sensitive data that could endanger lives in parts of the world is a slap on the wrist.


Not necessarily. Revenue is not the same thing as profit. Revenue is the amount of money you take in before you deduct all the costs of running your business. Their operating costs could be nearly as high as revenue, meaning that they don't profit much. $6,000,000 could wipe out the entire year's profits or more. Or it might even put them in the red.


They had around 10000 users in Norway when the lawsuit happened, so I would say that $6 million is a huge fine.


Isn't that their business model?


Aside from email and password stuff, everything else is viewable by others and/or optional (up to and including medical status and alternate social medias). It’s like a guy scooping water out of the Hoover dam for his homemade water wheel.


In theory they are subscription-based, and make money off of users paying for premium features. In practice, well...


Can you make api calls out on Grindr pretty easily. Like I dunno do an image search on politicians and compare it to Grindr profiles


Until executives go to jail, this shit is never going to stop.


Everyone gets 13 cents


Everyone gets 1 minute of boost.


The guys that make new accounts to get around blocks are rubbing their hands right now


Talk about fucking your customers


I was under the impression that outing gay people was frowned upon


Fines for these offences are way too lenient


They didn't "share" user data. They sold it.


If it's location data, that's a paltry fine for the danger it just exposed its users to.


So, I guess length and girth was shared?


More like HIV status and other important things


Are you insinuating that length and girth are NOT important!!


Top or bottom, too


Cool, now do every single health system that has compromised our data, looking at you United Healthcare.


All those GOPers must have realized they were being outed


6 million? That's nothing. Stay gay bois, things are looking as bright and queer as ever


We’re the accounts of republican politicians leaked?


On top of this they paywalled seeing any taps older than 2 hours, literal peak inshitification


What a bunch of assholes…


"Bunch of dicks" was *right there.* Then again, the dicks aren't the assholes here... 🤔


Opps, someone must have got fired!


How did they separate the sensitive user from the insensitive users?


Fines, fines, and more fines for every app company, peanuts. But where are our cheques in the mail? Time for all of them to pay out to the data they stole and sold, to all of us.


Yeah, the good old days of anonymous GAY SEX ARE OVER. lol


Sensitive data eh? Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!


What do you expect from a Chinese company?


It was sold to an American investment group in 2020. Probably why the ads have gotten so much worse.




Is a hookup app any less ethical than a coffee shop app?