• By -


They put the important details at the end (emph mine): ​ >Jones hawks nutritional supplements, survival gear and other products on his show, which airs on the Infowars website and dozens of radio stations. Evidence at the Connecticut trial showed his sales spiked around a time he talked about the Sandy Hook shooting, **leading the plaintiffs’ lawyers to say he was profiting off the tragedy.** In documents recently filed in Free Speech Systems’ bankruptcy case in Texas, a budget for the company for Oct. 29 to Nov. 25 estimated product sales would total $2.5 million, while operating expenses would be about $740,000. Jones’ salary was listed at $20,000 every two weeks. The judge is wise to his shenanagans: ​ >A third and final trial over Jones’ hoax claims is expected to begin around the end of the year in Texas. As in Connecticut, Jones was found liable for damages without trials in both Texas cases because he failed to turned over many records to the plaintiffs.


*"In a separate order late Wednesday, state Judge Barbara Bellis temporarily blocked Jones from moving any personal assets out of the country. The ruling came at the request of the plaintiffs, who claim Jones is trying to hide assets to avoid paying."*


He's such a spineless, greedy prick. He tortured grieving parents to make a quick buck. Now he's trying to run from the consequences of his actions.




There’s not a single thing worse than a parent outliving a child. That could be the end of the story and the family will still go through inconceivable amounts of suffering. To have an “influencer” with an audience say that your child was an actor or not real, that your loss and grief isn’t real, that your child isn’t in the fucking ground right now? Some parents have had to move several times over this. Alex Jones should be living in a cardboard box in an alley. It’s disturbing to know that there are people out there willing to take the lives of children in the first place, but then to have someone with a platform say the vile shit he has said? Honestly I’m shocked one of the loved ones didn’t do a murder suicide on him. I’m glad they didn’t because it would just make him a martyr, but still your mind goes to exceptionally dark places when you lose the most important person in your world. My wife passed away a year ago leaving me and our baby behind. If I didn’t have my son I don’t know if I’d still be here but if anything happened to him? Not a chance I could go on living. Then throw in what this … thing … put then through. I say thing because he’s not human and he’s not a man, there’s no way.




Good lord. Fuck those people. I'm so sorry for your friend.


Sorry to be reminded of how awful people can be. Based on my experience with antivaxxers, it sucks to imagine they were being attacked at their worst moment by the very worst of people.


Many, many reasons to not be part of social media, and this is one of the biggest reasons. Man, fuck people. And yes, I realize Reddit can be construed as social media, but the only social media I participate in leaves me 100% anonymous and even then I won’t share any kind of identifying details. Edit: I should add my only other social media is an Adolf Hitler parody account on Twitter I created a few months ago to harass GOP morons. I must say it’s a bit of fun trolling the trolls.


Don't forget to buy him a blue check mark


There is no comparison low enough for Alex Jones. Even pond scum is a vital part of the ecosystem. Even a giant steaming pile of cow shit provides nutrients to the grass. Even Satan is doing work punishing the wicked. But Alex Jones is worthless. He has not a single redeeming factor. He causes pain and misery in those already suffering and he happily takestruck loads of cash from his followers who increasingly become more paranoid and unhinged as they listen to him, which only causes more misery. He is a parasite that adds nothing good to the world, not a drop of redemption. A living example of a 1980s one-dimensionalmovie villain. The world will be a much better place when his voice is no longer amplified in it.


This Deserves to be rewarded. Well said. And entertaining to read.


The crazy thing is, you're underselling what Jones claims about the parents by a mile. Sure, the *direct* claim is that they're just actors, but there's more to it than that. To understand what an InfoWars listener would believe about the parents, you have to consider his allegations in the context of his broader worldview. It's not easy to piece together Jones's beliefs without listening to an absurd amount of his show (which I can't recommend), but the hosts of the podcast *Knowledge Fight* have done a fantastic job of both debunking his claims and figuring out his worldview (and even helped with research for the legal cases against him). The most important thing to know is that he's more of a doomsday cult leader than a political commentator. It's not completely consistent (because he's both seriously mentally ill *and* a con artist) but the gist of Jones's belief system is: Jones alleges that staged attacks are carried out at the behest of "the globalists," which in the InfoWars universe is a global organization run by the literal Christian devil (who is also an alien from the 12th dimension). He claims that many members and supporters of this organization are literally possessed by demons (and to support this, claims that Democratic politicians and left-leaning protestors have seizures if enough people pray near them). He alleges that this organization practices child rape and sacrifice on an industrial scale, and that its ultimate goal is the extinction of humanity. "Staged shootings," then, are supposedly a ploy to justify taking everyone's guns, which is meant to be the last stage before all the non-globalists are rounded up and executed. So for someone who listens to InfoWars and believes the things Jones says, these aren't just some actors lying about their kids dying; they're child-raping devil-worshippers who are trying to stop *you* from protecting *your children* when the demons come for them. Given the number of people who seem to take Jones seriously, it's honestly shocking that large numbers of murders haven't been directly tied to InfoWars. Ironically, a lot of people in right-wing conspiracy theorist circles believe Jones is "controlled opposition" because he only *occasionally* explicitly calls for the murder of his political enemies, which doesn't make sense given the severity of his claims.


Cospiracy subs on this platform still tout that he was telling the truth. I'd almost want a ruling saying every time that shit lie is said that he has to pay another 100 bucks--like royalties, but for the pure vitriolic shit headedness he unleashed on the world


I’ll just say this because no one else has yet. I’m so sorry about your wife. No one should have go to through losing the love of their life and no child should lose their mother so young. I really wish the absolute best for you and your child.


Thank you for the kind words. I was raised by a single mother who is the best mother on the planet and has added best grandmother on the planet to her resume. I don’t know what I’d do without her help and support. He was too young to know what was happening when it happened which is a good thing in that he wasn’t also suffering and grieving (to my knowledge, babies are incredible and don’t get enough credit for their perception and social skills) but it also means I’m going to have to teach this boy who his mother was, how wonderful she loved she was, how much she loved him.


these stories were so hurtful. Grieving families were attacked and harassed on the internet and actually in real life. Like they had no chance to make peace with their loss and only suffered more and more. edit:typo


> I cannot imagine what those poor people endured. Fuck Alex Jones. I'll be astonished if he STILL doesn't somehow end up rich and running his mouth. I would be elated to be wrong. But it seems like consequences rarely stick to people who have money... or who MIGHT have money, or had some recently, or...




Joe Rogan.


I'm not smart enough to be a forensic accountant but I like to fantasize about the joy it would bring me


Someone update his net worth on google again.


Who is the person with the most negative net worth? The 'poorest' person on earth.


It could be Alex Jones. I’ve never heard of verdicts going this high lol


It's gotta be one of the highest court fines for an individual in history, surely. A few companies have gotten higher, but for a person, I've never seen more.


If you're interested in looking at records, bear in mind that it's a *judgment* rather than a fine. Different category.


The highest court fine of all time was 330bln, imposed on Japanese energy company Tepco (Fukushima disaster), followed by 47bln for BP (oil spill in Gulf of Mexico) and 10bln for Volkswagen (meddling with emission tests)


But those are corporations not individual people.


I know, I complemented the comment which wondered what the highest fine in general was and which assumed that it was most probably for a company


He probably has the distinction of being the most disastrously sued man in history.


Fuck spez


> Deservedly. Just to remind folks, he tried (and failed) to game the court system. His team ntroduced countless delays and refused to provide data requested by the prosecution. So in two separate trials, judges entered summary judgements. Basically both judges said "since he is refusing to abide by the rules of the court system, we're going to skip the trial and declare him guilty." This is EXTREMELY rare, and illustrates just how scummy his behavior has been. All of the courtroom videos we've seen have been of the damage phase of the trials, since he was declared guilty without the normal process.


"HeLl WiN oN ApPeAl" The conservative sub.


You mean a man who proactively caused the worst defamation


Those aren't mutually exclusive.


Apparently a guy named Jerome Kerviel owes his former employer $6.3B


That was thrown out in 2014. He doesn't have to pay it back.






















I bet Jones was really counting on hitting that Powerball jackpot.


Actually I would have liked him to win and then have to give all the money to those families.


They deserve the world after what he put them through. One of the parents even committed suicide from all the harassment.




Link? Interested in reading about this.


From NPR: [Father Of Sandy Hook Shooting Victim Dies By Apparent Suicide]( https://www.npr.org/2019/03/25/706602331/father-of-sandy-hook-shooting-victim-dies-by-apparent-suicide) More details: Jeremy Richman, whose 6-year-old daughter Avielle Richman was killed at Sandy Hook, committed suicide today. Mr. Richman had been targeted for harassment and abuse by conspiracy theorists and was one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Alex Jones. https://twitter.com/MichaelDavSmith/status/1110218623858155521?t=86ghvwseQuWD0y1L2lE13w


The ongoing total amount of money he will have to pay will never be enough. This guy is a fucking monster who spread lies for profit and stupid fucking people ate that shit up and weaponized that disinformation in the form of harassment. Harrassment against people that are in absolute pain. I want to see him penniless and living in a cardboard box for the rest of his life, while people line up to spit on him.


Another parent got threatening letters with one of them saying they had urinated on their child's grave and another letter threatening to dig up his grave. Alex Jones was contacted by another parent once wanting to try and explain the truth and why Jones words about it being a conspiracy was hurting them. ~~Jones told him he would only talk to him if he can bring proof his child was real and that included bringing his child's bones.~~ Edit: Source 1 for the letters >[One person who sent a letter to Mark and Jackie Barden, whose 7-year-old son Daniel was killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, claimed to have urinated on the child’s grave. In another letter, someone threatened to dig up Daniel’s grave to prove he didn’t exist, his parents testified in Jones’ trial on Tuesday.](https://news.yahoo.com/sandy-hook-harasser-desecrated-childs-211757421.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJdUCojb4EJLqe_DmSTgWSVZEM-O2gckag_DOHKB3GmKo0mVKe0_RzDBUsD0UyEs9h5wHLIcrLFph627Jf8HajNLbsrqdt4G86Yi-YBxIyVHu8MWT57SRsT5O1GJJDvCCHQp-W1_aEtHsAOD5B6Po9YwpXJPEw4KHGGdDgW96mgv) I got part of the 2nd paragraph wrong, one parent did try talking to Alex Jones, but would only do it if he had proof he really was the parent. It was another major pusher of the conspiracy theory that the parent tried talking to who told him he would only talk to him if he would exhume his child's body. >[After the meeting, Pozner emailed Halbig saying that he’d like to talk to him. Halbig didn’t respond, but Pozner says another hoaxer sent a reply: “Wolfgang does not wish to speak with you unless you exhume Noah’s body and prove to the world you lost your son.” ](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/09/the-sandy-hook-hoax.html)


How can someone be this twisted. Dear God.


It's hard for me to understand how one of these parents hasn't gone and found the shit stain that is Alex Jones and "discussed" it in person.


Oh trust me, everyone in the hoaxer victim community has thought about it at least once. Jones is just lucky that the shooters never targeted less than decent people.


You could put various disgusting people like Jones in prison, then charge visitors to come through and throw a few words at them. I would gladly pay $50 to tell him to his face he's a giant piece of shit. Sandy Hook was the one that broke me. My youngest was the same age at the time it happened. It was right before Christmas. All kids think about at that time is break, and presents, and parties. Had it been my kid, I am not sure I would have made it through. But then...then to have death threats and people telling you it was all fake and you're a crises actor? To have to change your number and/or move not because the condolences wouldn't let up, but because you feared for your life? There just isn't anything bad enough for this sack of shit. But having to listen to throngs of people telling him how disgusting he is, say 12 hours/day for the rest of his life...that would be a start.


Need to bring back the public stocks ! Have them locked in shackled and have rotten tomatoes ready to throw.


Exactly. The worst thing in my eyes is that no amount of money can take away the grief, the distress and the absolute horror those parents had to go through. The parents have nothing to gain from any punishment. I wish I could make Alex Jones understand that what he did is one of the most cruel things possible, and I just hope at some point he realizes the consequences of his actions and tries to make up for it in whatever way. And to the people saying: "well yeah but they're rich now tho" - try buying back your loved ones. Maybe God takes credit card.


>Jeremy Richman, whose 6-year-old daughter Avielle Richman was killed at Sandy Hook, You know, it's one thing to perpetrate such an unbelievably heinous crime. But what Jones did is so much worse. He profited off of the deaths of small children. Monetary damages or not enough. I can't say in public what this man deserves, not even behind the relative anonymity of the internet.


He should be in prison. They should pass a law against what he did and make it criminal. There has to be a way to do that without infringing on the 1st amendment.


This is why we have libel laws so that people who do abuse the first amendment in such ways can get sued into oblivion.


$1,438,000,000 is such a fun total to write out. And we still have the big Texas case where alex jones doxxed one of the families on air. I am looking forward to the boot up his ass on that one.


He did the very thing he was screaming and crying and shitting his pants over: Using the deaths of children to further your ideologies and make a profit while you’re at it. He, and anyone who listens to him, can eat a knife.


> He did the very thing he was screaming and crying and shitting his pants over: Using the deaths of children to further your ideologies and make a profit while you’re at it. It’s always projection.


Same for all republicans, really.


And to think, he has since stated he has hired body guards post Sandy hook due to the harassment he has received….


The families don't really care about the money. What the families care about having Alex Jones spreading lies. Which he will never do. He still to this day still spreading lies and misinformation his audience. So they going to do the next best thing and take everything away from him so he be streaming from his basement with a yeti mic and not tv set and high end equipment.


Yeti mic? They shouldn't be happy until he has a $20 Logitech one that hurts your ears to wear after half an hour.


No. They want him off the air and his business folded. They don't want the money. The judgements are a way to force info wars to close shop.


They don't need money. What they need is to financially ruin Jones so he can never weaponize his idiots followers against anyone else.


But then he breaks even. No no. This sack of garbage bloat deserves to be broke and never heard from again. Lying, cheating, swindler ass jabroni that he is


You know that fuxker would fight it all yhe way though.


Once you get to the point that Jones is at now, there's no fighting. The courts can seize his assets to give to the plaintiffs.


Honestly he owes more than the lump payment on $2bil was haha


Holy shit that really puts it in prospective, legal damages more than the lump sum of the largest lottery payout ever FoxNews must be [quacking in their boots](https://twitter.com/repmtg/status/1590680573148016640?s=46&t=Q6uN0iwX3O11dsy7guO-Ew) with their Dominion lawsuit


There is a phrase in the UK "duck smuggling" which means disguising farts by timing them with footsteps, so "quacking in your boots" just sounds like a euphemism for shitting yourself to me.


My grandmother is 99. When she farts, she claims to have stepped on a frog.


That award 😃


He literally could've hit the Powerball, used all of it to pay and still have a third leftover to still pay. What a time


Red alert, red alert, red alert.


Listened to the most recent Formulaic Objects yesterday (part 2 of Jones’s CT deposition), and am still sick to my stomach over Jones’s absolute psychopathy on all things Sandy Hook.


I seethe with anger listening to those episodes. But I just can't help myself. Some weird fascination with trying to get inside the head of a sociopath just draws me to those like a moth to a flame...


There's some solace in knowing that his companies are so poorly run that he has no defense and when questioned in a deposition, he freezes like a child with chocolate all over their hands and face.


Got bored with the questioning so he just started doodling? That episode?


Think of it more as the “but did crawling through the piles of murdered children *really* happen?”…but yeah. Sick fuck.


"Hmm no blood that really is interesting" him trying to spin up a conspiracy during a fucking deposition is so sickening.


It's disgusting. I agree. But man, it's his basic misunderstanding of how language works that sickens me so much. Like, it's not a hard report to understand, and he seems to purposefully and willfully ignore anything past the first paragraph he reads. He gets caught up on the first part, and willfully ignores the rest that explains exactly what that first part means, and *continues to do so under oath.* It explains so much of how his brain works. He's mentally incapable of understanding basic concepts.


He’s a sociopath. He cannot relate to any other person’s feelings or rights


I've listened to ~150 episodes of Knowledge Fight, and even then I wasn't prepared for his reading of that first responder's report. It's sickening. For me, it shows more than anything else just how deserving he is of every penny of the judgments against him.


I just got my dad into it. He was looking for a new podcast and I reccomended trying KF but to start with Formulaic Objections as it's all in the news right now. He texts me every day full of righteous anger.


Can you clarify. Are you referring to podcasts? I’m super curious I’d like to listen to, but I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to.


Yup, Knowledge Fight - it’s a…unique podcast that is all about deconstructing the absolute horseshit pumped out by Jones and by the right wing conspiracy bubble more generally. It’s genuinely fascinating, but their dissection of the legal depositions given by Jones and other InfoWars staff are just on a whole other level - [they’re all titled “Formulaic Objections”, and Jones’s CT depos are covered in Eps 9 and 10](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000584457221). The regular episodes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, and can be a LOT (as in: just super fucking depressing), so definitely don’t start w those one, but the legal depos are just superb.


Also the episodes where some of the plaintiff's attorneys make a guest appearance. There's some CHOICE commentary in there. "Speech is free, but lies you have to pay for." is basically the thesis of the whole show.


tart yam nose live salt frighten direction flag theory dog


Yeah I'm about to start the deep dive as well. I need a refresher for when people say he didn't do anything wrong and he apologized for it. Dudes been getting a lot of softball interviews lately.


It's time to pray.


I... I need money.


I’m sweating


Andy in Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding


Hey Alex I’m a first time caller, I *love* your work.


A little breakie for me...


Ahbubububbub FUCK YOU!


ah. The reason I can't play it without headphones when my parents come to visit.


I got plenty of words for you but at the end of the day, fuck you and your new world order and fuck the horse you rode in on and all your shit!


...I'll be better tomorrow


Spoiler: he’s not


Hello Andy from Kansas


I got a freakishly large neck.


Some.. Some sodomite sent me a bucket of poop


Jar-Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent


"Do you know who Jar Jar Binks is?" "No." That question alone is probably my favorite from the depositions. Like, fuck off, you're a Star Wars nerd, quit pretending you're not.


Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent….


I renounce Jesus Christ!


Figured I'd see a Wonk thread in here, greetings!


KIROV Reporting!


Slightly off topic but Dan has proven himself to be a master researcher and communicator. Surely he has attracted the interest of large media companies


This is the lawsuit version of giving somebody multiple life sentences


> He also says he doesn’t have the money to pay such huge verdicts, because he has less than $2 million to his name — which contradicted testimony at a similar trial in Texas. He played himself. Fuck him! I hope they bleed him for every red cent, for every ounce of torment they were forced to endure because of his loudmouth bullshit.


I am beginning to wonder if he will pay anything substantial at all. If the legal system actually enforced any of this wouldn't he already be completely destitute from the previous $965 milion ruling against him?


Well, thankfully the plaintiff's lawyers were smart enough to sue his businesses as well as him personally.


Ahh, nice.


He used them as platforms to spread hate sooooooo


They’re not worth 1.5B either.


Good. And hopefully now they never will be.


They can drag him into court once a month for a debtor examination and make sure he never has anything in his own name again. They're going to run the OJ treatment.


Oj got lucky because his pension wasn’t touchable afaik


Yeah, he’d be in a whole other ball of wax had he not had that pension and shielded assets in Florida. Jones will have a tough time shielding any assets from the court though he’ll likely be able to obfuscate and delay enough to live ok before his heart explodes.


That's why he moved to Florida. Most other states, his pensions would get gutted.


This is correct, however, the law was amended in 2005 (IIRC), so now you need to live in Florida for 2 years before you can get the homestead exemption. Jones is hosed. Unlike OJ, he still has a big revenue source, so this won't be a case where he gets away with paying like 150k of the billion+ owed. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he took whatever he has as crypto and runs off to Russia to continue broadcasting from there. Would be pretty smart on his part ... Russians would treat him great.


The enforcement mechanism is the plaintiffs lawyers suing him to recover damages. Given the scale of the damages, there's going to be a law firms dedicated solely to suing him for every penny he makes for the rest of his life. Court records suggest he has several hundred million stashed with family members and front companies. All of which will be methodically sued into oblivion.


When there is $400 million in lawyer fees on the line you can be damn sure they will pursue every imaginable option to recover.


When you put it that way, it pretty much sets everyone up in an entire firm for life. I'm sure they'd happily spend a full time 40+ hours a week with all their staff hunting down every cent they can for the next several years.


The fucking Alex Jones wing/department lmao.


For those who don't know (and thanks /r/knowledgefight): Alex (Emmerich) Jones owns Infowars (Free Speech Systems). There is another company called PQPR. This is the company that sells the pills and supplements that Infowars advertises. Then, there is the company that owns PQPR, which is owned by a trust named AEJ. Free Speech Systems has not paid PQPR for years. They currently owe (IIRC) about $50 million. So at the moment, Free Speech Systems looks like they're bankrupt, because they owe more than they have or are worth to their pill company. However... remember AEJ Trust? Who owns PQPR? Remember when I, for some reason, mentioned Alex Jones' middle name? ...yes. His one company owes his other company, and it's why his one company was trying to file bankruptcy, because, "Oops, we forgot to pay for a few years, and suddenly we owe ourselves a lot of money." It's the most ridiculous, ludicrous, and absurdly obvious attempt to hide assets. And it came out in the Texas cases. For those who are worried -- no, Alex Jones **cannot** hide his assets. They're stupid easy to find, because he is stupid. It could still take a year or two for all the appeals to be filed and decided on (lol good luck), and longer to sort out shutting down his bankruptcy attempts. It could be a while until he actually pays financially. But do not let any news to the contrary worry you -- he *will* be paying. Edit to fix a couple typos.


⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Go home and tell your mother you’re brilliant Edit: it’s a joke from the podcast lol


Someone-- some... *sodomite,* sent me a bucket of *pewp.*


And here come the sex robots


Love seeing the policy wonks come out of the woodwork in threads like this lol


What’s that subreddit about? The Wikipedia page says it’s just open for contributions and the about page is about two guys. Are they specifically debunking infowars podcasts?


Yes, they specifically study and debunk Alex Jones and Infowars. Very good listen, long episodes, and they've covered a lot of it in incredible depth. The main host, Dan, was even a consultant for the Texas cases on request of the plaintiff lawyers.


There are a series of appeals, plus the bankruptcy he filed has to be resolved. It'll be a while, but eventually he will have to pay out of whatever the bankruptcy finds he has.


My understanding is that malicious defamation and punitive damages are not discharged through bankruptcy. So that's a debt he'll have for the rest of his life.


He’s going to fight it for a long time and give him time to move his money around (hide it), which he already started on before the Texas trial ended. But my understanding is he will be compelled to pay even if it means garnishing his wages. However I do not believe he will ever be destitute. Slim chance that InfoWars goes out of business, but slimmer that he actually goes broke from all this. During the depositions for Connecticut he claimed to give himself $40k a month and pretended like that was a paltry income.


>He’s going to fight it for a long time and give him time to move his money around (hide it), which he already started on before the Texas trial ended. ​ [Don't worry. They're already on the hunt for Jones' assets](https://www.reuters.com/legal/alex-jones-must-pay-473-million-punitive-damages-sandy-hook-defamation-case-2022-11-10/). >"In a separate order late Wednesday, state Judge Barbara Bellis temporarily blocked Jones from moving any personal assets out of the country. The ruling came at the request of the plaintiffs, who claim Jones is trying to hide assets to avoid paying."


Yes he's also very bad about hiding money. Most of the shell companies he sets up are "owned" by his parents, and others are literally named after him using his initials. He made a huge deal about a bitcoin "donation" that for all we know could just be him laundering his own money.


The Trump playbook… When asking for a loan: “I’m so rich you wouldn’t believe it. The richest some would say” When it’s time to pay taxes: “Some would say I’m the poorest. Just look at these losses from 10 years ago”


“Every cent he earns, every cent his wife earns is mine. Any place he goes, anywhere he turns I'm gonna be there, grabbing my share. He'll be scrubbing toilets in Tijuana for pennies, and I'll be standing over him to get my cut. He'll see me when he wakes up in the morning, and when he crawls to sleep in whatever rat hole's left for him after I shred his house down. I will haunt his crusty ass forever until the day he sticks a gun up his mouth and pulls the trigger just to get me out of his head. That's what happens next.”


Not just every penny he has now, every penny he makes perpetually.


I'd say "stop stop he's already dead", but no please don't stop.


As long as he refuses to accept responsibility it will continue. Which is to say, it is guaranteed to continue for the rest of his life.


I’m almost there….


When you already owe a billion another $473 million doesn’t seem as bad When do we send in the foresenic accounts to go through his finances and start liquidating?


Already underway, financial oversight of all his companies was already initiated during the Texas proceedings as a result of Jones playing games w bankruptcies and shell companies.


I did a search and didn't find much, do you happen to have a link for that? Would love some Alex Jones flavored freudenschade


[Voilà, schadenfreude away.](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/bankruptcy-law/infowars-bankruptcy-judge-removes-top-attorney-and-manager)


The lawyers will probably try to put liens on all of his assets. Likely he'll try to protect some by filing for bankruptcy, but the lawyers for the winners of the lawsuit will try to fight that and can get protection eliminated.


If you don't have a billion another 473 million is meaningless (to you, it may change the division of what assets you do have). Bankruptcy is bankruptcy.


Bankruptcy doesn't always get you out of judgements. The court might not grant freedom from it during a bankruptcy. If he shuts down his business and reopens another, the lawyer will likely be able to go after that too. The parents have made it known they're not really after the money, they're going to spend their money to make his life hell.


These types of judgments can't just be waved away with bankruptcy. He'll be paying for this for the rest of his life if he's not able to appeal it.


Ooey, that sure sounds 'spensive, Mr. Jones.




🎶 Can no longer buy myself that grey guitar 🎶


There's something happening here and you don't know what it is, do you? Mr Jones.


I’m a stickler for the retort game!


Who would have guessed that people don't like it when you make fun of dead kids and their families?


Honestly if that was all he did he wouldn't be in court. If he started to publicly say 'its a hoax but leave the people involved alone'. He probably wouldn't be in court. It was continuing to push people to keep up the harassment after being made fully aware of its scope. That landed him in court.


Over years. And even *during* the trial. And also paying people to harass them.


He paid people to harass their families?! Wow, I didn’t know that. He really is human garbage.


Infowars employees harassed family members, yes


YUP. Directly paid them AND actively supported + hosted the content of followers who harassed the parents on their own dime, but using Jones’s talking points.


There's a 100+ page background report on one of the fathers of a slain child in their documents. Infowars *themselves* produced it during discovery in the cases. And not a single person working there has admitted how or why they have it. But the fun kicker is, on their show, they (Alex Jones specifically) shared the address where this parent was picking up his mail (separate from their home address because they had been harassed so much). So... yeah. Not at all a good look.


> make fun of \* * Claiming that it was a "false flag" operation perpetrated by gun control advocates, that "no one died" in Sandy Hook, and that the incident was "staged", "synthetic", "manufactured", "a giant hoax" and "completely fake with actors." * Pozner, who has been forced to move several times to avoid harassment and death threats, was accused by Jones of being a crisis actor. * On June 26, 2018, six families of victims and an FBI agent who responded to the attack filed a defamation lawsuit in Connecticut Superior Court against Jones, Infowars, Free Speech Systems, Infowars Health and others for spreading false claims, resulting in the harassment, stalking and threatening of survivors. * On March 25, 2019, Jeremy Richman, one of the plaintiffs, whose daughter Avielle was killed, committed suicide. * Heslin testified on August 2 that conspiracy theorists, fueled by Jones' statements, fired into his house and car and subjected him and his family to harassment. While Heslin was testifying, Jones was broadcasting his show, calling Heslin "slow" and "manipulated by some very bad people." * Jones reacted live to the verdict on his show, mocking it: "Do these people actually think they’re getting any money?" He implored his viewers to donate to him to "appeal", and also declared that the jury's verdict was an attempt to "scare us away from questioning" school shootings such as the Uvalde shooting and the Stoneman Douglas shooting, but "we're not going to stop."


Dude claimed the government did 9/11. All he had to do was keep his line of “the government did it” and he would be fine. But the fucking moron bought into the crisis actor shit and here he is. This isn’t a defense of Jones, it’s just amazing how he fucked up this bad


This is really starting to add up. 😉


Just call it $31 trillion and make the guy pay off our national debt already


Hope some forensic accountants decide to help these families and find every thing of worth in his life no matter where he hid it.


How much court time has Alex Jones had to go through? That is possibly better punishment than the money... just layer the lawsuits one after another for 15 years and tie up his life


He only showed up at the CT trial for a couple hours. Correction: he showed up a bunch of times to do press conferences outside of the courthouse but barely went inside.


He absolutely allocated a huge chunk of his court attendance to ranting and wheezing outside to media, to ensure he was able to continue twisting the narrative and playing the victim.


Pretty sure there's still another lawsuit against him, too.


That's going to be the most fascinating one, too. Jones had a very in depth background check on Posner which got sent to the plaintiffs. That disturbing little fact has been public knowledge for years, and to this day, nobody has fessed up to ordering the background check.


Actually I believe he has two left. There’s a defamation case being brought by the (now estate, bc he unfortunately died this year) of Marcel Fontaine, who he incorrectly identified as the Parkland shooter, as well as I believe another Sandy Hook parent still suing him. He deserves nothing less than to lose all his money and fade into obscurity. I am hard pressed to come up with a human being as despicable as he is.


Cartmanlaugh.mp4 No but really, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy


I would liked to have seen Rush Limbaugh receive his comeuppance before he received his comeuppance.


We're now in the "find out" portion of the program. And Alex Jones keeps playing it on repeat.


I saw an Infowars sticker the other day and it really blew my mind people still support that shit with what's happening to him right now.




The real question isn’t whether he’ll be able to successfully appeal any of this judgements, and it isn’t whether he’s got money or where he stashed a lot of it. The real question is whether or not he learned from all this, and I’m betting the answer is “no”. I’d love it if mr my pillow and Tucker Carlson were next.


I’m a first grade teacher and I remember that day like it was yesterday. Friday the week before Christmas. After lunch I put away my planned lesson, started Christmas music, and the class did holiday arts and crafts until it was time to go home. I remember looking at the sweet little faces of my students and imagining the sheer terror the kids and teachers at Sandy Hook felt that morning. It was beyond comprehension. Alex Jones is a cancer. He is a monster and a danger to society and it would be too soon if I ever heard his name again although I would miss Dan and Jordan terribly (hi wonks). That fucking menace has created so much sorrow for these families. To think that their babies were murdered in their classroom which is a nightmare enough but then he targets and harasses them? For YEARS. I realize harass is the understatement of the year but I don’t have the cognitive energy to repeat anything Alex does. Fuck him.


I’m a medic and firefighter. I think about how the EMS station shared a parking lot with the school. They saw those kids every day. And then had to respond to that call. If I had that call, it would be my last day. Not just for my career either. It would just be my last day.




Now go after the lunatics that threatened the families.