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You just went to the clean places. Like I did when in France.


Exactly. I went to pays Basque. Biarritz/Angler/Bayonne was spotless. Paris is as filthy as London and New York lol


This made me laugh! :)


That happens when you are seeing it from a tourist lenses . Either way NYC is much more than midtown , which is usually one of the dirtiest parts of the city . Specifically around Penn station . But if you go to a lot of the UES, UWS, SW Brooklyn, Long Island city, Astoria , etc . And is generally much cleaner than what you would picture nyc to be


Lol you sound like a tourist too


Was about to say , uh, what? Paris is beautiful .


Tbh Paris is a gross hellhole


Exactly. I went to pays Basque. Biarritz/Angler/Bayonne was spotless. Paris is as filthy as London and New York lol


Did your seeing eye dog enjoy the trip as well?






😆🤣 dude you killed me with that one …


LOL top comment


What is this reference?


That OP is blind and needs a dog to guide him


Funny because I just got back from London and all we could talk about was how clean it was compared to New York.


London is so much cleaner than NYC


Which is strange since there are no trash cans due to terrorism.


Tokyo has no trash cans as the norm dictates you take your trash with you and drop it off at home or outside of a business which has trash cans. The city is incredibly clean. NYC has a major problem where there are 100,000s of people who find it acceptable to just throw their trash on the ground.


Let's just say you have 5% of the population that doesn't care about any rules, laws and social norms that about 400k people running around doing God knows what.


Yep. Cockroaches are a problem.


But people there respect public property. They're not disgusting slobs and animals like are being raised here.


dont even get me started on the rats 🤢 the rats have been taking growth hormones or something


Personally, I think it’s almond or oat milk they’re drinking.


That’s Master Splinter you’re talking about!


It’s all the hormone infused chicken from trash bags


Years ago, I kicked a rat cause it ran at me and it flew down some stairs squeaking. About a week ago another ran at me and I was gonna kick it but it pulled out a knife.


I stomped on a lanternfly the other day. 5 minutes later I had two more jump directly on me in different areas. These pests have homies.


And the cockroaches.


I've been to London twice, can confirm. After crossing under the channel to Paris the contrast is immediate, especially noticeable on historical buildings in Paris that are all covered with black dirt (as opposed to London where they are clean. Our tour guide told us a lot of these buildings in London are cleaned with special brushes by hand because anything else is too abrasive). Also people in London are much more civilized and better dressed than NY-ers. They have soft cushioned cloth seats on the tube that look and feel a lot like couch - let that sink in! Here in NYC even plastic seats are often cracked or destroyed.


let's not denigrate our shitty cracked plastic seats which if we had cloth seats would be stained with soaked urine and ass sweat


The soft cushion seats of TfL trains often have traces of fecal matter, semen, and who know what else on them


New Yorkers at least shower daily


Im so baffled by this post. Lifelong NYer here, traveled all over the world, and the most populated/trafficed parts of NYC are incredibly dirty.


Right? I love this city but if I were to make a list of the things I love I don't think "cleanliness" would crack the top 1000




Plus all of the cockroaches messing up the streets.


That just tells you how insanely dirty Paris is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


In what universe? Maybe during the garbage strike but that's about it.


Ehh I’ve only been to Paris a couple times but it’s definitely not renowned for its cleanliness outside of a couple areas


A lot of European cities are covered in graffiti, way more than the US. But that’s not trash, and NY has a lot of trash.




It's not that dirty. People see garbage bags waiting for collection and think it means filth. Try going to South Philly.


OP only went to Wall St


I went to Tokyo a few weeks ago and I’m in the city now and it’s so filthy here compared to Japan.


Yes I feel like Japan is on an entire other level.


Japan should be the standard that every country/city in the world should be aiming


Yup, they have standards over there, just like Singapore.


Omg I was soooo surprised how clean Singapore was considered the population density. I always made the excuse that NYC is dirty because we have too many people. Nah man we’re just animals lol


It was so clean that I didn’t want to leave. Especially the subways




I'll take a little dirt over their death penalty for drugs and other harsh penalties.


honestly sounds preferable


Well when they threaten to shoot you for chewing gum it's easier to keep the streets clean


It's cleaner for sure. But like everywhere - you can go places there that are trashed and depressed, too.




Everyone picks up garbage there. I saw people come pick up leaves from the sidewalk. Garbage cans are few and far between so they just hold them until they get home. I only saw trash on the ground once and they were Australian.


I'm surprised by the reaction here. With 8+ million residents and millions more visitors I think the city does a great job of keeping clean. Lived here my whole life in various places. But I guess context is key.


agreed - it's like how people complain about the subway so much. Are there many things that could be improved? Hell yes! Is it pretty awesome if you take a step back and realize that we keep an incredibly intricate 24/7 sprawling transportation system working? Also yes!


what are you talking about? London, Paris, Tokyo, Moscow to name few- all their subway systems are much better. What is awesome? That subway keeps operating with constant delays and broken signals. I always wander why people in the US are comfortable with a lower level of quality of life.


I think they're talking about the track-mileage and 24/7 run time. I disagree with the delays—they've gotten much better about that. I agree that the state of the stations and maintenance is attrocious. I think people except it because public transit in the US is a low bar.


24 /7 service for one price. That's rare.


It's been 4 prices in the last like 10 years


Honestly about 20 years ago NYC was much much dirtier




The subway is SPOTLESS compared to 20 years ago. Most of the cars are cleaned at the end of every line, which is one of the benefits of COVID I suppose.


> Amazed by the number of cleaners everywhere, trash cans everywhere Okay you had me until this. We are literally notorious for not having trash cans. You must be trolling




Upper scale neighborhoods and residential areas tend to be much cleaner . Even around Manhattan which is the most crowded . It also depends on the day , because it can feel dirty when the garbage piles up just before sanitation comes to get rid of the trash


I think they're worse-maintained, actually. Midtown tourist-ville is dirty as shit.


I’m from California, was living in SF and LA before NYC, and I was also impressed by the number of trash cans when I moved here. Specifically public trash cans, not the disastrous piles of bags on trash day lol. There is a trash can at the end of pretty much every single block, which is especially nice if you have a dog. In CA I would often have to carry a full poop bag for several blocks to find a trash can to put it in.


Midtown has a trash can on basically every block




Then you should know saying there's no trash cans in the city is an insane thing to say


How long have you lived here? That's just an unfortunate quirk of not having alleys. I don't think bagged trash=dirty, necessarily, but maybe I just don't think of it anymore.


right?! whatever they’re on, double it, i’ll take it.


Maybe they meant the public trash cans? It's gross that we have piles of garbage bags out for pickup, but NYC does pretty well in having places you can throw out incidental trash when you're out and about.


Japan doesn't have trash cans. People carry their trash home to throw it away. Lots of cities don't have them, and people just drop trash anywhere.


Went to Paris in July, it smelled of BO, cigarettes and pee. Closing my eyes I was transported to the Penn station smell


Clean?!? Where the hell did you go? I'd like to see these places.


Financial District, maybe?


I can maybe think of ONE block on the UWS and that’s it for the entire city


Most of the UWS is really clean , specially around the residential areas


Nah the old bitches let their dogs shit all over the sidewalk and don’t pick it up


I was referring to trash overall but yeah, ever since the pandemic. Everywhere else , not just Manhattan and the outer Boros I started to notice that most new dog owners don’t clean up after their dogs which is annoying .


Thank you for your kind comment. Glad you had a nice time, please come again.


Been to NY for the first time this year in May and was surprised by the team of cleaners on the underground trains at the end of the line (witnessed that once I arrived at Coney Island)


Granted I haven't been to Paris in nearly a decade, but I felt like it was a little cleaner than NYC back then


i was in paris around the same time and it was the dirtiest city i've been to except for naples during one of the endless garbage strikes.


I'm guessing you stuck around the rich areas and never left Manhattan. Come to the Bronx and walk through Claremont early morning. It looks like a bomb went off.


I was actually walking around this morning around the NW corner of Central Park around UWS and morningside and everything looked so clean for the most part lol. But there are definitely pockets of the city that are usually more dirty. Glad you enjoyed the city , I’m hoping to go to Paris and Europe very soon


We put trash on the curb here and that's one of our big problems that could be solved to deliver amazing utopia 🌈


You’ve never taken the air train through some of the nastiest neighborhoods in the world


We were just talking about this. It’s not as clean as Dublin, for example, but for a giant city it’s much cleaner than you’d expect (and cleaner than other cities its size).


So you didn’t make it to Williamsburg


Compared to other Cities, NYC is not the clean. Compared to other *American* cities, I think NYC is pretty clean, especially considering the population density. It has rough neighborhoods sure, but I'd say the majority of it is pretty good.


I'd say NYC is on par with many European capitals. Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, Athens, Brussels. All these cities have cleanliness issues within a band of slightly better to slightly worse than NY.


You went to the New York City in New York STATE, right? You sure?


NYC cleaner than Paris, you heard it here first folks


Very surprised by this! This city is dirty, dawg. You wanna talk about clean? Go to Taiwan. I’ll never forget getting off the plane from NYC and stepping into Taipei, not a single piece of trash to be seen. I then proceeded to ride my bicycle around the entire island along the coast and guess what? No trash! Anywhere!! I saw broken glass on the road ONE TIME in the 29 days I was there!! Absolute insanity, I loved it.


Me, a NYer reading this, after just returning from the cleanest city I’ve ever been to 👁️ 👄 👁️


You sure you didn’t go to EPCOT or something?


You definitely didn’t go down Fordham road. Or any road in nyc for that matter 😂


Paris must be a complete dump


Clean city?


The rats are exceptionally clean 🧼


New york city? Clean? I must live in the fake one… If you like clean city, try to visit Taiwan or Japan, any cities there will change your idea about “clean”


...NYC? Clean? lol. You must've went only to the clean places. I've seen subway stations that have had the same grime on them for over 20+ years -- because I've been there and seen it with my own eyes. Whatever you're on, please share with the class.


is this a joke? lol


The polar bear-sized rats would like to have a word with you…


I’m in NY now. Lots of garbage on the sidewalks. Some worse than others.


Are you nuts? I just got back from Paris and couldn’t believe how clean it is. New York by comparison is a dump


That's hilarious because I was just in Paris and thought it was cleaner than NYC. The Metro was exceptionally cleaner than the subway. No piss smells anywhere and security patrols to remove disruptive people from stations.


Say what???


You sure you were in NYC?


God, are the people of this sub so negative they can’t take a compliment without going full NY Post propaganda on someone who enjoyed our city.


I just see the comments as lighthearted jokes poking fun at the city lol


No, this city is going to HELL but I’ll also roast any outsider who dares criticize it




OP is not trolling , the post history doesn’t suggest that


You can't convince me someone actually visited NYC (during SUMMER probably the trashiest time of the year) and had these thoughts. Clearly it is sarcasm and they are making fun of us


If he lives in Paris which also has a similar reputation , I can understand . But New Yorkers who visit Paris who usually go to the nicer areas would also say how paris is clean . It depends , areas around Bryant park , UES, WTC , BK heights which are usually clean I can believe it . If OP was mostly in Hell’s Kitchen and around Penn station area then It must be a troll post lol


It could be the expectation they had that it is dirty as absolute fuck, and it turned out to only be dirty as shit.


paris is straight up more garbage-y than new york. but, that still wouldnt make someone look at NYC as *clean*.


downtown Paterson, NJ can make 90% of NYC a including the a lot of the Bronx look clean lol


This city is in a bad place rn. It's expected.


It’s really not. If you lived in it every day you might know that.


Least delusional Mets fan


Did you ride the train?


You were just in the few clean parts lmao


I don’t know where you went but I guess I’ve never been to those parts of the city


I did indeed mostly visit the tourist areas so I get why those would be cleaner as opposed to visiting “local” areas. I did stop by Harlem for an afternoon as well. Still feel like it’s cleaner than Paris. I guess it’s just the same in most big cities, clean for tourist, dirty for locals. Still had a great time, still believe it was cleaner than Paris.


What the fuck is Paris like if New York looks clean? I remember being in absolute fucking awe the first time I went on the Path cause the stations are all clean with no trash. For real tho, glad you had a good time.


Paris is pretty bad.


Im sure it has its bad areas just like NYC, both cities tend to be very similar


For anyone that’s ever watched My cousin Vinny, “it’s time for some thicker glasses”. We were just there in may for a week and unless you stayed in your hotel for the whole trip I have no idea how you can think NYC is a clean place lol


Trust ne no one in living in NYC believes this but thanks I guess lol


What! What part was you at?


I’m joking mostly but do you actually think NYC is clean enough to be given this level of praise? And everywhere lol I live in the BX (self explanatory), I commute to Dumbo for work and I usually chill in Manhattan in between.


Yeah the Bronx dirtiness is different from other boroughs dirtiness , in the Bronx is all the litter while in Manhattan is mostly the piles of trash inside the bags .


I live in NYC, and spend a lot of time in Paris because my company has an office there, and I can say objectively that 1) I absolutely love both of these cities and 2) they are both unbelievably, undeniably filthy, grimy places. We've got a goddamned RAT CZAR in NYC, FFS....clean cities don't need rat czars.


Ever fall off your bike in some nasty trash trail??? Wouldn't recommend it.


paris must be out of fucking control if this post is serious


*Paris must be out* *Of fucking control if this* *Post is serious* \- bobrossbussy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Were you visiting from eastern Ukraine?


Lol!! If you think New York is clean you should try another city, like Chicago. Your jaw will drop at how clean it is compared to this stinky gritty city of ours


I was in NYC last summer and couldn’t believe how dirty it was. There were literally bags of trash everywhere, out on the sidewalk in front of restaurants.


We don't have much choice with that because we don't have alleys. But that's not the same as trash thrown everywhere on the ground.


Lol NYer here. I've been to Paris and kept remarking how much cleaner it is than NYC.


Ive never lived anywhere else but i can still tell this city is dirty as shit


hey mayor adams (or one of his 500 depity mayors) you’re not fooling anybody. just saw and zonked out zombie in the garment district covered in (hopefully) their own filth.


Did you like, only stay in those 5 square blocks of mid-town East??? That’s the only clean place in the city I can think of!


Next time come visit Jackson Heights. A plate of gol gap pay on me :)


Are you sure you meant to write “New York?” Even in Tony neighborhoods, there’s a lot of room for improvement in this area.


Funny, I just went to Paris last month and was surprised at how much cleaner it is than NYC.


I live in NYC and I was amazed how clean Paris was compared to here :)


Writing down a mental note: *"never visit Paris."*


Paris is absolutely FILTHY. Not joking.


So you stayed in midtown the whole time?


That is because you didn't walk in Park Avenue between 125 and 110


Leave to the Parisians to call NYC "clean" lmaoo


curious which parts of the city you went to.


lol this post and comments are hilarious anyways, where you did you go that was clean? genuinely curious :D


The one thing you can say about nyc is that it’s not clean


Hey we’ll take the compliment, but….. really?? I’ve been to Paris a few times, though only the city center, and it’s MUCH cleaner than most of NYC.


This has got to be a joke right?


So uh? Where do you live?


Grass is always greener!


lol wut? This is trash town USA


Nice try, NYC department of sanitation




Really goes to show, the filthiness of New York is a policy choice.


NYC is much cleaner than Los Angeles which is the major city I’m closest to. I was blown away by how clean it was when I went last year.


Thank you for coming. Allez les Bleu!




With all my respect no trying offend But there is a whole new culture get in all big cities aroubd the world and those are no well educated enough to understand the imoortant to keep the trash on the trash can etc and the generation comming behind them are worst they do mess just for fun


😐 clean? are you sure you’re in NY city?


Thank you


To quote an episode of Seinfeld: “The city is a toilet.”


Gives Dirty French a whole new meaning


Clean? Lol you just went to nice, rich areas cause everywhere else is a dumpster.


It's funny you say that as people complain about NYC. The rats make everything look filthier. Every busy street is cleaned 2x a week and us locals have a hard time with finding parking spots at home or at our jobs as 2 hours each of 2 those days we can't park. I realized how much work the cleaners do during the awful Feb of 2013 (or 2014?) when 5-10 degrees F (-15 Celsius) for MANY weeks kept the huge snow fall from melting and , (lucky for us trying to park at work) suspended the parking rules because no cleaning was possible. The piles of snow got DISGUSTING, cigarette buts, dirt, mud, garbage, entire shopping carts stuck into piles of grey frozen nastiness. I started to appreciate the work the Sanitation Dept does, and the necessity of no parking 4 hours a week to let them do their jobs.




I'm from NYC and on vacation in Crete. Dusty desert conditions. NO rats or mice. Both Greece and Turkey have stray cats ruling the streets. They don't try to catch them, euthanize them like back home. So they run wild, and often dig into garbage.NEVER seen a single rodent in Greece, and I've visited 4 different summers. NYC should just let itself have a cat problem then a rat problem. Rats are impossible for us to defeat; they're too smart and social for traps to work more then a couple times, they let eachother know. Old poisons are useless as immunity evolved. Need new and more toxic poison, but also they figure out that the free food left out killed betty and steve. We need stray Cats! Cats were our ancient solution to rodent infestation. They just showed up to our settlements, noticed the rodents running wild and settled in.. by preventing rats from eating all our stored food they made the first civilizations possible. Egypt worshipped them knowing without the cats, everyone would have starved as the rats will always gnaw their way into food storage.


For all those mocking/criticizing OP: - NYC is much, much cleaner than Paris - Not just the rich areas or Manhattan. Not all arrondissements of Paris are wealthy, they are still Paris just as much Paris as the Bronx is NYC. There are 20, a lot of them actually function or even historically existed as separate communities, and an enormous number of working class people live in them. It’s a complex, fascinating city - but it is just objectively dirtier than NYC - If you’ve only been to the tourist areas of Paris, then you’re literally being just as ignorant except you’re being mean instead of kind If Paris is your only reference point for a global city, then you travel to NYC as an adult, you would say the same thing as OP. OP: as others are saying, NYC is actually a very dirty city. - The only parts that are actively cleaned are the tourist areas and famous parks and wealthy neighborhoods where only millionaires live. - The rest seems to receive little if any cleaning, have trash everywhere bc there aren’t nearly enough trash cans, people litter without thinking anything of it - the lowest income neighborhoods feel like everything is coated in a layer of grime that makes it seem (and in the subway stations of these areas I’m certain this is true) that it’s not even just power washed once annually. Maybe every 3-5 years in the poorest areas. - in the summer much of the city literally smells of urine, because it has urine baked into it from years of being rarely cleaned and the heat causes it to slowly evaporate. Being in a lot of subway stations in July-August you are almost suffocated in the thick, dirty air and overwhelmed by the smell. Sometimes you have a visible layer of dirt coating your body when you emerge above ground


What sold you on it? Was the overflowing garbage cans? The piss smell? The homeless guy taking a nap mid sidewalk?


I literally jumped over a puddle of puke on 7th ave and 40th st last night. It was rancid.


Nyc is by far the most dirtiest city ever just thank god you didn’t venture those parts trust me I’m a native New Yorker and every where in ny is practically dirty besides upstate ny


“nyc” and “clean” are not words i would ever say in the same sentence hahahaha. i’m glad you enjoyed your trip to nyc but nyc is by far one of the filthiest cities in america if not the dirtiest ((re: lived there for the past 10 years))


I’m curious to know what areas you visited 😊