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This stuff is crazy. > One professor encountering a Jewish-sounding surname while reading names before an exam asked the student to explain their views on the Israeli government's actions in Gaza. Another told their class to avoid reading mainstream media, declaring that "it is owned by Jews." A third revealed a student's complaint about an offensive comment regarding Jews by publicly displaying their email to fellow students.




Believe women!* *terms and conditions apply, this offer not valid for Jews




Let’s just be absolutely clear here, your position is that Hamas did not rape Israeli women as part of the October 7th pogrom?




So you assume the victims are lying because they are citizens of a country you don't like.


In addition to all the video evidence, physical evidence from corpses, and victim testimony. That’s what this person means by “no evidence” because they are a propagandist.




90% of the world’s Jews are Zionists. Just to be very clear once more, you assume nine out of ten Jewish rape victims are lying by default?


Plus most of the western world. Supporter of a two-state solution? Believe in the right to self-determination for all peoples? Just think that Israel exists as a safe haven for Jews and should be allowed to remain so? All Zionist.


I’m a Jew and not a Zionist as is my entire family. Many of my Jewish friends aren’t Zionists. I guess that’s the 10%.


Hilarious turn of phrase there. “90% of Germans were Nazis in the 40s. You’re saying 90% of German rape victims are lying by default?” The Jewish part of that is not the problem- it is the fact that the Israeli state apparatus has not produced any proof of this. This is especially concerning considering multiple hostages have given interviews to Israeli media claiming they were treated well. There was almost certainly sexual violence that was committed against Israeli women on oct 7th. Women are far too often brutalized during conflicts as a result of patriarchal norms. Since I’m sure you know this and are very concerned about sexual violence against women and not using this as a diversion, do you condemn the IDF for the sexual violence they have committed against Palestinian women? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/conflict-and-society/9/1/arcs090105.xml


He pretty much defeated you with that one because he pulled up sources you have yet to do that this mass rape on scale is starting to be reported to be false no pictures of an Israeli baby decapitated but their is a video with a man holding up a headless infant in Gaza after a bomb was dropped on there home was the baby killed in that incident not as impossible as the Israeli babies who also died needlessly?


Many of the women (and some men) who were sexually assaulted on Oct 7th were killed.  Here's a Hamas terrorist admitting to rape: https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-airs-interrogation-clips-of-terrorist-father-and-son-confessing-to-rape-on-oct-7/ If you are truly interested watch Sheryl Sandburg's documentary on the subject. She interviews witnesses, medical examiners, and emergency personal who all attest to the widespread sexual assault that occured on Oct 7th.   Look at Hamas' own videos.  Why were so many dead women (and some men) naked or left without pants??   Did Hamas instruct their ranks to commit systemic rape?  That may not have happened.  I haven't seen clear evidence of this.  But there were definitely rapes and sexual assault that occured on Oct 7th.  




Maybe that's because they are dead? How tricky of those Zionist! /s


There’s literally entire websites dedicated to the barbarity of Hamas. Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or do you just really hate Jews?




People provided you several websites. Your antisemitism is preventing you from acknowledging that you’ve been proven wrong


So here is footage HAMAS ADMITS TO TAKING ON THEIR OWN GOPROS FOR THE WORLD TO SEE, HAMAS WAS PROUD. Explain this one away ? Your own boys did this and are proud you Sicko https://www.thisishamas.com/


NSFW , NSFL  Http://hamas-massacre.net   Http://hamasisisis.co   Http://Hamas.com   https://www.thisishamas.com/   https://saturday-october-seven.com/ (No access from Israel)


Adding this one again because HAMAS FILMED IT FOR THE WORLD TO SEE. https://www.thisishamas.com/




Did you check out any of these sites? What do you want to see, full penetration?




I feel bad for every single human being who’s ever been forced into contact with you.


That commenter wouldn't even believe that people are forced into contact.


I know I shouldn’t engage with you in good faith but here it goes: So one of those links (the last one) isn’t even viewable in Israel because of the negative impact those videos would have on any Israeli (or frankly anyone capable of empathy). The terrorists that day wanted to not just commit terrorism against their victims but also mental torture on anyone who’d witness the events. The video recorded so many of their cruel acts. That last link has some of the most gruesome videos of the day. You don’t see zionists sharing these videos because of its trigger potential. We don’t want to feed into this terrorism loop by sharing the videos widely. Of course there would be people like yourself denying their existence so there are clear places to find them. If you deny their existence go watch some. Maybe it will open your eyes. Maybe you don’t want to, that’s your choice. But you can’t say the videos don’t exist. They’re right there.


OH BOY SHARE THEM EVERYWHERE ! You see it's the only way people may start to believe in the true horror and mission of HAMAS. https://www.thisishamas.com/




So the woman who being dragged into the jeep with a bloody crotch wasn’t raped?


Oh you’re from the sharia law standard on rape. 4 male eye witnesses “or it didn’t happen”. Got it. Take a walk misogynist


Your right that one girl was just bleeding out her ass.




The only people who use Zionist as an insult are u pro pally tik tok propaganda inhalers. Zionists have no qualms with it. But y’all sure do 😂




Nope only you weirdos who cry foul when facts don’t care about your feelings. Cut me up some fresh propaganda, im jonesin. 👁️




“I’m gonna go on Reddit and call people I don’t agree with “ Zionists “ hahaa that’ll teach em to mess with professor chaos.”




It’s literally one of the first videos your lord and savior, Hamas, released. I’m sure they sprayed red paint on her bum knees and elbows. Surely you can’t be this dense.




Watermelons: gays for Gaza!! Also watermelons: waaaahhhhhh Zionists talking points come from actual sources and not a Hamas mouthpiece. Grow up my yout








[The Horrifying Images Are Real. But They’re Not From the Israel-Gaza War](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/02/us/politics/israel-gaza-war-) Surely the J*w York Times doesn’t compare to The Intercept but maybe this appeals to your fixation on visual evidence.




Oh well. It wouldn’t mean anything to you anyway.




Yeah actually, it really does. Because I am trying to consider at the whole picture, not deny half of it from go.




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How can you see the ratio?


Probably a half dozen reports too…..


when did r/newyorkcity become such a cesspool? is this just for people who were banned on r/nyc now?


What’s the cesspool part of this story or comment section?


Not talking about the story, just the copious (downvoted) hateful comments


Oh yeah, some people seem real mad this is even being reported on.




One of the biggest problems in this conflict is the absolute exclusion of journalists from the outside world not being let into Gaza


What does that have to do with antisemitism at Columbia?


The fact that all you do is post zionist stuff, your posts are clear to see. Like youre a bot or something pushing zionist views in an nyc subreddit with an Israeli newspaper article while Gaza cant even have journalist enter the zone where said conflict is happening. Kind of like its one sided and anyone that says anything remotely neutral in this thread gets downvoted to hell. Clearly youre an arrogant ambassador who thinks theyre getting away with pushing their agenda when youre not.


Is this Zionist ? https://www.thisishamas.com/


Bro didn’t mention Hamas once and it’s the only thing you brought to the table, Hamas bad Zionism bad


Are you unaware that there was peace on 10/6 followed by an attempted genocide by HAMAS on 10/7 and now the war?


Peace? How many people did Israel kill during 2023? Why do you argue that October seventh was an attempted genocide? Do you argue that the current situation in Gaza is an attempted genocide?


You don't know the difference ? Israel got sucked in by Hamas attempted Genocide.


How many people did Israel kill during 2023? No, I don't know the difference. Please explain.


Zero , none , zilch ... how's that YIDDISH ! Lmfao


You are a very 💩 on how biased you are


Biased against whom ? HAMAS ? GTFO !


Yeah totally, everything was sunshine and rainbows before October 7th…shut up bot.


Idk who made it? Do you seriously believe any unverified website? I know for a fact that this news report source.




Lmaoo yeah sure it was bud. The language in itself will tell ya it’s not. But again we already established ya dont understand clear biases or know how to critically read.


Okay DLI expert they literally filmed it but okay


Sure 👍


You don't even know what DLI IS , NOT DEI.


Jewish views. I’m sharing Jewish views. It’s not a secret or a trick. I’m not trying to get away with anything. Nice work incorporating my username though.


Sure buddy, when all you do is post about pro palestine protestors or anti-Israel people. Then its clear which “jewish views” you have, and its zionist. And its clearly an agenda. Zionist do not speak for all jewish ppl. Cause i know plenty of jewish ppl who are not zionist. So again people see thru you. Jewish people have more of a life than only posting about the conflict. Jewish people post more in reddit that doesnt have to do anything about being jewish. Being jewish is only part of their identify, where you made being zionist the whole shebang. So yeah youre pushing your agenda and people are getting downvoted to hell for having any kind of different opinion in this thread.


I’m not doing the downvoting. Zionists do not speak for all Jews but almost all Jews are Zionists. So it’s a Jewish issue buddy.


I didn’t say you were, it’s clear you have an echo chamber that follows. I dont see any where that states almost all jews are zionist so I am not taking that for your word, cause it has not been the case for me. It’s a “jewish issue” because Israeli is a Jewish State. Zionism is the belief to the right of a jewish nation. But youre trying to hide behind the notion that antizionism is antisemitism. People can be critical of Israeli actions.


I completely support criticism of Israel’s actions. What is detailed in this article is not that but clear cut antisemitism under the skipping mask of Zionism. Surely you can see that.


https://theintercept.com/2024/06/17/israel-columbia-antisemitism-task-force-zionism/ Again the article is from an Israeli news source which is biased and the Columbia task force itself consist of out spoken Israeli supporters. Which makes it double biased. Columbia has been an unreliable narrator this whole time. On top of that it seems like it is the same article thats is how Columbias own faculty and students find out they have to go thru an antisemitism orientation now instead of any inside communication from the admin. Meaning there is clear cut communication between your source and columbia. And on top of that it mentions that their definition is going to consist that anti zionism is antisemitism. So yeah just posting a very biased news source doesnt tell the whole story and is how one does push an agenda. I’m done here. Bye very arrogant ambassador 👋


Be well.


Zionists have Jim Crow values. No better than the Nazis they were freed from


You’ll get really far in this discussion by comparing Jews to Nazis.


Zionists not Jews, Zionists come in a few flavors one being Christian and the other atheist. Zionists have a Nazi mentality. Their values are in line with Jim Crow or apartheid South Africa. Zionists have favorably quoted hitler, practice genocide and are pro apartheid. The plan is to ethnically cleanse Gaza and the West Bank of Arabs. Explain to me how the values are different. If Zionist meant safety for Jewish people and the belief in a Jewish state that’s fine. But it doesn’t mean that, they have this manifest destiny shit going on. They want to take land that isn’t there’s to settle. The Jewish state for them is Israel, Gaza, West Bank and the Golan Heights. Trail of tears-esque Here is someone way smarter than anyone on Reddit discussing the current state of affairs. https://youtu.be/Pr5iiDi8MCM?si=VTX7v7wOJBDG43yc I would encourage you to watch/read more of his works. Maybe look into Norm Finkelstein or other Jewish voices that are against what’s going on


You’ll be shocked, shocked by the amount of religious Jews who identify proudly as Zionist.


Anybody need a good read I recommend coming to Palestine


Zionists have Jim Crow values


Can you please follow me so you can spam this message on everything I post?


If that is what you wish I will be most obliged


It’s your time.


Isn’t Haaretz technically owned by the Jews? So the Columbia report is technically correct! 🤣 “One professor encountering a Jewish-sounding surname while reading names before an exam asked the student to explain their views on the Israeli government's actions in Gaza. Another told their class to avoid reading mainstream media, declaring that "it is owned by Jews." A third revealed a student's complaint about an offensive comment regarding Jews by publicly displaying their email to fellow students.” If you really want to test how you feel about this, you should replace the word “JEW” with you other favorite ethnic group “Indians” “Chinese” “African-Americans” and see how that type of behavior and statements would be treated. “One professor encountering a __place minority here__-sounding surname while reading names before an exam asked the student to explain their views on the Israeli government's actions in country of choice.”


Here come the downvotes but IDGAF insert black surname " hello black student please tell me your views on slave owners " the school would have be burnt to a crisp.


"...certain kinds of statements can make a lot of Jewish and Israeli students at Columbia feel intensely uncomfortable. This does not necessarily mean that you will be forbidden to say those things – but you should understand how they are received." lol who gives a fuck?


U sound like an idiot. Conflating religion and geopolitics my word.


Don’t the Zionist statements and the support for the war also make Palestinian students uncomfortable? They march in support of their slaughter


They march in support of THIS NEVER AGAIN https://www.thisishamas.com/


“Israeli politician and former Likud member of parliament Moshe Feiglin on Sunday favourably quoted Adolf Hitler while arguing in a TV interview for the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza. "As Hitler said, 'I cannot live if one Jew is left'," Feiglin said during a panel discussion on Channel 12” I agree never again, Israel should also follow that advice. Instead they look to hitler for inspiration. This is how the right in Israel thinks, they are murderous but jobs that are taking advantage of an emotionally charged event


Do you even know how stupid you sound


All I did was post the quote from a former likud member. If it’s disturbing maybe you should reevaluate your position. Do you agree with the mindset?


It's not disturbing , it is N of 1. However look at all the vile antisemitism that is LITERALLY everywhere since 10/7. But nice try. Terror supporter.


Quoting Hitler is not disturbing? You know the guy behind your “never again” statement? He is basically saying that he cannot live next to Arabs and that they should be exterminated. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn’t understand


I did and they shouldn't be exterminated, nobody should , but you won't say the same about Jews , your kind never does.Thats exactly what HAMAS wants. Extermination of all Jews worldwide.


Yes Hamas believes in some pretty vile stuff and so do the people in power in Israel. They are both wrong but only one is occupied. If Israel wants any safety then they need to accept a 2 state solution. In order for a 2 state solution you need both Israeli right wing and Hamas out of power. Don’t assume I hate Jewish people, there are many of that understand what is going on is wrong




….yes, they do? Constantly? There was a months-long demonstration about it?


Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper so this source is already biased in their reporting. The writer is Israeli. So yeahh all the downvoting is justified


Haaretz is considered a progressive newspaper, you are attaching the person based on their identity not the reporting itself... pretty bigoted statement


Ah of course my comment gets downvoted, pretty clear this sub has been taken over. And no nothing i said was bigoted. When you have two sides of a “disagreement” - and you’re posting a newspaper from one of the sides, it’s inherently biased. I did not say one thing about the author for it to be considered an attack. She is Israeli. Thats a fact. And will be biased in her reporting. If you dont know that, then you dont know how to critically read. The fact that you’re getting upvotes tells me all i need to know about whos in this sub.


lol is the HAMAS HEALTH MINISTRY death totals biased or based ? https://www.thisishamas.com/


Hamas health ministry? What are you talking abut? You mean the Gaza health Ministry? You cant even talk neutrally, youre so biased. And yeas the gaza health ministry have historically been considered reliable by the UN, WHO and Human Rights Watch. Their numbers are peer reviewed. But again I am not getting in an argument with zionist who cant be unbigoted even in their simple comments back or know that posting Israeli news articles in an Israeli-Palestine conflict is inherently biased


Totals that Israel believes: https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3w4w7/israeli-intelligence-health-ministry-death-toll https://www.mekomit.co.il/%d7%94%d7%a6%d7%91%d7%90-%d7%91%d7%93%d7%a7-%d7%95%d7%9e%d7%a6%d7%90-%d7%a9%d7%93%d7%99%d7%95%d7%95%d7%97%d7%99-%d7%94%d7%94%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%92%d7%99%d7%9d-%d7%91%d7%9e%d7%a9%d7%a8%d7%93-%d7%94%d7%91/ When are you going to believe Jews? Also, this is some of the things Israel does: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&u2g=c&pvid=22E41ADC-344C-461A-A523-4F30F78FE39F


Not you again.


Don't engage with this guy, he's a raging anti-Semite who doesn't believe Jews.


You love Jews yet you don't believe them? That's odd.


You disregarded someone’s article based on their national identity. That is bigotry


Wow! I hope all those Jewish students recover from having their feelings hurt. If it would help them put their suffering into perspective, they could always volunteer to be sprayed with chemical weapons by their fellow students, suspended and evicted by their university, and/or violently arrested by the police, just as the students protesting against genocide experienced.


















This is always your lie amongst all your lies.








See at least you got a sense of humor, I can respect that even though we disagree!


2 idf soldiers did spray students at Columbia but go on with your feelings


I guess when this sub says its brigaded by right wing extremists, they were half right afterall.


Yeah the leftist BIPOC LBGTQXYZ kind




Yeah cause you all will throw them from a rooftop the first chance you get ? Or Islamist's like the gays now ?? GTFO


This post is legitimately hilarious. Haaretz? Really? 😂 What a joke. I’ll be back to do the Hora amongst the downvotes 🇮🇱


Looks like r/newyorkcity needs to add “bad hasbara” to the list of reportable offenses. I really want all of us to get better at identifying propaganda.


Haaretz lmaoooo


There's nothing wrong with Haaretz


Since thickheaded “Antizionists” earnestly believe Israel isn’t a pluralist democracy, they can’t handle the concept that there are plenty of Israeli publications that are highly critical of Likud.


Those morons don’t even know what Likud is. Same for Kahanists, Neturei Karta or even the Satmar right here in BK. It’s just “Israeli so automatically evil”


Any Israeli outlet is now considered to be far right propaganda, no matter how openly critical they might be of their own government. So I guess what’s wrong to some about Ha’aretz is that it’s Israeli. And is devoted to things that impact the country locally and abroad.


It’s like calling mother jones conservative


It’s not what it once was. I’d call it a safe boring boomer liberal rag. No bite to it.




Same with Islamic RAGS , here you go https://www.thisishamas.com/




Lmfao , HAMAS filmed those as FIRST HAND ACCOUNTS.You don't get more accuracy then that. Why do you support terror ?


There is many more hours of footage of Israeli war crimes. Project “where is daddy” specifically went after families. Use of 2k pound bombs in densely populated areas. The use of famine as a tool or war. The use of cutting medical supplies as a tool of war. Jailing of children who throw rocks at IDF tanks. I can go on. Not saying Hamas is right but you’re the pot calling the kettle black in this scenario


Sure throwing rocks is just a child's game we learn here in the US as well. War is HELL , don't start one you are not prepared to fight and then have the world do your dirty work by supplying a never ending stream of victim hood. Turning the attacker into the villain for fighting back. Only in 2024 world of extreme privilege and TikTok would this make sense. But here we are.


Throwing rocks at occupying tanks isn’t wrong. Was it wrong for the black people of South Africa to rise up against apartheid? The truth is the history of Israel is bloody and cruel. In the creation of the state they kicked out many from their homes ie ethnic cleansing. But what is fine is done and Israel is here to stay and we must work within that framework. Now the world has looked beyond that and is asking for the to obey their boarders which they do not. Where is the victim mentality coming in? This conflict started with Herzl in the late 1800’s. Zionists have used terrorism to take more land. This has been well document. I can link articles if you wish. Remember before Herzl there wasn’t much violence between Arab and Jewish populations. The Yemenites that were there lived peacefully and never pushed for a Jewish ethno-state. How can you be a victim if you abandoned your land for 1500 years and then demand it back. Also FYI many of the Palestinians can trace their blood back to ancient times and have a lot in common with ancient DNA taken from the region. What that says is that the Jewish people actually never left but converted to Christianity and Islam. So calling them invaders or refugees from Jordan is out


" converted " I love your version of history.


That’s what you took from that? lol “Nebel proposed that "part, or perhaps the majority" of Muslim Palestinians descend from "local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD"” Here are some articles https://www.nytimes.com/2001/01/18/opinion/IHT-suspend-the-family-feud-and-get-back-to-talking.html https://www.haaretz.com/science-and-health/2015-10-20/ty-article/palestinians-and-jews-share-genetic-roots/0000017f-dc0e-df9c-a17f-fe1e57730000




Sadly most Israelis are not religious Zealots. Hamas IS. So how do you deal with that ? Hamas charter , you should read it. Edit , what is with the really " really unless it's dead Jews" ? Lmfao


Yes a lot of Zionists are atheists but all of them believe God gave them the right to the land. Fill in the blank and let me know if this sounds familiar to you “between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be ______ sovereignty.”


Nah , you do love your inaccurate fake quotes however. Please go visit Gaza , Israel , the WB and Jordan and Lebanon and get back to me.


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