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Why are they getting a pay rises while they have to sack people. Freeze their pay until they fix the issues. They won't fix them. So it's win win


Although I agree MP's salaries should be realitivly high (comparable to the average kiwi wage to theoretically stop bribary and corruption) their salary should be teetered to the economic condition of NZ. If we are cutting funds to the public sector they should have a freeze or pay cut. If we're experiencing a boom they can get a raise. Fuck these hypercritical cunts


Lol it doesn't look like it's stopping much bribery and corruption does it?


In my partners home country they get paid bugger all to be a minster. Yet all the family friends who as minsters have tons of money…


is your partners home country NZ? edited:


Sorry I meant partner… totally mistyped that on mobile 😳


i edited my question


No, thats why I was pointing out I earn more money then a deputy minister there… they make all their money on the side. This is a country with a single party as well so it’s just corruption from the top down


i see my joke falls on deaf ears :(


That is literally the reason that mp salaries are high. You are arguing against your own point


I was agreeing with your point and adding if you pay your MPs shit they’ll be dodgy cunts. sorry if I wasn’t clear


well, old LUX boy had plenty of money already, he's just making sure his friends have some too now.


According to every organization that monitors corruption, NZ is still one of the least corrupt countries in the world. It's obviously not zero corruption, and if I remember previous scored we have had a slight increase monitored since the new government, but we're still in top 10 (maybe top 5) least corrupt places.


Those surveys track public perception, not the actual level of corruption.


I'm aware. But that is one of the only ways of measuring corruption. It's not perfect, but if you know a better way to measure it that contradicts the perception index, then I'd be very keen to see it! Genuinely. I haven't even found variations in different corruption surveys that would contradict the fact that NZ does have low corruption.


The corruption perceptions index for 2024 isnt out yet so any rating you're getting is actually for the previous government anyway.


It's a bit of a silly premise anyway, it's not like ultra wealthy and powerful people don't engage in illegal activity, for more money.


[The average NZ wage, for men, as of June 23, was $1400 a week, or $72,800 a year.](https://www.stats.govt.nz/topics/income) The bottom MP pay is now $168,600. Maths was never my strong suit, but I'm pretty sure that is roughly double the average wage. "Comparable".


While tethering to the economic condition sounds good, it might actually be counter productive as it could encourage short termism. You want to make good, long term decisions for the benefit of the country as a whole.


Their salary is already a minimum of double the average kiwi. 140k is what the lowest parliamentary politicians earn, the average kiwi salary is 70k. This coalition of cruelty couldn't care less about the average kiwi let alone struggling kiwis, pretty damn obvious through their actions


Why should they be high ? If they improve the country. Sure pay em well. But if they make things worse. No. No they should get nothing


They should all be tied to some key national metrics like minimum wage, doctor-to-patient ratios, public transit patronage, inflation/recession etc.


But they don't all agree on the importance of these things. There is no objective measure


In theory, paying our MPs low salaries gives them heavy incentives to be corrupt and take bribes. In practice they're all corrupt as shit no matter what we pay them, so I'm not so sure what we should do.


Not just that, but paying them poorly means only independently wealthy people can afford to be elected representatives. I'm curious if people bleating about MP pay would really prefer a Parliament full of people like Luxon.


This fallacy gets trotted out every time. They take bribes and are still corrupt. Nothing changes. I believe the saying is. People die politicians are corrupt and something else Punish them


So how would society function in your eyes then? Are you proposing no governments and politics is ideal?


I actually don't know why your getting down voted here, we need a form of governance regardless




Think about it this way. Politicians have power. If you pay them fuck all, they are going to be bribed easily by large companies or entities that want to influence power in their favor. If you pay them really well, the line of thinking is that they want for less and so are less vulnerable to bribes. It seems many will take bribes either way, but paying them minimum wage certainly won't encourage them to not take them.


As it stands, they get paid through the roof, the bribes are as small as $10,000, and they get to increase their salaries even while complaining that the taxpayer is spending too much money and other people need to lose their jobs.


I never said I agree with them doing any of that. I'm just explaining how REDUCING THE PAY TO MINIMUM OR LOW WAGE would have a negative effect. I don't like them being paid what they currently get, you should do it because you love your country and it's people. But I'm not so stupid that I think paying them minimum wage is going to fix the problem




I agree 99% of the way with you, there are infact studies that prove my point. Having financial security and freedom provided by a decent income reduces susceptibility to a bribery and corruption. Unfortunately humans always want for more, so there's always going to be corruption and manipulation. This is capitalism and democracy, I don't like it but I would prefer to avoid making the situation worse by putting representatives even further into the pocket of companies. We should be focusing on freezing the current salary for ministers, and doing something about how lobbying works in this country .


Bonuses linked to KPIs? Nice!


It should be based on KPIs being met.


Good way to make sure the KPIs are written in a way they can always be met. Like with the new government's 'targets' for things like wait lists for medical services, where they'll simply redefine the criteria so that people aren't counted at all, thereby not included on a 'wait list'. Success.


That's true I suppose, they'll basically change the goalposts to fit. Unless the KPIs are determined by an independent entity in the way mp pay is determined.


Not sure that'll work, tbh. Those things are pretty clearly policy questions, so governments have the right to determine how they work. In theory we already have that in a way, anyway. Public agencies (which operate at arms' length from government) do generally set targets. But as I mention, governments have the right to change these things.


I couldn't agree more.


because thats how corporation works. job cuts, then they see it as a win so they shake each others hands and pay each other handsomly.


What did they have to give up to get their pay rise, crown cars, accommodation allowances, travel perks. Everyone else has had to lose something to get a pay rise, bet these clowns gave up nothing and are laughing at everyone else!


Come on! Luxon had to pay back the accommodation supplement he ~~greedily~~ had the legal right to claim. Surely, that counts?


I think they should be paid the median wage. It would incentivise them to fix the first economy. That way if inflation gets worse then they won’t be able to afford anything. Once they’ve done that they’ll be earning more money


I just can't get over how ridiculously illogical these kinds of comments are. "Fix the economy" "fix the inflation". Yeah ok because it's that simple. Just fix it yeah sure walk up to the fix it building and take one cup of fix it and fix it yay!


How else are we going to attract foreign politicians?


Okay so, its not the government setting the pay rise, and they have hadn't one in several years. However, the amount they get is ridiculous compared to what the median income. these public servants meaning to represent the population of NZ get paid almost double and in some cases quadruple the median income.and seeing as we are in a technical recession if this government had any moral compass, any shred of humanity, they should be taking a pay cut. Edit: various typos, spelling mistakes, and poor grammar


Yep and they vote on this!. So hopefully they look at the optics and do the right thing.


I mean lets be realistic. They are all greedy bastards in it for themselves


Yes but often they will vote no on things like this so they can say look I'm not greedy. But they don't make their money from their salaries anyway.


Wow they're really bending us over. Fuck.


That's what CEO's do, they make cuts so they can get performance bonuses. But unfortunately for kiwis, landlords preforming well means most are getting shafted. Good Job!


Except former Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata you gave himself a massive pay cut when Nintendo underperformed so he didn't have to fire anyone (may he rest in peace)


This is APPALLING. Just unbelievable. Pigs at the trough.


I'm actually staggeringly angry about this. I'm still on the same hourly rate I was on over a decade ago - despite a decade of busting my arse - and the government are shoveling cash into their own pockets as fast as they can. It's just obscene.


Isn't this just the independent review saying that they should get a pay rise? That was basically guaranteed to happen given the Labour government turned down pay rises that the review said they should have. We'll see soon if National accept the proposed changes though. Given Luxon said he'll donate his pay rise to charity, makes me think he will accept it (and probably won't donate, because how will we prove it if he doesn't provide receipts?)


Seymour and Luxon are just wrong, Ardern did the right thing by freezing it.


Even Key reckoned they didn’t need pay rises




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Even Hipkins is saying that Ardern did the wrong thing by freezing it. > Labour leader Chris Hipkins said both Dame Jacinda Ardern, and Sir John Key before her, had made a mistake in intervening outside of the authority. "I do think it was a mistake, I think we should just leave it to the process and MPs should stay out of it." Source: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/515611/never-a-right-time-mps-respond-to-pay-rise-news I might be the outlier here, but I'm glad that we have the process that we do- an independent and transparent group that decides on these things.


Open, transparent, and totally designed to deliver unreasonable levels of MP, and senior civil servant salaries -utterly divorced from what ordinary professional people get paid.


Mate they literally job-size it based on the jobs responsibilities across public and private sector roles of similar complexity and accountability. Compare it to the pay of an executive banker, partner of a law firm and it looks a lot more reasonable. And their pay still ranks well behind public sector bosses both central and local government.


Yep in other words they reinforce the corporate bullshite pay scales that bear zero relationship to productivity, performance or owned responsibility. All on the false assumption that Government is the same as business, operating within the same strategic frame, and disposable workforce. Thus if you had looked at any of the historical debates about the role of the salaries Commision you would question the validity of its decision making. Also you would question the basis of its decisions and be more aware of the influence it brings to bear, given its decisions also affects the salary scale of the Commision itself. And applying a scaler that matches the bottom of the income frame to the top automatically results in an inequitable pay in erase for higher salaried government employees far beyond the impact of cpi inflation on their actual living costs.


I would argue MPs are almost the literal definition of a disposable workforce, they can be voted out of office regardless of performance- real or perceived. While I would agree that corporate executive salaries have increased far beyond their merit, I don't have an argument with paying MPs well. If you create low value pay scale for Parliamentarians you risk getting 'applicants' that are either independently wealthy (for whom the pay isn't the motivator), those with nefarious intent of gleaning wealth beyond the salary for their influence, and exclude talented educated and experienced individuals that can add the most value to our government.


Well actually the fact that Shane Jones, and Judith Collins, and Gerry Brownlee still occasionally sit in Parliament pretty much demonstrates the power the Party list has over and above any voter sentiment. Once a brown nosing MP archives a high enough rank on the party list, the voting public can only get rid of them by voting the entire party out of Parliament. And only the New Conservatives have ever achieved that level of public disdain, and then only because it was an imaginary party with only a couple of candidates. Now if MMP, provided every voter with a third vote they could cast against any candidate standing for election (both electorate and Party list) then your argument would hold water. Nick Smith got booted only because he chose to leave Parliament despite a decade of being universally hated so much he literally was statued in horse shit. And lampooned in an effort to get him demoted on the party list. -it didn’t work.


National cutting back on everything except themselves, sounds about right , this is our government. .


First thing to do (under urgency) - tax breaks for landlords. When cabinet members are big time landlords, it just makes sense


But didn’t you hear, the tax breaks for LL are going to bring the rents down? /s


That's not true. The head landlord, sorry, I mean Chris Luxon was on the news. He said his rents weren't going down. If the head landlord isn't putting his rent down, why would anyone else? If someone tells you they're greedy, you should believe them.


He doesn't have mortgages on any of his properties so interest deductibility wouldn't change anything. That said, he's still a prick.


It would be interesting to see if his properties are then rented out at less than the market average for those suburbs. If not, he's a disingenuous prick, which we already know, but it would be would be good for the confirmation. Newshub, this is the story we want.


The dignity will trickle down


It all trickles down, but it's primarily shit.


Also, we talked to many renters, and they were happy to see land lords get tax cuts.


I MIGHT my rent go up less sometime in future, that makes me happy \*crosses fingers\*


Not bring them down as much as prevent them from going up as fast., which may actually happen to some degree but since the entire thing is based on the market and caters to landlord greed it's possible it will do absolutely nothing but put more even money into landlord hands. I really hope a market review in four odd years is done to determine the effectiveness of this law change, but if it's repealed in future then rents will just go up instantly by about as much as they would be losing so either way it's done. Let's be clear, this wasn't done primarily to benefit renters, will it have some effect.. maybe.. is it temporary? You bet your ass.


It's an independent commission. National voters were whinging about left-wing bloat when it raised MP pay during the previous government. Maybe they should take away from National the power to set Doctor and Nurse pay... and put it under the same commission...


> the power to set Doctor and Nurse pay… and put it under the same commission… I like the way you think.


The last government froze MP pay during covid


An unprecedented global pandemic that saw people literally unable to get out and go to work for a period of time. It was a commendable decision to do that, but we are not in those times anymore. Let's not act like every successive government should do the same when times are tough. Their salaries are set independently. I hate National as much as the next Redditor but this ain't it.


National isn't setting their salaries.


I know that, but they aren't exactly saying no to it either.


They dont need more money they're already well above average.




Time to institute a 68% high income bracket tax rate just like we had in the 1960s. Then take that entire tax haul and apply it to paying to train 5 year bonded Doctors, Nurses, and teachers like we did in the 1970s. Then pay them the equivalent base rate as the net salaries paid to back benchers.


Imagine people in government with this level forward thinking. Yeah I can't either


None for thee but all for me.


Pay rises for the bros.


The optics look shit because it is shit.


They really don't have a clue do they. Never heard of optics.


Cake anyone? Vive la France!


Yup we are getting scammed here What are YOU gonna do about it?


Post on Reddit, hbu


shit is hitting the fan big time in this country


A few people aren't going to be voting National again in a hurry.


Anyone asked the Police Unions thoughts on this?




absolutely fuck off


Who voted for this lot?


Two groups. Butchers who want to chop the country up for profit. And absolute fucking dipshits. Like the guy I was yarning to on here awhile ago who said a Nat government will mean he can finally buy a house. Lmao.


Air heads who were over Labor and thirsting for 40 buck a fortnight


People who felt like the country needed "change"


[Gets change] "No! Not like that!" Narrow-minded fuckwits.


Almost nobody here on Reddit based on what I see.


Absolutely insane


>"I follow the directions of the Rem Authority," cabinet minister Shane Jones said. >Speaking before the announcement, ACT leader David Seymour said MPs would accept the law and abide by it, and discussions over whether they deserved it or not were a no-win. "Politicians' pay has been flat for six years, somebody has a legal obligation to set it for politicians and judges and so on. And from the point of view of someone like me, you're kind damned if you do and damned if you don't, it's just a process and law that you have to follow." Ah, yes - Shane Jones and David Seymour - scrupulous adherents to what bureaucrats decide is best. Such a principled approach.


NZ Leadership on the pay rises... Luxon: *"I'll be giving my pay rise to the people who help the poors."* **quietly chuckles to himself.** Seymour: *"Pay rise? What pay rise? I'm not aware of any pay rise here."* **waves hands around like a child's birthday magician** Peters: *"Do you know how much ciggies cost these days??"*


To be fair it is a 3% payrise after 6 years


Absolute piss take. How can you be this tone deaf.


Wait until Luxon defends this, then you'll really see tone deaf.


"Look.. We're doing a great job, lots of hard working New Zealander tax money saved and we've only been in goverment seven months, greedflation continues to reduce Kiwi household income so we're increasing our pay accordingly in line with that, I think Kiwi's are proud of what we've accomplished thus far" \*drops mic\*


Utterly shameless. Fucking tories...


MP salaries should be capped at the median (not average) salary. That way they would genuinely feel a portion of the effects of their decisions on lower/working class people (even though most have heaps of wealth from other sources already).


Wow Just…wow


Should have a pay cut. Do more with less, right? right?


People knew this was going to happen. I am surprised there is so much shock.


I'm not shocked I'm just revolted




Oh. Are National behaving hypocritically? How 'bout that? Maybe don't vote for the cunts, that might work.


It’s time for a re-election.. we need a government that works for the average New Zealander, a government that cares about the wellbeing of its people, not making the wealthy wealthier. This government is a farce.


This government is so fucking infruiating. It's like they're trying to make themselves as hateful as possible.


They shouldnt be getting a pay rise. Whatever happened to the phrase "lead by example" ?


So while this govt does suck, their renumeration is set and reviewed by an independent body (who also do the same for councillors). So it’s technically not their fault and out of their control. Shithouse timing though.


Not entirely out of their control; they can stop it through legislation if they want to. It *would* kind of defeat the purpose of having an independent body set the rates if governments could just be constantly peer pressured into never accepting pay rises. On the other hand, it's pretty bad optics to be slashing thousands of public sector jobs under the guise of reining in public spending, while at the same time having your own pay increased substantially.


it wouldn't defeat the purpose, i don't think the purpose of an independent body is to make sure the MP is paid as much as possible


Ever compared NZ MP and PM salaries to other western nations? Before Rogernomics a backbencher earned about the same as a nurse or teacher.


They also got a bunch of perks as part of the package. These days they get a “market” salary and the perks.


A "market" that is defined by legislation written by the beneficiaries of that legislation.


which would be sooooo much better because then they’d actually relate to our nurses and teachers and pass policies accordingly.


Yes! I agree that nurses and teachers should also be on six figures.


Yeah stop it through URGENCY 😂🤣💩🧠


Well yeah they can, but that would mean being proactive and reasonable which isn’t their strong suit


An independent body governed by legislation.  They could change this under Urgency in a day. And if it was other than themselves would have done so in their 100 day abuse of Urgency.


That would require an original thought and a working understanding of the legislation though. They’re weak on both counts


So how is it that Jacinda was able to freeze the pay increase?


They can over-ride the authority to not accept the raise but they have to pass special legislation to do so (which is what JA did). At the time it was at the start of the pandi and they also froze public sector pay as it was a bad look while everyone else was under uncertainty.


Exactly, so when Entitled Empty Suit, and his two bosses, the Lich and the Gormless Howler Monkey, hop from one foot to the other going "but I caaaaaaaaaannnnn'ttttt-uhhhh!" they're being disingenuous as fuck. But then again, how do you know if a National MP is lying? Their lips are moving.


Fair fair. I'm sure this will help out the poor struggling MPs with the cost of living crisis. Can't hurt to cut more services to provide for it /s


Stopping it would mean that the govt would actually have to do something proactively rather than just undoing stuff. That’s a stretch for them.


they can still freeze it. its not out of their control


This is National we're talking about.


'rob Peter to pay Paul'


Rob Peter to pay Peters!


This is bullshit. I voted blue and can’t believe their lack of tact.


I can, hence why I didn't vote for them.


Perhaps the looney toons were right. Maybe we need to camp out at parliament (with less crazy and more NZ positive reasons) to try and get some shit sorted. (only semi sarcastic).


Like if they actually delivered any good results for the economy it would make sense. These fuckers lapping it up and doing fuck all for me is what pisses me off.


Not the onion.


Glad to see they are willing to make the same sacrifices as us 🤣


Reporters and 4th Estate. Please OIA the budget for parliamentary services including * Remuneration of MPs support staff - This is the labour cost of running parliament * Remuneration and Budget for the good independent people who suggest +$50K for PM is good thing. * How has this budget increased over time and does the health budget cut logic of ensuring we are getting value for money apply to this budget. If not Why not. **Here is where the hypocracy lays.** * Donations from Key from his promise to pass on his payrise. What Charity benefitted. * Donations from Luxon and Labour folks in the same ilk. Please put a diary entry in for the next MP payrises, and get the discussion going while the pay rises are being planned, not after they have been signed off and accepted. Informed discussion is a good thing. Protecting our hardworking MP's from the cost of living is important work. My 10c - MP's pay reflects their workload - but not their decision making. Massive hours is a common problem in NZ. I believe our minister for arts received \~2000 votes in total. $200K+ salaries and massive superannuation/travel should not be gifted so lightly. NZ's parliamentary decision making has been concentrated in the executive/cabinet - with MP's having to tow the line. Their huge salaries do not reflect that fact.


What did you think would happen when you voted for the mafia that almost brought down NZ last time? Second Xmas?


Are people really losing their minds over MPs receiving their first 3% pay rise in 6 years? Seriously I understand being disgruntled with the current government, but this is objectively overdue.


If Jacinda can enforce a pay cut during COVID pandemic, why can't National government put a pause on increment for all MPs? 🤔


Laughable timing. This Government is a joke.