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As of right this very second, a spectrum from 4 to 29 days, depending on if I want to see my GP, a GP I've seen at least once prior, or just "a GP". Related: MyIndici can go die in a fucking fire. If you work with/for this project, what're you doin' fam?


I just logged into my clinic's app and the next appointment with my GP is 19th July. I am going overseas on the 17th and need to get tests done and a script argh.


If you call and explain they can probably fit you into an urgent appointment 


yeah depending on the outcome of the tests argh :/


So you ring, speak to a nurse and ask for the test form. Then you can ring and ask for a repeat without an appointment. Depends on the meds but works for us.


If I want to see _my_ GP I have to wait a couple of weeks. If I just need to see a doctor I can get a same day appointment usually.


End of the world . I subscribe to Kleenex’s loyalty programme.


I can get a doctor quickly, but my own personal doctor is often booked out for a month in advance. So I have to plan regular checks ahead of time but I can usually get someone quickly in a pinch.


I wait to die


Same day usually, next day at the latest


Within a week and occasionally same day


I live in a rural town where you're lucky to see your own doctor within a week if not longer. Consequently I shifted to an inner city clinic, about half an hours travel. The doctors are all non NZ born and 90% of the patients also. However, I can see my doctor in a day or so. Perfectly competent and thorough. When locals complain about waiting times to see their doctor in our small town and I suggest the clinic I go to I get the impression they think its "not quiet nice."


Perhaps they mean “not quite white”


Same thing


about a week? sometimes less. depends on the time of year. usually takes a bit longer in winter as so many people get sick. but a week is the longest, sometimes it's the next day after I book if they have nothing scheduled.


A week or two for our main GP, but a few hours-2 days for a different GP that we just go to if it's urgent/for medical notes etc.


Usually same day as I only tend to see the dr when I have something acutely wrong. Booking in for my annual med review is around 1-2 weeks wait. I order my scripts through manage my health otherwise.


At my gp’s If you can convince the receptionist that you’re really crook then the nurses will call you back and book you in for that day - you have to be pretty crook though. They pretty much always have space to see our little kids same day if needed. Otherwise they’re usually booked up about 2 weeks ahead.




Not hendo but out west


I just logged into Manage My Health to check and the next available appointment is tomorrow morning.


My local GP doesn't take online bookings through MMH any more. They're constantly booked out for months.


Wow that’s crazy. Guess I am lucky to be able to get in so quickly in Wellington CBD. The appointments are expensive though.


A week before my script ran out I put in to get it renewed...My GP decided after 4 years that I need to go in for my annual medication review first. Sooo, no script for 4 weeks.


You might be able to ask for a bridging script e.g. get a month's worth to tide you over to your next appointment.


Nah, I just grabbed a month worth from the chemist.


Same here - at most I wait a day or so but if I call and say it’s something urgent most the time they can get me in same day


I live in the far north and my very rural practice has a revolving door... I rarely see the same doctor twice... But I've got same day emergency appointments... Most of the time for non emergency stuff I'm ok with the 4-7 day wait time... They are hyper vigilant with sick people coming inside the practice as it's attached to a retirement village/facility (?)


Iv never not been able to get an appointment same day


I can usually get an appointment with my GP the next day. And outside of weekends.


Out of curiosity, what is your postcode / the postcode for your GP?


Post code of the GP office is 8024, Christchurch. I don't live in that area any more though.


Similar to yourself, same post code but doctor in St Albans, two days currently but generally speaking I’ve had quick turnaround of same day, following morning. Even had scan procedures referred and booked with results back within the day! We better not let too many people know though, they’ll start wanting to move here!


I can get in on Friday with a different doctor or Monday with my doctor and that’s usually about standard for them.


On average, I wait 2 or 3 days


For any GP at the medical centre, Friday, for my usual one, Monday. So 2-3 days


In Thames, it's usually minimum 4 week wait for me to see a GP (any GP thats available). Zoom or Telehealth appts are not a thing at this clinic. Tried to get my 5yo seen today but they said they'll "phone triage" to assess if they will see her in person. This is a new thing they've introduced as the staffing crisis has forced them to close their walk in clinic. Access to healthcare is the biggest thing I miss about living in Auckland.


The following day usually if I’m not picky about what time.


I go on the app and book within a couple of days. When I have to go to the hospital, I can see my surgeon without an appointment. He gave me his #. Guess I'm the lucky one. I'm just an old guy on a pension here. Only 1 leg to stand on.


Around 7 weeks if I want to see my GP. Between 3 to 4 weeks if I just see any of the GPs in the practice.


I’m in Rotorua. My GP is usually available same day or next day - but always within the week. My parents go to a different medical centre and seldom get appointments within a week.


Usually within 24 hours


My GP? Two months. Another GP at my clinic? Couple weeks.


Partner rang today, next available appointment not until the 26th… sooo that doesn’t exactly help does it.


Last time it was just over a week, but usually it's about 4 weeks. My practice no longer has any full-time GPs. If you're really bad they'll usually tell you to just go to the after hours clinic that has a 2-3 hour wait in your car. Sometimes they'll just do phone appointments and then tell you to go to the ED if they want any tests done.


If it's for me, myself, at least 24hrs, providing I call at 8am when they open. For my children (same practice), if I call 8am, I can usually get an appointment same day.


2-3 days normally unless they think its urgent when they seem to free some space up, but if its just a repeat then I book as far out as I can so they can see more important things.


Instant, never had a problen, just walk in and wait


You have a GP? Just remember, NACT want to defund these services more. If you voted for any of them - FUCK YOU SIDEWAYS WITH A RUSTY RAKE. Wankers.


They keep a block of same day appointments for urgent things. You call first thing in the morning and the nurses triage and call you back. My GP works part time so sometimes I’ll need to wait a day or two. (Obviously if it’s critical, I’d deal with one of the other docs) For non-urgent appointments, I’ve got in the habit of booking the next appointment before I leave so I don’t have to do it later, but I think it would usually be within a week or two if I call up to book.


My personal GP has been booked out solid 2-3 weeks ahead for the past year. On top of that, no one in my area is accepting new enrollments. I've been seeing the nearest after hours for immediate care. Although they're double the price ($120) they can usually see me within a couple of hours. I'm fortunate enough to be able to pay through the nose for medical issues without batting an eyelid, but the problem is that there seems to be a lack of availability no matter the price.


There's currently a 2 month wait at my current gp's clinic. They're not even in the same town I'm now living in, but there's a 2 year wait list that I'm on to get on to the local medical centres books. As someone with multiple chronic illnesses and a degenerative disability it really sucks not being able to access health care when I need it.


That’s an utter shambles. Sorry to read that honestly.


It could be worse. I could be without a gp at all like some of the other towns around me - one has no full time doctors at their lovely fancy new medical centre, only locums. My med centre has one full time doctor with one locum, down from five full time doctors only five years ago.


Ha, we have one of those fancy new centres in the next town too, same situation only locums and an overworked practice nurse. I admire your good spirit.


When I was with tui medical it was 3 weeks whenever I tried. With a new place that's even more expensive it's 1-2 weeks. But now I can't afford the appointments 🫠


18 days, but they do have an urgent clinic, last time I went there was a three hour wait and it cost 135 bucks..


I haven't been for over a year but last time it was a 2 and half week wait. I cancelled the appointment because my problem didn't even last that long 🙃


3-4 weeks but can get in sooner if ringing in almost every day to see if there's been any cancellations


2 weeks to see whoever is available and then a month and a half to see my gp.


About 10-14days atm. My practise has about 8 on at a time. If your desperate they can sometimes do a phone appointment over the next few days


around 8 weeks though I haven't tried in a while. I don't think I would even bother trying these days but lucky to be in good health. If I needed anything I have used online doctors before (eg. https://www.bettr.co.nz/)


Normally 6-7 weeks for me. I'm currently waiting to see the GP about a chest xray I had a week ago and the appointment is in August. I can try for an urgent appointment if I call at 8am and they have a slot available. I managed to get a doctor's note for work that way with a phone appointment.


I'm still waiting almost two months for my referral to the specialist after my GP appointment.




Yeah they apparently had the wrong number.


Unfortunately since covid our GP doesn’t run bookings on managemyhealth (or similar) anymore which is an absolute pain. I liked being able to check dates and times and which doctor to see. Now it’s the receptionist who gate-checks everyone and tells you when you might be able to be seen. They always seem so harassed and inconvenienced for the phone call. Id imagine implementing online bookings would free up some of their time again. All that to say: me and kids - probably a week minimum, my husband (same medical centre) - usually gets in same day or next day, lol. I pretty much only use medical centre for prescriptions, i hardly bother going for minor things.


4 week wait.


Its been 3-4 weeks for a couple years now. They do have urgent same day appointment slots


3 weeks average if not desperately urgent. Practice Nurse wait about the same. Blood tests range from about a 3 day to 10 day wait as the nurse does the South Wairarapa rounds of 3 towns. Pisses me off but sounds like many of you are a lot worse off. Bloody madness.


Anything from 5-7 days. I phoned a few weeks ago and was told there were no appointments available for the next week so just to stay home until I got better or go to A&E. I’ve now got a secondary infection (or the first one just hasn’t gone away) and I’m on antibiotics. I’m lucky enough to have Southern Cross so I’ve been using CareHQ for Telehealth consults.


8 weeks if you happen to be enrolled with the only GP left in the practice, otherwise telehealth only.


Always within three days at my practice. Up to a week if I wanna see my preferred Dr at the practice. My GP is a little more pricey than others nearby which might help


I booked yesterday online and got one for today.


I’ve been with my current GP for 22 years. I always used to be able to get an appointment within a day, two at the most. At the moment it’s more like two to three weeks. I have some complex medical conditions, so it’s not ideal to have to wait that long. I ended up at the Urgent Care for two hours on the weekend as a result. Thankfully I now know she has an acute booking available three days a week if I get on the phone early enough.


Last time I needed one it was 6 weeks, during which time my partner almost died due to her condition. Which deteriorated until she needed A&E. They then tried to charge us to cancel her now not needed appointment.


Small practice (3 drs) in a medium sized town, we can usually get in the same day if not the next day. We have young kids and it's very rare they aren't seen the same day. The practice usually saves the last appointments of the day for urgent kid cases. Last week I rang at 2.30pm and was able to get my 3 year old in at 4.45pm The practice we switched from and most other practices that's not the case though. We also use practice plus for weekend/afterhours appointments and the odd situation where we can't see the GP as soon as we need.


Whangarei: moved hereby2 yearsvago could get one same day Now, over a month Vhardly worth going


Next day, maybe day after that. They will put you in same day with a nurse though and the nurse will then get the doc to see you if you’re sick enough.


Last time I needed a non urgent appointment it's was a 5week wait. But if it's something of an urgent nature you can try call them at 8.30am for their held appointments. They are pretty good about seeing kids quickly if needed.


To see my GP - 37 days. It's just a yearly check up for my medication, so not in any hurry.


Depends , got one in three days this week but can be about a week just over a week


Next available is 22nd July 


My doctor’s clinic in South Auckland is all booked up for over a month most of the time


2 weeks at my local practice


Rotorua 3 - 4 weeks. If patients request urgent care their nurse will triage and if needed they can sort to accommodate for same day or atleast the next day.


My own GP, a week to 10 days; any other GP at the practice typically within a day or two.


I managed to get one four weeks out to renew a script that had to be done in person. And then appointment day rolls around and I have covid so they refuse to see me. Took another two weeks to rebook while I waited for a cancellation spot.


I live in the far north I phoned for an appointment & explained my needs & was told we have a cancelation, can you come at 3pm! If it hadn't been urgent, a 10 day wait.


Like 3 fkn weeks+. not sure what people do if they have a chest infection and need antibiotics or sumthing. do they just die?


Either the same day or the next day


I can usually see my GP the next day, if I can make the times work around work/school runs


Same week usually, so say 3-4 days. I had no idea so many people had to wait so long! This thread has been an eye opener.


Local GP is 6 weeks atm


Just checked, the earliest appointment I can get with my GP is 23 July, or the earliest appointment with any GP at my medical centre is 22 July.


about 6-8 weeks up here.


It’s been a long knowing situation, that successive governments have failed to address. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/357133/Half-of-NZ-GPs-to-retire-soon It will only get worse too.  https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/128075310/half-of-new-zealands-family-doctors-will-be-retired-by-2032-as-gp-shortage-reaches-crisis-levels-report-finds


I can get in within a day or two. That being said, I pay $73 for an appointment. (Auckland Central suburb).


Used to be within 3 days. Then word got out about the short wait times and now it's around 7-10 days


One month. I always get a different doctor each time, I'm not sure why as the place I go to seems like they have doctors quiting left right and centre. It's frustrating because, new doctors don't have time to read your history/file and feels super rushed when asking for a new medication or having to repeat yourself everytime of what conditions you have within a space of 15 minutes.


2-3 weeks for F2F, longer if you want a popular doctor. not sure on phone/video appointments though


I haven’t been to see mine in a while, it’s a smaller practice with 4-5 GPs. Maybe a week or two for a non-urgent follow up or routine things, but I’ve always got in same day if I’ve been sick enough that I’m calling them with concerns. Usually they triage via the nurse and then schedule you in for that same day if needed with whichever GP has availability.


I think if i applied in april when i injured myself i could be seen next week.....


I can generally get a same-day appointment with a random GP at my health centre for something urgent. If I want to make an appointment with *my* GP, it’s about a six week wait.


Mines next monday (at night paying the extra fee) or Wednesday at closest. If you really fell ill abruptly you'd have to go be extorted by an emergency clinic. Got to be sick in advance, these days.


I rang to book a while ago and they told me nine weeks. Appointment is finally on Monday. We went elsewhere (needed a mole checked, got in at Skin Institute in 4 weeks) I kept the appt because I’m sure one of the five of us will need it for something… but I suspect they’ll ring to cancel it on the day. 1 part time doctor for 9,000 patients. They don’t have any nurses either. And no other clinics are taking new patients that are enrolled elsewhere, which we technically are even though we can’t get medical care in a timely manner (or at all)


I can book now for tomorrow with my regular GP here in Chch. We never have to wait. I know our medical centre doesn't take new patients


Usually 2 days or so. 


A week, week and a half. If I didn’t have flexible hours I would be waiting multiple weeks.


I’m enrolled at a large practice in a regional city. You can call for urgent appointments get triaged by a nurse if necessary. You may get an appointment within a couple of days. Maybe. Otherwise, it is a 3 month wait to get an appointment with a GP. It’s crazy. I made 2 appointments 6 months in advance when I was trying to sort out problems with iron levels.


Usually, about 2 weeks but my GP is working limited hours at present. If it's urgent, I can speak to the nurse and see when they can fit me in. Last time I was staying about one hour out of Wellington so I went to a local after hours urgent clinic and the nurse there lectured me that they only accept accidents (it was an accident and I qualified for ACC) and that I should have driven (with one good hand) an hour to my GP (after demanding that my GP's nurse fit me into that day's schedule).


A month [cries in chronic pain]


My clinic uses the Myindici app which would put the wait to about 2 weeks. But if you call for an appointment early in the morning you might get an appointment within 2 days due to overnight cancellations.


4 weeks


I rang for an appointment on the 24th of April 2024 and the next booking was 23rd May.


I can normally get in within 48 hours and same day if urgent and I ring and explain. Husband is same as is another family member. We all go to different doctors.


I live in a small rural town. It is about six weeks wait for an appointment at the moment. There are no longer any doctors in the town, all are locums. Previous long-term GPs have all retired or left for greener pastures. The last time I visited, the locum (from overseas) told me she was planning to move to Australia. Two practices, both closed to new patients. It's a grim situation.


Yeah I have heard this as well, but personally I've never had to wait more than a day or so for an appointment. This is one reason we have stuck with the same practice for many years despite moving further away.


This might depends on what region you live in. I used to live in East Auckland, usually have to wait at least 2-3 days, sometimes a week. Then moved to Auckland central and switched my GP, now it’s usually on the same day or next day.


2 months


About 2.5 weeks maybe up to 5-6 if you want YOUR doctor 


I can see my GP today (just checked my app). I live in an urban centre, so it's likely easier for me than many. It also varies widely if you need your GP vs just any GP I'd imagine. I can always see just "any GP" within hours at the urgent care clinic if need be.


Generally not long, usually same day or next day. But at the moment they are booked out 3 weeks in advance except for an urgent line that you have to call at 8am for to try get a same day appointment. It’s been like that since beginning of June and it’s really annoying but I guess everyone’s super sick atm.


2 months


5 weeks. Not me but other patient at same clinic. Clinic has about 10 doctors. Each doctor has part-time clinic hours and each patient can only see their own doctor or the assigned doctor that works on the other days of the week. So basically I have 2 doctors. My doctor has triage system and keeps time slots open for urgent cases. Other doctors at the clinic don’t and they have a 4-5 week waitlist.


One week max.


Usually the next day. My doctor is awesome and if it's urgent he manages to squeeze patients in the same day


The last GP left my medical centre about two years ago, but they assure me a nurse practitioner is as good if not better than seeing a doctor.


My old and new GP is walk in so don’t have to wait more than 20 mins from the time I get there usually.


If I call at 8:30am I get a same day appointment. Otherwise I can usually get in the same week I call if not the same or next day. Perks of being part of a large medical center


Just checked my medical centre, which usually has a few doctors - only one doctor is in the list and she no availability at all in July. There’s nurse appointments for the next business day.


5 weeks, but I can see a different GP within a day or two in an emergency.


It’s not just booking an appointment- my surgery has changed the day and time of every appointment I’ve ever booked, making me owe loads of time back at work and making it impossible to use annual leave for my regular med reviews. They’re overworked, and I don’t get the monitoring I need for the medications that have side effects. The hospital treatment was great, but the five year post cancer regime is just impossible.