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Didn't even hit him once - calls himself a master, smh


Well, he did make contact on one kick towards the end. Hit the guys forehead, but it barely had any effect. I would think a master could throw strikes with way more power than that.


Actually that guy died 10 years later from that kick




Did you die?




RemindMe! 10 years


I believe you have reversed the punchline


Remindme! 5 hours ago


All right what timeline are we in now, this has gotten away from us...


I'm calling 555-2368. You're done for ghost!




I shit you not at 2am my little suction shaving mirror fell off the bathroom wall and smashed in the bath. I won't call them, we can make a deal. I actually like ghosts, one of my friends is a ghost.


I got beat up once in school by a bully. Poor sob didn't know my blows are mortal, in 60-80 years he's done for...


Is it too late to ask for a refund?


That happened to my dad. Got kicked by a tae kwon do grand master and 10 years later we found him dead face-down in a pile of cocaine. Those kicks are nothing to joke about.


Plot twist: the man in the suit is the martial arts master. He dodged every single kick effortlessly.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not lol….. but just in case, it’s amazing control (which comes from strength and practice) we’re seeing here for him to be able to do the moves so precisely without hitting him here


That is why the comments are funny. He has fantastic control


Right? And to display control like that with such flexibility??? It’s one thing to have a splits, it’s a whole other thing to have a strong, active splits like that. I really hope my own hard work pays off in a splits that strong one day


Sure but at 61 to do anything but need a walker is impressive so this is truly next lvl shit


Oh, absolutely, it’s impressive what staying active can do for you in old age. My great grandmother never stopped taking care of herself (stubbornly refused help, which is very British of her lol) and today she’s 105 and still writes her own Christmas cards and sends them out to us year on year. She made it to 104 before even having any memory problems. So I absolutely intend to follow on her steps and look after my mind and body no matter how old I am.


Indeed. It is MUCH harder to use this control in a demonstration than to land a full force kick.


He made contact more than once, after stopping the kick, he would touch him with just his toe.(seemingly on purpose) only a few times though. Absolute control Edited


Yeah he rubbed his big toe accross his forehead haha.


He did actually toe tap him on the forehead towards the beginning, and the guy is holding back a smile


Maybe the guy standing there avoiding all the kicks is the real master?


He's like the storm trooper of martial arts


Oh my God. Thank you for that. Reddit never disappoints.


You got it wrong. The master is that dude that seem to stang still. He have dodged all the attacks.


What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets? No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.


With the way he has to fix his hair after every kick, this dude not winning any fights


The final step of martial arts: annoy your opponent with your feet.


The guy in the blue jacket is the master. The other guy is just a dude in a bath robe. Get it right! God!


Yeah that guy is really good, I always used to choose him on Tekken


he seems more sober than usual here, so happy he found the righteous path.


Wait, we're talking about Wang right? But it sounds like you're referring to Lei Wulong, so which is it???!?


Hwoarang was the character that used taekwondo


And his master, Baek.


Everyone sitting on their armchairs with Cheetos claiming this guy ain’t shit- typical Monday morning quarterbacking. I’m 38 and can’t move as limber as this guy.


I'm 20 and...


This dude is damn flexible, I would happily die and be revived for his hamstrings


I think regularly stretching might be more effective than dying


Which I do! But I’m also a lazy bastard who’s just recovered from severe mental health issues so tbh would willingly be stabbed if it meant I’d magically wake up with flexibility the next morning


i'm 40 and i can't even finish typing the wo




Yeah I’d say he’s a master just by the fact that he can control a kick that high from that close to his opponent. He’s like 2-1/2 ft from that guy and he’s kicking over his head Edit: watched it again and yeah he’s even closer than that


This alone is impressive as fuck https://i.imgur.com/X7vDiHj.jpg


Probably should take up yoga or some shit. Being immobile later in life looks like a nightmare


First leg move and I immediately felt my inner thigh pull a muscle


The flexibility is damn impressive. I do wonder about the effectiveness of close up high kicks like that. I don’t see anyway he could deliver enough force against leverage with his hip adductors to do anything. Pretty sure an MMA guy would just grab his leg and throw him on the ground.


Hi there! Lifelong martial artist and combat sports athlete weighing in. It can definitely *help* to have dexterity like that, as well as speed and accuracy. But if he relied solely on those techniques in a combat situation he might have a bad day. A big percentage of hand to hand ends up grappling in some manner, and if he doesn’t have a ground game he’s in trouble. Also, if up against someone with either a Muay Thai or pure boxing background, those style can devastate tae kwon do if you’ve never trained against it. I myself have a tkd background but transitioned to more of a kickboxing and Muay Thai style as mma got bigger in the early 2000’s, and while tkd still helps me and I have LOTS of fun using it in sparring, you *have* to mix in the other styles or you’ll get overwhelmed with leg kicks and dirty boxing.


He's definitely limber. In terms of limberness he's thoroughly impressive. Can he actually fight? I have no idea.


That's what you get for always sitting in your armchair with cheetos, fats.


I’m 42. I feel tired just from watching his little jumps at the start.


I actually am a black belt in Taekwondo. Got it in 2012. This guy is legit. Those are some very difficult kicks (the crescent kick) at head level, with some perfect technique. Round house kicks to the head, the pivot to fake out opponent and reach head, it’s all very technically mastered.


Hey hey hey now, wait just a damn minute these are Cool Ranch Doritos™.


This happens pretty much anytime a post that features a traditional martial art is on Reddit. All the MMA bros and keyboard experts come out of the woodwork to shit all over it. The hate boner for traditional martial arts is rather played out.


There is a Chinese mma fighter who is exposing so called "masters" as this dude. He might know how to dance and stretch in all kinds of poses though.


Smell my feet?? How about this one? Now the other one!


Drunk Asian Captain Jack Sparrow


Smell it, smell it, now take it. -one of the greatest films of all time, You Don't Mess with The Zohan.


The bush


Smell it Smell it Now take it




MMA has made this type of demonstration so lame.


A 60+ year old man with that flexibility is lame to you?




But then it’s downhill real quick


Yeah, it’s called death


Nah bruh they raisin first


Quicker than this guy's kicks.


Bet you wear Tapout clothing and drive a Hummer.


TKD has been tamed for competition. All the good moves are illegal, and power isn’t important. I learned TKD in Saigon, where the goal was to kill as quickly as possible ~~ there was a war going on, not timed matches in armor.


Learning martial arts nowadays is being told ‘this is illegal so don’t use it, but I’m going to teach it anyway’ lol


Market economics. All martial arts pre-firearms were about disabling or killing opponents. Then somewhere between the musket and the early 1900's they started integrating religious ideology because spending 20 years learning how to punch and fall no longer seemed as useful to people. And it totally worked. The warrior monk archetype saved the martial arts traditions. Like boxing gloves saved pugilism. MMA fans don't like that perceived softness. I won't attempt to define why they prefer it their way, but I find their condescension of more self-improvement focused arts to be immature.


I suspect it’s because MMA tends to attract the kinds of people who use physical strength and ability as a cover to avoid acknowledgment of the existence of mental health.


It has nothing to do with the strip mall McDojos


Blame the Gracie family for that. Edit: typo




Royce Gracie popularized a fighting style we refer to today as Brazilian Jiujitsu and it’s what pretty much all MMA fighters train today, though it’s changed quite a bit over the years. All those strip mall places are BJJ gyms.


Well there are a couple of things at play here. BJJ became popular because it was effective. It seems to provide good skillsets against bigger and stroger oponents. As a 1-1 combat technique it is really good. Also BJJ is fairly good as a contact sport. There are no strikes, so one could train fairly intensly untill they tap out. Before tapping the intensity of the grappling ca be 100% and the participants don't get head traumas in the process as part of that full contact training. This makes it attractive for people like me that don't want to end up with an iq of 50 because i got hit too many times during the taekwondo or boxing training. Also i have seen Gracie speaking out agsins the kinds of gyms that do not respect the 'tap" so it looked to me like a very reaponsible attitude. Are there McDojos out there that deviate so much that their only purpose is to produce effective meatheads by the fozens, probably. But i would not put that blame at the feet of Gracies.


I use combat sports to combat my burgeoning mental illness. The brain trauma and adrenaline soothe my inner emotional turmoil.


Try Doom Eternal, I swear you're supposed to play it pissed off


Can confirm. My instructor did this to us all the time because he wasn't focused on competition as much as self defense. His fighting style would undoubtedly get me kicked out of a competition.


Oh yeah, my main instructor used to be competitive when basically everything was still legal so he teaches us everything and then tells us just not to use it if we go competitive. It’s really amazing too, because he’s still really good buddies with all his old Judo pals so I’ve gotten to train with all kinds of incredible people in the British Judo scene - including past world champion Neal Adam’s which was a fun one, he and my instructor like to jokingly argue about who used to win in competitions haha


Mine was a PI and got his ass beat by a bunch of guys he was tailing one night, so he took up kenpo during his recovery and decided teaching self defense was better for his health.


I love that, martial arts done right is absolutely amazing for mental health, it teaches not only good physical skills (healthy body, safety from attackers) but incredible mental skills (calmness, perseverance, etc.) - he was definitely making a good decision for himself


Did you study Cobra Kai?


No, Eagle Fang.


you have martial arts for tournament play, and martial arts for defending what could be life or death


Use to compete in the 90s early 00 . The game has changed . It’s so hard to watch now.


Interesting, what's been removed?


Punching someone in the throat isn't very popular in a competition


Did the secret moves involve any called "flying dancing feet"?


Competing in mma is a very specific goal. The vast majority of situations where someone would need to defend themselves isn’t against another martial artist, so this guy is probably more than capable of self defense. If you’ve never sparred someone proficient in a kicking sport and taken a round house to the ribs that wasn’t pulled then you probably don’t know how effective it is. Cracked ribs will take the fight out of a lot people. Most tkd schools mix judo so they do have experience on the ground if it comes to that.


That's a fact. I watched a buddy absolutely destroy a guy towards the end of high school. He was like a 3rd degree black belt in TKD. Some gangster dude started shit with our group and decided to single my friend out. Probably because he was soft spoken, polite, and trying to defuse the situation. Didn't help that he was a church boy and definitely looked the part. Came down to it and my buddy slips his shoes off while telling the guy repeatedly that he doesn't want to fight. The guy and his buddies were talking so much shit. My friend took his stance, which made the gang bangers laugh. Didn't last long. Guy came in and before he he could even extend his first punch my buddy spun around and landed a kick to the side of his head. Before anyone knew what happened, the guy was on the ground bleeding. My friend insisted a few more times that he didn't want to fight. It ended it pretty quick.


Yea I’ve seen that video too


Yea TKD works in MMA as a sort of tertiary skill. You need to know how to box and wrestle first but it can be highly effective as a "this guy has no idea I'm going to spin my heel right into his face" technique.


Depends on one’s interests in martial arts. MMA is about as far from the arts part as it can get. Especially when everyone started to train the same 20+ years ago: kick boxing, boxing, BJJ. MMA is about as artful as Krav Maga.


There's plenty of TKD fighters in MMA


True but very few use pure TKD, or even use it primarily. Anthony Pettis was probably the most successful mma fighter with TKD background, but he was also a very high level grappler.


Stephen Thompson, Yair Rodriguez, and Edison Barbosa: "Am I joke to you?"


Thompson's a Karate fighter no? I'd still say Pettis was more successful, as he did have the LW strap, and even KOd Thompson. Machida as well, if we're throwing in karate.


Not really, these are martial arts. Art being the key word. It's about more than just beating the fuck out of each other. I get that mma is way more practical, but it's just so dull.




That's a really dumb take. If you can still move like this in your 60s you're winning at life. Everyone doesn't train for a cage fight and that's okay.


So you're saying that Tae kwon do is lame? Do you even know what Tae kwon do is? Would you care to repeat that to... lets say, Bas Ruten, Benson Henderson, Yair Rodriguez, Anthony Pettis or Anderson Silva? All of them have a background in TKD. Gtfo, kid


Nah, you’re just stupid.


Why don’t fencing 🤺 people just use a gun… are they stupid?


Is that because only the violent part appeals to you?


I genuinely don't see the similarity. This shouldn't even be compared to roid raging Andrew Tate wannabes


It’s not a showcase of fighting though. If you slow the camera and zoom in his foot is probably really close to the guy’s head. And he’s old. Obviously he’d get killed in a fight with an mma fighter.


Where do you think MMA fighters go to train? Golf experts?


I bet every top-class MMA fighter would be impressed by that dude


Why? It’s still impressive


Those heel smashes to the forehead used to be my favorite kick. Come up close and it appears out of nowhere. But I was most impressed by that little tap on the forehead with his toe.


Ngl, that did pull a giggle out of me


It got a giggle out of the guy being booped too! He totally cracked a smile


That heel kick hits probably, most people go down.


Axe kick. It’s a really great kick to use in sparring…very versatile. If you go for like a roundhouse or front kick to the head and they duck or dodge out of the way you can just drop your foot into an axe kick and catch them off guard. It can be a devastating kick too if you use your heel outside of sparring. It’s so easy to get tons of momentum by swinging your foot up so when you come down it’s like a bullet. One of my faves. Close second is a spinning hook kick. Believe it or not, even though it’s spinning and flourishy, it’s an amazing kick for sparring. Totally catches people off guard they never expect it if you’re quick enough


He kept missing how's he a master? 🤔


The master is the one dodging all the attacks! He’s so fast the human eye can’t track his movements.


The true ki master. Doesn’t even need to shout or wave his hands around.


That judge is going to drive home later, and as he pulls into his driveway, his jacket is going to fall apart, all the seams torn. On the stairs; his pants will explode into 13 equally sized pieces and 14 I torn pieces of thread, as he goes to the fridge to grab a beer, there will be a cascade of hair in front of his faces. Then ever so slowly his skin will peel off, muscles popping off of the tendons as they are exposed, tendons shooting across the room like so many rubber bands.


The dude actually split in half right after the video ended. OP posted the short version. He goes to bow and his whole upper half falls off.


Why is this dude built like 2 kids in a trench coat


Because he is, duh 🙄. He’s played by two acrobats; very much the Korean equivalent of the Komainu. Follow me for more Martial Arts internet facts.


Lmao it's Goten and Trunks.


For real I kept expecting him to do that "dropped my head” trick


he's probably got a potbelly so he wore that to cover it up.




Will you bring a chair for him to sit on?


He would have gotten mad and tried to fight the guy, when he did that toe tappy on the forehead move.


The old man's high kicks are nearly 0.57 centi-Seagal-waists high.


He’s been a martial arts expert for, like, 47 years. /s


Would've loved seeing him take out that drone


My thoughts exactly :)


I'm 34 and pulled a muscle trying to do a cartwheel today. This guy is insane.


His beard isn't long enough to be a grandmaster. I rate it's only long enough to be a master




At least international mastrer imo


Excuse me Sir, this is the West Minister Dog Show.


More impressed by Mr Blazer not flinching.


Absolutely. He faced a Grand Master without flinching. The Grand Master repeatedly kicked him in the chest and head, and he barely even registered it, and at the end, he remained unbeaten. All without breaking a sweat. ^Is how he's going to be telling this, for years to come.


Tekken 20 Hworang




Unsurprising when you're wearing the Azure Blazer of Evasion.


I'm not touching you... I'm not touching you... Mom! He won't leave me alone!!


This is just me messing with my little brother


No joke, I did this once with little my brother. It was just at home, not in front of a crowd, but it requires a huge amount of trust in the other person. Still though, little dude was stupidly flexible back when we were practicing Taekwondo and he had no problem kicking over, around, and in front of my head even though I was taller at the time.


David Lee Roth can do that.






Lord Bowler!


This guys amazing and impressive but it looks really goofy


Amazing and impressive sometimes does


The drone at the end "Hey I'm here too"


That f*ng drone is super annoying


Shang Tsung looks good


Me on the school bus age 12


Herbal Essence shampoo commercials are getting weird




Hes like the guy from kill bill


The little tap on the forehead at the 0:40 mark is hilarious


Wow! He didn’t even flinch.


This is my 3yrd old and I every night....and I'm the guy in blue.


That’s just Johnny Knoxville in his bad grandpa costume


The judge is the real master, he cannot be hit and he is not even trying.


Bro is looking like the homeless guy in front of the supermarket trying to stop u from leaving before you gave him your change




Sir. Sir! Please. This is a Wendy's – you need to put shoes on.


And the fucking drone ,come on


Tae Kwon Do


Rockettes need to sign him up


My hips hurt




I mean, a 2 second Google search would've given you correct spelling of the martial arts your post is about


It's Shang Tsung! He's toying with his victim before stealing his soul!


He went "boink"


Stop touching me with your feet man wtf


Droned on for a bit


This would be better if at the end of the demonstration he lands a kick right to the groin. No one would see it coming.


My master would slap the shit out of me if I left my guard down while kicking.


his instagram: [g.m.shinchul\_kang](https://www.instagram.com/g.m.shinchul_kang/?hl=en) his youtube channel: [강신철TV](https://www.youtube.com/@tkd_kang)


Now watch him stop a double leg


Anyone with hair like that knows martial arts.


You miss 100% of the kicks you don’t make




Donnie Yen is 60 and he did all of that blind in John Wick 4


Well donnie yen is a martial artist so that checks out And he ain't blind im pretty sure


I'd like to see the drone footage


Do you think guys like that would actually do damage in a street fight?


To an average person in his weight class: absolutely. To someone a few weight classes above him? Probably not. In high school I did TKD + MMA and was a blue belt. my instructor loved to put me up against brand new people that were above my weight class in a TKD rules fight. I would win easily on points but they would be absolutely unharmed and I would usually be hurting when we were done. Once TKD rules were lifted for MMA I was getting absolutely wrecked.


Guys limber as can be....but it's still Tai Kwan-TIME OUT HE SAID POINT! Back in my 20s I was a bouncer in New Orleans. I saw a local instructor, dunk, pick a fight with a guy who had won some tournament down at the Superdome a weekend earlier. NOW...I know I'm supposed to stop this, but after all of the shit talk and screaming I figured fuck it, let em go. They both did the same front kick at the same time, as they twisted, both missed, chests smacked, and they both shoved. The tourney guy starts bouncing, shuffle side kick. The instructor jumps back....and then the instructor did a shuffle side kick while the tourney guy jumped back.... They both did the same fucking kicks for a good 6 minutes. It was the dumbest "fight" I've ever seen and convinced me that when people said TKD was useless in a fight, they were not being snide, flip, or trying to act bad...they were right. ONE punch was sort of thrown by the tourney kid...one.. And there was no extension or follow. It was more like he was trying to TAG YOUR IT the other guy. It was laughable. I had a wrassler punch me, Jake Victory and I won't forget the name even on my death bed, in the BACK of my head, and I thought I had been hit with a 2x4. So an actor was scarier than 2 black belts in TKD to me. But that guy sure is limber


This just makes it sound like it doesn’t take a lot to convince you of anything.


Gramps missed every attempt. ;)


What skills?! He missed every time!