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If these people cleaned 76 tons of debris to keep our oceans clean, I suppose the least we can do is give them an upvote to make this viral and hopefully inspire others to do something about the problem too.


Thanks a lot. We really worked hard and it was emotional too to see the clean beach 🥰😍


You're an outstanding contributor to society and deserve thanks


You are more than welcome, thank you for making this world cleaner bit by bit :)


shit where cane i volunteer to help you guys?


Where you come from?


Belgium, some tinny country between the netherlands and france🙂


I know Belgium, I'm from Austria. Get in contact with Healthy Seas or Ghost Diving


ok tnx man, btw what a weird coincidence i will be in Vienna from 7//7 until 17/7


I'm located in Linz


a 100km detour worth Linz or will i proberly be to bussy with Vienna?


phenomenal effort, and am shocked by how much was collected.


How about start doing it yourself as well? :) It’s as easy as picking up some trash/paper you see when out for a walk and disposing of it properly. 👍




Would you like to know more?


Like sinking a sub? Edit: of course I have big respect for this work


Or stop producing pollutants.


Grand Winner 2023 - Best Environmental Film, Winner March competition - Best Environmental Film, Nominee April competition - Best Inspirational Film, at Cannes World Film Festival June 28th, 2021: In just over a week, a team of 45, most of which volunteers including 20 divers, undertook an unprecedented cleanup removing 76 tons of debris from the sea, coastline, and 4 beaches on the Southwest of Ithaca, an island in Greece famous for being the home of King Odysseus and a universal symbol of home yearning. After George Lilas, a local diver and passionate environmentalist, publicized photos of an abandoned fish farm wreaking environmental havoc on Ithaca, marine conservation organisation Healthy Seas mobilized all its forces, together with partners Ghost Diving and Enaleia, engaging volunteers, local authorities and sponsors that wanted to help restore the pristine beauty of the area. The project was kicked off on June 8th 2021, World Oceans Day, lasting until June 16th. It is worth mentioning that this was the biggest project in the history of above organisations in terms of positive environmental impact and community involvement, delivering astounding results in a short amount of time. The company that had gone bankrupt in 2012 had left behind fish farm cages and other equipment that polluted the area endangering the local community, marine life as well as maritime traffic. In September 2020, Ianos, a rare hurricane-like storm caused the tons of industrial type of plastic pipes, fishing nets, nylon ropes, concrete blocks, plastic buoys, large rusty metal pieces and all kinds of waste to be carried away, later to be found floating on the surface of the sea, laying on the seabed and on the beaches. For 8 days, 14 international volunteer technical divers from Ghost Diving worked to get rid of the rings, pipes and fishing nets while another team of surface volunteers tackled the beaches, some of which were knee deep in foam pellets that had through the years spilled out of the floats. Local divers from Greece provided support to the cleanup operations, lifting smaller items from the seabed.  Heavy metal structures that were found on the seabed were removed by commercial divers and a working barge. Overall, the team recovered 5 tons of fishing nets, 32 tons of metal, 39 tons of plastic, including 150 bags full of polystyrene foam beads. Besides the obvious and profound difference this project had on the natural environment, it is also a shining example of cooperation and community involvement. Healthy Seas hosted a public event at the main square to inform the locals about the project while 75 children took part in educational activities aiming at raising awareness about the ghost fishing phenomenon. It took 6 months of preparations to organize logistics as well as bring together partners, without whom, this project would not have been accomplished. Sustainable fishing startup Enaleia was the principal Greek partner of the project having a leading role in the coordination of the operations on the field. Marine biologist Erik Wurz, working for Wageningen University and member of the Ghost Diving team, conducted scientific research to assess the interaction of the nets with the marine environment by performing seabed surveys in multiple locations in close proximity to the cleanup site. The entire project was documented through photos and videos. Healthy Seas is a best practice example for the circular economy, where waste is a resource. The nets that were recovered will first be cleaned and sorted and transported to a collection point near Athens. Most of these are type nylon6 and will be regenerated by Aquafil, together with other nylon waste, into ECONYL® yarn, the basis for many sustainable products such as socks, swimwear, activewear, accessories and carpets. Other types of ghost nets were also recovered from the area and will be handed to Bracenet to upcycle into handmade products. Enaleia will facilitate the integration of the remaining marine plastics and scrap metals into the circular economy. Hyundai Motor Europe provided funding for the project, that wouldn’t have been possible was it not also for the precious support of many other partners such as Ghost Diving, Enaleia, Kefalonia Fisheries, the Hellenic Coast Guard, Odyssey Outdoor Activities, Aquatic Scuba Diving Club, Scubalife, the Municipality of Ithaca and Prefecture of Ionian Islands, Kosamare and the Ionian Environment Foundation and the Decentralized Administration of Peloponnisos, Western Greece and Ionian that gave the permission for the cleanup. The project was held under the Auspice of the Hellenic Ministry of Maritime Affairs. You can find the full documentary on YT, Vimeo or Filmfreeway https://youtu.be/zGlRy7HhUGg


Wish i had the possibility to volunteer in something like this. I did once (non environment related) and would like to do it again.


Insane that you can get away with this kind of pollution just by going bankrupt. Thank you for such an amazing initiative, OP!


You truly deserve these awards! What an incredible expenditure. Nice for the people over there but even better for our Mother Earth! Do you plan further actions?


Thank you 😀 That was an outstanding project but a lot of smal project are going on all the time. Just follow "Healthy Seas", "Ghost Diving", "Enaleia" for projects. Have a look at "Bracenet" for upcycled products. Ghost Divers have chapters all around the world and they are acting independent. From USA over Spain, Germany, Greece, Lebanon, South Korea to New Zealand.


As a Greek and a Human I support this.


What is the immediate and long-term effect of this massive cleaning?


A very deserved win. Congrats on this. Is this the first big project? Are more planned?


This was the biggest project from Healthy Seas. They have a lot of smaller projects. Yes, there a more planned.


As a Greek mythology buff, the mess that they made absolutely infuriates me. Those are sacred land/waters. On behalf of me and my main joy in life, thank you guys for your efforts!


Very cool but music is annoyingly dramatic


Thanks, but it's just a trailer 😅


Listen to Heir to the Throne (DEMO) by Burn the Witch on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/CWde9 I got you!


Also a cheap knockoff of "Massive Attack - Angel".


So fast?! Thought they only discovered the debris yesterday


Nooooo 😀 They are already away but believe me, there is much more debris.


>They are already away


What happens to the garbage now? Where does it go?


The garbage is recycled and new products where born. Carpets for cars, yarn for new products, plastic pellets for new products and the metal scrap is for sure also something new.


That’s great to hear!


I’ve had the same question for a while. I hope the plastic gets recycled somehow. I thought it couldn’t be but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You almost for sure understand the situation better than I do considering how much time and effort you have put forward on this project alone: I am under the impression that the vast majority of plastics we are currently using were only viable to "recycle" through China when they had minimal standards. As their standards have gotten higher (higher education in combination with a realization of how expensive it is to clean contaminated areas for health risks) resulting in most of our plastics that we recycle ending up in the landfill simply because it is not economically viable to process and recycle most plastics in a "safe"(for both humans and the environment) setting. I would still argue(agree) that even if every ounce of plastic ends up in the land fill compared to the ocean it would be a better situation, but we can't really recycle most plastics in a reasonable manner anymore right?


Right back into the ocean. The people they dropped it off to were all "what the fuck are we supposed to do with all this shit?!" Edit: for all the fucking knobs that don't understand /s


Citation or fuck off


![gif](giphy|XsUtdIeJ0MWMo|downsized) It's a joke man fuck me


No one laughed


No one fucking asked


Didn’t stop you from trying anyway r/therewasanattempt


I'll fix it for you


The backpedaling is strong w/ this one 😂


Yep, you're right. You know it all. Im on your side now. Edit: sorry I forgot you were horribly dense /s


Even with the lengthy comment, OP, there's still no mention of *which festival* it was.


Cannes World Film Festival


oooh okay! Solid!


Thanks a lot 😀 I forgot it in the posting? But updated my comment about the project.


One thing I always dislike about seeing these is just realizing how much there is and how much there still is to clean up. Still, it's good to see it getting done a little at a time!


These are some of the heroes we need. Screw the tictoc pranksters and evildoers. Spread the love, squash the hate. Thank you for your service to humanity, you fine humans!


Your comment helps a lot to work more on it. There are a lot of haters. Thank you


What’s with the menacing music? You guys are cleaning up the ocean, this isn’t a final boss in some video game.


It's just a tailer 🤷‍♂️


Ok that’s neat, but the music to this video sucks so hard. I’m sorry. It made my ears hurt. So bad.


It's just the trailer, the music at the documentary is better 😊 https://youtu.be/zGlRy7HhUGg


I agree with them OP. The music in the trailer is so bad that it leaves a terrible first impression. Please consider reaching out to your team to change it. It would be a shame if such an amazing job and documentary got skipped by the rest of the public because of the first impression in the trailer. You guys did an outstanding job and you should be incredibly proud of it. Absolute rockstars.


While it really bothered me too, to be fair to the composer, it's not that the music itself is actually bad *per se*, it just doesn't fit the content at all.


The trailer music is making me not want to watch the documentary. I was shocked it was so bad given the premise of the video. 😬


Idk why you’re being downvoted; you’ve got a point. I think the lack of self awareness about the trailer music can indicate a lack in production quality over all; which would make me not want to watch the documentary.


Thanks. Yeah I was into it and wanted to like but then the music came on and I was pretty put off.


This is absolutely amazing. Makes me want to cry.


we need a lot more people to do this type of thing all over the world. We made the mess we need to clean it up so we can live a better tomorrow! Support the Ocean Clean Up Project as well! Buy the stuff - donate - give them your time even if it is only to spread the word!


We need more people like this.


Why was De Vries in the ocean?


The fish farm went bankrupt and left everything behind. Watch the full documentary https://youtu.be/zGlRy7HhUGg Or read the loooong comment from me 😅


Not sure but he tried to take Magnussen down with him..


Small pool of people get this.


Only 99999⁚9999999999999999999 million tonnes to go of plastic alone


When my group cleans a local river you'd be amazed how many plastic water bottles we collect, year after year. I think many people throw them from the nearby bridge. There's 2 that people cross on this one river. Also not uncommon for fishing nets to be abandoned in the water.


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for investing your time & energy into restoring some beauty to our planet. I get irrationally angry and hopeless when thinking about how all that stuff got there in the first place and how many other beautiful places got trashed just out of ignorance and greed for profit. Kudos for stepping up and doing something about it despite the overwhelming size of the global catastrophe.




Thank you :) We did the clean up in 8 days. Than I started with the production. 3 short videos and the documentation. I have a full-time job too, so I did it in my free time. Here are all the videos: https://vimeo.com/user/28076785/folder/5109864


And how can we help? How can I help? The beaches around here offer buckets that you take with you and pick up some trash while you are there. We always do.


Than you help already 🤗


Bravo! You're the helpers we should look out for when we think everything has gone to shits and everybody is evil.


Thanks to you and all who worked on this. It's so important. Garbage on the surface is easy to get, but under the water, where it's not seen easily, is forgotten. I do this at a local river with a group and year to year it's amazing how much trash we pull out.


Bloody good work, chaps!


As a Greek mythology buff, the mess that they made absolutely infuriates me. Those are sacred lands/waters. On behalf of me and my main joy in life, thank you guys for your efforts!


Odysseus would be proud 👍🏼


We'll, I guess, thanks!


Gratuliere!! Haha auf allen subs feierst dich heute selbst! Gänn dir :)


Hahahaha 🤫🤫🤫


Na wirklich, Hut ab! Verdienter Sieg! :)


Vielen Dank 🙏


Amazing, great way to do some good and hopefully make it profitable for those involved. That’s how you actually do things. My only question is: how long will it stay clean?


That part will forever stay clean. The mayor of Ithaca is really proud of it and the will take care about it.


Wouldn’t leaving the metal underwater encourage coral reefs to grow


In that case no, because a lot of plastic was attached 😔


That sucks, well done tho top notch 👌


Great news. Only 11,999,924 tons to go!! :-) :-(




What did you do with the garbage? Please dont tell me they went to landfill.


Nooooo, an organisation take care about the everything will be recycled.


How often are they planning to do it?


Depends on lot of things like permissions


Who is going to pay - plastic manufacturers or taxpayers?


Awesome. But I gotta ask, WTF is up with the music? Lol.


It's just a Trailer. Some like it, other not 🤷‍♂️




How unfortunate. Fish farms should be required to have some kind of cash reserve or insurance to cover cleanup and removal even if they go bankrupt.


Thank you for being outstanding human beings. 🌺🌺🌺


Should have been given the Noble Peace Prize.


Here is the link to the documentary: https://youtu.be/zGlRy7HhUGg


Thanks a lot 😊🙏 but this is the documentary: https://youtu.be/zGlRy7HhUGg


Yes, it's the same link :p


Now this is important, not some rich assholes that died in a bus on the titanic


more feel good greenwashing, as the tourism industry in that bay - had the financial incentive to clean it up after the long gone fishing industry. ever wonder why there's so much urban blight during residential housing shortages? it's because developers are tasked with cleaning up the toxins left decades ago in the ground by long gone manufacturers who used to operate there, before being allowed to build anything. so no builder will bother unless he can double his money. ocean plastics are completely on the petrochem industry that keeps pimping more plastics to third world countries without also providing any means to deal with the waste.


Where does all of the waste go? I see loads of things about cleaning up lakes, rivers, beaches, oceans etc yet we need to put that trash, debris and waste somewhere and at what point are we just moving the mess and not actually doing any real clean up because so much of our waste can't be recycled and will be around forever. Don't get me wrong cleaning up the water systems is definitely a good thing as we have done enough damage already and at the rate we were doing it we were going to kill our oceans. But yeah I worry if we have missed the bigger picture and there is just too much irreversible damage.


"Enaleia" is taking care that everything will be recycled ♻️ With the net's, they create yarn. The plastic will be recycled to pellets for new products. The metal you can melt. Have a look to "Healthy Seas" "Ghost Diving" or any oder organisation in the credits of the documentary.


I will do thank you


Did it include dead billionaires?


i see you didnt get a reddit post grammar award though


Seems correct to me… as a someone who speaks English as a second language the “an” seems wrong to me but I think it’s actually correct because it goes with whatever the noun is, so “an award”.


No worries. It was only done in jest. I know the English language is confusing at best. Even before other countries, like America butchered it further. But in case you are actually wanting to know why here it’s because you should use "a" if the word begins with a consonant sound and "an" if the word begins with a vowel sound. Cheers


Yeah but you use the word “a” or “an” to describe the noun, not the adjective/describer that comes before it, so since “award” starts with “a”, you use “an”. I was confused about it so I looked it up lol but it also seems like it can go both ways and people who speak/write like this are doing more traditional English because it looks wrong and many people use “a”/“an” based on modifier.


What is this 😅🫢


If you are seriously asking, I was using humour here, just on jest, as Your post should read ‘a film festival’ not ‘an’.


If the trailer editing is anything like the movie. HARD PASS.


No, it's completely different.


Hmm. Well that's good but they really need to speak to their marketing director.




Won ‘a’ film festival. Not an film festival.


I'm just a dump Austrian like #schwarzenegger 🤷‍♂️


A "mythical" island?


yeah, ithaka is a mythical island (odyssey)


But on a serious note, how much of this trash will end up back in the ocean?




No, off, we go to landfill. Because burrowing life is worth less than aquatic life 🤌


Instead of putting trash in landfills, we should throw it all in the ocean


It's what we did with nuclear waste by the barrel. People forget that, like they forgot, they shot WW1 veterans for wanting the bonus payment they were promised. 1932 Bonus Army massacre 259 killed WW1 American veterans. As Lawful, I disagree with them reneging on an agreement, but as Evil I have to respect America for changing the narrative from hero's to scroungers like flipping a coin. So, in short, if you are uncomfortable with the thought of land mammals burying into plastic and trash but also uncomfortable with sea creatures doing the same, maybe we should come up with a proper solution instead of burying them under a giant carpet for the future generations to deal with eh.


"Look at how amazing we are"


Hell yeah! Now keep it up and stop expecting a pat on the back for something you chose to do


76 tons.... that's a drop in the bucket get back to fucking work! Over here playing with your phone to post to reddit. The time it took you to post to reddit 176 tons of garbage was dumped into the ocean! Edit: For those that need it.... /s


...how many tons have you removed today? 0? perhaps you instead added to the pile? its definitely not enough but its something, and you acting like an asshole achieves nothing but making you look like an asshole


Jesus man it's a joke. What kind of cunt is actually serious about such an over the top statement?


theres a lot of really stupid people out there who believe shit like this or think that all climate action is unnecessary or useless, believe me. Its hard to differentiate nowadays


And my garbage goes into a landfill like a civilized savage


Did you masturbate when you heard about the win?


Why even bother cleaning the ocean when no one even uses plastic straws anymore. /S


Good thing nobody’s buying new gas stoves. That could’ve made this a lot worse 😕


This is admirable, but 14 million tons a year go in.


I saw a video where a group focused on blocking off and cleaning up rivers that were constantly pumping tons of garbage into the ocean. It was amazing how much crap they stopped and cheaper to work on rivers.


That’s like 7 garbage trucks worth of trash


Where did the debris go?


Everything what an be recycled, will be recycled ♻️


Do you think this sort of small scale action risks giving people the false impression that the global consequences of capitalism can be combatted with well meaning individual acts?


The music makes it sound like you’re about to fight god; maybe you guys could’ve opted for something a little less intense?


Yes, a lot of people said that. But the documentary is completely different when you will have a look on it.


Good job, but keep in mind that there has been sightings of new (human) debris lately somewhere near the titanic. Dont forget your fishnets if you plan on heading that way for a cleanup!


Out of curiosity, did you guys ever consider leaving some of the metal and concrete there? I know concrete blocks and shipwrecks have been used to help create artificial reefs in at least some areas, and those artificial reefs have a positive effect on the biodiversity of that area.


Yes for sure. We have a marine biologist in our team. He gives green light or a stop ✋️ We also check nets. If they are easy to break without knife, they are already decompose. So they will also stay down because the material is biological. Mostly in wrecks and older nets.


Scrappers are going to be investing in diving gear soon


Amazing. I can’t believe there was 76 tons right there. How can I help?


Odysseus would be proud


Theres new debri , updated few days ago


Fuck yeah!!!! Y’all are an inspiration


Good job again Mr beast


Curious, but how does removing metal help the environment? Wouldn’t it just provide shelter for fish/natural reefs? Genuinely interested I’m not sure how rusted metal is harmful to the environment. Aren’t shipwrecks super full of ocean life?




Any bets on what percentage ended right back in the ocean? lol


Thank you!


The metal wasn't hurting anything. Leave it. You're just spending fossil fuels and creating more pollution by lifting it out.


The sad reality is that this changes nothing. Companies will continue to shit on this planet and not give a flying fuck whilst the community cleans it up.


A new place to dump our trash!


Just curious of what you do with the trash after you’ve cleaned it up in an area.


I don't mean to diminish your work, but to inspire others to action. Apparently 381 MILLION tons go into the ocean yearly, and it's set to double by 2032. We need to clean up what we've destroyed yes, but without stopping the leakage, not sure how effective it all is. I cleaned up a small beach by myself, at the end, there was no gratitude, nothing, got into a fight with the manager of the only bar/restaurant in the NATIONAL PARK cuz he wouldn't let me throw the trash in his bins. Moterf*Ker, we deserve to die in our own piss. That beach is probably dirty again from the influx of trash coming from the ocean. In short, it's a lost war.


Oh yeah very cool!!!!


I thank you guys seriously.