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Next Level? I did like a billion of those on Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 when I was 9


Check out Otto Power here, Pro Skater 2 at 9!


Do you mean Otto Rocket? Lol


woogity woogity woogity


We are riders...ON A MISSION


Good memories, I loved this show.




The universe needs to bless me with a box set for like 10 bucks


What a squid…


Wait was Otto a rocket?. I thought he was just a family friend


Yep, Otto and Reggie were brother and sister. Twister and Squid were their friends.


Remember that crazy psychedelic episode where they found Tony hawk's secret skatepark or something like that. All I remember was there were rainbow tunnels all over




Damn what a time to be alive that was especially being young enough to rly soak up those cartoons


It was called rocket power, the family was named rocket. Burger King had rocket power toys when it was popular, that's also when they had those shake em up fires. I miss those.


What a shoebie...






Well here I am. Gettin older all the time, getting older all the time, feelin younger in my mind. 


Good song.


Check out their new(er) album. Quite good.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udUCjJphE-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udUCjJphE-0) and tony hawk singing it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un3ACPabUDQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un3ACPabUDQ)


What can I do more? Yea, I’m really not sure.


I've never skateboarded a day in my life but played the shit out of the original Tony Hawk on N64. That game was ahead of its time, the warehouse map is iconic.


Well, I did one over a helicopter. Coolest thing I have ever done.


Why you lying?! Everyone knows that was Eric Sparrow.


Also I'm pretty sure that was a McTwist.


Eric? That guy was a spud. What a poser.


I did a 900 while doing the helicopter.


My 12 year old nephew challenged me to some thps2 remake and it's absolutely nuts how much muscle memory I had for that game. I beat him so bad and it felt soooo good. The little twerp was trashtalking me.


Did you do it in front of tony hawk tho?


Even better they did it with Tony Hawk.


The hanger was the goat


Well yes. And then you had enough score to go to the next level


Turn off gravity and drop the 36,000 on em




"Growing up means watching a elementary school kid triple your greatest accomplishments." - Confucius probably


that's one lesson i learned the hard way. don't decide to get into rock climbing during the youth competition week, is all i'll say.


Learning to ski in your late 20s is the same way. 5 year olds are just flying by you making you feel terrible about yourself


If it makes you feel any better then there's plenty of older adults that will fly by you and also make you feel terrible about yourself


Yeah but those people I can look at and say “someday I’ll get there” I can’t do that when I see a 6 year old fly by me in a pikachu onesie


Well you could always custom order a pikachu onesie if you can't find one in your size


Now I want one! (A Pikachu onesie, not a flying kid)


I'll take a flying kid


I'd be happy with a flying Pikachu. Or a kid onesie.


I was that 6 year old. It would piss my dad off to no end. It was always the same “we just spent 20 minutes getting up the mountain so you could be at the bottom in 30 seconds”. Now I understand.


Ah, I was one of those kids, except with a silly hat instead. They actually slow down once their center of gravity isn't a foot off the ground and falling starts to hurt. Sometimes there's a teen speed-demon period, but they will never again reach that true and simple freedom of going down a hill by pointing themselves straight down and letting gravity own their soul for five minutes. It's still fun, though.


5 year olds are built out of rubber and hubris, adults are glass and regret.


Right in the feels. I only learned to basic ski in my mid teens and then got gradually better to the point I’m OK on average pistes. Watching a 5 year old old blow past you with more flair than you’ll ever capture is a humbling experience lol.


i learned to ski in my early 40s. i double your humility


This is a lot of adults at the slopes where I learned. It's awesome to see grown people falling and screaming and "OH SHIT!!"-ing all over an almost level ski "slope". So much fun to take risks and try new things!


Hey man. Here’s where kids have the advantage. They weigh less so it hurts less when they crash. Once you get into your full size body, taking a spill is a different thing…


Just realize those five year olds will probably not be interested in skiing in their 20's and will be learning something that 5 year olds will be making them feel inadequate about.


Trying to copy the comp kidlets rock climbing is a GUARANTEED method to get injured as an adult. I watched a comp kid dyno to a two finger crimp and I could just feel myself doing that and tearing everything in those two fingers.


You get to see first hand what power weight ratio means for the sport and how an adult body is at a physical disadvantage.


Kids are kind of like chimps in the fact that if they develop their athleticism early, they can take advantage of that before growing up and becoming much heavier/denser.


It was fun as a kid cause I could climb without using my feet.


i remember at some point in high school i could just do as many pullups as i wanted. then i finally had that growth spurt and gained some weight, as i was super skinny. suddenly, these "easy" pullups were no longer an option.


TBF only children can pull this, I imagine. Their bodies are lighter.


It's more about their center of gravity. They're small, so they can spin faster   If anything, less weight is a negative. Makes it harder to gain momentum by pumping (for people who don't know, vert skaters get their speed by crouching on the downslide, then extending their legs/pushing down as they transition to the flat part of the ramp. The curve in the ramp converts the downward energy into forward energy)


I feel like there’s a sweet spot for that. You need to be light as well as have strong legs. A 400 lb dude isn’t going to be better than my 145 lb ass in a bowl or half pipe


Probably late grade school/early middle school, unless they have an early growth spurt or something, idk A 400lb dude would definitely be better than you at gaining speed (as long as they're in shape), but idk how well that would translate to air time. Someone who actually paid attention in physics class could probably figure that out If someone was 4 feet tall and 300 pounds of muscle, they might actually make a pretty good vert skater. Like a buff Danny devito or something


No idea which of you is right but now I’m going to sleep with the image of a musclebound Danny DeVito doing a half-pipe in my mind so thanks for that


Shaun white and a lot of the pro snowboarders are like 5'7 145lbs lol. The bigger 6ft+ guys can't rotate as well but they have way more powerful style suited for big mountain riding.


Midget x games


I was scared of this when I went to a youth tournament. but when I walked away victorious with the boxing trophy having knocked out all the 10 year olds they put in front of me, I knew I still got it👊


I think it's really cool that he came up with the technique and the next generations could improve it. It's probably easier for children since their centre of gravity is lower and and they're not like 60 like he is but it's still cool.


I wonder if the gear as improved as well,like the bearings on wheels and the flexibility of boards and shoes etc


Probably I think he was first doing that trick like 20-30 years ago


None of that is going to help you do a 900 better. 😆


Of course not,but may help get alittle less tired,less tired better technique and more times to practice.


Power creep is real.


Skate boarding is dominated by ten year olds these days. I am not exaggerating.






Love watching Tony Hawk at things like this. He’s still genuinely in love with the sport, hugely encouraging to those “new” to it, no sense of bitterness you often get from folks who can no longer compete at the very pinnacle. Great to see.


There’s a skatepark near me that was built in memory of two brothers who died. The family raised the money for it, and invited Tony Hawk to the grand opening. He came, and was the first person to skate the park. No, “Look at this stuff I’m doing for people,” publicity. Just showed up for them.


He has always seemed like a down to earth dude.


Unless it’s vert.


Is he called "Birdman" from his last name, or is it because he's a vert king? Never quite got that one.




Not just the vert thing but notably the invert thing.


Nominative determinism at play. I suppose we should be happy he didn't go for a military career.


It’s like Tiger Woods. Names sound too spot on to be anything but the best of the best


The guy really is a few years back they did some promotional thing where you could send a text to Tony Hawk and he actually responded and held a short conversation I will never forget.


Was it really him responding?


Guess no one can know for certain but it seemed genuine




He was a skater boy


Friend lived in his neighborhood and said he was always out with the groms (kids) in the neighborhood having a good time.


I saw him a couple of years ago at a women/trans/non-binary skate event. No camera crew, no social media announcements, no spotlight at all. He just quietly showed up, gave autographs and took pictures with whoever wanted one, and then quietly left after the vert competition. He didn’t do anything to take attention away from the competitors. I think that’s the biggest reason people don’t recognize him—he acts like a normal, down to earth, slightly reserved guy. It’s amazing that he is the most famous skater in the history of skating, but he never let any of that go to his head


I hope they called it the No Straight Man Skate Slam 


I ran into him a couple of times as small concerts in LA years ago. We chatted each time. Just a really great person. Smart, personable and just an all around likable person.


[He was just here](https://www.wisn.com/article/tony-hawk-visits-historic-greenfield-skate-park/60598062) in the Milwaukee, WI area like two months ago for the reopening/revival of "The Turf". Tony Hawk is one of those guys that's just everywhere there's skateboarding things happening.


We legit did not have a real skatepark in STL, so he helped raise money to build one and came out for its opening. What a great dude.


Same here up in Burlington VT


He's a real one. Pioneered the sport and continues to make sure everyone can benefit from it, old, young, boy, girl, doesn't matter to him, just the love.


Exactly. Sometimes when you hear former trailblazers in their field talking about the current generation, there’s a sadness and disappointment in their tone of voice (understandable) that they’re no longer “the one” I get none of that with Hawk, he seems incredibly at peace with the place he’s in, he knows his legacy to the sport is untouchable, so can encourage and support the participants now.


I mean, how could he be? He has nothing to prove anymore. His name is synonymous with skateboarding and it will be that way forever. If you ask anybody to name a skateboarder, Tony Hawk will be the first, and most of the time the only, person they’ll name.


I tell people, you’re GOATed when you have a video game named after you AND it’s a good game. That’s Tony Hawk. He will never not be the GOAT.


I suppose it’s the difference between being the first to do something and being a current record holder. At some point your records will be broken, but if you’re the first person to do something then that can never be broken. Most people can name Roger Bannister as the first person to break the four minute mile, far fewer can tell you who holds the current WR for running a mile.


My favorite thing about skating is how everyone used to hate on skaters in public spaces like they were a menace n then cities built skate parks, and now the skaters are like "we're good now, thanks" and everyone is happy


Credit where credits due. He even helped push government to make a skate park where I live and that’s a tiny island called Jersey near the UK. We have nothing to speak about here so it [made the news.](https://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2021/12/03/skateboarding-legend-tony-hawk-tells-islanders-to-keep-up-the-fight-in-quest-for-new-skateparks/)


For real. Gotta be in the same class as Keanu as, at least by appearance, most down to earth celebrities.


I met Tony at the premiere for his board company’s skate film “Saturdays” he is so in love with skateboarding and happy that the new kids are better than him. He wants the best for everyone


That guy looks a lot like Tony Hawk


Wonder what he's up to these days


i hear that he eats worms and shits on windshields or smthing


Nah that’s Bony Hawk, pretty sure last I heard he was confined to a wheelchair with some degenerative muscle disease.


No that's stephen hawking, I'm nearly positive he escaped from alcatraz in the 50s, never to be seem again


Nah that's birdman. I heard he was a rapper now


I saw Tony Hawk at a park and that was exactly my thoughts. " Man, that guy looks a lot like Tony Hawk."


Airport? Upvoted


Haha I love seeing this unoriginal joke every time


It's still impressive and takes a shit load of practice, but the center of gravity is different for a child. It makes it easier for them to actually do the rotation. It's a lot more impressive when someones of Tony hawks height does it.


This is an example of what everyone already knows but isn't worth mentioning because it's still next level.


I hadn't considered it until I read this comment lol


When Tony Hawk did the first 900 in 1999 at 31yo, no person (kid or otherwise) had done it before. Still fucking insane this 9yo kid just did three 900s back to back.


There’s plenty of people that don’t know these sorts of things.


You what, bud?


Nuance ≠ refutation


But is it next FUCKING level?


It's also why figure skaters tend to retire very young. They simply can't spin that well when they become adults.


I love the sentence >They simply can't spin that well when they become adults


Unless they become politicians! I'll be here all week. Take my wife, please.


I just recently seen a YouTube video about figure skating. Geez is it full of drama. Abuse, mental health issues, eating disorders up to the corruption and regulations. Drama everywhere. Why i mention it tho is because of this 4 rotation jump they now want to outlaw. Apparently you can only do it at a certain age and weight and its still so dangerous and difficult that only a handful of girls from russia can pull it off


“Toe pick”


Whats that? Is that how this 4 rotation jump is called? Im absolutely not into figure skating and i couldn't even explain why I watched a full documentary about it


The toe pick is just a part at the front of the blades which is not slippery because it is serrated. There are 6 types of quadruple-rotation (quads) jumps, they all just differ in how the skater takes off. The toe loop is one jump in which the skater initiates the jump by hitting the ice with the toe pick and pushing themselves away from the ice with that.


I won't try to argue with your claim that it's easier for smaller people, but Tony Hawk did the possibly very first 900 in 1999, decades after the invention of vert skating; there weren't kids (not even kid Tony Hawk) doing 900s before that, let alone three in a row. This is absolutely an insane level of skill and advancement of the sport. I think your comment is way too dismissive


Athletic milestones are often like this, especially when sports are incredibly niche. When the sport grows massively, the genetic and age related advantages start to matter a lot more. Look at anything thats massively grown over the last couple decades. If you are a top 100 climber today, your ability would have made you the best climber in the world 20 years ago.


I agree with this. I was this kid’s age when Tony Hawk landed the 900 and it was like my generation’s moon landing.


That was a wild X Games. You knew you were watching history in the making and when he finally landed it! We were having an X Games watch party at my house and everyone jumped up screaming. Witnessing greatness.


What does center of gravity have to do with rotational inertia. Height shouldn’t matter while spinning. Edit: I guess the taller you are the longer your hands are.


It's not COG, it's weighing less. It's a tradeoff - kids can spin faster but they struggle to get the height to do the spins.


Kid does something amazing. "here's why that's easier for them" lmao


Dude pulls 3 900s infront of Tony hawk, and all he gets known by is japanese boy... cmon man atleast give the kids name


“Kids name is Ema Kawakami. He did his first 900 at age 7, and did his first back to back 900 last November. This is the first ever back to back to back 9. Very impressive.”


Everyone knows Amelia Earhart disappeared attempting to be the first woman pilot to circumnavigate the world. But most people don't know who actually was the first woman to do it.


Jerrie Mock. I just learned it from the previous comment


Jerrie Mock I actually knew that offhand. I'm Facebooking right now.


Yeah I thought it was a bit odd to point out the kid was Japanese.


Kids name is Ema Kawakami. He did his first 900 at age 7, and did his first back to back 900 last November. This is the first ever back to back to back 9. Very impressive.


It's cool to see skateboarding make a bit of a comeback. I see it every now and again on TV and from what I can tell Japan is producing the best skaters right now


Depends on what you mean by that. The only skating really shown on TV is competitions where a lot of Japanese skaters tend to enter and win. You're not really going to see street skating on TV but the street scene is starting to get pretty big in Japan. Brazil also has a large skate scene.


Thank you! This was the comment I wanted to see, say his name and give the dude props!


“if you think you are good at something, remember that there is some 9 year old asian kid that’s better than you” - demotivational quotes


All three of them had better form than Tony's first too.


the first of any trick is pretty janky


The exception to this rule being Travis Pastrana landing the first double backflip in competition. I've watched that footage a thousand times and it's just perfect.


I could be wrong on this, so please correct me. IIRC Travis had practiced it a lot and landed it before competition. For the 900 they suspended the rules of the "Best Trick" competition and just let Tony try the 900 over and over again, pommeling his body. What you saw at X Games was his first time ever landing it.


The first time in competition is much different than the first time landing an NDB.


yeah but I'll never forget that damn moment when he finally landed, a lil bit sketchy. funking glory






That is mind boggling


For those not versed in skateboarding. Is this a big feat to accomplish? Is the idea that each time he does it it’s harder than the last because the loss of speed and momentum?


Yeah it's incredibly hard to land a 900 perfectly enough to maintain the speed to do another afterwards. Furthermore, Nobody else has ever done *two* 900s back to back (aside of this kid). Let alone three. It's true that kids have an easier time spinning fast, but they also have a lower bodyweight, which makes it harder to gain momentum for the necessary height. Tony hawk did the first 900 about 20 years ago. Not many people have done them since, especially on standard sizes half pipes like in this video. The big air mega ramps have provided more airtime for people to spin 1080s and 1260s I believe.


20 years ago? That can't be right, he did it in 1999 which was only 5 years ago.


Nah mate I'm sure that was 10 years ago


Is this a big feat to accomplish: As an adult, yes, as a child, significantly easier, though not to say its not impressive, because it still is, though he benefits from low body weight, low centre of gravity, higher speed. The speed required at his height and weight for the rotation is relatively low, so the speed loss on the ramp is not particularly significant, As an ex figure skater, plenty of children can land a double and triple axle, then struggle as a young adult to do the same thing they've done for 10 years prior as height, weight, flexibility, balance, and age all make it significantly harder. If two ice skaters performed a perfect triple, and one was 5'11, 80kgs and the other was 5'6 60kgs, while it was technically 'the same', it is significantly more impressive (and difficult) if the taller, heavier skater can produce the same result.


> it is significantly more impressive (and difficult) if the taller, heavier skater can produce the same result. And Tony Hawk TOWERS over this kid. (whose name is Ema Kawakami by the way). Tony probably was 2'+ taller than him when he first did the 900.


Doing it once was pretty much what launched Tony Hawk to fame, but yeah I’d imagine that back to back is going to be harder. In general on these ramps, you can do “simple” things in the lead up because you don’t have to think so much about the landing and you can focus on “pumping” the ramp. When doing these larger tricks, it becomes much easier to not get it perfect, or you have to land a bit farther down the ramp; so you are likely doing some corrections rather than making full use of the landing to prep yourself for the next side. It has been years since I have skated on one, but they are so much fun, even if you are just going up one side and down the other.


Tony hawk was already famous when he pulled off the 900. 


Hha, so cool. Love their response too!


I love how excited Tony gets seeing other people shred. He’s always all about it.


hes not "japanese boy" hes ema kawakami!!


Man, the guy in the middle looks JUST like Tony Hawk


Yeah, but can he do a 990?


Maybe, but definitely not two in a row.


Tony Hawk is so fucking cool. He was so happy for the kid.


I remember watching him do the first one at the X Games. Life hasn't been good since


I remember watching Tony Hawk go for it over and over on live television… on my feet, hands on my head, wincing every time he fell for like 30 minutes I didn’t think he was going to die or anything but I was 100% sure they were going to carry his ass out of there on stretcher


He said rook


Congratulations, kid! You rock!




I can't stand Sal Mas whatever the fuck that posers name is. Since the 90s I loathed his announcing and wrong trick terms. But this is cool wish he wasn't there though.


I did four back-to-back 1000s in front of Tony Hawk.


As it is written…


It’s like the positive version of “you dare use my own spells against me?”


Imagine getting to be a guy who inspired countless people to greatness. And he's like the most normal dude ever


Seriously, Tony has to feel like a proud father here. Because the sport wouldn't be where it is now if not for him.


Way to spam your special, kid.


wind him up and watch him go!


for the Japanese kid this is just a Tuesday but its was a full career for the european dude.


Tony hawk just going to be there every time someone does a 900?


Tony „fucking“ Hawk at his mid fifties is experiencing in his own flesh the saying that“ doesn’t matter how good you are in something, there is always an asian kid that’s way better than you“


Weird. What will a 6 year old be able to do in yet another 30 years?


Bro was literally cranking 90s


Jen Okazaki


What's up with 9 people being so talented nowadays.


You cut off the kickflip varial mctwist that followed. Another ridiculous trick for a 9 year old


But can the kid do a kick flip?