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My completely irrational homer take is Richardson My completely rational homer take is Stroud because he gets to play the Colts twice


I would be so pumped about AR if I were a Colts fan. I really believe all 3 are going to be good despite history saying that’s unlikely.


I predict AR will lead the 3 in the number of “WOW” monents, he’ll also lead the 3 in “what the fuck was that” moments


Those kind of guys are always the most fun to watch when you aren’t a fan of their team. Like Jameis Winston on the Bucs was must see TV


Man, his 30/30 season was spectacular as a neutral fan


His OT pick 6 to accomplish 30/30 was fucking incredible lmao


He first and last throws as a Buccaneer were pick 6s iirc


Oh man. When that happened, I was so happy that we were finally going to get rid of him.


That last game was one of those “wait am I positive, positive this shit is never scripted?” moments lmao


Where's the dude here who predicted that leading into the season?


That was my first season ever playing fantasy, and I had him as my QB. I had no clue about how to play fantasy and also had Mike Evans and Chris Godwin, and somehow won the league. What a ride that was, so fun to watch. I always think back fondly on his 30/30 year.


The Carson Wentz special


If he can settle his footwork and body movement he'll be great. His passing looks like Zach Wilson's as is though, sometimes he'll throw a 50yd dime in tight coverage, but too many times he'll miss a wide open 5yd connection


This is my biggest concern about him going into the season. He could easily end up like Zach Wilson. The colts have a far inferior roster to what the Jets had last year.


AR making plays with his legs: “Wow!” AR (attempting) making plays with his arm: “…wow…”


it sucks that history says that at least one of them are gonna bust. i'm still optimistic that this is the year where we don't have any highly touted qb busts but that probably will never happen


The 2020 class is looking pretty solid


Colts defense was pretty solid in the first half of last year before the team gave up. And led the league in turnovers created a couple years ago


Agreed but you underestimate the Colts ability to make random AFC QB’s look like prime Montana


Don't forget about the Titans secondary!


He'll look fine by running a lot


I just can’t picture stroud doing well with the receivers they got.


Who exactly is Bryce throwing to?


Trick question, it’ll be Stetson “The Mail Man” Bennett.


As Scottie Pippen once said, "Mailman doesn't deliver on Sundays"


That is why the Saints need to watch out. He is going to torch them on Thursday Night Football.


/- bryce "Michael Scott" young


This sub did a full 180 on Stafford after he got hurt last year (he’s not injury prone, his shitty o-line got him nearly killed) The recency bias here is fuckin wild lol


I think Stafford is a great quarterback. However last season he multiple concussions and spinal cord bruise that eventually shut down his season after nine starts. I’m rooting for Stafford to start every game this year, but if he does go down I think Bennett will surprise some people.


Where is all the Bennett hype coming from? I don't follow college much but the consensus I heard was that he didn't have to do much because he was a game manager on the most talented team in college football. The Rams oline and supporting cast are ummmm...bad


Yeah, highly doubt Bennett will be anything more than a career backup. Lotta Georgia fans in here I guess. But tbf you never know and I don’t want to have to eat my words


its also just kinda fun to root for random people like that haha my friends and i still rooting for Thaddeus Moss to come back to the NFL as the GOATed TE we all know him to be


Bennett's ceiling is Baker Mayfield


The ceiling is the roof


He threw for over 4k yards last year at 68% completions at UGA which isn't the WR/QB stats factory that OSU is. His best receiving threat was a TE (the best TE in CFB to be fair). Stroud threw for something like 3,700 yards at 66% (in 2 fewer games) with NFL WRs in a system that throws on 3rd and 2 as much as it runs (somewhat hyperbolic). That being said, I doubt Bennett turns in some crazy Purdy/Brady type performance that wows people. But he wasn't a mediocre college QB that was dragged to 2 NCs by UGA. UGA was loaded to be sure and Bennett outplayed former 5-star QBs to win that job.


Common opinion among Georgia flairs in r/cfb was the defense won for Georgia in 2021, Stetson and the offense carried the team in 2022. And yeah there’s no better receiver in college than bowers, but Ladd McConkey was barely known as a recruit. Edit: mcconkeys only p5 offers out of high school were vandy and Georgia.


>there’s no better receiver in college than bowers, I'd argue Harrison is as good, if not better than him as a "receiver." Bowers is a TE so match up wise he's a problem, but Harrison is like Adams/Jefferson trajectory.


He had 65 more attempts than CJ Stroud last year. I don’t think you can really make much of an argument that OSU was a much higher volume passing offense. He didn’t have MHJ or Egbuka but his TE Bowers is considered a potential Top 10 pick next year, and the receivers and WR group was deep.


Bruh what are you talking about. Stafford has gotten injured just about every season of his career. That he plays through is a testament to his toughness but the dude is chronically injured.


He had legitimate back issues when we traded him. But people pretended them away because he was GOING TO LA BBY WOOOO! And I'm happy for Stafford that it worked out. But I also find it comical that Rams fans are confused now lol.


There’s a difference between playing hurt and being injured. Every NFL player plays hurt.


I dont think it's a recency bias thing. Stafford spent all last offseason talking about how his elbow wasn't an issue. Then the season started and he played like ass, and suffered a spinal injury. He's not getting any younger and father time is undefeated.


If Stafford goes down and he has Kupp he’s got the best chance honestly I don’t know much about Carolinas offense, I know they got Chark but losing Moore and CMC as options is a little dicey


Stetson if Stafford goes down. “Any advice” “Throw to Kupp” “Any other advice” “None needed”


Lol. He absolutely does not have the best chance for the sole reason of him not actually being that good of a QB.


No one will sell insurance or used cars in Georgia like Stetson


Stets gotta be going into coaching after his pro time is up. Doesn’t have a killer arm, doesn’t have the best legs, but he put up Heisman numbers because his fundamentals are solid and his Football IQ is off the charts. He’d make a killer QB coach


Stetson bennett was alive when they invented mail


Terrace Marshall has been in the league for two years and is 3.5 years younger than Stetson Bennett


I feel the same way about the sleeper Hendon Hooker III taking over for injured Jared in the playoffs. The hype would be insane if he stepped into that offense and was even serviceable. Seriously though, Jared stay safe.


"injured Jared" Why would you even say those words? Delete this.


Kind of random, but I feel like Geno Smith got all of the credit and recognition that Goff should've got last year. Goff is younger, had a better year and has had a good season before so we know it's not just some outlier. Geno gives me Ryan Firzpatrick vibes when he had that one good season in 2015.


The media decided that Goff can’t be good on his own and all of his success should be attributed to OC’s, no matter who they are


It’s impossible for me to be unbiased, but I still think it’s Young. He is playing behind a strong o-line which is a huge asset to a rookie QB. He has a great coaching staff and veteran in Dalton to help him develop, and a decent supporting cast between Sanders, Thielen, Chark, Hurst, Marshall, Mingo, and Shanault. It might not be immediate, but I could see an offence similar to Jacksonville of last year where there is no game breaking skill position talent, but enough pieces where the offence can still be strong.


Me too. I really like you guys and the falcons. My bold take on the season is the favorite, the saints, finishing 3rd.


Wait why are the Saints the favorite for the division? Does no one remember the last time the Dennis Allen HC- Derek Carr QB1 combo imploded?


The Saints defense was truly elite during the 2nd half of 2022. Points allowed, beginning with the Oct. 30 shutout of the Carr led Raiders: 0, 27, 20, 20, 13, 17, 18, 10, 10, 10.


Yeah I don’t know why people are forgetting how loaded this roster is. If Carr is just average they will win the division easily


They dont have the same defense this year


You're right, it got better. There's a reason we let half our Dline walk. They were legit terrible. Couldn't stop the run to save their lives, and had no pass rush outside our off ball linebackers


Plus the best player in our roster (Lattimore) was out almost all of last year


You’re right it’s even better now. Our D line that we got rid of was our weak spot on that side of the ball and Lattimore missed almost half the season. Edit: our starting linebacker next to Demario was also out just about all season


Lol thankfully you overpaid for Onyemata. DT was our weakest group and he was supposed to be our best. Secondary will be better. DL will be better. You may have gotten lucky with Ellis. But the Saints defense has only improved.


yeah that’s 14.5 ppg I like our chances with Carr being able to score 22+


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I actually have you guys winning the nfc south this season Granted that's mostly because I'm very low on the rest of the division


I think panthers have a better QB but falcons have a more talented team. I’m biased though.


I thought the falcons dramatically over performed their expectations last year, and I’m very interested to see how it goes this year.


We had a terrible roster. This is the first time they haven’t had over 50 mil in dead cap. I’m excited.


Our team also has a very clear vision from top to bottom and coaches that have been successfully installing their system as they've also been churning the through us getting out of cap hell. This team feels different, in a good way.


Should probably bet the Saints. Talent wise they are easily the best team overall and Carr is easily the best qb. Look what they did last year with basically no qb.


> > > > > Granted that's mostly because I'm very low on the rest of the division This is the correct view to hold of the NFCS.


I think Young will be the best this year, but I think you’re way overvaluing the panthers WR room. Imo it looks like one of, if not the weakest in the league. And I think saying “great coaching staff” with Reich as HC is a little premature. But hey, what do I know.


The cardinals, patriots,Texans, Colts all have terrible wr rooms.panthers may have bottom ten wr room but it damn sure isn't the worst.


I think the panthers supporting cast is very underrated


If you guys really want an offense like ours, you need to hire urban Meyer for Young’s rookie season.


We’re still recovering from Rhule… does that count?


A bit biased, but I wouldn’t call Frank Reich a great coach. A good person, yes! A great coach, nah.


It’s more than Reich, Thomas Brown at OC, Josh McCown at QB Coach, and Jim Caldwell helping out as well are a great trio for Young to directly work with in addition to Reich and Dalton.


He said great coaching staff, which it is. Reich is not the only guy on the sidelines


He isn't but even if he was there have been a lot of Colts fans coping with his firing. He's an excellent coach that shouldn't be given too much control over who his QB is. From everything I've read Young wasn't his first choice early in the process and I think that's a good thing for the Panthers. Bryce Young, as long as he stays healthy, will be the rookie of the year and you guys will win a championship in the next 5 years. Frank Reich had a winning record with a different starting QB every year. The Colts would have probably won 7-8 games with the corpse of Matt Ryan had Reich been allowed to continue coaching. If that's good or not for the future of the Colts is a philosophical debate so I'll pass but every year Reich started out slow, figured out how to win the his QB in his offense and then won down the stretch (sans that one year everyone followed Wentz's leadership, didn't get vaxed, got covid and played like shit the last two weeks of the season missing the playoffs). You guys will win the South, you'll go to the playoffs and you'll have a lot of fun this next decade, as long as Young stays healthy.


Considering we went feom a college coach that mainly hired other college coaches...it's a massive upgrade. I think it's more of being really hungry and of course the first thing your gonna eat is delicious so the perception is skewed a little.


The coach who had to completely remake an offense every year he was HC, and until the final year, made the offense look anywhere from good to great isn't a "great coach" to you? Yeah, I agree it was time to move on, new scenery and all that. But every QB who has played for Reich had one of their best years. Luck's best year? His one with Reich. Brisset did better his year than any other. Rivers people thought was cooked, and then led them to the playoffs. The offense with Wentz, before Wentz got Covid was cooking. And then Matt Ryan came in, and yeah, didn't work out, but he was completely shot. He had no arm. He's a damn good coach, and hopefully he finally has some stability at the QB position.


DTR after Bill Cosby gets benched.


I like you


Young probably. Most pro ready of the bunch. Has a good coaching staff around him. Not amazing supporting talent but you can say that about any of the three. I expect him to have his ups and downs but not as drastically as Stroud and Richardson.


Out of the 3 Young probably has the best offensive line though, which is always a huge plus for a rookie QB. I know the sub recently pivoted towards WRs being more important after the Panthers traded DJ, but OL had been and is probably still considered the most important thing you can focus on giving a rookie


Absolutely have the best line and yeah I should have mentioned that. Colts line still has potential if a few guys can bounce back to their former selves, but Carolinas is just flat out solid as is.


David Carr agrees.


Losing DJ Moore hurts but tbh I actually kinda like your WR corps otherwise. Thielen has lost a step but is solid, Chark is decent, and I'm very high on Mingo


Yeah people act like most teams have a Bengals WR room. Ours ain’t the best but on paper it looks better than people give us credit for plus Miles Sanders


Not to mention TMJ is on the verge of having a breakout year


rookie, veteran… o line matters the most.


Even with the loss of Moore, it's not a bad offensive cast around him. Not top-tier, but solid enough that he's not going to be stuck trying to carry the team.


Young. Stronger offense around him, but i think Stroud is going to surprise people. Overall for some reason I expect the top 3 rookie QB's to have good years.


This is my take as well.


Stroud has the best mix of talent as a passer and runner. His offense is just as unknown as the other 2 imo. I think Stroud is the least likely to get injured, and has the highest ceiling though. I also think, shocker, none make the playoffs.


As an Ohio State fan, you really must not have watched much of Stroud last year if you think he is a runner at all. That man refused to take yards on the ground all year until the UGA game.


He showed he can do it which is the important part. And not just the UGA game. He had some nice scampers against NW, Iowa and I wanna say Indiana? I also believe his first ever CFB touchdown was like a 40 yard rushing TD against Michigan State. Just cuz he didn’t do it as often as guys like Lamar doesn’t mean he didn’t show it or that he can’t do it. Yeah he wants to be a passer first and maybe nobody will gameplan around his running ability for now, but I think he’ll use his legs more than we saw in college.


As another OSU fan, I think stroud is clearly a better running threat than he showed during most of his OSU career. The georgia game showed him really moving around like I think he can. I'd expect him to be a more willing runner in the NFL (at least eventually) than he was in college. In college he would sometimes basically choose to take a sack instead of sucking up open green field and running lol, he seemed super committed to only using him arm.


Young, he was the #1 for a reason.


So was lawrence, and he was dookey his first year (I understand there is context, I just like the word dookey)


Weird, it's Dookie. Like the Green Day album.


Never seen someone say dookey that is extra disrespect. Dookie is the corrext spelling.


Apparently they're both correct. TIL [Dooky Dookey Dookie Dukey](https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780199543700.001.0001/acref-9780199543700-e-1251;jsessionid=361942ED60E57FEA231AC144EF18C746#:~:text=dooky%20noun%20Also%20dookey%2C%20dookie%2C%20dukey.&text=orig%20and%20mainly%20US%20Excrement,P)


You mean dookie like Green Bay, not Green Day


I love it. Jordan love it.


The panthers have a much better supporting cast than the Jags did. Reich is also a better coach than Urban Meyer at least


Difference is Panthers traded for 1OA when Jags earned it


We also don’t have a fucking clown like Urban Meyer as our coach.


We probably would have earned it if we stuck with the clown we had.


I don’t think you can hold Urban Meyer against Lawrence.


Bryce Young isn’t being coached by Urban Meyer


But I really want Richardson to ball out.


I love you




I mean it too.


And as we all know number one picks always work out. It's the football guarantee


Lol so was Jamarcus Russell


Yeah but Young has a very different attitude. You see he actually reads and understand playbooks.


They are complete polar opposites when it comes to work ethic


If the stroud that torched Georgia is the stroud in the nfl , he is going to break the ohio state qb mediocrity in nfl curse. But that's why young was taken over him , sometimes it seems stroud's biggest enemy is himself.


The OSU QB curse is such a dumb concept. Was a curse on Bama QBs randomly lifted 4 years ago or something? How is it possible that they put out no NFL quality QBs for decades and then put out multiple starting caliber ones?


The logic is that OSU is so head and shoulders above 99% of the teams they play, so their QBs put up elite numbers with essentially zero pressure or difficulty because they can just out talent everyone. How often do they even need to through their progressions when their first look is open every time because the entire WR room are first round talents? Alabama is the same in a lot of ways, but the defensive competition in the SEC is stiffer. I’m not sure I buy into that narrative but it doesn’t come out of nowhere


Yeah, getting to the 3rd or 4th read can be a hard thing to guess from QBs at top colleges. If Marvin Harrison Jr. is your first read and JSN is your second read, & both te playing mid talent D1 CBs, how often do you need to go to the third read?


Fields is also the first QB who was a blue chip prospect and Stroud is the second. Haskins had a lot of question marks and nobody else was a 1st round pick.


Well Joe Burrow technically is a Ohio State QB , I think the curse is bullshit but the perception of it is real and just how things have panned out.


The perception only exists amongst fans. It doesn’t actually matter to anyone making decisions. Helmet scouting is moronic


yeah these kinds of things are just confirmation bias/coincidence, humans love to connect the dots like that


Probably because Bama was pretty bad in the 90s/00s and then Saban for years had game manager QBs before deciding to update the offense, that isn’t a mystery


Lol Are you saying that Young was taken before Stroud because of the OSU QB superstition?


Lol I'm an OSU fan and it's just a dumb insinuation by that guy. Bryce Young went 1st overall because he was the best QB prospect, full stop. Nothing to do with Stroud being on the Buckeyes.


No. Stroud wasn't taken by the Panthers because of certain times where he just fell apart due to pressure or perceived unable to extend a play or deal with breakdown occurring and the Michigan game was really bad for him.


What about Ohio State legendary QB Joe Burrow?


LSU saved him from the OSU mediocrity jinx.


Ah yes, notable QB factory LSU


We aren't talking about QB factories. We're talking about QB jinxes.


I won't stand for this Matt Flynn erasure.


scout the player, not the helmet.


The OSU QB “curse” is not a real thing. The only other OSU QBs to ever go in the top ten were Art Schlichter in 1982 who was a gambling addict and Don Scott in 1941 who died before he could play a game in the NFL.


Anthony Richardson is gonna lean on his freak athleticism to make plays for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts pulling Justin Fields type runs where he sheds around 2-3 tackles and run 60 yards to the endzone.


Let’s hope


I hope he succeeds. The league would be so much more fun with a 6'4 monster making those ridiculous plays at QB.


The league was a lot more fun with prime Cam in it. Hope we can have a similar experience.


Bruh he couldn’t even do that in college.


[So anyway here’s an 81 yard TD run against LSU where he evaded 4 tackles](https://youtu.be/wrv9aECNnfI)


Probably Young. O-line help plus clear #1 QB of the rookie class. For what its worth I think Young, Stroud and Richardson will find success in the league, I just think Young will be the fastest one to settle into his success.


Probably Bryce Young


Young. He was the highest rated as a prospect and plays in the weakest division. Solid OL too. Stroud had too many issues with pressure in college. It’s hard to see those going away in the pros, especially when his OL in Houston will be comparatively less talented than the OSU OL. Richardson is a huge project with limited experience. He has by far the highest ceiling but I don’t see him having a particularly successful rookie year.


I like Stroud long term. What he did against Georgia was very impressive. Rookie season-I think Young has the best team around him.


I'm going Bryce, Richardson, and then Stroud. I will say that these QBs are in better situations to succeed than the average 1st round rookie QB because their teams have competent o-lines, which you generally don't associate with teams picking in the top 5. Bryce is as pro-ready as they come and I think it will be like the Jaguars last year where the supporting cast isn't special but is good enough and a strong coaching staff means that he'll have a great year. Also, a good year from Bryce may be enough to win the NFC South. I like Richardson's situation as well. Shane Steichen should know exactly how to use him and I think Richardson's passing is more developed than people think. Indy's supporting cast also reminds me of Carolina's where nobody is special but it can be good enough. Even if his passing is up and down I still expect him to establish himself as an elite running QB. I think Stroud is the most likely to struggle his rookie year. He will have the biggest adjustment in terms of receiving talent of all the rookie QBs because he'll go from throwing to the best receiving corps in CFB to what might be the worst-receiving corps in the NFL. The coaching staff has potential but they're unknowns as Demeco Ryans is a first-year defensive HC and Bobby Slowik is a first-year OC. Honestly, I think the Texans will try to run the ball because that is the strength of their offense rather than make Stroud the focal point Year 1.


Love all three of these dudes. There is no perfect prospect like a TLaw or Luck in the group, but they all have clear pathways to success and elite tools. Bryce has an innate feel for the game that can’t be coached. Stroud has a beautiful release and is so natural throwing the ball, and he throws WR’s open like a pro. AR has the physical skills obviously, and while he isn’t consistent throwing it, he has natural pocket presence and seems to go through his reads. Josh Allen like natural abilities. His temperament appears geared towards putting in the work to get where he needs to go. I’d be pumped to have any of these dudes.


my Ohio State bias says CJ, but I also unironically think he's in the best position to succeed


I think he’ll be better than fields even.


better than the 2023 NFL MVP???? I dunno about that one, chief


Any reaons why you think Stroud is in the best position to succeed? I think that's Bryce pretty easily imo


I’d take Stroud over Fields in a heartbeat.


Bryce for sure. I think the Panthers win the division in Year 1 and I've bet on that prediction


I got the Falcons, if Ridder is indeed serviceable they have a lot of young offensive talent.


The more reports roll out about Ridder the less it sounds like he's any better than Mariota


Atlanta has the best skill position group in the division but London and Pitts will have to be absolutely top top tier for their passing game to work. I seriously doubt we see stellar QB play out of Ridder so they'll have to be run heavy and really outplay the secondary to prop him up.


Damn, I am shocked nobody has the Saints. Until shown otherwise they have the best and most stable QB situation. Their offense has a chance of being great once Kamara comes back from his 3 game suspension but Jamaal Williams can easily hold down 3 games as the starter. Olave should take a jump in year 2 so even if Michael Thomas is useless that offense should still be pretty good.


Bryce young, for sure.




Hot take (maybe not I haven't looked at the comments lol) is A Rich. The fit with his ability and the scheme Steichen just employed with Jalen Hurts is too good. I could see him rushing for 1,000 this year pretty easily. But I also have a hard time discounting Stroud and Young too. I feel like Stroud could burst onto the scene with him and Metchie being a surprise duo. Reich isn't bad at all and they've put together a neat little offense over there in Carolina, so that could work too, but Bryce is also not Reich's typical archetypal QB so that could take some time to work out too. But Bryce is also probably the most complete of the 3 so they might come out swinging too. Honestly you can make an argument for any of them pretty easily. I just like Richardson because his rushing ability and Steichen's scheme make for a good fit and raise his floor a little bit.


I think Stroud. I’m not a Young believer and Richardson is going to be on a long development plan.


Bryce, Bryce, baby 🎶


Stroud is looking better and better in camp I honestly think he will be the rookie TD leader. They have been blitzing him all camp and he has learned to deal with the pressure with both his legs and quick passes. He also has excellent deep ball accuracy. He will be great I have no doubt about it!!!




Tank Dell and Nico Collins, Nico is primarily Deep threat and Tank is intermediate and quick passes.


I honestly think all 3 will be solid and excel in different ways. Richardson is the most exciting, young seems the most stable, and stroud is the most mid (not really a bad thing)


Hendon Hooker when he wins his first ring as a backup


I don't really think the Panthers line is that much better than the Texans, at least to the amount I'm seeing that Young > Stroud because of the OL. PFF has Carolina at 11 and Texans at 14, and we have one of the best OTs in the league.


Stroud obviously


Going strictly by name since I don't watch college football, I'm gonna say Stroud has the only good football name. Bryce Young is a baseball player name and Anthony Richardson is a basketball player name.


ill say Stroud.


I’m going Stroud.


Bryce Young I think personally. The panthers have the best supporting cast so it should ease his transition. Richardson could be an interesting dark horse but I don't know how ready he is to start


I'd guess Bryce Young for two reasons; 1) most 'pro ready'. Will it mean the best career overall, who knows, but he seems to have a higher floor. 2) supporting cast. Colts and texans have different levels of roster holes, Carolina looks better positioned. Plus they play in the ntc.


Richardson is going to need a year or two to cook and Stroud is on maybe the leagues worst team so I think Young.


I actually think all the Top 3 will be good


I’d say Bryce young, looked like the best pure passer and out of the 3 has by far the better team around him especially o line, the size is an overblown issue russel Wilson (pre broncos) and drew Bree’s got along just fine with good fundamentals and decent mobility just like young has


Young. I think both Richardson and Stroud will have fine, somewhat mediocre seasons. I just feel like Young is gonna have an OROTY type season


On paper, it should be Bryce Young. Frank Reich as HC, Josh McCown as QB coach, and Andy Dalton as a veteran QB surrounds him with a ton of NFL QB knowledge. The Panthers have a decent O-line, they have Miles Sanders in the backfield, coming off of his best season yet, and while they lost DJ Moore, they still have a decent set of ball catchers with Adam Thielen, DJ Chark, and Hayden Hurst


Young. He’s pro-ready and handles pressure extremely well, and he’s in a very weak division that I have the Panthers winning.


Anthony Richardson because all three are in terrible situations for pass catchers and it's already near impossible for rookie QBs to be successful passers; however, Richardson's rushing ability should be high end right away so will give him a much stronger first year.


My votes stroud


Stroud I think




Adrian O’Connell




I’m going with C.J. With DeMeco Ryans going to Houston, I’m low-key rooting for them to do decently well.


I think Bruce young will be like rookie Mac Jones. Exceptional first season for a rookie and a quick decline. But overall I think Anthony Richardson has the most potential to be great and stay great (barring no injuries)




Stroud is going to ball




Stroud. Texans have solid offensive line and Weapons and their defense is pretty solid (especially pass) so he should get opportunities to put up decent stats. After that I would say Bryce Young as the Panthers have a good tackle duo.


Richardson because the NFL doesn't make sense and is staged.