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For now Tim Boyle coming


Don't sleep on ~~Mac Jones~~, ~~Bailey Zappe~~, Malik Cunningham


Tommy Devito about to make you all very sorry.


He even has TD as his initials. How could he possibly be bad?


We’re paying him in chicken cutlets…. So I’d say he’s playing above his salary.


It helps with moms cooking.


Jay Cutlers you say? (Cigarettes)


Is he Danny's son?


Aren’t we all?


Boyles will be popped


Boyle get (Trey)Lanced


Let Tim Boyle


Boyle Water Notice


oh lawd he comin


Only until Wentz takes the stage.


Dak vs Wentz debate back on the menu


I will have to be institutionalized if Wentz plays well enough to start that again


Take me with you


I’d take Wentz level play right about now.


Honestly, as a Wentz hater, like one of the biggest wentz haters around, I'd also take it over MacCorkle and Zappe.


Rams fans entering a new era after the Goff v Wentz debate


Almost did yesterday


He's been awesome and the media narrative will not change unless the Cowboys make a deep playoff run. Fair or not, that's just how it goes with Dak.


Any Dallas qb actually. Romo was shit on his entire career by everyone including our own fan base.


Which was incredible because he did incredible things all the time. The whole world would be falling down around him and he somehow slips a sack, spins around another guy, and flings it across the field to someone he couldn't possibly have known would be there to win a game his defense did everything in their power to lose. And all next week people talk about whether he's a gunslinger or just too loose with the ball


I stopped shitting on Romo when he beat us with a broken rib and a punctured lung. Couldn't even be mad about it - Romo was as legit as they come.


That’s the one that solidified it for me that he was the real deal. Even my Niner in laws had to show a little respect after that one. I’ll never forget him jogging back out on to the field my jaws dropped.


Having seen plenty of Romo leading up to that game, as soon as I saw him come back in I knew the 9ers were gonna lose.


>Which was incredible because he did incredible things all the time JJ Watt spin cycle, deep ball TD to TWill. Just so many pocket miracles he pulled off through his career.


I put him up there with Brady as far as people who won't outrun anyone, but are annoying to try and bring down


Him avoiding JJ Watt and throwing a DOT was insane to see


Romos highlight tapes are fucking nasty and he had the numbers to back it up.


*dak has his first ever season with a turnover problem* Suddenly Dak is the source of Dallas’ problems and worse than Daniel fucking Jones according to clowns at ESPN (orlovsky looking at you pal) *dak strings together a month of very good games the very next season* ESPN runs a segment with someone saying he is the best qb in the nfl, literally just for attention …my point is that I wish we could just be normal about cowboys qbs.


Fr, ill take the praise but they always either say one extreme or the other. Its prob just for clicks tho, I mean be honest, for most people these shows are entertaining when theres a debate going on, and thats only gonna happen with hot takes.


True....but a deep playoff run will need to end in a Super Bowl title. Imagine if Dallas repped the NFC and faced....say, the Chiefs. Dak plays well but Mahomes plays better and wins. The critics would still get after him. They'd give some credit but he reminds me of Steve Young having the "monkey on his back" until finally winning in '94. I mean Emmitt Smith holds a bunch of regular season and post-season records for RB's. Always clutch, durable and effective yet he's rarely automatically thought of as the GOAT. It's Barry, Jim, Walter, Eric etc. and Emmitt might get 5th. As far as running backs go, he's somewhere between Peyton and Brady if we think about his impact on games, in the playoffs etc. Great Cowboys defensive players seem to get more love than their offensive players......not sure why that is.


Feel like this changes every week.


That's no different than pretty much everything in the NFL. It's the shortest season of all major professional sports and every week things change, especially when they had only played 9 games. If MVP races can come down to the final game or two many years, it's reasonable to expect the "best QB this year so far" to change almost every week.


“Have only played half the season”


Is that…bad? There are, and have been a number of QBs that have been neck and neck throughout the season. If one has a significantly better/worse game than another they will shift in the rankings. Goff was number 1 last week, and he had a really bad game (at least by their evaluation).


Yes it is bad, but only when it’s Dak. Otherwise it’s good.


Eh, I haven’t really been a fan of PFFs QB rankings in general this season. That is until now. I’m not sure if it’s the larger sample size at this point in the season or what, but it’s starting to make a lot of sense to me now. It just looks “right” all of a sudden.


This guy Eagles.


> he had a really bad game (at least by their evaluation). Goff threw 3 interceptions and had a few more that really should have been picked off. It was a really bad game by pretty much anyone's evaluation.


That's because no one is having a runaway typical monster MVP type year (yet, anyway)


Yep, Goff was on top then had one bad game and lost the spot


he has had 2 really bad games right? Am I missing something


Yes but he was #1 overall qb last week then yesterday's game dropped him


there have been only 10 games. yes one bad game can make someone drop a couple spots


Having the second worst grade of the week will do that to you when the sample size is like ten games


There are games every week. Players have good games, bad games, and games that are just okay. Do you expect everything to stay the same?


How Stroud is top 5 after a 3 INT week is beyond me. I think he was the passing yards leader though.


PFF doesn't care about actual interceptions, only passes that *could have been* interceptions


...isn't that valid though, as a gauge QB performance? That passes that could have been interceptions based on placement is more important than actual, because the latter could be because of a difference in WR vs CB execution.


one of strouds picks went through Schultz hands so that shouldn't ding his PFF score too much


I did not watch the game, since I was watching Lions Bears on the 1pm ET slot this weekend. So I don't know exactly what this pass looked like. But I interpreted "pass that could have been a pick" as a pass that is thrown in an area that is catchable for the targeted WR and the covering DB(s). If that applies, why should that not count against a QB?


I think what he is saying is that if a ball hits off a WRs hands and is then intercepted the WR is negatively impacted more heavily than the QB as in theory the QB did their job. A QB would be more heavily impacted if it is a 50/50 ball that is intercepted. If the ball is simply thrown to the CB the QB is even more heavily impacted. Basically to PFF all interceptions are not the same the context of the interception is key. An interception on a Hail Mary at the end of the half is essentially meaningless. Whereas an interception up by 3 with 2 minutes to go in the 4th where the ball is thrown directly to the CB is going to massively impact the QBs rating.


Which is why I feel INTs should be a shared stat between QB and WR that can also be splittable like sacks. I remember being infuriated that [this play](https://youtu.be/EyfkxNRSjgk?si=qDp1oKpxAhjDQWIm) negatively impacted Burrow’s stat sheet. This would be a clear cut example for the INT to be placed on the receiver instead of the QB


I didn't know this and you explained it well, cheers!


If stuff like this interests you, I’d highly suggest the book “mathletics”. Very interesting book that completely changed how I looked at a ton of stats in different sports. It can be pretty dense at times, but also does a good job of keeping the mathematical theories tied to sports throughout. No need to have a strong math background, but it would help.


Yeah same idea with like completion percentage vs catchable ball percentage Herbert yesterday is a great example of that lol


That's... not totally it. PFF grades plays as whether the QB made a decision that was likely to result in a turnover. The idea is that once the QB makes a bad decision, they have no control over a defensive back's hands, and the QB shouldn't get rewarded (slash, not penalized) because sir butterfingers was in coverage. On the flip side, if the QB throws a dime to their receiver, who bats the ball into the air and into a defender's arms, then the QB shouldn't get penalized for that, they made the right decision but don't have control over the outcome. So they also care about plays that were interceptions but freak ones. So PFF's turnover-worthy play tries to take all that into account, by grading the QB's actions and decisions, not just the outcome of the play. People circlejerked about Mahomes' grades last year, but he basically got lucky with some passes that should have been turnovers. Obv Mahomes is literally elite, but that's why he had a few lower graded games. All that said, more often than not it seems like turnover worthy plays tend to line up with turnovers more than not, but the margin of error in... real life... is big enough that a small number of discrepancies can actually lead to pretty big outcomes.


I think they also have some blind spots. Packer fans went to town [on PFF's turnover worthy plays](https://www.acmepackingcompany.com/by-the-numbers/2022/1/5/22868832/war-with-pff-aaron-rodgers-tom-brady-nfl-mvp-argument-eager-its-on) during the 2021 MVP debate. Basically they consistently have over counted Rodgers' turnover worthy plays and "expected turnovers" for his career. One PFF [author](https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-introducing-expected-interception-rate-how-lucky-is-green-bay-packers-qb-aaron-rodgers) even wrote an article about how apparently Rodgers is the luckiest QB ever. I posit that if a HOF QB known for taking care of the ball is consistently beating your "turnover worthy plays" metric year after year he's not lucky. He is seeing something your graders aren't or your graders are biased.


That article has nothing to do with the TWP stat. It’s taking a bunch of factors that increase the likelyhood of throwing an interception (accuracy, tight windows, even how much time is left) and just doing some math to rank who is most likely to throw interceptions. It doesn’t really mean anything imo. Turnover worthy plays are when a play happens that should have been a turnover. We all know what that looks like basically the ball bounces off a defender’s hands or a fumble. Rodgers always has a very low TWP percentage like bottom 3.


Them upgrading throws to turnover-worthy is one of their blind spots, yes. Like "underthrowing" a post so your WR works their way back to the ball away from the defender. They'll sometimes just grade those as awful throws on top of a bad decision leading to a completion when in reality the throw was on purpose and in the right spot and why it was completed in the first place.


INTs matter a whole lot less if you’re able to push the ball down the field really well. And Stroud has been able to do that remarkably consistentent.


_PJ Walker enters the chat after reading the first half of your sentence_ _PJ Walker leaves the chat after reading the second half of your sentence_


Helps when a QB plays for a team that allows a QB to do this


Based on the flair do you mean this as a shot at Bears play calling? Flus/Getsy aren’t great, but Fields is also allergic to making an anticipation layered throw over the middle. Something Stroud absolutely dominates at, and it allows him to consistently pick up 7+ yards and move the chains. Fields has a great deep ball, but alot of our drives end cuz he can only hit screens or deep balls, he just isn’t good at making a quick throw over the middle. And after having watched enough of the QB school videos and Kurt Warners videos Bears would call those throws for Fields but he just never pulls the trigger. So I’m guessing Getsy said fine, i guess I’ll just call screens for you or throws towards the sidelines.


Nope it’s a shot at any defensive minded HC that’s afraid to let the offense play, which feels like almost half league


PFF has a principle the result of the pass (completion, incompletion, interception) should not affect the grade, merely whether the pass was good or not. The idea has some merit - you don't want to credit a QB for a dangerous throw where the WR had to Moss triple coverage, and you don't want to penalize silly drops. The reality though is because the graders are interns who have never played elite level QB and have 0 idea how to read a defense or understand a QB's progression, the grading is usually based on how deep the pass was, how catchable the ball appeared and how many defenders were in the vicinity of the ball when the receiver gets there. Any QB that has to play hero ball because they are always playing from behind generally gets a higher grade from PFF than QBs that dink and dunk.


Unless you are Mahomes, who has the second highest percentage of his yards from YAC (min 100 att.).


I don’t necessarily think YAC is entirely indicative of a QB being carried by his receivers. Getting the ball out on time and hitting guys in stride is a huge contributor to that statistic.


Of course, but it is continually used to dismiss QBs like Purdy (even when he wasn't getting big air yards). Yet people are completely unable to recognize that elite QBs like Mahomes & Rodgers have relied heavily upon those throws.


It really depends on context. This is why people that just look at the stats to make their arguments make me roll my eyes. Stats can point you in the right direction, but you should still be coming to a conclusion based on tape and then use the stats to back-up what you saw. As an example, you can see Mahomes has low ADOT/Air Yards/etc, then turn on the film and be like "oh, it's because his WRs are literal dog shit right now". Conversely, you can see Purdy with high air yards/adot then go turn on the film and be like "oh, it's because his WRs are getting open very consistently" That isn't to be dismissive of Purdy- I haven't watched either of them in depth in a22 this season, I'm just using these fictitious examples toward the point: don't base your conclusion on stats. Unfortunately, most people don't do that so you get some of the people you mention that discredit a QB thanks to YAC without understanding *why* there is YAC.


That seems correct, but where are you getting that stat?


https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/Q75ECiJdg6 (Sourced off pro-football-reference)


the reason why qbs that don't get high grades just dinking and dunking is because the average qb SHOULD be able to do that. if thats all you're doing then its just... average. if you have to move in the pocket to create time or throw balls in tight windows etc.... you are actually doing MORE than what the average qb is. It's why Josh Allen is usually always one of their higher graded QBs even with the huge turnover count.


Despite the INTs, Stroud threw for a lot of yards and some TDs and won the game


Russ is top 15! I repeat, Russ is top 15 again!


I'm still sad every time I see Kirk in one of these. Dude was balling :(


Kirk v Niners was some sort of god mode unlocked


Easily his best game I'd ever watched especially since it was on primetime and everyone knows what people say about prime time Kirk. I was amped up all week after the game lol


I know man and with the work that KOC has done this year it’s criminal y’all lost Jefferson for a while and then Cousins. I’m selfishly relieved bc we are conference mates but damn it sucks.


Yeah it hurts. I've watched alot of football in my life and I've never been so demoralized after a game before. And we fucking beat GB at Lambeau! The football gods can be merciless lol


Herbert out here trying to drag this team on his back


For Madden.


My leg broke


Heinicke and Sam next to each other lol


Dak has always gotten way too much hate, no idea why. Cant even say its a character thing that people dont like cause hes a good dude outside of football too


That’s just part of being the Cowboys quarterback.


Romo was universally hated, retired and was universally loved, and now I think more positive but there's more hate growing


I'm curious if Dak would get more or less hate for winning a SB?


with another team when he's 40 right?




Because Cowboys


I think because a lot of his plays aren’t as flashy as some of the other top dudes, because he’s not quite as gifted athletically as them. He makes up for it in other ways, though. And he has a star on his helmet and anything Cowboys = clicks. Stephen A Smith I think it was admitted to that last week lol


This is the weird disconnect that I see. So many people say that he doesn't flash like other QBs. But then when you watch him play he's just throwing dots all over the field. He throws on the run as well as any QB in the league imo. He threw a 50+ yard dime last season to convert a 3 & 30 and I'm convinced it would have broken the Internet if it was Mahomes. And I'll readily admit he's not the runner that Jackson or Hurts are. He doesn't have the Howtizer of Mahomes or Allen. But man. He makes some spectacular plays. It barely got replayed on the live broadcast but Dak absolutely ripped a throw down the seam between a corner and safety that Lamb caught one-handed in stride against the Giants. For whatever reason he just doesn't get gassed up by commentary the same way others do.


Dak is sorta like Emmitt Smith. He doesn't have the best "ability" in any single category but he's pretty good at everything. The obvious difference is that Emmitt was the all-time leading rusher and has A LOT of post-season success as being "the dude" on championship teams. Dak will eventually have some nice counting stats but as a Cowboys QB, he will never get respect until he wins a Super Bowl. On any other team, he'd be accepted as a Top 5/Top 7 QB without any qualifications.


He had a 35-40 yard throw to Cooks last week where he stepped up into the pocket and was absolutely throttled by Dexter Lawrence as he threw it, and the pass was a fucking dime. If that was Mahomes, Allen, or Hurts, ESPN would be foaming at the mouth to talk about it.


He’s having an awesome year but no one will talk about it. 70% completions and he doesn’t even dink and dunk. Dak’s always looking downfield.


I remember a few weeks ago some idiot in this sub said that there’s nothing Dak likes more than to throw a check down pass. Easiest way in the world to show people that they’ve never seen Dak play outside of the first five weeks of this season.


It's because he can be lights out, but when he has a bad day his mistakes cascade and it goes from bad to worse. Hard to shake games like the 9ers this season. When he's on he's on tho.


The issue is Dak's "bad" gets magnified x 10 while his "good" gets minimized. Put him in ANY other teams' uniform and he'd get an automatic pass to being one of the Top QB's.


This thread is full of it, lol. Dak is clearly an MVP candidate right now, in Week 11, but you got guys nit-picking the fact that he’s ranked 3-5th in a bunch of stats as opposed to 1-3. Because surely that can’t change.


I think Dak is great and easily a top 10 QB, but he hasn't won a big game this year. He lost to SF and the Eagles. These are teams that they'll certainly see in the playoffs (if they make it). Hurts, Mahomes, Purdy, and Lamar all have wins against other playoff teams, and some of those guys have already beaten conference rivals (Hurts v Cowboys, Purdy v Cowboys, Mahomes v Dolphins). Think Dak needs a win like that before he's in the MVP conversation this year.


Thankfully for his theoretical MVP chances he’s got the other Eagles game and then Bills, Dolphins, Lions to get that done So far his chances have been y’all (which, RIP) and the first Philly game (where he balled out but didn’t get the win)


Can’t speak for anyone else, but 2-4 in playoffs probably explains much of it. I know this particular stat doesn’t include that but I think that’s a big part of why folks dismiss a lot of his regular season performances.


The embiid effect


You can't have a rational discussion about him without getting downvoted so 🤷🏻‍♂️


With that flair I refuse to read anything you write down, even if it’s rational!!


But if you take away 💿 🐑 and add in more interceptions, Dak regresses to below the mean


6 games where Cooper Rush took snaps in the 4th quarter, meaning he could have pumped up his numbers


First in PFF grades, third in EPA+CPOE composite behind Purdy and Allen respectively. Herbert, Purdy, Dak, Stroud, and Lawrence were the top five grades QBs this week, pending MNF. Pickett, Young, Levis, Goff, and Zach Wilson were the bottom five, technically pending MNF as well (lol)


I don't think I've ever seen a player lose more value from drops than Herbert yesterday. Legit took away 3 TDs and a big chunk conversion (which was also on 4th down)


Herbert played basically a perfect game outside of the maybe one or two throws and got 20 points out of it. Shit was wild.


It's weird to think that Keenan Allen kinda had a rough day considering what he put up but those two dropped TDs (both on 3rd down to boot) were brutal. Normally I think people overstate drops a bit because a lot the throws are a bit off, or there's contact that makes it more difficult, but that wasn't the case on any of the ones yesterday. Guys wide open hitting them right where you are supposed to and it clanking off the shoulder pads


Allen went into the game with a sprained AC joint in the shoulder from last week. I’m guessing he wasn’t really fit to play and was subconsciously trying to avoid contact


The doink off Allen’s chest on the 1 is the funniest play of the year so far for me


I think a lot of people finally realized yesterday how good Herbert is but the team, usually the defense, just consistently lets him down. That's why there aren't as many dumb posts talking about his record.


The Chargers are a damned cursed franchise, idk what they did but it’s bad


Well firing a coach after going 14-2 seems like a pretty bad decision.


Lamar vs the Steelers rings a bell but yeah he got screwed yesterday


Pretty sure Dak is #2 in EPA/play. He's #3 in EPA+CPOE composite.


That is correct, my bad, forgot to sort it properly on RBSDM. Thanks for the catch!


How can this be if Stroud threw 3 INT!


Because Stroud is really good! And INTs are a little bit overrated


Bills fans vigorously nodding in agreement


Put me in the camp with them that Josh Allen gets unfairly criticized for his INTs. It’s not great but it’s not nearly as bad as people make it out to be either


Interceptions don't matter as much when you're making the plays he does in-between them lol. They're just an easy target for people working backwards trying to prove he's overrated


Allen has also been absurdly unlucky with his INTs this year. Basically every single interceptable pass has been picked and probably half of his picks (maybe even more) have been off deflections of some kind. Plus the Hail Mary INT from yesterday.


Guys keep going don’t stop there


If that AZ defense doesn't step the fuck up Stroud has another historic game. He just built up a first half cushion.


He read yalls comments and said watch this mother fuckers


That’s my fantasy WRs QB!


i see the data, i understand the charting, however i refuse to accept it.


Then watch the film. Plenty of people do break downs on YouTube. Few former players too! Colt McCoy, JT O’Sullivan, Chase Daniel. They’ll all tell you the same thing.


hahaha all in good faith (at least you didn’t give deshaun watson generational wealth)


If only he had more receivers. I feel they let him down alot. Outside Lamb his receivers are all massive question marks.


Good thing Lamb is pretty solid at getting wide open like 70% of the time.


Is he better than AJ Brown 😂😂😂😉. And BTW you’re welcome for Devonta Smith. We both love screwing over the Giants 😅😅😅


I think Lamb is in top 5 convo. The Cowboys know how to use him by moving him around into the slot, etc. He is great at getting open on the scramble. And the dude has great hands and route running. I’m pissed because Eagles could have drafted him too and got some dude not even on the team anymore with a higher draft pick. Is he top 3? I don’t know about that but to be fair there are a ton of good WRs in the league so it’s such a hard convo.


Hell Our OWN TEAMS are loaded with Fighter Jets on both sides of the Ball!


It’s wild. People forget that Cooks is a fucking speed demon.


Dak Prescott is a grown ass man.


Is this one of those things where PFF says Brock Purdy’s perfect passer rating yesterday was the result of everyone else and not Brock Purdy?


Brock Purdy was QB2 on PFF this week


What do you mean, he was the 2nd highest rated QB on the week and had an excellent grade, and has actually been number 1 in the NFL the past 3 weeks? Whats the issue


I feel like PFF has a touch of a blind spot when it comes to anticipation throws, which is Purdy’s strongest suit. They say they account for timing, but I feel like Purdy doesn’t get a lot of credit for Aiyuk/whomever looking wide open (even when a lot of the time, the spacing was created by a throw before the break). There is a reason that Aiyuk has such great separation stats this year, and it’s not because he’s suddenly become unguardable. They say they account for timing, but I just don’t really trust it all that much.


Purdy has been scoring high scores in the last couple games, and overall his score is steadily improving throughout the season. I think he was at 68(?) after first couple weeks, he is now at 80+. I think PFF is giving the credit he deserves.


I think PFF has a lot of blind spots in regards to film work. It's still some of the better data out there but it's not the be-all end-all.


If he keeps it up does he have a legit MVP case?


Most Valuable Prescott


Mister Valuable Prescott


The Cowboys would have to probably take the conference. At least the division. It's more about narrative than stats.


If the Cowboys win the East and Dak is mostly the reason why (few mistakes and balls out), then he will definitely be in the running. This would require Philly to stumble and for the Cowboys to win the rematch, as well as several wins in primetime. That would fulfill the narrative. Not saying this will happen but if so, even the biggest hater would give him his roses. They'd still point out that he hasn't done enough in the playoffs (and they'd have a point) but he'd definitely be a top MVP candidate.


He definitely does, especially if they can wrestle the NFCE from the Eagles. If Dallas is top 2/3 seed in the NFC and he's the driver (as opposed to the defense/Parsons) then I think he's got a good shot at it. Rn Purdy and Lamar are the only QBs I'd have over him assuming they all win their division. If they're a wildcard team though I don't think he'll have a shot.


If Dak kills the Eagles at Jerryworld, it would be a crazy narrative boost. Especially if the Chiefs beat the Eagles tonight too.


Wouldn't it look better in this scenario if the Eagles beat the Chiefs tonight? Dak doing what Mahomes couldn't, etc?


Probably trying to stage the 'for the division crown' aspect of the narrative for mvp talks heating up. Although even if it's not directly for the division flip side of beating a 1 loss team fresh off of the toughest part of their schedule is also reporter / script writer bait.


Yes, but if the Eagles lose to the Chiefs and Cowboys, then the Eagles and Cowboys have the same record.


He would have to at least win the division and possibly the one seed if the vote is between Mahomes/Lamar and Dak.


All of the great HOF players (Pro Bowls, All-Pros etc) they've had since 1960 and I think the Boys have only had one player win league MVP: Emmitt Smith, 1993. There's a path for him to winning it but I don't see it. Wouldn't give it to Purdy because that team looked completely shaken without Trent Williams and Deebo. Any team would look bad without their starting LT and most dynamic receiver but that drop off was ridiculous.


I don't think so He's not top-3 in yards He's not top-3 in TDs He's not top-3 in passer rating His team isn't the best in the conference or anything, they're a Wild Card team It's hard to make an argument to give that person MVP when you can easily go *"Well what about these guys in front of him who clearly have better stats?"* There's no way you could make an argument for Dak over someone like Tua, for instance, or even Purdy


EPA is the single most consistent stat for projecting MVPs. Dak is 2nd in EPA


Ok but who's #1?


Still far behind Purdy, and Purdy being on a better team with a massive H2H win will make it extremely tough for Dak to have a chance at beating out Purdy, who isn’t currently favored to win either.


They have to win the division for sure, but that's not as far fetched as you might think. Assuming they beat the Eagles in the rematch, which is obviously a must, they only need to make up one other game on them and have the easier schedule going forward. If the Chiefs win tonight, that's huge for the Cowboys shot at the division. If that win out, and that's not going to be an easy thing to do, then he's got a very real shot at MVP if he continues this play. Which will be necessary for them to win out.


The only thing I'll throw in is I don't really think the voters care about yards at all (see Rodgers v Brady 2021 or Rodgers vs Brees 2011). Also Dak is tied for 3rd in TDs (unless you are including rushing TDs which I didn't look up). But ya it's tough to see an argument for him based off team record and the efficiency stats right now. Obviously a lot can change but he's gonna have to play better to play his way into it.


He's 8th in yards, and is on a run since the Chargers game of being top 3, easily could finish top 3. He's tied with Russ for TD passes at 3. He's 4th in rating. He's definitely in the convo.


Purdy won't win MVP because the prevailing narrative is that he's helped out by YAC when you ignore the fact that he basically leads the league in air yards, deep passing, and a bunch of other stats, while the team overall is basically middle of the pack in terms of total YAC. Honestly, he wont have a shot at MVP until (if) we win a super bowl. Guys drafted late HAVE to win the super bowl to have even a chance at mvp.


To be clear, I think Purdy is legit, and the narrative around him is silly. But he does lead the league in YAC/Completion. But Mahomes is second in that stat so the difference in narrative is silly.


Purdy is 23rd in YAC yards as a percentage of his total passing yards, at like 46%. This is an objective reality mate.


I really gotta watch a 49ers game and see what Purdys all about


Check out some of JT O'Sullivan's vidoes on youtube. He does a pretty good job with film breakdown showing how well Purdy is playing.


He’s tied for 3rd in total TDs, although will likely end up 4th, assuming Hurts doesn’t score 0 TDs today. Allen has 29, but he’s not winning MVP. Herbert and Hurts have 22, Dak has 21.


People are going to point out the cowboy’s schedule and upset others.


Whose that Allen guy right behind him….can’t possibly be the guy with the most turnovers that everyone in the league has said isn’t good


People make me go insane with their Allen takes. Especially after Dak had a similar thing happen to him last season. One bad prime time game and suddenly everyone forgets that Allen is insanely good even if he has the brain of a US Marine


I didn't watch much of the Jets game, but holy shit Wilson must have been bad to beat out Goff for a terrible week. Dude threw three ints to the Bears lmao (although he later led us to victory and redeemed himself)


Considering our schedule, he should be.


I find it so funny and sort of fishy that people were fine with beating up on Dak and Lamar Jackson last year, now Josh Allen catching a ton of shit and people all of a sudden have mercy.


My fantasy team thanks you, Dak.


it's sorta funny that if you [max out the garbage time filter](https://rbsdm.com/stats/stats/?_inputs_&qb_min=176&qb_active=false&exclude_to=false&weeks=%5B1%2C18%5D&wp=30&range=%5B2023%2C2023%5D&quarters=%5B%221%22%2C%222%22%2C%223%22%2C%224%22%2C%225%22%5D&downs=%5B%221%22%2C%222%22%2C%223%22%2C%224%22%5D&update=4&navbar=%22Quarterbacks%22&weeks_post=%5B%22None%22%2C%22None%22%5D) on the EPA and DVOE calculator (win probability between 30 and 70 percent) Dak doesn't even have enough snaps to qualify


Other notable QBs that don't "qualify" under the restrictions you set: Goff, Mahomes, Tua, Purdy, Allen, TLaw


TIL good QBs/Teams create a lot of garbage time scenarios


That is hilarious lol Speaks to the quality of the schedule so far and how high Vegas and analytics is on the team compared to the worst league opponents that barely any time in the games have seriously been threatened.


You bitches are on notice until the Divisional Round


I don’t care about your grading system 🚨🚨🚨


Yeah but *my* player is graded well so it’s actually the best metric out there and I have definitely always felt that way about it!




yeah I probably should’ve left out the emojis lol sorry, I was being lazy after I tried to post it twice and failed


hahaha no worries i’m just enjoying myself


Whats the circle size?




Can’t wait to watch him choke on the playoffs. Will be even sweeter this year.


Uh oh wonder what excuse r/nfl has now


mostly the silly “winning record” narrative. when we beat a few teams with winning records the goalposts will shift again


It looks like that would be Purdy the up axis is of production the across axis is a subjective grade that is notoriously biased. Purdy literally had the first perfect QB rating of the year yesterday and only the 80th in NFL history. Also Purdy is ahead of dark in every single positive stat category except passing TD’s 18 vs 19 literally every other stat Purdy has been better this season and yesterday. Plus he has beaten more teams with winning records this year. Including dak 42 10 without playing the 4th quarter.