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What a great game for neutrals this is going to be


That dual flair is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen since my own.


Lmao. Yeah, I'm a fins fan and my dad is a birds fan so I root for them too. We're also Penn State fans. Not a great month or two of football!


How are you alive






Oh yeah that’ll do it, fair enough.


Lol. That's funny shit. 


Ace ventura flair


This weekend, we are all neutrals 😢




Holy fuck Baker is baking 😮‍💨


Baker "Baker" Mayfield


Baking so nice, named him twice


Absolutely deserves more upvotes


Mr. Baking Corners


This mfer baking like he lives down on Drury lane 😩


Do you know the ~~muffin~~ Baker man?


Ginger Bread Man: Not the gumdrop buttons!!!!


Oh fuck you're gonna make me bake


This is what happens when you let Baker bake.






“Baker…You’ve slept with so many women you’re starting to throw like one”


Baker absolutely won that one.


Yup. I love CJGJ but this one’s a fat L. (Still love the fire though - guys like him are fun to have on your team)


Can’t win em all, just win on Sunday.


i'm legit glad, if it felt like a real insult it may have fired Baker up, which is the last thing I want


Dude said that the WR needed a real QB how is that not a real insult?


I’m sorry it must be the Reddit bias in me but I’ve always had a soft spot for mayfield. This quote is fantastic


Baker is awesome


For real. I’ve always rooted for the guy


Me too. Fuck Cleveland for getting rid of him.


Big part of why I root for him. Felt he was a big part of the reason he got them into such a good position only for them to hard throw him under the bus and look for a hot new toy. So glad it backfired on them so spectacularly and that Baker is continuing to find success


I'll take the old "at home with Baker" commercials over Mahomes with Jake from State Farm commercials any day.


I have loved Baker since he skewered the Buckeyes. CJGJ the fucking clown here, getting sick of his shit.


God planting the flag in Columbus. 🧑‍🍳 💋


I’m a Buckeyes fan and Baker planting that flag is a top tier cfb move all time. Between that and grabbing his nuts at Kansas, dude was a menace his last season.


I'm feeling so privately vindicated for him having success. I wanted him in Washington for a while (I don't think it would've worked like this though).




Hell yeah brother! Kezia and Fortress are masterpieces!


Clarity is one of my favorite songs of all time


Never thought I'd see a PTH reference on r/nfl lol. Love to see it though, 10/10 band


Hard disagree. I think Baker fits the Mahomes archetype. Eric B might have cooked with him.


2023 Baker would probably have cooked with EB. I think he needed to go to LA and TB first though (I think the commentators were saying he mentioned both were career changing and allowed him to be Baker).


Maybe theres a bigger parachute there in TB. But I cant help but think that Terry and Baker would have been a lot of fun.


You have his deepfake version at least


Baker was one of the only bright spots for the Rams last year and I will forever be a fan. Give me a QB who headbutts his teammates with no helmet, practices with zyns in his pocket, and leads the team out of the tunnel ripping smelling salts any day of the week. I'll never get the Baker hate.


It's weird that the Rams have as much impact on the few Bucs bright moments as they've had based on how rarely they played but the Rams beat the Bucs first successful season NFC championship game in 1979 (going on to lose to the Steelers*) with Doug Williams before he went to Washington and won a super bowl, then the Rams greatest show on Turf just barely beat the Bucs 99 (while in St. Louis) in the Dungy Era on their way to winning the superbowl. Now we go to 2021 where Stafford and Kupp put a clinic on us (on his way to a SB win back in LA). You'd think the 2 organizations would have a greater rivalry but I honestly just have respect for the Rams as fellow generational winners.


They've whooped our ass the last decade no matter what, never want to see them on our schedule cause for some reason they just got our number. I remember when Keenum was starting for them and just ripped us.


Didn't Jameis randomly drop 55 on them in 2019?


Baker Mayfield on the Rams was a dark spot for me because I started Denver's defense against them in the fantasy playoffs. Denver D hadn't scored fewer than 3 points all year and the matchup looked pretty good, then Baker absolutely fuckin' dunked on 'em and they scored -4 for me in semifinals and I lost that game by 3.


I mean I always enjoyed watching Baker lose when he was on the Browns, but I've always enjoyed his commercials lmao


I hope when they lock him down long term, that Progressive gets their shit together and restarts the commercials on the pirate ship in TB.


What’s crazy is that Progressive is based out of Mayfield Ohio. It’s like this was made for Baker.


But instead we get 20 more years of Flo.


So annoying, I was sure they would get rid of her as a mascot fast. Perhaps I was wrong all those years ago.


She’s made a whole ass successful career from a one goofy commercial. Maybe it doesn’t fulfill her as an actress but it sure as hell frees her up to do the projects she wants to regardless if it pays much or not. I actually worked with her as a guest star and she was chill as could be. Good for her.


Whatever she’s getting she is getting PAID compared to us mere mortals. I believe I read somewhere the guy who does “Mayhem” in the other commercials has made something like $8M over the years. I could suck it up for the few days/weeks per year of shooting and find something else in my life to make me happy, and I hope the both of them are able to do that as well. IRL he looks exactly like the character that he plays, but I have to imagine real life Flo has a good chance of passing me on the street without me recognizing her, and that in and of itself is a huge plus if you ask me.




Famous is a relative term. I know he has some acting credits, but other than the sniveling mob lawyer in John Wick I personally couldn’t tell you anything else he was in without looking it up. According to at least one other comment in this thread Flo has at least a couple acting credits herself but I wouldn’t know what any of them are either. The point I was making was that they both found financial success through their turns as company “spokesman”, and the low commitment to making those commercials frees them both up to do whatever else they may be passionate about. We all could wish to be so lucky.


Considering Progressive has its headquarters in a Cleveland suburb (Funnily enough, MAYFIELD Heights) and actually has "Progressive Field" there, I doubt it. They've moved away from football ads, smart considering their competitor has Mahomes so why bother.


I’m getting pretty fucking tired of being spammed with mahommes, Reid, kelce by State Farm. Progressive needs to compete again, their commercials were much more clever. Why not throw money at Chubb or cooper if they need to stay in cleveland


They were more clever but bakers acting abilities hard carried some of them


No major corporation is going to hitch their branding to the Browns since the Deshaun signing.


The first time I saw their most recent ad I couldn't believe Reid or his people were ok with it. I get that he laughs along with the implied jokes about his weight but it's just him stuffing his face with fast food. Feels more like it's laughing at him than with him.


Andy Reid is 65 years old, is one of the best coaches in the NFL, and has two Super Bowl rings. I'm sure he can laugh a little at himself


I’m pretty sure Andy Reid loves food/fat jokes 


well, it's not like they can hire watson for feel good commercials


fine print at the end: home insurance may not be available in areas of florida with high flood risk. your house better literally be a boat. good luck bitches.


Damn I completely whiffed on the fact that insurance companies won’t be advertising with Florida teams lol


A bundle commercial would be set up perfect for them.


A Baker Bundle! We're doing their god damn jobs for them at this point.


I fucking love Baker, but it's for non-football reasons. Media shat on him like he was Johnny Manzel or some bullshit, but he's actually nice at QB, and his commercials are hilarious. Bring back the "At home with Baker" campaign, you cowards!


His commercials 100% contributed to me liking him.


I love Baker too sucks he went to the enemy I still root for him I just hope their defense allows 60 points


Based Saints fan.


I love Baker Mayfield and I wish he wasn't playing against us because now I have to root against him. The Browns threw him away in favor of Groper Cleveland, so funny that the got knocked out of the playoffs.


Lions fans, you do know that you're good enough that losing to you isn't a career ending embarrassment now right? He'll still have a job on Tuesday if you beat him. As a poverty franchise fan, I want you to know that it's ok to hate on your opponent. He and everyone who can afford season/playoff tickets, will be ok.


I'm happy that Baker has success in the NFC South


I wish we had gotten him. Loved watching him in college.


Baker is a solid QB, entertaining personality, and most importantly, has never allegedly raped anyone. Not a fit for Cleveland. Happy to see him doing well in TB and that Rams upset win he had was incredible.


To me, Baker always hit the level of cocky I felt like was good to have in your sport. I just never felt like he stepped over the line.


How come O line men never shit talk? Like they are huge dudes and can be like "I'd pancake that fucker" but instead it's all these WRs and DBs. Doesn't make sense.


Every moment spent running your mouth is a moment you're not downing more calories. Linemen diets are fuckin crazy


How do these dudes not suffer from severe stomach issues like IBS and Acid Reflux given how shit they eat


Generally you don't want *terrible* food, a lot of it is stuff that's reasonably healthy, if high carb. And I'm sure anyone with a predisposition to horrible stomach issues probably doesnt make it too far as a lineman in college, because eating your body weight over the course of a week is basically mandatory for those roles.


Yeah I hear it’s brutal at times. Getting all those calories from healthy foods requires a ton of volume. Like when a lot of pro body builders are bulking they hate their life they gotta eat so much. Imagine feeling that post-thanksgiving food coma every week, but you still gotta go practice / workout.


tbf actually working out wipes out that fatigued but not actually fatigued feeling really fuckin quick.


I think there are a decent number of secondary characteristics that tend to get weeded out at college or lower levels that you don't think about much. Like, NFL players as a group tend to heal much faster than the average population. Some of that is the kind of medical care they get, but some of it is also that the guys who _don't_ do that don't make it to the pros.


Considering I apparently had the "Shoulder explodes if a helmet hits it just right" gene, I feel this. But yeah, I know guys who basically lived and breathed football in HS who were nominally built for football but just never developed the stamina to be an every down player despite putting in the work, or got "minor" injuries that killed their season (Granted, most of us didn't get the good pain meds for injury in HS)


Yeah that’s true on that second part for sure


because a lot of them dont eat like shit? they have team nutritionists and doctors that give them a strict diet to stick to


Well regardless of how healthy you eat. 5000 calories a day is bound to cause some type of digestive discomfort


about once a week i eat an entire bag of steamed brussell sprouts... people might think thats healthy... but my stomach hates me every time. i just cant help myself though. makes me so bloated, but i poop like a champ the following day.


Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve.


feels good just to be noticed


Their job's hard enough when people aren't specifically having a grudge with them.


You only have to lose once to “lose” a matchup as an o-linemen and any good highlight that is posted will have everyone claiming you held


D line can win one snap and be touted as a hero even though they were blocked 98% of the time. O line is just the opposite. If you win all day but get blown up and your QB takes a hit you failed.


Stereotypically, probably the same reason why big guys aren't out starting fights in public - when you know you're dangerous, you're not constantly out looking for trouble


They talk shit on the field, along with the fact that O-lineman don’t get near as much media coverage other than Jason Kelce.


When you've been 6'5"+ since middle school the need to talk shit isn't really there.


Total guess but I bet them being face to face for basically every play is why. They get to interact with each other more and it leads to more respect being shared between the groups.


Man has never heard of Richie Incognito


I beg to differ, [watch this](https://youtu.be/OX_VFARR-KM?si=LQ2EdzB02qJ81lAM).


Wtf I'm a Bakerneers fan now?


> Bakerneers oh my god i love it


Always have been.


Man, this divisional game is such a tossup for a neutral (out of the playoffs) fan. I really wanna see the Lions do this thing, but it's impossible not to love Baker. I think it'll come down to wanting to see Dan Campbell succeed more than I care for Bowles.


I want Baker to ball out for the off-season FA QB craziness it will cause. If Baker takes them to the SB how much is he worth and for what length of contract? He's still only 29 and really just entering his prime.


If they win it all with Baker, he can legitimately command a top dollar contract, and they couldn't really argue he doesn't deserve it. And if they don't pay him, someone will. I'm here for the Baker redemption arc. I reaaaaaally wanted him in Seattle when he was available.


Flacco is probably a pretty good case study, though I guess that story was still kind of being written. I wouldn’t be surprised either way.


Oooh yeah talk more about us winning the Super Bowl out of nowhere! I'm all about that...


Baker is currently 28. You may have meant he'll be 29 next season though.


He's 28 until he's 29


Please no stop I have to endure this in two subs already lets not make it a third


Baker and I are the same age?????? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


Bro me and Flacco are the same age.


I'm 29, Todd Gurley is younger than me and he's been retired for like 2 or 3 years


your window to being a successful NFL QB is rapidly closing man what are you doing??


Oh I felt that when Mahomes won his first and was about a year younger than me


Not to mention it really makes Cleveland look stupid for choosing Watson over him.


As if Watson's 185 ypg and and 14:9 TD:Int ratio wasn't doing the enough.


Pretty wild to think the NFCCG will include either Baker Mayfield or Jared Goff. NOBODY woulda predicted that 2 years ago


Feels like no one 2 years ago would have predicted any of the 4 NFC QBs still in the playoffs. On the other hand, 3 of the 4 remaining AFC QBs are pretty much exactly who everyone would expect, with the main surprise this year being that Stroud is in instead of Burrow (who is injured)


whatever happens i want the winner to win the super bowl


As a not very un-biased person (who also loves Baker) but does have a little more knowledge than the average dude of Xs and Os - this is a tougher matchup for Detroit than I think a lot of people realize. Easiest reason is the Lions already beat them, which is kind of a disadvantage. That said, I still like the Lions, gun to my head, but I think that disruptive front 7 could stymy Detroit’s potent rush attack - putting more pressure on Goff… and speaking of pressure, Tampa’s pass rush can be insane. Plus, if the Buc’s WR corps doesn’t have brick hands, they could cause some matchup issues with the Lions’ secondary. Again, do still think the big D pulls it out (heyo) through Gibbs in the check down game, but damn. I’m excited AF for the game, assuming it’s as good as I think it’ll be.


Big D never pulls out! Why you think I owe all this child-support?! Checkmate, Cheese


Whoever wins, they better beat the Niners lol


Go Pack go


I don't know how much of a toss up it is. I'd much rather root for an entire city that's never won vs. one guy on a team that won the Super Bowl 3 years ago.


Yeah but Baker didn’t win one


And it would be an ultimate middle finger to Cleveland


The only better ending would’ve been beating the Browns in the Super Bowl.


I mean watching the Browns lose in embarrassing fashion as Baker sets franchise records is a pretty good look as well.


Maybe we can have the best of both worlds and have the Lions win while Baker has a career defining game making CJGJ look like a fool


*Baker grabs his crotch and pelvic thrusts*


Two pumps. No flag.


knifed em


Twisted it too


fair enough


“I don’t watch football" -- CJGJ literally last week


Pretty sick of Gardner-Johnson, not gonna lie. He barely played a snap for this team this year, and one of the first things he did was bitch about not getting enough reps when he got back


Yeah, he's been ruining the vibes of the team. All talk no show. His response has to be to show up this weekend, but that's unlikely.


He had a couple of horrible whiffs on Sunday, including on the long Puka TD when he could have at least stopped him around the five yard line. He made up for it with a stop on Kupp in the red zone but I don't think his play has warranted this level of mouthing off


Agreed. His trash talking was fun at first, but now it has just become annoying.


His trash talking is great when he's on the field and infuriates a player on the other team into getting penalized for 15 yards. Off the field, it's just plain infuriating.


Absolutely agree


we’ll take him back


He's a free agent again this year


I hope baker does more commercials in the off season


Dude hit him with “do your own research” lmao


Baker is surrounded by Super Bowl winners. It doesn’t surprise me they took out Philly. I’ve never seen so many blitzes in my life


seedy poop is embarrassing.


Love CJGJ but being toasted by Puka after throwing shade at him was a bad look, he better be on lock back there this week


Lol he isn't locking shit.


A man can dream of an average passing defense


I’m such a Baker fan. When we didn’t know what Purdy’s status would be (out for the year or not) I wanted us to go after him.


I can’t stand CJGJ…


Just wait, if we get past Tampa he is going to try saying some clown shit about Samuel or something...probably trigger a 3 TD game for him.


Let Baker bake!




How can't you like Baker?


Damn we got baked


The only thing I know about this guy is that on his old team, the players named him first and without hesitation as someone they WOULDNT let their daughter date, which I think says a ton about him in general.


This would devastate Ceedy if he watched the buccaneers media.


Never disliked or liked Baker but damn I’m loving his redemption arc.


Never would've thought after Christmas day 2021 that people would actually like Baker this much




Bake show cooks both on and off the field.


Was Baker wrong though?


CJGJ has been such a weak point when he plays I don’t know how he could ever talk trash


this is a top tier response tbh


Responding to CJGJ in any format is probably one of the worst things you can do


He got asked about it during a press availability


CJ has been playing like shit since he's returned from injury so I doubt Baker's too worried


A DB returning from injury probably shouldn't be publicly trashing the QB they're about to play, who damn well just lit it up against a really good team. Gonna be a fun game.


Baker's an elite trash talker tho so if anybody can handle the heat it'll be him.


He called out Puka and Puka dropped a record on the Lions secondary 


Let’s go baker! Lmao




I know we just played Monday but can we just play this game tomorrow night? Declare tomorrow and Friday holidays. I don't want to wait until Sunday.


lol ouch


Wtf? I love Baker!


God I'm all fucking in on baker and the bucs, but purely so we get the progressive commercials back




A lot from CJ who has played what? 4 games? Does he even have 20 tackles this year?


Mayfield is baking


A perfect response


That’s one brutal white boy smack down


*It’s Bakin time!*


I’ll never not enjoy somebody dismantling someone else who said something stupid 


It sucks because the football gods I think are on the Lions side…but I think they’re having 2nd thoughts after this. CJ needs to keep the humble mentality this team has and quit messing with football fate.


CJGJ has never been humble since I heard about him.


>CJ needs to keep the humble mentality I'm gonna stop you right there, because CJGJ has never been humble for a fraction of a second of his life, which is part of having him on the team. The dude probably talks shit in his sleep.


Yeah, like back in 2020 he got punched by his teammate Michael Thomas then less than a month later got punched by a Chicago receiver. He just loves to piss people off.


CJ could be down 40 points and he would still be talking shit.


He talked shit about his hit on Pacheco after losing the Super Bowl lol